UNITED METHODIST CHURCH OF GALES FERRY February 2013 SUNDAY SCHEDULE - FEBRUARY 3 Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany 8:15 Morning Worship - Communion 9:15 Sunday School/Chancel Choir 10:30 Morning Worship - Communion 10 Last Sunday after the Epiphany 8:15 Morning Worship 9:15 Sunday School/Chancel Choir 10:30 Morning Worship 17 First Sunday in Lent 8:15 Morning Worship 9:15 Sunday School/Chancel Choir 10:30 Morning Worship 24 Second Sunday in Lent 8:15 Morning Worship 9:15 Sunday School/Chancel Choir 10:30 Morning Worship INSIDE THIS ISSUE … Pastor’s Pen/UMCCC ......................................2 Connecting Team/Worship Arts .....................3 Connecting Team..............................................4 Serving Ministry Team ................................5,6 SPRC .................................................................6 Equipping Team/Youth Ministries………… .7 Equipping Team/Sunday School .....................8 Church Activities ..............................................9 Church Office/Meeting Schedule ..................10 Volunteer Schedule ........................................11 THE SOUNDING BOARD The Nazareth Gazette Est. 2011 Dei gratia DID GOD CREATE EVIL? At first you might think that God created all things. Then you assume that God created evil, but that’s not the case. Evil isn’t a “thing” like a rock or electricity. Evil doesn’t exist by itself. It’s just the absence of good. For example, a hole does exist, but only in something else. We call the absence of dirt a hole, but it can’t be separated from dirt. It’s true that God cre- ated all good. One thing that God made that was good, was creatures that could have the freedom to make good choices. To have real choices he had to make something other than good to choose from. We call this evil if bad comes between two good things, but doesn’t become a “thing” that required God to make. Also, if you ask someone if cold exists they would most likely say yes, but that isn’t true. Cold doesn’t exist. It is the absence of heat. Same with darkness. It doesn’t exist. It is the absence of light. Evil is the opposite of God. God didn’t have to create evil. Even though God didn’t create evil, he does allow it. If He didn’t allow evil, both mankind and the angels would be serving God without responsibility. God did allow evil so we could have a freedom to serve God or to not serve him. Just like the shooter from Sandy Hook and the Colorado movie theater shooting. They had a choice to be good or evil and they chose to be evil. Even though God didn’t create evil, he still al- lows it to happen and people go against him and he allows that to happen. By: Hannah Boyles



February 2013


3 Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany

8:15 Morning Worship - Communion

9:15 Sunday School/Chancel Choir

10:30 Morning Worship - Communion

10 Last Sunday after the Epiphany

8:15 Morning Worship

9:15 Sunday School/Chancel Choir

10:30 Morning Worship

17 First Sunday in Lent

8:15 Morning Worship

9:15 Sunday School/Chancel Choir

10:30 Morning Worship

24 Second Sunday in Lent

8:15 Morning Worship

9:15 Sunday School/Chancel Choir

10:30 Morning Worship


Pastor’s Pen/UMCCC ......................................2

Connecting Team/Worship Arts .....................3

Connecting Team ..............................................4

Serving Ministry Team ................................5,6

SPRC .................................................................6

Equipping Team/Youth Ministries………… .7

Equipping Team/Sunday School .....................8

Church Activities ..............................................9

Church Office/Meeting Schedule ..................10

Volunteer Schedule ........................................11


The Nazareth Gazette

Est. 2011 Dei gratia


At first you might think that God created all things.

Then you assume that God created evil, but that’s not

the case. Evil isn’t a “thing” like a rock or electricity.

Evil doesn’t exist by itself. It’s just the absence of

good. For example, a hole does exist, but only in

something else. We call the absence of dirt a hole, but

it can’t be separated from dirt. It’s true that God cre-

ated all good. One thing that God made that was good,

was creatures that could have the freedom to make

good choices. To have real choices he had to make

something other than good to choose from. We call

this evil if bad comes between two good things, but

doesn’t become a “thing” that required God to make.

Also, if you ask someone if cold exists they would

most likely say yes, but that isn’t true. Cold doesn’t

exist. It is the absence of heat. Same with darkness.

It doesn’t exist. It is the absence of light. Evil is the

opposite of God. God didn’t have to create evil.

Even though God didn’t create evil, he does allow it.

If He didn’t allow evil, both mankind and the angels

would be serving God without responsibility. God did

allow evil so we could have a freedom to serve God or

to not serve him. Just like the shooter from Sandy

Hook and the Colorado movie theater shooting. They

had a choice to be good or evil and they chose to be

evil. Even though God didn’t create evil, he still al-

lows it to happen and people go against him and he

allows that to happen.

By: Hannah Boyles



Carol Hammer, Kathy Sampson, Laura Davies

Dear Friends,

This year, as you may already know, the season of

Lent begins on February 13th, Ash Wednesday. As I

was reviewing the service of worship that we tradition-

ally share on this occasion, the words of the

“Invitation to the Observance of Lenten Discipline”

caught my attention in a new way:

“Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:

...The early Christians observed with great devo-

tion the days of our Lord's passion and resurrection,

and it became the custom of the Church that before the

Easter celebration there should be a forty-day season

of spiritual preparation. During this season converts to

the faith were prepared for Holy Baptism. It was also

a time when persons who had committed serious

sins and had separated themselves from the commu-

nity of faith were reconciled by penitence and forgive-

ness, and restored to participation in the life of the

Church. In this way the whole congregation was re-

minded of the mercy and forgiveness proclaimed in the

gospel of Jesus Christ and the need we all have to re-

new our faith. I invite you, therefore, in the name of

the Church, to observe a holy Lent: by-self examina-

tion and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self-denial;

and by reading and meditating on God's Holy Word.”

Lent is a time in the church year that is rich in tradition

and meaning. As the invitation indicates, this was

originally a time when those who were new converts

were prepared for joining the Christian fellowship, as

well as a time when those who had been separated

from it were invited to return in repentance and for-

giveness. And for the whole congregation, Lent was,

and is, a time for all of us to prepare spiritually as we

remember the sacrifice of Jesus and his resurrection.

No matter who we are, we all need this time to reflect

on our lives and our faith and to be renewed as we

experience in a fresh way the love, mercy, and forgive-

ness of the Lord. I hope that each of you will accept

the invitation to “observe a holy Lent” in ways that

will draw you closer to Him and strengthen your faith.

There will be numerous opportunities for you during

Lent including the Ash Wednesday service, Lenten

sermon series on the Parables of Jesus, Maundy Thurs-

day service, Labyrinth, Stations of the Cross, and

more. My prayer is that you will experience as many

of them as possible. Celebrating the Resurrection will

be all the more wonderful!

In Christ,


We had a wonderful Christmas season at the center. Our

PTC sponsored a cookies and milk with Santa on a Sat-

urday morning where the children could "buy" presents

for their family members. Our three year old class made

beautiful ornaments for the church carolers to take to

Fairview and Nancy Brewer visited with her stories and

movies. The highlight of the month was our annual Po-

lar Express/ Pajama Day.

We returned refreshed in January after a week's holiday

and were greeted by snow and cold winter weather. We

went for walks where the snow was shoveled until we

could finally open our playground gate. We are now

enjoying a few days of moderate weather. Our Christ-

mas tree light have given way to snowmen, snowflakes

and penguins. Valentines Day will be here soon enough.

Jane Levis did some research on free programs for our

children and applied for one by the Mystic Aquar-

ium. On January 17th, they visited our center for 2

hours with a traveling touch tank. It was kind of nice

talking about the beach and its inhabitants in the middle

of winter.

Nancy Reilly's four year old class were in circle time

looking at the calendar at the beginning of a new

month. Nancy asked what month is now was and one of

the kids answered "Jsember."



Chancel Choir meets at 9:15 on

Sunday mornings in Hurlbutt

Hall. Newcomers are always

welcome to join us! Please

mark your calendar that we will

have an extra rehearsal on 2/10 from 12:00—

12:30 to prepare for Ash Wednesday’s ser-

vice on 2/13.

Worship Arts Joy Lamb

[email protected]


During our observance of

Ash Wednesday, the

ashes used are from the

previous year’s palms

from Palm Sunday, which have been burned for

this purpose. There are many Biblical references

to “sackcloth and ashes” being a symbol of

mourning and repentance. Thus, Ash Wednesday

begins the forty-day period of Lent, a time of

reflection and penitence. Our Ash Wednesday

service will be held on Wednesday, February

13th at 7:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary.


Lent is a season of forty days, not counting Sun-

days, which begins on Ash Wednesday and ends

on Holy Saturday. Lent comes from the Anglo-

Saxon word lencten, which means “spring.” The

season is a preparation for celebrating Easter.

Historically, Lent began as a period of fasting and

preparation for baptism by converts and then be-

came a time for penance by all Christians. Be-

cause Sundays are always little Easters, the peni-

tential spirit of Lent should be tempered with joy-

ful expectation of the Resurrection.

The Great Three Days - sometimes called the

Triduum or Pasch - from sunset Holy Thursday

through sunset Easter Day are the climax of Lent

(and of the whole Christian year) and a bridge

into the Easter Season. These days proclaim the

paschal mystery of Jesus Christ’s passion, death,

and resurrection. During these days, the commu-

nity journeys with Jesus from the upper room, to

the cross, to the tomb, and to the garden.

Somber colors such as purple or ash gray and

rough-textured cloth are most appropriate for pa-

raments, stoles, and banners. Other visuals may

include red paraments, stoles, and banners, and

symbols such as perfume, coins, a whip, a crown

of thorns, a torn garment, nails, a spear, a sponge,

or a broken reed. On Good Friday and Holy Sat-

urday the church may be stripped bare of visuals.

Source: United Methodist Book of Worship, United Methodist Pub-

lishing House, 1992.


Please plan on joining us for an informal evening of

food, fellowship and fun as we host the long awaited

return of the UMCGF Coffee House! Those who

would like to perform can find information on Joy’s

office door. Mark your calendar and plan to attend our

UMCGF Coffee House on the evening of March 2.


We welcome new acolytes any time! Don’t feel you

need to wait for an invitation to training…please con-

tact [email protected] with questions.




Starting on April 7th, we will have Junior

Choir rehearsal at 12:00 noon in the choir

room in Hurlbutt Hall. We are planning

about a 6 week time commitment and re-

hearsals will be very short to start. We are

looking primarily at elementary aged chil-

dren, through fourth grade for this group. If

your child is interested in singing and doesn’t

fit in this age group, please let me know! We

are trying to mold the program around the

interest level! Please contact Joy with any

questions. ([email protected])


Nametags are important tools to help people build

relationships on Sunday mornings, both in the

Sanctuary and during coffee hour fellowship. We

have had a pleasant influx of new families in the

past few months and nametags not only help you

get to know their names, but also help them get to

know you. Clearly it is easier to connect names

with faces and remember the names of new people

you meet when you can see the name in print.

The Connecting Team tries to provide first or sec-

ond time visitors with a handwritten stick-on-the-

name badge. After a second visit these visitors

will have a RED nametag. All members have

BLACK nametags. Nametags have also been cre-

ated for all of the children we see on Sundays

(once they start walking).

What can you do to better connect with church

members you may not know and with new visi-


1) Wear your nametag before, during and after

worship on Sunday mornings.

2) Encourage others to wear their nametags.

3) Introduce yourself to people you don’t know,

especially red nametag families who may be

considering joining the congregation.

4) Let Dan Reilly know if your nametag is lost,

missing, damaged or needs correcting.


Are you interested in learning more about the

church. Would you like to join? There will

be a Coffee with the Pastor on February 24th.

Look for more information in the upcoming

Sunday bulletins.



Led by the Spirit...We Seek, Share and Serve

Our Mission: To be a welcoming and nurturing family of faith seeking to make disciples, sharing the

Gospel, and serving our neighborhoods, communities and the world in Christ’s love.


Thanks to everyone for their continued generosity in

support of missions. The Christmas Eve offering for

missions raised $1534.35 for the New London Com-

munity Meal Center. January's communion offering

for United Methodist denominational Human Rela-

tions Day collected $273. The Serving Team added

$27 from the global mission fund to raise the total to


The February communion offering will support the

youth's Souper Bowl fund raising for the Ledyard

Food Bank. Each year in February youth groups from

all over the country collect funds for local food banks.

HABITAT FOR HUMANITY - 3 Volunteers on the

3rd Saturday.

For the past two and a half years, our church has had a

goal of having 3 Habitat volunteers on the 3rd Satur-

day of each month to work with others on a house con-

struction. We have had a few persons who have vol-

unteered multiple times, but in recent months we have

not reached our goal.

As a Habitat covenant church, we encourage others to

experience the satisfaction of helping to provide a sim-

ple decent home for a family in need. The satisfaction

may come in helping to provide that home, acquiring a

new skill, meeting a new home owner, or becoming

better acquainted with a fellow volunteer.

Before volunteering, Habitat requests that everyone

attend a 1 hour "Foundations" training session, which

is usually scheduled on the 2nd Saturday of each

month at the Habitat office in New London. The ses-

sion gives some helpful background about Habitat and

reviews important safety guidelines for all workers.

Persons can sign up for the Foundation class at

www.habitatsect.org, then press Volunteer Up. (In

2009, about 30 people participated in the class which

was held at our church.)

Consider being one of our church's 3 volunteers on the

3rd Saturday, or sign up to take the Foundations train-


If you have questions, speak to Sandy Beall, Alan

Ganong, or Frank Denton.


The Jo Ann Koe Sunday will be on April 28th.

The speaker will be our missionary, Belinda

Forbes who has been serving in Nicaragua as a


BLOOD DRIVE The Serving team will sponsor a blood drive with the

American Red Cross on April 10th. Look for more

details in the March Sounding Board.

“Real true faith is (human) weakness leaning

on God’s strength.”

-D.L. Moody



UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on

Relief) is a not-for-profit organization dedi-

cated to alleviating human suffering around

the globe. UMCOR’s work reaches people in

more than 80 countries, including the United

States. We provide humanitarian relief when

war, conflict, or natural disaster disrupt life to

such an extent that communities are unable to

recover on their own. This year has been es-

pecially active; with natural disasters like the

tornadoes in the Midwest and most recently

the ongoing efforts to help the victims of

storm Sandy along the east coast.

There is a desperate need for relief supplies,

particularly cleaning buckets. These buckets

contain household cleaning supplies that can

be given to a family either to assist in cleanup

of their own home, or to get them started in

temporary quarters when these supplies are

not readily available. A bucket costs about

$55 to assemble. Gales Ferry UMC will be a

pickup site for assembled buckets on an on-

going basis. If you are interested in assem-

bling a bucket or donating money toward the

cost of one, please contact Stephanie Cyr,

860-376-9760 or [email protected] and

she will provide you with the information you

need. There are also instructions posted on

the bulletin board on your way into Jo Ann

Koe Hall.

UMCOR also provides other types of relief

supplies. Beginning in January, we will do a

relief supply project each quarter of 2013.

Our January-March project will be Health

Kits. The kits are relatively inexpensive to

put together. Each Sunday, plastic bags with

instructions (many thanks to Ginny Beall and

Margaret Gerlipp for assembling them) will

be available after church for your taking and

filling. Our goal for this project is 150 kits,

but in the past we have donated many more.

If you would like to know more about the

work of UMCOR, their website is: http://


Serving Ministry Team

Lent is an occasion for us to journey

with Christ ... into tomorrow. For

you never walk with Christ long

but what the dawn breaks, the sun

shines and hope breaks through.

—C. Neil Straight

CHURCH BULLETIN BLOOPERS Enjoy these funny bloopers from church bulletins around

the world.

1. The Fasting & Prayer Conference includes meals.

2. The sermon this morning: Jesus Walks on the Water.

The sermon tonight: Searching for Jesus.

3. Ladies, don’t forget the rummage sale. It’s a chance

to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the

house. Bring your husbands.

4. Don’t let worry kill you off - let the Church help.

5. For those of you who have children and don’t know it,

we have a nursery downstairs.

SPRC begins a new year with Kurt Eichel-

berg as its chairman. We welcome three new

members, Fred Allyn, Jan Provencal and

Larry Runkle. Many thanks are owed to Alan

Ganong for his three years on the SPRC, the

last being chairman. We would also like to

say "thank you" to all church staff members

for their efforts during Advent and Christ-

mas. During the upcoming year, the SPRC

will work together to ensure the foundation of

our church remains solid.



Christy Wright

Director of Youth Ministries

[email protected]


The Underground is

back! The youth are using the 40 Days in the Word study

during Sunday School and through the UNDER-

GROUND, which has returned in 2013! We are meet-

ing twice monthly (almost!). See below for our



Changes to the Recycling Program

I'd like to thank you so much for your support over the

past several years with the youth recycling deposit pro-

gram at UMCGF. At this time, I believe a reassessment

of the program is necessary. With everyone's busy

schedule, I believe our time would be better spent on

more effective fundraising. It is difficult to recruit vol-

unteers each month to deposit cans and bottles, and the

return is not very high considering the work that goes

into the depositing. At this time, we will no longer be

accepting cans and bottles to be deposited. If you

would still like to contribute, you may either submit

recycling deposits in cash or by receipt. You may also

contribute toward the ministry through a one-time or

regular donation, or by participating in any of our fund-

raisers. In place of the recycling program, we will be

stepping up our fundraising efforts in other ways in the

coming year as we've got some great things planned for

our youth! Thank you again for your support!

Berea Deep Freeze PAYMENT DUE in full!

Sunday, January 27th at Sunday School, 10:30 AM ser-

vice, or Coffee Hour.

Due to fundraising efforts, we have been able to reduce

the Berea rates to $75 per youth! If you have commit-

ted, please make checks payable to GFUMC Youth.

Super Bowl Grinders

Sunday, 2/3 assembly & pickup after the 10:30 service

Beginning at 8:00 AM in Jo Ann Koe Hall & Kitchen

Youth Ministry Network Meeting

Friday, February 8th from 6 to 8 PM at Groton Panera

Email Christy for more information!

The Underground

Sunday, February 10th from 5 to 7 PM in Jo Ann Koe


Dinner is provided!

30 Hour Famine 2013

Friday, February 22nd & 23rd, 2013

6:00 PM Friday—Saturday at UMCGF


Friday, March 8th – 10th, 2013

Transportation and times TBD

The Underground

Sunday, March 17th from 5 to 7 PM in Jo Ann Koe Hall

Dinner is provided!

Annual Easter Breakfast

Sunday, March 31st at 9:15 AM

Students should arrive at 8:00 AM to help with cooking

and prep work

The Underground

Sunday, April 7th from 5 to 7 PM in Jo Ann Koe Hall

Dinner is provided!

Geocaching with Christ UMC

Saturday, April 20th from 2 PM to 6 PM at Bluff Point

More details to come!

Youth Night with Pizza

Saturday, May 4th in Jo Ann Koe hall, times TBD

Movie Night with Christ UMC

Saturday, May 18th from 5 to 8 PM at Christ UMC in


Dinner is provided!

Memorial Day Free Car Wash

Monday, May 27th at 10 AM at the UMCGF lower level

Lunch provided!

Regional New London County Seashore Relay For


Saturday, June 8th through Sunday, June 9th

More details to come!

Aloha Party

Saturday, June 15th from 12 PM to 4 PM



The adult Sunday school will be continuing their “40

Days in the Word” study. Once that is completed the

Sunday conversations class will be doing a video study

titled “Meeting Jesus.” The Adult class will continue

their study of the book of Acts and the Footsteps young

adult group will be doing an Adam Hamilton study.

The PreK - 5th grade “Grow, Proclaim, Serve!” will be


Stories of the Kingdom

2/3 The Sower and the Seeds, Luke 8:4-15

2/10 Good Samaritan, Luke 10:25-37

2/17 The Lost Sheep, Luke 15:3-7

2/24 The Forgiving Father, Luke 15:11-32

Bible verse: Luke 10:27

“You must love the Lord your God with all your heart,

with all your being, with all your strength, and with all

your mind, and love your neighbor as yourself.”

40 Days in the Word

The “40 Days in the Word” study continues through

February 20th. Classes meet during Sunday school at

9:15 a.m. on Sunday mornings and on Wednesday

evenings at 6:30 p.m.

Join us for this exciting study.



Why? How come? Ah, that questioning

mind! You come to expect it out of the

mouths of small children, but older children,

youth, and adults have questions too. In the

Bible the disciples asked Jesus questions,

which he patiently answers. This is the per-

fect example of why Sunday school and small

groups are so important for all ages. It is that

safe forum to ask the questions small or large,

simple or complex, basic or in depth. It is the

place where the Bible teachings and thoughts

are explored. It is the place to get the direc-

tion as to how to act on those “why” and

“how come” questions and live the Christian


In reading the Jan/Feb issue of the Methodist

“Interpreter” magazine, I came across a fun

and informative educational tool. Check out

www.ChuckKnowsChurch.com for a weekly

video explaining church basics.

Director of Children’s Ministries

Joanne Moorehead

[email protected]


Thank you to the entire congregation for sup-

porting the Sunday school Baby Shower for

Jesus. Your generous gifts have been deliv-

ered to the Madonna Place in Norwich. This

is certainly a time when there is great need,

but limited resources.


Traditionally during Lent, people deny them-

selves things they like such as desserts,

chocolate, or soda to represent the sacrifices

that Jesus made. In our community of abun-

dance is that really a sacrifice? One sugges-

tion is to make a collection of favorite family

food items such as mac & cheese, peanut but-

ter, jelly, raisins, individual applesauce, ce-

real, crackers, cookies, or soups by adding

one a day to a basket on your table. Then on

Sunday bring your food offering to the soup

kettle. There are those who depend on the

help the Ledyard Food Locker can give them

and maybe our “sacrifice” will make a differ-

ence in someone else’s life.


Watch the Sunday bulletin for details about a new 3

session Lenten bible study coming in March.



Reminder: people/groups using the kitchen

should not leave food in the refrigerator or

freezer without labeling it! Please have a

plan for using it up! Also do not leave any

dishes or crumbs in the kitchen! The

Kitchen Committee has been working hard

to keep the kitchen clean! Thank you! Spe-

cial thanks to Linda Meyers for the cleaning

of the oven!!!!


The Prayer Shawl knitters will meet in February on

Monday 2/11 and 2/25 at 1:30 in the Narthex Room,

All knitters are welcome. If you know of anyone who

needs a prayer shawl, please call Mary Phillips at 860-


LADIES WHO LUNCH Every Thursday, a group of ladies brings a bag

lunch to the Yellow Room at 12 o’clock, noon.

We enjoy each other’s company and welcome

anyone who wants to join us!


Donate any type of vehicle: cars, boats, etc. running

or not. Donation Angel runs a donation program that

raises funds to support our church through car dona-

tions. For info or free quick removal of your un-

wanted vehicle and receive a tax donation call Ray at

866-434-1131 or go to www.donationangel.org.

See the flyer posted in the hallway leading to Jo Ann

Koe Hall for more information.


We received a thank you from Ledyard Social Services

for the huge amount of candy canes that Claire Harris

delivered on behalf of the church. “On behalf of the

Town of Ledyard’s Social Services Department Staff,

and the clients we serve, we would like to take this

opportunity to offer a sincere thank you for your most

generous donation.”

CONDOLENCES and love to the families of Ted Cyr

on the loss of his brother, Cliff Eaton in the loss of his

mother, and David Moorehead in the loss of his uncle.

THE CHURCH OFFICE 860-464-7407 Fax: 860-464-7531

Email: [email protected]




SOUNDING BOARD DEADLINE: March15th for the March issue

Email to: [email protected]

or leave your articles in the Church Office



Carol Augustus Lois Moore

Sue McConnell Bill Kent

Margaret Gerlipp Gale Williamson

Phyllis Smith Bob Goforth

Glenn Arthur Steve Caldwell

Laura Williamson Bob Schempf

Bill Moore Barbara Barnes

Dick Alexander Jennifer Eaton

Lee Watrous Nancy Hamilton

Jan Bell

Our active duty military members


Church Council Chair John Padgett

Church Council Secretary Marcia L. Miller

Lay Leader Barry Toth

Lay Member to Annual Conference Stephanie Cyr

Church Treasurer Art Hammer

Financial Secretary Barbara Alexander

Membership Secretary Marie Holman

Finance Committee Chair Terry Jones

Board of Trustees Chair Cliff Eaton

SPRC Chair Kurt Eichelberg

Child Care Center Board Chair Barb Jones

Attracting Team Chair Heather Shipley

Connecting Team Coordinators Dan Reilly, Joy Lamb

Equipping Team Coordinators Robin Stogran

Joanne Moorehead, John Van Hausen

Serving Team Coordinators Linda Meyers, Stephanie Cyr



2/05 7:30 p.m. Serving Team

2/11 6:30 p.m. SPRC

2/11 7:00 p.m. Attracting Team

2/12 7:00 p.m. Finance Committee

2/12 7:00 p.m. Trustees

2/14 6:00 p.m. Equipping Team

2/14 6:00 p.m. Connecting Team

2/14 7:30 p.m. Church Council

Please note that the church staff meets each

Monday at 12:30 p.m. in Hurlbutt Hall. If there

is a Monday holiday, the staff meets on Tuesday.

Special dates

• African-American History Month

• Boy Scout Sunday, February 10, 2013

• Transfiguration of Our Lord, February 10, 2013

• Ash Wednesday, February 13, 2013


“All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and

then doesn’t hurt.”

-Charles M. Schultz

Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8:30 - 4:00

Wednesday 8:30 - 3:30

Friday 9:00 - 3:30






February 3

Beth Schultz

Terry Davidson

Kurt Eichelberg

Liston Harley

Bruce Lichtenwalter

Ackie Harley

Jolie Suarez

Rosemary & Peter


February 10

Jean and John


Sandy Beall

Jack Provencal

Craig Stogran

John Thomas

Christy Wright

Hannah Boyles

Ginny & Sandy


February 17

John Courbin

Senior High Youth


Georgia Paul

Volunteer Needed

February 24

Robin and John

Van Hausen

Sandy Beall

John Courbin

Terry Davidson

John Van Hausen


Min Silva

Volunteer Needed



Charlotte Davidson, Kathy Wright


Our Mission: We seek to be a welcoming and nurturing family of faith, dedicated to creating disciples for Christ, who

spread the Gospel and demonstrate His love in our neighborhoods, communities, and the world.

Pastor Rev. James C. Hensley

District Superintendent Rev. Heidi Chamberland

Pastor Emeritus Rev. Gale R. Williamson

Director of Worship Arts Joy L. Lamb

Organist Richard Schenk

Director of Children’s Ministries Joanne Moorehead

Director of Youth Ministries Christy Wright

UM Child Care Center Director Carol Hammer

Church Secretary Marcia L. Miller

Sexton Charles Patton


10 Chapman Lane

Gales Ferry, CT 06335-0025

10 Chapman Lane, Gales Ferry, Connecticut

Phone: 860-464-7407 Email: [email protected] Fax: 860-464-7531

www.umcgf.org; Follow us on Facebook