United Group TexManage ERP Commercial Proposal V1.0

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Transcript of United Group TexManage ERP Commercial Proposal V1.0

  • 8/9/2019 United Group TexManage ERP Commercial Proposal V1.0


    United Group, Dhaka,Bangladesh


    ERP Solutions forSpinningCommercial Proposal V1 !


  • 8/9/2019 United Group TexManage ERP Commercial Proposal V1.0



    Table of ContentsPage

    1. Scope of Supply 3

    2. Implementation 18

    3. Price Details 19

    4. Standard Terms 20

    . !ontact "s 22

    #. !ontract Sign $ff 23

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    1. Scope of Supply

    1.1 Product

    Te%&anage' (n )*P +)nterprise *esource Planning, solution consisting of -otcommercial and tec nical re/uirements of a te%tile spinning mill.

    1.2 Technology

    T e product is -uilt on latest tec nologies and t e details of $perating SystemData-ase and (pplication De elopment is gi en -elo

    (pplication De elopment !ommercial unctions' 5a aTec nical unctions' 67. et*eports Tool !rystal 5asper *eports

    $perating System Ser er &icrosoft: ;inu%!lient ing elements. T e user as topro ide in place t e necessary ard are and net or>ing scope.

    T e ?ard are recommendations are gi en -elo

    Application Server Data Base Server ClientIntel =eon Dual coreProcessor 1.8@ A or

    ig er 4@7 )!! *(&200B @7 S(T( ?DD 1C!olour &onitor E7D&ouse D6D

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    1.3 Modules

    T e arious modules co ered under t e scope of supply include t e follo ing and t edetailed description of eac of t ese modules is listed -elo

    1. (ccounting 7udgeting2. Ta%ation3. Purc ase In entory4. Sales Dispatc

    . Pay *oll#. Production PlanningC. Production &anagement8. Product !osting9. *a &aterial &anagement

    10. Fuality &anagement11. &aintenance "tilities

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    1. Production Planning

    Plan your regular projections of counts, the way you prefer: Capture Sales Orders and Enquiries. Do a pre-plan projection for a select period. or! out a "anufacturing plan tofind out the #ottlenec!s of your $achinery. %now your "an power require$ents, raw $aterial, and costing of product #efore you produce. &rea! an order into $any productionlots for con'enient trac!ing. "onitor Product status.

    Sales !rders and "n#uiry$ &aintain tec nical details of a sales order or en/uiry in planningmodule

    Sales Plan$ 6ie Sales Plan created in Sales module and modify t e content to suitmanufacturing understanding. Plan eit er -y Fuantity or &ac ines for any period

    Data sheet for pre'planning )ac count is maintained it a Data s eet ic containsstandard for Process Process *oute Pac>ing Fuality )%pected !ustomer Fuality

    Manufacturing Plan %ased onProduct ! aracteristicsProcess *oute*a material

    &nteractive Spin Plan (fter finaliAing a manufacturing plan spin plan engine runs using setprocess standards. )ac and e ery parameter can -e c anged to see t e effect on men

    mac inery and material. (ll Spin Plan calculation are in' -uilt 'ules %ased allocation for eac product Specific set of mac inery group or mac ine can -e

    reser ed to run on a particular count code.

    (or)ard and Bac*)ard Planning+ Planning adGusted to maintenance calendar. Inputs of t eoutput or input process can -e c anged and also Start Date and )nd Date can -e c anged tosee t e effect

    !utput$ or e ery Spin Plan calculation output li>e man po er re/uired mac inery re/uiredand ra material re/uired can -e o-tained -ased on standard or> assignments process


    Process 'oute T e se/uence of process and t eir inter' dependency can -e created icguides material from first stage to last stage

    Product Data Base$ Product ise mac ine ise process details li>e speed settings etc.

    ,endor Planning$ Plan to produce certain: full of t e product it a endor

    Plan Status$ 6ie Plan Status it respect to an order li>e o muc as -een producedstage ise and ie proGected completion -ased on standard: actual efficiency

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    1.- Production Manage ent

    E(ecute the plan into production: )ro$ the finalised production plan, products are ta!enup for $anufacturing in con'enient lots. "i( *ssue is raised+ production is guided fro$ first

    stage to last stage. Critical details li!e production in any units , stoppages, and waste arecollected. he produced $aterial is pac!ed and despatched. %now the status of your

    product any ti$e. /nalyse e$ployee perfor$ance. %now your %P/s li!e Producti'ity,0ealisation i$$ediately.

    Production Progra rom a &anufacturing Plan counts t at need to -e run for a period issent. )ac count can -e -ro>en into multiple lots as t e need may -e. ( lot control programallo s a running a lot to -e completed pre'closed modified for t e details and suspended.

    (lso a ne count: lot can -e produced from t e e%isting lot. T e lot status it respect toproduction and deli ery can -e continually monitored. ( count can -e ta>en up for production

    it out a need for &anufacturing Plan.

    Production Capturing ( detailed designed production capturing function allo s productiondata capturing from suc aried input mec anisms li>e full laps /uantity opening: closing-atc production etc. (utomatic do nloading of data from mac inery is possi-le pro ided t edata is made a aila-le in re/uired formats

    Production Details T e details of production information include mac ine side: groupemployee count run time /uantity. Indirect employees details are also captured

    Production Calculation (ll production calculations are in -uilt including count unitcon ersions

    Mi/ 'e#uest and &ssues *e/uests from mi%ing departments are recei ed. Issues can -edone at single:multiple le els. Indi idual -ales issued are recorded. (lso issue of soft asteis recorded.

    Stop Analysis (ll stops are recorded reason ise and time ise. @roup stop is done for common stops li>e po er cut. ( detailed analysis of "tilisation allo s to >no reasons for de iations

    0aste Analysis Process astes are generated as Sala-le and "sa-le. (ll astes arerecorded mi% ise count ise mac ine ise or on an o erall -asis.

    " ployee Perfor ance )mployee performance is done for an Indi idual and for an or>group +production: maintenance,

    Productivity Analysis 7ased on Producti ity Standards a mill ould li>e to Gudge its&ac ine and $perator Producti ity li>e ?$E and $?S actual producti ity measures areautomatically calculated

    arn 'ealisation &i% ise yarn realisation statements -ased on In'process stoc> aste andactual production and mi% issues.

    0are ouse Manage ent Stoc>s and Despatc es. Stoc> can -e depot transferreddespatc ed reissued for pac>ing re'processing and as input to ne count

    on Confor ance (ll non conformances are captured .r.t source /uantity. T e correcti eand pre enti e actions are recorded too.

    'elative u idity Department ise atmosp eric conditions are recorded and comparedagainst standards.

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    Special Activities !ontamination details 6isual Defects and Idle Spindles (nalysis

    1.4 Product Costing

    Esti$ation of product cost is done when an enquiry is placed with Sales. / sales forecast is also su#jected to costing esti$ation. "ore detailed esti$ation of product costing isdone during $anufacturing plan. /ll these target costing e(ercises help opti$i1ing

    product $i( and the profit $argin. /ctual costing on a daily #asis or $onthly #asis canalso #e arri'ed. he outputs in the for$ of cost su$$ary, con'ersion costs and co$parisons can #e o#tained. Costing $ethods and rules can #e set #y user according to the practice e(isting or can follow the reco$$ended one.

    Target Costing 7efore a product+s, is ta>en for manufacturing t e estimation of re enuee%penses and profit:loss can -e or>ed out. T is target costing can -e stored

    "n#uiry )stimation of target costing can -e done for a solitary en/uiry also. T is is a /uic> cost

    estimation Sales (orecast )stimation of target costing for sales forecasts. ( sales: costing team can or>

    out t e cost estimates for a gi en Sales Plan -efore recommending to t e manufacturing of t eneed for t e same

    Manufacturing Plan )stimation of target costing for manufacturing plan. inalised manufacturingplan can -e su-Gected to costing estimation.

    Cost Su ary !ost S eet. T is cost s eet consists of all cost elements' re enue e%pensesgross: net profit and profit: >g profit: spindle or profit: frame day etc

    Conversion Cost )stimation of con ersion cost of select cost elements. ( mill can declare set of elements to -e co ered under con ersion cost category and can monitor department ise.

    Co pare Targets !ompare t o en/uiries forecasts manufacturing plans for t e profit and costdetails

    Actual Costing )stimation of actual costing on periodical -asis. It can -e for a mont or for selected period. (ctual cost for arious elements are captured automatically or inputted

    Actual ,s Target Costing$ !omparison of a cost estimate -efore and after manufacturing.

    Costing Method Define your o n costing met od. ( mill can operate it any num-er of costingmet ods. )ac costing met od stores t e treatment eac and e ery element ill undergo in

    estimating t e cost. Costing "le ents *e enue and )%penses and t eir -asis. le%i-ility -uilt on calculating an

    indi idual element ill ma>e t e Go- of t e mill easier. or e%ample po er as an element can -eestimated -ased on "E@ actual po er distri-ution last mont po er cost or last # mont sa erage etc.

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    1.7 8uality Manage ent

    Schedule a 7uality Progra$. /ppro'e and E(ecute. Do a la#oratory testing of acti'ities.

    Download infor$ation auto$atically where possi#le. Do process studies and record results. Control count and its 'ariation. 0un trials for sa$ples and #ul! lots. "onitor Count Changes. 0ecord the process de'iation. Do final inspection of products as product assurance. rac! the lot for quality and process de'iations. /nalyse custo$er co$plaints.0ecord all sa$ples. 8se Statistical analysis to judge process and quality de'iations.

    8uality Progra Fuality program sc eduling can -e done for all acti ities including la- testingprocess studies process control + rapping, and ot er acti ities. T e -ase of /uality program isdefining an acti ity to its fullest details li>e fre/uency or> instruction etc.

    6a%oratory Testing )ntry and (nalysis of la- studies. (ny num-er of la- study formats can -e

    created and stored. )ac result entry is also supported it a statistical -loc>. Detailed analysisof test results on numerical grap ical and matri% form allo controlling process effecti ely.

    Process Studies )ntry and (nalysis of process studies. (ny num-er of process study formatscan -e created and stored. )ac result entry is also supported it a statistical -loc>. Detailedanalysis of test results on numerical grap ical and matri% form allo controlling processeffecti ely.

    0rapping !ontrol of count and it ariation.

    (inal &nspection Despatc certification of product assurance. inal Inspection -ased clearanceof count: lot for dispatc

    Custo er Co plaints *ecord (nalyse !lose and *ecord. (ll customer complaints arerecorded. People in t e system are alerted. T e results of any test run analysis of results areentered. !ustomer communication is also recorded. "se it as a >no ledge -ase.

    Process ,alidation 6arious trials run in a mill to alidate et er a c ange in ra materialprocess parameter or mac inery is -eneficial. ( trial can -e set in t e system and can -emonitored for its progress

    Count Change !ontrols during count c ange. < ene er count c anges occur all informationnecessary to count c ange including mac ines on ic c ange is effected parameter and eelinformation are recorded.

    6ot Trac*ing Trac> /uality and process de iations. "se ;ot trac>ing features to trace ere t ede iation as occurred ic department day mac ine. 6ie t e results in control c art formatto see a trend. @et into indi idual results to see more possi-ilities.

    Statistical Analysis (nalyse t e reasons for de iations. "se ' test t' test !ritical Difference?istogram etc. to find out statistical significance of de iations. "se !ontrol c arts to createmonitor arious parameters suc as Dra rame ?an>.

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    1.9 Maintenance : ;tilities

    Schedule "aintenance acti'ities for pre'enti'e, routine, reacti'e, /"C and Cali#ration.Do #udget esti$ation for the schedules. 0elease or! orders for /cti'ities. 0ecord acti'ity co$pletion. 0eport and Close &rea!down acti'ities. Plan Production, quality,running hours #ased replace$ent of co$ponents 9og i$portant acti'ities in 9og sheet."onitor spinning co$ponents for their running and replace$ents. /nalyse consu$ptionof ite$s for 'arious scenario. "anage utility functions and equip$ent.

    Maintenance Schedule Pre enti e *outine *eacti e (&! and !ali-ration type &aintenance

    Sc edules. Sc edules can -e dra n separately for eac department or toget er in a singlesc edule. Sc eduled (cti ities are released as $rders. flo is used for t e appro al of sc edules.

    Brea*do)n *eport and analysis. (ll -rea>do ns are recorded it respect to do ntime itemsreplaced man ours spent. (nalysis of -rea>do ns leads to identifying fre/uently -rea>ingpoints. &TT and &T7* are also calculated

    Condition %ased Maintenance 7ased on production /uality and run ours. ( component can-e critical to its life depending on t e /uality production or running time. System generates anautomatic arning en t ese parameters cross t e limit

    Maintenance Budget 7udgeting for men mac ine material and money 7udget 6s (ctualanalysis and &aintenance !ost per Eg. (n ad anced -udgeting e%ercise allo s mill to determinet e amount t at is e%pected to -e spent on mac inery maintenance

    Schedule for any period$ +7et een days &ont ly Fuarterly and Kearly,.

    Machine and &nstru ent istory (utomatic and &anual updation. !omplete information of mac inery is stored including mac inery parameters and t eir pictures.

    6og Sheet *ecord critical information. (ll important daily: s ift appenings can -e recorded. (oice recording facility is also a aila-le.

    Spinning Co ponents !ritical componentLs running detail on eac mac ine is captured t is istrac>ed for life. (ll failures of t ese on running mac ine are captured and t e failure rate isdetermined to compare performance.

    Consu ption Analysis (nalyse consumption patterns. Performance of an item or an item group

    can -e analysed o er period supplier mac ine group mac ine department etc. Po)er and ;tility consu ption (ll po er and utility mac ines related consumption. ( detailed

    po er distri-ution and po er capturing is done from source to final usa-le point +Transformer to&ac ine,

    ;tilities maintain log measure performance and maintain e/uipment. 6arious functions t at areco ered are po er umidification compressor mec anical electrical electronics generator etc.

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    1 1! Accounting : Budgeting

    Support for multiple accounting dimensions it any num-er le els of su- dimensions iA. i.

    Di ision ii. Sales *egion iii. 7usiness Partner i . Product

    T e user can select one or more of t e a-o e dimensions ile ma>ing any transaction

    +Purc ase Sale *eceipts and )%penses etc., T is ena-les t e user to ta>e all financial and

    ot er &IS reports consolidated or for any single Di ision or Sales *egion or !ustomer or Product.

    (uto generation of accounting entries -ased on operational transactions li>e Purc ase &aterial

    Issues Pac>ing Sales etc.

    5ournal entries for non transactional data li>e adGustment entries etc.

    &ultiple cas -oo>s supported including oreign !urrency cas -oo>s

    &ultiple currencies and multiple e%c ange rates supported +eg. !an a e mont ly e%c ange rate

    for spares imports and ee>ly e%c ange rates for yarn e%ports,. !urrency @ain';oss calculated


    Pro ision to enter mont ly -udgets for indi idual income and e%pense eads and monitor t e

    actual compared it t e -udget

    Pro ision for -an> reconciliation including import of -an> statements.

    i%ed assets can -e grouped into different categories and t e depreciation rule +rate and met od,

    for eac category can -e specified differently. Pro ision to define multiple depreciation rules for

    different aut orities +e.g. Income Ta% !ompany (ct etc,

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    1.11 Ta/ation

    Ser ice Ta% : 6at : )%cise etc + it suita-le modification to 7anglades statutory re/uirements,

    Pro ision to define any num-er of Ta% categories. ( ta% category can contain any num-er of

    ta%es. or eac ta% user can define t e percentages under at @; codes it s ould -e

    accounted etc.

    Pro ision to classify t e ta% amount paid against a endor in oice as a Ta% )%pense +eg. Ser ice

    ta%, or as Ta% *ecei a-le +e.g. 6(T,. (ll ta% recei ed against a customer in oice is treated as Ta%

    Due to go t.

    Statutory 6at and )%cise reports can -e printed out


    TDS master to specify t e e%penses on ic TDS ill -e deducted automatically en ma>ing

    payments. $ptionally indi idual -usiness partners can -e e%empted from TDS.

    (utomatic crediting of t e TDS reco ered to a TDS *emittance a:c t e -alance in oice or

    ad ance credited to (P and t e TDS B (P amount is de-ited to t e particular e%pense a:c.

    &ont end TDS process to aggregate +TDS (ct Section ise, all t e TDS reco ered from endors

    during t e mont for creating t e -an> c allan and create t e necessary accounting entries.


    7T master to specify 7T J +including t e -rea>up, for t e different @; !odes. T e system

    automatically calculates t e 7T en e er t e corresponding e%pense entry is made. &ulti le el

    ta%es are possi-le +e.g. Ta% B Surc arge B !)SS,

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    1.12 Purchase

    Pro ision to automatically send out *e/uest for Fuotation +* F, -y email to appro ed endors

    Ta-ulation of responses recei ed against * F and automatic selection of inner -ased on priceit pro ision to manually o erride t e selection

    (-ility to generate Purc ase $rders -ased on stores re/uisition material receipt +@* , fromPurc ase $rders : 6endor In oice and 6endor In oice from &aterial receipt all it out t e needto re'enter details at eac stage

    $ption to specify /uality : /uantity c ec> -efore including in in entory

    Pro ision for endor returns : credit memo

    le%i-le payment options including ad ance payment single payment against multiple in oicesand multiple payment against single in oice

    !an set up appro al rules + or>flo , for purc ase orders or endor payment

    6ariety of &IS and operational reports li>ea. indent list department ise-. pending purc ase ordersc. &aterial *eceipt detailsd. list of !' orms pending +to -e su-mitted : recei ed,e. endor in oice listingf. party ledger + endors,g. In oices due for payment o er a period +cas flo ,

    !ustomised print formats for Purc ase $rders +import and ;ocal,

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    Material Manage ent

    Stoc> a aila-ility c ec> for Stores Issues to departmentand pro ision for issue returns

    !an do periodic p ysical stoc> ta>ing +T e difference -et een -oo> stoc> and p ysical stoc>automatically accounted,

    Pro ision to trac> items sent for repair : 5o- or>

    *e'$rder le el can -e specified for eac product and alerts generated en stoc> falls -elo*$;

    !an get stoc> as on any past date are ouse ise : location ise. ;ocation can -e as detailed as7in : (isle : ;e el it in a are ouse.

    !an trac> non'mo ing items o er a period do an (7! analysis of t e stoc> mo ement analysis

    of items stores ledger etc. Stores costing can -e -ased on Standard !osting or ( g.P$ : ( g.In oice -asis or ;ast P$:;ast

    In oice -asis

    Pro ision to tag t e stores items it ;ot o. or any ot er user defined parameter

    Items can -e grouped and separate accounting treatment +ie. @; !odes, gi en to different groups

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    1.13 Sales : Dispatch

    Pro ision for Sales $ffer and con erting sales offer to firm Sales order

    Sales $rder amendment and pre'closure of orders possi-le

    (uto generate Dispatc from Sales $rders and In oice from Dispatc es it out re'entering t edetails

    Single payment receipt can co er multiple sales in oices and ice ersa it pro ision to rite offamounts

    !redit memo can -e it or it out material return

    Pro ision to capture ;! details container details s ipper details pac>ing credit -ill of e%c angeetc for e%port sales

    Pro ision for consignment sales and inter are ouse transfers

    le%i-le payment terms : payment sc edule +eg. 0J on deli ery B 0 it in 30 days B 2Jdiscount if paid it in 10days,

    Discount can -e a flat J or can -e specified sla- ise +ie discount J can -e different for differentorder alue,

    (geing analysis of outstanding +cas flo ,

    !redit limit can -e set for eac customer and s ipment -loc>ed if credit limit e%ceeded itpro ision to o er ride manually

    !an a e multiple price lists to cater to different customer segments.

    !ustomer ise discounts can -e pre'set at master le el

    Sales !ommission can -e specified it conditions li>e min. order alue or can -e restricted tospecific customers.

    !ustomised print formats for Sales $ffers !ustomer In oice Pac>ing ;ist S ipment ad ice etc

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    1.1 Pay 'oll

    Interface to &ills attendance card s iping system and Muster 'oll printing

    6eave management system including lea e appro al.

    "ser defined Statutory rules category ise and statutory reports

    6oan management system +-ot long term and one time ad ances,

    (ny num-er of Miscellaneous "arnings and Deductions allo ed

    Deductions -ased on user defined priority of deductions su-Gect to minimum ta>e ome criteria

    &nco e ta/ computation -ased on past B proGected earnings and on in estment details of t eemployee and pro ision for printing ta% calculations

    !ther statutory ta/ computation and statutory report printing

    Monthly salary processing and payslip printing

    Ban* pay ent data can -e transferred in (S!II format if t e millLs -an> accept payment ad icein t is form

    6ariety of M&S reports -ased on attendance and payroll data

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    1.1- Special (eatures

    0or* (lo) !ritical transactions are routed t roug lo functions for appro als.

    'eport Scheduler Tec nical *eports ic need to -e periodically printed out can -eautomated.

    otification : Alert De iation in processes and alues of tec nical functions are sent asalert messages.

    Des*top Tic*er ( ne s roll information of critical tec nical parameters are presentedautomatically in a ne s -o%

    "/port of reports in forms li>e .pdf e%cel formats


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    2. & ple entation Methodology

    Indo Te%nology ill use a uni/ue and faster implementation met odology called M adfinem . T is consists of 3 p ases Pre'implementation Implementation and Post

    Implementation. Implementation ill -e eaded -y Senior Te%tile Tec nologists. Preey users and end users

    erification of transactions and reports @o ;i e &odule sign off ProGect sign off andanding o er product.

    Post & ple entation$

    (fter successful implementation Indo Te%nology is committed to pro ide PostImplementation Support for # mont s. T is includes 3 consultancy isits -y IndoTe%nology on need -asis $nline support closing -ugs and periodic updation of t e


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    3. Price Details3.1 Product Pricing

    S. o Description Price1 Te%&anage' Spinning )*P Solutions

    Supply of soft are consisting of t escope mentioned in t e Section 1 fort e unit under scope

    ;S = ->?>>> +"S Dollar iftyt ousand only,

    2 & ple entation$Pre ImplementationImplementation

    !onsultants ill -e pro ided -y IndoTe%'nology for implementation

    10 man days included +2consultants,

    180 man days included +2'3consultants,

    7eyond t ese man days "SN 0 per day

    $ut of poc>et e%penses "SN2 per day per consultant onall a-o e days

    3 Travelling : Boarding )%penses ofIndo Te%'nology !onsultants

    (t (ctual +Tra el -y (ir,

    $r to !ustomer to arrange fort e same from !oim-atoreIndia to &ill ;ocation

    4 Custo Develop entIndo Te%'nology is committed to fulfilre/uirements as mentioned in t escope. (dditional customerre/uirements ill -e met at a costmentioned in t e adGacent column

    "S N 0 per man day

    0arranty1year fro date of installation


    $ne Kear from date ofinstallation or # mont s fromdate of system sign off

    ic e er is earlier. 1 J of Product !ost

    3.2 Pay ent Ter s

    S. o Particulars @,alue

    1 (d ance 2 J

    2 Deli ery and Installation of Product 40J

    3 Pilot *unning 2 J

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    4 (fter System Sign $ff and @o' li e 10J

    Payment t roug 7an> Transfer

    . Standard Ter s

    .1 ,alidity

    e t is offer to "nited @roup and t e alidity of t e same is4 days.

    ;nited roup"nited ?ouse10 @uls an ( enue@uls an'1D a>a'1212 7anglades

    T is offer is made on a single unit -asis.

    .2 Delivery

    Indo Te%'nology ould re/uire a ma%imum of # ee>s to put a team toget er andarrange for implementation of t e product.

    .3 Pay ent Advice

    (ll in oices raised s all -e paya-le it in 1 days from t e date of in oice. (ll in oicess all -e deemed to -e accepted unless disputed it in C days from t e date of receipt of in oice.

    (ll payments re/uired to -e made -y t e !ustomer s all -e in t e currency stated in t ein oice and s all -e paid -y ire transferred to a designated -an> account in India.

    . Ter s of Ter ination

    )it er party may it out cause terminate t e entire (greement upon ritten notice of onemont to t e ot er.

    In t e e ent of termination of a Statement of ereunder !ompany s all pay Indo te%'nology all fees as specified in t e Statement of and e%penses up to t e effecti e dateof t e termination including or> in progress and including t e applica-le notice periodirrespecti e of et er !ompany re/uires Indo Te%'nologyL s ser ices during same

    .- &nfor ation Access

    $! | P a g e

  • 8/9/2019 United Group TexManage ERP Commercial Proposal V1.0



    !ustomer ill supply Indo Te%'nology it t e follo ing documentation and data in atimely manner re/uired -y Indo Te%'nology to complete its o-ligations under t e


    Suita-le or> place IT resources communication resources suita-le /ualified personnelto attend re ie meetings and carry out t e implementation.

    .4 Pro%le "scalation

    (ny dispute ic as not -een settled -et een ProGect !o'ordinators from -ot t e endit in 1 days of t e matter -eing raised -y one to t e attention of t e ot er may -e

    escalated -y eit er party to t e ne%t le el -y notice in riting. If t e dispute as not -eenresol ed it in 1 days of suc notice eit er party may refer it -e notice in riting to t esecond le el of escalation. T e customer s all prepare t e escalation c art along it Indo

    Te%'nology at t e time of -eginning of implementation.

    .5 on< Disclosure

    Indo Te%'nology s all >eep all information or data recei ed -y it during t e performance of its duties under t is agreement confidential and s all not use trade or pass t is informationto any t ird party. Prior information ill -e soug t from customer to use any information for general trade purpose.

    .7 &P' Protection

    Intellectual property rig ts of any or> done -y Indo Te%'nology under t is (greementincluding -ut not limited to Deli era-les and associated Documentation s all -e ested inand -e t e e%clusi e property of Indo Te%'nology. Indo Te%'nology grants to t e customer an irre oca-le non'e%clusi e orld ide royalty free transfera-le license to use copymodify and de elop t e same for internal purposes.

    .9 iring

    Indo Te%'nology and customer agree t at for t e term of t is (greement and for a period of one year t ereafter no party ill not directly or indirectly recruit ire employ engage or discuss employment it any employee or induce any suc indi idual to lea e t eemployment.

    .1> Ar%itration

    (ll disputes arising out of or in connection it t e (greement s all -e settled -yar-itration in !oim-atore India in accordance it t e (r-itration !onciliation (ct199#.

    $1 | P a g e

  • 8/9/2019 United Group TexManage ERP Commercial Proposal V1.0



    -. Contact ;s

    Please contact us for any clarification on t e offer

    S. Thirupathi

    40'T asami Par> Singanallur


    P B 91'422'323334 B919843022118

    )mail infoOindote%nology.com T irupat iOindote%nology.com

    (lso te%manageOindote%nology.com

    $$ | P a g e

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    4. Contract Sign !ff

    "nited @roup and Indo Te%'nology ere-y agree to t e terms and conditions of t is
