Unit 5 Review. Vocabulary Majority Leader - Chief spokesperson for the majority party. Whips - Party...

Unit 5 Review

Transcript of Unit 5 Review. Vocabulary Majority Leader - Chief spokesperson for the majority party. Whips - Party...

Page 1: Unit 5 Review. Vocabulary Majority Leader - Chief spokesperson for the majority party. Whips - Party official whose primary purpose is to ensure party.

Unit 5 Review

Page 2: Unit 5 Review. Vocabulary Majority Leader - Chief spokesperson for the majority party. Whips - Party official whose primary purpose is to ensure party.

VocabularyMajority Leader - Chief spokesperson for the majority party.Whips - Party official whose primary purpose is to ensure party discipline in legislature.Minority Leader - Chief spokesperson for the minority leaderJoint Committees - Refers to a committee made up of members of both chambers of a bicameral legislature. Select Committees - Small committee appointed for a special purpose Caucus - Group of legislative members that meet for common legislative objectives.Bill - A draft of a proposed law.

Page 3: Unit 5 Review. Vocabulary Majority Leader - Chief spokesperson for the majority party. Whips - Party official whose primary purpose is to ensure party.

Vocab Continued Trustee Role of Representation - elected representative whose obligation is to act in accordance with their own conscience as to what policies are in the best interests of the public. Politico Role of Representation - Legislators should follow their own judgment when making decisions in congress. Incumbent- currently holding the position in office.Seniority system- granting privileges to members of Congress who have served the longest.Filibuster- to stop the process of certain legislation by using time consuming tactics such as long speeches.

Page 4: Unit 5 Review. Vocabulary Majority Leader - Chief spokesperson for the majority party. Whips - Party official whose primary purpose is to ensure party.

Vocab ContinuedLegislative Oversight- the branch of the government that makes up the laws. It consists of the Senate, House of Representatives, and agencies that support Congress.Standing Committees- an enduring committee that meets regularly.Conference Committees- a committee of Congress that is appointed by the House of Representatives and Senate to resolve disagreements on a particular bill. Committee is made up of the senior members of the standing committees of each House that originally considered the legislation.House Rules Committee- a committee of the House of Representatives that is in charge of determining under what rule other bills will come to the floor.

Page 5: Unit 5 Review. Vocabulary Majority Leader - Chief spokesperson for the majority party. Whips - Party official whose primary purpose is to ensure party.

Vocab ContinuedHouse Rules Committee- a committee of the House of Representatives that is in charge of determining under what rule other bills will come to the floor.House Ways and Means Committee- the oldest committee in charge of chief tax writing in the House of Representatives.Congressional Redistricting- reestablishing district borders when a state has more representatives than districts.Gerrymandering- manipulate the political boundaries of a state to favor one party or class.Cloture- a motion or process in Senate aimed at bringing debate (filibuster) to a quick end.

Page 6: Unit 5 Review. Vocabulary Majority Leader - Chief spokesperson for the majority party. Whips - Party official whose primary purpose is to ensure party.

Vocab ContinuedLogrolling- the practice of exchanging favors, by reciprocal voting for each other's proposed legislation.Instructed Delegate- a representative who acts according to the wishes of his constituents.Franking Privilege- power of members of Congress to send mail to their constituents free of charge.Casework- legislative work on behalf of individual constituents to solve their problems with government agencies and programs.Pork barrel- government spending for localized projects secured solely or primarily to bring money to a representative's district.

Page 7: Unit 5 Review. Vocabulary Majority Leader - Chief spokesperson for the majority party. Whips - Party official whose primary purpose is to ensure party.

Vocab ContinuedBicameral legislature- legislators are divided into two separate houses.Speaker of the House- is a leadership position and the office-holder actively works to set the majority party's legislative agenda and is 2nd in line for president.

Page 8: Unit 5 Review. Vocabulary Majority Leader - Chief spokesperson for the majority party. Whips - Party official whose primary purpose is to ensure party.

Guided Questions1.What powers does Congress possess, according to Article I of the Constitution? Congress has the power to make laws, inherent powers and enumerated powers such as the power to lay and collect taxes, borrow money, establish an uniform rule of Naturalization, to coin money, to establish Post offices and post roads, to promote the progress of Science and useful Arts, constitue tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court, define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high seas, declare war, raise and support armies, provide and maintain a navy, to make rules for the gov’t and regulation of the land and naval forces, provide for for calling forth the Militia to execute the laws of the Union, provide for organizing the militia and to exercise exclusive Legislation.

Page 9: Unit 5 Review. Vocabulary Majority Leader - Chief spokesperson for the majority party. Whips - Party official whose primary purpose is to ensure party.

Guided Questions2. How have congressional powers evolved over time, and what tools has Congress used to expand its power?Congress has used congressional legislation and reserved powers over time to expand its power. For example, the Commerce Clause.

3. How is Congress organized, and how does this system impact its functions?Congress is organized into two entities, they are called the Senate and the House of Representatives. These exist to pass bills and represent the people of the United States.

Page 10: Unit 5 Review. Vocabulary Majority Leader - Chief spokesperson for the majority party. Whips - Party official whose primary purpose is to ensure party.

Guided Questions4. Starting with the checks and balances clause of the Constitution, Congress has had the power to override presidential (executive) vetoes and declare war, but the relationship between Congress and the Executive branch changes with each new Supreme Court case that overrides a piece of legislation (like Marbury VS Madison or Dred Scott) in order to keep the powers of the legislation from overwhelming the people.5. Congress works together coherently with all levels of the government. Whether it be interest groups or political parties, every decision is reached on mutual agreement between others. Really the other entities that exist only do so to sway the opinion to achieve their own agenda. However, Congress will and always will be for the people and serving them. 6. Congress members simply serve their constituents to please them so they can retain their office position. Thus, every issue the congressman faces should be considered from their constituents perspective. This all ties back with the saying “all politics is local.”7. Factors that influence congressional elections are incumbency (seniority in the Congress), national crisis (disease outbreaks, wars, national security, etc.), and the candidate’s budget effective campaigning (money).