UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA NOTES : * If the thesis is CONFIDENTIAL or RESTRICTED, please attach with the letter from the organisation with period and reasons for confidentiality or restriction. PSZ 19:16 (Pind. 1/07) DECLARATION OF THESIS / UNDERGRADUATE PROJECT PAPER AND COPYRIGHT Author’s full name : KHAIRULANWAR BIN OTHMAN Date of birth : OCTOBER 21 st 1988 Title : ENERGY AUDIT FOR LABORATORY IN FKE Academic Session : 20010/2011 I declare that this thesis is classified as : I acknowledged that Universiti Teknologi Malaysia reserves the right as follows: 1. The thesis is the property of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. 2. The Library of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia has the right to make copies for the purpose of research only. 3. The Library has the right to make copies of the thesis for academic exchange. Certified by: SIGNATURE SIGNATURE OF SUPERVISOR 881021-23-5283 FARIDAH BTE HUSSIN (NEW IC NO. /PASSPORT NO.) NAME OF SUPERVISOR Date: 15 th MAY 2011 Date: 15 th MAY 2011 CONFIDENTIAL (Contains confidential information under the Official Secret Act 1972)* RESTRICTED (Contains restricted information as specified by the organisation where research was done)* OPEN ACCESS I agree that my thesis to be published as online open access (full text)


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Author’s full name : KHAIRULANWAR BIN OTHMAN

Date of birth : OCTOBER 21st 1988


Academic Session : 20010/2011

I declare that this thesis is classified as :

I acknowledged that Universiti Teknologi Malaysia reserves the right as follows:

1. The thesis is the property of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

2. The Library of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia has the right to make copies

for the purpose of research only.

3. The Library has the right to make copies of the thesis for academic


Certified by:


881021-23-5283 FARIDAH BTE HUSSIN


Date: 15th MAY 2011 Date: 15th MAY 2011

CONFIDENTIAL (Contains confidential information under the

Official Secret Act 1972)*

RESTRICTED (Contains restricted information as specified by

the organisation where research was done)* OPEN ACCESS I agree that my thesis to be published as online

open access (full text)

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“I hereby declare that I have read this thesis and in my opinion this thesis is

sufficient in terms of scope and quality for the award of the degree of Bachelor of

Electrical Engineering


Signature : ............................................

Name of Supervisor : CIK FARIDAH HUSSIN

Date : 15th

MAY 2011

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A report submitted in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the award of the degree of

Bachelor of Engineering


Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

MAY 2011

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I declare that this thesis entitled “Energy Audit for Laboratory in FKE” is the result

of my own research except as cited in the references. The thesis has not been

accepted for any degree and is not concurrently submitted in candidature of any other


Signature : ....................................................


Date : 15th

MAY 2011

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Dedicated, in thankful appreciation for support, encouragement and understanding to

my beloved mother, father, brothers, and sisters.

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Firstly, I would like to express my heartily gratitude to my former supervisor,

Cik Faridah Hussin for his proposal and guideline to this project. Also to Dr. Yusri

Hassan, Assoc. Prof. Faridah Taha and Dr. Sophan Wahyudi for their ideas and

advices in order to complete this project.

My appreciation also goes to my family who has been so tolerant and

supports me all these years. Thanks for their encouragement, love, and emotional

support that they had given to me.

I would also like to thank all FKE laboratories technician for their co-

operations, guidance and help in this project.

Nevertheless, my great appreciation dedicated to my entire friend and all SEE

members‟ batch 2011 and those who involve directly or indirectly with this project.

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Energy is an important element in human daily life. There are various types

of energy like kinetic energy, mechanical energy, and heat energy but on this project,

we are focus on electrical energy. In Malaysia, more than 80% of electrical energy

produced from burning fuels that will cause of carbon dioxide emission (CO2) to

atmosphere. In other words, the more electricity energy is use; produces the more

CO2 emitted to the air space and will cause global warming. This effect could be

reduced with less energy consumption. Therefore, this project focuses on energy

saving that can be done on the lighting system of 47th

laboratories in FKE. Initially,

the existing lighting system in FKE laboratory is analyzed in term of total power,

energy consumption, and electricity payment per month and per year for FKE

laboratory. As the result, three methods of energy saving proposed i.e. replacing

existing T8 fluorescent lamp with T5 RetroSaver lamp, installing sensor, which are

containing motion sensor, and infrared sensor and the combination of T5 RetroSaver

lamp and sensor. The total cost, annual profit, and payback period for each method

are also studied. This project also developed simple calculator software called Green

Calculator (GC) using NetBeans version 5.5 software. This software could be used to

calculate energy consumption, power, electricity bill payment, no of lamps can be

install in specific area, and to check the illumination standard of the building.

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Tenaga adalah satu element yang sangat penting dalam hidup seharian.

Tenaga boleh dibahagikan kepada banyak jenis antaranya adalah tenaga kinetik,

tenaga mekanikal, dan tenaga haba tetapi di dalam projek ini akan dibincangkan

mengenai tenaga elektrik. Di Malaysia lebih daripada 80% janakuasa elektrik

kebanyakannya menggunakan arang batu dan juga diesel sebagai bahan bakar.

Pembakaran arang batu ini menyebabkan meningkatnya pembebasan gas karbon

diaoksida (CO2). Kesimpulamnya, peningkatan gas karbon dioksida adalah

berhubungkait dengan peningkatan penggunaan tenaga elektrik. Semakin tinggi

penggunaan tenaga elektrik, semakin meningkatlah pembebasan gas karbon dioksida.

Semua ini adalah punca terjadinya Pemanasan Global. Suhu dunia kini semakin

meningkat dari setahun ke setahun akibat dari peningkatan gas karbon dioksida ini.

Projek ini dibuat akibat daripada masalah tersebut. Tujuan utama projek ini adalah

untuk mengkaji penggunaan tenaga elektrik di makmal fakulti kejurueraan elektrik,

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Seterusnya, mencadangkan kaedah-kaedah untuk

menggurangkan pengunaan tenaga elektrik di FKE. Projek ini hanya melibatkan

sistem pencahayaan di 47 makmal di FKE. Analisis dimulakan dengan mengkaji

sistem pencahayaan yang telah sedia ada berdasarkan penggunaan tenaga elektrik,

pembayaran bill elektrik dan juga piawaian pencahayaan. Seterusnya, tiga kaedah

untuk mengurangkan penggunaan tenaga elektrik di kaji. Antara kaedah-kaedahnya

adalah menggantikan semua lampu T8 yang sedia ada dengan lampu T5 RetroSaver,

kedua memasang sensor pegerakan dan sensor haba disemua makmal di FKE dan

akhirnya mengkombinasi kan kedua-dua kaedah tadi dalam satu masa. Kaedah-

kaedah ini dikaji berdasarkan jumlah modal, keuntungan tahunan dan tempoh masa

pulangan modal. Akhir skali, dalam project ini satu kalkulator yang diberi nama

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Green Calculator (GC) akan diprogramkan. Kalkulator ini berfungsi untuk mengira

jumlah penggunaan tenaga, kuasa, dan jumlah pembayaran bill elektrik dalam masa

sebulan dan setahun. Ia juga berupaya untuk memeriksa sama ada nilai pencahayaan

sesebuah bilik itu mencapai piawaian pencahayaan atau tidak. GC juga berupaya

untuk mengira secara teori jumlah lampu yang perlu dipasang di dalam sesebuah

kawasan bilik.

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1.1 Introduction 1

1.2 Project Objective 2

1.3 Scope of Project 2

1.4 Methodology 3

1.5 Chapter Outline 4


2.1 Global Warming 5

2.2 Green Building 6

2.3 Energy 9

2.3.1 Electricity Energy Consumption 10

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2.4 Lighting System 10

2.4.1 Reflector 13


2.4.2 Lighting Measurement

2.4.3 Sensor Motion Sensor Infrared Sensor

NetBeans 5.5







3.1 Introduction 19

3.2 Overall Energy Consumption 19

3.3 FKE Laboratory Audit

3.4 Existing Lighting System Analysis




4.1 Introduction 42

4.2 Strategies to Reduce Energy Consumption 43

4.2.1 Replacing T8 fluorescent lamp with T5

RetroSaver lamp




Adding sensor to the existing system

The combination of T5 RetroSaver &




4.3 Graphical Analysis 48

4.3.1 Energy Consumption (kWh) 48

4.3.2 Electricity Bill Payment (RM) 50

4.4 Economic Engineering Analysis

4.4.1 Replacing T8 fluorescent lamp with T5

RetroSaver lamp

4.4.2 Adding sensor to the system

4.4.3 The combination of T5 RetroSaver &






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4.5 Software Development

4.5.1 Energy Consumption

4.5.2 Lux Standardize

4.5.3 Lamp Fitting Design





5.1 Conclusion 61

5.2 Recommendation 62



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2.1 Fluorescent tube diameter designation 11

3.1 Total Energy Consumption in FKE for all equipment [10] 20

3.2 The list of laboratories that were audited. 22

3.3 Total fitting and total lamp each laboratory in FKE 24

3.4 Total fitting and total lamp for seven block in FKE



3.5 Power, Energy Consumption, and Electricity Bill



3.6 Power, Energy Consumption, and Bill Payment (Per

Month) for the Existing Lighting System


4.1 Power (kW), Energy Consumption (kWh/month), and

Bill Payment (RM/month) for FKE Laboratory by each

building after installing T5 RetroSaver


4.2 Power (kW), Energy Consumption (kWh/month), and

Bill Payment (RM/month) for FKE Laboratory by each

building after installing Sensor


4.3 Power (kW), Energy Consumption (kWh/month), and Bill

Payment (RM/month) for FKE Laboratory by each

building after installing T5 lamps and Sensors


4.4 Energy Consumption and Electricity Bill Payment (per

month and per year) of Existing Lighting System and each


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method in FKE Laboratory

4.5 Reflector and T5 RetroSaver Cost by each building in

FKE Laboratory


4.6 Comparison of Electricity Bill Payment (RM) before and

after installing T5


4.7 Total Sensor Cost 53

4.8 Annual Profit of Sensor Method 53

4.9 Annual Profit and Total Cost of method 3 54

4.10 Payback Period each methods 55

4.11 Maintenance Factor 59

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1.1 Project Methodology 3

2.1 The Malaysian Office Building Energy Intensity [5]


2.2 Type of building in Malaysia 7

2.3 Methods to reduce energy consumption 8

2.4 Total Energy Consumption in Malaysia Building [5] 9

2.5 T5 RetroSaver Lamp 12

2.6 Cross section of a typical fluorescent lamp with reflector

(right), without reflector (left)


2.7 Full mirror reflector 14

2.8 Prismatic Diffuser 14

2.9 Cross section of Prismatic Diffuser (left) and Full Mirror

Reflector (right)


2.10 Environmental Quality Meter Mini (850070) 15

2.11 Motion Sensor (Left) and Infrared Sensor (Right) 17

2.12 NetBeans start-up page 18

3.1 Energy Consumption in FKE for all equipment 20

3.2 Total Energy Consumption for all equipment 21

3.3 Plant of FKE building 22

3.4 Energy Consumption for Existing Lighting System in

FKE Laboratory


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3.5 Electricity Bill Payment for Existing Lighting System in

FKE Laboratory


4.1 Energy Consumption (kWh/month) in FKE Laboratory 48

4.2 Total Energy Consumption (kWh/month) for lighting

system in FKE Laboratory


4.3 Percentage of Reduction Energy Consumption

(kWh/month) for Lighting System in FKE Laboratory


4.4 Total Electricity Payment (RM/month) for lighting

system in FKE Laboratory


4.5 Main Interface Green Calculator (GC) 56

4.6 Energy Consumption Interface 57

4.7 Lux Standardize Interface 58

4.8 Lamp Fitting Design 60

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CO2 Carbon Dioxides

FKE Electrical Engineering Faculties

GC Green Calculator

IDE Java-based development environmental

JKR Jabatan Kerja Raya

LEB Low Energy Building

PTM Malaysia Energy Center

UF Utilization Factor

UTM University Technology Malaysia

ZEO Zero Energy Office

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A Analysis of Power Consumption, Energy Consumption

and Electricity Bill Payment (per month) for all three



B T5 RetroSaver advertisement 74

C T8 lamps lumen table 75

D Utilization Factor (UF) table 78

E T5 lamp data sheet 77

F Sensor block diagram 79

G JKR Illumination Standard 80

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1.1 Introduction

Recently, there has been a growing concern about energy consumption and its

adverse impact on the environment. Electrical energy has significant role in world

nowadays and had caused an issue on the sustainability to the energy resources in the

future. Inefficient use of energy today will give a bad impact to the next generation.

Global warming is one example caused by inefficient use of energy. Nowadays

global warming phenomenon is a serious issue. It occurs due to the increasing of

carbon dioxides (CO2) in our ozone surface. The increasing of CO2 is an effect of

fossil fuels burning to fulfill energy demand. In short term, the most significant

impact that can be sees is the increase in electrical energy consumption (kWh) and

electricity bill payment (RM). In addition, the power failure might be occurred

frequently as a result of not enough the generator to meet demand from consumers.

Hence, people must be given an awareness on how to use energy in a more efficient

way. Apart from that, energy audit should be done for the preliminary estimation of

savings potential.

The objectives of energy audit are to estimate the energy uses and losses and

improve the energy efficiency. The accurate and complete dates are essential factors

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to determine the energy audit‟s success. The energy audit is a very interesting and

complex work. The building energy audit is a process evaluate the energy used in the

building structure and to identify the opportunities of reducing the energy

consumptions. Therefore, the first step is to estimate how much energy consumed in

the building and to find out the saving potential. The major task in this project is that

to conduct a basic energy audit focuses on lighting in all laboratories of electrical

engineering faculties (FKE).

1.2 Project Objectives

The objectives of this project are, to analyze the existing lighting system in

electrical engineering faculties (FKE) laboratory, to propose three methods to reduce

electricity energy consumption (kWh) in FKE laboratory, and lastly, to develop

calculator to calculate total electricity energy consumption (kWh) and total and

electricity bill payment (RM) per month and per year. This calculator can be used to

determine the illumination (Lux) of the building and compare it with the standard

from Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR). In additional, it is also can calculate the total no of

lamps that can be installing in a specific area.

1.3 Scope of project

This project focuses on lighting system in 47 laboratories of seven building of

Electrical Engineering Faculty (FKE) Laboratory, University Technology Malaysia

(UTM). The buildings are P02, P03, P04, P06, P07, P08, and P15.

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1.4 Methodology

Diagram below show the five steps to achieve this project objective.

Figure 1.1: Project Methodology

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1.5 Chapter Outline

This thesis has five chapters. Brief description of each chapter is as follows:

Chapter 1: This chapter explains the introduction to the current issues that

make came out with this energy audit project. Besides that, this chapter describe

about objective, scope and methodology of project.

Chapter 2: The literature review and theory are focused in chapter 2. The

content of global warming, definition of green building, concept of energy in

Malaysia, basic principal of lighting system and basic information of NetBeans 5.5


Chapter 3: This chapter consists of preliminary auditing for FKE at P02,

P03, P04, P05, P06, P07, P08, and P15 laboratories. The analysis of existing lighting

system in FKE laboratories in term of energy consumption (kWh) and bill payment

(RM) use also being analyzed in this chapter.

Chapter 4: This chapter propose three methods to reduce energy

consumptions. The analysis of energy consumption and bill payment after applying

each method use also being discussed including the analysis on total cost, annual

profit and payback period. Apart from that, this chapter introduce user-friendly

calculator, know Green Calculator software.

Chapter 5: For this closing chapter, discussion and conclusions will be

presented. Some recommendation also will be stated in this chapter.

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2.1 Global Warming

Global warming gives a very bad effect to us. This global warming happens

because of carbon dioxide (CO2) emission due to increasing electricity load. When

we are as the consumer of electricity use a lot of energy especially in peak hour, the

burning of fossil fuels will be increase to fulfill energy demand by consumer. As we

all knew, burning of fossil fuel will emit several of danger gas and the major is gas

carbon dioxide (CO2). According to World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the

global average surface temperature has risen by 0.74°C since the beginning of the

20th century, and the temperature has risen by 0.18°C over the last 25 years [6]. That

means, our earth become hot year by year. Therefore, it is our responsibility to take

action. User need to use energy efficiently and optimize energy consumption. We

need to reduce our waste because it is the energy we saved, that will be the largest

energy source. Whenever energy saves, not only save money, it is also reduce the

demand for such fossil fuels as coal, oil, and natural gas. Less burning of fossil fuels

also means lower emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), the primary contributor to

global warming, and other pollutants. The average American produces about 40,000

pounds of CO2 emissions per year [6]. Together, we use nearly a million dollars

worth of energy every minute, night and day, every day of the year.

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2.2 Green Building

Green Building idea has been design to ensure the global warming

phenomenon will not be setting worse. Green Building is a comprehensive approach

to the design land use, construction, and long-term operation of a building. This

green building use renewable energy such as daylight through passive solar, active

solar and photovoltaic technique. This Green Building is so important because it one-

way to reduce energy consumption, also increasing the efficiency of resource use and

most important is to reduce global warming. In Malaysia, there are two example of

Green Building, which are Low Energy Building (LEB) and Zero Energy Office

(ZEO). Initially, Malaysia Energy Center (PTM) or now their new name is Green

Technology Malaysia come out the idea to increase energy efficiency by using Low

Energy Building (LEB). This LEB already success in achieved a building energy

index (BEI) of 100kWh/m2 per year and saving energy more than 50% [5]. After

success of Low Energy Building (LEB) project, PTM come with the idea of Zero

Energy Office (ZEO). The objective of ZEO is to achieve BEI of as low as

50kWh/m2 per year with use of renewable energy [5].

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Figure 2.1: show that the Malaysian Office Building Energy Intensity [5]

Figure 2.2: Type of building in Malaysia

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There are various many methods that being use by ZEO to achieve zero

energy consumption. Here, only four major methods were discussing that currently

used by PTM. Firstly, double-glazing and special filter glass. This equipment allows

cool visible light and reduces heat radiation from direct sunlight into building.

Secondly, roof lights and light shafts that transmit day light into the building interior.

This method will reduce lighting usage. Next, Building Integrated Photovoltaic

(BIPV) also installed in ZEO building. The basic operation of BIPV is during day it

will provides all the electricity and export excess electricity into the national grid

then during night it will import back the electricity from national grid to run the

building electricity system [8]. The last method is using the equipment that store the

building cooling system in phase change storage tanks and during the day, gradually

release it into the building.

Roof lights

Light shafts

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Double glazing and special

filter glass

Figure 2.3: Methods to reduce energy consumption

2.3 Energy

Final energy is the energy supplied to the consumer in each end-use sector,

that will ultimately converted into heat, light, motion and other energy services. It

does not include transformation and distribution losses [4]. There are various

methods for proper energy management and the most important is to look at the

common electrical load in the building. The common electrical loads are the

fluorescent lamp (lighting system) and air conditioning. Cooling and lighting systems

typically use the most energy in a building in our country. Figure 2.4 show the result

from a study conducted by Malaysia Energy Centre (PTM) in 2003 on government

building based on conventional design [5].

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Figure 2.4: Total Energy Consumption in Malaysia Building [5]

2.3.1 Electricity Energy Consumption

The energy consumed by an electrical device is the wattage of the device

multiplied by its hours of use. Electricity Bill payment is the Energy Consumption

multiplied by C1 tariff (all hour usage)

Energy Consumption (kWh) = System Input Wattage x Hours of Operation (2.1)

Electricity Bill Payment (RM) = Energy Consumption (kWh) x 0.288 (2.2)

2.4 Lighting System

Lighting system contribute 34% of energy consumption in building. Light is

a visually evaluated radiant energy, which stimulates human eyes and enables them

to see [5]. Illumination (Lux) is a measurement brightness of lamp. Each type of

room already have it‟s standardize by Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR). The working area

such as office should operate within the specified amount of luminance. Too much

luminance will contribute to health problems especially the eyes. Lamp are typically

identified by a code, such as F36 T8, where F is for fluorescent, the first number




Total Energy Consumption in Building

Air Conditioning

Othe Equipment

Lighting system

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indicates the power in watts (36W), where the T indicates that the shape of the bulb

is tubular, and the last number is the diameter in eighths of an inch ( inch ). Table

2.1 show that the tube diameter designations with its diameters measurement.

Table 2.1: Fluorescent tube diameter designation

Tube diameter


Tube diameter measurements

Inches Millimeters

T2 2/8 7

T4 4/8 12

T5 5/8 15.875

T8 8/8 25.4

T9 9/8 28.575

T12 12/8 38.1

T17 17/8 53.975

In Malaysia building, the common type of lamp install is 2nd

generation type

of lamps which is T8 fluorescent lamp. This T8 lamp is krypton-filled lamp with a

diameter of 25.4mm (1”) and with a length dictated by wattage (18W to 70W). These

so-called „thin‟ lamps can be stabilised by both electromagnetic and electronic

ballasts with extra benefit of improved efficacy and lumen maintenance. Its efficacy

is about 80 lm/W. However, the T8 lamps have their weakness that can be improved

by replacing with T5 lamp. The 3rd

generation lamp is T5 lamp with diameter

15.875mm (5/8”). For over 30 years this lamp only available with low wattage (4W,

6W, 8W, and 13W) however, a few year ago, new T5 lamps with higher wattage

(14W, 21W, 28W, 35W) were developed, which, owing to their superior luminous

efficiency outputs (efficacy about 100 lm/W). This is more efficient compared with

old T8 lamp. Therefore, these new T5 lamps become popular with name of energy

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saving lamps. In year 2011, Philips Company also developed something new with

this T5 lamp, which called TL5 RetroSaver.

Figure 2.5: T5 RetroSaver Lamp

There is one thing that differentiates this TL5 RetroSaver lamp with usual T5

lamps. Usual T5 lamp must have its own fitting because its length is not equal with

another lamp. This TL5 RetroSaver lamp solves that problem. User can easily

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replace T8 lamps with this TL5 RetroSaver lamp without wasting money to refit

back the fitting. It is because the TL5 RetroSaver lamp comes with T5 lamp and the

fitting itself.

2.4.1 Reflector

Reflector main function is to reflect lamp light so that, that specific area will

more bright. Some lamps in hardware shop already have its internal opaque reflector,

but that of reflector only cover ranges from 120 degrees to 310 degrees of the lamp's

circumference. Normally, reflector lamp is marked letter R on the model code for

example FR36 T5. Cover range will depend on type of reflector. Most of the lamps

in Electrical Engineering Faculty Laboratory (FKE Lab) UTM used prismatic

diffuser. This type of reflector is limiting the brightness of the lamp, as result the

illumination of the room will not meet the standard. Another type of reflector is full

mirror reflector, which is more compatible compared to the prismatic diffuser are it

does not distracts the brightness of the lamp.

Figure 2.6: Cross section of a typical fluorescent lamp with reflector (right),

without reflector (left).

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Figure 2.7: Full mirror reflector

Figure 2.8: Prismatic Diffuser

Figure 2.9: Cross section of Prismatic Diffuser (left) and Full Mirror

Reflector (right)

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2.4.2 Lighting Measurement

The units for lighting measurement are lumen (lm) and lux (lx). Lumen (lm)

is a measurement of the light output from a lamp. For more understanding, water

analogy been used where the amount of water spraying from a showerhead is similar

to the light output from a lamp. Lux (lx) is a measurement of the light intensity

falling on a surface. The lux is the SI unit of luminance and luminous emitting. One

lux is equal to one lumen per square meter. One lux is approximately equal with one

foot-candle multiplied with 10.76.

Illumination usually measured by using Lux meter. The meter will be placed

on the area that we want to measure the illumination. This project, Environmental

Quality Meter Mini (850070) is used. This meter can be used to measure luminance

(Lux), wind speed, temperature (°C), and humidity. The physical as the meter is

shown in Figure 2.10

Figure 2.10: Environmental Quality Meter Mini (850070)





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2.4.3 Sensor

Sensor is a device that receives a signal or stimulus and responds to turn the

light ON or OFF. Sensor used in this project can be categorized into two types;

namely motion sensor and infrared sensor. Motion Sensor

Motion sensor acts as a device that can detect any movement of occupant in a

specific area. Once the sensors detect movement, it will send the signal to the

microcontroller to turn the light ON. Infrared Sensor

Infrared sensor or heat sensor will trigger in a certain angle, so that, if any

temperature different in area of that angle is detected; it will send the signal to the

microcontroller to turn ON the light. Initially, it the reference temperature is set at

24°C. Therefore, it would react if the temperature difference occurs. The

microcontroller that gives instruction to the system to turn ON of turn OFF the light

controls both of these sensors.

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Figure 2.11: Motion Sensor (Left) and Infrared Sensor (Right)

2.5 NetBeans 5.5

NetBeans is a Java-based development environmental (IDE) and platform

originally developed by Sun user interface function, source code editor, GI editor,

version control, as well as support for distributed application (CORBA, RMI) and

web application [9].

NetBeans is one of the most powerful Java programming IDE. It also

straightforward and simple software, which is easy to understand and their coding are

not complicated. NetBeans is rapidly growing its popularity nowadays.

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Figure 2.12: NetBeans start-up page

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3.1 Introduction

This chapter discusses the data obtained from lighting energy audit that has

been conducts in FKE laboratory. The data includes a list of laboratories in FKE;

room data and lighting system data.

3.2 Overall Energy Consumption

Initially, this project starts with the analysis of total energy consumption for

all types of equipment in Electrical Engineering Faculty (FKE) of University

Technology Malaysia (UTM). The data from year 2008 and 2009 are shows on Table

3.1 and Figure 3.1.

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Table 3.1: Total Energy Consumption in FKE for all equipment [10]

MONTH 2008 2009

January 419 597 429 759

February 435 573 443 608

March 450 055 454 359

April 407 554 439 082

May 406 389 423 274

June 443 856 330 894

July 406 427 444 479

August 542 433 435 256

September 297 236 398 875

October 393 111 438 399

November 419 609 387 189

December 30, 422 285 227

TOTAL PERYEAR 4, 924 262 4, 910 401

Figure 3.1: Energy Consumption in FKE for all equipment








Energy Consumption for all Equipment in FKE in 2 years(kWh)



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Figure 3.2: Total Energy Consumption for all equipment

From the Figure 3.2 shows that only a small difference in energy

consumption between year 2008 and 2009, which is reduce 13, 861 kWh. Therefore,

drastic actions need to take to reduce energy consumption in FKE. For the beginning,

adjustment in power used by lighting system should be consider. People might think

that lighting system use a small number of wattage that will not affect the overall

energy consumption, but through study conducted by Malaysia Energy Centre (PTM)

this lighting system contribute 34% from total building energy consumption [5]. The

result of this project will be discussed in chapter 4.

3.3 FKE Laboratory Audit

In the middle of January 2011, walk through audit has been conducted in

90% of all laboratories in FKE. The purpose of the audit is to observe and analyze

each laboratory in term of its lighting system. Figure 3.3 shows the plant of all

building in FKE.

4, 924 262

4, 910 401

2008 2009

Total Energy Consumtion in 2 year for all equipment in FKE (kWh)

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Figure 3.3: Plant of FKE building

Table 3.2: The list of laboratories that were audited.

Room Name Room Level

Block P02

Computer Laboratory 1

Instrument Laboratory 4

Standardize Laboratory 4

Amir Laboratory 4

Block P03

Acoustic Laboratory 2

Photonics Technology Center (PTC) 3

Information Research Alliance (ICRA) 4

Telekom Laboratory 4

Advance Microwave Laboratory 5

Basic Microwave Laboratory 5

Simulation Laboratory 5

Basic Communication Laboratory 5

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Digital Communication Laboratory 5

Switching Research & Telematic Laboratory 5

Center of Excellent 5

Block P04

VeCAD Laboratory 1

Postgraduate Research Area 1

Microelectronic Laboratory 1

PCB Laboratory 1

Medical Electronic Laboratory 2

Industrial Medical Laboratory 2

CLENER Laboratory 3

Basic Electronic Laboratory 1 & 2 3

Digital Laboratory 4

Microprocessor Laboratory 4

Signal Process Laboratory 4

Block P08

Robotic Laboratory 2

Makmal Penyelakuan 3

Control 1 Laboratory 4

Control 2 Laboratory 4

Block P15

Mobil Laboratory 1

Simulation Laboratory 1

Anechoic Chamber 1

Anechoic Laboratory 1

Block P06

Impulse Lightning Laboratory 1

High Voltage Laboratory 1

Basic Machine Laboratory 1

Electrical Engineering Workshop 1

Block P07

Basic Power Laboratory 1

Advance Power Laboratory 1

Advance Machine Research Laboratory 1

Power Electronic Laboratory 2

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Industrial Power Laboratory 3

Inverter Quality Control Center(IQCC) 2

Energy System Laboratory 3

Electrical Technology Laboratory 4

Meanwhile, the results of walk through audit for FKE laboratory is shows in

Table 3.3, in term of total fitting and total lamps of each laboratory.

Table 3.3: Total fitting and total lamp each laboratory in FKE

Room Name Total Fitting Total Lamp

Block P02

Computer Laboratory 45 90

Instrument Laboratory 30 62

Standardize Laboratory 24 48

Amir Laboratory 16 32

Block P03

Acoustic Laboratory 14 28

Photonics Technology Center (PTC) 4 8

Information Research Alliance (ICRA) 16 24

Telekom Laboratory 12 24

Advance Microwave Laboratory 18 36

Basic Microwave Laboratory 18 32

Simulation Laboratory 6 18

Basic Communication Laboratory 22 44

Digital Communication Laboratory 18 36

Switching Research & Telematic


8 16

Center of Excellent 29 62

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Block P04

VeCAD Laboratory 26 54

Microelectronic Laboratory 20 40

PCB Laboratory 27 59

Medical Electronic Laboratory 11 31

Industrial Medical Laboratory 29 58

CLENER Laboratory 50 100

Basic Electronic Laboratory 1 & 2 72 144

Digital Laboratory 71 142

Microprocessor Laboratory 29 58

Signal Process Laboratory 16 32

Block P08

Robotic Laboratory 19 38

Makmal Penyelakuan 18 36

Control 1 Laboratory 36 72

Control 2 Laboratory 28 56

Block P15

Mobil Laboratory 12 24

Simulation Laboratory 8 16

Anechoic Chamber 9 14

Anechoic Laboratory 11 22

Block P06

Impulse Lightning Laboratory 7 14

High Voltage Laboratory 35 70

Basic Machine Laboratory 31 62

Electrical Engineering Workshop 36 72

Block P07

Basic Power Laboratory 36 72

Advance Power Laboratory 32 96

Advance Machine Research Laboratory 25 50

Power Electronic Laboratory 33 66

Industrial Power Laboratory 11 33

Inverter Quality Control Center(IQCC) 29 87

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Energy System Laboratory 13 26

Electrical Technology Laboratory 43 85

. Table 3.4: Total fitting and total lamp for seven block in FKE laboratory

Block Total Fitting Total Lamp

P02 115 232

P03 165 328

P04 351 718

P08 101 202

P15 40 76

P06 109 218

P07 222 515

From the analysis, it can be seen that building P04 and P07 installed a large

no of florescent lamps. The total fitting and total lamp in FKE laboratory for all

seven building P02, P03, P04, P15, P08, P06, P07 is 1103 (fitting) and 2289 (lamp).

The calculation of total power of 47 laboratories in FKE is shows as follows:

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3.4 Existing Lighting System Analysis

This subtopic focuses on the analysis of Power Consumption (W), Energy

Consumption (kWh), Electrical Bill Payment (RM) for each laboratory in Electrical

Engineering Faculty (FKE) of University Technology Malaysia (UTM). This

analysis involves all laboratories from seven buildings (P02, P03, P04, P06, P07,

P08, and P15). Result from the preliminary audit in lighting system in FKE

laboratory shows that, the entire laboratory used same type and wattage of lamps,

which are T8 fluorescent lamps 46 W (include 10W of ballast).

The Power Consumption (W), Energy Consumption (kWh), and Electrical

Bill Payment (RM) per month and per year can be calculated by assuming that the

working day per month is 20 days.

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Analyses of each laboratory are as follows:

No. Block P02 Total Lamp Hour Usage

1 Computer Laboratory 90 15

No. Block P02 Total Lamp Hour Usage

2 Instrumentation Laboratory 62 8

No. Block P02 Total Lamp Hour Usage

3 Standardize Laboratory 48 8

No. Block P02 Total Lamp Hour Usage

4 Amir Laboratory 32 8

No. Block P03 Total Lamp Hour Usage

1 Acoustic Laboratory 28 8


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No. Block P03 Total Lamp Hour Usage

6 Basic Microwave Laboratory 32 8

No. Block P03 Total Lamp Hour Usage

7 Simulation Laboratory 18 8

No. Block P03 Total Lamp Hour Usage

2 Photonics Technology Center (PTC) 8 9

No. Block P03 Total Lamp Hour Usage

4 Telekom Laboratory 24 10

No. Block P03 Total Lamp Hour Usage

5 Advance Microwave Laboratory 36 8



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No. Block P03 Total Lamp Hour Usage

8 Basic Communication Laboratory 44 15

No. Block P03 Total Lamp Hour Usage

9 Digital Communication Laboratory 36 15

No. Block P03 Total Lamp Hour Usage

10 Switching Research & Telematic


16 8

No. Block P03 Total Lamp Hour Usage

11 Center of Excellent 62 16

No. Block P04 Total Lamp Hour Usage

1 VeCAD Laboratory 54 9


= 262.84


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No. Block P04 Total Lamp Hour Usage

2 Microelectronic Laboratory 40 9

No. Block P04 Total Lamp Hour Usage

4 Medical Electronic Laboratory 31 10

No. Block P04 Total Lamp Hour Usage

3 PCB Laboratory 59 14

No. Block P04 Total Lamp Hour Usage

5 Industrial Medical Laboratory 58 8

No. Block P04 Total Lamp Hour Usage

6 CLENER Laboratory 100 12

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No. Block P04 Total Lamp Hour Usage

7 Basic Electronic Laboratory 1 & 2 144 8

No. Block P04 Total Lamp Hour Usage

8 Digital Laboratory 142 9

No. Block P04 Total Lamp Hour Usage

9 Microprocessor Laboratory 58 9

No. Block P04 Total Lamp Hour Usage

10 Signal Process Laboratory 32 9

No. Block P08 Total Lamp Hour Usage

1 Robotic Laboratory 38 8

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No. Block P08 Total Lamp Hour Usage

2 Makmal Penyelakuan 36 8

No. Block P15 Total Lamp Hour Usage

1 Mobil Laboratory 24 8

No. Block P15 Total Lamp Hour Usage

2 Simulation Laboratory 16 8

No. Block P08 Total Lamp Hour Usage

3 Control 1 Laboratory 72 8

No. Block P08 Total Lamp Hour Usage

4 Control 2 Laboratory 56 8

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No. Block P15 Total Lamp Hour Usage

3 Anechoic Chamber 14 8

No. Block P15 Total Lamp Hour Usage

4 Anechoic Laboratory 22 8

No. Block P06 Total Lamp Hour Usage

1 Impulse Lightning Laboratory 14 8

No. Block P06 Total Lamp Hour Usage

2 High Voltage Laboratory 70 8

No. Block P06 Total Lamp Hour Usage

3 Basic Machine Laboratory 62 8

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No. Block P06 Total Lamp Hour Usage

4 Electrical Engineering Workshop 72 8

No. Block P07 Total Lamp Hour Usage

1 Basic Power Laboratory 72 8

No. Block P07 Total Lamp Hour Usage

2 Advance Power Laboratory 96 8

No. Block P07 Total Lamp Hour Usage

3 Advance Machine Research


50 8

No. Block P07 Total Lamp Hour Usage

4 Power Electronic Laboratory 66 8

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No. Block P07 Total Lamp Hour Usage

5 Industrial Power Laboratory 33 8

No. Block P07 Total Lamp Hour Usage

6 Inverter Quality Control


87 8

No. Block P07 Total Lamp Hour Usage

7 Energy System Laboratory 26 8

No. Block P07 Total Lamp Hour Usage

8 Electrical Technology Laboratory 85 8

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Tables 3.5 conclude all the result of the analysis in existing lighting system in

FKE Laboratory by each block.

Table 3.5: Power, Energy Consumption, and Electricity Bill Payment

Block P02 Power Consumption





Electricity Bill

Payment (RM)

Computer Laboratory 4.14 1242 357.696

Instrumentation Laboratory 2.852 456.32 131.420

Standardize Laboratory 2.208 353.28 101.745

Amir Laboratory 1.472 235.52 67.83

Block P03 Power Consumption





Electricity Bill

Payment (RM)

Acoustic Laboratory 1.288 206.08 59.351

Photonic Technology

Center (PTC)

0.368 66.24 19.077

Information Research

Alliance (ICRA)

1.104 198.72 57.231

Telekom Laboratory 1.104 220.8 63.59

Advance Microwave


1.656 264.96 76.308

Basic Microwave


1.472 235.52 67.83

Simulation Laboratory 0.828 132.48 38.154

Basic Communication


2.024 607.2 174.874

Digital Communication


1.656 496.8 143.078

Switching Research &

Telematic Laboratory

0.736 117.76 33.915

Center of Excellent 2.852 912.64 262.84

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Block P04 Power Consumption





Electricity Bill

Payment (RM)

VeCAD Laboratory 2.484 447.12 128.77

Microelectronic Laboratory 1.84 331.2 95.386

PCB Laboratory 2.714 759.92 218.857

Medical Electronic


1.426 285.2 82.138

Industrial Medical


2.668 426.88 122.941

CLENER Laboratory 4.6 1104 317.952

Basic Electronic Laboratory

1 & 2

6.624 1059.84 305.234

Digital Laboratory 6.532 1175.76 338.619

Microprocessor Laboratory 2.668 480.24 138.309

Signal Process Laboratory 1.472 264.96 76.308

Block P08 Power

Consumption (kW)




Electricity Bill

Payment (RM)

Robotic Laboratory 1.748 279.68 80.548

Makmal Penyelakuan 1.656 264.96 76.308

Control 1 Laboratory 3.312 529.92 152.617

Control 2 Laboratory 3.576 412.16 118.702

Block P15 Power

Consumption (kW)




Electricity Bill

Payment (RM)

Mobil Laboratory 1.104 176.64 50.872

Simulation Laboratory 0.736 117.76 33.915

Anechoic Chamber 0.644 103.04 29.676

Anechoic Laboratory 1.012 161.92 46.633

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Block P06 Power

Consumption (kW)




Electricity Bill

Payment (RM)

Impulse Lightning


0.644 103.04 29.676

High Voltage


3.22 515.2 148.378

Basic Machine


2.852 456.32 131.42

Electrical Engineering


3.312 529.92 152.617

Block P07 Power

Consumption (kW)




Electricity Bill

Payment (RM)

Basic Power


3.312 529.92 152.617

Advance Power


4.416 706.56 203.490

Advance Machine

Research Laboratory

2.3 368 105.984

Power Electronic


3.036 485.76 139.90

Industrial Power


1.518 1943.04 559.596

Inverter Quality

Control (IQCC)

4.002 640.32 184.412

Energy System


1.196 191.36 55.112

Electrical Technology 3.91 625.6 180.173

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Table 3.6: Power, Energy Consumption, and Bill Payment (Per Month) for the

Existing Lighting System

Block Power (kW) Energy



Electricity Bill

Payment (RM)

P02 10.672 2287.12 658.691

P03 15.088 3459.2 996.248

P04 33.028 6335.12 1824.514

P08 10.292 1486.72 428.175

P15 3.496 559.36 161.096

P06 10.028 1604.48 462.091

P07 23.69 5490.56 1581.284

Figure 3.4 and Figure 3.5 shows the energy consumption and electricity bill

payment for existing lighting system in FKE respectively. It can be seen at P04

consumed the most energy followed by P07. Meanwhile, P15 consumed the lowest

energy due to the small number installed lamp in this building. Furthermore, it is

observed from the audit that P15 has been installed the CFL type for lighting system

compared to other building.








P02 P03 P04 P08 P15 P06 P07

Energy Consumption for Existing Lighting System in FKE Laboratory (kWh)

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Figure 3.4: Energy Consumption for Existing Lighting System in FKE Laboratory

Figure 3.5: Electricity Bill Payment for Existing Lighting System in FKE Laboratory

As expected, the electricity bill for building P04 give the highest payment

followed by P07 building. In other words, these two building contribute the highest

electricity consumption due to lighting.








P02 P03 P04 P08 P15 P06 P07

Electricity Bill Payment for Existing Lighting System in FKE Laboratory (RM)

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4.1 Introduction

From the analysis, several problems have been identified. The analysis of the

existing lighting system in FKE laboratory has been done on chapter 3. Firstly, the

T8 florescent lamp that already installed, consume more power compare to T5. The

T8 florescent lamp and its ballast use 46 W of power whilst T5 use 26 W of power.

Another problem is the way of lighting system currently being used is not efficient

enough. Lamp will continue switch ON when no occupancy in the area. That means

there is no automatic system to control this situation. The last problem is about the

brightness of the room. The prismatic diffusers avoid the light to reflect in the room,

as result, its illumination does not meet the JKR standardize. In conclusion, all of

these problems cause energy consumption due to lighting system in FKE keep


Therefore, this chapter highlights three strategies or methods that can be used

to reduce energy consumption in FKE Laboratory. The first method can be done by

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replacing all the T8 fluorescent lamps in FKE laboratory with T5 lamp (TL5

RetroSaver) and changing the existing prismatic diffuser with full mirror reflector.

This method will reduce the wattage of the lamp from 46W to 28W and makes the

room brighter. Secondly is installing the sensor in FKE laboratory so that the hour

usage of the lamps can be controlled. Lastly is combination of T5 lamp and sensor.

This method will reduce wattage of the lamps and hour usage. This subtopic will

analyze each method in term power, energy consumption, and electricity bill

payment per month. The cost, annual profit, and payback period of each method will

also be analyzed.

4.2 Strategy to Reduce Energy Consumption

4.2.1 Replacing T8 Fluorescent Lamp with T5 RetroSaver Lamp

In this method, the lamps and ballast wattage are the control parameters. The

formulas used in the analysis are as follows:

Wattage of T5 lamps = 28W -------------- (for 1st and 3

rd method)

Ballast = 0W

Hour Usage = Actual Hour – 2 hours ----------- (for 2nd

and 3rd


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Table 4.1: Power (kW), Energy Consumption (kWh/month), and Bill Payment

(RM/month) for FKE Laboratory by each building after installing T5



Power (kW)




Electricity Bill



P02 6.496 1392.16 400.9421

P03 9.184 2078.72 598.6714

P04 20.104 3856.16 1110.574

P08 5.656 904.96 260.6285

P15 2.128 340.48 98.05824

P06 6.104 976.64 281.2723

P07 14.42 2307.2 664.4736

The result of the analysis in all laboratories in each building in FKE in term of

Power (kW), Energy Consumption (kWh/month), and Bill Payment (RM/month) after

installing T5 lamps are summarized in Table 4.1. The details calculation of this

method as shown in Appendix A.

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4.2.2 Adding sensor to the existing system lighting

In this method, two types of sensor are installed in all FKE laboratories,

which are motion sensor and infrared sensor. We take the minimum time that the

sensor can save is two hours. This sensor can save more hours but in this analysis, all

laboratories are assumed reduced its hour usage in two hours. In this method, hour

usage is the control parameter that is reduces hour usage by 2 hour. The equation 4.1,

4.2, and 4.3 will also be used to do the analysis based on power, energy

consumption, and bill payment.

Table 4.2: Power (kW), Energy Consumption (kWh/month), and Bill Payment

(RM/month) for FKE Laboratory by each building after installing Sensor

Block Power (kW) Energy



Electricity Bill

Payment (RM)

P02 10.672 1788.48 515.0822

P03 15.088 2894.32 833.5642

P04 33.028 5199.84 1497.554

P08 9.292 929.2 267.6096

P15 3.496 489.44 140.9587

P06 10.028 1289.84 371.4739

P07 23.69 2854.76 822.1709

The results of the analysis in all FKE laboratories term of Power (kW),

Energy Consumption (kWh/month), and Bill Payment (RM/month) after installing

sensor also illustrated in Table 4.2. The details calculation of this method as shown in

Appendix A.

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4.2.3 The combination of T5 RetroSaver and Sensor

By using the T5 RetroSaver and sensor in each laboratories the wattage of

lamps will be reduced from 46 W to 28 W. The hour usage in this method is assumed

2 hours. After the calculation using equation 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3, the results are shown in

Table 4.3. The details calculation of this method as shown in Appendix A.

Table 4.3: Power (kW), Energy Consumption (kWh/month), and Bill Payment

(RM/month) for FKE Laboratory by each building after installing T5 lamps

and Sensors

Block Power (kW) Energy



Electricity Bill

Payment (RM)

P02 6.496 1088.64 313.52832

P03 9.184 1761.76 507.38684

P04 20.104 3165.12 911.55446

P08 5.656 565.6 162.8928

P15 2.128 297.92 85.80096

P06 6.104 785.12 226.11456

P07 14.42 1737.68 500.45184

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Table 4.4: Energy Consumption and Electricity Bill Payment (per month and per

year) of Existing Lighting System and each method in FKE Laboratory




Bill Payment





Bill Payment


Existing 21, 222.56 6, 112.099 254, 670.72 73, 345.188

T5 11, 856.32 3, 414.62014 142, 275.84 40, 975.44168

Sensor 15, 445.88 4, 448.4135 185, 350.56 53, 380.962

T5 & Sensor 9, 401.84 2, 707.72978 112, 822.08 32, 492.75736

The comparison between the existing lighting system and the improvement

strategies to reduce energy consumption in FKE laboratories is shown in Table 4.4.

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4.3 Graphical Analysis

4.3.1 Energy Consumption (kWh)

Figure 4.1: Energy Consumption (kWh/month) in FKE Laboratory

Figure 4.1 shows the energy consumption for the existing lighting system in

FKE laboratory and after applying all three methods (T5 RetroSaver, sensor, and

combination of T5 RetroSaver and sensor).









P02 P03 P04 P08 P15 P06 P07

Energy Consumption (kWh/month) for FKE Laboratory

Existing System Sensor T5 T5 & Sensor

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Figure 4.2: Total Energy Consumption (kWh/month) for lighting system in FKE


Figure 4.3: Percentage of Reduction Energy Consumption (kWh/month) for Lighting

System in FKE Laboratory

21, 222.56

15, 445.88

11, 856.329, 401.84

Existing System Sensor T5 T5 & Sensor

Energy Consumption (kWh/month) for FKE Laboratory




% Reduction of Energy Consumption (kWh/month) for Lighting System in

FKE LaboratorySensor T5 T5 & Sensor

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Meanwhile, Figure 4.2 illustrated the total energy consumption for lighting

system in FKE laboratory. It can be seen that, after applying this three methods

energy consumption are reduced. Figure 4.3 shows the percentage of the reduction.

The highest percentage reduction of energy consumption can be obtained by using

the combination of T5 and sensor, which is 55.70% followed by replacing existing

T8 to T5 (44.13%) and adding sensor to the system (27.22%).

4.3.2 Electricity Bill Payment (RM)

Figure 4.4: Total Electricity Payment (RM/month) for lighting system in FKE


RM6, 112.099

RM4, 448.414

RM3, 414.620

RM2, 707.730

Electricity Bill Payment (RM/month) for lighting system in FKE Laboratory

Existing System Sensor T5 T5 & Sensor

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From Figure 4.4 it can be observed that FKE has spend about RM 6, 112.099

per month merely on laboratory lighting. Therefore, FKE also spend RM 73, 345.188

per year for lighting in FKE laboratory only. This amount does not include other

equipments such as air-conditioning and electronic appliance. From Figure 4.4, it is

also can be seen that FKE need to pay only 2.7 thousand ringgit instead of 6.1

thousand per month by replacing T8 fluorescent lamp with combination of T5

RetroSaver and sensor. Therefore, this is very profitable investment for FKE.

4.4 Economic Engineering Analysis

This subtopic discusses about annual profit, total cost, and payback period of

all the three methods that recommended in the previous topic. This analysis is to

know which method is more efficient.

4.4.1 Replacing T8 fluorescent lamp with T5 RetroSaver Method

The cost of each T5 and reflector are as follows:

TL5 RetroSaver is RM38 [10]

Reflector is RM6 [10]

Table 4.5: Reflector and T5 RetroSaver Cost by each building in FKE


Block Total Fitting Total Lamp Reflector Cost


T5 Cost


P02 115 232 690 8816

P03 165 328 990 12464

P04 351 718 2106 27284

P08 101 202 606 7676

P15 40 76 240 2888

P06 109 218 654 8284

P07 212 515 1272 19570

TOTAL 6558 86982

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The cost of reflector and T5 needed for every building are shown in Table 4.5.

Based on Table 4.5, total cost of building installing reflector and T5 as follows:

Table 4.6: Comparison of Electricity Bill Payment (RM) before and after

installing T5

Total Power


Total Payment (RM)

Per Year Per Month

Existing 21, 222.56 RM 73, 345.188 RM 6, 112.099

T5 11, 856.32 RM 40, 975.44168 RM 3, 414.62014

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4.4.2 Adding sensor to the existing system lighting

The cost of each sensor and its installation cost are as follows:

Microcontroller is RM40

Motion Sensor is RM25

Infrared Sensor is RM15

Installing Cost is 30% from Material Cost [11]

Table 4.7: Total Sensor Cost

Sensor Cost (RM)

Block Microcontroller Motion



Sensor Microcontroller





P02 5 21 21 200 525 315

P03 8 49 49 320 1225 735

P04 10 75 75 400 1875 1125

P08 4 22 22 160` 550 330

P15 4 14 14 160 350 210

P06 4 27 27 160 675 405

P07 8 50 50 320 1250 750

Total 1720 6450 3870

Table 4.8: Annual Profit of Sensor Method

Total Power Consumption(kWh/month)

Total Payment (RM)

Per Year Per Month

Existing 21, 222.56 RM 73, 345.188 RM 6, 112.099

Sensor 15, 445.88 RM 53, 380.962 RM 4, 448.4135

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4.4.3 The combination of T5 RetroSaver and Sensor

Table 4.9: Annual Profit and Total Cost of method 3

Project Annual Profit (RM) Total Cost (RM)

T5 RM 32, 369.7463 RM 93, 540

Sensor RM 19, 964.226 RM 15, 652

T5 & Sensor RM 52, 333.9723 RM 109, 192

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The results obtained are summarized in Table 4.9.1.

Table 4.10: Payback Period each methods

Method Payback Period



T5 & Sensor

From the Table 4.10, it can conclude that replacing the T8 fluorescent lamp

with T5 and Sensor is the most efficient for reducing the energy consumption for the

lighting system.

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4.5 Software Development

A simple calculator has been developed, called Green Calculator (GC). GC

has three functions, which are energy consumption, lux standardizes, and lamp fitting

design. All the calculation shown in the previous section can be done with this

software. This subtopic will elaborate about this GC. The main interface C is shown

in Figure 4.5.

Figure 4.5: Main Interface Green Calculator (GC)




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4.5.1 Energy Consumption

Figure 4.6 shows the interface of energy consumption. The input data that need to be

key in are:

Number of lamp

Wattage per ballast

Number of days used per month

Wattage per lamp

Hour usage per day

Once the data was been key in, the answer will be appearing in the text box in the

bottom interface.

Figure 4.6: Energy Consumption Interface

1) Fill this field

2)Click Calculate

3)New Calculation

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4.5.2 Lux Standardize

Figure 4.7 shows the interface of lux standardize. The input data that need to be key

in is the room illumination (lux), and then select the type of room. All the room

standardizes are base on JKR standard.

Figure 4.7: Lux Standardize Interface

1)Fill this field

2)Choose room type

3)Click Check

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4.5.3 Lamp Fitting Design

This interface will give user the actual number of lamp needs to install in a

specific room index. User need to know the room index first. It can simply calculate

by using this formula:


L = Room Length

W = Room Width

Hm = Mounting Height of Fitting (from working plane)

Work Plane = Desk or Bench Height

Room Index is required to know Utilization Factor (UF). This UF is to fill in the

Green Calculator.

Once the Room Index has been obtained, and then refer to Utilization Factor Table.

The actual UF Table is given in Appendix D

For example, if the calculated Room Index = 0.6, from the table, the Utilization

Factor is 0.28.

Table 4.11: Maintenance Factor

Maintenance Factor Table

Air Conditioned Office 0.8

Clean Industrial 0.7

Dirty Industrial 0.6

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Figure 4.8 show the Lamp Fitting Design Interface. All the data that need to be key

in are as follows:

Room Area

Standardize Illumination for that room type

Lamp lumen output

Maintenance factor

Utilization Factor

Figure 4.8: Lamp Fitting Design

Based on the input, the suitable number of lamp will be calculated and displayed.

1)Fill this field

2)Click Calculate


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5.1 Conclusion

The existing lighting system in FKE Laboratories has been studied and

analyzed in term of Energy Consumption (kWh), Electricity Bill Payment (RM), and

Illumination (Lux). From the analysis, the existing lighting in FKE Laboratory

currently used 21, 222.56 kWh per month and FKE spend in average about RM 6,

112.099 monthly only on lighting systems. From the analysis done in previous

chapter, found that the combination T5 RetroSaver Lamp and Sensor method is most

efficient and economic compared to the lighting system that applying only T5

RetroSaver lamp method or sensor method. The later method can reduce energy and

electricity bill charge in FKE by 55.70%, which is more than half from the existing

lighting system values. It‟s payback period is only around 2 years and 1 month. In

short time, FKE will get hundreds percent profit every month.

A user-friendly Green Calculator is develop to ease the calculation of energy

consumption and electricity bill payment per month and per year. In addition, user

can check the room illumination within the range JKR Standardize automatically.

Lastly, FKE can use this GC software to calculate number of lamps need to installed

in a specific area without refer it back to building design manual book. It is hoping

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that people will used energy efficiently and optimize the energy consumption. This

will result in reducing energy waste.

5.2 Recommendation

Everyone in FKE should have the responsibility to use electricity efficiently.

UTM should think about the system that can be imposed to the student‟s hostel

whereby student will pay their own electricity bill based on their usage rather than

being lumped together in the hostel payment. Therefore, student will hopefully more

careful and responsible in using electricity in their day life.

UTM is also should have own distribution generator unit to supply electricity

in the campus. It will reduce the electricity bill payment and would be used as a back

up whenever power failure occurs. However, detail study need to be conducted to see

the disadvantage and advantage of having generator unit in this campus.

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1. B. L. Capehart: “Writing user-friendly energy audit reports”, ACEEE


2. D. Blumberga, Riga Technical University, Energy Audits in Dwelling

Buildings in Latvia

3. Dir Johannes Lewies Mark, University of Pretoria, Energy Audit

Methodology for Belt Conveyors, 2005

4. Fauziah Abu Bakar, University Tecnology Malaysia, Green Building

Design for Energy Conservation, 2010

5. Malaysia Energy Center (PTM), Energy Efficient Building – A Strategic

Resource, Quarter 1Issues 0017, KDN: PP11456/4/2004,

6. Suruhanjaya Tenaga Web, http://www.st.gov.my/

7. Resource Conservation Department, Energy Audit Scheme for large

consumers of energy, 2002

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8. http://www.epa.gov/greenbuilding

9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NetBeans

10. Ling Hong Electric Sdn. Bhd.

No. 77, Jalan Sri Bahagia 5,

Taman Sri Bahgia, 81200 Tampoi,

Johor Bahru.

11. Elektrik Bentras SDN. BHD.

Lot A4, Kompleks kilang SME Bank,

No. 15 Jalan Tahana, Kawasan Perindustrian

Tampoi, 80350 Johor Bahru.

12. Jabatan Kerja Raya, Cawangan Keuruteraan Elektrik Negeri Johor,

Jalan Kebun Teh,

80250 Johor Bahru.

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Replacing T8 Fluorescent Lamp with T5 RetroSaver Lamp

Block P02 Power






Electricity Bill

Payment (RM)

Computer Laboratory 2.52 756 217.728

Instrumentation Laboratory 1.736 277.76 79.99488

Standardize Laboratory 1.344 215.04 61.93152

Amir Laboratory 0.896 143.36 41.28768

Block P03 Power






Electricity Bill

Payment (RM)

Acoustic Laboratory 0.784 125.44 36.12672

Photonic Technology Center

(PTC) 0.224 40.32 11.61216

Information Research

Alliance (ICRA) 0.672 120.96 34.83648

Telekom Laboratory 0.672 107.52 30.96576

Advance Microwave

Laboratory 1.008 161.28 46.44864

Basic Microwave Laboratory 0.896 143.36 41.28768

Simulation Laboratory 0.504 80.64 23.22432

Basic Communication

Laboratory 1.232 369.6 106.4448

Digital Communication

Laboratory 1.008 302.4 87.0912

Switching Research &

Telematic Laboratory 0.448 71.68 20.64384

Center of Excellent 1.736 555.52 159.9898

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Block P04 Power






Electricity Bill

Payment (RM)

VeCAD Laboratory 1.512 272.16 78.38208

Microelectronic Laboratory 1.12 201.6 58.0608

PCB Laboratory 1.652 462.56 133.2173

Medical Electronic Laboratory 0.868 173.6 49.9968

Industrial Medical Laboratory 1.624 259.84 74.83392

CLENER Laboratory 2.8 672 193.536

Basic Electronic Laboratory 1

& 2 4.032 645.12 185.7946

Digital Laboratory 3.976 715.68 206.1158

Microprocessor Laboratory 1.624 292.32 84.18816

Signal Process Laboratory 0.896 161.28 46.44864

Block P08 Power






Electricity Bill

Payment (RM)

Robotic Laboratory 1.064 170.24 49.02912

Makmal Penyelakuan 1.008 161.28 46.44864

Control 1 Laboratory 2.016 322.56 92.89728

Control 2 Laboratory 1.568 250.88 72.25344

Block P15 Power






Electricity Bill

Payment (RM)

Mobil Laboratory 0.672 107.52 30.96576

Simulation Laboratory 0.448 71.68 20.64384

Anechoic Chamber 0.392 62.72 18.06336

Anechoic Laboratory 0.616 98.56 28.38528

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Block P06 Power






Electricity Bill

Payment (RM)

Impulse Lightning Laboratory 0.392 62.72 18.06336

High Voltage Laboratory 1.96 313.6 90.3168

Basic Machine Laboratory 1.736 277.76 79.99488

Electrical Engineering

Workshop 2.016 322.56 92.89728

Block P07 Power






Electricity Bill

Payment (RM)

Basic Power Laboratory 2.016 322.56 92.89728

Advance Power Laboratory 2.688 430.08 123.863

Advance Machine Research

Laboratory 1.4 224 64.512

Power Electronic Laboratory 1.848 295.68 85.15584

Industrial Power Laboratory 0.924 147.84 42.57792

Inverter Quality Control

(IQCC) 2.436 389.76 112.2509

Energy System Laboratory 0.728 116.48 33.54624

Electrical Technology

Laboratory 2.38 380.8 109.6704

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Adding sensor to the existing system lighting

Block P02 Power






Electricity Bill

Payment (RM)

Computer Laboratory 4.14 1076.4 310.0032

Instrumentation Laboratory 2.852 285.2 82.1376

Standardize Laboratory 2.208 220.8 63.5904

Amir Laboratory 1.472 206.08 59.35104

Block P03 Power






Electricity Bill

Payment (RM)

Acoustic Laboratory 1.288 128.8 37.0944

Photonic Technology Center

(PTC) 0.368 44.16 12.71808

Information Research

Alliance (ICRA) 1.104 154.56 44.51328

Telekom Laboratory 1.104 154.56 44.51328

Advance Microwave

Laboratory 1.656 231.84 66.76992

Basic Microwave Laboratory 1.472 206.08 59.35104

Simulation Laboratory 0.828 115.92 33.38496

Basic Communication

Laboratory 2.024 526.24 151.5571

Digital Communication

Laboratory 1.656 430.56 124.0013

Switching Research &

Telematic Laboratory 0.736 103.04 29.67552

Center of Excellent 2.852 798.56 229.9853

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Block P04 Power






Electricity Bill

Payment (RM)

VeCAD Laboratory 2.484 347.76 100.1549

Microelectronic Laboratory 1.84 257.6 74.1888

PCB Laboratory 2.714 651.36 187.5917

Medical Electronic Laboratory 1.426 228.16 65.71008

Industrial Medical Laboratory 2.668 373.52 107.5738

CLENER Laboratory 4.6 920 264.96

Basic Electronic Laboratory 1

& 2 6.624 927.36 267.0797

Digital Laboratory 6.532 914.48 263.3702

Microprocessor Laboratory 2.668 373.52 107.5738

Signal Process Laboratory 1.472 206.08 59.35104

Block P08 Power






Electricity Bill

Payment (RM)

Robotic Laboratory 1.748 174.8 50.3424

Makmal Penyelakuan 1.656 165.6 47.6928

Control 1 Laboratory 3.312 331.2 95.3856

Control 2 Laboratory 2.576 257.6 74.1888

Block P15 Power






Electricity Bill

Payment (RM)

Mobil Laboratory 1.104 154.56 44.51328

Simulation Laboratory 0.736 103.04 29.67552

Anechoic Chamber 0.644 90.16 25.96608

Anechoic Laboratory 1.012 141.68 40.80384

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Block P06 Power






Electricity Bill

Payment (RM)

Impulse Lightning

Laboratory 0.644 90.16 25.96608

High Voltage Laboratory 3.22 450.8 129.8304

Basic Machine Laboratory 2.852 285.2 82.1376

Electrical Engineering

Workshop 3.312 463.68 133.5398

Block P07 Power






Electricity Bill

Payment (RM)

Basic Power Laboratory 3.312 331.2 95.3856

Advance Power Laboratory 4.416 441.6 127.1808

Advance Machine

Research Laboratory 2.3 230 66.24

Power Electronic

Laboratory 3.036 425.04 122.4115

Industrial Power

Laboratory 1.518 151.8 43.7184

Inverter Quality Control

(IQCC) 4.002 560.28 161.3606

Energy System Laboratory 1.196 167.44 48.22272

Electrical Technology

Laboratory 3.91 547.4 157.6512

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The combination of T5 RetroSaver and Sensor

Block P02 Power Consumption





Electricity Bill

Payment (RM)

Computer Laboratory 2.52 655.2 188.6976

Instrumentation Laboratory 1.736 173.6 49.9968

Standardize Laboratory 1.344 134.4 38.7072

Amir Laboratory 0.896 125.44 36.12672

Block P03 Power Consumption





Electricity Bill

Payment (RM)

Acoustic Laboratory 0.784 78.4 22.5792

Photonic Technology

Center (PTC) 0.224 26.88 7.74144

Information Research

Alliance (ICRA) 0.672 94.08 27.09504

Telekom Laboratory 0.672 94.08 27.09504

Advance Microwave

Laboratory 1.008 141.12 40.64256

Basic Microwave

Laboratory 0.896 125.44 36.12672

Simulation Laboratory 0.504 70.56 20.32128

Basic Communication

Laboratory 1.232 320.32 92.25216

Digital Communication

Laboratory 1.008 262.08 75.47904

Switching Research &

Telematic Laboratory 0.448 62.72 18.06336

Center of Excellent 1.736 486.08 139.991

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Block P04 Power Consumption





Electricity Bill

Payment (RM)

VeCAD Laboratory 1.512 211.68 60.96384

Microelectronic Laboratory 1.12 156.8 45.1584

PCB Laboratory 1.652 396.48 114.1862

Medical Electronic

Laboratory 0.868 138.88 39.99744

Industrial Medical

Laboratory 1.624 227.36 65.47968

CLENER Laboratory 2.8 560 161.28

Basic Electronic Laboratory

1 & 2 4.032 564.48 162.5702

Digital Laboratory 3.976 556.64 160.3123

Microprocessor Laboratory 1.624 227.36 65.47968

Signal Process Laboratory 0.896 125.44 36.12672

Block P08 Power

Consumption (kW)




Electricity Bill

Payment (RM)

Robotic Laboratory 1.064 106.4 30.6432

Makmal Penyelakuan 1.008 100.8 29.0304

Control 1 Laboratory 2.016 201.6 58.0608

Control 2 Laboratory 1.568 156.8 45.1584

Block P15 Power

Consumption (kW)




Electricity Bill

Payment (RM)

Mobil Laboratory 0.672 94.08 27.09504

Simulation Laboratory 0.448 62.72 18.06336

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Anechoic Chamber 0.392 54.88 15.80544

Anechoic Laboratory 0.616 86.24 24.83712

Block P06 Power






Electricity Bill

Payment (RM)

Impulse Lightning

Laboratory 0.392 54.88 15.80544

High Voltage Laboratory 1.96 274.4 79.0272

Basic Machine Laboratory 1.736 173.6 49.9968

Electrical Engineering

Workshop 2.016 282.24 81.28512

Block P07 Power






Electricity Bill

Payment (RM)

Basic Power Laboratory 2.016 201.6 58.0608

Advance Power Laboratory 2.688 268.8 77.4144

Advance Machine

Research Laboratory 1.4 140 40.32

Power Electronic

Laboratory 1.848 258.72 74.51136

Industrial Power

Laboratory 0.924 92.4 26.6112

Inverter Quality Control

(IQCC) 2.436 341.04 98.21952

Energy System Laboratory 0.728 101.92 29.35296

Electrical Technology

Laboratory 2.38 333.2 95.9616

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T5 RetroSaver

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T8 Lamp Lumen

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Utilization Factor Table

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T5 Lamp Data Sheet

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T5 Lamp Data Sheet

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Sensor Block Diagram

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JKR Illumination Standard

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JKR Illumination Standard