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Page 1: tscenglish.wikispaces.com unit... · Web viewown new word Extension question: What is Parvana’s parent’s opinion of the Taliban? Give evidence from the chapter to support your


The novel PARVANA is set in Afghanistan.

From the very first page we will be taking a journey into another world…

Parvana’s world.

Our reading plan will include class reading and independent reading. You all have a copy of the reading assignment. You will be guided as to which activities and tasks will be done in class and for homework. Some activities will be done independently while others will involve working with a partner or in a small group.

I will be looking for interesting and detailed responses to the questions. You will have many opportunities to show your knowledge and understanding of the novel. It is important that you extend your writing skills and use evidence such as examples and quotes from the novel to support your own thoughts and ideas.

We will be building our vocabulary as we read the novel and you will be asked to find synonyms for new words you come across. Remember that there is a glossary at the back of the novel.

You are encouraged to take learning risks – ask questions! Lots of questions! Write down your original ideas.

We will wrap up our learning with a research project and presentation. You will work as part of a small group to make a mini documentary on an important issue in Afghanistan. The class will assist with the design of the project and make decisions on the criteria.

I hope you enjoy the novel.


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Parvana Chapter 1 Setting the scene

The first chapter sets the scene for the rest of the novel. Here we discover many important issues about life in Afghanistan. After reading this chapter, work with a partner or small group to locate information, examples and quotes for the following topics. Write up your information using a two column table.

The Taliban

Restrictions and education of girls

Careers for women

Clothing for women and girls



Fleeing the country

Selling to survive




Destruction of Kabul



Chador hawked militia forbade Your own new word

Extension question: What is Parvana’s parent’s opinion of the Taliban? Give evidence from the chapter to support your interpretation.

Chapter 2 Theme: Family life

1. Use a double bubble map to show the similarities and differences between your own family life and Parvana’s family life.

2. Why was Parvana the only one who could fetch the water? 3. Why does Parvana’s father call her ‘my Malali’?


Toshak superior Burqa intricate Your own new word

Extension question: What do you learn about the Taliban’s ideas & methods from this chapter?

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Chapter 3 Theme: Taking risks

1. Why did Parvana ‘hold her breath’ every time her mother showed people the photograph of her father?

2. What is the difference between a chador and a burqa?

Extension question:

“At first light, Mother, Nooria and Parvana stopped pretending they were asleep.”

What does this sentence tell you?

Should Parvana and her mother have attempted to get her father from the prison? Provide reasons for your opinion.


distinguish billow fortress hobble Your own new word

Chapter 4 Theme: Sadness

1. What did Parvana’s parents often argue about?2. Why won’t Mother move or talk to anyone? 3. What word would you use to describe the way she is

feeling?4. Why does Parvana eventually agree to go to the market place to buy food?

Extension question: “And who do I lean on?” What did Nooria mean when she said this?


preoccupied wound Thermos diaper Your own new word

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Chapter 5 Character: Mrs Weera

1. Why was it difficult for Parvana to buy food?

2. Why did Nooria snatch water away from Parvana’s hands?3. In what ways did Mrs Weera help Parvana’s family?4. Find two quotes that show us that Mrs Weera was once a PE teacher.

Extension question: What words would you use to describe Mrs Weera? Find quotes or evidence from this chapter to support this description. Use a bubble map to present your description & evidence.


anxious sensible wary urge Your own new word

Chapter 6 Theme: Impossible choices

1. What was done to turn Parvana into a boy? Draw Parvana and label the changes.

2. How did Parvana feel about having to pretend she was a boy? Give some evidence to support your interpretation.

3. Why was Parvana’s mother so sad? Give some evidence to support your interpretation.


Imagine that Parvana writes a diary about the events of this day (remember that this would probably be illegal under the Taliban’s rules).

Write this diary entry; include the events which happened as well as Parvana’s thoughts & emotions.


foreign adjustment cooperation decision brusqueChapter 7 Issue: The Taliban

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1. What does the reading of the Talib’s letter reveal to Parvana?2. How does this change her view of the Taliban?

Extension question: What is your opinion of the Taliban after reading this chapter? Provide reasons for your opinion.

Why do you think the author included this episode in the story?


Shalwar Kameez curse vendor flicker Your own new word

Chapter 8 Theme: New routines

1. Before reading this chapter imagine what it would be like staying in one room for 18 months. Write a journal entry describing your experience.

2. How does life improve for Parvana and her family? Provide examples of the better living conditions. What is the cause of this improvement?


assign Pneumonia Karachi sprawl Your own new word

Chapter 9 Character: Boys, boys, boys?

1. What did you learn about Shauzia and her family?

2. What are Mother and Mrs Weera planning to do?

Extension question: What are the risks involved in Mother & Mrs Weera’s plan? Why do you think Afghani women and girls involve themselves in risky and dangerous activities? Provide reasons for your answer.


gesture ridiculous smuggle handkerchief Your own new word

Chapter 10 Issue: A macabre situation

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1. What is the new job that the girls do to earn more money?2. How do they feel about doing this work? Provide evidence to support

your interpretation.3. Why do they decide not to tell their families about the new job?4. Describe the worst chore or job you have ever done.

Extension question: How do the girls deal with the terrible job they do? Provide evidence to support your answer.


objection obedient macabre companion Your own new word

Chapter 11 Theme: Unusual times

1. Parvana’s family react in different ways to hearing the news of her new job. Use a chart to describe the reactions of Maryam, Mother, Mrs Weera and Nooria.

2. How is Parvana’s relationship with Nooria changing? Why do you think this is?

Extension question: In your opinion, is Nooria being disrespectful when she disagrees with Mother? Why does mother think it is disrespectful? Give reasons for your answer.


hush unusual beggar intimidate Your own new word

Chapter 12 Theme: Ordinariness

1. Why did Parvana want to stay home for a while?2. Why is the market place no longer interesting for Parvana?3. What is Shauzia’s secret?

Extension question:

Page 7: tscenglish.wikispaces.com unit... · Web viewown new word Extension question: What is Parvana’s parent’s opinion of the Taliban? Give evidence from the chapter to support your

Why did Shauzia want to leave Afghanistan? What was her problem? What were Parvana’s thoughts about leaving?


nomad orphan stubborn snippet Your own new word

Chapter 13 Issue: Marriage

1. Why does Nooria want to go to Mazar? 2. Why are Parvana and Shauzia feeling so


Extension questions:

Why do you think Nooria is prepared to marry a man she hardly knows? Provide reasons for your interpretation of her actions. How would you respond if you were in this situation?

What is important and symbolic about Parvana’s gift to Nooria?


seldom glower sulk rhythm Your own new word

Page 8: tscenglish.wikispaces.com unit... · Web viewown new word Extension question: What is Parvana’s parent’s opinion of the Taliban? Give evidence from the chapter to support your

Chapter 14 Theme: Courage

1. ‘I’m Malali, leading the troops through enemy territory.’ p150 What actions suggest to you that Parvana is brave and courageous?

2. Why do you think Parvana helps Homa to safety? Give reasons for your answer.

3. What was so shocking about Homa’s news?


curfew Pakul heroine closet Your own new word

Chapter 15 Theme: Hope

1. How was Father treated in prison? How do you know?

2. Why did Shauzia decide to flee Afghanistan?

3. What is the pact Parvana and Shauzia make?

4. Where was Mrs Weera planning to go? What would she do there?

5. Where were Parvana & her father going? What would they do there?

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Extended Writing

1. Is it wrong to flee your country? Should people in Afghanistan stay and wait out the war of leave as refugees? Explain your opinion with reasons and examples.

2. Why was the magazine so important? Why was Mrs Weera so pleased to see it published?

3. Where was Mrs Weera planning to go? What would she do there?4. Where were Parvana & her father going? What would they do there?5. Parvana plants flowers beneath the mystery woman’s window. What do

these flowers symbolise?

And finally . . .

Read the final paragraph again. Is this a good way to end the novel? What ideas do these words and images leave us with?