University of Groningen Long chain branching on linear ... · Long chain branching on linear...

University of Groningen Long chain branching on linear polypropylene by solid state reactions Borsig, E.; Gotsis, A. D.; Picchioni, F. Published in: European Polymer Journal DOI: 10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2007.10.008 IMPORTANT NOTE: You are advised to consult the publisher's version (publisher's PDF) if you wish to cite from it. Please check the document version below. Document Version Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Publication date: 2008 Link to publication in University of Groningen/UMCG research database Citation for published version (APA): Borsig, E., Gotsis, A. D., & Picchioni, F. (2008). Long chain branching on linear polypropylene by solid state reactions. European Polymer Journal, 44(1), 200-212. Copyright Other than for strictly personal use, it is not permitted to download or to forward/distribute the text or part of it without the consent of the author(s) and/or copyright holder(s), unless the work is under an open content license (like Creative Commons). Take-down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. Downloaded from the University of Groningen/UMCG research database (Pure): For technical reasons the number of authors shown on this cover page is limited to 10 maximum. Download date: 18-02-2020

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Page 1: University of Groningen Long chain branching on linear ... · Long chain branching on linear polypropylene by solid state reactions E. Borsig a, M. van Duin b, A.D. Gotsis c,*, F.

University of Groningen

Long chain branching on linear polypropylene by solid state reactionsBorsig, E.; Gotsis, A. D.; Picchioni, F.

Published in:European Polymer Journal


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European Polymer Journal 44 (2008) 200–212


Long chain branching on linear polypropyleneby solid state reactions

E. Borsig a, M. van Duin b, A.D. Gotsis c,*, F. Picchioni d

a Polymer Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dubravska Cesta 9, 84236 Bratislava, Slovakiab DSM Research, 6160MD Geleen, The Netherlands

c Department of Sciences, Technical University of Crete, 73100 Hania, Greeced Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Groningen, Nijenborgh 4, 9747 AG Groningen, The Netherlands

Received 22 May 2007; received in revised form 25 September 2007; accepted 12 October 2007Available online 22 October 2007


A method was developed for the long chain branching (LCB) of isotactic polypropylene (iPP) via modification in thesolid state. PP long chains have been linked as branches to the original linear iPP chains using solid state reactions in thepresence of a free radical initiator and a multifunctional monomer (co-agent). The modified samples of branched iPP werecharacterised by gel permeation chromatography (GPC) and rheological measurements. Several methods were applied inorder to estimate indirectly the extent of branching. A ranking was made of the co-agents according to their ability ininducing LCB as opposed to cross-linking and degradation of iPP. The furfuryl sulphide (FS) showed the highest efficiencyfor the branching reaction, while the divinylbenzene (DVB) is not suitable for branching.� 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Isotactic polypropylene; Long chain branching; Peroxide modification; Co-agents; Melt strength; Thermoforming

1. Introduction

iPP is the commodity polymer with the largestshare in the present market. iPP has many advanta-geous properties when compared to other commod-ity thermoplastics, such as polyethylene, in all itsforms, and PVC: it has high melting point and lowdensity, it shows excellent chemical resistance, hightensile modulus, it costs less to produce and doesnot present the difficulties in recycling that are asso-ciated with PVC. Commercial iPP is produced via

0014-3057/$ - see front matter � 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved


* Corresponding author. Tel.: +30 2821037259; fax: +302821037843.

E-mail address: [email protected] (A.D. Gotsis).

Ziegler–Natta or metallocene catalysis, consists ofhighly linear chains and has a relatively narrowmolecular weight distribution. As a consequence,the iPP has relatively low melt strength and ratherpoor processing characteristics in processes wherethe type of flow is predominantly elongational. Suchprocesses are, e.g., foaming, thermoforming, extru-sion coating, and blow moulding. In order for iPPto be used in these forming processes, modificationof the polymer is necessary to enhance its strainhardening behaviour in elongation. Broad or bimo-dal molecular weight distributions can result instrain hardening. However, the most efficient wayto enhance the melt strength of polymers with linearchains is by grafting long chain branches (LCB) on


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Table 1Chemical structure and solubility parameter, ds, of the co-agents

Chemical name Abbrevation Chemical structure ds




Divinylbenzene DVB 8.8

1,4-Benzenediol RES 15.1


FS 10.7

Polypropylene iPP 7.4

The values of ds of the co-agents must be compared with that ofiPP to rate their compatibility.

E. Borsig et al. / European Polymer Journal 44 (2008) 200–212 201

them. It is expected that the position of iPP in theplastics market will become even more prominentif the elongational flow behaviour of its melt isimproved [1].

Much effort in producing branched PP has beenmade in the polymer industry and several commer-cial grades of high melt strength PP are available.These are mostly produced by grafting long chainbranches on the PP linear backbone, either by elec-tron beam (EB) irradiation [2] or in the melt byusing peroxides with relative low decompositiontemperature [1]. These methods produce LCB–PPwith broadened molecular weight distribution andcomplex branch structures. There are also somereports on the direct synthesis of long chainbranched PP: using metallocene catalysis eitherdirectly [3] or via the addition of pre-made PPmacromonomers [4]; using conjugated diene mono-mers [5]; via the metallocene-mediated polymerisa-tion of PP in the presence of T-reagent p-(3-butenyl)styrene [6,7]. The latter article includes agood review of these methods to synthesise LCB–PP. Another conceivable method is the modificationby peroxide reactions in the solid state in the pres-ence or not of a co-agent [8].

The aim of the present paper is to investigatewhether it is possible to produce long chainbranched isotactic polypropylene via solid statemodification using a peroxide in the presence of aco-agent. For this work we have chosen a series ofco-agents with different free radical reactivity andsolubility in iPP. A further goal is to find whichtypes of co-agents from this series are most effectivefor branching of iPP and to establish some simplecriteria for the choice of the co-agent to be used.

2. Grafting of long chain branches on linear PP

Three co-agents were used in this research incombination with the organic peroxide tert-butylperoxybenzoate (TBPB) to produce LCB on iPP.The co-agents were bifunctional monomers, whichare able, using their multiple functional groups,to react with macro-radicals formed on the neigh-bouring iPP chains and form chemical bridgesbetween them. Their chemical structure togetherwith their solubility parameter, ds, calculated bythe group contribution method [9], are reportedin Table 1.

Scheme 1 depicts a generally accepted mechanismfor the reactions, based on the available informationin the literature [10–15]. Primary radicals formed by

the decomposition of the peroxide (2) react with iPP(1) to yield macro-radicals (3). Radicals of differentreactivity (primary, secondary and tertiary) are gen-erated, but for the sake of simplicity only tertiaryones are depicted in Scheme 1. These macro-radicalscan, in principle, undergo b-scission of the chaintowards the formation of an unsaturated iPP chainend (4) and a secondary radical (5). At the sametime, the macro-radicals (3) can react by additionwith the unsaturated monomer (DVB is used asexample in the scheme) to yield the correspondingadduct (6), which can further react with the second-ary macro-radical in its vicinity to form the desiredLCB–PP. Another route is that the adduct (6) formsthe corresponding grafted product (7), i.e., PP–g–DVB, after abstraction of a hydrogen from a neigh-bouring iPP chain. The remaining double bond onthe DVB moiety of the latter can further take partin a similar formation of LCB–iPP (8).

The mechanism has been sketched simplified inthis scheme. Other possible side reactions include:(i) direct coupling between two macro-radicals(3), (ii) H-abstraction with the initiator, (iii) reac-tion of the grafted product (7) with the macro-rad-ical (3), (iv) transfer reactions of the radical speciesto the initiator or the monomer, (v) addition (fol-lowed by homopolymerisation) of the primary rad-ical (2) with the monomer (DVB). Of all possiblereactions the successive coupling of two macro-radicals (in the presence or not of the co-agent)is the most disadvantageous. If one considers thelower relative stability of the secondary and pri-mary macro-radicals (and thus the probability offinding them instead of the tertiary), the chancefor this coupling to give back a linear chain is verysmall. Coupling of tertiary free radicals, then, leads

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Scheme 1. Schematic presentation of the reaction mechanism involving DVB. The other co-agents are expected to become involved insimilar reactions.

202 E. Borsig et al. / European Polymer Journal 44 (2008) 200–212

to cross-linking of the iPP, the most undesiredside-product. b-Scission must take place in the sys-tem, as demonstrated by blank experiments, toensure that enough shorter iPP chains are createdin situ. Whether these shorter chains (5) reactdirectly with (7) or are formed after the couplingcan not be easily established [16,17]. Shorter paraf-finic chains with greater mobility, especially whenthey have a reactive end-group, show much higherreactivity than longer chains [18]. Therefore, highparticipation of short chains with double bonds

or free radicals at the end should be expected inthe branching reactions.

3. Measuring the level of LCB

One of the difficulties in the studies on the addi-tion of branches on linear polymers is that of thecharacterisation of the resulting structure. Thischaracterisation is essential in evaluating the pro-cessing behaviour of the polymers. The molecularparameters that are important for the processing

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properties include the average number of branchesper molecule (Bn), their topology (the distributionalong the chain and their comb- or Cayley tree-typestructure) and their lengths [19,7]. There are threemain methods to characterise polymers for LCB:using triple-sensor GPC, using NMR and usingrheology.

GPC is used for the fractionation of the polymerand the measurement of the hydrodynamic volumeof the fractions, from which one can calculate themolecular mass and its distribution (MWD).Because a branched chain is more compact in a sol-vent than a linear chain with the same molecularmass, the intrinsic viscosity of a branched polymeris lower than the one of the equivalent linear poly-mer. Therefore, if the intrinsic viscosity of the frac-tions is measured as they come out of the column,then LCB can also be inferred by GPC [1]. For thisreason different sensors (usually three) are usedsimultaneously at the eluent to determine indepen-dently the molecular weight and the intrinsic viscos-ity of the fractions. An estimate of the LCB levelcan be made then by using the theory of Zimmand Stockmayer [20].

The presence of branches can be detected by iden-tification and quantification of NMR signals relatedto the branched structure. In the case of iPP, themeasurement uses the resonance peaks of methinecarbon atoms that correspond to branches longerthan four or five C [21]. The drawback of thismethod is that it is difficult to distinguish directlythe short from the long branches, if they coexist inthe same sample. Further, the amount of LCB thatis needed for the enhancement of the melt strengthis far too small (in the order of one branch per 105

C atoms) to be detected in ordinary NMRmeasurements.

Rheology has proved to be a reliable method forthe verification of the existence of long branches onthe polymeric chain [19,22] and it is the easiest toimplement. LCB increases the possibility for entan-glements in the polymeric melt, and, thus, its elastic-ity. A similar effect, however, could result also froma broadening of the molecular mass distribution(MWD). Gathering information from a number ofdifferent techniques is necessary for unambiguousanswers as to the molecular origin of the rheologicalchanges.

Tsenoglou and Gotsis [23] have shown that theintroduction of sparse LCB on linear PP chains at(almost) constant mass average molecular weight,Mw, increases the zero shear viscosity, g0, of the

melt, something that is not true for broadeningthe MWD. The increase of g0,LCB is related quanti-tatively to Bn

Bn �ln



n oa Mw

Mc� 1

� �� 3 ln Mw


n o ; ð1Þ

where Mc is the molecular weight at the onset ofentanglements (=13640 g/mol for PP, Langstonet al. [7]) and a is a constant [23]. The method worksonly for polymers where the branches are the sameas the backbone (same chain flexibility), where thereis no significant change of the molecular weightupon modification, and for Bn� 1. It should benoted here that, upon increasing Bn above 1, g0

may go through a maximum and may start decreas-ing again [24]. A well known example is LDPE,which usually has a lower zero shear viscosity thanHDPE with equivalent Mw.

A more detailed method to estimate LCB bycomparing the zero shear viscosity of the linearand the branched polymer has been proposed byJanzen and Colby [24]. This method works evenwhen the molecular weight changes. An averagemolecular weight between branches, Mb, was intro-duced to characterise LCB and the zero shear vis-cosity was related to Mw and Mb

g0 ¼ AMw 1þ Mb

M c

� �2:4" #



� �s

; ð2Þ

where A is a parameter that can be evaluated if g0

and Mw of the linear polymer are known. The expo-nent s is given for sparsely branched polymers by

s ¼ max 1; 1:5þ 1:125B lnMb


� �� �: ð3Þ

B is a constant. The Kuhn length, MKuhn for poly-propylene is 187.8 g/mol [7].

For a branched polymer, Mb < Mw. The ratioMb/Mw should decrease as the degree of branchingincreases, because more of the molecular weight cor-responds then to the parts of chain between thebranch points or to the branches themselves. Themethod has been tested with LDPEs and branchedpolyesters [24] and polypropylenes [7].

When compared to that of the equivalent linearchain polymer, the shape of the dynamic viscositycurve, g*(x), can also give information on the pres-ence of LCB and the polydispersity. Increasing thepolydispersity index, Mw/Mn the transition region

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from the zero shear rate plateau to the power-lawbehaviour becomes broader. LCB has a similareffect. However, two points of inflection may appearwithin the transition zone in the latter case [25].Thus, plotting the first derivative of g*(x) vs. x willgive us two peaks at these points, the relativeheights (depths) of which could serve as semi-quan-titative indices for LCB. Obviously, in order to usethis method to characterise LCB accurately, highquality, noiseless data are needed for g*(x).

The activation energy for flow has been related (itdecreases) with the degree of LCB (Bn) by Vegaet al. [26]. This relation, however, is not very sensi-tive to small values of Bn [1] and the method is notquantitative in this case.

The melt elasticity enhancement, as measured insmall strain amplitude oscillatory shear flow, hasbeen used by Wood-Adams and Dealy [22,25] toquantify LCB in metallocene catalysed polyethyl-enes with structures similar to the lightly branchedpolypropylenes of the present work. Two methodswere tried, both with considerable success. In thefirst method [22], the apparent molecular weight dis-tribution was estimated from the curves of thedynamic moduli using a modified version of thetechnique of Shaw and Tuminello [27]. This distri-bution was compared to the true MWD measuredby GPC. The difference in the position of the max-ima of the two MWD curves gave a quantitativeindication of Bn.

In the second method, Wood-Adams and Dealy[25] examined the dynamic moduli (G 0 and G00) ofmelts of linear and branched PPs. The presence ofLCB adds a relaxation mode at low frequency,which is not present in the linear material. Thechanges of the storage modulus at low frequencycan be used, therefore, as an indication of LCB inpolybutadienes [28] and PP [29]. A more sensitiveindicator of the changes in elasticity and the addi-tional relaxation modes that LCB may induce isthe loss angle (tand = G00/G 0). The curve of d(x)of a linear polymer in a semi-log plot has a convexcurvature: The loss angle remains at values close to90� at low frequencies, and starts decreasing mono-tonically at higher frequencies. The presence of LCBintroduces two extra inflection points in the curveand the middle part of the curve becomes concave,sometimes leading, to an intermediate plateau. Thegradual change of convex to concave and the rela-tive height of this plateau can be related qualita-tively to the increase of LCB on the polymerchains [25].

The best quantitative way to estimate theimprovement of processing properties due to theaddition of LCB on the linear chain is by directlymeasuring the strain hardening of the viscosity ofthe melt in uniaxial elongational flow, gþE ð�; _�Þ[30,31]. Indeed, in a series of peroxide-modified pol-ypropylenes with increasing degree of long chainbranches, Gotsis et al. [30] showed that both theonset and the extent of strain hardening increasedwith Bn. The whole gþE ð�Þ curves could be describedwell by classical viscoelastic models that imple-mented a damping function with a parameter, b,which reflected the level of LCB in the fluid. Inver-sely, the value of b could be used to infer the valueof Bn from the measured gþE ð�Þ curve. However,accurate measurements in uniaxial elongationalflows require samples of a few grams of material,which is more than what we produced in the presentseries of exploratory experiments.

The present report only screens some proceduresand co-agents used to graft branches on PP by reac-tions in the solid state based on GPC and dynamicrheology results. Larger quantities of modified iPPcan be produced using the chosen method whenthe screening has been completed. Measurementsin uniaxial elongational flow can be conducted thento establish the actual improvement of the process-ing properties of iPP, those that are required inorder to use this material efficiently in thermoform-ing, foaming or blow moulding applications.

4. Experimental part

4.1. Materials

The isotactic polypropylene was supplied byDSM, Geleen, in powder form (particle diameterof around 0.3 mm) with number average molecularweight (Mn) of 70,000 g/mol, weight average molec-ular weight (Mw) of 300,000 g/mol and polydisper-sity (Mw/Mn) of 4.3. It was stored at 0 �C since itdid not contain any stabiliser. Divinylbenzene(DVB, Aldrich), 1,4-benzodiol (RES, Aldrich), fur-furyl sulphide (FS, Aldrich) and tert-butyl perb-enzoate peroxide (TBPB, Merck-Schuchard) werepurchased as high-purity products (98%) and wereused as received.

4.2. Branching reactions

The reagents, peroxide TBPB (37 mmol/kg poly-mer) and 0.1–0.3 wt% (with respect to PP) co-agent

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Table 2List of synthesised samples

# Peroxide(mmol/kg)






0 0 Nonea 0 0 72,500 4.20b 0 Noneb 0 0 49,750 3.71 37 DVB 0.1 0.43 46,950 5.82 37 DVB 0.2 11.9 38,200 6.84 37 DVB 0.25 16.4 26,700 7.95 37 RES 0.1 0.36 55,600 5.58 37 RES 0.2 0.13 57,500 6.312 37 FS 0.1 0.22 50,400 7.2

E. Borsig et al. / European Polymer Journal 44 (2008) 200–212 205

(FS, DVB or RES), were dissolved in acetone andthe mixture was added to 20 g sample of polypro-pylene powder. Acetone was chosen because itcould dissolve the reagents but not the polymer.The removal of the solvent after the reaction was,thus, facilitated but the reactions took place onlyon the surface of the particles of the polymer. Thepolymer–solution mixture was kept in dark forapproximately 12 h. Then the solvent was evapo-rated in a rotary evaporator. Impregnated PPdeprived of solvent was put into glass ampules(about 5 g PP mixture/ampule) which were sealedin nitrogen atmosphere and let to react in an oilbath at 130 �C for 3.5 h (six half times of peroxidedecomposition).

4.3. Molecular weight and gel content determination

GPC (gel permeation chromatography) was usedto determine the molecular weight (averages anddistribution) of the polymers. The samples were dis-solved in trichlorobenzene and filtered to removethe insoluble fraction, when present. The solutionwas then passed through a PL Gel 5 mL Mixed-Acolumn of the chromatograph at 140 �C.

The non-decomposed peroxide and the low-molecular weight products of the decomposition ofthe peroxide and the co-agents were extracted fromthe modified iPP samples using water and ethanoland the samples were dried under vacuum to con-stant weight. Samples of m1 � 1 g were put intoglass fabric bags and extracted in 100 cm3 boilingxylene containing 0.05% hydroquinone. Afterextraction for 6 h the xylene solution was substi-tuted by pure xylene and the extraction continuedfor another 6 h. Then the iPP samples wereextracted with benzene for another 2 h. Theextracted fabric bags were then vacuum dried to aconstant weight, which corresponded to the insolu-ble (cross-linked) portion of the iPP sample (m2).

The proportion of cross-linked iPP was thendetermined from the relation:

iPP cross-linked ðin wt%Þ ¼ m2


� 100 ¼ x% iPP gel:

13 37 FS 0.15 1.3 48,700 9.514 37 FS 0.2 0.17 47,050 9.5100 37 RESc 0.25 n.m. 45,900 10.4

a Pure PP as received.b PP subjected to the same thermal treatment as for the bran-

ched samples.c Containing also 5 wt% styrene (with respect to the co-agent


4.4. Rheological characterisation

Rheology was used for the qualitative estimationof the presence of LCB. The rheological measure-ments were conducted in a Rheometrics RMS 800strain controlled rheometer, using plate–plate fix-

tures. The disk-shaped samples were prepared bycompacting the sample powder in a hot press at190 �C for about 15 min. The disks had a thicknessof 1.0–1.5 mm and a diameter of either 8 or 25 mm.The samples were measured in small strain ampli-tude oscillatory shear flow at temperatures from170 to 230 �C under nitrogen. The dynamic moduli,G 0 and G00, and the complex viscosity, g* were mea-sured as functions of the frequency. Each measure-ment lasted around 10 min. As seen from ‘‘timesweep’’ measurements in the same instrument, thistime did not result in remarkable changes in theproperties of the samples. Changes might have beencaused by degradation or reactions due to the mod-ifiers left in the polymer after the LCB grafting reac-tions of Section 4.2.

The dynamic rheological data were shifted hori-zontally along the frequency axis to the temperatureof 200 �C, whenever this was possible. The time–temperature superposition was not successful forall samples, however. The failure of the superposi-tion is typical for thermorheologically complexfluids, such as the long chain branched polypropy-lenes [7].

5. Results and discussion

Table 1 shows the solubility parameters of thedifferent co-agents and that of iPP. It can be seenthere that the compatibility of iPP with the co-agents is ranked as follows:

Compatibility: DVB > FS > RES:

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The synthesised samples are reported in Table 2together with the GPC results and the gel content.This table indicates that even the simple thermaltreatment of iPP at 130 �C for 3.5 h leads to adecrease of the molecular weight of the polymer.This is not surprising if one takes into account theb-degradation reaction of iPP at this temperature.Degradation leads to formation of smaller chains,which can further react through the action of aco-agent to form LCB–PP.

For our purposes and on the basis of the reactionmechanisms described in the previous section, it issufficient to observe that an increase in the molecu-lar weight averages (Mn and Mw) relative to theblank experiment, together with a low gel content,represents an indication of LCB formation andnot cross-linking. In this respect, Table 1 shows thatthe use of DVB as co-agent resulted mainly in cross-linking of iPP, as seen from the significant amountsof gel. On the other hand, the use of RES and FSclearly resulted in an increase of the molecularweight without formation of any significant amountof gel, thus, strongly suggesting the formation ofLCB.

These preliminary conclusions have been con-firmed by the rheological analysis, which was usedas a tool to gain more detailed information on themolecular structure of the modified polymers. Figs.1, 2, 4 and 5 display the curves of the dynamic mod-

Fig. 1. Dynamic moduli of the origina

uli (G 0 and G00) as functions of the measurement fre-quency for the original iPP and several modifiedsamples.

The original iPP shows the typical curves for themoduli of a viscoelastic melt with low elasticity(Fig. 1). At low frequencies G 0 is lower than G00.The inverse of the frequency where G 0 crosses overG00 is a characteristic relaxation time for the poly-mer. In the present case tcr = 0.02 s.

When DVB is used as co-agent the shape of theG 0(x) curves remains the same but the moduli areconsiderably lower than those of iPP over the wholefrequency range (Fig. 2). The viscosity decreases,without any enhancement of the elasticity, suggest-ing that the use of DVB results in overall degrada-tion of the sample. The increase of g*(x! 0)could be an indication of some branching but, incombination with the measured gel content of thesesamples it also hints at increasing cross-linking ofthe polymer. All this is consistent with the gel con-tent data (Table 2) and the GPC data (Fig. 3), whichshow that the molecular weight decreases almostlinearly with the amount of DVB used for themodification.

At low levels of DVB, the destructive effect of theperoxide prevails. At higher levels the amount ofcross-linked iPP increases, incorporating in the net-work mostly longer chains [10]. This is responsiblefor the decrease of the mean molecular weight of

l (linear) iPP (shifted at 200 �C).

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Fig. 2. Elasticity modulus, G 0(x), and viscosity, g*(x), curves for iPP modified with the DVB co-agent (shifted at 200 �C).

Fig. 3. Molecular weight of the modified samples as function of the DVB amount.

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the non-cross-linked (soluble) part of the modifiedPP in this case. The existence of the network (gel)is the reason for the lower slopes of the G 0(x) curvesat low x in Fig. 2.

Extensive degradation of iPP was not observedwhen RES was used. The G 0(x) and g*(x) curvesof the modified samples (Fig. 4) closely resemblethe one for the original PP, not only in shape butalso in absolute values. At higher amounts of RESthere is a small reduction of the slope of G 0(x) atlow x and the increase and shifting of the Newto-nian plateau in g*(x) to lower x, hinting to the pos-sible creation of some long branches or thebeginning of cross-linking.

All samples modified in the presence of FS showhigher values for G 0 with respect to the original iPP(Fig. 5). The same is true also for the sample mod-ified with RES in the presence of styrene monomer.The slope at low frequencies is lower for all thesecurves and decreases when the amount of FS usedincreases. The zero frequency dynamic viscosityincreases with the amount of co-agent used. Theform of the curve changes and the shadow of twoinflection points (around 15 and 0.5 rad/s) startsappearing in the logarithmic plots. On the otherhand the molecular weight of these samples is notsignificantly higher than the one of the linear iPP.These are indications that, when FS is used as a

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Fig. 4. Elasticity modulus, G 0(x), and viscosity, g*(x), curves for iPP modified with RES co-agent (shifted at 200 �C).

Fig. 5. Elasticity modulus, G 0(x), and viscosity, g*(x), curves for iPP modified with FS co-agent (shifted at 200 �C).

208 E. Borsig et al. / European Polymer Journal 44 (2008) 200–212

co-agent in the modification reaction, it induceslong chain branching with no significant cross-linking.

In summary, as x! 0, the G 0(x) curves of thesamples containing DVB (0.2 and 0.25 wt%), FS(all) and the one with RES (0.25 wt%) and styrene

(5 wt%) have a logarithmic slope lower than theone of the linear polymer. In non-filled systems thiscan be attributed either to cross-linking or tobranching. On the basis of the GPC data one canrule out the possibility of branching when DVB isused. At the same time, this is a strong indication

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that LCB are formed when FS is used as a co-agentor when RES is used in combination with styrene.In the following we will try to quantify the amountof LCB that is obtained by each co-agent.

5.1. Ranking the ability of the co-agents to induce


In order to use the methods that compare thezero shear rate viscosities, the value of g0 can be esti-mated by extrapolation to zero rate using, e.g., theCross viscosity model

gð _cÞ ¼ g0

1þ ðk _cÞn : ð4Þ

Since the generation of branched structure dur-ing reaction at the solid state also results in differentmolecular weights of the samples, the application ofthe method proposed by Tsenoglou and Gotsis [23]is not straightforward. One way to circumvent thedifferences in molecular weight is to normalise g0

by M3:4w for the comparison, assuming that

Bn /g0



The values of this parameter for the samples areshown in Table 3.

With the assumption that the relative values ofg0=M3:4

w for the reacted samples can be associatedwith Bn, at least when the same linear original poly-mer and similar modification reactions are used, thesecond column of Table 3 could indicate that the

Table 3Elasticity parameters of synthesised samples

PP (w/mmol/kgPP)

g0=M3:4w �




Purea 0.7 Linear 50 –DVB 0.1 0.2 1.06 >300 –DVB 0.2 0.6 1.01 >300 –DVB 0.25 0.9 0.98 n.d. G 0 < G00 at all xRES 0.1 0.9 0.97 80 –RES 0.2 1.1 0.99 50 –RES 0.25b – – n.d. G 0 > G00 at all x

no g0 could bedefined

FS 0.1 1.5 0.97 20FS 0.15 2.2 0.94 8 and 0.08 Two crossovers,

G 0 > G00 at lowand high x

FS 0.2 4.5 0.93 (0.05) G 0 > G00 at all xa Pure PP as received.b Containing also 5 wt% styrene (with respect to the co-agent


samples modified in the presence of 0.25 DVB,0.1, 0.15, 0.2 FS, or 0.25 RES with 5% styrene havesome long branches. FS seems to be the most effi-cient, with the more used, the higher the resultingLCB. However, this can be used only as an indica-tion. In reality, Bn depends but is not proportionalto this ratio Eq. (1), and the validity of all theassumptions mentioned in Section 3 cannot be ver-ified in the present case.

Similar conclusions can be drawn when applyingthe method proposed by Janzen and Colby [24] tothe present data. The values of the constants inEqs. (2) and (3) were evaluated either from the lin-ear iPP data (A = 0.57 · 10�5) or taken from [7](B = 6). The results are shown in the third columnin Table 3 in the form of Mb/Mw. Values of thisratio above 1 are not accepted. The first three sam-ples in the table lie outside the range of applicabilityof the method. The samples from the fourth rowdownwards all show Mb/Mw < 1 and are decreasingin the same order as above.

Values of Mb close to Mw, as shown in Table 3indicate sparse branching. A decreasing value ofthe ratio indicates increasing values of Bn. Thetrends seen from the comparison of the shear viscos-ity using either of these methods, however, cannotbe considered as definite and have to be verified withother methods.

Branched polymers show higher melt elasticity ascompared to their linear equivalents because theprobability for entanglements increases with LCB.Enhancement of the elasticity can also be due tothe presence of a broader molecular weight distribu-tion. A quantitative idea of the melt elasticity for thepresent samples can be obtained from the crossoverfrequency (xcr), where G 0 becomes higher than G00

(e.g., at around 50 rad/s for the linear iPP inFig. 1). For some samples, this is reported in Table 3.

The inverse of xcr is equivalent to a characteristicrelaxation time of the material. Longer times (lowerxcr) indicate higher elasticity and, indirectly,branching. It is clear from the table that samplesprepared in the presence of FS (at all contents)and with RES in combination with styrene are moreelastic than the original iPP. Although this couldpossibly be due also to the broader molecularweight distribution (both effects could result fromthe reactions proposed in Scheme 1 and might playa role here), it is in agreement with the results of theelasticity moduli and the viscosity. A confirmationof this comes from the fact that the use of DVBresults in a decrease of the relaxation time 1/xcr in

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Table 3. This is due to the reduction of the chainlength which, in turn, decreases the possibility forentanglements.

Another way to investigate the presence of LCBinvolves the examination of the loss angle d = arc-tan(G00/G 0). Obviously, the lower the value of thisangle, the more solid-like (i.e., elastic) the materialat the corresponding frequency. The plot of the lossangle vs. the frequency is reported for all the sam-ples in Fig. 6.

The original iPP displays indeed a monotonicallydecreasing curve of d(x). The limit of d(x! 0) is90�, as the melt is a viscous liquid at infinite times.The value of the loss angle goes to zero at infinitefrequencies, where the material responds as an elas-tic solid. As soon as some modification takes placethe curve changes in position and in form.

The curves of all the samples that have been mod-ified in the presence of FS (#12, 13, 14, 17) showmuch lower values for d than the curve for iPP, indi-cating higher elasticity at the same frequencies. Asthe amount of FS increases, the curve starts to showa deflection and then a local plateau at around10 rad/s. If the system is not cross-linked the lossangle must eventually go to 90� as x! 0 but ourmeasurements do not go to very low frequencies.

Fig. 6. Loss angle, d, as a function of frequency. The

This behaviour in combination with the absence ofany significant gel amounts leads to the conclusionthat iPP samples modified using FS as co-agent havea lightly branched structure. The degree of branch-ing seems to increase with the amount of FS present.The only sample that deviates from this trend is theone that used 0.3% FS. It seems that there is a opti-mum in the amount of co-agent for branching andany amount above this has an adverse effect on theprobability of branch addition.

The examination of the RES co-agent is not asclear as the previous one. It is questionable whetherthe sample with 0.1 wt% RES displays an inflection(Fig. 6). Only in the curve of the sample modifiedwith 0.2 wt% RES (#08) is there a hint to the pres-ence of an inflection, and this sample may containsome very few branches. Sample #100, which wasmodified in the presence of 0.25% RES and 5% sty-rene shows very low values of d and a local maxi-mum. This, in combination with the absence of ameasurable amount of gel indicates that it has abranched structure.

The d(x) curves of the samples modified usingDVB as co-agent (#01, 02, 04) lie mostly above theone of the original iPP. The elasticity of these sam-ples, therefore, has been reduced by the modification.

coding of the samples is the same as in Table 2.

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The local maxima shown by #02 and #04 are due tothe presence of high levels of gel (Table 2). There isno clear indication, therefore, whether this co-agentcan induce a true branched structure to the bulk ofiPP.

Summarising the above, it seems that DVBinduces mostly cross-linking of iPP, which prevailsover LCB; RES induces long chain branching whenused above 0.2 wt% or in combination with styrene;and FS induces the formation of LCB at all concen-trations used. It should be more correct, however, tocompare the different co-agents on the basis of thesame molar fraction instead of wt%. Taking the dif-ferent molecular weight of the co-agents intoaccount one can establish the following ranking ofthe co-agents regarding their ability to induce LCB

FS > RESðþstyreneÞ > RES� DVB:

The different efficiencies of the co-agents in graft-ing iPP and in inducing the subsequent long chainbranching, as documented in the present results,can be understood from their different expectedreactivities and different solubility in iPP. DVB isa self-polymerisable monomer, it is quite solublein iPP and its double bonds can react very easilywith the free macro-radicals that are formed onthe iPP chains, resulting in grafted iPP. However,in our iPP reaction systems we usually obtain iPPgrafted with DVB chains. Each DVB chain, eventhough it is short, represents a high local concentra-tion of double bonds. This causes the formation ofknots of cross-linking iPP. The present results haveshown that insoluble cross-linked gel was producedalso at very low content of DVB.

The polar co-agents FS and RES, which are notconsidered as polymerisable monomers (they aremore reactive towards iPP than towards them-selves), proved to be more effective co-agents forbranching iPP. These co-agents are less reactiveand less soluble in iPP than DVB. However, theyfulfil the basic conditions for a co-agent: they canbe grafted on the iPP chains and, therefore, enablethe branching reactions. This was documented alsoby the increase of the molecular weight of the origi-nal iPP samples in these cases.

During the branching reactions many macro-rad-icals can be formed simultaneously along the sameiPP chain. Besides grafting, the iPP chains undergoalso b-scission (Scheme 1), something which is com-patible with the observed lowering of the Mn andthe broadening of the molecular weight distribution(Table 2). In the case of RES used together with sty-

rene as a second co-agent (as a reactive solvent forincreasing the solubility of RES) the highest valuefor the polydispersity index Mw/Mn was 10.4. Thebeneficial influence of styrene on the branching ofiPP using RES as co-agent is probably due to the‘‘quenching’’ of highly reactive macro-radicals bystyrene molecules. The resulting free radicals stabi-lised with benzylic-resonance have longer life timeand, thus, a greater chance to meet a iPP fragmentoriginating from the b-scission of iPP chains andform a branch, than the original macro-radicals.

6. Conclusions

The present work showed that it is possible toproduce LCB–iPP via solid state modification. Thisrepresents, to our knowledge, a first attempt in thisdirection, i.e., to combine the positive properties ofthe solid state chemical modification with the pro-duction of a LCB–iPP. Analysis of the samples byGPC, determination of the gel content and rheolog-ical characterisation allow the ranking of the signif-icance of the three possible processes (i.e.,degradation, cross-linking and branching) withrespect to the kind of co-agent used.

• The use of DVB results mostly in cross-linking ofthe iPP. As a very reactive polyfunctional mono-mer, DVB provides knots for the formation of aniPP network. During the polymerisation of DVBin iPP the functionality of the knots increases.Even at very low contents of DVB the formationof cross-linked PP cannot be prevented.

• The RES is effective only at high concentration(0.2 wt%) or in combination with styrene as co-monomer.

• The presence of FS induces LCB at all investi-gated concentrations (0.1–0.2 wt%).

• A preliminary ranking for the efficiency of the co-agents is

FS > RESðþstyreneÞ > RES� DVB:

• The differences in the efficiency of the co-agent toinduce LCB can be explained on the basis of thedifference in the values of the solubility parame-ter of the co-agents and iPP. Some solubility ofthe co-agent in iPP is necessary. The successof the branching of PP, however, depends alsoon the possibility to suppress the cross-linkingreaction. Polymerisable multifunctional mono-mers are not suitable to induce LCB.

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• An intermediate value of the solubility parameter(i.e., not too close to the one of iPP but also nottoo different) represents a first criterion for thechoice of the co-agent.

A more accurate understanding of the chemicalmechanism involved in the process could be gainedby taking into account also the different reactivity ofthe co-agents. Such study, as well as, a parallel oneinvolving the use of other co-agents and peroxides iscurrently under way in our three institutes.


We would like to thank Ben Norder of Delft Uni-versity of Technology and Michael Kapnistos of theFoundation for Research and Technology, Herak-lion, for assisting with the rheological measurements.


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