Unit Test on Marriage next week. Divorce, Remarriage, Annulment To define the key words To explain...

Unit Test on Marriage next week

Transcript of Unit Test on Marriage next week. Divorce, Remarriage, Annulment To define the key words To explain...

Unit Test on Marriagenext week

Divorce, Remarriage, Annulment

• To define the key words• To explain the difference

between divorce & annulment

• To evaluate why divorce is not accepted in the Catholic Church

Organise the statements under the following headings:• Marriage• Divorce• Separation• Annulment

1. Explain the difference between divorce and annulment.

2. Give 2 pieces of evidence as reasons why the Catholic Church does not allow divorce.

3. What is the main thing that decides if a marriage is valid or not?

4. What options are there for a Roman Catholic do if their marriage does not seem to work out?

**Do you think the Catholic Church is write not to allow divorce?

What do you think the Church’s teaching should be on divorce?

Other Christians say everyone makes mistakes and God is a forgiving God, who would want people to be forgiven and have another opportunity for happiness.

Catholics hold that divorce is not allowed by Jesus, and would lead to the sin of adultery.

Some Christians think Jesus does allow divorce for reasons of adultery (Matthew: “anyone who divorces his wife, except for porneia, commits adultery)

Role Play

One of you is the Pope. The other is a divorcing husband/ wife.

See if you can convince the other person about your point of view!