Unix Operating System

UNIX OPERATING SYSTEM Presented By- Shivam Pandey I.T. Roll No.- 1303313042

Transcript of Unix Operating System


Presented By-Shivam Pandey

I.T.Roll No.- 1303313042

OBJECTIVES What is Unix? History Of Unix Architecture of Unix Impacts of Unix Need To Know Unix Vs Windows

UNIX Portable, Multitasking & Multiuser O/S Written in C & Assembly Language Released in October 1973 Available in English Monolithic Kernel Open Source Software

UNIX Programmable

Source Code Available in

Different Flavors- Linux Ubuntu Fedora Redhat

History Of Unix Failure of Multics(mid 1960s). Project UNICS was started in 1970. Developed at AT&T Bell Labs in late

1970s. Developed by Ken Thompson, Dennis

Ritchie and others. Written in C and Assembly Language. Migration from assembly to higher

level language made it portable.

History Of UNIX It influenced

academic circles in late 1970s and early 1980s.

In late 1990s Unix-like systems (e.g. Linux ) earn a great popularity and later on various flavors of Unix were launched .

Architecture Of UNIX

Architecture Of UNIX The functioning of Unix is framed in

three levels ---Kernel : 1. It interacts with actual hardware

in machine language. 2.It also manages files and also

carries out data transfer between file system and the hardware.

Architecture Of UNIX

3. Kernel also manages memory and handles interrupted issues. 4.It also handles programs running in memory allocation of CPU.

5.Kernel program is stored in a file called ‘unix’.

Shell: 1.It is called the mediator.

Architecture Of UNIX

2.It interprets the commands and conveys them to kernel.

3.The shell program is stored in a file called ‘sh’.

Tools And Applications :It consists of software of high

level programming language e.g. mail, FTP,DBMS etc.

Impacts Of UNIX

Unix system has significant impact on other operating system. It won success by--

Direct Interaction : Since it was written in C , so it made more effective the interaction between user and hardware.

Providing software at nominal fee for educational and other uses.

Running on inexpensive hardware.

Impacts Of UNIX Being easy to adapt

and move to different machines.

Unix has drastically simplified model compared to many contemporary O/S.

It treated all kind of files as simple byte arrays.

Need To Know Unix-like operating systems (e.g.

Linux) are the fastest growing O/S in the market.

Source code availability provides availability to “get under the hood” of O/S design and function.

Unix and unix-like operating system are virus free.

Unix like O/S are license free.

Need To Know Unix and unix-like

operating systems are mostly used by hackers due to its security features.

Unix Vs Windows Windows is licensed operating

system whereas Unix is free of cost. Unix is open source software i.e. you

can customize it according to your need whereas this feature is not provided by windows.

Unix is virus free operating system whereas windows can be affected by viruses.

Unix Vs Windows Unix is more stable

i.e. unix handles high server load better than windows and unix machines rarely requires reboots while windows is constantly needing them.