United States History

United States History Risk


United States History. Risk. Langston Hughes and Duke Ellington were artists of what period ? Harlem Renaissance. What were the assembly lines, invented by Henry Ford, powered by ? electricity. What was the main cause of the Great Depression ? Stock Market crash. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of United States History

Page 1: United  States History

United States History


Page 2: United  States History
Page 3: United  States History

• Langston Hughes and Duke Ellington were artists of what period?

• Harlem Renaissance

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• What were the assembly lines, invented by Henry Ford, powered by?

• electricity

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• What was the main cause of the Great Depression?

• Stock Market crash

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• The day the stock market crashed in 1929 is referred to as what?

• Black Tuesday

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• What were the programs called that FDR instituted to combat the Great Depression?

• The New Deal

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• What were shantytowns and Hoovervilles??• Tent cities that popped up during the

Depression for people who lost their homes

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• Why did the US enter WWII?• Bombing of Pearl Harbor

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• What group of people were put in internment camps in the US during WWII?

• Japanese Americans

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• What 2 cities were attacked with an atomic bomb by the US?

• Hiroshima and Nagasaki

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• What happened on D-Day?• Allied invasion of France – turning point in the


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• What was the main goal of the US in Vietnam?• Stop the spread of communism

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• What is the significance of the Tet offensive?• Turning point in Vietnam war, not an easy win

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• What two countries aided North Korea?• China and Russia

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• Why did the US support South Korea?• Stop spread of communism

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• The US emerged as a super power after the fall of what wall?

• Berlin

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• If one country falls to communism, then others will follow is an example of what theory?

• Domino theory

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• The Marshall plan was to give US aid to build up what war torn part of the world?

• Europe

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• What was the purpose of the Berlin Airlift?• Take supplies to West Berlin, who was cut off

by Russia after WWII

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• What was the main goal of McCarthyism’s?• To expose communists in America, specifically

the government

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• What were the Hollywood 10 accused of?• Being communists and influencing society

with movies

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• What inspired the American’s rush to get to the moon?

• The Russian launch of Sputnik

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• The Cuban Missile Crisis was a standoff between what two countries ?

• Russia and the US

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• What invention increased consumerism?• Television

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What was the symbol of the American Dream?Owning your own home, the growth of suburbs

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What movement in the 1950’s put poetry to music to protest conventional society ?

The beat movement

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What musical genre began in the 1960’s with the “British invasion” of the Beatles ?Rock n’ roll

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• Martin Luther King Jr. gave his famous “I have a Dream speech at what event ?

• March on Washington•

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• What court case overturned Plessy v Ferguson and outlawed segregation of schools?

• Brown v Board of Education

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• What concert in NY was the end of the rise of the hippie movement?

• Woodstock.

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• Who organized the migrant farm workers into unions?

• Cesar Chavez

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• The Watergate scandal led to the resignation what president ?

• Nixon

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Roe v Wade made what practice legal?• Abortion

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• The equal rights amendment in the 1970’s tried to gain equal rights for whom ?

• Women

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• What happened at Three Mile Island?• Nuclear reactor meltdown

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• What agency is responsible for policies on global warming, oil spills etc . . .?

• The Environmental Protection Agency

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• Who was president during the Iran Hostage Crisis?

• Carter

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• What was President Clintons policy about gays in the military?

• Don’t ask don’t tell

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• Why did the US get involved in Desert Storm?

• Iraq invaded Kuwait and prevented oil trade

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• What was President Reagan’s economic policy ?

• Reaganomics – cut taxes, cut government spending, increase defense spending

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• Who claimed responsibility for the 911 attacks?

• Osama Bin Ladin (Al-qaeda)

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• What government program provided a pension for retirees because many were living in poverty?

• Social Security

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• What agreement reduced tariffs between the US and Mexico and Canada?


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• When did the internet become common in the home?

• 1990’s

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• What invention expanded research, entertainment, communication, information availability ?

• Internet (world wide web)

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• How is nuclear energy used today?• Electricity, clean energy

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• Why did Iran take 66 American hostages?• Because the US allowed the deposed Shah to

come to America for medical treatment

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• Why did many Americans oppose nuclear energy?

• Three Mile Island meltdown

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• What gave Roosevelt authority to sell, or provide aid to the allies prior to our joining WWII?

• Lend-lease Act

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• Congress enacted reforms to restore public confidence in government after what scandal?

• Watergate

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• What was the cause of the Dust Bowl?• Drought, new farming methods

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• What was the purpose of Medicare, in Johnson’s Great Society ?

• To provide medical care for those who could not afford it