University of Hull Federation of colleges presentation 2014

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Dr. Kevin Burden fromt he University of Hull presents at the launch of the Digital and Mobile Learning Network, established to support lecturers and learners maximise the use of mobile technologies in learning

Transcript of University of Hull Federation of colleges presentation 2014

  • 1. Learning in a mobile age: whatdoes it look like?Dr. Kevin Burden:Reader in Educational Technologies,The University of HullHull University Federation Colleges Collaborative Conference,October 20th 2014

2. Treasure Hunt TasksHow should educational institutions such as theFederation of Colleges and the University of Hullharness mobile and augmented technologies(e.g. tablets and Smartphones) to makelearning more authentic and related to theworld of work for their learners? 3. Why Learning in a MobileAge? 4. Why Learning in a MobileAge? 5. Why Learning in a MobileAge? 6. Why Learning in a MobileAge? 7. If we teach todaysstudents as we taughtyesterdays we rob themof tomorrow(John Dewey) 8. 18013590450Ownership of technologies(Hull University pre-service teachers, 2013 and2014)Fixed PC Laptop Tablet Smartphone2013 2014 9. Critical thinkingThreshold conceptsAssimilation AdaptationWickedness - applicationCreating 6Evaluating 5Analysing 4Applying 3Understanding 2Remembering 11Acquireknowledgein one discipline2Applyknowledgein one discipline3Applyknowledgeacross disciplinesCollaboration4ApplyProblem solvingknowledgeto real-worldpredictablesituations5Applyknowledgein real-worldunpredictablesituationsSAMRAcquisition ApplicationWicked Problems 10. How are you using technology: totransform learning or simply toreplicate old ways of doing things?11 11. What do real world predictablesituations look like?12 12. What do real world unpredictablesituations look like?13 13. How can mobile and augmentedtechnologies making learning moreauthentic? by making the tasks learners undertake morerealistic by making the tools learners use more like real-worldtools by extending the boundaries of the learning space(both physically and virtually) 14. Using semi-professional tools 15. Real-time data 16. Aims & purposes of the network To work together to provide a collaborative mobile and mixedrealities technologies network to develop the use of thetechnologies in learning, teaching and assessment; To jointly develop and share learning resources, pedagogicaldevelopments, experience, expertise and good practice To explore opportunities for the further development andvalidation of higher education programmes; 17. Aims & purposes of the network To explore student employability and the needs of employersregarding the use of mobile and mixed realities technologies in thelocal region, in particular focussing on education, skills andtraining; To explore opportunities to build capacity for internationalinitiatives To develop collaborative research and impact studies opportunitiesfrom the initiative across the network and to generate and publishreports and articles both collaboratively and individually. 18. Mobilising and TransformingTeacher Education Pedagogies 19. Mobile Learning Toolkit 20. Reconceptualising the textbook 21. "Technology should be like oxygen: ubiquitous,necessary and invisible." 22. Further informationErasmus+ website:http://www.mttep.euE-mail: [email protected]