Unit 6, Part 2 (Ch. 11) Study Guide Test Wednesday, April 29 Mr. Davis Warrior Social Studies.

Unit 6, Part 2 (Ch. 11) Study Guide Test Wednesday, April 29 Mr. Davis Warrior Social Studies

Transcript of Unit 6, Part 2 (Ch. 11) Study Guide Test Wednesday, April 29 Mr. Davis Warrior Social Studies.

Page 1: Unit 6, Part 2 (Ch. 11) Study Guide Test Wednesday, April 29 Mr. Davis Warrior Social Studies.

Unit 6, Part 2 (Ch. 11) Study Guide

Test Wednesday, April 29Mr. Davis

Warrior Social Studies

Page 2: Unit 6, Part 2 (Ch. 11) Study Guide Test Wednesday, April 29 Mr. Davis Warrior Social Studies.

1. If you were to visit Rome in 70 BC…

• Rome was chaotic and dangerous• Generals fighting for power

Page 3: Unit 6, Part 2 (Ch. 11) Study Guide Test Wednesday, April 29 Mr. Davis Warrior Social Studies.

2. What did Cicero want?

• Limit power of generals• Restore power of Senators• Have rich make Rome better

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3. What did Caesar conquer 58-50 BC?

• Gaul

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4. Why did Caesar write his own history?

• So people would remember his greatness

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5. Who made up Rome’s First Triumvirate?

• Julius Caesar• Pompey• Marcus Crassus

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6. How was Caesar killed?

• There were many conspiracies, but it was decided to stab him in the Senate.

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7. How did Caesar’s killers think they would be treated? What happened?• They thought they’d be treated like heroes,

but were chased out of Rome and killed by Antony and Octavian’s forces.

Page 9: Unit 6, Part 2 (Ch. 11) Study Guide Test Wednesday, April 29 Mr. Davis Warrior Social Studies.

8. What happened that led to a civil war between Antony and Octavian?

• Marc Antony divorced Octavian’s sister and married Cleopatra.

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9. What does Augustus mean?

• “Revered one” = respected one

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10. What helped expand Roman trade?

• The Romans developed currency in the form of coins nearly everyone accepted.

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11. Pax Romana

• A 200 year period of peace and prosperity

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12. The aqueduct

• Brought water from highlands to Rome• Use of arches made it structurally sound

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13. Describe Roman art

• Realistic sculptures and paintings

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14. Roman architecture

• Large, strong buildings• Columns and open spaces• Domes, arches, and vaults

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15. Roman engineering

• Excellent, durable roads• Strong bridges• Aqueducts move water• Building designs inspired later societies

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16. Roman languages

• Developed from Latin, the language of Rome

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17. Accomplishments of Roman engineering and architecture

• Road construction in layers• Use of arches and vaults • Invention of aqueducts to carry water

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18. Define civil law

• A legal system based on a written code of laws

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19. What influenced the food Romans ate?

• How rich they were/Their social class

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20. How were men valued above women in Rome?

• Between 14-18 a boy celebrated becoming a man in a special ceremony.

• Father’s word was law in his home• If fathers did not approve of a newborn, they

made the decision to leave it outside to die.

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21. Describe the homes of rich and poor Romans

• Rich people lived in large estate homes with baths and atriums

• Poor people lived in small, filthy, rat-infested apartments that had a great fire danger because of grills.

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22. How women did have value…

• They were educated to become dentists, real estate agents, tutors, and midwives

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23. “Bread and Circuses”

• Keeps the poor busy and happy:• Gladiator games• Chariot races• Festivals

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24. “He who does not work shall not eat”

• Refers to the poor country dwellers in the Roman Empire

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25. Why did the Romans worship many gods?

• They didn’t know which ones existed, so they worshipped all of them.

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26. How did Jews feel under Roman rule?

• They resented Roman rule because their religious practices were banned and they were taxed heavily

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27. What marks the shift from BC AD?

• The birth of Jesus of Nazareth

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28. What happened that led to Jesus’ arrest and crucifixion?

• The Romans feared Jesus’ charisma (being well-liked) made him a threat to the empire.

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29. Which apostle… spread Christianity?

• Paul

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30. Describe the extent of Roman Empire at its height

• Centered on Mediterranean• North: Brittania• South: North Africa/Egypt/Nile River• East: Judea/Caspian Sea• West: Spain/Atlantic Ocean

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31. Diocletian

• Divided Roman Empire into East and West in the late 200s BC

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32. Constantine

• Baptized in the 300s AD and was first Christian emperor

• Moved center of Roman Empire to Constantinople

• Ruled Eastern Empire after Diocletian

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33. Reasons for the fall of Roman Empire

• Empire too large• Difficult to communicate• Corruption• Wealthy people flee cities/build up armies• Population decreases• Schools close• Inflation: taxes and prices soar

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34. What is corruption?

• Corruption is the decay of people’s values• Corrupt officials used threats and bribes to

achieve their goals

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35. Attila the Hun

• Fierce, ruthless battle tactics

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36. Describe the Huns, who they were, military style

• Huns were a vicious tribe from Central Asia. They traveled a great distance to Europe where they chased the Goths out of Hungary and into Italy

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37. Describe the role the Goths played in decline of Rome

• The Goths were fleeing from invading Huns and had to expand into Roman territory

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38. Justinian

• Wanted to reunite parts of the Old Empire• Guarantee fair treatment for all people • Maintain peace in the empire by stopping


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39. Focus of Byzantine art

• Christianity