University of Calgary Volunteer Registration & … · Web viewAuthor Karma McEwen, System...

UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY VOLUNTEER REGISTRATION & MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (VRM SYSTEM) Administrator’s Training Guide and Resources Karma McEwen, System Administrator [email protected] April 2019 Abstract Guide to implementing the University of Calgary’s online volunteer registration and management system, including required resources for meeting legislative compliance.

Transcript of University of Calgary Volunteer Registration & … · Web viewAuthor Karma McEwen, System...

Page 1: University of Calgary Volunteer Registration & … · Web viewAuthor Karma McEwen, System Administrator Created Date 04/01/2019 14:49:00 Title University of Calgary Volunteer Registration

University of Calgary Volunteer Registration & Management System (VRM System)

Administrator’s Training Guide and Resources

Karma McEwen, System [email protected]

April 2019

AbstractGuide to implementing the University of Calgary’s online volunteer registration and

management system, including required resources for meeting legislative compliance.

Page 2: University of Calgary Volunteer Registration & … · Web viewAuthor Karma McEwen, System Administrator Created Date 04/01/2019 14:49:00 Title University of Calgary Volunteer Registration

ContentsFirst Things, First......................................................................................................................................................4

Getting Started in the Volunteer Registration and Management System (VRMS)................................................4

Step 1: Review the Risk Management & Insurance (RMI) website for up to date information........................4

Step 2: Apply for a Better Impact (Volunteer Impact) account.........................................................................4

Step 3: Request training session.......................................................................................................................4

Step 4: Set-up your Better Impact Account......................................................................................................4

Step 5: Review and familiarize yourself with the annual reporting deadlines..................................................4

Terms Used in this Document..................................................................................................................................5

Better Impact Training & Reference Links................................................................................................................6

Better Impact Glossary of Terms..........................................................................................................................6

Better Impact TV – Volunteer Impact Administrator Training..............................................................................6

Better Impact – Volunteer Impact Help................................................................................................................6

Better Impact – Volunteer Help............................................................................................................................6

Managing UC Volunteers – Compliance Components in Better Impact...................................................................7

Definition of a University of Calgary Volunteer....................................................................................................7

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP).............................................................................7

Workers Compensation (WCB).............................................................................................................................8

Legal Liability Compliance....................................................................................................................................8

Human Resource..................................................................................................................................................8

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS).................................................................................................................8

Administrators’ Roles and Responsibilities in Better Impact....................................................................................9

Enterprise/System Administrator:........................................................................................................................9

Department Administrator (DA) – Full Access......................................................................................................9

Limited Administrators.......................................................................................................................................10

Dept Admin Ltd (DAL).....................................................................................................................................10

Volunteer Coordinator (VC)............................................................................................................................10

Better Impact (BI) Account Set-Up.........................................................................................................................12

Document Library - Better Impact..........................................................................................................................13

Access Enterprise Documents............................................................................................................................13

Add/Access Department Documents..................................................................................................................13

View or Generate Link to Documents in Document Library...............................................................................13

Adding/Removing Volunteer Coordinators to Better Impact.................................................................................14

Additional Data Collection......................................................................................................................................15Page | 1

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Custom Fields.....................................................................................................................................................16

Approving Qualifications & Custom Fields..........................................................................................................16

Creating Application Forms in Better Impact..........................................................................................................18

Creating Activities in Better Impact........................................................................................................................21

Add New Category..............................................................................................................................................21

Add New Activity................................................................................................................................................22

Occupational Health and Safety Process................................................................................................................23

Occupational Health and Safety and Better Impact............................................................................................23

Volunteer Coordinator OHS Orientation............................................................................................................23

Volunteer OHS Orientation.................................................................................................................................23

Volunteer Hazard Assessment............................................................................................................................24

Volunteer Hours: Logging, Approving, Reporting...................................................................................................25

Administrator Logs Hours...........................................................................................................................25

Volunteer Logs Hours.................................................................................................................................25

Approve Hours............................................................................................................................................25

Auto-Logging Hours....................................................................................................................................25

Hours Reporting..........................................................................................................................................25

Archiving Inactive Volunteers.................................................................................................................................26

Creating Reports.....................................................................................................................................................27

Creating Export/Excel Reports................................................................................................................................28

Data Back-up Report..............................................................................................................................................29


Appendix A: Important Dates - Audit & Reporting...................................................................................................1

Appendix B: Activity Report Group Examples...........................................................................................................2

Appendix C: Banner & Mission Statement Guidelines..............................................................................................3

Appendix D: Oath of Confidentiality.........................................................................................................................4

Appendix E: Release of Liability, Waiver of Claims and Assumptions of Risks Agreement – Pg. 1 of 2.....................5

Appendix E: Release of Liability, Waiver of Claims and Assumptions of Risks Agreement – Pg. 2 of 2.....................6

Appendix F: What Type of Field to Create?..............................................................................................................7

Appendix G: Create an Activity.................................................................................................................................8

Appendix H: FOIP Compliance Guidelines..............................................................................................................10

Appendix I: Volunteer Coordinator OHS Requirements & Instructions..................................................................13

Appendix J: Volunteer OHS Requirements & Instructions......................................................................................14

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Appendix K: Creating General Interests in Better Impact.......................................................................................15

Appendix L: Sample Application Forms for Different Volunteer Types...................................................................16

Sample Volunteer Application Form for Program Volunteer – Appendix L........................................................16

Sample Volunteer Application Form for Event Volunteer – Appendix L.............................................................17

Sample Volunteer Application Form for Mentor – Appendix L...........................................................................18

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First Things, FirstGetting Started in the Volunteer Registration and Management System (VRMS)

The University of Calgary has adopted the Better Impact – Volunteer Impact system for the registration and management of the institution’s volunteers. It is important that the instructions contained in this Guide are followed carefully in order to comply with legislative requirements, and to maximize the features in Better Impact.

Step 1: Review the Risk Management & Insurance (RMI) website for up to date information

Go to: RMI website

Step 2: Apply for a Better Impact (Volunteer Impact) account If you haven’t already, go to RMI website to complete an account request form:

Step 3: Request training session All Department Administrators should arrange with RMI for hands-on training. Contact the System

Administrator at [email protected] for upcoming group training dates A University Of Calgary Volunteer Registration & Management System (VRM System) Administrator’s

Training Guide and Resources (The Guide) will then be forwarded to you

Step 4: Set-up your Better Impact Account Read the document in the Guide: Managing UC Volunteers - Compliance Components in Better Impact Review the document in the Guide: Better Impact Account Set Up Become familiar with steps identified as Required Practice. These items must be included in your

processes to meet compliance and reporting requirements. (Recommended Practices are optional.) Attend a hands-on training session – you will be guided through the initial set up of your account, and a

sample volunteer opportunity during this training – check the Risk Management and Insurance website, or contact the System Administrator at [email protected] for training schedules

Review Better Impact’s online tutorials included on page Better Impact Training & Reference Links and corresponding topics in the Guide before performing any tasks in the system

Note: It is recommended that, in addition to the instructions in this Guide, you have your Better Impact account open (logged in), and the Better Impact TV Tutorials easily accessible as you work through the set up of your account.

Step 5: Review and familiarize yourself with the annual reporting deadlines In some cases, you will be required to provide actual reporting, but mostly you will be required to

ensure your account data is complete and up-to-date to facilitate various reports required by the Enterprise Administrator. Refer to Appendix A: Important Dates - Audit & Reporting

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Terms Used in this Document Recommended Practices – identified with a - suggested practices that are preferred

they are used, but are optional. Required Practices – identified with a - certain practices that must be followed to

comply with regulatory requirements. System Administrator = Enterprise Administrator – note that these terms will be used

interchangeably throughout this Guide

Activities - specific roles/tasks performed by a volunteer that can be “assigned and scheduled” for an event or within a program. Activities are organized by the category (event/program) to which they are assigned.

Application Forms – now referred to Volunteer forms Better Impact (also referred to as Volunteer Impact) – the name of the web-based online

system used to manage volunteers at the University Categories – events or programs that have “activities” assigned to them. These should be

identified with a date or time period in their title Classifications – are used to help match the applicant to activities that fit with their

availability, type of work they prefer, the necessary time commitment, etc. Committees - a “like” group who have access to communicate with each other Custom Fields – additional data necessary to determine an applicants suitability for an

activity or role Department – is referred to as “organization” in Better Impact. Departments are any

business unit, faculty, student group, et al with a Better Impact account Department Administrator (DA) – an administrator with full configuration access to all

functions in the department’s Better Impact account Department Level – Functions that are managed and performed at the Department level Enterprise – the University of Calgary Enterprise Administrator (EA) – the University’s Better Impact account System

Administrator Enterprise Level – Functions that are managed in the University’s Enterprise account General Interests – these are to identify the types of volunteer programs or program roles

available to applicants of the department Guide, The – This document – VRMS Administrator’s Guide and Resources OHS – Occupational Health and Safety Qualifications – pre-qualifying requirements for participation in an activity or role System Administrator – aka Enterprise Administrator University, The – University of Calgary Volunteer – Individuals who, with or without special training, provide services or

assistance to the University without payment of fees, wages or salary and without any expectation of any kind of compensation (except travel costs or meal expenses).  

Volunteer Coordinator (VC) – a leader/coordinator of a specific group of volunteers for specific categories. This access is limited to directly managing volunteers and includes assigning and scheduling; logging/approving volunteers’ hours, etc. and does not have any configuration access. For OHS purposes, VC’s are referred to as supervisors

Volunteer Impact – name of the specific Better Impact system module used by the University of Calgary to manage volunteers

VRMS or VRM System – the processes and tools for managing volunteers at the University WCB – Workers Compensation

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Better Impact Training & Reference Links

Generic training and reference materials provided by Better Impact can be found at the links provided below.

Some Required Practices at the University are necessary to fulfill our regulatory compliance components and may be contrary to the instructions provided by Better Impact. It is IMPORTANT that the Better Impact tutorials are used for technical instruction in conjunction with the instructions provided in this guide.


For specific inquiries regarding Better Impact functions use the Help feature that is accessible through the

program by clicking on the question mark icon displayed on the bottom of every Better Impact screen. Technical support is available through the Chat feature, which is also accessible from the bottom of each screen.

Better Impact Glossary of TermsTerminology used in the Better Impact Volunteer Impact system

Better Impact TV – Volunteer Impact Administrator Training Videos of administrator functions in Better Impact’s Volunteer Impact module

Better Impact – Volunteer Impact HelpWritten guide for administrator functions in Better Impact’s Volunteer Impact module

Better Impact – Volunteer HelpGuide for volunteers to use the site

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Managing UC Volunteers – Compliance Components in Better Impact

There are several legislative requirements governing the engagement of volunteers at the University of Calgary. Many of these requirements can be managed within the Better Impact system. It is important that department administrators are familiar with these requirements and the necessary steps to include in the volunteer management process.

Note: The Better Impact system has a feature called Document Library. Updated versions of any documents referenced in this document can be found in the Enterprise Document Library; on the Risk Management & Insurance Website; or the governing department’s website.

Definition of a University of Calgary VolunteerIndividuals who, with or without special training, provide services or assistance to the University without payment of fees, wages or salary, and without any expectation of any kind of compensation (except travel costs or meal expenses).

Volunteers must be:

over 18 years old, and either: have Canadian Citizenship or Permanent Resident Status in Canada; or are a current international student enrolled full time at the University of Calgary and hold a Study Permit. In

this case, the volunteer activities must be short-term and incidental to their student work.

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP) The types of information that can be collected about individuals is determined by the FOIP Act, and governed at the University by the Privacy Office .

To meet compliance in the engagement of volunteers at the University, the following requirements must be met:

All Department Administrators and Volunteer Coordinators with access to Better Impact data must sign an Oath of Confidentiality (see sample at Appendix D)

A Privacy Statement must be placed on all Better Impact applications – See Creating Applications in Better Impact for required placement and wording

An opt-out disclaimer must be included in all electronic communications sent to volunteers. For disclaimer wording, refer to Appendix H – FOIP Compliance Guidelines

Photo Consent Filming and Photography forms must be signed by volunteers as outlined in the University’s Privacy Policy

Information collected from a volunteer must specifically align with the purpose of its collection as it applies to the volunteer opportunity. Guidelines for, and examples of, acceptable data collection can be found at Appendix H: FOIP Compliance Guidelines

Email communications should be sent from a address Volunteers’ profiles and associated data must be retained within Better Impact system for a minimum of

twelve (12) years as per the University’s Master Records Retention Rule GV-610-Risk Management. See Archiving Inactive Volunteers for instructions on retaining these records.

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Workers Compensation (WCB)To meet the terms of the University’s WCB coverage, volunteers must be registered, and the dates of their activities and hours worked recorded. These requirements are facilitated through the VRM system and recorded in Better Impact. Specifics are included in the instructions for Volunteers’ Hours: Logging, Approving, and Reporting

Legal Liability ComplianceRelease of Liability, Waiver of Claims and Assumption of Risks Agreement (see sample at Appendix E) Volunteers are required to accept the agreement before engaging in volunteer activities at the University. This agreement is incorporated in two places in Better Impact. To insert these statements, they must be added into the Policy Statement section of the application form at the department level. Additionally, a Custom Field created at the Enterprise level is included automatically on every application. To ensure the volunteer has accepted the agreement, Administrator’s must approve the Custom Field before the applicant can be accepted as a University volunteer. This will remain displayed on the volunteer’s Better Impact profile until the volunteer is archived.

For a current version of the Release of Liability, Waiver of Claims and Assumption of Risks Agreement go to the Document Library in Better Impact or the Risk Management & Insurance website

Human ResourceOccasionally, a role is better filled as a paid position, rather than a volunteer position. If in doubt, department’s should check with their HR representative for clarity.

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)Under the OHS Act, Regulations and Code, volunteers are considered to be workers. At the University of Calgary volunteers are regarded as employees and, as the volunteers’ employer, the University is required to ensure their safety. These processes are governed by the University’s Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS). The VRM system includes processes to help track the OHS requirements for volunteers and Volunteer Coordinators; and to facilitate volunteers/applicants’ access to prepared Hazard Assessments.

Review the page Occupational Health & Safety Process for more information about the responsibilities of Volunteer Coordinators for incorporating OHS elements into the VRM processes, including:

completing the Volunteer Coordinator OHS Orientation; directing volunteers to complete the Volunteer OHS Orientation; and, specific to each activity, the preparation and retention of Volunteer Hazard Assessments

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Administrators’ Roles and Responsibilities in Better Impact

Note: References to “Volunteer Coordinators” refers to any administrator that is involved in the management of volunteers. Dept. Administrators have additional responsibilities and function access in Better Impact, but are still considered “volunteer coordinators” for training and required documentation purposes.

In addition to the Enterprise/System Administrator, there are three levels of administrator access in the University’s VRM system. Each role has different responsibilities; and levels of functionality in the Better Impact system. The following describes the expectations of each role:

Enterprise/System Administrator:1. Staff member of the Risk Management & Insurance department2. Administrative liaison between the University of Calgary and the online system provider, Better Impact3. Liaison between the department accounts and the University’s enterprise account4. Manages the allotment of Better Impact accounts to University faculties/departments/programs5. Authorizes department administrator access to the VRM system 6. Coordinates processes for meeting regulatory compliance components7. Facilitates training for administrators8. Coordinates processes for reporting/auditing requirements9. Coordinates billing, where applicable

Department Administrator (DA) – Full Access1. Assigns and oversees Limited Administrators, ensuring the appropriate level of access to Better Impact is

granted2. Ensures Limited Administrators training and documentation requirements are fulfilled3. Develops processes for the inclusion of required Volunteer OHS Orientations and Hazard Assessments,

as applicable4. Has complete Better Impact department account configuration access5. Primary contact for the department, and liaison to the System administrator6. Develops processes for retaining historical data and documentation, as per respective University policies7. Performs any functions necessary to manage volunteers, as determined by the department's structure,

including: (Note: this list is not exhaustive)a. Recruitingb. Approving applicantsc. Creating activities d. Communicating with volunteerse. Assigning volunteers to activitiesf. Scheduling shiftsg. Logging and/or approving logged hoursh. Ensuring regulatory compliance elements are included in Better Impact (as per instructions from

Enterprise) i. Ensuring Volunteer Coordinators (Limited Admins) are advised to complete the Volunteer

Coordinator OHS Orientation j. Ensuring volunteers agree to and complete waivers; Volunteer OHS Orientation, and any other

required documentation

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k. Provisioning site-specific OHS Volunteer Hazard Assessments forms l. Provisioning volunteers with any necessary training to perform the rolem. Reviewing site-specific Hazard Assessments with volunteers and obtaining signatures on the

Volunteer Hazard Assessments formsn. Ensuring all OHS requirements are meto. Retaining OHS documentation for audit/reporting

Limited AdministratorsDept Admin Ltd (DAL)

1. Has limited Better Impact department account configuration access2. May be the primary contact for the department, and liaison to the System administrator3. Develops processes for the inclusion of required Volunteer OHS Orientations and Hazard Assessments,

as applicable4. Develops processes for retaining historical data and documentation, as per respective University policies5. Performs any functions necessary to manage volunteers, as determined by the department's structure,

including: (Note: this list is not exhaustive)a. Recruitingb. Approving applicantsc. Creating activities d. Communicating with volunteerse. Assigning volunteers to activitiesf. Scheduling shiftsg. Logging and/or approving logged hoursh. Ensuring regulatory compliance elements are included in Better Impact (as per instructions from

Enterprise) i. Ensuring Volunteer Coordinators (Limited Admins) are advised to complete the Volunteer

Coordinator OHS Orientation j. Ensuring volunteers agree to and complete waivers; Volunteer OHS Orientation, and any other

required documentationk. Provisioning site-specific OHS Volunteer Hazard Assessments forms l. Provisioning volunteers with any necessary training to perform the rolem. Reviewing site-specific Hazard Assessments with volunteers and obtaining signatures on the

Volunteer Hazard Assessments formsn. Ensuring all OHS requirements are meto. Retaining OHS documentation for audit/reporting

Volunteer Coordinator (VC)1. Performs any functions necessary to manage volunteers, as determined by the department's structure,

including: (Note: this list is not exhaustive)a. Recruitingb. Approving applicantsc. Creating activities d. Communicating with volunteerse. Assigning volunteers to activitiesf. Scheduling shiftsg. Logging and/or approving logged hours

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h. Ensuring regulatory compliance elements are included in Better Impact (as per instructions from Enterprise)

i. Ensuring volunteers agree to and complete waivers; OHS Orientation, and any other required documentation

j. Provisioning site-specific OHS Volunteer Hazard Assessments forms k. Provisioning volunteers with any necessary training to perform the rolel. Reviewing site-specific Hazard Assessments with volunteers and obtaining signatures on the

Volunteer Hazard Assessments formsm. Ensuring all OHS requirements are metn. Retaining OHS documentation for audit/reporting

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Better Impact (BI) Account Set-UpTo increase your success using the Better Impact system, planning is key. It is important to take the time to consider how your department is structured and how you would like it to be presented in the Better Impact system.

You might consider the following:

The type of programs/events you offer The specific types of tasks/roles that would be required to fulfill the needs of the programs/events Prerequisites to perform, or be assigned, to a particular task or role. Type of information needed to pre-screen the majority of your applicants The kind of data/reporting you will need about your programs/volunteer types

Throughout the following pages, you will find step-by-step instructions, or directions/links to resources necessary for setting up your Better Impact account and associated functions. These are presented in a specific order to assist you in getting your account up and running as quickly as possible.


Login as an Administrator to Better Impact: Access at

1. Identify Department Administrators a. Complete an Oath of Confidentiality for the Department Administrators (DA). Volunteer Coordinators

(VC) are also required to complete these Oaths, and should be submitted as new VCs are added to the system (form is available on the Document Library)

b. Arrange for Department Admins to take Volunteer Coordinator OHS Orientation training in Enterprise Learning

c. Add Volunteer Coordinators to Better Impact as outlined in the document Adding/Removing Volunteer Coordinators If you do not have this functionality, contact the Enterprise Administrator for assistance [email protected]

d. Arrange for all Volunteer Coordinators to take Volunteer Coordinator OHS Orientation training in Enterprise Learning

e. Return Oaths of Confidentiality to [email protected] and then f. Update the Custom Field – Volunteer Coordinator OHS Orientation complete (check box) on VC’s

Better Impact profile 2. Add Department Banner and Mission Statement using the guidelines as outlined in Appendix C3. Add account Contact information (address; email, phone, etc.)

a. Go to: Configuration tabb. Organization Settingsc. Contact info

4. Create Applications (default application) as directed in the document Creating Applications in Better Impact 5. Create General Interests as directed in the document Creating General Interests 6. Optional: Create Activity templates for roles that will be used for multiple categories or over multiple

terms/years…7. Include a link to your account on your recruiting interface (see Better Impact instructions Links for Website

and Email

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Document Library - Better Impact1. Login to Administrator view2. Go to: Configuration tab (top menu bar)3. Select Document Library

Access Enterprise Documents All documents for use by any/all Better Impact department accounts will be uploaded to the Document Library by the Enterprise Administrator. They will be delegated as visible to Administrators; Others; &/or Others (Accepted/Active Only). Only those identified as visible to Volunteers can be accessed by them directly.

**Note: Blank, up-to-date versions of the Hazard Assessment Forms will be kept here and available to the department administrators/volunteer coordinators.

1. Select View Enterprise Documents (green button top right corner of screen)2. Select relevant document File Name to open OR3. Click on icon to the left of the file name to View or Generate Link (Note: Use these links in emails,

webpages, etc. to give access to these documents)

Add/Access Department Documents Documents for specific department accounts are created and uploaded to the Document Library by the respective Department Administrator(s). These documents are visible only to the department that created them. Visibility to admins or volunteers is set when document is added to the Library.

**Note: Prepared activity-specific Hazard Assessment Forms can be kept here. If this template is not expected to be used in future, it should be removed from the Document Library and retained with the signed versions in your department records

1. Select +New Document (green button left of screen)2. Enter document Title3. Select relevant Visible To from drop down4. Check Highlight if document should be “highlighted” on MyVolunteerPage.com5. Select applicable module (if the document must be viewable by volunteers then Volunteer must be

chosen)6. Click on Select A File to upload document from your computer7. Include a Description, if desired8. Select Save

View or Generate Link to Documents in Document LibraryTo view Use these links in emails, webpages, etc. to give access to these documents)

1. Click on icon to the left of the file name to View or Generate Link

For additional instructions for the Document Library in Better Impact go to:

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Adding/Removing Volunteer Coordinators to Better Impact

The Volunteer Coordinator (VC) role is defined specifically for those who directly manage volunteers. This profile is suitable for front line coordinators who approve, assign, schedule, and communicate, etc. with volunteers. They can view and add volunteers, but not edit or remove. These individuals do not have any ability to configure the department's account.

Note: If you do not have the functionality to add administrators, contact the Enterprise Admin at [email protected] for assistance.

Note: All Better Impact administrators/coordinators are required to sign an Oath of Confidentiality, and complete the Volunteer Coordinator OHS Orientation before being granted access to the system.

If the new VC does not already have a Better Impact profile with your department then you must add them. See the Better Impact tutorial Add/Update Volunteers.

Once the new VC has a volunteer profile with your department then:1. Go to People tab2. Select Administrators from menu3. Select Add an Admin4. In Search (top right corner of screen) start entering person’s name5. Select from list6. Profile will open 7. Select the Miscellaneous tab (grey menu above name and contact information)

a. Under Administrator heading i. In Status field select Active

ii. Beside Status field select Add to Moduleiii. Select Save Statusiv. In Administrator Role select Update Administrator Rolev. In Type select Limited

vi. In Role select Volunteer Coordinatorvii. Select Save

viii. Complete Communications fields according to the access the new VC will need to manage their group of volunteers

ix. Check box for Contact Personx. Include Email Signature, if desired

xi. Leave Schedule parameters as defaultxii. Select Save

8. Go to the Custom Fields tab (grey menu above name and contact information)a. Under the heading Agreements & Acknowledgments – Administrators

i. Update Volunteer Coordinator OHS Orientation field, once course has been completedii. Update Oath of Confidentiality field, once Oath has been submitted to the System

Administrator9. Select Save

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Additional Data Collection

Frequently, more information than a volunteer’s contact information is required to:

screen them as applicants; approve their application; or assign them to specific opportunities

Better Impact provides two features to facilitate collection of additional information about the volunteer.

Qualifications; and Custom Fields

However, in accordance with the FOIP Act, administrators must be discerning about the types of information they solicit from volunteers and the type of medium used to collect and store it.

The University of Calgary considers the protection of an individual’s privacy, and protection of their information to be of utmost importance. Therefore, to ensure the requested data is in compliance with FOIP, and to reduce unnecessary clutter in the system:

Qualifications and Custom Fields requests should be submitted to the Enterprise Administrator for authorization before they are added into Better Impact. Many of these fields may be better set up at the Enterprise level as they may apply to all the accounts at the University – one question for all accounts, rather than creating the same question individually in each account.

When deciding to collect information about individuals, administrators should first consider the following:

Does this information meet the guidelines under the University’s Privacy Policy? Refer to the document Appendix H: FOIP Compliance Guidelines

Does this information need to be retained on file for an extended period of time? Could information of a temporary nature be better collected through the interview process, etc.?

**Only administrator’s with Full Access, have the functionality to create these fields.

If the information to be collected in Better Impact is determined necessary for facilitating a smooth recruitment/management process then:

refer to the document Appendix F: What Type of Field to Create ANDsubmit your request for set up to [email protected] AND provide the following in your request:

o The question or statement wordingo The response options (ie. checkbox, yes/no, dropdown of multiple responses, short text, date,

number, etc.)o Display: Indicate if the field should be visible to:

the volunteer, or only administrators at the time of application form; and/or only on the volunteer’s profile – to be updated after their application has been

accepted; AND

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o Indicate if it is a “required field” (cannot proceed without responding), or optional; ANDo Indicate if the response must be “approved” by a Dept Admin/Volunteer Coordinator before the

applicant/volunteer can be accepted for assignment

QualificationsQualifications are items such as past experience; certifications; confirm training exclusive to specific opportunities has been successfully completed; etc.

Qualifications are also:

used to pre-screen (qualify) applicants; and/or limit visibility of opportunities to only those who already meet certain criteria

When determining if a Qualification needs to be requested for a specific activity, check those already created by

the Enterprises by clicking on the button under the Qualifications tab in the Manage Activities module; (OR in the Qualifications screen, under the Configuration tab, if your admin access has that functionality)

Do NOT duplicate Qualifications already available from the Enterprise.

Custom FieldsCustom Fields provide for a versatile format of potential responses, including a checkbox; yes/no; drop-down options; short and long text fields; etc. Custom Fields can be organized under like categories (Ie. all training can be grouped together under a TRAINING Category). Custom fields are used to record a wide variety of information.

The University of Calgary enterprise has created a number of fields that are compulsory on all applications, and/or the volunteers’ profiles and cannot be removed. If your admin access functionality permits creation of

Custom Fields, first check the button under the Custom Fields tab, under the Configuration tab. Do NOT duplicate Custom Fields already available from the Enterprise.

For more information about creating Qualifications and Custom Fields refer to:

Approving Qualifications & Custom Fields

ALL Qualifications, and MOST Custom Fields, should require an administrator’s approval. Unless collecting information for general file purposes only, administrators should be checking to be sure that:

the volunteer has provided a response has provided the required/desired response and confirm that the response is accurate and complete

When applicants/volunteers respond to a Qualification or Custom Field identified as “requiring administrator approval”, the Better Impact home page dashboard will display that there are Qualifications or Custom Fields awaiting approval – see screenshot. The administrator can just click on the corresponding orange button, which

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then opens to a screen listing those applicants/volunteers awaiting approval. Applicants/volunteers cannot proceed to assignment until the Administrator sets the Qualification/Custom Field as approved.

Alternatively, Qualifications and Custom Fields can be approved by going to:

People tab Select Custom Fields and Qualifications Select Approve Custom Fields or Approve Qualifications, as applicable

Better Impact Home Page Dashboard Example

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Creating Application Forms in Better Impact

Planning is essential. The more thought given to what you need to know about your volunteer applicants (application forms), and what your volunteers need to know about your opportunities (general interests and activities), the more successful you will be in matching volunteers to the appropriate opportunities. For ideas, refer to Appendix L – Sample Application Forms for Different Volunteer Types

There are three possible applications in Better Impact. Volunteer Form 1 is automatically set as the Default Application, and should be used in most cases. The following instructions apply to ALL versions of applications and should be included on all three even if it is expected to only use one version. Those items identified with Required Practice must be included.

Note: Department = Organization

1. Go to the Configuration tab (top bar menu).2. Select Organization Settings; then Application Form Settings.

Note: Standard Contact information is included on all applications; is not displayed in the Application Form Settings; and does not need to be selected. These include:

First and Last Names Legal First Name Address Email Address Phone

Additional Information – collected on all applications to the University of Calgary

Emergency Contact Name & Phone Numbers University Affiliation – Choices include: Student; staff/faculty, public, degree grads

Required Practices3. Under General Settings select New volunteers require approval4. Select Automatically send an email to new volunteers after the volunteer application form is filled out5. In New Volunteer Email Message field include the following statements along with any other

information you would like your volunteers to know in advance of being approved:a. “As part of the application you were asked to accept our Waiver of Liability. This document

can be reviewed in detail by going to the Risk Management & Insurance website at: “

b. “Should you be accepted for this position, you will be required to complete the Volunteer OHS Orientation, if you have not already. Your Volunteer Coordinator will be in touch shortly with further instructions.”

6. Ensure a relevant message is included in the Disabled Form Message field.

All steps in Step One Settings are Required Practices

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7. Under the Step One Settings section:a. Deselect “Show the birthdate field…”b. Select “Only show required contact information…”

All steps in Policy Settings are Required Practices

8. Under Policy Settings a. Select “Require volunteers to accept your volunteer policies as the first step in filling out the

volunteer application form”b. Do NOT select “Display Acceptance Policy in page” as this will unnecessarily display the waiver

text in its entirety, on the login page.c. Under Policy Title include the text: RELEASE OF LIABILITY, WAIVER OF CLAIMS AND

ASSUMPTION OF RISKS AGREEMENT d. Under “Policy Acceptance Checkbox Label” include the text (including the information about the

waiver button: “I have read and understood the waiver below (click on Waiver button)”e. Under Policy Button Text enter: WAIVERf. Under Volunteer Policies Text include the “RELEASE OF LIABILITY, WAIVER OF CLAIMS AND


** The most current version of this document can be found on the Document Library in Better Impact or the Risk Management website. Better Impact does not always correctly display Word formatting when copy/pasted, it is recommended that you remove formatting before copying, then format to match the original using the tools in the Better Impact edit window.

Recommended Practices for Step Two Settings9. Under Step Two Settings section:

a. Do NOT select Show General Interests or Show General Availability as applications become unduly long. It is better to collect this information through the volunteers profile once they have been accepted as a volunteer.

b. Select only those Classifications crucial to screening applicants. Additional classifications can be collected later.

c. As General Availability & General Interests have not been selected previously, there is no need for any entries under these respective Form Headers.

d. As most applications will require some Qualifications and/or Custom Fields, entries under their Form Headers may be desired (optional).

Required Practice: a. Under Override notice to complete application form text include the Privacy Statement as

shown in the box on the following page – ensure that links in the statement are workingb. Select Put this message inside a “notice” container.c. Do NOT select Also include this message at the bottom of the application form.

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NOTE: Link to Privacy Policy:

10. Under the Application Complete Settings section:a. Enter your customized messaging acknowledging receipt of the application and any information

the applicant should know:i. if there are activities/opportunities available

ii. if there are not activities/opportunities available11. Save the form12. Review the form by selecting one of the green buttons at the bottom of the screen to get the same view

a volunteer applicant would see13. Generate Link button will create a link to be used on your website or other recruitment mediums to

automatically connect users to this application form

Recommended Practice: Use Volunteer Form 1 as your general default application. Use Application Forms 2 and/or 3 for opportunities that require more extensive screening, past experience, or specialized skills.

Agreements & Acknowledgements – Volunteers

The following are required custom fields that appear once on all application versions. These fields are created at the Enterprise level and cannot be removed by the department. They require an affirmative (yes) response and administrators must provide approval before accepting the applicant as a volunteer. The responses to these fields are retained on the volunteer’s profile for reference.

I have read and understood the Waiver v2-Nov 2018 found in the description box (red icon) beside this field.

I am age 18 or older. I have successfully completed the Volunteer OHS Orientation course in Enterprise Learning.

For additional video instructions for setting up applications in Better Impact go to:

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Privacy Statement

This information is collected under the authority of section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. It is required for the recruitment, scheduling, and associated reporting of volunteers and volunteer activities at the University of Calgary. For questions, please contact the FOIP Office at 403-210-8405 or at [email protected] or refer to the University of Calgary Privacy Policy.

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Creating Activities in Better Impact

Activities are the specific roles/tasks performed by the volunteer at an event or within a program. In other words, it is a function that can be “assigned and scheduled”. Activities are organized by the category (event/program) to which they are assigned.

To assist you in understanding terminology used in Better Impact, please refer to their Glossary of Terms.

It is recommended that Activities are named generically, and managed/organized by specifically named categories. For example: Sign In Desk for UCalgary Strong Festival 2018; Orientation Leader for Orientation Week Fall 2018.

Templates can be created for frequently used activities or for events/programs that will repeat from one year to the next. The same roles/tasks can also be used for various categories (events) by copying or moving. For example: Sign In Desk for the 50th Anniversary Celebrations; Sign In Desk for UCalgary Festival; Sign In Desk for Open House, etc. Refer to Activities: Move to a Different Category

NOTE: When copying or moving activities, remember to update the activity schedule and Active status, if necessary. It is difficult to find the activity if these are no updated.

Step-by-step instructions for these functions can be accessed by following the links below; or by going to Volunteer Impact Help which is accessible through the program by clicking on the question mark displayed on the bottom of every Better Impact screen. Select Volunteer Roles and choose from the listed topics.

**To meet reporting requirements, certain practices must be followed when creating activities, and will be identified as:

Required Practices Recommended Best Practices

Step-by-step instructions that include the following required and/or recommended practices listed below, can be found in Appendix G – Create an Activity

Add New Category “Category” in Better Impact refers to a collection of functions. As considerable reporting, including

assigned shifts, can be run by Category, it is recommended that these are named as the specific name of the event/program (Ie. Convocation 2018, Peer Mentor Program 2018-2019, etc.). This reporting can be further broken down by Activity and shifts.

Step-by-step instructions for Adding a New Category can be accessed at the following link:

Recommended Practices The name of the Category should be specific to the event or program by including the

date (ie. Peer Helper Group Fall 2018) The Description should include a brief description of the event or program, and any

specific information an applicant should know before signing up for any associated activities

Considerable reporting, including assigned shifts, can be run by Category. This reporting can be further broken down by activity and shifts.

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Add New Activity

Before starting in Better Impact, review the step-by-step instructions provided in Appendix G – Create an Activity, and the Better Impact tutorial Adding a New Activity at the following link:

Required Practices To satisfy Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) requirements, the Description – pre-assigned

box must include a brief description of the task; outline any physical demands or notable potential hazards; including any specific training requirements Include the Document Library URL link to the activity-specific Hazard Assessment Control

Form (HACF) as outlined in the document Occupational Health & Safety Processes Activity Report Group (under the Basic Info tab) - for WCB reporting purposes, the appropriate

group should be selected from the drop down list. See Appendix B for examples of activities that might be included in each group

To ensure the volunteer meets the University’s minimum age of 18 years select “yes” in the response box under the Qualifications tab for “Are you 18 years of age or older?” Unsure if this is necessary

Include the Feedback Field “Employee Volunteer Hours” on ALL activities. This identifies if staff/faculty volunteer hours.

Recommended Practices The Visibility and Automation tab provides settings for the type of volunteer the activity will

be Visible To. If Public is selected, the activity will be displayed on the University of Calgary’s Better Impact Search Page and visible to everyone, including the general public.

Classifications help match volunteers to activities that meet their interests and availability. Activity – should reflect the Activity Reporting Group previously selected. Select any and

all that apply. **If a different Activity Classification is required than what is already available, contact the System Administrator at [email protected] to have it created.

Suitability – targets the specific type of volunteer suitable to the task. If activity is for a specific program that requires a certain type of volunteer (ie. only students, or only alumni, only 3rd year students, etc) it should be indicated here.

Time Commitment – This section should reflect the activity’s expected hours Duration Commitment – This section should reference the required program

commitment. Some of the student volunteer positions require commitments of an entire term or several terms

Schedule – Matches volunteers’ weekly availability to the activity’s required days of attendance. These classifications cannot be changed or added to

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Occupational Health and Safety Process

Under the OHS Act, Regulations and Code, volunteers are considered to be workers. At the University of Calgary, volunteers are regarded as employees. As the volunteers’ employer, the University is required to ensure their safety. These processes are governed by the University’s Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS).

Instructions for incorporating the OHSMS into the VRM system are provided by the Environment, Health & Safety department and can be accessed at Volunteer Coordinator OHS Requirements & Instructions and Volunteer OHS Requirements & Instructions (samples of these instructions are also included in Appendix I and Appendix J). For further information and interpretation of these requirements, contact the Environment, Health and Safety department at [email protected] or phone 403-220-6345.

Occupational Health and Safety and Better ImpactTo assist with tracking OHS requirements, and to reduce unnecessary redundancies, follow the steps below to record the completion of the OHS orientations in Better Impact for Volunteer Coordinators and volunteers.

Include the following elements in Better Impact as outlined below:

Volunteer Coordinator OHS Orientation Volunteer Coordinator’s are required to complete the Volunteer Coordinator OHS Orientation course (EHS036) available in Enterprise Learning. To create a “record of completion” notation in Better Impact, update the Volunteer Coordinator’s administrator profile:

o Go to: People tabo Select: Administratorso Select: Manage Administrators

o Select options icon beside administrator’s nameo Select: Edito Go to: Custom Fields (grey menu bar)o Under the heading Agreements & Acknowledgements – Administrators check the box beside

Volunteer Coordinator OHS Orientation

Volunteer OHS OrientationBefore being approved to volunteer for the University, volunteers are required to complete the online Volunteer OHS Orientation course (EHS037) in Enterprise Learning. As it is only necessary to complete this orientation one time, volunteers may attest to a “record of completion” thereafter.

To create a “record of completion” notation in Better Impact, the volunteer should update their own profile as they are attesting that they have completed the orientation. They will find it on their myVolunteerPage (now called myImpactPage):

o Under My Profile drop-down menuo Go to: Additional Info

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o Under the heading Agreements & Acknowledgements – Volunteers, the volunteer should indicate Yes in the “I have completed the Volunteer OHS Orientation”

Before approving/accepting a volunteer, ensure that they have responded “Yes” to the Volunteer OHS Orientation Custom Field – “I have completed the Volunteer OHS Orientation.”If “NO” is checked, advise volunteer how to access the Volunteer OHS Orientation – Refer to Volunteer OHS Requirements & InstructionsDo NOT approve any volunteer until the Orientation has been completed and the attestation is updated in Better Impact

Volunteer Hazard AssessmentTo assist in provisioning the activity-specific Volunteer Hazard Assessment, include it in Better Impact by following the steps below.

**For assistance with determining the necessary frequency, and preparation, of the Volunteer Hazard Assessments for specific volunteer activities, please contact the Environment, Health & Safety department at [email protected] or phone 403-220-6345.

o It is important that the steps below are performed in the same order as outlined here:

1. BEFORE creating an Activity in Better Impact, prepare the Volunteer Hazard Assessment form (found on the EHS website)

2. Upload the “prepared” Volunteer Hazard Assessment to the department’s Document Library

3. Once Saved, click on the options icon and select “Generate a Link”. Copy this link for future use4. Create the activity in Better Impact:

a. In the Description Field of the activity include any pertinent expectations about the activity. b. Under the “Basic Info tab include the following statement in the Description – pre-assigned

box:i. “To be considered for this activity you are required to complete the Volunteer OHS

Orientation and review the Volunteer Hazard Assessment for this activity found at (include the URL previously generated to the prepared Hazard Assessment).”

Complete any remaining OHS requirements as directed in the Volunteer Coordinator OHS Orientation, and as outlined in Volunteer Coordinator OHS Requirements & Instructions

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Volunteer Hours: Logging, Approving, Reporting

Hours can be recorded by the volunteer upon completion of their shift, auto-logged, or recorded by the Dept Admin or Volunteer Coordinator. See the directions for Create an Activity document for the applicable settings to permit volunteers to record their own hours; or automatically log hours.

Step-by-step instructions for these functions can be accessed by following the links below; or by going to Volunteer Impact Help that is accessible through the program by clicking on the question mark displayed on the bottom of every Better Impact screen. Select Volunteer Roles and choose from the listed topics.

Administrator Logs Hours

Volunteer Logs Hours

Approve Hours

Required Practices Volunteers’ hours must be approved by their Dept Administrator or Volunteer


Note of Interest: If there are hours that have been logged by volunteers that have not already been approved, the Hours Approvals button will display in orange on the Home page dashboard under Status Update

Auto-Logging HoursTo set up auto-logging hours, refer to the instructions for Creating Activities in Better Impact

Hours Reporting

Submitting Hours reports to Payroll will be managed at the Enterprise level.

Required Practices All hours must be recorded and approved not later than the end of the first week in

January. You will receive a reminder on your Better Impact dashboard at the end of each term, and just before Christmas break to ensure all logged hours are up to date and approved.

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Archiving Inactive Volunteers

Archiving inactive volunteers should be done each January. This function must be complete by the end of the month. Refer to Appendix A: Important Dates. The System Administrator will remind Department Administrators through messaging in the Better Impact system before the final deadline. **Note: Before archiving, all data should be backed up to an Excel report and stored in your department’s electronic filing system (see instructions for Data Back-up).

REQUIRED PRACTICE: Archive all volunteers with an Inactive status of 12 months (1 year) or more. Do NOT Remove volunteers as this will delete all of their data from the Better Impact system.

All steps should be followed as outlined below.a. Go to: People tabb. Select Volunteersc. Select Archive Volunteersd. Under Module and Status Filters

i. Under Volunteer – select the following options only: Inactive; Short Term & Long Terme. Under Communication Filters: Leave as default Don’t Filterf. Go to: Add Search Criteria (green button at bottom of screen)

i. In Search Type field select from drop down menu: Date of Last Volunteer Status Changeg. Under Date of Last Volunteer Status Change section:

i. On or Before: Click on the green button to the right of the field – the text “Click here to set a dynamic date” will appear inside field

ii. Click inside fieldiii. Select Advancediv. Enter in next four fields respectively:

1. 1 (for 1 year); 2. Year3. Before (default)4. The Start of the Current Year

v. Select Setvi. Select Add and Go (green button at bottom of page)

h. Save and name your search “Archive-One Year Inactive” (for future use)i. Select all on page:

i. Top of page, click check box by Last Name; or ii. bottom of page, click check box Select All; or

iii. select individuals, as applicablej. Select Archive Volunteers (green button bottom of page)k. In Pop-up Reason field select from drop-down menu: Otherl. Repeat Steps j. to l. for every page in list

For more instruction about Archiving Volunteers go to:

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Creating Reports

Better Impact has provided numerous pre-built reports for hours, feedback and schedules, along with Excel exports that can filter information by any data field on your account. All report configurations can be saved for future use, useful for recurring reporting. For complete instructions for running reports in Better Impact, it is recommended that you review Better Impact’s tutorials found at and

In your Better Impact account, under the Reports tab, you will find Descriptions of the available pre-built reports. If you cannot find the report you require, follow the instructions below to create a customized report.

NOTE: All Better Impact reports can be filtered by specific criteria. Follow the directions below to select the parameters you require.

1. Go to: Reports tab (top menu bar)2. Select Descriptions to review pre-built reports; or select a specific report from the Hours; Feedback;

Schedule; or Exports/Excel Reports menus3. Under Report Settings select your preferred Export File Format; Sort order; and Date Range4. To access additional filters select Report on a specific group (green button top left) 5. Choose the Module and Status Filters; and Communication Filters, as applicable6. To access additional filters select Add search criteria (green button bottom left) of screen7. In the Search Type field a drop-down menu offers all available data fields

a. Select parameters, as applicable**Data fields can be limited and/or combined using and/or; equal, greater/less than, etc.

b. Select Add, if more than one data field is desiredc. Select Add and Go once all parameters have been defined

8. Review the People must match the following criteria section to ensure parameters are correct9. Select Match Type, as applicable10. Select Save to save report for future use; OR11. Select Search12. Search results will display13. Select Report Settings if not already done14. Select Export Report or View Report, as applicable

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Creating Export/Excel Reports

These reports are most useful for backing up your Better Impact account data as you can define the level of detail to include in the report by selecting the respective columns. However, these reports can be created for any purpose.

1. Go to: Reports tab (top menu bar)2. Select: Exports/Excel Reports3. Select report, as applicable4. Choose the Module and Status Filters; and Communication Filters, as applicable5. To access additional filters select Add search criteria (green button bottom left) of screen6. In the Search Type field a drop-down menu offers all available data fields

a. Select parameters, as applicable**Data fields can be limited and/or combined using and/or; equal, greater/less than, etc.

b. Select Add, if more than one data field is desiredc. Select Add and Go once all parameters have been defined

7. Review the People must match the following criteria section to ensure parameters are correct8. Select Save ( to save report for future use); OR9. Select Search10. Under Basic Export Columns select columns, as applicable11. Under Custom Fields, as applicable

a. Under Qualifications, as applicable b. Under General Interests/Availability , as applicablec. Under Hours Logged, , as applicable d. Under Other Settings, as applicablee. File Format: typically, Excel but, as applicable

**Optional: select Make these my default columns f. Export Profiles (green button)

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Data Back-up Report

1. Run Volunteer Profile reports for ALL status volunteers: include ALL fields:a. Go to: Reports (top menu bar); select: Exports/Excel Reports b. Select Personal Profile Exportc. Under Module and Status Filter:

i. Select: green button Export Everyoned. Under Basic Export Columns select:

i. All Name Fields (except Salutation)ii. All Status Fields

iii. All Admin Fieldsiv. All Address and Phone Fieldsv. Email and Social Fields: Select Email Address; and select the remaining at your

discretionvi. Hours Fields: at your discretion

vii. Misc Fields: select Username; the remaining at your discretione. Under Custom Fields: select All f. Under Qualifications: select Allg. Under General Interests and General Availability sections: at your discretionh. Under Hours Logged: Select: Include hours logged in exporti. Under Other Settings: Login History select: Include last login datej. File Format: select Excel or Comma Separated Values k. Click Export Profiles (green button) l. At the bottom of the web browser window it will prompt to save the file. Click on the down

triangle and choose Save As. The next window will prompt for a location to save the file. The default filename will be ProfileExport (xlsx, xls, or csv).

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Appendix A: Important Dates - Audit & Reporting The following tasks required from Dept Administrators are highlighted in yellow. Please note their respective due dates; and association to tasks performed by the Enterprise Administrator:

Month Period (Dates) Task – Dept Admin Task – Enterprise Admin

January Beginning of First Week Hours – Log & ApproveBeginning of Second Week (Jan 15 deadline)

Report Hours to Payroll

End of month Archive Inactive VolunteersEnd of month Review Privacy Statement

Placement on dept applications

End of month Privacy Review CF’s & Q’sFebruary First week Submit Oaths of

Confidentiality for new admins/coordinators

Review received OofCs with department’s listing

March First week Remind DA’s to back-up data at end of term

End of term Back-up all dataApril End of month Review Privacy Statement

Placement on dept applications

End of month Privacy Review CF’s & Q’sMay Process Better Impact

InvoiceJune End of term Back-up all dataJuly End of month Review blanket WCB

deeming orderEnd of month Privacy Review CF’s & Q’s

August End of term Back-up all dataSeptember End of month Review Privacy Statement

Placement on dept applications

End of month Privacy Review CF’s & Q’sOctoberNovemberDecember First week Remind DA’s to back-up

dataEnd of term Back-up all data

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Appendix B: Activity Report Group ExamplesFollowing are types of activities categorized in their respective Activity Reporting Groups. This list is not exhaustive, but intended as a guideline. If an activity does not seem to fall within one of the listed groups, select the “Other” group.

Activity Report Group Activities ExamplesAmbassadorial Activities on Behalf of the University

Prospective student recruitment events at high schools

Committee Activities Sitting on or chairing University committees such as the Board of Governors or its sub-committees, ethic committees, etc.; sitting on third party committees/boards as a University representative or committees related to their field of expertise.

Community Engagement Gardening; construction; preparing, cooking and serving food for places such as the Mustard Seed; environmental clean-up; tree planting; collecting/sorting/transporting donations; reading and support programs for children, etc.

Event Support Registering participants; ticket taking; directing spectators/participants; collecting money, organizing and set-up fundraising; providing event information; speakers at events; building and participating on floats; tour guides/hosts for community and other universities visiting UC facilities; driving athletes/participants

Fundraising Collecting money; organize and set-up fundraising activities; registering participants

Mentorship Peer mentors; student leaders mentors; high school student mentors; advisors, etc.

Orientation Week Support Greeting and directing students, providing campus information; facilitating informational presentations; accompanying students around the campus, leading outdoor activities

Other Volunteer Activities signing out, cataloging & shelving books; curatorial (museum) activities; facilitating seminars;

Prototype Vehicles/Building design, build and operate

Solar Car Challenge; Solar House Challenge; Zeuss Motorcycle Challenge, etc.

Research Support-Within Urban Alberta

Field work such as monitoring tree cameras; recording animal activities; working on archaeological digs; working with or acting as a research subject; laboratory work; building environmental fish research streams; locating historical records; write manuscripts; data collection; computational work in dry lab

Research Support-Within Rural Alberta

Collect meteorites; maintain/monitor technical equipment in remote locations; archaeological digs; etc.

Research Support-Outside Canada Working with researchers on archaeological digs; observations of animal behaviours in animal reserves; etc.

Staff Wellness Programs Organize walking groups; lunch time yoga groups, bocce ball, etc.Student Volunteer Programs Safewalk (accompanying students and staff walk around campus after

hours); Student First Aiders; Concrete Toboggan Challenge; participating or coaching Moot Courts or other academic challenges

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Appendix C: Banner & Mission Statement Guidelines

Banner usage

Your better Impact Banner is a customized graphic that displays to users at the top of the screen. You are welcome to use the institutional UCalgary banner for any page, but you can also create a customized banner for your department or unit using the banner template, which will be available early to mid-November.

Banner guidelines:

Banners are exactly 1002 x 124, 72 DPI, and must be uploaded as either a .png, .jpg, or.gif file. The banner template must be used to create all banners used on Better Impact. Banner images should be high quality and include only illustration or photographic content (no text). Only the university logo or the official logo lockup for your school or department is to be used on the

banner. Logos must never be stretched, compressed or rotated. See the visual identity standards guide for

more information about logo use.

Mission statements

Mission statements are a great way to summarize the values and goals of your area. The mission statements appearing on Better Impact can be customized to relate to volunteering specifically or simply reflect the values and/or goals of your faculty or department. To keep our UCalgary Better Impact Home page concise and relevant, mission statements should be short — no more than a sentence or two.

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Appendix D: Oath of Confidentiality


I, the undersigned, understand that personal information maintained in the University of Calgary’s Better Impact volunteer management system is confidential. I acknowledge that access to, and use and disclosure of this information is governed by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act of Alberta and the University’s Acceptable Use of Personal Information in Enterprise Administrative Systems Policy.

I further acknowledge that this data may only be accessed, used, or disclosed for work related purposes and that I may only use, add new information or alter, change, modify, or delete existing personal information in accordance with applicable legislation and policy and if I am authorized to do so.

I understand that all university information assets remain in the university’s custody or control and that I may not use or disclose them for any non-university work-related purpose.

I understand that failure to abide fully by the above agreement is grounds for disciplinary action up to and including termination of your relationship with the University of Calgary.

Executed by: Name (print)

Category: □ Employee □ Volunteer □ Other _______________

Received by:Name of Supervisor (print)

Signature Date_____________________

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University Policy

University Procedure


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Appendix E: Release of Liability, Waiver of Claims and Assumptions of Risks Agreement – Pg. 1 of 2

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Appendix E: Release of Liability, Waiver of Claims and Assumptions of Risks Agreement – Pg. 2 of 2

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Appendix F: What Type of Field to Create?

If you are wondering what type of field to create for your application form (Custom Field, Qualification, General Interest), here are some questions to ask yourself:

Do I need to be able to enter specific text into the field? –> Custom Field Do I need to make a value mandatory (required) when new volunteers fill in an application? –>

Custom Field or Qualification Do I need this field to be a prerequisite or essential skill for performing an Activity? –> Qualification Do I need this field to determine whether or not an Activity is visible to a volunteer? –> Qualification Does this skill or certification have an expiration date associated with it? –> Qualification Is this something that I want to display as a series of checkboxes to prospective volunteers so that

they can indicate their general areas of interest? –> General Interest

The following table should also help you in deciding whether or not to create a Custom Field, Qualification or General Interest.

Attribute Custom Field Qualification General InterestData input permitted? Yes (for Short Text,

Long Text, Number and Date fields)

No. Can only select from a list of values created.

No. Checkbox only.

Data selection permitted?

Yes (for Yes/No, Droplist and Checkbox fields)

Yes (via droplist) Yes (via checkbox)

Data upload permitted?

Yes (for File fields) No No

Data entry can have an expiration date?

No Optional No

Visible on application form?

Optional (can specify on which application forms it will appear)

Optional (can specify on which application forms it will appear)

Optional (can specify if all interests will appear on all application forms)

Required on application form?

Optional Optional No

Ranked list of choices? Alphabetical order (for Droplist fields)

Optional No

Hidden from volunteers?

Optional Optional Optional

Read-only to volunteers?

Optional Optional No

Approval required for data entry/updates?

Optional Optional No

Can be grouped into categories?

Optional No No

Better Impact-Volunteer Impact 2019 Feb 19 What Type of Field to Create Retrieved from

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Appendix G: Create an Activity

Refer to the document Creating Activities in Better Impact for guidance and explanation of terms in the following instructions.

4. Go to: Activities tab (top menu bar)5. Select Manage Activities6. First create a Category:

a. Select New Category (green button at bottom of screen)b. Enter Category name c. Enter Description. This can include information about your event/program, images, links to

more information, etc.d. Select Save

7. Select New Activity a. Select Basic Info (default) tab (top menu bar)

i. Enter Activity nameii. Select Category from drop-down menu

iii. Select Activity Report Group (these are created at the Enterprise level and align with our reporting categories for WCB purposes – see document Appendix B – Activity Report Group Examples to determine which Group best corresponds to your activity

iv. Select Application Form version (Default Application Form is Application 1)v. Select or deselect Active, as applicable

vi. Select or deselect Allow Hours Logging, as applicable vii. Select or deselect Auto Log Hours, as applicable (this setting should only be selected

for large volume recruitment activities that require little oversight of attendance)viii. Select or deselect Backup List, as applicable

ix. Enter in Description - pre-assigned a brief description of the required duties and expectations of the Activity – refer to Occupational Health and Safety Process for specifics

x. If desired, enter in Description – post-assigned any information a volunteer should know once they have been assigned to the activity

xi. If desired, enter in Internal Notes information necessary for other administrators – this is not a volunteer-viewable field

xii. Select Next (green button at bottom of page)b. Schedule tab

i. As applicable, select Recurring Pattern, Disjointed, One Time, Seasonal, No Schedule (green buttons at top of page)

ii. If previously created, select from Choose a Template drop-down an applicable schedule OR

iii. Enter schedule Pattern as per proffered fields based on the previously selected schedule pattern

iv. These parameters can be saved as a template for future use by selecting Save this as a template (green button)

v. Enter Pattern Range (dates/time period) as per proffered fields based on the previously selected schedule pattern

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vi. Select Check Shifts (green button) for a total number of shifts createdvii. Select Next (green button at bottom of page)

c. Visibility and Automation tab – these selections will determine who can see the activity and will automate shift assignment and scheduling

i. Select parameters as applicable to your needs (self-explanatory) – refer to BI tutorial Step 3 for descriptions of settings

ii. Select Next (green button at bottom of page)d. Qualifications tab

i. Select displayed Qualifications as applicable to this Activity **Note: Qualifications required by ALL University of Calgary volunteers will not appear here as they are automatically added to all of your applications

ii. Select Next (green button at bottom of page)e. Feedback Fields tab –

i. Include the Feedback Field “Employee Volunteer Hours” on ALL activitiesii. Select the box beside any other Feedback Field applicable to this activity.

**When hours are logged for the activity, volunteers will be asked the question posed in the “Display to volunteers as” column.

a. Classifications tab – these selections are Search criteria for volunteers to filter opportunities based on their particular interests and availability

iii. Select displayed Classifications under each tab (Activity, Suitability, Time Commitment, Duration Commitment, Schedule) as applicable to this Activity Select Next between tabs (green button at bottom of page)

8. Select Save (green button at bottom of page)

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Appendix H: FOIP Compliance GuidelinesAs a public body, the University of Calgary is subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (“FOIP”) among other legislations.

The FOIP Act is broadly divided into two parts; Access and Privacy. The access portion of the legislation addresses the specifics of how the University provides access to records while the privacy portion addresses the collection, use and disclosure of records. In terms of the volunteer program, the primary concern lies with the collection, use and disclosure of personal information.

CollectionSection 33 of the FOIP Act states that “No personal information may be collected by or for a public body unless…

(c) that information relates directly to and is necessary for an operating program or activity…

Specific types of personal information must be collected from volunteers for the purpose of operating the volunteer program such as external reporting of hours to WCB and/or complying with regulatory requirements. This information is directly related to the operation of the volunteer program and is therefore compliant with Section 33(c). This may include first name, last name, hours worked, contact information and/or emergency contact information of the volunteer.

Additional types of personal information may be collected from volunteers as long as they are directly necessary for the particular volunteer program:

For example, peer to peer volunteer opportunities are often based on registration in a particular program; in this case, it is permissible to ask the volunteer their program of study.

For example, if a volunteer opportunity required fluency in a second language, it is permissible to ask the volunteer if they are fluent in a second language.

For example, if a volunteer opportunity requires that the volunteer have a specific certification such as CPR/First Aid (ie. Student Medical Response team), it is permissible to ask the volunteer if they currently possess that certification and provide a copy for viewing to the Better Impact department administrator. It is not permissible to make a copy of the certification or retain it in a university file.

Under no circumstances, without prior approval of the privacy office, is it permissible to ask volunteers sexual orientation, sexual identity, religion and/or medical information including current medications, past/current medical conditions or limitations. This is sensitive personal information which is not necessary for the operation of the volunteer program. As an additional note, medical information is classified as Level 4 restricted data under the current university Information Security Classification Standard ( ) and has different hosting requirements than Level 1-3 data. Better Impact system has approved host Level 3 data and any deviation from this would require additional security, legal and privacy review.

Use and Disclosure All information collected is to be used for the administration of volunteer opportunities only. This includes information provided directly by volunteers on the Better Impact platform and/or information gathered by

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department administrators pre- or post- volunteering. Information cannot be disclosed (shared) between departments, repurposed or entered into any other software/platform.

For example, contact information provided by a volunteer as part of their registration in the Better Impact platform cannot be used for any purpose other than communicating about a volunteer opportunity. This information cannot be used to contact the volunteer about events, fundraising opportunities and/or guest speakers. The purpose must be consistent with why the information was originally collected.

For example, if “John”, a staff member, identified as having a CPR certification on the Better Impact platform, this information cannot be shared among the department or “John” made the default CPR resource.

Communication and CASLThe University is subject to the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (“CASL”). CASL only applies to commercial electronic messages (“CEM”) sent as part of commercial activities. Communications with volunteers should not qualify as Commercial Electronic Messages – communications should be strictly limited to volunteer opportunities (participating, sending scheduling information).Contacting a volunteer to offer a special discount, promotional pricing or event access in recognition of their volunteer activity is a consistent purpose under FOIP. However, this may qualify as a CEM. If it is a CEM, the Marketo system must be used.

Timeline for CommunicationsElectronic communication with volunteers is limited to two (2) years from the date of when they last participated in a volunteer opportunity.

If more than two years has passed since the volunteer has been active, they cannot be contacted.

If after contacting an active volunteer, a request is received, written or verbal, that they no longer wish to be contacted, we must cease all communications immediately.

Communicating with VolunteersThe recommended method for communicating with volunteers is that each department create a generic email account that can be used when sending email messages to volunteers. This is recommended for the following reasons:

Allows for permission-based access that can be added/removed for departmental administrators and those who work in the Better Impact platform.

Email communication can be tracked internally Adheres to University policy that states all university business should be sent using email account. Ensure that all records remain in the custody and control of the University

Each and every communication sent electronically should list all recipients in the bcc’ line of the email to protect personal information from being shared and remove the ability to reply all. Never put volunteer email addresses in the cc field. All electronic communications must provide information on how to opt-out of receiving any future communications from the University regarding the volunteer system. Text is department specific but must allow the volunteer to opt-out easily. Include the following statement in all electronic communications:

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“If you no longer want to receive communications from (enter dept name here), contact department administrator (enter dept admin contact information – including name, email, and phone number). If you no longer want to receive any communications from the University regarding volunteering/ and or have your BI account made inactive, please contact the University of Calgary VRM System Administrator at [email protected].”

This does not constitute a CASL compliant unsubscribe mechanism. If you are sending a CEM, you must use the Marketo system to be fully CASL compliant. While Better Impact platform does have the functionality to send email messages to volunteers; this course of action does not adhere to University policy or FOIP requirements and therefore we do not recommend using this option.

Text MessagingText messages are not to be used for substantive communications. Text messages are only permitted for temporary communications relating to specific volunteer activities such as confirming a volunteer’s attendance, event details that have changed, logistics and/or emergency situations.

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Appendix I: Volunteer Coordinator OHS Requirements & Instructions

For complete and up to date information and active links, please go to: Volunteer Coordinator OHS Requirements & Instructions

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Appendix J: Volunteer OHS Requirements & Instructions

For complete and up to date information and active links, please go to: Volunteer OHS Requirements & Instructions

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Appendix K: Creating General Interests in Better Impact

1. Go to Configuration tab (top menu bar)2. Select General Interests

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3. Select New General Interest (green button)4. Enter General Interest name – typically a program or event; or specific area of interest such as a

particular level or group of participation (some examples could be “Event Planning” or “Peer Support” for a program volunteer; “Supervising High Energy Activities” or “Evaluation Roamer” for an event volunteer)

5. Select Active if General Interest should be active and to appear in the areas selected in the Visibility section further down the page

6. Under Application Form, select corresponding Application version7. Select Visibility area

a. Note: It is not recommended that General Interests are selected to display on the Application Forms as they will only display if ALL General Interests are selected to display, therefore cluttering your applications. Volunteers can update their profiles with this information later

8. Enter a brief Description9. Select Classifications under each tab (Activity, Suitability, Time Commitment, Duration Commitment,

Schedule), as applicable**Note: these selections are Search criteria for volunteers to filter opportunities based on their particular interests and availability

For additional instructions for setting up General Interests in Better Impact go to:

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Appendix L: Sample Application Forms for Different Volunteer Types

Sample Volunteer Application Form for Program Volunteer – Appendix L

Contact Information (included on all applications and is not displayed in the Application Form Settings) Legal First Name First Name (required) Last Name (required) Address (required) Email Address Home Phone Work Phone Cell Phone Phone Preference

University of Calgary Field Are you 18 years of age or older? (required) Emergency Contact Information

o Emergency Contact Nameo Primary Phone Numbero Secondary Phone Number

Agreements & Acknowledgement – Volunteerso I have read and understood the Waiver v2-Nov 2018 found in the description box (red icon)

beside this field (required) University Affiliation – Check all that apply

o Are you a member of the public?o Are you a current University of Calgary student?o Are you a current University of Calgary staff or faculty member?o Did you graduate from the University of Calgary with a degree?

Suggested Custom Field Why do you want to volunteer for this position? What relevant experience do you have? What skill areas are you looking to develop through this position? Please provide any further information that you would like us to consider when determining your

volunteer placement.

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Sample Volunteer Application Form for Event Volunteer – Appendix L

Contact Information (included on all applications and is not displayed in the Application Form Settings) Legal First Name First Name (required) Last Name (required) Address (required) Email Address Home Phone Work Phone Cell Phone Phone Preference

University of Calgary Required Field Are you 18 years of age or older? (required) Emergency Contact Information

o Emergency Contact Nameo Primary Phone Numbero Secondary Phone Number

Agreements & Acknowledgement – Volunteerso I have read and understood the Waiver v2-Nov 2018 found in the description box (red icon)

beside this field (required) University Affiliation – Check all that apply

o Are you a member of the public?o Are you a current University of Calgary student?o Are you a current University of Calgary staff or faculty member?o Did you graduate from the University of Calgary with a degree?

Suggested Custom Field T-Shirt Size (Shirts will be loaned during the event): S, M, L, X, XXL How did you hear about this volunteer opportunity? Is there anything that you believe would be important for us to know about you?

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Sample Volunteer Application Form for Mentor – Appendix L

Contact Information (included on all applications and is not displayed in the Application Form Settings) Legal First Name First Name (required) Last Name (required) Address (required) Email Address Home Phone Work Phone Cell Phone Phone Preference

University of Calgary Required Field Are you 18 years of age or older? (required) Emergency Contact Information

o Emergency Contact Nameo Primary Phone Numbero Secondary Phone Number

Agreements & Acknowledgement – Volunteerso I have read and understood the Waiver v2-Nov 2018 found in the description box (red icon)

beside this field (required) University Affiliation – Check all that apply

o Are you a member of the public?o Are you a current University of Calgary student?o Are you a current University of Calgary staff or faculty member?o Did you graduate from the University of Calgary with a degree?

Suggested Custom Field What does mentoring mean to you? What skills/strengths do you bring with you as a mentor? What type of work environment most suits your work style? Is there a mentee/protégé who you would prefer to be matched with? What are your hobbies and interests? What do you hope to get out of this experience?

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