Unit 43 - Multimedia Design PowerPoint.

BTEC Level 3 ICT Is this course right for you? Units Why ICT?

Transcript of Unit 43 - Multimedia Design PowerPoint.

  1. 1. BTEC Level 3 ICT Is this course right for you? Units Why ICT?
  2. 2. Why would you do this course? Units Why ICT? Completing this course will have huge benefits to you. First of all, you will be able to study and explore the complex world of ICT and just a few of the different aspects that this subject has to offer. You will also be able to gain an insight of how ICT is used for different business purposes. This would include learning how to be successful in the employment world and also how businesses can use computer technology in order to achieve their business purposes. Candidates can also learn how businesses can use ICT to achieve success of which wasnt possible in the post-computer world. You will also be taught by highly motivated teachers who will aim to guide you through your studies, but working independently will be the main activity of this unit. On completion of this unit, candidates can go on to study ICT at a higher level, or use this qualification in order to get into the working world.
  3. 3. All Units Available These are all of the units of which are available to study in this course. There are 2 units that must be done, which are Unit 1 and Unit 2. After that, 4 optional units are chosen from the list below. The units cover a wide range of ICT topics so different fields of ICT are studied. Units Why ICT?
  4. 4. Unit 1 Communication and Employability Skills (Mandatory) Unit 2 Computer Systems (Mandatory) Unit 8 E-Commerce (Optional) Unit 9 Computer Networks (Optional) Unit 31 Computer Animation (Optional) Unit 43 Multimedia Design (Optional) Units Studied at All Saints Units Why ICT?
  5. 5. Teachers Units Why ICT? Mr Quaicoe Miss Gillin This course is taught by two teachers who are able to teach different units. While studying this course, pupils will study one unit with one teacher and then be able to study another unit with another teacher. This means that pupils will have to be really organised with both units so that they can keep up to speed with both of the units that pupils will study at once. The teachers will be able to guide you through all of the assignments and will be able to help pupils achieve the best possible grade.
  6. 6. Upon completion of this course, it can lead you to a very successful career in the future. Completing this course is very appealing to Universities as you can achieve a lot of UCAS Points if this course is completed to the highest of levels. Leaners would be able to study any aspect of ICT at a higher level in order to achieve a degree, which would lead to a graduate level job after the degree. Also, as the growing world of ICT and technology is rapidly evolving, there will always be a demand for employees who are specialised in fields of ICT. If you dont want to go to University, learners will still be able to go straight into employment to do with computer related jobs, or even be able to do an apprenticeship in where you study ICT at a higher level which gaining work experience at the same. Future Careers/University Units Why ICT?
  7. 7. Unit 1 Communication and Employability Skills Units Why ICT? In this unit learners will study the employability skills that they need in order to become effective employees. Learners will identify and consider their own soft skills and, through practise, improve these skills. Employability skills and the technical skills required for a specific job (i.e. IT) are key to effective employability. Communication skills are the most effective when it comes to working with a team in order to achieve the business goal. Such skills include: using appropriate language, be dependable and conscientious, and to generally behave in an acceptable manner in the workplace. Soft skills complement hard skills, which are the knowledge, understanding and technical skills required to do a job.
  8. 8. Unit 1 Communication and Employability Skills Units Why ICT? This video on the right advises learners on what to expect from when they will study this unit. It tells them what the main features of this unit are, and how to use them. For example, as the unit name is Communication and Employability Skills, this video talks about the different types of communication of which are available. The video talks about why communication is important and it also gives good examples and bad example of communication and explains why they are good or bad. It also talks about different employability skills and why they are important. It also discusses what qualities employers would want to see from their employees.
  9. 9. Unit 2 Computer Systems Units Why ICT? People who use Computers often overlook the complexity it takes in order to build one from scratch. They have no real understanding of the components which are necessary in order to design and build a computer system worthy of fulfilling specific needs. Studying this unit will allow candidates to understand the necessary components needed to build a computer system. In this unit, candidates will learn about a range of different hardware and software components that come together in order to make a successful computer system. Candidates will learn about different internal and external components and what their role in the computer system is. The relationship between all components will also be studied and how all components are able to work together in order to make a successful system. Learners will also learn the different Operating Systems available.
  10. 10. Unit 2 Computer Systems Units Why ICT? This video shows the whole content of Unit 2 for when students are to study this unit. This video on the right displays what candidates will learn about while they are studying this unit. The video also tells candidates of the assignments that will be covered in this Unit and also gives a brief overview of how to complete each unit, and what exam invigilators are looking for when marking the work. This unit also covers the Grade criteria and also gives details on how this unit is taught. This video shows how the unit tasks are divided into assignments and also gives a brief description on how to complete each assignment.
  11. 11. Unit 8 E-Commerce Units Why ICT? One of the more important developments in computer technology has allowed for the increasing use of ecommerce. It has completely changed the way that businesses sell products to their customers. It has created many opportunities for businesses to expand and appeal to a bigger target audience in a way that has never happened before. Businesses are able to use The Internet in order to sell products and this has become the normal for businesses. This unit looks at the ways that businesses can operate an E-Commerce system. It looks at the different technologies that are needed in order to setup the system. Candidates will also learn the advantages and disadvantages of implementing an E-Commerce system in their business.
  12. 12. Unit 8 E-Commerce Units Why ICT? There was also an interview that was conducted with another student to find out what he thought about studying Unit 8 from his past studies. He says that he enjoyed studying this unit as it allowed him to be able to understand how to create an E- Commerce website which would then be able to appeal to a specific target audience. He also says that he was taught well by his teacher Mr Quaicoe, as with his guidance, this student was able to create a good E-Commerce website of which was able to fit the purpose of the assignment. He also mentions about how he enjoyed learning about the ways of which businesses have problems when targeting their audience and therefore he also had to think about this when creating his own website.
  13. 13. Unit 9 Computer Networks Units Why ICT? Networks are used in one way or another by virtually every organisation, from simple use of internet services through internal file sharing to wide area networks exchanging data across the world. Candidates will learn about the ways that information can be shared between people and between computer devices. This unit starts by exploring the different types of networks that are available and the network standards that are involved with network systems, including local and wide area networks. Networks can be either wired or wireless systems. The hardware and software components used in networks are also learnt about and candidates learn the roles of essential hardware and software components and how they are used for connection.
  14. 14. Unit 9 Computer Networks Units Why ICT? This video shows an interview that a past student conducted about his views about studying this unit. He describes what he learnt from this unit. In the interview, he says that he learnt how to build a network, and also how to make the network secure. He also said that he enjoyed the unit as he enjoyed studying about the network topologies and how the different structures work. Lastly, he talks about the way he was taught the unit by the teacher Miss Gillin. He commented on the way that she taught the unit, saying that she was able to teach it well, and she did this by explaining all of the key words, and making sure that he knew what to do in order to complete each assignment.
  15. 15. Unit 31 Computer Animation Units Why ICT? Computer animation is the act of creating moving images through the use of computers. It brings together computer graphics and animation techniques. Creating animation on computers has allowed for animations of higher abilities and to reach new levels of realism. Candidates will start by looking at different types of animation and their uses and formats. Learners will look at the different purposes that animation can provide for businesses The available tools, techniques and software will be examined as well as the special techniques used when animating for the web. Managing file size is important and learners will come to know about the techniques for minimising file sizes. Candidates will then create their own animation.
  16. 16. Unit 31 Computer Animation Units Why ICT? This is an example of an animation of which was created during my time of studying this unit. The purpose of this task was to create an animation which is able to promote healthy eating. As you can see from the animation, I have had to use multiple different features of Flash in order to create this animation. I used many different aspects of this software in order to create a successful animation. I used a preloader in which introduced the animation to the audience. I then had to use a mixture of layers, frames, controls and tweening in order to create a story which was able to promote healthy eating within the animation.
  17. 17. Unit 43 Multimedia Design Units Why ICT? Multimedia Designs are vastly becoming some of the most important designs available in the design industry. Having a good imagination and good design skills will allow for the production of high quality designs, which will be full of creativity. However, in order to create successful multimedia designs, candidates must be creative and be able to plan their designs well. Learners will develop their knowledge of the terminology used in the design industry and also should be encouraged to investigate a range of existing media products to see existing designs and the ways of which multimedia is used.. They will also have the chance to develop and apply creative thinking styles. Learners learn how to plan and projects.
  18. 18. Unit 43 Multimedia Design Units Why ICT? This video shows an interview of which I conducted with a student who had studied this unit in the past. I wanted to get his opinions on what he enjoyed from this unit. From the video, he says that he learnt of the importance of using images and videos in order to create better designs. Text can always be informative but the ability to use different forms of media can present information in more appropriate ways. He also says that he was able to enjoy this unit because he was taught by Mr Quaicoe. As a result, he was able to produce high quality work with the guidance that he was able to receive.