United States Navy · 2016-11-18 · t . 10 September 1968: ENS G ~ H. MORRIS , CEC, USN , relieved...


Transcript of United States Navy · 2016-11-18 · t . 10 September 1968: ENS G ~ H. MORRIS , CEC, USN , relieved...

Page 1: United States Navy · 2016-11-18 · t . 10 September 1968: ENS G ~ H. MORRIS , CEC, USN , relieved LT N. H. I..GNG, Jr., CEC, USN, as Officer-in-charge of Detail Zulu at Quang Tri.
Page 2: United States Navy · 2016-11-18 · t . 10 September 1968: ENS G ~ H. MORRIS , CEC, USN , relieved LT N. H. I..GNG, Jr., CEC, USN, as Officer-in-charge of Detail Zulu at Quang Tri.

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Page 3: United States Navy · 2016-11-18 · t . 10 September 1968: ENS G ~ H. MORRIS , CEC, USN , relieved LT N. H. I..GNG, Jr., CEC, USN, as Officer-in-charge of Detail Zulu at Quang Tri.







FPO New York, New Yor k 09501 MCB-133:30:bes 5213 Ser: 2312 13 December 1968

Commanding Officer, U. S. Naval Mobile Construction Battalion ONE THI~TY THREE Col!llTlander Naval Construction Battalions, U. S. Pacific Fleet

Deployment Completion Report for Period April through December 1968; submission of

(a) COMCBPACINST 5213 . lE dated 18 May 1968 (b) COMCBPAC OPORD 22- 67

(1) Administrative Summary (2) Equipment Summary (3) Training, Security, Communications and Crdnance Summary (4) . Labor Distribution Summary (5) Construction Item SUJlllllary (6) Project and PeJ;"formance Chart (7) General Construction Information (8) Lessons Learned and Recommendations (9) Civic Action SUllllTJ.ary (10) Construction Photographs

1 . This report is submitted in accordance with reference (a) as required in the performance of reference (b) . During the period April through -December 1968, United States Naval Mobi le Construction Battalion ONE THIRTY THREE was deployed at Camp Campbel l , Phu Bai, Republic of Vietnam. The Batt alion ' s prd.mary mission was const r uction in support of the THIRTY SECOND Naval Construction Regiment .

2. Unit Movements .

a . 17 - 18 March 1968: The Advance Party of the '9attalion arrived at Phu Bai, ID.TN, on two C-130 flights provided ~Y' the Military Airlift Command .

b . 13 - 20 April 1968: The Bat tali on' s main body arri ved at Phu Bai aboard MAC C-130 flights .

c . 3 September 1968: Detail Zulu, 34 men under LT N. H. LONG, Jr., CEC, USN, departed by convoy and 1st Air Cavalry Chi nook for Quang Tri , RVN, to assist NMCB-11 in Minimum Essential Requirements billet constr uction for the THIRD Marine Division. ·


Page 4: United States Navy · 2016-11-18 · t . 10 September 1968: ENS G ~ H. MORRIS , CEC, USN , relieved LT N. H. I..GNG, Jr., CEC, USN, as Officer-in-charge of Detail Zulu at Quang Tri.

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d. 2 October 1968 : Detail Zulu returned by air and convoy to Phu Bai marking the end of MER work by NMCB-133 at Quang Tri.

e. 10 October 1968: Seabee Team 13301 departed by air from the Republic of Vietnam f or CBC, Gulfport , Mississippi, to conduct team t raining.

f. 23 November 1968 : Seabee Team 13302 departed by air from the Republic of Vietnam for CBC , Gulfport, Mississippi, to conduct team training .

g. 23, ;26 November 1968: The Advance Party of the Battalion departed by MAC C-141 aircraft for CBC, Gulfport, Mississippi (two increments).

. n. 13 - 17 Dec ember 1968 : The Bat talion 1 s main body departed aboard 8 MAC C-141 f lights for CBC , Gulfport, Mississippi .

3. significant Events .

a . 13 April 1968: Commander .E. H. MARSH, II, CEX: , USN, Commanding Officer, U. S. Naval Mobile Construction Battalion ONE THIRTY THREE relieved Commander B. E. STULTZ , CEC, USN, Commanding Officer, U. S. Naval Mobi le Construction Battalion ONE 'IW.ENTY ONE of the command of Camp Campbell, Phu Bai, Republic of Vietnam.

b. 25 .. ~ 26 April 1968: RADM W. M. HEAMAN , CEC , USN, Commander. ··Construction Battal:i:9n·~ , U. s ... 'Pacific Fleet; RADM J . V. BARTLETT, CEC , USN , Commander THIRD Naval Construction Brigade; CAPT J . M. HILL, CEC, USN, Commander THIRTY SECOND Naval Construction Regiment; CAPT T. C. WILLIAMS, CEC, USN·, Staff, Commander in Chief, U. S. Pacific. Fleet ; CDR D. A. PETZRICK, CEC, ·usN, Chief Staff Officer, THIRTY SECOND Naval Construction Regiment; · CDR J. F. O'LEARY, CEC, USN, Commanding Officer, U. S. Naval Mobile Construction Battalion EIGHT; and LCDR H. A. WELLS, Jr., CEC, USN, visited Camp Campbell and the Phu Bai area.

c. 30 April 1968 : RADM J. v. BARTLET'r, CEC, USN, COM3NCB; CAPT J.M. HILL, CEC, USN, COMJ2NCR; and CDR D. A. PE'fZRICK, CEC, USN, Chief Staff Officer, 32NCR visited Camp Campbell for an arrival briefing .

d . 3 May 1968 : The Truoi River Bridge was dedicat ed by BGEN J . N. McLAUGHLIN, USMC, former Connnanding Gener al , Task Force XRAY .

e. 26 May 1968 : E03 Everal .F. AVEY was fatally injured in an equipment accident two miles south of Hue, RVN.

f. 8 June 1968 : The NMCB-133 asphalt batch plant became operational. One ton of asphalt was produced.

g. 11 June 1968: NMCB-133 started paving QL-1 within the Phu Bai Combat Base .

Page 5: United States Navy · 2016-11-18 · t . 10 September 1968: ENS G ~ H. MORRIS , CEC, USN , relieved LT N. H. I..GNG, Jr., CEC, USN, as Officer-in-charge of Detail Zulu at Quang Tri.

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h. 20 June 1968 : RADM J. V. BAR'fLET'l', CEC , . USN , COMJNCB ; CAPI' J . M. HILL, CEC, USN, COMJ2NCR; CDR D. A. PETZRICK, CEC, USN, Chief Staff Officer, 32NCR; LCDR J . T. PATTERSON, CEC , USN, Executive Offi cer, NMCB- 8; and LT D. C. RIGGIN , CEC , USN, Aide, visited Camp Campbell as part of the Admiral's inspecti on .

i . 28 June 1968: CAPT C. G. HILLER, CEC, USN, Chief of Staff, COMCBPAC and CDR B. J. HACKENSON , SC, USN , COMCBPAC, Staff Logistics Officer, visited NMCB-133 for an informal inspection.

j. 14 July 1968: CDR E. H. Y.tARSH, II, CEC, USN, was relieved as Commanding Officer, NMCB-133 by CDR F. H. LEWIS, Jr ., CEC, USN .

k . 17 July 1968 : The AM-2 matti ng overlay of the Phu Bai Airfi eld runway was completed after 50 hours and 55 minutes of continuous effort .

1 . 21 July 1968 : Project Denial was completed .

m. 2B July 1968: LT A. T. GERMAN, CEC , USN, Assistant Equipment Officer, JlNCR and his staff visited Camp Campbell for the annual Equipment Adminis­tration Inspection .

n. 6 August 1968: The Minimum Essential Requirements program was begun at Camp Eagle and Gia Le.

o. 16 August 1968: NMCB-133 personnel took part in a Change of Command ceremon~r at Gia Le . CAPT J . M. HILL, CEC, USN, was relieved by CAPT A. W. WALTON, CEXJ, USN, as Commander, 32NCR.

p. 16 - 17 August 1968 : CDR W. L. WILSON, CEC , USN, Operations Officer , CBPAC; LCDR G. R. GILMORE, CEC, USN, Plans and Training Officer, CBPAC; and LT J . L. HENLEY, CEC, USN , Administration Officer, CBPAC, visited Camp Campbell for the annual CBPAC Administrative Inspecti on.

q. 4 - 5 September 1968: Typhoon BESS struck the Phu Bai area with heavy rains causing widespread flooding . No major casualties or damage was incurred by ~11CB-133 personnel or proper ty. The new Nam Hoa pontoon · mounted pumping station floated about 100 yards downstr eam, was washed · aground and broke iii half .

r . 6 September 1968: LT H. F. COHRBAND, SC, USN, Logistics Officer, 31NCR, and his staff visited Camp Campbell for a Supply Administration · I nspection.

s. 9 September 1968 : CDR F. H. LE.WIS, Jr., CEC, USN, Commanding Officer , NMCB-133 ; LCDR G. W. CALLENDER, Jr ., CEC , USN, Operations Officer, NMCB-133; and CUCM J. E. WEBER, USN, Master Chief , NMCB-133 visited . the Battalion well drilling team at site A-1 near the Demilitarized Zone, and Detail Zulu at Quang Tri.


Page 6: United States Navy · 2016-11-18 · t . 10 September 1968: ENS G ~ H. MORRIS , CEC, USN , relieved LT N. H. I..GNG, Jr., CEC, USN, as Officer-in-charge of Detail Zulu at Quang Tri.

t . 10 September 1968 : ENS G ~ H. MORRIS , CEC, USN, relieved LT N. H. I..GNG, Jr., CEC, USN, as Officer-in-charge of Detail Zulu at Quang Tri .

u . 14 September 1968 : Night repairs were effected to bridge 29 between Phu Bai and Hue. Security was provided by A Troop, 2nd Battalion,. 17th ll . s. Cavalry, lOlst Airborne Divisi·on .

v. 15 September 1968: LCDR G. R. 1"'i.ATTHE.1/'S, CEC , USN , and Major TYSON , USMC, of CBPAC; visited Camp Campbell to inspect. Plans, ·rraining, Ordnance and Communications .

w. 18 September 1968: RADM A. C. HUSBAND, CEC, USN , Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command and party visited the Phu Bai area.

,x. 19 - 24 September 1968 : CDR F. H. LEWIS, Jr. , CEC , USN, Commanding Officer, NMCB-133 and CUCM J: E. WEBER, USN, Master Chief, NMCB-133 visited NMCB-133 1 s Seabee Teams in the Saigon area.

y. 29 September 1968: NMCB-133 completed the first increment of MER billet construction for t he lOlst Airborne Division at Camp Eagle .

z . 29 September 1968: LCDR P. C. HAZUCHA, CEC, USN, was rel ieved as Executive Officer, NMCB- 133 by LCDR D. E. BOTrORFF, CEC, USN .

aa. 12 October 1968: MGEN Melvin ZAIS, USA, Commanding General, lOlst Airborne Division, presented a captured enemy weapon to CDR F. H. LEWIS, Jr., CEC, USN, Conunanding Officer, NMCB- 133 in appreciation for MER work.

bb . 21 October 1968 : "C" Day (conversion of MPC) was held .

c~. 24 October 1968: NMCB-133 's concrete batch plant set a new record for a twelve hour period by batching 255 cubic yards of concrete .

dd . 3 November 1968 : Colonel TALON, USA , Chief of Staff, lOlst Airborne Division visit ed Camp Campbell and presented CDR F. H. LEWIS, Jr., CEC, USN , Connnanding Officer , NMCB-133 with a plaque in appreciation for MER work at Camp Eagle. ·

ee . 11 November 1968: Major General Nqo-Quang- TRUONG, Cormnanding Off icer, 1st ARVN Division, visited Camp Campbell and presented eight NMCB-133 per~ sonnel with Vietnamese medals for work done on the Song Ta 'frach pipeline and the Dong Da water treatment plant .

ff . 19 November 1968: Major General Mel vin ZAIS, USA, Commanding General , lOlst Airborne Division, dedicated the lOlst Airborne Division Commissioned Officer's mess. CAP'r A. W. WALTON, Jr ., CEC, USN, COM3 2NCR and CDR F. H. LEWIS, Jr ., CEC, USN, CoI11ITLanding Officer, NMCB-133 were present . Major General ZAIS presented CDR ·LN,VJS with a plaque from the officers of the l Ol st and a small silver paratrooper statue in appreci­ation for MER work.


Page 7: United States Navy · 2016-11-18 · t . 10 September 1968: ENS G ~ H. MORRIS , CEC, USN , relieved LT N. H. I..GNG, Jr., CEC, USN, as Officer-in-charge of Detail Zulu at Quang Tri.

gg . 20 November 1968: Colonel BLAND, USMC, THIRD Marine Amphibious Force representative; CAPT A. W. WALTON, Jr . , CEC, USN, COM32NCR; CDR C. M. HOWE, CEC, USN, Chief of Staff, JNCB; CDR W. H. ANDER.SON, CEC, USN, Commanding Officer, NMCB- 71; and CDR D. A. BA~TLEY, CEC, USN, Commanding Officer, NXCB-10 visited Camp Campbell.

hh. 21 November 1968: LT A. T. GERMEN, CEC, USN, Assistant Equipment Officer, THI~TY FIRST Naval Constructi on Regiment, and staff arrived at Camp Campbell in preparation for BEEP .

ii. 23 November 1968: The Advance Party of NMCB-40 led by LCDR W. M. BELL, CEC, USN, Operations Officer, arrived at Camp Campbell.

jj . 26 November 1968: Battalion Equipment Evaluation Program began .

kk. 28 November 1968 : RADM W. M. HEAMAN, CEC, USN , Conunander, Naval Constructi on Battalions, U.S. Pacific Fleet ; and RADM J. v. BARTLETT, CEC , USN, Commander, THIRD Naval Construction Brigade visited the Phu Bai area.

11. 6 December 1968: CDR F. H. L@NIS," Jr., CEC, USN, and LCDR D. E. BOTTORFF, CEC, USN, Commanding Officer and Executive Officer, NMCB-133 were guests of honor at a luncheon in the quarters of RADM J . V. BARTLETT, CEC, USN"; COMJNCB . Also present were CAPT C. G. MILLER, CEC, USN, Chief of Staff, CBPAC; CAPT A. W. WALTON, Jr., CEC, USN, COM32NCR; CAPT J . R. FISHER, CEC, USN, COM)ONCR; CAPT C. M. HOWE, CEC, USN, Chief of Staff, JNCB; CAPT B. S. PICKETT, CEC, USN, NAVFORV .representative Da Nang (Base Development); and CDR S. M. BROCKWELL, CEC, USN, Equipment Officer, 3NCB.

mm. 6 December 1968: CAPT W. G. HOPKINS, SC, USN, CBC, Port Hueneme, Supply Officer; and CDR B. J . HACKENSON, SC , USN, Logistics Officer, CBPAC, visited Camp Campbell.

nn. 7 December 1968: Battalion Equipment Evaluation Program ended.

oo. 11 December 1968: At Battalion formation, Colonel Tran-Von- CAM, Chief of Staff, 1st ARVN Division, presented five Gallantry Crosses with Silver Stars , ten Gallantry Crosses with Bronze Sta~s and seven Technical Medals Second Class to NMCB-133 personnel for work done upgrading National Route ONE. CAPT A. w. WALTON, Jr . , CEC, USN, COM32NCR and CDR F. H. LE.WIS, Jr. , CEC, USN, CO NMCB-133 presented a number of letters of appreciation and commendation .

pp. 11 December 1968: CDR F. H. LEWIS, Jr., CEC , USN, was honored by LT GEN R. G. STILLWELL, USA, Commanding General , XXIV Corps, at a dinner in the General's mess, XXIV Corps headquarters. General STILLWELL presented CDR LEWIS with a plaque in appreciation for support provided to XXIV Corps units.


Page 8: United States Navy · 2016-11-18 · t . 10 September 1968: ENS G ~ H. MORRIS , CEC, USN , relieved LT N. H. I..GNG, Jr., CEC, USN, as Officer-in-charge of Detail Zulu at Quang Tri.

qq. 11 December 1968: CDR W. F. DANIEL, Jr., CEC , USN, Cormnanding Officer, U. s. Naval Mobile Construction Battalion FORTY arrived at Camp Campbell .

rr . 13 December 1968: The first main body flight of USN MCB 40 arrived at Da ·flTang and the command of Camp Campbell was t r ansferred from CDR F . H ~ L~WIS , Jr. , CBC, USN, CO NMCB 133 to CDR W. F . DANP.:L, Jr., CEC , USN; CO NMCB 40

4 • Maj or Prob le ms • None •


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Page 9: United States Navy · 2016-11-18 · t . 10 September 1968: ENS G ~ H. MORRIS , CEC, USN , relieved LT N. H. I..GNG, Jr., CEC, USN, as Officer-in-charge of Detail Zulu at Quang Tri.

b. Advancements.

E-7 t o E-8 E-6 to E-7 E-5 to E-6 E-4 to E-5 E-3 t o E-4 E-2 to E-3

1 2

16 20 32

~ c. Major United States Awards Recei ved .

(1) Purple Hearts


( 2 ) Other Maj or Awards

See at tached cit ations

d. Major United States Awar ds Recommended.-::-

Bronze Star 1 Navy Commendation 6 Navy Achievement 19

e. Vietnamese Awards•*

See attached citations

f. Seabee of the Month Awards.

May June J ul y August SPptember

October November

BU2 E. E. JOHNSON, USN, Operations Department BU2 E. M. HAMMER, USN, Delta Company CN P. C. JOHNSON, USN, Charlie Company SKSN W, C. GEE, USN, SupPly Department YN3 R. W. GURGUL, USN, Headquarters Company and BU3 W. H. JUDY, Delta Company (tie) C!12 H. J. GEER, USN, Alpha Company CS) W. K. WARD, USN, Supply Department and BU2 D. L. SCHLEYHAHN (tie)

g. "Cock of the Wal k" Awards.

May June

Delta Company under LT G. R. HOSEY, CEC, USN Delta Company under LT G. R. HOSEY, CEC, USN

* A supple~ent t o t his report i ncluding copies of citations for all current deplovment awards received after 10 December 1968 will be issued at a later date.