University of Tasmania Foundation Brochure 2012



The Foundation was established by the University in 1994 under the Associations Incorporation Act 1964 to assist it to gather together a group of friends who would give their time and means to support UTAS in its work. The University of Tasmania Foundation operates under a formal deed of trust with a board of governors. It is managed by directors - prominent community and business leaders who volunteer their time and expertise.

Transcript of University of Tasmania Foundation Brochure 2012

Page 1: University of Tasmania Foundation Brochure 2012

...endowing the


Page 2: University of Tasmania Foundation Brochure 2012

“World-class universities generally have three main streams

of income: government funding (including research grants),

fees and philanthropy. In 17 short years the Foundation

has achieved wonderful things in the area of philanthropy,

growing its funds from essentially zero to $33 million and now

distributing over $4 million each year back to the University

and our students.

Philanthropy is important to the University and I am working

with the Foundation to move it to the next level in helping us

achieve the strategic objectives of Tasmania’s university –

whether that be by enhancing current research and teaching

programs or facilities at UTAS or raising donations for new

initiatives and building projects. The flagship program of the

Foundation is its wonderful Scholarships Program, which

provides, through the generosity of our donors and corporate

supporters, considerable financial support to our students,

often to those with significant financial need. This is important

for Tasmania as we strive to increase our participation rates in

higher education.”

Professor Peter rathjen Vice-chancellor UniVersity of tasmania

Page 3: University of Tasmania Foundation Brochure 2012


The University of Tasmania (UTAS) is an international university based in Tasmania.

The University was founded by an Act of the Tasmanian Parliament on 1 January 1890,

and being the fourth oldest university in Australia, we are an original ‘sandstone’ university.

UTAS is committed to the creation, preservation, communication and application

of knowledge, as well as excellence in all teaching, research and scholarly activities.

Our research is integral to our identity and sense of purpose and we aspire to be

ranked in the top 10 research universities in Australia.

At UTAS, we continue to make far-reaching educational, cultural and economic

contributions to Tasmania, Australia and the world. While we maintain a strong and

distinctive Tasmanian identity, our programs and research are international in scope,

vision and standards. Our community includes over 80,000 graduates who are now

sharing their expertise and ideas across the globe in over 100 countries.

We work hard to stay connected and contemporary, creating life-changing,

life-shaping experiences that provide the foundation on which to build careers

and success for our students.

To find out more about the University of Tasmania visit

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2 3 endowing the future endowing the future

OUr AcTiviTieS Aim TO enSUre UTAS remAinS A

viBrAnT inSTiTUTiOn – A leAder in edUcATiOn

ThAT prOdUceS qUAliTy grAdUATeS And

reSeArch cOnnecTed TO The BUSineSSeS And

indUSTrieS nOT Only in TASmAniA BUT AcrOSS

AUSTrAliA And The wOrld.

UTAS fOUndATiOnThe UTAS Foundation is the fundraising arm of the University, managed by the

UTAS Advancement Office. Our activities aim to ensure UTAS remains a vibrant

institution – a leader in education that produces quality graduates and research

connected to the businesses and industries not only in Tasmania but across

Australia and the world.

We assist the University to achieve its mission and strategic objectives by

working with our alumni and friends to accept, acknowledge, manage and

allocate gifts. Financial support from our alumni and friends is vitally important to

ensure that the University continues to fulfil its mission as Tasmania’s university

and is able to make a significant contribution to the cultural, economic and social

development of Tasmania.

The UTAS Foundation is governed by an independent board of directors with

a CEO responsible for managing the operations of the Foundation. The UTAS

Foundation currently manages over $33 million in funds, from which we are able

to support a growing range of programs reflecting the priorities of UTAS.

Find out more about the UTAS Foundation by visiting




“Support from our alumni and friends

has ensured that our programs, such as

the Annual Appeal and the Scholarships

Program, have been successful and continue

to provide lasting benefits to the University

of Tasmania and its students. I would like to

thank you, on behalf of the University and the

UTAS Foundation, for your support.”


Page 5: University of Tasmania Foundation Brochure 2012


As the only university in Tasmania, UTAS is focused on retaining the

brightest students and ensuring increased participation while creating

avenues for innovation and excellence that often contribute to commercial

opportunities for local, national and international enterprises. The key areas

of research excellence at UTAS are broad and include medical research,

marine and Antarctic studies, agricultural science, chemistry and

earth sciences.

The UTAS Foundation manages gifts with a personalised approach by

providing donors with a single contact within the Advancement Office.

Supporters receive advice relevant to their areas of interest within the University

and access to meet with students and faculty staff, tour facilities and receive

appropriate recognition.

Providing financial support to UTAS translates to an investment in the future

of Tasmania and its people. As the University that represents the whole of the

State we take the challenge seriously of increasing participation in tertiary

education and retaining the brightest students. UTAS is forward looking,

with established campuses in Burnie, Hobart and Launceston. These locations

enable students from all parts of Tasmania to access the University.

At our heart, UTAS is about people, what they can become,

what they can create and how they can inspire.

why SUppOrT UTAS?

The UTAS Foundation has a vision to enable the key areas of excellence, and

those identified as the greatest priority by the University, to accelerate their

achievements through provision of funding for targeted projects and programs.

To facilitate this vision the Foundation has established a Development Fund

where donations can be directed. Donations to the fund are untied to a specific

purpose; however, there is a commitment for these gifts to be directed to areas

of greatest priority and need within the University.

Donations to well-established programs, such as the UTAS Scholarships

Program, are vital if the brightest students, as well as those most in need of

financial assistance, can be provided the opportunity and support to study

at UTAS. The prosperity and development of Tasmania, Australia and nations

around the world will be influenced directly by the teaching and research

outcomes of their universities. The entire community can be a part of the future,

a brighter future of Tasmania and our students, by investing in UTAS.

Endowment funds established from gifts from alumni and friends are

increasingly important in enabling UTAS to support initiatives essential to

the achievement of its aspiration to be a leader in new ideas, new knowledge

and new approaches to the issues that impact our society. This may include

scholarships to exceptional and needy students, attracting outstanding

academics, purchasing cutting-edge equipment or building world-class facilities.

AS The Only UniverSiTy in TASmAniA, UTAS iS fOcUSed

On reTAining The BrighTeST STUdenTS And enSUring

increASed pArTicipATiOn while creATing AvenUeS

fOr innOvATiOn And excellence.Pictured left: Joe Kadisha – Corporate Express Scholar and Paul Vincent – State Manager – Tasmania, Corporate Express

Page 6: University of Tasmania Foundation Brochure 2012


The Foundation places great importance on appropriately and sensitively

recognising donors. Recognition serves many purposes, including:

• Donorsareappropriatelyacknowledgedfortheirthoughtfulness

and generosity

• Publicacknowledgementcanserveasanimportantexampleof

philanthropic leadership to others who may be contemplating a gift

Depending on the type and size of gift, recognition may be given in a variety

of ways, including:

• Foundationmembership

• RecognitionontheFoundationwebsite

• Thenamingofascholarship

• Recognitionin,andreceiptof,thebi-annualFoundationUpdate

• Invitationtospecialevents

• Forsignificantgiftsitmaybepossibletonameafacilityorpart

of a facility

Many scholarship donors enjoy meeting with the students who they support,

learning of their academic progress and seeing the benefits of their support

through the personal growth of the students. Donors who support other activities

and programs, such as research areas, are provided opportunities to meet with

faculty staff and researchers, tour facilities and be briefed on research and

teaching developments.

Significant donors may also be invited to join the Vice-Chancellor’s Circle,

which is a small group of highly engaged individuals who provide advocacy

through their generosity to the University. Members of the Vice-Chancellor’s

Circle are provided with opportunities to meet with the Vice-Chancellor to

discuss their areas of interest and receive invitations to events.

The UTAS Foundation respects the wishes of donors. All donor details are

confidential and gifts can be made in confidence with anonymity assured.

recOgniSing yOUr SUppOrT

mAny SchOlArShip dOnOrS enjOy

meeTing wiTh The STUdenTS whO They

SUppOrT, leArning Of Their AcAdemic

prOgreSS And Seeing The BenefiTS Of

Their SUppOrT ThrOUgh The perSOnAl

grOwTh Of The STUdenTS.

Pictured left (back L-R): Jim Reid, Ruth Mallett, Damian Bugg AM QC, Carmen Whiteley, Mark Bennett, Ellen Manning (front L-R): Kate Bennett, Jenny Bugg, Hollie Gamble

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“Since Steven commenced his PhD at AMC and Delft University of

Technology, Netherlands, in 2008, we have found the staff and students

very welcoming and enthusiastic. We have also been encouraged by

AMC’s willingness to aid the development of Australian innovations.

Subsequently, we decided to bequeath two scholarships to allow future

generations to benefit from a similar experience to ours and continue

the tradition of conducting research into naval architecture and marine

engineering related innovations. In particular we are keen to attract women

to conduct research, especially given the increasing strength of women in

a traditionally male dominated field.”


“I can’t think of a better way to celebrate

education than giving a theatre student a real

opportunity to excel. My bequest will give

students a head start in their theatre pursuits

and their tertiary training for years to come.”


mAKing A BeqUeSTLeaving a bequest to the University is a significant way for alumni and friends to make an enduring

contribution to their community.

Funds from bequests are targeted only to those areas specified in the will of the donor. Where there are

sufficient funds to establish an endowment, the funds are invested by the UTAS Foundation on ‘trust’

and the Foundation protects the capital value of the original donation. Each year, before money can


to the capital. The remaining income is then provided for the purpose of the trust fund.

Therefore, as the capital of a trust fund increases over time, the capacity to maintain the real value of any

payment is retained. While bequests can be made for specific purposes, the most valuable gifts are untied,

providing the opportunity for donors to support the University’s areas of greatest need.

Bequests can be:

• Agiftofmoney

• Apercentageofanestateortheresidueofanestateonceotherneedsaremet

• Aproperty,land,shares,artworkorotheritemofvaluethattheUTASFoundation

can hold or sell at the desire of the donor

The list of ways to support the University is extensive and Advancement Office staff are available to

discuss these with you or with legal advisers confidentially. An experienced Advancement Officer can

assist to develop an individual plan to endow for the future of UTAS. The UTAS Foundation provides


inclUding A BeqUeST in yOUr will

Gifts that are untied allow the UTAS Foundation to direct bequests to the areas of most need, and enable

flexibility for changing needs and priorities. Example wording:

- I give [insert amount] to the University of Tasmania Foundation for its general purposes.

Giving to a specific area of interest encourages growth in an area that is

important to you. Such bequests must be carefully worded to ensure that

your wishes are met well into the future. Example wording:

I give [insert amount] to the University of Tasmania Foundation for

[insert purpose].


to make a bequest for a specific area of interest, the University requests that you

include the following provision in case the stated purpose of the funds cannot be

implemented in the future. Example wording:

If at any time the University of Tasmania determines that it is impossible

to carry out the stated purpose then the University may apply the bequest

for such purpose or purposes as the University determines most closely

accords with the original stated purpose.

leAving A BeqUeST TO The UniverSiTy iS A SignificAnT

wAy fOr AlUmni And friendS TO mAKe An endUring

cOnTriBUTiOn TO Their cOmmUniTy.

Page 8: University of Tasmania Foundation Brochure 2012


Large or small, all gifts to UTAS are welcome

and will provide life-changing opportunities and

experiences for our students, as well as enabling

UTAS to achieve its aspiration to be ranked in the

top echelon of universities. Each year the UTAS

Foundation asks our alumni and friends to consider

supporting a number of appeals that align with the

priorities of the University.

The AnnUAl AppeAl

Giving through our Annual Appeal is one way alumni

and friends can make a difference to students’ lives

or to support the priority needs of UTAS.


Scholarships: awards of up to four years made

available each year, which honour the commitment

of our alumni and friends to the success of UTAS

and our students.

The Annual Appeal also supports the Development

Fund, which provides a vital means for the Foundation

to build and extend its ability to support the

University’s priorities.

Alumni are inspired by their experiences at UTAS and their highly regarded qualifications that are a

foundation for their future. Many alumni and friends recognise these experiences and want to assist to

ensure that current and future generations of students have similar opportunities.

Read more about the Annual Appeal by visiting

OTher AppeAlS

The UTAS Foundation facilitates a number of appeals at any one time that address specific areas of need,

whether to raise donations to endow a scholarship in memory of an alumnus or friend of UTAS, to raise

donations for world-class and groundbreaking research or to be able to secure a capital project.

To see a full list of the current appeals and more information visit

Examples of recent appeals, some of which are still current:

• Save the Tasmanian Devil Appeal – alumni and friends have donated over $1.4 million to one of

the largest conservation biology endeavours in the world.

• The Optical Astronomy Observatory Appeal – alumni and friends donated over $4.3 million to

enable UTAS to construct a new observatory in the Tasmanian Midlands.

• Menzies Stage II – within six months of the project launch, which aimed to secure the last $5 million

of the $90 million project as a challenge grant to complete the construction of this world-class medical

facility, $3.6 million was donated.

• Sue Napier Postgraduate Fellowship in Education – more than $115,000 was donated towards

Education Scholarships for teachers to undertake further study.

“Tas Uni STAMPS is a group of overseas students from Singapore,

Thailand, Australia (as that is where three of us live now), Malaysia,

Maldives, Philippines and Sri Lanka who studied at UTAS in the 1980s.

Three decades later we are still in touch with each other and regularly

meet up for mini reunions. The idea to make a donation to the UTAS

Annual Appeal was born when a few of us recently met up in Hat Yai,

Thailand. The donation is a small token of our appreciation for those

happy and wonderful years we spent at UTAS. Thank you, UTAS.”


“The Annual Appeal Scholarship is important to me because it allowed

for a certain peace of mind amongst the experiences I expected and

didn’t expect at University. It enables students to fulfil their potential

and overcome life’s unexpected hurdles so that they may achieve their

goals relatively free of hindrance. I thank UTAS alumni and friends

for instilling me with confidence. I appeal to all alumni and friends

to continue to share invaluable support with students at UTAS.”


The UTAS fOUndATiOn fAciliTATeS A

nUmBer Of AppeAlS AT Any One Time

ThAT AddreSS Specific AreAS Of need,

wheTher TO rAiSe dOnATiOnS TO

endOw A SchOlArShip in memOry Of

An AlUmnUS Or friend Of UTAS, TO rAiSe

dOnATiOnS fOr wOrld-clASS And

grOUndBreAKing reSeArch Or TO Be

ABle TO SecUre A cApiTAl prOjecT.


Page 9: University of Tasmania Foundation Brochure 2012

13ENDOWING THE FUTURE12 endowing the future

UTAS is committed to recognising and rewarding talent as well as improving opportunities for students to access higher education.

Our Scholarships Program reflects the tremendous support that we receive from individuals, community groups, government and

businesses. Scholarships provide valuable financial support, encouraging excellence while enhancing our students’ university

experience through networking and career opportunities. Scholarships are offered in a wide range of disciplines to students

studying at undergraduate, honours and postgraduate levels.

Scholarship donors are investing in the future of our students and their generosity makes studying a reality and a life-changing

experience. With enrolment numbers increasing each year, the need for further scholarships is still a vital one. Scholarships make

a difference for students moving away from home to study, for families struggling with limited income, and ensure UTAS is able to

attract the brightest and most deserving students.

Scholarships can be pledged to be provided on an annual basis or endowed to fund the award in perpetuity as an enduring gift.

endOwing A SchOlArShip

Endowing a scholarship is enduring – the scholarship will be offered for ever. Endowed scholarships are managed through individual

funds that are actively managed to ensure that the wishes of donors are met and funds are available to provide scholarships in perpetuity.

Donors may wish to provide for endowed scholarships in their will. The UTAS Foundation works with supporters to ascertain the value of

the scholarship, determine the criteria for award and write a set of rules that establishes the scholarship and ensures the intention of the

award is retained.

Scholarships can be named, providing the opportunity to recognise a significant person or legacy. The criteria can be flexible, for example

a scholarship can assist students at any stage of their study and may specify areas of study. Advancement Officers assist in planning

scholarships and ensuring that they represent donor intentions and provide for student needs over the long term.

A number of donors initially establish non-endowed scholarships by making annual gifts for a number of years prior to a larger gift to

endow a scholarship, or making a gift in their will. This approach enables supporters to develop a true sense of the benefits provided

to students and satisfying connections with the University and the successful students.

The Neale Edwards Scholarship in Agricultural Science is an example of an endowed scholarship.

neAle edwArdS SchOlArShip in AgricUlTUrAl Science

Neale Edwards’ family, long involved in Tasmania’s

rural sector, has endowed this scholarship

to encourage interest and involvement in

agricultural science.


in Tasmanian rural industries and who has

successfully completed one year in Agricultural

Science and intends to graduate in Agricultural

Science. To retain this award, recipients are required

to achieve a minimum pass result in all units studied

each semester. The award provides a stipend of

$6,500 per year for up to three years.

The UTAS SchOlArShipS prOgrAm

“With accommodation and having to pay for

travel back and forth, I don’t think I could have

afforded to come to uni without the Neale

Edwards Scholarship in Agricultural Science.

It has helped me relocate from Boat Harbour

and afford accommodation and all the things

that go with that. It’s made first year a lot easier.”



“All my life I’ve been associated across the

farm fence with agriculture, and we’ve been

fortunate, so I wanted to put something back

into the industry that supported us.”



SchOlArShip dOnOrS Are inveSTing in The fUTUre

Of OUr STUdenTS And Their generOSiTy mAKeS

STUdying A reAliTy And A life-chAnging experience.

Page 10: University of Tasmania Foundation Brochure 2012

14 15 endowing the future endowing the future

SUppOrT UTASDonations can be made at any time through the UTAS Foundation website at This is a secure site that accepts credit card

donations via Visa or MasterCard, or a donation form can be downloaded and mailed to us.


03 6226 1920 (+61 3 6226 1920) or email [email protected]

We welcome the opportunity to discuss your individual needs or queries.

regUlAr giving

Become a fortnightly, monthly or quarterly donor and make regular gifts to the UTAS

Foundation that are automatically deducted from your credit card or bank account until

instructed otherwise. A pledge amount can also be deducted regularly or annually before

the end of the tax year.

mAKing A pledge

Pledges enable donations to the UTAS Foundation over a period of time. Some donors may

wish to make a payment each financial year or agree to transfer an asset to the UTAS

Foundation at some time in the future. There may also be taxation advantages in some

instances in this approach.

On request, the UTAS Foundation can provide more detailed advice about making a pledge

to the University.

giving ThrOUgh yOUr SAlAry

Many organisations have a workplace giving program in place – a tax-effective way to support

the vital work of a charity, in this case UTAS through the UTAS Foundation. As little as $5

a week can be deducted from pre-tax pay and is transferred directly to the UTAS Foundation

by employers. A single receipt is sent at the end of the financial year.

To establish the UTAS Foundation as a recipient through a workplace giving program,

donors need to contact their pay office.

nOn-mOneTAry gifTS

While most gifts are received in the form of money, the Foundation welcomes gifts in various

forms. These may include property, artworks, shares, research or teaching support or other

assets of enduring value.

Non-monetary gifts will be assessed in the light of the University’s capacity to use the gift

in the manner envisaged both presently and into the future. Where the Foundation feels

acceptance of a gift would not serve either its interests or that of the donor’s, it reserves

the right to decline the offer.

TAxATiOn Advice

The UTAS Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation and has deductible gift recipient (DGR)


deductible and GST free if:

• Itismadevoluntarily

• Itdoesnotprovidematerialbenefittothedonor

• Itessentiallyarisesfrombenefactionandproceedsfromdetachedand

disinterested generosity

The UTAS Foundation encourages donors to seek independent taxation advice. Staff in the

Advancement Office are able to work with advisers in making arrangements for gifts.

“In contributing to the Foundation we hope

to ensure that future generations will have

the opportunity to develop their talents and

ideas through a university education.

In doing so, we believe they will benefit not

only themselves but the whole of society.”



immense satisfaction to individual donors and opportunities for government and corporate supporters.

Advancement Officers from the UTAS Foundation work with supporters to establish scholarships that

achieve the objectives and intentions of our supporters while meeting the needs of our students and

strategic priorities of the University.

Advancement Officers discuss the range of scholarship options, the selection arrangements and timeline

for implementing scholarships. Advancement Officers work with the UTAS Scholarships Office to promote

scholarships to the student body and arrange for contact with the students once selection has been completed.

There are many organisations that have looked to the future of their business or industry and prosperity of the

State by supporting UTAS scholarships, as well as through their charitable endeavours. A significant number

of scholarships have been provided for more than 10 years by state government departments, community

organisations, local government, international companies and local business. These are all acknowledged

on the UTAS Foundation website.

Many individuals are also inspired to provide scholarships in memory of a loved one, to encourage excellence

or to provide the same opportunity they received to others.

Find out more about the Tasmania Scholarships Program by visiting

prOviding An AnnUAl SchOlArShip

Page 11: University of Tasmania Foundation Brochure 2012

16 endowing the future

We endeavour to give every donor our personal attention. Contact the UTAS Foundation on +61 3 6226 1920 to

talk to one of our Advancement Officers.

Disclaimer:InformationinthisbookletwascorrectatthetimeofpublishinginMay2012.Itscontentsareintendedasaguide. The UTAS Foundation reserves the right to alter or delete material at any time.

“The Ball and Chain Grill Tasmania University

Scholarship I received in my first year of my

degree enabled me to devote my time entirely

to my university work, which has been a

valuable introduction to university, and I am

most appreciative. There is little to encourage

young people, especially those from

low-income families, to pursue an academic

education. We, as students, are lucky that

individuals are stepping forward to broaden

young people’s opportunities.

These years at university are a valuable time

in my life for learning, and I aim to give as

much of myself to my studies as I can.

Thank you again for assisting me through

this scholarship.”



cOnTAcT deTAilS

E: [email protected]


P: +61 3 6226 1920

F: +61 3 6226 2130

UTAS Foundation

Private Bag 40

Hobart Tasmania 7001


ABN 20 056 132 661

Citizens and residents of the United States can contact the University of Tasmania Foundation USA at:

Ph: +1 607 277 1346

Fax: +1 607 277 0078

UTAS Foundation USA

PO Box 3995



Alternatively, contact the UTAS Foundation and we will put you in

touch with the UTAS Foundation USA.