United States Department of the Interior - Bureau of Land … · 2017-03-02 · The BLM reviewed...

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Transcript of United States Department of the Interior - Bureau of Land … · 2017-03-02 · The BLM reviewed...

  • In Reply To:

    United States Department of the InteriorBUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT



    Re: Receipt and Acceptability of Application for Permit to Drill (APD)

    Well Name / Number:Legal Description: County, State:Date APD Received:

    Dear Operator:

    on . The BLM reviewed the APD package pursuant to part III.B.2 of Onshore Oil and Gas Order No.1 and it is:

    1. Incomplete/Deficient (The BLM cannot process the APD until you submit the identifieditems within 45 calendar days of the date of this notice or the BLM will return your APD.)

    Well Plat Drilling Plan Surface Use Plan of Operations (SUPO)

    Certification of Private Surface Owner Access Agreement


    Onsite (The BLM has scheduled the onsite to be on )

    [Please See Addendum for further clarification of deficiencies]

    This requirement is exempt of the 45-day timeframe to submit deficiencies. This requirement will be satisfied on the date of the onsite.


    The BLM received your Application for Permit to Drill (APD), for the referenced well,

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  • 2. Missing Necessary Information (The BLM can start, but cannot complete the analysisuntil you submit the identified items. This is an early notice and the BLM will restate this in a 30-day deferral letter, if you have not submitted the information at that time. You will have two (2) years from the date of the deferral to submit this information or the BLM will deny your APD.)

    [Please See Addendum for further clarification of deficiencies]

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  • NOTE: The BLM will return your APD package to you, unless you correct all deficiencies identified above (item 1) within 45 calendar days.

    The BLM will not refund an APD processing fee or apply it to another APD for anyreturned APD.

    Extension Requests: If you know you will not be able to meet the 45-day timeframe for reasons beyond your

    control, you must submit a written request through email/standard mail for extension prior to the 45th calendar day from this notice,

    The BLM will consider the extension request if you can demonstrate your diligence(providing reasons and examples of why the delay is occurring beyond your control) inattempting to correct the deficiencies and can provide a date by which you will correctthe deficiencies. If the BLM determines that the request does not warrant an extension,the BLM will return the APD as incomplete after the 45 calendar days have elapsed.

    o The BLM will determine whether to grant an extension beyond the required 45calendar days and will document this request in the well file. If you fail to submitdeficiencies by the date defined in the extension request, the BLM will return theAPD.

    APDs remaining Incomplete: If the APD is still not complete, the BLM will notify you and allow 10 additional

    business days to submit a written request to the BLM for an extension. The request must describe how you will address all outstanding deficiencies and the timeframe you request to complete the deficiencies.

    o The BLM will consider the extension request if you can prove your diligence(providing reasons and examples of why the delay is occurring) in attempting tocorrect the deficiencies and you can provide a date by which you will correct thedeficiencies. If the BLM determines that the request does not warrant anadditional extension, the BLM will return the APD as incomplete.

    If you have any questions, please contact



  • ADDENDUM - Incomplete/Deficient Clarifications

    ADDENDUM - Deficient Adjudication Comments Legal Description Deficiency/Deficiencies: - Production zone entry point(s) submitted is conflicting or incorrect. Surface Comments - Location and Type of Water Supply Deficiency: Discuss Water Supply options in greater detail. Per OO#1 describe potential source and route, i.e. municipal water from Wright, Wyoming, trucked on roads approved for Habanero-Serrano POD. Any proposed above ground pipelines from potential water sources will be submitted via Sundry Notice for approval. 2/28/17 Corrected, detail on options provided. Sundry required for above ground pipelines; potential route would need cultural clearance. - Plans for Surface Reclamation Deficiency: 1. Interim Reclamation must be completed within 6 months of well completion. On page 9 of 19 on SUPO Data Report, under Reconstruction Method, one year is stated for interim reclamation. Text in attached SUPO, Interim Reclamation, is correct (6 Months). Correct page 9 of the SUPO Data Report. 2/28/17 Corrected in SUPO. 2. Provide statement that Operator will drill the multiple wells on pad sequentially; and that interim reclamation will be accomplished on pad within 6 months of well completion, even if remaining approved Habanero-Serrano PODs APDs have not been drilled to date. Modification to this time line may be approved by the BLM authorized officer. 2/28/17 Statement has been provided in SUPO. Corrected. - Surface ownership Deficiency: Certify that a Surface Use Agreement has been reached with WI Moore, or submit a Bond number. 2/28/17 Operator certifies that Surface Use Agreement has been reached with WI Moore. - SUPO Review: Other submitted information are inadequate and/or incomplete 1. Certify that a Water Well Agreement has been offered to surface owners with permitted water wells within 1/2 mile of proposed wells. 2/28/2017 This deficiency has been retracted by BFO. Management Team reviewed and decided that requirement is specific to Coal Bed Methane wells and not applicable to deep oil wells. 2. Provide an Integrated Pest Management Plan. SUPO states that Operator will submit one at a future date. Include all information provided on page 12 of 19, SUPO Data Report, on weed treatment plan description, monitoring plan description, and success standards. 2/28/17 Corrected and all information provided in Plan. 3. BLM Civil Engineer has not yet reviewed Engineered Plats for Option 2 Access Road. Therefore there may be additional deficiencies under item for "New and Reconstructed Roads" once that review is complete, resulting in a second Post Onsite Deficiency Letter. 2/28/17 Engineering Deficiencies have been addressed: existing culvert replaced with 18" culvert (see sheet 3 of 20 of revised plat package); ADT provided in Section 2.p of revised SUPO; Acceptable Site specific soils data is provided in Section 2.o of revised SUPO; curve has been widened into existing Y intersection for Option 1 (sheet 10 of 20). The Section 34 road at the Y-intersection is designed with a 24' travelway width and 75' centerline radius. The curve widening consists of a 10'

  • ADDENDUM - Incomplete/Deficient Clarifications

    turnout transitioning into a 30' turnout, then back to 10' before returning to the original roadway width. the overall curve length of the widened section is 235', increasing turn radius and sight distance. Engineering Comments - BOP requirements are not met 1. The choke diagram was not attached. BWM: Corrected on 3/1/2017 - Casing design information is inadequate and/or incomplete 1. For the production liner, the information entered in the A2 system shows it to be LTC while the attached drilling plan shows it to be BTC. Also, the casing design for the liner is using load ratings for BTC in the tensile design. STILL DEFICIENT - Cementing design information is inadequate and/or incomplete 1. The Top MD and Bottom MD for the cement segments is entered incorrectly for the lead and tail cements. These values should reflect the proposed tops and bottoms for each segment. BWM: Corrected on 3/1/2017 2. The information entered in the A2 system indicates that the intermediate casing will be cemented from 12,302' back to the surface; however, the proposed cement volumes would not be able to cover that entire interval. Since the Lance is identified as having usable water, the intermediate casing will need to be cemented to at least 100' above the top of the Lance Formation. BWM: Corrected on 3/1/2017 - Engineering Review: Other identified drilling plan deficiencies 1. While not technically a deficiency, any non-municipal water sources that are planned to be used for cementing MUST have a water quality analysis submitted to the BLM prior to APD approval. ADDENDUM - Incomplete or Necessary Information Adjudication Comments - Adjudicator additional information: 1. Surface bond for landowner for the WI Moore Ranch Company will need to be submitted prior to approval of this APD. The bond WYB001610 is not applicable as a surface bond it only covers oil and gas operations. Corrected 3/1/2017 LEM 2. Add to Section 3 - Well Location Table - a PPP for "Fee" SWSW Sec 24 and rest of well information. Corrected 3/1/2017 LEM Surface Comments - SUPO Review: APD additional necessary information are inadequate and/or incomplete Cultural Requirements: 1. Please send three copies of the final report to BLM Buffalo Field Office (one for BFO, one for CFO, and one for WY-SHPO).

  • ADDENDUM - Incomplete/Deficient Clarifications

    2. DBI cover page: Under Inventory Method, Protocol, please select the appropriate linear survey width rather than class III. Use the class III option for block inventory only. 3. VCR forms: Please attach the appropriate photos to the VCR forms. 4. Project map: Per the BLM Wyoming Standard Permit Conditions, Part III-Fieldwork and Reporting(u): Permittee will insure that all cover pages of reports and accompanying maps contain the following statement in large font, bold type: For Official Use Only: Disclosure of site locations prohibited (43 CFR 7.18). Please add this statement to the project map. Note: There will be a 15day formal SHPO consultation for the no adverse effect to the Bozeman Trail before approval of these APDs. 2/28/17 Corrected. There will be a 15 day formal SHPO consultation for the no adverse effects to Bozeman Trail before approval of APDs.

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    onsiteDate: extensionDate: 04/16/2017.pocName: Debby Green at (307) 684-1058.chkIncomplete: chkWellPlat: chkDrillPlan: chkSurfPOP: chkCertSurfOwner: chkOnsite: officeName: BUFFALO FIELD OFFICEofficeStreet: 1425 FORT STREETofficeCityStateZip: BUFFALO, WY 82834leaseNum1: [ WYW145575 ]attnClient: BRADY LEWIScompanyAddress: 1200 17TH STREET, SUITE 2200companyName: LIBERTY RESOURCES MANAGEMENT COMPANY LLCcompanyCityStateZip: DENVER, CO 80202currentDate: 03/02/2017wellNum: SERRANO W 4175-24-13-2FH / 4legalDesc: T41N, R75W, SEC 25, NWNWsiteCountyState: CAMPBELL, WYapdReceivedDate: 12/23/2016url: [email protected]: 12/23/2016chkMissingInfo: chkBonding: signature1: Jim Verplanckesignature2: Supervisory Natural Resources Specialistsignature3: signature4: signature5: ccAgencyTribeService1: ccAgencyTribeService2: ccAgencyTribeService3: chkMissingOther: fedIndLeaseNum: FEDERAL - WYW145575