United States Power Squadrons® · urday, May 11 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. I will be there along...

United States Power Squadrons ® Ventura Sail and Power Squadron Volume 63 May 2019 Number 5 Cdr Vincent Gerretz, JN Commanders Corner A Merry May To You All! As the flowers bloom and the sweet fruit from our glorious farms here in Ventura are be- coming available, it is a reminder that boating is starting for all of us. I have enjoyed a great outing last month with P/C Janet Lawson and our SEO, Lt/C Debbie Braun-Lawson as we participated in the Predicted Log Race at VYC. We did a good job coming in third out of four boats. It was a sunny and warm cruise en- joyed by all of us. “The sea does not reward those who are too anxious, too greedy, or too impatient. One should lie empty, open, choiceless as a beach - waiting for a gift from the sea.” Anne Morrow Lindbergh I hope as you all go out and enjoy our water- ways here in Ventura that you remember to keep safety on your mind. It only takes a mo- ment when a beautiful trip can turn hazard- ous. Prepare yourself for the uncertainty by being prepared with a Vessel Safety Check by one of our Vessel Safety Inspectors. This year’s Boating Safety Expo will be on Sat- urday, May 11 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. I will be there along with Dan Coverdale pre- senting to many of the visitors the proper wearing of PFDs, other safety gear and equipment and sharing what Ventura Sail and Power Squadron offers to help make their boating experience safe and fun. Come join us and enjoy. For more info on the Safe Boating Expo, please check out their website found here: http://safeboatingexpo.com The Commander’s Cup Picnic will be held on Saturday, May 18 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Peninsula Park at the Northwest Area near the boat ramp. Come and enjoy a day of fes- tivities including our Bristol Boat Competition, the Blessing of the Fleet and a superb BBQ. Hope to see you all there. The Executive Committee will be meeting on Monday, May 6 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Ventura Yacht Club. Come on down; let us

Transcript of United States Power Squadrons® · urday, May 11 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. I will be there along...

Page 1: United States Power Squadrons® · urday, May 11 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. I will be there along with Dan Coverdale pre-senting to many of the visitors the proper of PFDs, other

United States Power Squadrons®

Ventura Sail and Power Squadron

Volume 63 May 2019 Number 5

Cdr Vincent Gerretz, JN

Commander’s Corner

A Merry May To You All!

As the flowers bloom and the sweet fruit from

our glorious farms here in Ventura are be-

coming available, it is a reminder that boating

is starting for all of us. I have enjoyed a great

outing last month with P/C Janet Lawson and

our SEO, Lt/C Debbie Braun-Lawson as we

participated in the Predicted Log Race at VYC.

We did a good job coming in third out of four

boats. It was a sunny and warm cruise en-

joyed by all of us.

“The sea does not reward those who are too

anxious, too greedy, or too impatient. One

should lie empty, open, choiceless as a beach -

waiting for a gift from the sea.”

Anne Morrow Lindbergh

I hope as you all go out and enjoy our water-

ways here in Ventura that you remember to

keep safety on your mind. It only takes a mo-

ment when a beautiful trip can turn hazard-

ous. Prepare yourself for the uncertainty by

being prepared with a Vessel Safety Check by

one of our Vessel Safety Inspectors.

This year’s Boating Safety Expo will be on Sat-

urday, May 11 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. I

will be there along with Dan Coverdale pre-

senting to many of the visitors the proper

wearing of PFDs, other safety gear and

equipment and sharing what Ventura Sail and

Power Squadron offers to help make their

boating experience safe and fun. Come join us

and enjoy. For more info on the Safe Boating

Expo, please check out their website found

here: http://safeboatingexpo.com

The Commander’s Cup Picnic will be held on

Saturday, May 18 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

at Peninsula Park at the Northwest Area near

the boat ramp. Come and enjoy a day of fes-

tivities including our Bristol Boat Competition,

the Blessing of the Fleet and a superb BBQ.

Hope to see you all there.

The Executive Committee will be meeting on

Monday, May 6 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at

Ventura Yacht Club. Come on down; let us

Page 2: United States Power Squadrons® · urday, May 11 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. I will be there along with Dan Coverdale pre-senting to many of the visitors the proper of PFDs, other

hear from you. Your thoughts and ideas are

what we need to keep Ventura Sail and Power

Squadron responsive to your needs. So, come

on down to see your Executive Committee

working to keep your Power Squadron strong.

Our members are the heart of Ventura Sail

and Power Squadron. We cannot do the many

things we offer to you and the public without

your support. Your squadron needs your sup-

port in rebuilding our beloved Squadron. We

need some of your time in managing a por-

tion of what makes Ventura Sail and Power

Squadron one of the largest squadrons in our

district. One member, 1st

/Lt Debbi Torbet, has

stepped up to be the Assistant Educational

Officer. She will help our SEO, Lt/C Debbie

Braun-Lawson with the many demanding as-

pects of our Education Program. Welcome

aboard and thank you Debbi for taking on this


We still have other offices where we need your

help. Some of the posts we are looking for are:

Administrative Officer

Assistant Administrative Officer

Assistant Treasurer

Assistant Secretary

Public Relations Officer

For a few hours a month, you will be helping

us achieve the goals we try to meet. Be a part

of your Squadron family and learn just how

important your time will be in helping us.

There are many opportunities in working with

your friends and fellow squadron members.

The rewards will be many.

Finally, Monday, May 27 marks Memorial Day.

It is a time where we all take the time to stop

and give thanks to the men and women of our

Armed Forces who gave their lives to protect

our country. Their sacrifice cannot, and

should not, be forgotten. Please take a mo-

ment this Memorial Day to remember them


Have a safe and enjoyable May

Looking forward to seeing you all out there.

Please help me in congratu-

lating Sheri Green and Don

Shultz for winning the 2018

Distinctive Communication

Awards for

Publication and Website


Your efforts are a great re-

flection on your dedication

and service to the jobs you

do, Ventura Sail and Power

Squadron, District 13 and

the United States Power


Great Job!!!

Cdr Vincent Gerretz, JN

Page 3: United States Power Squadrons® · urday, May 11 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. I will be there along with Dan Coverdale pre-senting to many of the visitors the proper of PFDs, other

Lt/C Debbie Braun-Lawson

Squadron Education Officer

Classes continue…

Advanced Piloting started on April 16


four students in the class taught by Vince


Monday, April 22 saw the start of the new

Seamanship class taught by Jan Lawson.

There are 10 people signed up but only

three showed up to take the class the first

night. If you signed up for the Seaman-

ship class it is not too late to jump in!

On May 7 we will start the first time ever

Radar for Boaters course. We have ten

people signed up to take the class under

the leadership of Gary Wolfe. I am look-

ing forward to the beginning of this class.

When these classes finish we will take an

education break so we all can go boating

and apply the knowledge we have ac-

quired. Classes begin again in Septem-


MMMaaayyy BBBiiirrrttthhhdddaaayyysss

Joanne Beatty 1-May

Phil Reid 2-May

Kathryn Elroy 3-May

Shawn M. Hoff 6-May

Sheilla Leiman 7-May

Darrell O'Connell 9-May

Dennis A. Doman 9-May

Steven Nagelberg 14-May

Ronald Broschart 14-May

Catie Calderwood 16-May

Laurice J. West 22-May

Judy A. Wang 26-May

Lori Volk 27-May

Page 4: United States Power Squadrons® · urday, May 11 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. I will be there along with Dan Coverdale pre-senting to many of the visitors the proper of PFDs, other

Lt/C Dan Coverdale

Executive Officer

This issue I’m going to make it short and

to the point: The Channel Islands Safe

Boating Expo is coming on Saturday, May

11, 2019, and we still are in need of volun-

teers to staff our table at the Expo.

A lot happens at the Expo, including

search and rescue demonstrations by the

USCG and Ventura County Fire Depart-


The VSPS booth is staffed in 2-hour shifts

by VSPS volunteers. Heartfelt thanks to

those who have helped in previous years –

this is a key event for our organization.

So volunteer! (please) Shifts are 0800-

1000, 1000-1200, 1200-1400 and 1400-

1600. Contact me at 323-810-8887 or cov-

[email protected]

SSSaaafffeee BBBoooaaatttiiinnnggg EEExxxpppooo

SSSaaatttuuurrrdddaaayyy,,, MMMaaayyy 111111

999:::000000 aaa...mmm... tttooo 333:::000000 ppp...mmm...

Page 5: United States Power Squadrons® · urday, May 11 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. I will be there along with Dan Coverdale pre-senting to many of the visitors the proper of PFDs, other


BBBoooaaattt IIInnnssspppeeeccctttiiiooonnn

CCCooommmmmmaaannndddeeerrr’’’sss CCCuuuppp

BBBllleeessssssiiinnnggg ooofff ttthhheee FFFllleeeeeettt

SSSaaatttuuurrrdddaaayyy,,, MMMaaayyy 111888,,, 222000111888

Where: Peninsula Park 3333 S. Peninsula, Oxnard

Who: All Members

What: Socializing, BBQ lunch in the park, Vessel Inspections, Com-

mander’s Cup, Blessing of the Fleet and Nautical Games!


0930 Boats arrive and vessel inspections

1100 Commander’s Cup judging begins

1200 Lunch

1300 General meeting and awards

1330 Blessing of the fleet

1400 Cleanup and head back to home slips

The Power Squadron will provide BBQ, potato salad, baked beans,

dessert and drinks. We will accept any and all side dishes.

Please bring your own chair.

Lunch is $15.00 for adults and $10.00 for 12 years and under.

RSVP by May 14

I need to know how many will be joining us for lunch so I can pur-

chase food. Also I need a count of participating vessels in the Boat

Judging to secure space assignments.

Contact: Bill York

[email protected] 805-628-2553

Page 6: United States Power Squadrons® · urday, May 11 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. I will be there along with Dan Coverdale pre-senting to many of the visitors the proper of PFDs, other

Lt/C Chris Stine


Ventura Sail and Power Squadron

Executive Committee Meeting

Ventura, CA

04 March 2019 Minutes

(Corrected and approved 01 April 2019)

Called to order at 1859.


1. Cdr Vince Gerretz,

2. Executive Officer Lt/C Dan Coverdale

3. Admin Officer Lt/C _____vacant_____

4. Secretary Lt/C Chris Stine, S

5. SEO Lt/C Debbie Braun-Lawson

6. Treasurer Lt/C Dan Cahn

7. P/C Robyn Miller

8. Member guest: P/D/C Don Shultz

9. Member guest: Janet Shultz

Pledge of Allegiance was led by SEO L/C

Debbie Braun-Lawson.

A quorum was present. .

Reports of Officers:

SEO Lt/C Debbie Braun-Lawson

Two classes are currently underway: ABC

and Sailing. Three more classes will start

in April: Marine Communications, Sea-

manship and Advanced Piloting.

Admin Officer Lt/C__vacant

The upcoming event will be the Shakedown

Cruise to Anacapa Island with the Ventura

Yacht Club, on Saturday, March 9, 2019,

coordinated by Jan Lawson.

The Santa Barbara Cruise & Dinner Party

is scheduled for June 14-16, 2019. Details

will be published as soon as planning is


Treasurer Lt/C Dan Cahn

Treasurer’s Report was circulated (via

email) to the Executive Board for review

prior to the meeting. The squadron’s

bank balance is $17,002.00.

Questions about the annual audit were

discussed. Two questions asked were:

when was the last one done, and when is

the next one due? Dan will review and re-

port at the next board meeting. Vince

asked that a budget be developed for this

fiscal year 2019/2020. He also suggested

that last year’s budget be made available

for review, if it’s available.

Secretary Lt/C Chris Stine

Chris did not have the minutes for the An-

nual Meeting in January, but will provide

them at the April Executive Board meet-

ing. Since the January meeting was can-

celled, there are no minutes for the meet-


Page 7: United States Power Squadrons® · urday, May 11 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. I will be there along with Dan Coverdale pre-senting to many of the visitors the proper of PFDs, other

Executive Officer Lt/C Dan Coverdale

Dan brought up the topic of the upcoming

Boating Expo which will be held on May

11. Various aspects of the Expo were dis-

cussed, including an appeal to the mem-

bership to volunteer to help at the Power

Squadron booth. Volunteering at the

VSPS Boating Safety Booth is what the

power squadron is all about, and is always

fun. The shifts are only two hours long,

and it provides an opportunity to meet

new and prospective members for the

squadron. More information will be avail-

able soon.

Commander Vince Gerretz

Vince reported that P/C Robin Miller will

continue to do Safety Inspections, as will

Jim and Mary Baldwin. He is now in pos-

session of the keys to the storage locker,

so He and Dan Coverdale can inventory

the resources for the Expo

Ongoing Business/Activities/Classes

None reported.

Completed Business/Activities/Classes

None reported.

Future Business/Activities/Classes

1. The Executive Committee discussed

various incentive ideas for increasing

enrollment in VSPS. One specific idea

was that students in the ABC class who

join VSPS would get 50% off the mem-

ber’s price of the next Seamanship

class. Joining VSPS must occur before

the start of the next Seamanship class.

This offer would be good for a one year

period from the completion date of the

ABC class. This was moved/seconded

and approved by the board.

2. It was mentioned that National is offer-

ing a radar class, called “Radar for

Boaters.” This is a class that VSPS

might want to consider offering.

3. At previous meetings, the possibility of

meeting at various different locations

was discussed. The purpose would be

to get the squadron out more in the

community. Vince suggested Mimi’s

Restaurant in Ventura, which has a

side room that would be suitable for

this purpose. The suggestion was

made that the meetings could be a

dinner meeting. Toward this end it was

suggested that VSPS could cover 20%

of the meal cost for the Executive

Committee. This was moved and se-

conded, and discussion followed.

DISCUSSION: P/C Robyn Miller asked if the

Executive Committee would be required to

dress in uniform at these dinner meet-

ings. Vince suggested that board mem-

bers could wear Polo shirts with the VSPS

logo, which are available in the VSPS Ship’s

Store. Visiting members would not be re-

quired to wear the Polo shirt. Dan Cover-

dale added that visiting members could

wear their name badge with the squadron

insignia. A suggestion was made that, due

to the significant amount of work required

from the board to keep the squadron run-

ning smoothly and with oversight, the Ex-

ecutive Board be afforded a meal stipend

of not to exceed (NTE) $40.00 per dinner

Page 8: United States Power Squadrons® · urday, May 11 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. I will be there along with Dan Coverdale pre-senting to many of the visitors the proper of PFDs, other

for five dinner meetings per year for each

Executive Board member.

Accordingly, the motion was amended to


VSPS pay for NTE $40.00 per dinner

for five dinner meetings per year

for each Executive Board member;

Board members should wear their

VSPS name badges;

Visiting member-guests at the

meeting should wear their VSPS

name badges

Visiting member-guests’ meals will

be paid for by VSPS (NTE $40.00)

Amended motion was seconded and ap-


4. P/D/C Don Shultz said he has been co-

ordinating the Merit Marks program

since 1999, and thinks perhaps it is

time for someone else to take over. He

will continue until another volunteer

comes along to take over that duty.

Don is also on the Rules Committee

and recently reviewed the By-laws. He

doesn’t see a need to revise the By-

laws at this time. With regard to the

Google Calendar, Don stated he had

removed it from the VSPS website be-

cause nobody was updating it.

Adjourned at 2010.

CCCooommmiiinnnggg EEEvvveeennntttsss



Executive Committee

Ventura Yacht Club



Channel Islands

Safe Boating Expo

USCG Station

Victoria Avenue

Channel Islands



VSPS Picnic

Peninsula Park

3333 Peninsula Rd.




Executive Committee

Ventura Yacht Club



The Santa Barbara

Cruise and Dinner Party

Page 9: United States Power Squadrons® · urday, May 11 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. I will be there along with Dan Coverdale pre-senting to many of the visitors the proper of PFDs, other

Administrative Department Membership Committee Youth Poster Contest

2019 Contest Theme

"America's Boating Club Saves Lives" Judging will be at the 2019 Fall Governing Board Meeting in Louisville, Kentucky

The Youth Poster Contest is open to all children, ages 6-14. The contest is designed as a teaching aid to create an appreciation and respect for recreational boating by promoting safe boating as fun boating.

First, second and third place medals will be awarded in each of three age categories:

1) Ages 6 – 8 2) Ages 9 – 11 3) Ages 12 – 14

The National Membership Committee recommends that Squadrons conduct local contests, taking local squadron winners to a district event for judging. District Winners are the only posters eligible for judging at the National Conference.

The 2019 posters must be delivered for judging at the National Governing Board Meeting in Louisville

September 8-15, 2019.

All submitted posters must adhere to contest rules and guidelines..

Page 10: United States Power Squadrons® · urday, May 11 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. I will be there along with Dan Coverdale pre-senting to many of the visitors the proper of PFDs, other

VVVeeennntttuuurrraaa YYYaaaccchhhttt CCCllluuubbb


VVVeeennntttuuurrraaa SSSaaaiiilll aaannnddd PPPooowwweeerrr SSSqqquuuaaadddrrrooonnn

to attend


Sunday May 5, 2019 at 2:30 p.m.

You already know many yacht club members as instructors in VSPS courses

and as fellow members and officers in the Squadron. You’ve likely attended

dinners, BBQs and classes at the VYC clubhouse. Open House is an opportunity

to learn more about the club’s history, sailing and boating activities, social

events, projects and community services. It is also a great time to consider be-

coming a member.

2:30 p.m. – Welcome and Orientation

Meet VYC representatives of various activities such as Racing, Cruising,

Social, Juniors’ Sailing, Predicted Log Race, Community Service, Film

Night and Book Club.

3:00 p.m. – Tour of VYC Facilities

Walk our grounds, docks and shore facilities with our VYC guides to learn

about what VYC offers members.

3:30 p.m. – Happy Hour

Enjoy a complimentary beverage and join our members for Sunday

munchies. Come socialize or sit by the fireplace and watch the view from

our ocean-front balcony.

Ventura Yacht Club

1755 Spinnaker Drive, Ventura, CA 93001

[email protected]

(805) 642-0426 Call above for more information – RSVPs Appreciated

Page 11: United States Power Squadrons® · urday, May 11 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. I will be there along with Dan Coverdale pre-senting to many of the visitors the proper of PFDs, other
Page 12: United States Power Squadrons® · urday, May 11 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. I will be there along with Dan Coverdale pre-senting to many of the visitors the proper of PFDs, other

2019 Bridge


Cdr Vincent Gerretz, JN


[email protected]

Executive Officer

Lt/C Daniel Coverdale

(323) 810-8887

[email protected]

Administrative Officer



Lt/C Deborah Braun-Lawson, AP

(805) 407-4777

[email protected]


Lt/C Dan Cahn, JN

(805) 482-9420

[email protected]


Lt/C Christine Stine, S

(805) 498-4018

[email protected]

The Helm Editor

Lt. Sheridan Green, JN

(661) 414-6915

[email protected]

Contacts for Local Mariners

24-Hour Emergency Telephone Numbers

US Coast Guard Search & Rescue(805)985-9822

Channel Islands Harbor Patrol (805)382-3000

Ventura Harbor Patrol. (805)642-8618

Port Hueneme…………………… (805)982-4571

Santa Barbara Harbor Patrol (805)564-5530

Harbormasters – Administrative

Channel Islands (805)382-6864

Channel Islands Harbor Patrol (805)382-3007

Ventura Port District (805)642-8538

Port Hueneme Public Affairs (805)982-4493

Santa Barbara Harbor Patrol (805)564-5520

National Weather Service

Oxnard .............................. (805)988-6610

Web site: http://www.nwsla.noaa.gov

Page 13: United States Power Squadrons® · urday, May 11 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. I will be there along with Dan Coverdale pre-senting to many of the visitors the proper of PFDs, other

Ventura Sail & Power Squadron

Lt. Sheridan Green, JN, Editor

1755 Spinnaker Drive

Ventura, CA 93001

Address Correction Requested

May 2019