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Stars English Notes –X (Unit – 1) Hazrat Muhammad an Embodiment of Justice 1 www.starshighschool.edu.pk Unit No. 1 Hazrat Muhammad () an Embodiment of Justice ت، كف اLEARNING OUTCOMES: 㛾㶩 ِ❅ḝ After completing this unit, the students will be able to 㑒 䥚ᜯ䜫 لبتاس㑗⟷و㈉䗂⸗㺹 ٹ ن䮩䮪:ᡣ ت Recognize and practise values attributes of justice for peaceful co-existence ُ ت۔⊘⸗⦡䯎ماورام➄تارو اك㩓㈉ال䥞㽮 ا Deduce the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context ۔ك䐁䇾ⵇ䕉㷍㈉ظسا䔘㩕 ا╌㫦 Demonstrate the use of concrete and abstract noun ۔䥚う د㈉ ⸗ك اوذات اور ا⌴ ا⌴ Illustrate the use of regular and irregular verbs in writing ۔㩇⸗ و➟حكا㈉⬪ہ⣹Ⱄہاور⣹Ⱄالت Write the effective essay on given topic ے دی۔م ت䁡䯎 ⦿امPre-reading 㛾㶩 از What do you understand by “justice”? ؟اد㱇 ㅏ╌ آپكAns: Justice means the legal system or the act of applying the law.. ۔ ⸗ا䣘Ⱄℵدالم䔘Ⱄ اس ا ⸗ا ما䔘Ⱄلا䎀䕉䔘Ⱄاد㱇╌ف ا What is the importance of independent judiciary in a society? ؟اㅏㅎ㩉⣹آزاد▧ے ایAns: A society cannot survive without independent judiciary . ۔≢⸗䔽▧ہا ای㈉㩉⣹ آزاد Who is regarded as the true embodiment of justice? Why? ؟ ا ادا ے س ک㭘Ỏⵇك ں؟Ans: Our Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) is regarded as the true embodiment of justice, because he always did justice to everyone, irrespective of colour and race. لرک رےا م ہ تال╌䌑⥢ہوᏼ ㈉ ای مآپہ䐲㈀䞀ၐỎ㈉ف ا۔ᓧ㩕 فف⸗ا

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  • Stars English Notes –X (Unit – 1) Hazrat Muhammad an Embodiment of Justice



    Unit No. 1

    Hazrat Muhammad (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) an Embodiment of Justice

    ااصنف یک یلمع اثمك، ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصرضحت دمحم

    LEARNING OUTCOMES: احلصِ اطمہعل

    After completing this unit, the students will be able to

    وہ اجںیئ ےگ ہکل لمکم رکےن ےک دعب ابلطو اطابلت اس اقب


    رہمج:ہی وین


    Recognize and practise values attributes of justice for peaceful co-existence

    ر ُ ا ن ئاق ے الہ یم ےک ےی لدك یک اادار وصوصتایت و ناچہم اور ام ر لم رک ںیک۔ت

    Deduce the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context

    ہامونس اافلظ ےک اعمین اک ہجیتن اکنك ںیل۔

    نتم ےس ا

    Demonstrate the use of concrete and abstract noun

    امس ذات اور امس رجمو اک اامعتسك رک ےک داھکںیئ۔

    Illustrate the use of regular and irregular verbs in writing

    رک ںیل۔

    ر ںیم الہاقلدہ اور ےب اقلدہ لعف ےک اامعتسك یک واضح رحتت

    Write the effective essay on given topic



    ر نومضم انھک۔دی

    اونام ر ثوت

    Pre-reading لبق از اطمہعل

    What do you understand by “justice”?

    لدك ےس آپ ایک رماد ےتیل ںیہ؟

    Ans: Justice means the legal system or the act of applying the law..

    ہ ےہ۔

    ہ ا ہ اس اقونم یک الہالدیتس اقمئ رکا

    ہذف رکا

    ااصنف ےس رماد اقونین اظنل ا ہ اقونم ا

    What is the importance of independent judiciary in a society?

    ای اعمرشے ںیم آزاد لدہیل یک ایک اتیمہ ےہ؟

    Ans: A society cannot survive without independent judiciary .

    آزاد لدہیل ےک ریغب ای اعمرشہ اینپ ئاق ںیہن رک اتکس۔

    Who is regarded as the true embodiment of justice? Why?

    ہ ےہ؟ ویک

    ہ اجا

    ے رگدااسک

    ں؟لدك اک یقیقح مسجم

    Ans: Our Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) is regarded as the true embodiment of justice, because

    he always did justice to everyone, irrespective of colour and race.

    ہرے ا ہک ربمغیپ راسلمر ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص ہ

    ر ای ےک اسھت دیقعہ ولسن ےس الہال تمرامےت ۔ااصنف ےک یقیقح رکیپ ںیہ ویکہکن آپ ہ

    وہ رک ااصنف ف

  • Stars English Notes –X (Unit – 1) Hazrat Muhammad an Embodiment of Justice



    Meaning ینعم Words اافلظ ظفل

    Pronunciation Synonyms رتمادف

    Perfect (adj) لمکم ٹ

    Exact رفکٹ

    Attain (v) ہ

    ہ احلص رک ا

    Get احلص رکا

    Piety (adj) یکی ،یوقٰ دہز ، Holiness ا ہیئ ۔ایَٹ

    Individual (adj) ٰام۔ڈٰ۔وٰ وج۔اك ارفن اد Personal

    Seek (n)

    Try to find یس ک ون ر، دہا ن

    Guidance (n) اگیئ ڈسن رامنہ یئ Advice

    Perfection (n) امکك


    سی کف

    Complete ر

    Spiritual (adj) یپس رٰ وچاك رو احین Religious

    Ideal (n) آیئ ۔ڈٰ ۔اك ومن ہن Example

    Mankind (n)

    ہ ن

    Human نیم اکڈنئ ان

    Just (n) ٹسج فصنم Equality

    Trader (n) ر ہجل

    Dealer رٹے ۔ڈر ا

    Reputation (n) رے ۔ویپےٹ نش رہشت Repute

    Dealing (n) اک روالہرنیل دنی/ Trade ڈٰ۔گنل

    Dispute (n) ڈس ۔ویپٹ انت زہع Argument

    Advise (v) ہ

    ر شیپ رک ا

    Counsel اَڈ ۔واسئ وجت ت

    Conflict (n) انت زہع ،

    ل ج


    لکٹف Clash اکم۔

    Merit (n) ےم ۔رٹ ااقحتس ق Value

    Equity (n) اے۔ وا۔یٹ ااصنف Justice

    Creed (n) رکٰ ڈ دیقع ہ Doctrine

    Guilty (n) لگ۔یٹ رجمل Sentence

    Punishment (n) زس ا

    Penalty ٹنم پ

    Honour (n) اورن واق ر Fame

    On her behalf (phras) ر۔احبف اس یک رط ف ےس Intercede ام۔ہم

    Furiously (adv) ہ ک وہ رک

    Enraged ویف۔رٰ۔اس۔یل بضغ ا

    Apply (v) ہ

    Applications االپیئ االط ق رک ا

    Sermon (n) رس۔ ن ہبطخ Ceremony

    Point (v) ہ

    ہ رک رہ اش

    Opinion وپاٹنئ ا

    Appeal (v) دروخ

    ہ رک اس

    ا Request الیپ

    Exchange (n,v) اسک۔ےچ۔چن دب ہل Interchange

    Well-known (adj) ؤم وہشم رے

    Prominent ولی ن

    Enemy (n) اے م یم دنمش Foe

    Strictly (adv) رٹک یل یتخس ےس ٹ

    Formality س

    Commandment (n) ڈ ٹنم مکحٹ

    Deserve ک امن

    Decline (v) ہااکنر

    رکا Refuse ڈٰ الکیئ م

    Demand (v) ہ

    ڈ اقت اض رک ا


    ٰ امن A call ڈ

    Circumstances (n) رسمک اٹسزسن احالت Condition

    Affair (n) فی ےار اعمہلم Matter ا

    Report (v) ہ

    رک ا

    Tell رٰ وپرٹ رو ان

    Arguments (n) آرویگسٹنم داللئ Reason

    Needy (n) ین ڈٰ رض ورت دنم Penniless

    Proclaim (v) ہ

    ر ام ا

    Give out راک ےل ل االعم ف

  • Stars English Notes –X (Unit – 1) Hazrat Muhammad an Embodiment of Justice



    Wrong (v) ہ

    ہ دیت رک ا زا

    Harm ران

    Property (n) را ریٹ اج دیئ اد Goods

    Revenge (v) رٰ وجن دبہل انیل Retaliation

    Owe (v) ہ

    رض دا ر وہ ا

    Be indebted او ف

    Damage (v) ہ

    Injury ڈے جیم اصقنم اچنہپ ا

    Honour (n) ارن واق ر Fame

    Example (n) اگ زال ب اثمك Model

    Interest (n) افم د ٹ

    advantage ام رٹس

    Foe (n) وف دنمش Rival

    Favour (n) ٰےفور اجدبن ار Partiality

    Transcend (v) ہ

    ڈ امورا وہ ا





    Excel رٹے

    Model (n) امڈك ومن ہن Example

    Goodness (n) ڈگسن الھب یئ Honestly

    Success (n) کس سیس اکایمیب Achievement

    Social (n) وسلش امسیج Socially

    Message (n) ےم۔جیس اغیپل Communication

    Achieve (v) ہ

    get آویچ احلص رکا

    Moral (adj) امرك االخ یق Practical

    Noble (adj) ونبل ایلع ، ارعف Generous

    Practical (adj) رلکیٹکی یلمع Applid

    Follow (v) ٰہ ریپ و

    رکا Obey افول

    Equitable (adj) ل اعدك

    ٰ ٹ ای Fair اے وا

    Earn (v) ہ

    Attain ارم احلص رک ا

    Honest (v) م داراامی Just اٹسن

    Construct (n) ہ

    Built نک رٹسٹک ریمعت رک ا

    Regarding (n) ےس قلعتم

    ٰ اگر ڈن Relating ر

    Justice (n) سٹسج لدك Fairness

    Irrespective of (adj) ر وہ رک

    وؤ ےس الہ ال تک


    یی یس

    Regardless ار

    Race (n) رے س لسن Generation

    Stealing (g) ٰیٹس گنل وچ ر Theft

    Protect (v) ہ

    اچب ا


    ی کٹ


    ٹ Shield را

    Intercede (v)

    اعمیف یک دروخ اس


    شیپ رک ا

    Intervene ام رٹ یس ڈ

    Forgive (v) روگ اعم ف رک دانی

    Pardon ف

    Ruined (v) ر الہ د وہ ےئگ و ابت ہ تل ڈ ٹ

    Crumbling روان

    Tribe (n) رٹائ ب ہلیبق Family

    Ancestors (n) ڈا دوآالہ اجل Fore father اے م سیس رٹز

    Hang (v) گنیہ اھپ یسن دانی Hook

    Revenge (n) رل ہل دب اک جل Avenge رٰ ونی ج

    Bitter (adj)




    Harsh رٹیب

    In accordance with (adj) قب اطم ےک According to ام ا ورڈسن

    Success (n) کیس سیس اکایمیب Achievement

    Follow (v) ہ

    /ریپوٰ لم رک ا



    Track افول

  • Stars English Notes –X (Unit – 1) Hazrat Muhammad an Embodiment of Justice



    Judge (v) ہ

    Justice جج ہلصیف رک ا

    Hurt (v) ہ اصقنم

    اچنہپ ا رٹ م Injured ہ

    Uphold (v) راررانھک

    ر ف Maintain اپ وہڈل تل

    Relations (n) دا ر


    ر ف

    Relatives رٰ۔ ےل ش

    Companion (n) مک ےپ ین ام راقف Friend

    In favour of (adj) ام ےف ورآف ےک قح ںیم On the side of

    Likely (adj) ی کلی ااکممے


    Probable ال

    Destitute (n) ڈسی یٹ ویٹٹ اتحم ج Penniless

    Prove (v) رک دانی


    Verify روو ا

    Firm (v) ہ

    رل ڈٹ اج ا

    Secure ف

    Near and dear ones (n) ر و ااق رب

    ر زعت

    Relatives رینا ڈنی ڈریئ وت

    Fear (n,v) یف ار وخ ف Terror

    Magnitude (n) ےم گ ین ویٹڈ تمظع Greatness

    Barrier (n) دح وددنب ش/ ر Hurdles ریبت

    Various (adj) رسی فلتخم Numerous وت

    Mention (v) ہ

    ڈرک ہ رک ا

    Reference نیم نش ن

    Indeed (adj) ً ام ڈٰ ڈ وااتعق Really

    Provide (v) ہ

    Deliver رواڈیئ مہب اچنہپ ا

    Activity (n) اویٹکییٹ رس رگ یم Action

    Aspect (n) اے س ٹکیپ ولہپ Feature

    The Final Day (n)

    Dooms day افیئ لن ڈے رو ز ایقم

    1. Hazrat Muhammad`s (S.A.W.W) life is a perfect model and example for the people who want to attain goodness, piety and success in their individual as well as social life. People can seek light from the

    message and guidance from his life to achieve perfection in the moral, spiritual and social areas of life.

    He has set very high and noble ideals through his practical example for all mankind to follow in every

    field of life.

    ہ ومن ہن اور اثمك ےہ وج اعم رشیت زدنیگ ےک اسھت اسھت اینپ ارفنا دٰلمکم یک زدنیگ ام ولوگں ےئلیک ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصرضحت دمحم

    زدنیگ ںیم الھب یئ ، یوقٰ اور اکایمیب اح لص رک ا

    احلص رکےن ےک ےیُام یکاچےتہ ںیہ۔ ولگ

    ںیہ۔ آپ ےن اینپ یلمع راغیپ ل اورزدنیگ ےس زدنیگ ےک االخیق ،رواحین اوراعمرشیت وبعشں ںیم اکملی ٹ

    امنہ یئ احلص رک تکس

    ر ہبع ںیم رامنہ یئ اح لصاثمولں ےک ذرےعی تہب ایلع اور رتہبنی اثمںیل اقمئ یکمہ ہک مامل ول گ زدنیگ ےک ہ

    رک ںی۔ ںیہ ا

    2. Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) practically proved that no one could be more

    Just and equitable than the messenger of

    Allah Almighty. As a young trader, he earned the

    good reputation of being an honest, fair and just

    business man. He always had fair and just

    dealings with all people. When the Ka’bah’ was

    being constructed, there arose a dispute among

    the people regarding the Black Stone. He advised

    the most equitable plan for the setting of the

    Black Stone. This pleased everyone and saved

    them from a tribal conflict.

    ای ون وجملسو هيلع هللا ىلصرضحت دمحم

    ی ٹ


    ر ھ رک لد ك و ااصن ف رک ےن واال ںیہن وہ اتکس۔


    ایک ہک و یئ یھب اہلل اعتیل ےک ربمغیپ ےس تل


    ر ےک آپ ےن یلمع وط ر ر الہ ج

    اامی ےنملسو هيلع هللا ىلصام ا

    ٰ صخش یک ل ہبع یک ریمعت وہ ر ی یھ ،ہشیمہ ول وگں ےک اسھت ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصےس رہش ت اح لص یک ۔ آپ تیثیحدنا ر ، اص ف وگ اور ااصن ف دنسپ اک رو الہ رل

    ہ ادتا ر رےہ۔ ح اعم ال ت ںیم رھ ے اور دا

    Q. How did the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) resolve

    the issue?

    ر ام ا ہ ؟ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصربمغیپ

    ےن ےسیک ہلئسم لح ف

    Ans: The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) advised the

    most equitable plan to resolve the issue.

    ر شیپ رک ےک ہلئسم لح ایک ۔ ےنملسو هيلع هللا ىلصربمغیپ

    ثو زو ں وجت ت

    اہن ن

  • Stars English Notes –X (Unit – 1) Hazrat Muhammad an Embodiment of Justice



    رنی ےن رجح ہ اوسد ےک اعمےلم ےک لح ےئلیک انم سل ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصول وگں ےک درایمم رجح اوسد ےک وح اےل ےس ڑگھجا دیپ ا وہ ا ۔ آپ

    ر و یئ وخ ش وہ ا اور تمر دٰ ۔ اس ےس ہ

    ای اُم ووجت ت

    ۔اچب ایلےس ےابقیلئ ڑگھج

    3. As head of the state of Madinah, he decided all cases on merit with justice and equity, irrespective of

    colour, creed or race. Once a Quraish woman was

    found guilty of stealing. Some people wanted to

    save her from punishment in order to protect the

    honour of the family of the Quraish. The asked

    Hazrat Usama Bin Zaid (R.A) to intercede on her

    behalf. Hazrat Usama requested the Holy Prophet

    (S.A.W.W) to forgive her. They Holy Prophet

    (S.A.W.W) very furiously said, “Bani Israil was

    ruined because of this. They applied law to the poor

    and forgave the rich”.

    ر اہ یک ےک رس تل

    دمہنی یک را ہ س

    ی ٹ


    ،ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصےس ، آپ

    ےن مامل اعم ال ت ، رن

    ر وہ رک لدك و ااصن ف ےک

    رشی یک اسھت قح یک دیقع ے اورلسن ےس الہ ال ت

    اینب د ر ےیک۔ ای الہ ر ف

    رشی اخدنام یک زعت وفحمظ رےہ۔ اوہنں ےن ای

    ہ ہک ف

    ہ اچےتہ ےھت ا

    ٰ ےک ازلال ںیم رگ اتف ر وہ یئ۔ ھچک ول گ اےس زس ا ےس اچب ا ڈ ریض اہلل اخ وتم وچ ر اس یک رط ف ےسہنع رضحت ااسہم نب زن

    یک ۔ ا ہک ربمغیپ ےس ایکس اعم یف یکملسو هيلع هللا ىلص۔ رضحت ااسہم ےن ا ہک ربمغیپ افسرش رکےن و اہکےس

    ہ راض وہ ے اور اہک، ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصدروخ اس

    وہج ےس ابتہ وہ ے ۔ وہ رغوبیں ینب ارسالیئ ایس"تہب ا

    "۔ال وگرک ےت ےھت اوراریم و ں و اعم ف رک دےتی ےھت ر اقونم

    4. During the sermon an Ansari, seeing some men from the tribe of Banu Tha’lba sitting there stood up and pointed towards them and said, “Oh, Messenger of Allah! Their ancestors killed a member of our

    family. We appeal to you to get one of them

    hanged in exchange for that”. The Holy Prophet

    (S.A.W.W) replied, “The revenge of the father

    cannot be taken on his son”.

    ےھٹیب دھکیواہں ےک ھچک آدویمں و ہبلعثےبطخ ےک دو رام ، ای ااصن رٰ ہلیبق ونب

    ہرہ رک ڑھکا وہایگ

    ؤ! ام ےک آالہ ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص"اے اہلل ےک ربمغیپ ،اہک رکےت وہ ے اور ام یک رط ف اش

    ہ رے اخدنام ےک امڈاد ےن ہ ر د و لتق ایک اھت ۔ مہ آپ اجل

    رک ےت ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصی ف

    ےس دروخ اس

    ےن وج اب ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصا ہک ربمغیپ "۔ںیہ ہک اس ےک دبےل ںیم اس ںیم ےس یسک ای و اھپ یسن دںی

    "۔پ اک دبہل اس ےک ےٹیب ےس ںیہن ایل اج اتکس"الہ ،دا ہ

    5. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) was so well known for his justice that even the Jews, who were his bitter enemies, brought their suits to him and he

    decided the cases in accordance with the Jewish law. He very strictly followed the commandment of

    Allah: “If they come to you either judge between them, or decline to interfere. If you decline, they

    cannot hurt you in the least. If you judge, Judge in equity between them. For Allah loves those who

    judge in equity”.

    Q. Why did Quraish think that the Holy

    Prophet (S.A.W.W) would favor them?

    رشی ےن ہی ویکں وس چ ایل ہک ا ہک ربمغیپ

    رکںی ےگ؟ ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصف

    ام یک امح ن

    Ans: The Quraish thought that Holy

    Prophet (S.A.W) would favour them

    because he also belong to the Banu Quraish.

    ر شی ےس اھت اس ےی اوہنں ےن ایخك ایک ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصوچ ہکن وضح ر ارکل

    اک قلعت ہلیبق ف

    دںی ےگ۔ املسو هيلع هللا ىلصہک آپ

    م و راع ن

    Q. Why did non-Muslims trust the Holy Prophet


    ر ویکں اامتع د رک ےت ےھت ؟ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصریغ ملسم ا ہک ربمغیپ

    Ans: Non-Muslims trusted the Holy Prophet

    (S.A.W.W) because he was so well-known for his


    ااصن ف ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصوضح ر ارکل ویک ہکن ر رھب و ہس رک ےت ےھتملسو هيلع هللا ىلصاس ےی یھب آپ ریغ ملسم

    ل تہب وہشم ر ےھت ۔ےک سل

  • Stars English Notes –X (Unit – 1) Hazrat Muhammad an Embodiment of Justice



    ۔اجےن اج ےت ےھتاےنتاےنپ ااصن ف ےئلیک ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصا ہک ربمغیپ




    رنی دنمش ےھت اےنپ دقم ام ت آپ

    وہیدٰ اقونم ےک ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصآپ ےک ا ہ س ال ےت اورملسو هيلع هللا ىلصہک وہی دٰ، وجام ےک دب ت

    ٰ یک ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصاعم الت ےک ےلصیف رک ےت۔ آپ اطم قب ام ہ دما تلخ رک ےن ےس ااکن ر رک دو۔ ارگ وت آےت ںیہ ےک ا ہس ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصارگ وہ آپ ؛"ےن اہلل ےک مکح یک یتخس ےس ریپ و ام ےک درایمم ہلصیف رک و ا

    ۔ ارگ مت ہلصیف رک ےت وہ وت ام ےک درایمم لدك ےس ااصن ف رک و ۔ یھب ااکن ر رک و ےگ وت وہ ںیہمت مک از مک اصقنم مت

    ہ ےہ وج لدك ےسویکہکن ںیہن اچنہپ تکس

    اہلل ام ولوگں و دنسپ رک ا

    ۔"رک ےت ںیہ ااصن ف

    6. Justice demands that it should be

    upheld in all the circumstances even if it goes

    against one’s own self or ones family or

    relations. All of his life Hazrat Muhammad

    (S.A.W.W) judged other people’s affairs with

    justice and told his companions to be just. It is

    reported by Hazrat Ali (R.A) that Allah’s

    Messenger(S.A.W.W) said to him: “When two

    men come to you for judgement, never decide

    in favour of one with out hearing the

    arguments of the other; it is then most likely

    that you will know the truth. Hazrat Muawia

    (R.A) reported Allah’s messenger as saying,

    “Any ruler (or Judge) who closes his door on

    the poor, the needy and the destitute, Allah

    closes his door on him when he becomes needy

    and destitute.”

    ر ار رانہ اچےیہ

    ر ف ر اح الت ںیم تلمہ ےہ ہک اےس ہ

    ہ رہتش دا روں ےکالخ ف ی ویکں ہن وہ ۔ رضحت دمحم لدك اقتاض رک ا ہ اس ےک اخدنام ا وگں زدنیگ ول اسرٰےن اینپ ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصیتح ہک ارگ ہی اس ےک الخ ف ا

    ےہ ہک اہلل ےک ربمغیپ

    ل دو صخش اہمت رےا ہس ہلصیف ےک ''ےن ام ےس اہک ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصےک اعم ال ت و ااصن ف ےک اسھت لح ےیک اور احصہب و یھب فصنم ےننب اک اہک۔ رضحت یلع ریض اہلل ےس روان


    ہالہ ت ےنسریغب ےلہپ ےک قح ںیم ہلصیف ہن ےی آںیئ وت دو رسے یک

    ہ دہ ؛ رکا ےہ ہک اہلل ےک ربمغیپ "ےہ ہک مت اچس یئ اجم ول ااکمم رھپ ہی زا

    ےس ےتہک وہ ے ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص۔ رضحت اعم وہی ریض اہلل ےس رو ان

    ل وہ رض ورت دنم اور اتحم ج ،وجں و یئ یھب رمکح ام وج اانپ در وازہ اتحم''انس ۔ ل

    دنم وں اور رغوبیں ر دنب رک داتی ےہ ۔ اہلل اعتیل اس ر اانپ در وازہ دنب رک داتی ےہ ح

    لہ ےہ ۔ احح

    ''وہ ا

    7. While Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) was on his death bed, he proclaimed, “If I owed something to anyone; or if I wronged any person, or damaged anyone’s property or honour, my person,

    my honour and my property are here; he may take revenge from me in this world”. There was complete

    silence. Only one person demanded a few dirhams which were paid to him.

    ل رضحت دمحم ل

    رض دانی ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصرتسب رم گ ر ےھت ، آپ ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصح

    ےن االعم ایک ، "ارگ ںیم ےن یسک اک ف

    ہ ۔ ہ ذات و اصقنم اچنہپ ا ہ دیت یک ، ا ہ یسک یک اج دیئاد ا ہ زعت ا ہ ارگ یسک ےک اسھت زا ڈات ےہ ا

    ںیم نل

    لمکم ۔اہی ں ںیہ ، وہ ھجم ےس اس داین ںیم دبہل ےل اتکس ےہ "؛ریمٰ زعت اور ریمٰ اج دیئ اد وخد،

    رص ف ای صخش ےن دنچ درمہ اک اطمہبل ایک وج اےس ادا رک دےیئ ےئگ ۔ ۔اخثویش یھ

    8. Allah’s messenger (S.A.W.W) proved by his own example that no one could be more firm for justice than him, even if it was against his own interest or the interest of those who were near and dear to him. He decided every case brought to him, by friend or foe with justice, without fear of favour. A person of such magnitude transcends the barriers of time and space. People of all ages can find something in his life to provide them with guidance in their

    Q. What advice did the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W)

    give to Hazrat Ali (R.A)?

    ر ام یئ؟ےن رضح ت یلع ریض اہلل و ایک تحیصنملسو هيلع هللا ىلصا ہک ربمغیپ


    Ans: The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) advised him,

    “When two men come to you for Judgement, never

    decide until listening the arguments of the both

    parties. It is then most likely that you will know the


    ر ام یئ ہک ےنملسو هيلع هللا ىلصوضح ر رکمی

    وہ دوونں "رضحت یلع ریض اہلل اعتیل ہنع و تحیصن ف

    ہت ےنس ریغب یھبک ہلصیف ہن رکںی

    ہ دہ ااکمم ےہ ہک مت ا ہر ویٹں ےک ایب ا :"اس الہت اک زا

    چس اجم ول ےگ"۔

    Q. What does the word “Proclaimed” mean?

    اک ایک بلطم ےہ ؟Proclaimedظفل

    Ans: Word “Proclaimed” means “Announced”

    or “Declared”.

    ہ یلع اال العم انہک ۔ Proclaimedظفل اک بلطم ےہ ہک یسک الہ ت و الہ اضہطب ا

  • Stars English Notes –X (Unit – 1) Hazrat Muhammad an Embodiment of Justice



    various fields of activity. The Holy Quran clearly mentions this aspect of his life, “Indeed in the messenger of Allah (Muhammad S.A.W.W), you have a good example to follow for him who hopes for (the meeting with) Allah and the Last Day, and remembers Allah much.”

    ر ھ رک و یئ ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصاہلل ےک یبن


    ہ ہک ام ےس تل رک دا


    ہک اچ ویئ ااصن ف ر ڈٹ اج ےن واال ےن اینپ اثمك ےس ا

    ہ ام ولوگں ےک افم د ےکالخ ےہںیہن اہی ں ی ی فہی ام ےک اےنپ ا


    ر اُس اعم ےلم اک ہلصیف ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصوج آپ وہامر و ااق رب ےھت ۔ آپ ےن ہ

    ریغب یسک ےک زعت

    ہ دنمش ےک اسھت ایکااصن ف ےک ڈر ےس امحن ا

    دو س

    ۔ اینت تمظع واال ےل رک آےتوج آپ ی

    ہم وق


    ہیک زامےناور

    رآم میکح ںیم ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص مامل زامونں ےک ولگ آپ ےہ ۔ راکووٹں و وبعر رکاجا


    ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص آپیک ایحت ہبیط ےس اینپ زدنیگ ےک فلتخم وبعشں ےکےئل رامنہیئ احلص رکتکس

    ہد ےہ ۔"ےب کش آپ یک

    رت ر نیقی رےتھک ںیہ اور اہلل و رثکت ےس ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص ایحت ہبیط ےک اس ولہپ ےک الہر ے ںیم ارش

    ٰ اک رتہبنی ومنہن ےہ وج اہلل او رروز آج یک زدنیگ اُم ولوگں ےک ےئل ریپو

    ا ہد رکےت ںیہ"۔


    Allah’s messenger is a great example to all of mankind. A number of incidents give evidence to

    the Prophet’s (S.A.W.W) justice. He abided by Allah’s commands, even with Non-Muslims, and never

    made any concessions in implementation of justice. The Holy Prophet(S.A.W.W)’s dealing with Non-

    Muslims is the best example to follow for the Muslims.

    ٰ ایخ كرم ر

    : ک

    ےک ےی ای میظع اثمك ںیہ یئک و ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصربمغیپ اہلل ےک


    ہ اور یک وگاعقت یبن ےک ااصنف امامل ان

    ا ی دےتی ںیہ اوہنں ےن ریغ ناملسونں ےک اسھت یھب اہلل ےک اماکامت و اما

    ںیہن یک وضحر ا ہک

    ٰ رکےن ےک ےی رتہبنی اثمك ےہ۔ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصااصنف و لم درادٓم رکواےن ںیم ویئ راعن ہو ناملسونں ےک ےی ریپو

    را اک ریغ ناملسونں ےک اسھت تل


    Ancestor ڈاد آالہو اجل

    Fore father

    Destitute اتحمج/رحمول

    With no money or possessions

    Equitable افصنمہن


    Firm ہ/ رُزعل



    Definite , Resolute

    Foe دنمش

    An enemy in battle or war

    Intercede ہ

    ںیم وشش رکا

    یسک یک امحن

    To speak in support of somebody involved in a dispute,

    Petition for , Plead for

    Magnitude اتیمہ /تمظع

    Importance , Effect , Dignity

    Owe ہ

    رقموض وہا

    Have to give someone amount of money ,

    To be debt in

    Revenge دبہل

    something that you do to hurt or punish

    someone because they have hurt you ,

    Vengeance , Retaliation

    Seek ہ

    احلص رکا

    To get , to obtain


    A. Give the meanings of each word as used in the lesson.

    Model ومنہن

    Piety یکی Eternal دایمئ Earned احلص یک

    Sermon ہبطخ Revenge دبہل انیل

  • Stars English Notes –X (Unit – 1) Hazrat Muhammad an Embodiment of Justice



    Commandment ڈااک مکح


    Upheld رار رانھک

    رف تل

    Destitute رحمول/ اتحمج

    Proclaimed االعم ایک

    Transcends ہ

    ہدح ےس زگرا

    / امورا وہاجا


    A word having same or nearly the same meaning as another word in a certain context.


    Effort Struggle

    A.Choose the appropriate synonyms of the following words. درج ذلی اافلظ اک انمسل رتمادف بختنم رکںی۔

    i. Equitable (a) Fair (b) Just (c) Equal

    ii. Ancestor (a) Antecedent (b) Forefather (c) Predecessor

    iii. Foe (a) Relative (b) Enemy (c) Friend

    iv. Firm (a) Expensive (b) Powerful (c) Persistent

    v. Glorious (a) Lustrous (b) Splendid (c) Fabulous

    B. Give meanings of the following phrasal verbs and use these phrasal verbs in sentences.

    رابیک یظفل اک وہفمل ایبم رکںی اور اںیہن اےنپ ولمج ں ںیم اامعتسك رکںی۔

    درج ذلی لعف ر ینبم ت

    Phrasal verb:

    A complex verb made up of a verb and a prepositional adverb, also known as an adverbial


    Phrasal Verbs Meanings Sentences

    Guilty of رجمل Once a woman was found guilty

    of stealing.

    Belong to ہ

    .She belongs to a rich family ےس قلعت وہا

    Exchange For دبےل ںیم We appeal to get one of them

    hanged in exchange for that

    In accordance with اطمقب He (S.A.W.W) decided cases in

    accordance with the Jewish law.

    C.Translate Paragraph 1 of the lesson into Urdu رہمج

    قبس ےک ےلہپ ریپا رگاف اک اُردو ںیم ت


    Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W)’s life is a perfect model and example for the people who want to

    attain goodness, piety and success in their individual as well as social life. People can seek light from the

    message and guidance from his life to achieve perfection in the moral spiritual and social areas of life.

    He has set very high and noble ideals through his practical example for all mankind to follow in every

    field of life.

  • Stars English Notes –X (Unit – 1) Hazrat Muhammad an Embodiment of Justice



    رہمج :

    ہ اچےتہ ںیہ ولگ زدنیگ یک زدنیگ ام ولوگں ےئلیک لمکم ومنہن اور اثمك ےہ وج اینپ ارفنادٰ اور اسھت ی اعمرشیت زدنیگ ںیم الھبیئ، یکی اور اکایمیب احلص رک ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصرضحت دمحمت


    ٰ رکےن ےئلیک مامل ےک االخیق، رواحین اوراعمرشیت وبعشں ںیم امکك احلص رکےن ےئلیک ام ےک اغیپل ےس ونر اور ام یک زدنیگ ےس رامنہیئ اح ر ےبع ںیم ریپوم ںیہ اوہنں ےن زدنیگ ےک ہ

    لص رکتکس


    ےئلیک اینپ یلمع اثمك ےک ذرےعی تہب اٰلع


    ومنےن اقمئ ےیک ںیہ۔ ا ےھچان

    Reading Comprehension:

    میہفت ڑپانھ

    Analysis of patterns of text organization نتم یک میظنت ےک ومن ونں اک زجتہی رکںی۔

    A.Choose the correct option. رتہبنی وجاب اک ااختنب

    رکںی ۔

    1. In paragraph 1……………. Details of the Holy Prophet’s )S.A.W.W) characteristics are


    (a) general (b) specific (c) chronological

    2. The key idea of paragraph 2 is that ……………..

    (a) Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) was a great orator.

    (b) Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) was a just head of the state.

    (c) Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) was just and fair even before his Prophethood.

    3. Examples given in paragraphs 3 and 4 show that…………..

    (a) Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W.) was a just head of the state.

    (b) Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) was a simple man.

    (c) Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) was fair in his dealings.

    4. Paragraph 5 shows that ……………

    (a) Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) was a just head of the state.

    (b) The justice of Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) was a source of peace and security for

    non-Muslims. (c) Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) was just and fair even before his prophet hood.

    5. To whom did the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) give the following advice? “When two men

    come to you for judgment. Never decide in favor of one without hearing the arguments of

    the other; it is then most likely that you will know the truth.” (a) Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique (R.A) (b) Hazrat Ali (R.A)

    (c) Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A)

    B. Identify the topic sentence and supporting details in paragraph 3.

    رکںی۔ 3ریپ ارگاف ربمن

    ےک اونام ےس ہقلعتم ہلمج اور اعموم الیصفتت یک انشح

    Topic sentence: As head of the state of Madinah, he decided all cases on merit with justice and equity,

    irrespective of color, creed or race.

    راہ یک دمہنی ےک رستل

    دیقعے اور لسن ےس عطق رظن مامل اعم الت اک لدك و ااصنف ےک اسھت ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص تیثیح ےس آپ اونام ہلمج : را ہ س

    ر ہلصیف ایک۔ قح یک اینبدےن رن

    Supporting detail: Once a Quraish woman was found guilty of stealing. Some people wanted to save her from

    punishment in order to protect the honor of the family of the Quraish. They asked Hazrat Usama bin

    Zaid (R.A) to intercede on her behalf. Hazrat Usama (R.A) requested the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) to

    forgive her. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) very furiously said, “Bani Israil was ruined because of this.

    They applied law to the poor and forgave the rich.”

  • Stars English Notes –X (Unit – 1) Hazrat Muhammad an Embodiment of Justice



    رشی یکاعموم الیصفت ت:

    رشی اخدنام یک زعت وفحمظ رےہ۔ اوہنں ےن ای ای الہ ر ف

    ہ ہک ف

    ہ اچےتہ ےھت ا

    اخ وتم وچ رٰ ےک ازلال ںیم رگ اتف ر وہ یئ۔ ھچک ول گ اےس زس ا ےس اچب ا

    ڈ ریض اہلل یک ۔ رضحت ااسہم ےن ا ہک ربمغیپہنع رضحت ااسہم نب زن

    یک ۔ ا ہک ربمغیپملسو هيلع هللا ىلصےس اس یک رط ف ےس دروخ اس

    ہ راض وہ ے اور اہک، ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصےس ایکس اعم یف یک دروخ اس

    تہب ا

    ’’ال وگرک ےت ےھت اوراریم و ں و اعم ف رک دےتی ےھت ۔ وہج ےس ابتہ وہ ے ۔ وہ رغوبیں ر اقونم ینب ارسالیئ ایس”

    Answer the following questions

    1. How can people achieve perfection in the moral, spiritual and social areas of life?

    رہ لم ںیم


    ںیہ۔ ولگ اینپ زدنیگ ےک االخیق، رواحین،امسیج دات

    سک رطح امکك احلص رک تکس

    Ans: People can seek light from the message and guidance from the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W)’s life to

    achieve perfection in the moral, spiritual and social areas of life.

    اور رامنہیئ احلص رک ےک ولگ اینپ زملسو هيلع هللا ىلص ا ہک ربمغیپ

    ہونں ےک ےئل اغیپل اور زدنیگ ےس دہان

    ںیہ۔ےن ان

    دنیگ ےک االخیق، رواحین اورامسیج دیماونں ںیم امکك درہج احلص رک تکس

    2. How did the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) set high and noble ideals for all mankind?

    ہم ےن سک رطح مامل ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص ا ہک ربمغیپ

    ےک ےئل ااہتنیئ ایلع وارعف ومنےن اقمئ ےیک؟ ینب ونع ان

    Ans: The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) set very high and noble ideals through his practical example for

    all mankind to follow in every field of life.

    ہونں ےک ےئل یلمع اثمولں ےک ذرےعی مامل ےک ےئل ااہتنیئ ایلع وارعف ومنےن اقمئ ےیک۔ ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص ا ہ ک ربمغیپ

    ےن ان

    3. How were people of Makkah convinced of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) justice even before his prophet hood?

    ررف وہ ےئگ ےھت؟ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص ہکم ےک ولگ ا ہک ربمغیپع

    میٰ ےس یھب ےلہپ سک رطح ام ےک ااصنف یک ربمغیپ

    Ans: As a young trader, Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) earned the good reputation of being an honest, fair

    and just business man. As he always had fair and just dealings with all people. That’s why

    people of Makkah convinced of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) justice even before his prophet


    ہ اھت۔ ایس ےئل ہکم ےک ولگ ا ہک ربمغیپملسو هيلع هللا ىلص ا ہک ربمغیپ

    ر اعمےلم ر ااصنف رکےت ۔ولوگں ےک اسھت ام اک نیل دنی ہشیمہ رھا وہامررف وہ ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصہ


    مییک ربمغیپٰ ےس یھب ےلہپ ام ےک ااصنف ےک

    ےئگ ےھت۔

    4. What standards of justice did the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) practice as head of the state of Madinah?

    راہ یک تیثیح ےس ا ہک ربمغیپ ےک رستل

    ااصنف ےک سک ایعمر و لم ںیم الےت؟ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصدمہنی یک را ہس

    Ans: As head of the state of Madinah The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) practiced high standard of justice.

    He decided every matter on merit. He did justice without regarding race, color or creed.

    راہ یک تیثیح ےس ا ہک ربمغیپ ےک رستل

    ا ہ دیقعے ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصدمہنی یک را ہس

    رامےت ۔آپ لسن ،رن

    راعمےلم اک ااقحتسق یک اینبد ر ہلصیف فمااصنف ےک ایلع ایعمر ر لم ریپاوہےت ۔)دیقعہ(آپ ہ


    ر وہرک ااصنف ف

    ےس الہالت

    5. What made Non-Muslims bring their suits to the Holy Prophet (S.A.W)?

    ےک اسےنم شیپ رکےن ر ااسکیت ؟ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص ویسن الہت ریغ وملسمں و اےنپ انتزاعت ا ہک ربمغیپ

    Ans: The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) was so well-known for his justice that even the non- Muslims

    brought their suits to him.

    رامےن ںیم ا ہک ربمغیپ

    ےکاسےنم شیپ رکےت ےھت۔ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصتہب تخس ےھت۔ایس ےئل ریغ ملسم یھب اےنپ انتزاعت و ےلصیف ےک ےی ا ہ ک ربمغیپملسو هيلع هللا ىلصااصنف ف

    6. How does the Quran describe the personality of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W)?


    رآم رکمی ا ہک پ

    ہ ےہ۔ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصف

    یک تیصخش و سک رطح ایبم رکا

    Ans: The Quran describes the Personality of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W), “We have indeed, in the Messenger of ALLAH, a good example (of conduct) for anyone whose hope is in ALLAH and the final day.

  • Stars English Notes –X (Unit – 1) Hazrat Muhammad an Embodiment of Justice




    رت ر نیقی رےتھک ںیہ، اہلل ےک ربمغیپملسو هيلع هللا ىلصم رکمی ا ہک ربمغیپف

    ہ ےہ: "ےب کش ام ولوگں ےک ےئل وج اہلل اور ویل آج

    یک ذات اک رتہبنی ومنہن ےہ۔ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص یک تیصخش و ویں ایبم رکا

    A. Identify whether each underlined word is a concrete or an abstract noun.

    ر طخ دیشکہ ظفل امس ذات ےہ ا ہامس رجمد۔ م رکںی ہک ہ


    1. She puts in much effort into her studies as she wants to score good marks. Both words are


    2. They recommended him for his justice and truthfulness. Both words are abstract.

    3. Keep the balls in the basket. Both words are concrete. 4. The dishonest trader is losing the trust of his customers. (“Trader”word is concrete, “Trust”

    word is abstract and “customers” word is concrete.) 5. He did not take good care of his pet. “Care” word is abstract and “pet” word is concrete. B. Choose whether each sentence needs an indefinite article (a, an), a definite article (the) or

    no article. (i) He asked me a very hard question. (ii) The question that he asked me was easy. (iii) Have you seen No article is needed my scarf? (iv) Could you please pass me the salt? (v) Is there a good restaurant around here? (vi) The restaurant that my friend owns is very good. (vii) I have several No article is needed good friends. (viii) The UAE is beautiful country. (ix) I’ll see you in a week! (x) I’m on No article is needed vacation until Monday.

    Noun Phrase:

    A noun phrase is a group of words that does the work of a noun.

    Example: As a young trader, he earned good reputation of being an honest, fair and just business man. C. Underline the noun phrases in the following sentence

    (i) This is an old-fashioned hat. (ii) We discovered Farhad’s plans. (iii) A rolling stone gathers on mass. (iv) The recent flood caused heavy damage. (v) An oral presentation can be interesting. Past indefinite and past continuous tenses. D. Fill in each blank with past indefinite or past continuous tense of the verb in brackets. (i) What were you doing (you/do) when I called (call) you last night? (ii) I was sitting (sit) in the cafe when you called (call) me. (iii) When you arrived (arrive) at the bus stand, who was (be) there? (iv) Shamsa was watching (watch) film when she heard (hear) the noise. (v) We were playing (play) tennis when Javed hurt (hurt) his ankle.

    E. Punctuate the following paragraph. درج ذلی ریپارگاف و رثوز واواقف اگلںیئ۔

    During the sermon, an Ansari seeing some men from the tribe of Banu Tha’lba sitting there stood up and pointed towards them and said, “Oh! Messenger of ALLAH (S.A.W.W), Their ancestors killed a member of our family”. We appeal to you to get one of them hanged in exchange for that.” The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) replied, “The revenge of the father cannot be taken on his son”.

    ہرہ ہبلعثےبطخ ےک دو رام ، ای ااصن رٰ ےن ہلیبق ونب ای

    ! ام ےک آالہ و ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصاور اہک"اے اہلل ےک ربمغیپ رکےت وہے ےک ھچک آدویمں و ےھٹیب داھکی۔ وہ ڑھکا وہ ا اور ام یک رط ف اش

    ر د و لتق ایک

    ہ رے اخدنام ےک ای فمڈاد ےن ہ رک ےت ںیہ ہک اس ےک دبےل ںیم اس ںیم ےس یسک ای و اھپ یسن دںی ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص اھت ۔ مہ آپ اجل

    ہ ۔ ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصا ہک ربمغیپ ۔ےس دروخ اس ےن وج اب دا

    ۔ "پ اک دبہل اس ےک ےٹیب ےس ںیہن ایل اج اتکس"الہ

    WRITING SKILLS ےنھکل یک اہمرںیت

    A. Write a precise of paragraph 5.

  • Stars English Notes –X (Unit – 1) Hazrat Muhammad an Embodiment of Justice



    The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) was well known for his justice. Non-Muslims brought their suits to Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) because he was well known for his justice. He also decided cases in accordance with the laws of the non-Muslims. (a) Write an essay on “Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) as an Exemplary Judge”.(220-250 words) Ans. Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W)’s life is perfect model and example for the people who want to attain goodness, piety and success in their individual as well as social life. People can seek light from the message and guidance from his life to achieve perfection in the moral, spiritual and social areas of life. He (S.A.W.W) has set very high and noble ideals through his practical example for all mankind to follow in every field of life.

    As head of the state of Madinah, He (S.A.W.W) decided all cases on merit with justice and equity, irrespective of colour, creed, or race. Once a Quraish woman was found guilty of stealing. Some people wanted to save her from punishment in order to protect the honour of the family of the Quraish. They wanted to hush up the whole affair. They asked Hazrat Usama bin Zaid (A.R) to intercede on her behalf. Hazrat Usama (R.A) requested the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) to forgive her. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) very furiously said, “Bani Israil was ruined because of this. They applied law to the poor and forgave the rich.”

    The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) was so well-known for his justice that even the Jews, who were

    his bitter enemies, brought their suits to him and he decided cases in accordance with Jewish law. He

    (S.A.W.W) very strictly followed the Commandment of Allah.In short; we can say that the life of Hazrat

    Muhammad (S.A.W.W) shows that he was an exemplary judge.