Unit-i[1] Crm Updated

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    2.Employees : They are the set of people who execute the CRM design . They include

    those right from the front line staff who actually executes to the top management who

    designs the CRM.

    3.Suppliers : They are the part of the system who provide input to a companys value


    4.Partners: They are the creators of additional value for the customers.

    CRM Technology CRM is disciplined business strategy. CRM technology is

    the driver of the strategy.

    Technology, in the form of networked collaboration, communication,

    knowledge management and automated electronic processes can enable

    different groups within the company to work seamlessly as one unit to fulfill

    the CRM vision. The accepted definition of CRM technology is generally accepted to apply to

    "front office" processes.

    CRM technology mandates that all interactions between the customer and the

    company are recorded and stored in a central information database, which

    can be shared with anyone in the company who contributes to processing the

    customer's transaction.

    CRM technology fulfils the vision of CRM are through the streamlining of processes and the acquisition of information to form knowledge about the


    Types of CRM Technology or Various levels of CRM

    Operational CRM

    Analytical CRM

    Collaborative CRM

    Operational CRM generally refers to products and services that allow an

    organization to take care of their customers. Operational level of the customer

    relationship management deals with the front line interaction with the customers.

    It could through call centres, worldwide webs, direct emails or call, or direct


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    sales. It is more focused on the front office business processes. Like, sales,

    marketing and customer care. A client database is settled usually, where each

    interaction with customer is added up, so that customers could easily interact

    with different people in the organization, without mentioning their personal

    information over again. Customer satisfaction is usually assessed through two

    techniques i.e. Customer satisfaction model and SERVQUAL for services


    Analytical CRM Analytical CRM is to capture, storage, extraction,

    processing, interpretation, and reporting of customer data to a user. It addresses

    the analysis of customer data or data mart or data warehouse for a host of

    different purposes. In general it is used to design and execute targeted marketing

    campaigns that optimize marketing effectiveness. Analytical CRM takes into

    account product and service decision making, pricing and new product


    Collaborative CRM is communication with customers and covers direct

    interaction with customers including feedback and issue reporting. Interaction

    can take place through web pages, email, Automated Voice Response.

    Collaborative CRM greatly improves on services offered.

    The collaborative CRM reaches across customer touch points.

    It is the communication center, the coordination network that providesthe neural paths to the customer and his suppliers.

    It could mean a portal, a partner relationship management (PRM)

    application, or a customer interaction center (CIC).

    It could mean communication channels such as the Web or email, voice

    applications, or snail mail.

    It could mean channel strategies. In other words, it is any CRM function

    that provides a point of interaction between the customer and the channel


    CRM Technology Components

    CRM Engine

    Front-Office Solutions


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    Enterprise Application Integrations (EAIs) for CRM

    CRM in the Back Office

    CRM Engine

    This would be the customer data repository.

    The data mart or data warehouse is where all data on the customer is

    captured and stored.

    This could include basic stuff such as name, address, phone number, and

    birth date.

    The purpose is a single gathering point for all individual customer

    information so that a unified customer view can be created throughout all

    company departments that need to know the data stored in this CRM

    engine house.

    Front-Office Solutions These are the unified applications that run on top of the customer data

    warehouse (CDW).

    They could be sales force automation, marketing automation, or service

    and support and customer interaction applications.

    Enterprise Application Integrations (EAIs) for CRM

    These sit between the CRM back office and front office. They also sit between the newly installed CRM system and the been-

    around-forever enterprise legacy systems.

    They also allow CRM-to-CRM communications.


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    They are pieces of code and connectors and bridges that as a body

    are called EAIs, formerly known as middleware.

    EAIs provide the messaging services and data mapping services that

    allow one system to communicate with disparate other systems,

    regardless of formatting.

    CRM in the Back Office

    Analytical tool are known as Back Office of the CRM.

    Analytics are becoming increasingly integrated from the beginning with

    the elements of the CRM.

    The analytical algorithms are working in background; they have clear

    and distinct visibility (By which we can see for miles and miles) within

    the operational applications which are accessing in real time.

    Embedded analytics are now part of a few of the multifunctional CRM



    Lifetime Value (LTV)


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    Refers to the net present value of the potential revenue stream for any

    particular customer over a period of years

    Starts with current purchase activity then extrapolates to include potential

    additions from cross-selling, upgrades, total ownership, etc.

    Customer Ownership

    Attempts to own the lionshare of customer spending and/or share of mind

    in a particular product category

    Building brand equity, maintaining vigilant customer contact, keeping current

    with the market trends is critical

    5% increase in customer retention may increase 20-125% increase in profit

    To create a consistent customer experience

    The relationship with customer should be thought of as an ongoing conversation

    without end.


    Streamlined sales and marketing processes Higher sales productivity Added cross-selling and up-selling Improved service, loyalty, and retention Making call centers more efficient Higher close rates Better profiling and targeting Reduced expenses

    Increased market share Higher overall profitability Marginal costing Provide better customer service Help sales staff close deals faster


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    Simplify marketing and sales processes Discover new customers Increase customer revenues


    The American society of Quality and Arthur Anderson consulting Inc ., in their report

    published in 1977 , have brought out the following findings about the customers.

    1. Customers tell eight friends about a satisfying experience and 20 friendsfor a negative experience.

    2. It is easier to influence existing customers to buy 10% more than increase

    the customer base by 10%.

    3. Eighty percent of successful new product and service ideas come from

    existing customers.

    4. Repeat customers cost one fifth less than new customers and can

    substantially increase profits.CRM is a company wide initiative and is a process to be continued with the

    organization. The return on investment of CRM is overestimated in the short run and

    underestimated in the long run . But what is sure is that companies do accrue certain

    definite advantages of implementation of CRM. The advantages could be as follows.

    1. Perpetual stream of revenue: A better served and delighted customer gradually

    becomes loyal . Once customer loyalty is built , the customer remains with the

    company and proves to be a perpetual source of revenue and profit often

    increasing over a period of time.

    2. Positive referral creation : A satisfied customer often spreads positive things

    about the company to the others. Such positive opinion proves to be more

    reliable and authentic than companies propaganda , including advertisements

    and consequently brings more customers.

    3. Provides premium : A customer satisfied with the service of a particular

    company is found to be ready to pay a little premium on the products / servicesand does not want to take risk with anew company.

    4. Helps customer retention: One of the biggest advantage of CRM is that

    through personal and effective customer care and service, it helps the company


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    keep customers for life. Retaining customers with the company helps in many

    ways and contributes straightaway to the companys bottom line.

    5. Lowers cost of sale : A satisfied customer does not required to be lured

    everytime by the company and hence his subsequent acquisition cost to the

    company decreases. This helps the company to lower the cost of sales.

    6. Helps understanding consumer behaviour: By providing personal service to

    its customers, the company understands the consumers and can adapt itself to

    the changing environment. This also helps companies to offer a complete set of

    personalized solutions to the customers.

    7. Provides opportunity to cross-sell and up-sell : A satisfied customer is

    expected to come back to the same company for repeat purchases. In case of

    any cross-sell and up-sell , he again comes back to the same company and with

    no extra expense, the company is able to get him for more products.

    8. Reduces marketing time: Through positive referral and opportunities to cross-

    sell and up-sell , the customer acquisition becomes easier and consequentlyleads to reduce the marketing time.

    9. Channel cost rationalization: An effective CRM provides an opportunity to the

    companies to value the the cost of various channels with respect to its

    profitability and the customers may be served via a channel that is cost effective

    for the company and suitable for the customer