United workers party candle light march and meeting

UNITED WORKERS PARTY CANDLE LIGHT MARCH AND MEETING: The United Workers Party will be hosting a Candle Light March from Vigie Field to the William Peter Blvd. on Tuesday 10th, December 2013. Supporters are asked to gather at Vigie from 5:30pm. The March will then proceed to the William Peter Blvd. for a public meeting to discuss the state of our economy, rising cost of living, inability of the SLP to manage the local economy, Grynberg, PetroCaribe, Alba and other issues affecting St. Lucia. Supporters are asked to come out in large numbers with their yellow t shirts, placards and candles and let their collective voices be heard.

Transcript of United workers party candle light march and meeting

   UNITED  WORKERS  PARTY  CANDLE  LIGHT  MARCH  AND  MEETING:    The  United  Workers  Party  will  be  hosting  a  Candle  Light  March  from  Vigie  Field  to  the  William  Peter  Blvd.  on  Tuesday  10th,  December  2013.  Supporters  are  asked  to  gather  at  Vigie  from  5:30pm.  The  March  will  then  proceed  to  the  William  Peter  Blvd.  for  a  public  meeting  to  discuss  the  state  of  our  economy,  rising  cost  of  living,  inability  of  the  SLP  to  manage  the  local  economy,  Grynberg,  PetroCaribe,  Alba  and  other  issues  affecting  St.  Lucia.    Supporters  are  asked  to  come  out  in  large  numbers  with  their  yellow  t  shirts,  placards  and  candles  and  let  their  collective  voices  be  heard.