Unless otherwise stated, all images in this file have been reproduced from:

Unless otherwise stated, all images in this file have been reproduced from: Blackman, Bottle, Schmid, Mocerino and Wille, Chemistry, 2007 (John Wiley) ISBN: 9 78047081 0866


Unless otherwise stated, all images in this file have been reproduced from: Blackman, Bottle, Schmid, Mocerino and Wille, Chemistry , 2007 (John Wiley)      ISBN: 9 78047081 0866 . CHEM1002 [Part 2]. A/Prof Adam Bridgeman (Series 1) Dr Feike Dijkstra (Series 2) Weeks 8 – 13 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Unless otherwise stated, all images in this file have been reproduced from:

Page 1: Unless otherwise stated, all images in this file have been reproduced from:

Unless otherwise stated, all images in this file have been reproduced from:

Blackman, Bottle, Schmid, Mocerino and Wille,     Chemistry, 2007 (John Wiley)

     ISBN: 9 78047081 0866

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e CHEM1002 [Part 2]

A/Prof Adam Bridgeman (Series 1)Dr Feike Dijkstra (Series 2)

Weeks 8 – 13

Office Hours: Monday 2-3, Friday 1-2Room: 543ae-mail: [email protected]: [email protected]

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Chemical Kinetics I

• The rate of change of concentration of a reactant or a product is the rate of the reaction divided by the corresponding stoichiometric coefficient in the chemical reaction

• The rate law shows how the rate of the reaction depends on the concentration of how reactant

• The order of the reaction with respect to each reactant is determined from experimental data

• The order of the reaction with respect to each reactant is not given by the corresponding stoichiometric coefficient in the chemical reaction

• The rate constant (including its units) is found from experimental data

Summary of Last Lecture

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Lecture 16• Chemical Kinetics• Rate of Reaction• Rate Laws• Reaction Order• Blackman Chapter 14, Sections 14.1 - 14.3

Lecture 17• Half lives• The Temperature Dependence of Reaction Rates• Catalysis• Blackman Chapter 14, Sections 14.4 - 14.6

Chemical Kinetics II

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e Concentration - Time Relationships• For the 1st order reaction A B, the rate law is

dt= k[A]rate =


• To find how [A] varies with time, this is integrated:


= -kt[A]


concentration at start (t = 0)

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• For a first order reaction, so

Half Life (t1/2)

• The half life of a reaction is the time required for the concentration to fall to half its initial value.


= [A]


t1/2 = ln 2 / k [A]0

= -kt[A]


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e Half Life

2 N2O5 = 4NO2 + O2

t1/2 = 24 minconstant – 1st order

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e Collision theory

• Molecules must collide to reactcollision frequency increases with temperaturemolecules must be correctly orientatedmolecules must have sufficient energy to react

• Molecules must collide to reactcollision frequency increases with temperaturemolecules must be correctly orientatedmolecules must have sufficient energy to react

• The minimum energy that molecules must have to react is called the activation energy (Ea)

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e Energy in Chemical Reactions

Ea forward

DH (forward)

transition state(highest energy point)


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e Multistep Reactions

• Each elementary step in a reaction has a separate activation energy

• The step with the largest activation energy is the rate determining step.

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e Multistep Reactions

NOBr2 + NO 2NOBr slowNO + Br2 NOBr2 fast equilibrium


reaction coordinate

2NO + Br2NOBr2 + NO

Ea (1) Ea (2)

transition state (1)

transition state (2)



Ea (1) < Ea(2) so step 2is rate determining

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e Arrhenius Equation

k = Ae -Ea/RT

• Describes the temperature dependence of the rate

• Ea is the activation energy – the minimum amount of energy that the reacting molecules must possess for the reaction is to be successful

• A is the pre-exponential factor or the “A factor” – depends on the collision frequency and orientation factor

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e Arrhenius Equation

k = Ae -Ea/RT

lnk = lnA – Ea/RT

• For a typical chemical reaction, k doubles for every 10 °C (10 K) increase in temperature

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e Catalysts• A catalyst increases the rate of a chemical

reaction without itself being changed • A catalyst provides an alternative reaction pathway

of lower activation energy

with catalyst

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Do not effect the position of the equilibrium

with catalyst

Do not change Keq

Catalysts Do not effect how favourable reaction is

Do effect how fast the reaction is

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e• The enzyme provides a surface for the reaction• This surface stabilizes the transition state, lowering the

activation energy• The enzyme helps transform the transition state to



BA catalytic surface


Enzyme = Biological Catalyst

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e Summary: Chemical Kinetics II

Learning Outcomes - you should now be able to:

• Be able to perform calculations using half lives• Be able to draw reaction coordinate diagrams• Explain why reaction rate increase with

temperature• Explain what catalysts do and how they do it• Embarrass your lecturer with a very high mark in

the exam

Very Best of Luck...