Unit 5 Welcome to join us Jiashan No.2 Senior High School.

Unit 5

Transcript of Unit 5 Welcome to join us Jiashan No.2 Senior High School.

Page 1: Unit 5 Welcome to join us Jiashan No.2 Senior High School.

Unit 5

Page 2: Unit 5 Welcome to join us Jiashan No.2 Senior High School.

Welcome to join us !

Jiashan No.2 Senior High School


Page 3: Unit 5 Welcome to join us Jiashan No.2 Senior High School.
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How much do you

know about Canada?

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1. What language (s) do Canadians speak?

A. English

B. English and German

C. English and French

D. English and Spanish

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2. What is the capital of Canada?

A. B.

Vancouver Toronto

C. D.

Calgary Ottawa

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Vancouver Calgary

Thunder Bay Toronto


The R

ocky Mountains


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3. What is the national animal of Canada?

A. B.

Beaver Grizzly bear

C. D.

Polar bear Penguin

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4. What is the Canadian leader called?

A. President

B. Prime Minister

C. Governor

D. King

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5. How many “Great Lakes” are there in Canada?

A. 4

B. 3

C. 5

D. 6










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The Great Lakes

are the largest fresh surface water system on Earth.

The total size of it is about 245 thousand square kms.

It supplies about one-fifth of the world's fresh surface water and nine-tenths of the U.S. water.

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6. Which is the national flag of Canada?


C. D.

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slight scenery

minister Prime minister

aboard border



n. 洲;大陆vt. & vi. 测量;衡量adj. 轻微的;微小的 n. 景色;风景n. 大臣;部长n. 首相;丞相prep. & adv. 在船,火车

上n. 边界;国界n. 英亩adj. 城市的vt. & vi. 包围;围绕n. 海港

Words preview

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Thunder Bay





Expressions preview

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A Trip on “The True North”

Follow the characters of the passage to travel across Canada

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Predict What might be included in the journey?

Scenery (What did they see?)

Trip to Canada

What did they hear about?What did they do?

Places (Where did they go?)

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Skim the passage and then answer the

following questions:

1) What is the passage mainly about?

It is about _____ of two girls; and it

tells us some information about ______.2) What is “The True North”? The True North is a name of _____________________.

a trip


the cross-Canada train

Task 1 Skimming

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Match the main idea of the 3 parts

Part 1


Part 2


Part 3


A. What they really saw and

felt after boarding the train

B. Brief introduction of their


C. Their chat on their way to

the station




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Find out the route of the two girls traveling across Canada.

VancouverRocky MountainsCalgary

Thunder Bay

Lake SuperiorToronto

Task2 Scanning

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The Great Lakes

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Task 3 Listen and Answer1. Why were the cousins not flying directly to Atlantic coas


2. What is the continent they were crossing?

3. Which is the warmest part in Canada?

4. Why did they begin to realize two days later that Canada is quite empty?

Because they wanted to take the train from west To east across Canada.

The North American continent.

Vancouver is the warmest part of Canada.

Because there are only thirty million people living on such a huge land and most of them live within the areas of the USA border.

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Brief introduction about the trip

who _______ and her cousin ______

why to _________________

how first by______ ,

then by______


Li Daiyu Liu Qian

Montreal, Canada

visit their cousins

Analyse the passage

Read Para.1 and finish the chart below

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1. _____________ 2._________________

Population(increasing rapidly)

Part 2 Their chat on their way to the station



distance ____________

(from coast to coast)Going eastward, you’ll pass




the warmest partthe most beautiful city

3. _______________ _______________


4. ______________

______________wet climate

trees (extremely tall measuring 90 meters)



wide rivers & large cities

2. ____________scenery

5,500 kilometres

beautiful forests

oldest & most

one of Canada’s most popular cities

lakes & forests

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Part 3 What they really saw and how they felt after boarding the train

Read Paras 3-5 and answer the following questions.

1 What mountains did they cross ealier that day?

2 Which city did they go after crossing the mountains?

3 What did the girls think about Canada after 2 days’ travel?

4 Where did they go after dinner?

5 Which lake did the train rush across that night, and what’s their next destination( 目的地 )?

1Earlier that day, …Rocky Mountains.

2 … Calgary…

3 After 2 days’ travel, … empty…

4 After dinner, …Thunder Bay…

5 That night … across Lake Superior

… Toronto





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The Rockey Mountains

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Calgary Stampede

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Thunder Bay

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Time line

Earlier that day After 2 days’ travel

After dinner

How to write travel notes( 游记 )?

That night

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Retell the passage Li Daiyu and Liu Qian took the train in Canada from____ to ___.Their cousins’ friend, Danny Lin, took them to thetrain station to catch “_________ “.Canada is the______

biggest country in the world. It is 5,500 kilometers from _____ to____. As they go_______, they saw beautiful scenery as well as cities. Vancouver is ________ by mountains on the north and east. When the cousins ____ _____ in the seats, they looked out of the window. They saw mountain goats and even a____ bear. Calgary is famous for its competition. Many of the cowboys from all over North America __ _ __ __working with animals. Then they ____ ____ a wheat-growing province.Thunder Bay is a busy port. It is____ __ the center of the country.



The True North second


coast eastward


settled down


have a gift for

went through

close to

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You can choose any one to discuss.

1. Which part of the passage interests

you most?

2. If you go to Canada, where will you

go? Why?


Beginning: If I have the chance to travel

to Canada, I prefer to go to ___, which

impressed me most. ____ is a… city.

The reasons are as follows:

Body: Firstly,… Then,…. Besides,….

Ending: So I’d like to choose ____.

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1.Write down your travel plan .2.Find out the most beautiful sentences and recite them.3.Retell the text with your desk mates

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Thank you very much!

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9.98million km2
