University of Hawaiʻi...ESSI BCMluiEgjjJl Vol X ceanic aieamshiD The Fine Passenger St amora of...

ESSI BCMluiEgjjJl Vol X ceanic aieamshiD The Fine Passenger St amora of This Lino Will Arrive and Leave riiiH Pop in Hereunder PROM SAN FRANCISCO HKD MAY 23 A SI H l J L N ll 5 AI i I O JUNL 2d A I A I IUI Y I M JIM Y 18 AU I I AUG 1 i A E vi G 15 VO I u il AUG iJ particulars CI w flu ComDap TIME TABLE FOR SAN FRANCSSPO MAK1POSA MAY 25 II L1A JUNE 12 MOvNA JUNE 22 AUSTRALIA JULY 10 ALAMEDA JUL 20 MJJVLIA p AUG 11 MA1UI0A AUG n AUStiLla EPT 11 In connection with the sailing of thn above steamers the Agents are prepared to iaano tu inteurtiug passengers coupon through tickets by any railroad from San Fraueisco to all poiuts iu tho United States and from New York rjy any steamship lino to all European ports For further apply to S S I AUM G Irwin Co General Agents Oceanic Company IS Kiicix iGibbIlglii taing SswiDg Machine Knife drc beiirings make ihc treadle rock silently and without fm tton OIL IS NEVER USED Ir is the only silent machine and by far the lighter running For suleut iho Ilout oiiold Department Bethel Street THE PACIFtf HARDWARE CO LTD Good Air Goodfiew 0 A Special Invitation in extended to Ever3body to visit Hono lulue most delightful refidnnce site PACIFIC HEIGHTS Mqct KAIULANI DRIVE Aptly termed the Via V a WcJLllla Muxiina or Giand Boulevard and in itself au artistic piece of engineer if nflbids easy access to all points as also e i euio and marue views of xquisilo grandeur at every turn RiiltKO Conlrncts have bepti lot for material and nnlvir tliJVy the work of construction equipping and installation placed in hands of a competent electrioil engineer to be lully i mi Inert lj June 1st Having n independent power plant we are ptepnrcd to furnish power for electric lighting heating and other purposes to our home builders at moat reasonable rates p Our reservoirs are now completed aud water nS I ft JlllccU mains laid so as to supply each lot Permits for making water connections will be granted on application An iripctioii of the attractive homes now building or thn name of puiihaeeisof h is will conviice anyone that PACIFIC HEIGHTS is the choicest ami most select of all tho residence sites of Honolulu 1180 tf For further information prices terms etc apply at office of BUUCE WARING CO Thee PROGRESS SUGAR FACTORS IMPORTERS OF General Merchandise AND Agents for Llovdn Canadian Australian Steamship Line British Foreign Marine Insurance Co Northern Assurance Co Fiw and Life Canadian Pacific xlailway Co Pioneer Lino of Packets from Liverpool HONOLULU H I MONDAY MAY 21 1900 AU tlie BLOCK Tho Old Old Story Tho popular aud highly interest- ing ¬ ganioof discovering tho perfectly obvious is si ill being played in fast and furious fashion by certain roc d people who dwell among us With all tho glory of bug head lines Borne in red and some in Bombre black tho looting of a citys treas- ury ¬ Bnd th news of a oityx vico are being Haunted in tho facepf a watching world and tho watching world complacently simulates a horifiod Hurpriao at tho retelling of the old old story ai the public re- hearsal ¬ of a drama of whoH thrill ¬ ing dtala i ha long been perfect ¬ ly aware Whole pages of closoy printed reading mutter telling of gambling dens here of balls of de- pravity there of Vidti openuoss everywhere are dnily thrust under our nosos with our coll o and our rolls Thoy have become as truly a part of our breakfast jable adorn moot as tho coffee urn itself and wo lift our eyobrows in bolyhorror and eurprise at tho sickening revelation of a viciouauess with all the details of which wo have long been familiar Tho Reverend Dotor This lays bare before us with a grea and clerical gusto all tho horrid ilbings he has seen in the course of a weeko explor- ation ¬ of tho citys dives the distin- guished ¬ Mr Secretary That of tho Civic Club tells ub oLthe awful dere- liction ¬ of a citys guardians of law and order aud the Honorable Mr Somebody himself aipublic official who with the record of tboir faith- lessness ¬ clear and open before bi3 very eyes worked tooth and nail to placo tho faithless in power now disillusioned holds up his hands in horror as with trembling voice ho proclaims the wickedness of lm as- sociates ¬ But theso geutlemeu do not tell us that if jUiu conditions which exist are intolerable it is themselves who mut accept a large measure of responsibility for them yet this is tho fact The outburst is periodic nnd it is iuspired no doubt by righteousness but the agitators apparently content with their righteousness for when the time for notion conies they either do not act at all or they do so in so puerile a fashion that their eifor s are worse than nil provoking the derision of the wicked and the tears of the good citizens Foolish ques- tions ¬ of personal diguily quarrels over methods differences of the pettiest character not only impede but render futile the efforts of any sincere movoment fur the better ¬ ment of affaiis There is no use blinking the fact that while a vast number of public officials would un- doubtedly ¬ benefit by a prolonged and enforced courso of study in some one of our many State reformatories tho reformers themselves are equally in need of a drastic course of train- ing ¬ iu a school of common sense and until tho independent citizen realizes that the strength of ai y movement lies wholly in a surreudi r of individual caprice to the will of the majority we may expect things to go on very mueb m they are now going on Unity of method is as essential to success as uuity of purpo80Furtherniureuoouo may eit comfortably at home and re- form ¬ tho outside world with his theories Tbo man who proposes to do real work must go out into tho Holds and put bis own hand to the plough and if iu the furrows he oomes to a muddy spot he must go through it himself without shirking aud without whining if ho is to complete his task With reformers iu tbo cloud tbey cannot hope to rescue thosa who wallow iu tbo mud and uutil our committees of CO 70 or 80 oome down to earth and aoiept tho conditions which thorn prevail their efforts wjll ayU no thiug either to thepAeolves or to othnrsj the old story will be told once more aud the sickening revela- tion ¬ which is uo surprise will con ¬ tinue to astound and horrifv mn J jjimj Harptrs lFicfc IIIWWWPgWKWBBEI3MUKJnBtEllJnrHJWJltHJOWWr7Bin Sixteenth - Annual - Mseiio Monro Mil VV wunnii -- OP TKB lWft it it n lllllMUuWV IiUIJ JUNE 9th Uth 1900 OFFICIAL PROGRAM fEtST ltices beciu at 2 it promptly on SiturdBy the 9th and at 10 A i on Monday the llih Races June 9th 1 MAIDEN RACE One half Milo Dasb 2 FREE - FOIl - ALL One half MiIh Dash HAWAIIAN BREDS Five Eighths Mile Da h 1 KAPlOLUJI PARK PURE Throe Miuutra Class two in three Haruees 5 FREE FOlt - - ALL Seven eight hn Mile Dash G FREE - FOR - ALL Ono Mile Dash Raco3 June 11th 1 UNIOV FEED CO CUP Half Mile Dah Free for all To bo won twice 2 TROTTING- - AND PACING 230 Class best 2 iu 3 31 A I DENS Dash Five eights Mile 1 HAWAIIAN FREDS fourths Mile DiIj 5 KAMEHAMEHA Trotting and Pacing nil 2 iu 3 i r Three- - PURSE Froe-for- - I WUKAPUCUP Three Quar- ters ¬ Mile Da h Free fur all R TPUl fto he betPU 7 -- PECIALDRIVING RACE One Mi eD ih to be raced tin ¬ der the conditions ns sigued by A E Nichols aud four others 8 ROSILA CHALLENGE CUP One Mile Dali free for all 30 to h added if Aogie As record 115 is beaten 9 IRWIN CUP Oae Mile Db Hawaiian Breds To be won twice 10 CRITERION OUP One and one fourth Mile Dsh free for all To be won twico 11 CONSOLATION RACE Quo Mile Dash for all horses which have competed at this Meeting without winning All entries to be mado with tbo Rnnrntnrv liefore 9 iv in nn Wurltinn I in T t luriA Entrance fee to bo ten per cent of purse unless otherwiso Bpecifii d All races to bs run or trotted uu der the rules of the California Jookey Club and tho National Trotting Association All riders and drivers to appear in colors At least three to outer and two to start All horses are esoented to start unless withdrawn hv 9 oclock a m on Juno 8th 1900 General admission GO cents G rand stand extra 50 cents and 5100 Carriages inside course 2 50 each Quarter stretch badges 500 Program subject to chauge Per order Committee PAUL ISEN BERG Secretary Hawaiian Jockey Club 1510 tf LONG BEAM BA7QS WAIKIKI BEACH Honolulu H I 0 J BaERWOOD Pioprlolor There earth anil air ana cn a in J siy With breaker aong git lullaby ICiuK Btret Tratu Uars paso the door xon saio Sllnn KKW MODJJIJV COTTAGIJ ii4IUU utui jJltftt Kowalo Lot Oox 10O A bargain n a limuo Apply to WILLIAM BAVlllGE 131V tt NuyiaiorttttreuL No 15U Wildors Steamship XjIEITSjO TIME TABLE Stair KIlAXJ PltKEBJAN lUstnr MOLOKAI MAUI HAWAII KOTiCE OHANGK IN SAILING Off bTEAilKIl KINau On um3 nfter Tuesday Nov I the aeam or Kinnu wW soil from Honolulu on T ps lays ut li noun for Knunnknkai Lalia inn Mualcea Bay Iiihei Mnbenu JJa Imkonu Kuvuilmu I aunaliouhoM ohd HMO Ketnrnint will il frem Hiln pvpi j Kri ilnya tit 1 p tn for alovo nomi d ports ttrnvliica H nil lu nn t ainr ur PiE pnrannil f els lit w I lip token for MiiKna Maiiiiknna Kaaihio Hilt Ha blnu onimiu Papailoa nd Ieion ru hPnpnra anil Pucka cb nl will bo t kon fr K uimlroi al Lahaiua Waulaaa Buy KiUm emt Lm ahuenoe StmrCLvUDINE CAMERON Ma3tor MAUI Will leave Honolulu pvery Tnoadaya r p h iuchini ot Lnhaiua Kahnlui H hihu Haua Hrinum nr Kipilinjn J jill l4 tiiniln touches Bt abovo named I i arri iuRat Hmiiiiilii t nndaj tnornir t vi ii call ot Hun Kaupo once cts month Stmr JLEHU5 BKNNETT Meatcr MOUJKAI MAUI LANAI Sails ev ry Mnadav for Kaunuknbai Ka umio Muiiualei Kalnupipn Lubalin Houoln uto alu K mn uB arrive Jtaoiiululu feata duv UiorxnngB Thto Company rc jorvts tho ngh to mate cbanKes in the tlmcof departuieand rtrrival of its Bttamerp without notice and t will not be responsible for any coiibe quences arising therefrom ousifiiieeu muat be ut the LandinRB to receive their freight this Companj nil noi hold ithuif responsible for frofcht after it nop been landed Live btocu received on y at owners risk in la Cum puny willnolbe reupuusibu lox Mono or Valuublee of pabsenceri nnlesi placed in the care of ParEerE leayEaBscnere art- - requested to pnr chttbe luhew before embarking Thoso U1UK w uu au win ut EUDject to en addi j tinnnl chare of twenty five pt r cent Ihe icinpany will no be liable for lost of norinjuri to uoraelaj in the delivery i Kf hrtgt Ufe or persouul eir etsof i he i aaseu I per bevond the Biuonnt f 10000 unless the vai eol t e sine be deciawd at or liHFrir tltM iuanu f In lil i ib tmid thereon ai employe s of the Company are for bidden to ceiv ireiKhi wiihoat deliver Ihk -- hlpiniiR reieipt thereior In he form pre enbed by the Company end which may beenn i nhipjeri upni upplitatiin to tlie purburjj oj the lonipapyBbtetiinerB buiepers ure nontied that if freipht ifv shipped withoui nm h receipt tt will be wtv i vv vuc 1 a ft vi hjo buipjjer O L VVIUBl PnMdent H II itiinn OAPr T K OtAKKB Port Be pt OLADflSPHKOKELB TO 0 1BW IS Glaas BprecelB S Co B AlNEIEIK HOHOIjULiU nn fmnrioo Agctiti TBi NEVjirA NATIONAL BANK OF BAN FRANCISCO DUAW CXOIltlGE OB BAN KRANOIBCO Tho Nevada National Kan of Unn Francisco LONDON Tho Union Bank of London NEW YORK Asaeriocn Erohance No tioaal Bank OHIOAGu Mprchanta National Bank IA KI8- - Orcdlt Ljonnnis Illi KLIN 1 retainer Uaua HONG KONG AND YOKOHAMA Hour hBMh8 BnnkinOorporatiot NEV ZKALANIi AND AUBlBALI- A- Haiili of Nhv Zealand VUmiRIA AND VANCOUVEIt Bank ol Brltiab North America TVaiuae a Oentral BanHxp and IVoZmrj BtLUHttt DepocltB UoctiveO boans mode on Av proved heonritv Cjonunercial and Trait ers Credit Inod BIUb of KxcnatL boDKht d E0a pitluitlnn Pn nmptly Afnotintncl BC Metropolitan feat Co 81 KINO BTJIEUT Q J Wallsb Miaiaan Wholesale and Ilotatl - ADD - Navy CoTntvaotoro J M i 1 I i H M V 14 hi M I

Transcript of University of Hawaiʻi...ESSI BCMluiEgjjJl Vol X ceanic aieamshiD The Fine Passenger St amora of...

  • ESSI BCMluiEgjjJl

    Vol X

    ceanic aieamshiD

    The Fine Passenger St amora of This Lino Will Arrive and LeaveriiiH Pop in Hereunder


    HKD MAY 23A SI H l J L N ll 5AI i I O JUNL 2dA I A I IUI Y IM JIM Y 18AU I I AUG 1

    i A E vi G 15VO I u il AUG iJ







    In connection with the sailing of thn above steamers the Agents areprepared to iaano tu inteurtiug passengers coupon through tickets by anyrailroad from San Fraueisco to all poiuts iu tho United States and fromNew York rjy any steamship lino to all European ports

    For further apply to

    S S



    G Irwin CoGeneral Agents Oceanic Company

    ISKiicix iGibbIlglii taing SswiDg Machine

    Knife drc beiirings make ihc treadle rock silentlyand without fm tton

    OIL IS NEVER USEDIr is the only silent machine and by far the lighter

    running For suleut iho Ilout oiiold Department BethelStreet


    Good Air Goodfiew 0A Special Invitation in extended to Ever3body to visit Hono

    lulue most delightful refidnnce site

    PACIFIC HEIGHTSMqct KAIULANI DRIVE Aptly termed the ViaV a WcJLllla Muxiina or Giand Boulevard and in itself au

    artistic piece of engineer if nflbids easy access to all points as alsoe i euio and marue views of xquisilo grandeur at every turn

    RiiltKO Conlrncts have bepti lot for material andnnlvir tliJVy the work of construction equipping andinstallation placed in hands of a competent electrioil engineer tobe lully i mi Inert lj June 1st Having n independent power plantwe are ptepnrcd to furnish power for electric lighting heating andother purposes to our home builders at moat reasonable rates

    p Our reservoirs are now completed aud waternS I ft JlllccU mains laid so as to supply each lot Permitsfor making water connections will be granted on application

    An iripctioii of the attractive homes now building or thn nameof puiihaeeisof h is will conviice anyone that PACIFIC HEIGHTSis the choicest ami most select of all tho residence sites of Honolulu

    1180 tf

    For further information prices terms etc apply at office of





    General MerchandiseAND

    Agents for LlovdnCanadian Australian Steamship Line

    British Foreign Marine Insurance CoNorthern Assurance Co Fiw and Life

    Canadian Pacific xlailway CoPioneer Lino of Packets from Liverpool





    Tho Old Old Story

    Tho popular aud highly interest-ing


    ganioof discovering tho perfectlyobvious is si ill being played in fastand furious fashion by certain roc dpeople who dwell among us Withall tho glory of bug head linesBorne in red and some in Bombreblack tho looting of a citys treas-ury


    Bnd th news of a oityx vicoare being Haunted in tho facepf awatching world and tho watchingworld complacently simulates ahorifiod Hurpriao at tho retelling ofthe old old story ai the public re-hearsal


    of a drama of whoH thrill ¬ing dtala i ha long been perfect ¬ly aware Whole pages of closoyprinted reading mutter telling ofgambling dens here of balls of de-pravity there of Vidti openuosseverywhere are dnily thrust underour nosos with our coll o and ourrolls Thoy have become as truly apart of our breakfast jable adornmoot as tho coffee urn itself and wolift our eyobrows in bolyhorror andeurprise at tho sickening revelationof a viciouauess with all the detailsof which wo have long been familiarTho Reverend Dotor This lays barebefore us with a grea and clericalgusto all tho horrid ilbings he hasseen in the course of a weeko explor-ation


    of tho citys dives the distin-guished


    Mr Secretary That of thoCivic Club tells ub oLthe awful dere-liction


    of a citys guardians of lawand order aud the Honorable MrSomebody himself aipublic officialwho with the record of tboir faith-lessness


    clear and open before bi3very eyes worked tooth and nail toplaco tho faithless in power nowdisillusioned holds up his hands

    in horror as with trembling voice hoproclaims the wickedness of lm as-sociates


    But theso geutlemeu donot tell us that if jUiu conditionswhich exist are intolerable it isthemselves who mut accept a largemeasure of responsibility for themyet this is tho fact The outburstis periodic nnd it is iuspired nodoubt by righteousness but theagitators apparently content

    with their righteousnessfor when the time for notionconies they either do not actat all or they do so in sopuerile a fashion that their eifor sare worse than nil provoking thederision of the wicked and the tearsof the good citizens Foolish ques-tions


    of personal diguily quarrelsover methods differences of thepettiest character not only impedebut render futile the efforts of anysincere movoment fur the better ¬ment of affaiis There is no useblinking the fact that while a vastnumber of public officials would un-doubtedly


    benefit by a prolongedand enforced courso of study in someone of our many State reformatoriestho reformers themselves are equallyin need of a drastic course of train-ing


    iu a school of common senseand until tho independent citizenrealizes that the strength of ai ymovement lies wholly in a surreudi rof individual caprice to the will ofthe majority we may expectthings to go on very mueb mthey are now going on Unity ofmethod is as essential to success asuuity of purpo80Furtherniureuoouomay eit comfortably at home and re-form


    tho outside world with histheories Tbo man who proposesto do real work must go out into thoHolds and put bis own hand to theplough and if iu the furrows heoomes to a muddy spot he must gothrough it himself without shirkingaud without whining if ho is tocomplete his task With reformersiu tbo cloud tbey cannot hope torescue thosa who wallow iu tbomud and uutil our committees ofCO 70 or 80 oome down to earth andaoiept tho conditions which thornprevail their efforts wjll ayU nothiug either to thepAeolves or toothnrsj the old story will be toldonce more aud the sickening revela-tion


    which is uo surprise will con ¬tinue to astound and horrifv mn

    J jjimj Harptrs lFicfc


    Sixteenth - Annual - Mseiio

    MonroMil VV


    -- OP TKB

    lWft it it nlllllMUuWV IiUIJ

    JUNE 9th Uth 1900


    fEtST ltices beciu at 2 itpromptly on SiturdBy the 9th andat 10 A i on Monday the llih

    Races June 9th1 MAIDEN RACE One half Milo


    2 FREE - FOIl - ALL One halfMiIh Dash

    HAWAIIAN BREDS FiveEighths Mile Da h

    1 KAPlOLUJI PARK PUREThroe Miuutra Class two inthree Haruees

    5 FREE FOlt- - ALL Seveneight hn Mile Dash

    G FREE - FOR - ALL Ono MileDash

    Raco3 June 11th1 UNIOV FEED CO CUP Half

    Mile Dah Free for all To bowon twice

    2 TROTTING- - AND PACING230 Class best 2 iu 3

    31A I DENSDash Five eights Mile1 HAWAIIAN FREDS

    fourths Mile DiIj5 KAMEHAMEHA

    Trotting and Pacingnil 2 iu 3



    Three- -

    PURSEFroe-for- -

    I WUKAPUCUP Three Quar-ters


    Mile Da h Free fur allR TPUl fto he betPU

    7 -- PECIALDRIVING RACEOne Mi e D ih to be raced tin ¬der the conditions ns sigued byA E Nichols aud four others

    8 ROSILA CHALLENGE CUPOne Mile Dali free for all 30to h added if Aogie As record115 is beaten

    9 IRWIN CUP Oae Mile DbHawaiian Breds To be wontwice

    10 CRITERION OUP One andone fourth Mile Dsh free forall To be won twico

    11 CONSOLATION RACE QuoMile Dash for all horses whichhave competed at this Meetingwithout winning

    All entries to be mado with tboRnnrntnrv liefore 9 iv in nn Wurltinn

    I in T t luriAEntrance fee to bo ten per cent of

    purse unless otherwiso Bpecifii dAll races to bs run or trotted uu

    der the rules of the CaliforniaJookey Club and tho NationalTrotting Association

    All riders and drivers to appearin colors

    At least three to outer and two tostart

    All horses are esoented to startunless withdrawn hv 9 oclock a mon Juno 8th 1900

    General admission GO centsG rand stand extra 50 cents and

    5100Carriages inside course 2 50

    eachQuarter stretch badges 500Program subject to chauge

    Per order CommitteePAUL ISEN BERG

    Secretary Hawaiian Jockey Club1510 tf


    0 J BaERWOOD Pioprlolor

    There earth anil air ana cn a inJ siyWith breaker aong git lullaby

    ICiuK Btret Tratu Uars paso the door

    xon saioSllnn KKW MODJJIJV COTTAGIJii4IUU utui jJltftt Kowalo Lot Oox10O A bargain n a limuo Apply to

    WILLIAM BAVlllGE131V tt NuyiaiorttttreuL

    No 15U

    Wildors SteamshipXjIEITSjO


    Stair KIlAXJPltKEBJAN lUstnr


    bTEAilKIl KINauOn um3 nfter Tuesday Nov I the aeamor Kinnu wW soil from Honolulu on T ps

    lays ut li noun for Knunnknkai Laliainn Mualcea Bay Iiihei Mnbenu JJaImkonu Kuvuilmu I aunaliouhoM ohdHMO

    Ketnrnint will il frem Hiln pvpi j Kriilnya tit 1 p tn for alovo nomi d portsttrnvliica H nil lu nn t ainr urPiE pnrannil f els lit w I lip token forMiiKna Maiiiiknna Kaaihio Hilt Hablnu onimiu Papailoa nd Ieionru hPnpnra anil Pucka cb nl will bot kon fr K uimlroi al Lahaiua WaulaaaBuy KiUm emt Lm ahuenoe



    Will leave Honolulu pvery Tnoadaya rp h iuchini ot Lnhaiua Kahnlui Hhihu Haua Hrinum nr Kipilinjn J jilll4 tiiniln touches Bt abovo named I iarri iuRat Hmiiiiilii t nndaj tnornir t

    vi ii call ot Hun Kaupo once ctsmonth

    Stmr JLEHU5BKNNETT Meatcr


    Sails ev ry Mnadav for Kaunuknbai Kaumio Muiiualei Kalnupipn LubalinHouoln uto alu K m n uB arriveJtaoiiululu feata duv UiorxnngB

    Thto Company rc jorvts tho ngh tomate cbanKes in the tlmcof departuieandrtrrival of its Bttamerp without notice andt will not be responsible for any coiibequences arising therefrom

    ousifiiieeu muat be ut the LandinRB toreceive their freight this Companj nilnoi hold ithuif responsible for frofcht afterit nop been landedLive btocu received on y at owners riskin la Cum puny willnolbe reupuusibu loxMono or Valuublee of pabsenceri nnlesiplaced in the care of ParEerEleayEaBscnere art- - requested to pnr

    chttbe luhew before embarking ThosoU1UK w uu au win ut EUDject to en addi

    j tinnnl chare of twenty five pt r centIhe icinpany will no be liable for lostof norinjuri to uoraelaj in the deliveryi Kf hrtgt Ufe or persouul eir etsof i he i aaseuI per bevond the Biuonnt f 10000 unlessthe vai eol t e sine be deciawd at orliHFrir tltM iuanu f In lil i

    ib tmid thereonai employe s of the Company are for

    bidden to ceiv ireiKhi wiihoat deliverIhk -- hlpiniiR reieipt thereior In he formpre enbed by the Company end whichmay beenn i nhipjeri upni upplitatiinto tlie purburjj oj the lonipapyBbtetiinerB

    buiepers ure nontied that if freipht ifvshipped withoui nm h receipt tt will bewtv i vv vuc 1 a ft vi hjo buipjjer

    O L VVIUBl PnMdentH II itiinnOAPr T K OtAKKB Port Be pt


    Glaas BprecelB S CoB AlNEIEIK




    BAN KRANOIBCO Tho Nevada NationalKan of Unn Francisco

    LONDON Tho Union Bank of London

    NEW YORK Asaeriocn Erohance Notioaal Bank

    OHIOAGu Mprchanta National BankIA KI8- - Orcdlt LjonnnisIlli KLIN 1 retainer UauaHONG KONG AND YOKOHAMA Hour

    hBMh8 BnnkinOorporatiotNEV ZKALANIi AND AUBlBALI- A-

    Haiili of Nhv ZealandVUmiRIA AND VANCOUVEIt Bank

    ol Brltiab North America

    TVaiuae a Oentral BanHxp and IVoZmrjBtLUHttt

    DepocltB UoctiveO boans mode on Avproved heonritv Cjonunercial and Traiters Credit Inod BIUb of KxcnatLboDKht d E0apitluitlnn Pn nmptly Afnotintncl BC

    Metropolitan feat Co81 KINO BTJIEUT

    Q J Wallsb Miaiaan

    Wholesale andIlotatl

    - ADD -Navy CoTntvaotoro





    i H

    M V



  • W






    tKicapt Sunday

    U Brlto Hull Koilln Btreot

    iay-- telephone 3ii --tsaP O BCS 81

    BUB30iirpxioir batesFor Month anywhere In tho Ha ¬

    waiian Islands BOPvt Year 0 00Per Year postpaid to Foreign Coun-


    3 CO

    uyaalo Invviabl7 In Advaaco

    IT J TESTA Fropriotor and Pub ¬lisher


    EditorResiding In Honolulu

    MONDAY MAY 21 1900


    With reverent fjriof Tnn Independ-ent placeB upon the bier of DrAlbert Francis Judd late ChiefJustice of the Hawaiian Islands itswreath of cypress and laurel Thoseevergreens live longer than thexnoro perishable flowers as typicalof the fact that the Chief Justicesfame will not be transient but willprow with years as his lngal andadministrative labors on behalf ofHawaii became better known andmore widely appreciated

    Ai a lawyer under his leadershipthe decisions of the Supremo Courtof Hawaii have been recognized bythe Judiciary and Bars of highestinternational repute as having beenof tho greatpst merit and sound tothe core His intimate knowledgeof tho Islands the language tradi-tions habits and customs of thoHawaiians and the strong attach-ment


    the late Chief Justice enter ¬tained for the native race were ofinvaluable assistance to Bsnok andBar alike

    As a gentleman ho was all that agentleman should be quiet con-siderate


    kindly refined sud court-eous


    and at times long suffering andpatient undor political attacks whichwould test the forbearance of mostmen Ever ready nay anxious toassist the young and ambitious aspirant for legal honors he yet couldbe kindly but reproachfully severeon delinquent transgressors of thecode of ethics of the Bar

    He was not an orator but rather agraceful and cultivated speaker possessing the gift of a clear distinctand musically modulated voice andthat voice could speak words wellworth listening to and such ai wouldleave good seed behind if the eoilwas tilled to receive them Anearnest thinker an oarnest Christianand an earnest patriot AlbertFrancis Judd was worthy of hishonorable predecessors in the ChiefJusticeship of Hawaii and we reverently bow tho head to day beforehis grave

    Tho Queens Birthday

    The unsigned By Order noticecolling for a meeting of BritishResident on Saturday evening atthe Arlington Hotel to arrange fora celebration of Queen VictoriasBirthday failed to merit with a responsive echo but some or SOvery Indignant men met and scoredthe unknown caller who was notpresont and who it has developedwas Mr A St M Mackintosh It isthought probable that a specialcricket match may he arranged forthe day but tho main effort will bemade to honor the day by honoringher Majestys representative at hisroception

    Tho Kiuau aud Olaudino lastweek towpd the ship John O Potteroff a mud bank at Kibei No damego douo Sho was coal lodeu


    Mouraod by Many Ho Joins thoGreat Majority in tho Mansionsf Ktornlty

    The tension is over tho silverchord has heeu soverod aud AlbertFrancis Judd one of Hawaiis mostlearned and distinguished of ChiofJustices ha rouo to rest for elornity after his life long labors faithfully wrought to their end He diedat 7C0 last oveuing with the echoesof tho church bells in his ears

    Albert F Judd L L D was bornJanuary 7 183S and was the son ofRev Gorritt P Judd who arrived in1833 in Hawaii with the so nd bindof missionaries from Oojlou Theimmense influence exorcised and thevaluablo sirvico3 rendarad by thisillustrious man to Hawaii are matters of historical record It mightalmost be said that ho wai mainlyresponsible for modernizing audAmericanizing tho system of government on tho Islands

    The late Chief Justice was edu ¬cated at Punahou College underthe abli tuition of R9V E G Backwith and Rev Daniel Dole tho fa ¬ther of our President Governor Hecompleted his academical and lawcourse at Yale graduating in 1858attheag of twenty and in lateryears being honored by his AlmaMater with the degree of L L D

    Returning to Honolulu he commence the practice of the law Hetravelled extensively through theAmerican continent aud Europe toripen his education and broaden hismind

    In 1873 he was appointed Attorney-G-eneral and on February 181874 accepted tho position of Sec-ond Associate Justice of the Su-preme Court becoming First Asso-ciate


    Justice on February 1 1877and subsequently succeeding to theChiof Justiceship on November f1881 ci tho death of Chief JusticeC C Harris Ho retained the posi-tion


    until his death as a tenderedresignation ha not been officiallyaccepted

    Un February 18 1899 the 25thanniversary of the late Chief Jus-tices


    appointment to the Bench wascelebrated by a banquet given tohim by the members of the Hawai ¬ian Bar over which Genoral A SHartwoll presided and at whichPresident Dole and nearly everymember of tho Bar in Honoluluwere present Tho sentiments ofrespect and tho expressions of confi ¬dence in his wisdom ability and in ¬tegrity then expressed were endors-ed


    by all and more specially thefact of the vast beneficial influencebo bad wisely used in educating theHawaiian magistracy for ho was athorough Hawaiian eebolar and theyoung lawyers of the Hawaiian raceto whom ho was fondly attached

    The late Chief Justice marriedearly in life Miss Agoes R Boyddaughter of Rev James R Boyd ofGeneva New York and seven sonsand two daughters survive

    They are Agnes E Judd AlbertF Judd Jr James R Judd HenryJudd who iB at present in Yale Cotlego in tho junior olass CharlesSheldon Judd Gerritt P JuddLawrence MoOully Judd and SophieBoyd Judd Bosidos these are thethree Bisters of the deceased MrsE K Wildor Mrs Augusta Carterand Miss Helen Judd

    Tho flags on tho Executive andJudiciary buildings were half mast-ed


    today the Courts and tho govern ¬ment otlicos were closed and thedoors of tho Judiciary building borethe sombre signs of mourning in re-spectful


    homage to the memory oflate Chief Justice

    Tho funeral will take place fromthe family residence on NuuanuValley at oclock this afternoonand not from Central Union Churchand the solemn services will be con ¬ducted by Rev W M Kincaid

    As the Chief Justioo demittedfrom tho Masonic fraternity sometime ago it is thought not probablethat the masons will make any offi ¬cial demonstration especially as itis the desire of the family to have asimple funeral The public char ¬acter of tho deceased will howeveruaturally call for the attendance of

    public officials and of tho Judiciaryaud tho Bar

    Tin pall bearers will be the sixsous of the Chief Juatico now resi ¬dent in Honolulu

    In doath tho calm expression oftho Chief is there but tho face andframo aro much attenuated

    dotting ExtravagantPresident Dole hns visited Koolau

    ou this island to look into tho interoUs of tho Settlors who wish toeurroidor their lenses of 1750 acrosin exohausJB for tho privhgo ofsettling on tho laud as homo tend ¬ers

    Mr Dole wis greeted by thoschool children at H uua who werotold to turn out eu masso 26 andsing patriotic songs liko I wouldleavo my happy home for jonThe girl I left behind on Hawaii

    and There will be a hot time atthe primaries

    Tho President will take a deepand practical interest in the lsndcand as an earnest he sent a baseballoutfit to the boy J and a croquet eitto the girls

    The name of Dole is now forevercommeanorated at the Hauulaschool and the taxpayers are anx ¬ious to kuow whether the generousgift of the joveruor was paid outof the fun 1 from which heswelled the Maine fund to his per¬sonal glorification


    Kanaiiele At the MaternityHome ou tlie 20th inst to the wifeof Joshua Kanahele a ami

    Kentuckys famous Jessse MooreWhiskey unequalled for its purityand excellence- - On Rale at any ofthe saloons and at Lovejoy Codistributing agents for the Hawaiianislands

    Per AUSTRALIA for CamarinosRefrigerator An extra fresh supplyof Grapes Apples Lemons OrangesLimes Nuts Raisins Celery FreshSalmon Cauliflower Rhubarb As-paragus


    Cabbage Eastern and Cali-fornia


    Oysters in tin and shellCrabs Turkeys Flounders etc Allgame in season Also fresh Rockfort Swiss and California CreamCheese Placo your orders oarlyprompt deliveryCALIFORNIA FRUIT MARKET- -






    ic t

    T VI t L

    f J7JVf f

    Viotorina Birthday

    Her BritanuicMaJHstjsConsulwill

    bo pleased to wolcomo all callers on

    Thursday next tho 21 inst the anniversary of Queen Victorias Birth

    day botwoen tho hours of 11 ui

    and 1 p m at the British Consulate


    Judo Wilcox disposed of a smallcalendar Saturdav and was verylenient to the culprit before himSince KalunaV conviction no robborios or hold up have btou recorded at tho police station

    Insure Yonr House and Furniture



    For Insurance Company of NorthAmerica aud

    Now Zealand Insurance Companylati y


    OrncE of Tnc Boapd of Health IHonolulu H I May 1G 1900 J

    Rebolvid That quarantine uponpiopeity condemned by tho Boaidof Health on account of tho txistence of bubonic plague shall be raised after the expiration of fourmonths from the dato of destruc-tion


    by fire of tho buildings uponsuch property Provided howeverthat no building erected upon suchpremises shall bo occupied uutil thesewerage system is in working orderin such district and the buildingsare properly connected with thesame and further that no cesspoolsshall be excavated or ued upon anysuch promises C B WOOD

    President Board of Health1512 3t


    HOIDEHS OF WATER PK1VILKGE8or those paying water rates are herebynotified that tho hoars tor irrigationpurposes are from 6 to 8 oleook a in andfrom i to 0 oclock p m

    ANDREW BROWNSuperintendent of Water Works

    Approved Alks YocsnMlnitnr of Interior

    Honolulu June 14 1809V4 t

    Bargains will abound

    2 Pair lens Best Hcrmedorf Socks

    JUST--- -


    SIXTY DAYS AFTERtho Hawaiian Territorialbill is passed tho duty onEuropean O h ina andCrockery waro will bo fromr5 to GO percent hiphor55 percent on White andGO porcont on Decorated

    THE PRESENT DUTYis 10 percent ou either

    NOW IS YOUR TIMEto purobaso what you wantin this lino before prices areadvanced

    STERLING SILVERfrom tho factories of Reed

    Barton and WhitintrMfg Co

    WE WILL have a sp0cial sale for the next thirtydays commencing April28th

    THE REDUCTION willbe 33 1 3 percent Our a-ssortment


    is very complete

    PLATEWARE will healso sold at special reducedprices

    RICH CUT GLASS forthe noxt thirty days at a25 percent reduction

    ALL OF OUR GOODSare marked ip plain figuresand the old prices remainwith tho new


    Importers of Crockery GlassLamps Houso Furnishing Goods


    R CO LTD


    - French Valenciennes 5ztsa k the yd np

    r3 Pair CWldrens Best Black 1 oo

    virtf680 mlC nly a 8amp of tho Bargains to be found- fV3 llnes of eoods our Various Departments

    f L B RERR CO LTDr


  • timMLuiiii n iiiMilwncwLOUAL AND UJWJfiRAL NEWB

    Daft Noadv

    883 hn3 boou lo3t Seo

    Tho Hawaii Herald ia now a dailypaper

    Tho Government IJand phys atEmma Square this ovniug

    Tho Kilohana Art Longuo givesits first view thin evening

    Honolulu Mesjeugor Servico de ¬liver messages and packages TolePhnno H7R

    Kamohamha defeated Oalni onSoHirdny in thn fi ml game for thobaseball championship Scorn 21to 23

    lOx 1 Bluailnd Shetmps 20 cent9n yard for oiih week only at L BKerr Oo Queen Btreot

    The Britishers of tho Islands havesont Boni Gvi thiiund ilollnra totho South Afnoau Relief Fund duriug tho past year

    A grand opportunity to ropleimhyour sheetums and pillow casingsfor one week only at Kerr Co

    Tho U S S Iroquois steamednway to thoir Midway plaisaunco onSaturday aftnrnoou to tho strains ofBtrgors Baud

    Dont fail to ring up Telephone411 American Messonger Service ifyou bnve auy messages or packagesto deliver

    Governor Dale ha appointedGail Smith Circuit Judge of theThird aud Fourth Districts on Ha-waii


    to succeed Judge Gardiner KWilder

    A scratch game of Cricket wasplayed on Saturday as th matohScotland vs tho World failed tomaterialize for lack of attendance ofmembers

    At the Y M C A on Saturdayevening at basket ball the Honolu-lu heat Diamond Head 12 5 andthe Maile llimas defeated theSophoinoroi 22 C

    When you waut a hack ring upllll On that itand you will get areliable ami good driver a lino hackaud uo overcUarKiirg

    The military drill and tho coremouuid of lowenug the flag at

    ysterday was a delight-ful


    event and Attracted a largonumber of HpmsiatoM


    This is tho lat week of tho en ¬gagement of the Hogau MuiBtrels atthis popular theatre The South-well


    Opera Company will probablybe the next attraction

    Special bargains for the gentle ¬men Hats and Caps Shirts CollarsCuffs aud Neck Ties for one weakonly at L 13 Kerr Co QueonStreet

    At Tenuis on Saturday F CAtuerton defeated Charles Elstonlast years champion and Miss MaryHart defnated Airs John waiorlioueo this years champion

    Fifth District Ninth PrecinctKauluwela SchoolTotal votespolled 70 for J A Hughes 27 forL A Thurston 21 for W J Coolho21 for J L Kaulukou 1

    Tho City Carriago Co is now inthe livery business It has buggiessurreys wagons eto on hand at allhours of tho day or night Tele ¬phone 113

    Dr Sinclair requests that all per ¬sona interested in chesB meet to-night


    at 8 oclock in the WaverlyClub rooms for the purpose of re-viving


    interost in tho popular gatno

    Joseph H Richards father ofTheodore Richards of this city diedat Montclair N J on May Howas a business man of New orkCity and 05 years of age at the timeof his death

    Mr R A Jordan and others areinteresting themselves to day in ar ¬ranging for a cricket match withmusie and refreshments for QueenVictorias birthday on Thursdaynext Tho matter will probably boen Iraine tomorrow

    A very fino program will bo rend ¬ered at tho musjoalo yuiph is tp begiven to morrow evening at the resi ¬dence of Mrs F J Lowrey for thobenefit of tho Ladies Society oi ioCentral Union Church AmongIhosa to appear are Mrs MautaRimTurner Mrs Iloffmaun Mibs Gfiawold Mr Paul Isenberg Mr Elstonaud others

    SuRar on Hawaii on May 18awaiting thipment was as followsKukuihaeln 6 500 Honokaa 21500Paauhau 10800 Ookala 8503 Papacies 21000 Hakalau ltiuuu uu- -npnrn limig nnnhno 10U0 rar - i r ipaikou 11000 Waianaliu IhwuiWaiakna 10000 H P S M 2700Punaluu 21000 Houaupu lbOUOTotal 188000 bags


    Employees of tho G V O Close ShopAnd Havo An Outing

    Tho long train of fino passengerscars woro filled with gaily attiredexcursionists outsido tho railroadstation yesterday morning when thocrowd surging on tho platform wassuddenly increased by a largo num ¬ber of young people whoso facesworn familiar to tho publio andwhoso hat3 wero stamped withluis

    It was tho Post Office employeesbound for n vaoation of a few hoursand having for once a day off

    During tho past five yars therehas not boon a Sunday which thehardworking boys could callthoir own Fato made a steamerarriving or departing ou every Sun ¬day and the mail men had to stay inthuir harness aud huatlo and grinand bear itThoy wore determined to have apicnic however aud after consultingtitiiBtablei aud stoamor schedules itwas found that May 20 would bo aday on which even Dr Sorono Bis ¬hop couldnt growl for not havinglottor uot arrived delivered to him

    Tho idea of the picnic was startedabout Christmas time when Iho LoMuDyon Photographie Co present ¬ed tho P O clorli3 with a purso of

    23 as a taken of its appreciation ofthe work of the bureau Louis Konote who knows a luau when hosops it callod ou tho boys and with-out


    stuffing a ballot box it was deaden to uso JL9 Munyons generousgift a a foundation for tho celebra-tion


    of a general holiday The boyssubscribed freely and the busiuofshouses who remember tho bureauevery Christmas by a present woroasked to hold on until the rightday was there which tboy did withpleasuro adding to their Christmasboxes several extras of the verybast brand

    Yesterday morning tho PO party52 in number got on board themoruing train Tho party wascomposed of all tho employees oftho Bureau with tho exception ofthe Postmaster General and his bro-ther


    who wero unable to attendowiug to tho serious illness of tholattor In the party woro also MrLh Muuyon tho guost of honor oxemployoes of tho Post Office andrepresentatives of tho Press bosidesJock Maguire who personally

    conducted tho party to Waipahuwhore tho foast took place

    While near Moaualua a Btcamerwas sighted coming into port andthe boys with great joy yelledYou are too late we cant go baokIt wa3 only tho Bloemfoutoin and

    she carried no mailAt Waipahu everything was in

    roadiness to accommodato the partyMr Levi ono of tho oldest employees of tho Post Office lives at Wai ¬pahu and he had full oharge of theluau which was to take place in anopen lot adjniniug bis cosy home

    Louis Kenako was tho host of thoday and was like bo is in the mailmill horo there and everywhereHo attended to tho inner man ofall present and never overlookedhis own digestive container MrLo Muuyon took several pictures ofthe happy crowd and tho maudoUnand other instruments furnished animprovised orchestra

    When Kenako said ready thoparty fell to with a good will andthn tablo ladon with all tho dolicacies of a native luau was beleagueredand Justice dono to clams crabsfish pig poi etc- - A few bottles ofbeer were also unsealed for the bene ¬

    fit of tho appraisersSpeeches woro in order and Louis

    Kenako niado au eloquent addressin honor of Mr Le Munyou whoreally was tho originator of tho outing Then thero were toaets to thoPostmaster to Uo Secretary to Kenako and his long Buffering deliverydepartment to tho ox employees toJook Maguire and even to tho

    PressWhen all wero satisfied Louis

    heaved a sigh and whispered Iwish they would be as ready to snjl

    in wljpn a mqjl arrYPs WY areto taoklo the refreshments aud hoauggosted a visit to tho Oahu Sugar

    j Coa mill It was great iutorestto all


    A Startling offer of New and Scarce

    All Wool Black CreponsAnd Colored OreDOns

    These goods only arrived on the S S Warrimoo and they are beautieshad lots of Crepons before and have sold them too But this new shipment

    tcp n TZ3 E3nririirTr ttvt Gzinrirjl Jtjv iusi gstiVMiniii inrin- - ijt - a pAnything ever offered in Honolulu before

    Is the information wo gt t from reliable sources and we believe it as nothingnialccs a more stylish skirt or suit than a pretty Crepon they wear well that is ifget the right kind

    We shallCOLORS from 65c toBLACKS from to



    Peopled FarevidsFSr - imWTVM lllllWHJlimiMILiWWILmMllMaHLWPL

    to lake a walk through that magni ¬ficent building especially to thosein tho party who never saw a millbefore It was also amusing to listento some of those who know a millfrom outnide explaining in an easyMunchausen manner the process ofsticking a stick of cano in at oneond having wheels run around andbehold got tho golden dividends inHonolulu

    The iron Iioteo snorted howeveraud the train made a halt to pick uptho jolly party which had thorough-ly


    enjoyed the outing and the mem-bers


    of which felt ready to returnto routine work to day but allhoping that fivo years shall not paBjbyo before another Post Office ex-cursion


    takes place Next timeLouis it will bowrong of tho maildepartment to exclude the femalefriends Thoy will resent it andwhere will thoboys he without thogirls ou tho Post Office verandah

    Nicoly furnished room at No 9Garden Lane is to let


    DRAFT NO 883 DRAWN BYMill Co Ltd in favorof G G Loong for 103000 Payment of came has been stopped audall persons are warned agaiust ac-cepting


    of eamoG G LEONG

    lw Lahaina


    - OF -




    Farewell Engagement

    and his Colored Minstrel

    Positivoly the last engagement oftbia talented organization

    A SeleotSories Roihauffoed fromthoir previous successes

    llox OlUoBopeniiat 10i u Phono HP

    Mettttwe ee3cosoo 4




    i JL JUj



    perper yard


    Crayanette WaterproofCloaks and CoatsCRAVANETTB by the Yard Black and Assorted

    UMBRELLAS SUk and Alpaca

    Waterproof Carriage ApronLinen Carriage Wraps in Great Variety at

    No 10 Foil Street1872



    aud you




    J T Waterhouso Henry May CoII E Mclutyre Bro

    Wholesaleand Retail

    175 yard175


    iMn LIU

    GEOCEESTea Dealers and Coffee Merchants

    Rofail Qftsmaa I Corner King and Fort St rootsElSIdll ftlOIHS Wavorioy Blook Bothol StreotWjQolttsale Bci rasitmenit Bethel S

    Inlsinnnmfna l Fort Street 22 and 92P O BOX 880 AtHIJJJaUnOB Bothol Street 21 and WS






    tii nmrt r



  • IV



    Thl Tpo m -- It T Rn g P rf non T TbHd RfR- -

    The Purest and Most Palatable Beer Made1


    BunmooB Carets


    Freight Olork and SStovedoteOld Reliable Again on Deck

    Offlco At the Old Van Dorno Premise1315 ly


    Qradaaled from th Royal University ofTurin Iuily

    Lovo B lilding Fort Strfet

    Office Hours 10 a m o 12m1353 Uin 3 o fi p m


    Attorney at Law

    Office Bethel Street mauka of thePost Office

    i m tt

    T B M03SMANReal Estate Aqent

    Abstractor and Searcher of TitlesLoans Neqotia ed

    Rents CollectedCampbell Block Merchant Street

    14l9 f




    Office ovor Bishop Co a Bant CornerKaataamana and Merchant Streets



    Progress Blck Opposito Catbolii OhurebFortStreet Honolulu H 1

    TflVphnnB 112 P O RnrTO


    Real Estatl Stock and 3oNrBROKERS

    Office 10 West Kim Street Hono Ju1210 ly


    Notary Public and Typewriter Con ¬veyances and Searches mr


    No 15 Koahumann St cnt


    Oculist and Aubist

    Proerpsa Blook St Vlur OlMcn HnnrsQ k m to 4 P u

    B N BOYD

    Surveyor and Real Eitatb Agent

    Office Bethel flvmti over the New30 Modal Reatunrant iy


    Plumbing Tin Copper akd SheetTbon Worr

    KiuK Street Honolalu


    Dealers in Lumber and Goal andBuilding Materials or

    All KihpjQlaan Blral Wnnntnli

    Brace faring CoReal Estate floaters

    603 Fort St near KJcg



    Parties wishine to dispose of tno lProperties are Invitsd to rsll on nt



    Honolulu April 11 1900


    JUST ARRIVEDTVr Ez Diamond He d sehr Trau

    it and E B Stilton A largo assortment of General Merchandise viz

    Perfect Double Mould BoardPlows perfect Broalierinpr Plowsperfent Rico Plows side Hill andSubaail Plows Cultivators

    Harrows Steel Road ScrapersSteel Tray Iron Tubulor Wheelharrowa Steel and Wooden TraysWheelbarrows

    Hanging Lamp Glaus LampsLamp Chimneys and Lautern

    Gl- - bnsHorse and Mule Shoes assorted

    iZRBlack Smith Coal iu BagsHawaiian SiltButter Churns aud Butter Work-


    Milk Pans and Dish PansEnameled and linted Iron Sauce

    pinsWrought Iron Tea Kettles JapdPicks Mattocks Axes Hatchet

    Hamnaor Black Smith Tools Machinist Toole Plumbers Tools oto

    Please call aud examine for yourself

    Tiie Hawaiian Harawara Co Lfl

    Fort Street opposite SpreckelsCosBajk


    PPORTUNITY TS GIVEN TOpurchase in Manoa Valley a

    beautifully situated property containing all tho necessary essentialsfor a homiStcad and where healthfulclimat and picturesque scenery areiu the midst of historic surroundingsanil all in contact with improvedgrounds planted with various for-eign


    fruits as well as supplied withfruitB trees indigenouo to HawaiiThe acreage of 4GG4 ac es iu feesimple and 31 16 acres under longand favorable leases

    Included in the improvements oilthe fee simple portions is n roomymodern duelling house furnishedwith sauitary and othnr conven ¬iences there is nlso situated thereona roomy oarriag shed and ttahle

    The celebrated Waiakebua Waterof tho Gods Falls is in near prox-imity


    and th cool clear sparklingwater therefrom flows through the

    -- rounds supplying ample npportunity for increased irrigation to theacreage already planted and whichi capable of conoiderablo improve-ment


    For furthor information apply toJ El BOYD

    Intorior DepartmentHonolulu March 28 1900

    14RU tf

    THOS LINDSAYManufacturing Jeweler

    Call and InspeH the eantltul and uaofuldisplay of goos fur p esotB or for persiniil use end adornment

    1 nwo Prllrllcy Wt Qvnf


    Qlnf I KAfil OK COTTAOK CENOiiUU trilly located 20 years to runQruuud Uvut per month Apply to

    WILUAVI SAV1HU1- -lR17 f No l0 Kort Street


    OKKIOR NO IS ICAAHUMANVStreet Honolulu formerly A HoiaptHce United dtatca Custom HouseBroken Acrountanle Renroliers 01vlla nl Claiittw l nnilnav- - A9ant

    Ccrttflcatos of DoathB

    Following aro the deaths touordorlnid not reported by us for whichurial certificates have been grauleil

    tiy the Buard of Health vzSundays record lM y 13

    Tsurnmatsu Koso Japancfe niah16 yenrs boru iu Japn and ill i

    11 King street near Punchbowlmmitted suicido hy outlitii In

    hniatj atteudod by Dr Haida Matiki cemetery

    Hekim Hawaiian male 7 1 yearsb rn at Kau Hawaii aud died onEmma Btreet next to Royal sohoolifter 2 monthss sickness of old agitteudod by Dr Garvin and acoroners iuqueat after deahPauoa

    Kaohuwahine Hiwaiian femallOyearc borti on Hawaii and diedn the Quetis hospital after J5

    days sickness of phthisis attendedby Dr Cooper Catholic cemetery

    Kamule Hawaiian male 70 joarshorn at Haua Maui and died atIwilei after two years sickness ofbronchitis and old age attendtd byDr Howard Pauoa cemetery

    Kaai Hawaiian femnle 1 monthsborn at Hanaloi Kauai and died onQueen street noar the now breweryafter one weeks sickness of bronchi-tii- -

    Dr Garvin called in after deathCatholic cemetery

    Kaleo Hawaiian male 75 yearsborrat Kohals Hawaii and died inAlowa lane Kuoawai Ewa side ofLiliha street after only ouo dayssickness of acute bronchial catarrhattended by Dr Oawe Kalaepohaku cemetery

    Tuesdays record May 15

    Carrie Spencer part Hawaiian fe-male


    8 months born at MoanuiMolokai and died iu Kapiolani Parkafter two weeks sickness of gastroenteritis attended by Dr HerbertCatholic cemetery

    Manuel Jardin Portuguese male3 weeks born in Honolulu and diedon Alapai btreet facing on Kinaustreet of inanition attended by DrAlvarez Catholio cemetery

    Maliana Ualani Hawaiian female60 years born at Kona Huwaii anddied at Kauluwela eff School streetnear Liliha -- fter 9 days sickness ofpneumonia attended by Dr MinerMkiki cemetery

    Young Gow Chinese male 38years born iu China and died at theChinese Hospital after 6 monthssickness of phthisis attended byDr Hodgius Manoa cemetery

    Stillborn infant of D KalaepaHawaiian female born and died onLiliha street near School Kalaopo- -haku cemetery

    Wednesdays record May 10

    Emolia Akiona Hawaiian female20 years born and died in Pauoavalley had been sick of typho-mal-ari-

    fever attonded by Dr Minerburied on a kuleana in Pauoa valley

    Alana Awai Hawaiian fomalf 263ears died at tho Insane Asylumafter 9 weeks sickness of syphilisattended by B r Herbert Pueacemetery

    Thursdays record May 17Mrs D K Kamaiopili Caroline

    Hawaiian female 6 years born atLabaiua Maui and died at Kalia offWaikiki road near Hopkins switchafter 6 months sickness of phthisisattendtd hy Dr Cooper Kawaia--bao cemetery



    From Kauai per stmr MikakalaMay 20 -- Mrs Rose A K Kapu CWight W A Kmi e Cat U 0 Camrbell Shldo J Kamanuwsi and B0deck

    From Maui per stmr Chudir eMay 20 Rev Mother DelphinaSitter Bouaventura Sister SusannaH Balvorsen wife and child MrsSavidge Mrs Nahaolelua A AalhorgJ W Girvio W O Aikeu V W Rickor J Muir Alamo Otsuka Aion AhPing W Kpu WFieIdgrovHWEConway Ah SiuAh LongYa umottAh Ml letier Win Sing OhongWm Holokahiki W Cabral Kobayashi S Kimura Edwin MontgomeryR H Morris H J Harrison EverettMiss M Keaka Miss Lialoha aud100 deck

    From Hilo aud way pora perstmr Kinau May 19 Geo RoJiokW C Wilfoug Rev S L Desha MrnF B McStocker and daughter MrsW Sharp J Henrde h O Oheuault

    jxuiiainw hjuw in hi mi i tmtfUMmuMtxnmwamrtir0miim mi in i aw

    A Perie E Rodger F Sharp MiesMcMollan li Smith lmtng Chi MLou ICaw Low Daw KmH DA I iH H UHiitmi F May M CornalPrince Dvid C Chi d Y hikaaaud wife 1 Saylor H Vila U

    rmvell Median J M Gtvi MnD Uiao and daiighler GrilnniHihnp or INnopoli rAJ ckon

    d11ns V Fortinidez HiMn Hnneh ig Sett I rUv ls IM Ri ni3 eh Idfen D L Brilntt Mis A LButleti Ml McKizi FSinizDr W gner Geo Ale F W H --worth and wie 1 H Pnnus MBGehr W M Holden S K Huntington ad 2 orvnuts A W Car nr HonSam Paiktir F 1 Miler and wifn SLlie Mrs P Makea O B Olmn andwife J T Crawlev T mGav A konaAkin Geo H AHMi Win K tehen OWwkhorv 0 McD maid V WilliamsW Pus A SHlner F W MafnrlaiieGo F Firchiid and 137 dock pa-- eugers

    Tho Biuhcan PrimntieDTho first attempt at a Prmvy

    election in Honolulu was held ouSaturday last Tho Republicanshad the field aud what is known astho Thurston wiug of the party wassuowed undr by the Humphreyswing With the exception of asquabbl at the Kalili precinct thoconduct at the primaries was mostcreditable although the votes polledwere not as numerous as anticipated

    The following delogntes to theRepublican District Convention tobrt hold May 30 were elected nt theprimaries Saturday iu tho Fourthand Fifth Districts


    Precinct 1 J H BoydPrecinct 2 Charles Wilcos and

    Clarence WhitePreninct 3 A S HumphreysPrecinct C L Crab noPrecinot 5 J W ShortPrecinct 6 Dr C B CooperPrecinct 7

    PrecinctPrecinctPrecinctPrecinctPrecinctPri cinctPrecinctPrecinctPrecinctPreninct


    1 Frank Phia2 George Weight3 C P Iaukea

    56 E Farmer

    8 W C Achi9 J A Hughes


    For the PrimariesThe Merchants Exchange laid in

    a fiie stock of necessary material forthe holding of the primaries andconventions Try the supbrfiooliquors kept on hand for tho con ¬sumption of customers and you willcome out a winner No charges tothose who belong to the rigthparty

    Kentuckys famous Jessse MooreWhiskey unequalled for its purityand excellence Ou sale at any ofthe saloons and at Lovejoy Codistributing agents for the HawaiianialnnH



    San Francleso Oal

    BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE VORK8Philadelphia Penu U 8 A

    NEWELL UNIVER8AL MILL COManf National Cone Shredder1 1

    New York D S AN OHLANDT CO

    San Francisco Cal

    BI8WORKBUON LOOMOTIVBB82tt Sun Francisco Cal

    RING UP 32

    nTHE OLD BOYS ARE STILLto the front Tho fire took the

    stablca and tho rats but the fine carriages and experienced drivers ofthe Hotel Carriage Co are again ondeck on the old stand cornor ofHotel and Richards streets and willbe on hand as soou as their patronsring up 82

    usa tf


    S4500 P8KOFALAUrETRNKHouso Hltla d car theheart of the town Present net monthlvtlicomo 150 Apply toIl7 tf No 310 Fort Btreot

    ITOI SALB7 ACRES OP LAND IN GRANTSi i 2180 and 010 at Kaxuaee Nor n HiloHawaii Apply to




    Sole Agents for tho well kuo

    White SewiogEfoclrnf


    Remington Typc Wrhera

    A Large Stock of tho DifferonStyles





    King and Bethel Streets

    miekliesStrongest and Best SawingMachine in the Market withthe Latest Attachments

    Eacli Machine Guaranteed

    Wm 6 Irwin GoLIXITZD

    WmG Irwin FrfiRldontifc ManagerClims Spreckels First Vlpp Prcpi tW M GiHard Second Vice PresidentM H Whitney Jr Irtusurei ibecreutryUoo J Ross Auditor


    sstosiAOIHTB OF THE

    Oceanic Steamship CompyOf Ban FranrInco Cal

    Some men come hero to select abam a tea flavor a brand of olive oilor something to oat that they arovery particular about

    They should select their cigarsas carefully Hre they mny havetheir choice from a big stock

    We have cigars from theBe Havanafactories

    Afrieana Bock iz CoHeury Clay VillnrUpmaun Iutimidad

    and others


    Tolephono 210 111 Fort Street

    By the Barks - - -J C PFLUEGER and

    M 13 WATSONwc have received a largoassortnunt of


    Crosse BkckwlisGroceries

    Bicarbonate of Sodn WashSoda Caustic Snda PaintsHd OUh Corrugated IronRidging etc t emint andJ irebrieks C u r b o 1 i neumStockholm Tar Tubs 13u-lc-t- s

    Tinplates Saucepansleu kettles etc

    H HAGKFELD ft COLimited