Unit 5 International charities

Unit 5 International charities Main task


Unit 5 International charities. Main task. Famous charities. Our actions. charity. Famous people. Your opinions. I think…. I think… The world needs charity. Charity can make lives better, not only for those people who help but also for those people who help. get. g___. ive. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Unit 5 International charities

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Unit 5 International charities

Main task

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I think…

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I think…

The world needs charity.

Charity can make lives better,

not only for those people who

help but also for those people

who help.


ive g___

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The stories of two different girls

Mary Mandeep

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Some pictures about Mary Mary’s past life

Where did Mary use to work?

She ___ __ ___ in the office of a big company.

Did She use to travel by plane?

No, she ____ __ ____ by car.

She was afraid of flying.

used to work

used to travel

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Some pictures about Mary A change in her life

What happened one day?

____ ___,Mary _______a TV programme about ORBIS.

She wanted to help poor people _____ much _____ she decided to go back to school.

Was trained as a nurse

One day watched

so that

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Some pictures about Mary Mary’s present

life Where does Mary work now?

Now, Mary works on the plane.

She __ ____ __ working on the plane.

Helps do operations

Teaches other nurses

Tells students about her work

is used to

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Why has Mary’s life changed a lot?

Because of ORBIS.

What do you think about Mary and the work of ORBIS?

I think Mary is such/so ___that ______.

I think ORBIS is such/so_____that____.nice




become a volunteer

help so many people

be grateful to

want to join it

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3 Now, Mary works for ORBIS. She is used to working on a plane and is not afraid of flying any more.I think Mary really cares about other people and wants to help them. She does such an important job that many people are grateful to her. I hope to have a job like Mary’s when I finish school.

One day, Mary saw a TV programme about ORBIS. She learnt about the flying eye hospital. She wanted to help poor people so much that she decided to go back to school and train as a nure

Mary says that she loves helping people see again and teaching other nurses. She says she also enjoys visiting schools and telling students about her work.

Mary used to work in the office of a big company. She used to travel by car because she was afraid of flying.

This is Amy’s report on Mary, but the paragraphs are in the wrong order. Help her rearrange them in the correct order. (A2 page89)

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Read the report loudly. Pay attention to the words in red.Mary used to work in the office of a big company. She used to travel by car because she was afraid of flying.

One day, Mary saw a TV programme about ORBIS. She learnt about the flying eye hospital. She wanted to help poor people so much that she decided to go back to school and train as a nurse.

Now, Mary works for ORBIS. She is used to working on a plane and is not afraid of flying any more.

Mary says that she loves helping people see again and teaching other nurses. She says she also enjoys visiting schools and telling students about her work.

I think Mary really cares about other people and wants to help them. She does such an important job that many people are grateful to her. I hope to have a job like Mary’s when I finish school.

Think :1.What tenses( 时态 ) are used in the report?

2..What is used to start each paragraph?

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Which life is more meaningful, Mary’s past life or present life?

If we do something for charity,

we can also get something

from charity.

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Some pictures about Mandeep.

A poor girl from India

Got help from

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Finish a flow chart about Mandeep according to the pictures.

Mandeep’s past life

The change in Mandeep’s life

Mandeep’s present life

Mandeep’s hope

Your opinion


She ______ at 5 a.m. every day

got up

I think UNICEF

She_____to becomea teacher


and write




A UNICEFworker____


She _____read or write

She _____on the farm

all day

worked couldn’t


goes can



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A Writing Task

Write a report on Mandeep.

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This year, Doraemon joins a special charity called HYWYW.

Helping You with Your Writing

It helps those students who want to improve their English writing.

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Magic candies




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1.I got up at 8 o’clock in the past, but now I don’t get up late any more.

I ____ __ ____ up at 8 o’clock.

2.My father was a worker ten years ago. Now he is a teacher.

My father ____ __ ___ a worker.

used to get

used to be

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1.Do you cure your blind patient? ( 用第三人称 he 改写句子)


2. I always do my homework by myself. ( 用 Mary 作主语改写句子)


Does he cure his blind patient?

Mary always does her homework by herself.

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翻译句子 :

1.她是如此幸运的女孩,她从 UNICEF 那儿得到了许多帮助。

The girl is __ _____ ____ she has got a lot of help from UNICEF.

She is ____ _ ____ girl ____ she has got a lot of help from UNICEF.

2.ORBIS 帮助这么多盲人,以至于越来越多的人想要加入它。

ORBIS helps __ ____ blind people ____ more and more people want to join it.

such a lucky that

so many that

so lucky that

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Answer the questions:

1.How many paragraphs do you want to have in your report on Mandeep? 2.What can be used to start each paragraph?

3.What tenses are mainly used in the report? The simple past tense and the simple present tense.

Mandeep used to … / One day,…

Now… / Mandeep hopes… / I think…

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Can you choose the right one?

A flow chart can help us _____ before we write.

A.organize our ideas well

B. get more information

We’d better make a ____ ____ before we write.


flow chart

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Answer the question:

What should we check after we finish the report?

The key words, the tenses, the expressions, the spelling, the number of words and the handwriting.

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A report on Mandeep 字数: 80 词左右

Write a report on Mandeep on the writing paper according to the pictures and information on page 90.

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评价方向 具体检查内容 评价意见

content 文章要点是否遗漏 是( ) / 否( )


句子时态是否正确 是( ) / 否( )

语法、语言表达是否正确 用铅笔在文中圈出表达不正确的地方

单词拼写是否正确 用铅笔在文中圈出拼写不正确的地方

others分段是否合理 是( ) / 否( )

书写和字数是否合格 是( ) / 否( )

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Revise (修改) your own report with the help of your table (表格) .

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http://www. wwfchina


Sharing Time

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Their actionsLatest newsDonate money

Become a volunteer

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杨家建是南宁人,他患有先天性白内障 (a congenital cataract) 。因为家里很穷,十年前,他的眼睛手术只做了一半。他仍然看不清东西。 2008 年, ORBIS 来到南宁,帮助当地的有眼病的人。他们帮家建完成了另外半个手术 , 还减免了他的手术费用( subsidized the cost of his surgery) 。现在家建可以看清东西了。他希望也能像ORBIS 的医生一样去帮助别人。

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Write a report on Yang Jiajiang and express your opinion about ORBIS.

When you write, try to use what you have learnt in this lesson.

杨家建是南宁人,他患有先天性白内障 (a congenital cataract) 。因为家里很穷,十年前,他的眼睛手术只做了一半。他仍然看不清东西。 2008 年, ORBIS 来到南宁,帮助当地的有眼病的人。他们帮家建完成了另外半个手术 , 还减免了他的手术费用( subsidized the cost of his surgery) 。现在家建可以看清东西了。他希望也能像ORBIS 的医生一样去帮助别人。