Unit 4: A long time ago - IOCioc.xtec.cat/materials/G_CI2A/ud_4.pdf · 2008-11-13 · GES- Graduat...

Unit 4: A long time ago GES- Graduat en educació secundària

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Unit 4: A long time ago

GES- Graduat en educació secundària

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GES- Graduat en educació secundària A long time ago


Introducció ............................................................................................... 5

Objectius ................................................................................................... 6

1. Let’s communicate ............................................................................. 7

1.1. Diàleg sobre fets passats ............................................................ 7

1.2. Diàleg sobre plans i fets futurs .................................................. 8

2. Words and expressions ...................................................................... 9

2.1. La ciutat i els llocs (City and places) ......................................... 9

2.2. Expressar emocions (Expressing emotions) ............................ 10

3. Grammar ............................................................................................. 11

3.1. The simple past .......................................................................... 11

3.1.1. Verbs regulars (Regular verbs) ....................................... 11

3.1.2. Verbs irregulars (Irregular verbs) ................................... 12

3.2. Expressions temporals en passat

simple (Past time expressions) ................................................. 12

3.3. El futur: be going to .................................................................... 13

3.4. The future: will ............................................................................ 14

4. Read and write .................................................................................... 15

4.1. Escriure una postal sobre les vacances

(About holidays) .......................................................................... 15

4.2. La predicció meteorològica o el temps

(The weather forecast) ............................................................... 15

5. Life and language ............................................................................... 16

5.1. Biografia d’un personatge famós. John Lennon ..................... 16

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GES- Graduat en educació secundària 5 A long time ago



Diàleg sobre fets passats.

Diàleg sobre plans i fets futurs


La ciutat i els llocs. (City and places.)

Adjectius per descriure llocs. (Adjectives.)

Expressar emocions. (Expressing emotions.)


The Simple Past

Expressions temporals del passat. (Past time expressions.)

The future: be going to.

The future: will


Escriure una postal sobre les vacances. (About holidays.)

La predicció meteorològica. (The weather forecast.)


Biografia d’un personatge famós: John Lennon

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GES- Graduat en educació secundària 6 A long time ago


En acabar la unitat didàctica, heu de ser capaços del següent:

1. Comprendre i produir textos sobre fets passats.

2. Comprendre i produir textos sobre plans i fets futurs.

3. Descriure la ciutat i els llocs.

4. Expressar emocions davant de coses i fets.

5. Conèixer i utilitzar el passat simple.

6. Conèixer i utilitzar el futur: be going to i will.

7. Preguntar i respondre sobre fets dels passat i del futur.

8. Conèixer i utilitzar expressions temporals del passat.

9. Comprendre i produir textos sobre les vacances i lleure.

10. Comprendre i escriure postals.

11. Comprendre i produir una predicció meteorològica.

12. Comprendre textos sobre la vida de personatges.

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GES- Graduat en educació secundària 7 A long time ago

1. Let’s communicate

1.1. Diàleg sobre fets passats

Els personatges del diàleg següent parlen d’accions passades i utilitzen un

nou temps verbal, el simple past.

Llegiu el diàleg , fixeu-vos en les formes verbals destacades i consulteu el

quadre que apareix al final del diàleg per saber el significat de cadascuna.

Fixeu-vos també en els connectors en cursiva.

Fixeu-vos en el quadre següent de verbs en què trobareu l’infinitiu i la for-

ma de passat corresponent:

Dialogue A

Yesterday it was a busy day!Ann: What did you do yesterday?

James: Well, it was a busy day. First I got up early and I had breakfast. After that, I took the bus and I started work at eight in the morning. I worked until three.

Ann: What did you do in the afternoon?

James: Well, I had lunch and then I went to the library.

Ann: Did you see your friend Paula?

James: Yes, we met at six and we had a soft drink together, it was great! Then, I came back home and I studied English. I did my homework.

Ann: Where did you have dinner?

James: I had dinner with my family at home. After that we talked for a while.

Ann: And did you go to bed, then?

James: No, I’m reading an interesting thriller so I read a little and I finally went to bed at midnight.

Infinitive Simple past

Be (ser o estar) Was/were

Have (tenir o haver) Had

Work (treballar) Worked

Talk (conversar) Talked

Get up (llevar-se) Got up

Read (llegir) Read

Go (anar) Went

Do (fer) Did

Study (estudiar) Studied

Start (començar) Started

Meet (trobar, conèixer) Met

Come back (tornar) Came back

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GES- Graduat en educació secundària 8 A long time ago

1.2. Diàleg sobre plans i fets futurs

En James i els amics sortiran d’acampada el cap de setmana. Llegiu el di-

àleg i fixeu-vos en la forma verbal que s’hi utilitza: be going to + infinitiu.

Dialogue B

What are you going to do tomorrow?

Ann: Tomorrow is Saturday. What are you going to do?

James: I’m going to do something special.

I’m going to get up early.

Then, I’m going to go on an excursion in with some friends.

We are going to climb a mountain.

We are going to have a picnic.

We are going to sleep in a tent.

Later, we are going to play guitar.

Finally, we are going to come back to Barcelona by train.

Ann: Oh! That’s fantastic! What’s the weather forecast for the weekend?

James: I think it’s not going to rain. I’m sure it will be sunny!

Què faràs demà?

Ann: Demà és dissabte. Què faràs?

James: Faré una cosa especial.

em llevaré d’hora.

Després, aniré d’excursió amb alguns amics.

Pujarem una muntanya.

Farem un pícnic.

Dormirem en una tenda de campanya.

Més tard, a la tarda, tocarem la guitarra.

Després, tornarem a Barcelona en tren.

Ann: Quin temps farà el cap de setmana?

James: Crec que no plourà. Estic segur que farà sol.

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GES- Graduat en educació secundària 9 A long time ago

2. Words and expressions

2.1. La ciutat i els llocs (City and places)

Observeu aquesta imatge i fixeu-vos en els noms dels llocs que hi aparei-


Els adjectius ens ajuden a descriure coses, persones, llocs. A continuació

trobareu, agrupats per contraris, adjectius que s’utilitzen habitualment

per fer descripcions:

Old/new Vell/nou

Interesting/boring Interessant/avorrit

Modern/ancient Modern/antic

Small/big Petit/gran

Dirty/clean Brut/net

Expensive/cheap Car/barat

Ugly/beautiful Lleig/bonic

Horrible/wonderful Horrible/meravellós

Good/bad Bo/dolent

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GES- Graduat en educació secundària 10 A long time ago

2.2. Expressar emocions (Expressing emotions)

Llegiu aquests fragments de conversa:

Per expressar les nostres emocions o sentiments positius o negatius

heu d’utilitzar l’estructura següent:

How + adjectiu! O bé that’s + adjectiu!

A. Look at that park!

B. How beautiful!A. Look at that monument!

B. Oh, yes! That’s great!

A.What about this restaurant!

B.Ok! That’s nice!A. Look at that square!

B. How big!

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GES- Graduat en educació secundària 11 A long time ago

3. Grammar

3.1. The simple past

3.1.1. Verbs regulars (Regular verbs)

Fixeu-vos en el següent:

1) Forma afirmativa

2) Forma negativa

Per exemple:

• She arrived late > She did not (o didn’t) arrive late.

• They invited me > They did not (o didn’t) invite me.

• I did my homework > I did not (o didn’t) do my homework.

S’utilitza el simple past per parlar d’esdeveniments que van tenir

lloc en el passat. (We use the past simple to talk about events that

happened in the past.)

Verbs regulars (Regular verbs)

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I worked I didn’t work Did I work?

You worked You didn’t work Did you work?

He / she / it worked He / she / it didn’t work Did he / she / it work?

We worked We didn’t work Did we work?

You worked You didn’t work Did you work?

They worked They didn’t work Did they work?

Els verbs regulars afegeixen la terminació -ed a la forma de l’infini-

tiu. És un temps senzill ja que es manté la mateixa forma en totes

les persones.

Es compon del verb auxiliar do (en passat, did) i la partícula negativa

not: did + not (la forma abreujada és didn’t) més l’infinitiu del verb.

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GES- Graduat en educació secundària 12 A long time ago

3) Forma interrogativa

Per exemple:

• Did you go to the theatre last Tuesday? Yes, I did.

• Did they talk after lunch? No, they didn’t.

3.1.2. Verbs irregulars (Irregular verbs)

Al principi de la unitat heu pogut comprovar que alguns verbs són irregu-

lars, és a dir, que no afegeixen -ed a l’infinitiu sinó que tenen una formaespecial. Recordem-ne alguns.

3.2. Expressions temporals en passat simple (Past time expressions)

Es forma amb did + subjecte + verb en infinitiu.

En les respostes curtes es repeteix el subjecte + did o didn’t.

Infinitive Simple past

Be (ser o estar) Was/were

Have (tenir o haver) Had

Get up (llevar-se) Got up

Read (llegir) Read

Go (anar) Went

El passat simple del verb to be és especialment important perquè és

un verb bàsic i molt utilitzat.

Verb to be

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I was I was not / wasn’t Was I…?

You were You were not / weren’t Were you…?

He / she / it was He / she / it was not / wasn’t Was he / she / it…?

We were We were not / weren’t Were we…?

You were You were not / weren’t Were you…?

They were They were not / weren’t Were they…?

El passat simple s’utilitza per parlar d’accions que es van produir en

algun moment del passat. Sovint s’indica el moment del passat en

què es va produir l’acció.

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Recordeu que wasn’t i weren’t són les formes abreujades o short forms.

En la forma interrogativa was/were va al començament de la frase seguit del subjecte.

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GES- Graduat en educació secundària 13 A long time ago

S’utilitza sempre el passat simple amb les expressions temporals següents:

3.3. El futur: be going to

Per exemple:

• Tomorrow I go to the sports centre. (Demà vaig al gimnàs.)

• Tonight she is coming. (Ella torna aquesta nit.)


Aquesta forma s’utilitza per al següent:

Per exemple:

• Next summer we are going to visit our family in France. (El proper estiu

visitarem la nostra família a França.) És a dir, que ja ho hem decidit,

hem fet les reserves, etc.

Yesterday (ahir) Yesterday I went to the beach.

At + les hores I took the train at 11 o’clock.

On + dies de la setmana We played football on Monday.

In + anys o segles I bought my flat in 2002.

Last + període de temps (week, month, year, day of the week)

It rained last week. (Va ploure la setmana passada.)

I left my boyfriend last month (...el mes passat.)

They were in Rome last year (...l’any passat.)

We studied English last Saturday. (...dissabte passat.)

Període de temps + ago We met two weeks ago. (Ens vam conèixer fa dues setmanes.)

He died three years ago. (Ell va morir fa tres anys.)

Hi ha diferents maneres d’expressar el futur en anglès. Es pot uti-

litzar el present simple o bé el present continu amb valor de futur

quan es tracta d’una acció totalment segura i planejada:

S’utilitza be going + infinitiu per parlar d’accions que estem prepa-

rats per fer o que passaran amb certesa.

I am (not) going to do…

He / she / it is (not) going to eat…

We / you /they are (not) going to watch…

a) Expressar accions planejades prèviament i intencions.

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GES- Graduat en educació secundària 14 A long time ago

• I’m going to buy a new car. (Compraré un cotxe nou.) És a dir, que estic

estalviant, m’estic informant dels preus i dels models, etc.

Per exemple:

• It’s cloudy. I think it is going to rain. (Està núvol. Crec que plourà.)

• Oh! It’s 8 o’clock! I’m going to be late. (Oh! Són les vuit! Arribaré


3.4. The future: will

Per exemple:

• I will be here tomorrow. (Seré aquí demà.)

• I think they will pass the exam. (Crec que ells aprovaran l’examen.)


b) Expressar que alguna cosa passarà com a conseqüència d’una si-

tuació actual.

Hi ha una altra estructura per parlar de fets que esdevindran en el

futur; és la següent: will + verb en infinitiu.

S’utilitza per fer prediccions i per expressar decisions sobtades o

preses en el moment de parlar, és a dir, per coses que no hem pla-

nejat ni decidit fer prèviament.

I/we/you/theywill/’ll (will not / won’t)


He/she/it buy…

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‘ll i won’t són les formes abreujades o short forms.

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GES- Graduat en educació secundària 15 A long time ago

4. Read and write

4.1. Escriure una postal sobre les vacances (About holidays)

Quan anem de vacances fem activitats molt variades per tal conèixer el

lloc que visitem. Aquí en teniu una llista:

4.2. La predicció meteorològica o el temps (The weather forecast)

Llegiu la secció meteorològica d’un diari. (Read the forecast from a news-


Visiting tourist attractions

Go shopping

Visiting monuments and museums of art

Eating out at a typical restaurant

Visiting forests and natural parks

Going to a theme park

El pronòstic del temps és en anglès forecast.

Aneu al web i feu l’activitat d’avaluació corresponent al tema “Read and write”.


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GES- Graduat en educació secundària 16 A long time ago

5. Life and language

5.1. Biografia d’un personatge famós. John Lennon

A continuació teniu una breu biografia del músic John Lennon. Abans de

llegir-la penseu en les dades que ja sabeu sobre ell i la seva vida.

John Lennon died on December 1980. He was shot by a mad fan in front of his apartment block in New York, the Dakota building. When the police arrived they found his killer, a man called Mark Chapman. He planned the crime for two months and he said: “I was Mr. Nobody until I killed the biggest somebody on Earth”.

John Lennon was born on October 9, 1940. He lived with his aunt Mimi. He started to play the guitar when he was a child. John left the school when he was 16 and he went to Liverpool Art College. He met Paul McCartney and they formed The Beatles. The group separated in 1970. Then, John started a successful solo career. He married Yoko One and they settled in New York.

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GES – Anglès 2 Unit 4: A long time ago


Activitat 1

Tradueix aquestes paraules en anglès. (Translate these words in English)

a) Muntanya: b) excursió:

c) tren: d) tenda de campanya

e) museu: f) exposició:

g) biblioteca: h) mercat:

i) plaça: j) pis:

Activitat 2

Llegeix el text i completa’l amb les forma verbal en Simple Past del verb entre parèntesis. (Read the text and complete it with the verbs in Simple Past)

Yesterday I (a)_________(have) a terrible day! It (b)_________(rain) all day. I (c)_________(not sleep) well. I (d)_________(get up) late so I (e)_________(be) late to work. I (f)_________(not finish) my job and the boss (g)_________(be) really angry with me. In the evening (h)_________(not meet) my friends. Later, I (i)_________(watch) a film on TV but I (j)________ (not like) it. Finally, I (k) _________(go) to bed early.

Activitat 3

Llegeix el text següent i respon les preguntes. (Read the text and answer the questions below)

Mike likes cycling very much. Every weekend he goes on excursion with his friends. Next Saturday they are going to the mountains. They are going to camp near a lake. They are going to walk trhough the forest. They are going to sleep in a tent. They are going to eat some sandwiches and they are going to play guitar at night. The weather will be warm and sunny. It will be great!

a) What does Mike like best?

b) What does he do every weekend?

c) Where is he going next Saturday?

d) Where are they going to camp?

e) Where are they going to sleep?

f) What are they going to do at night?

Activitat 4


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GES – Anglès 2 Unit 4: A long time ago

a) Busca 9 adjectius descriptius a la graella. (Find 9 adjectives)










Activitat 5

Escriu una redacció breu sobre tu mateix,-a. Què vares fer ahir o què va passar ahir. (Write a short composition about yourself. What did you do yesterday or what happened yesterday?)

Activitat 6

Alexander està fent plans per les vacances d’hivern. Escriu frases utilitzant Be+going+to a partir de la informació entre parèntesis. (Alexander is making plans about his netx winter holidays. Use the form be+going+to and the information in brackets)

Next December Alexander ... a) fly to Canada.

b) visit Montreal and Toronto.


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GES – Anglès 2 Unit 4: A long time ago

c) walk near the lakes and the forests.

d) meet his Canadian friends.

e) take a lot of pictures.

f) spend two weeks there.

Activitat 7

Escriu frases completes en Simple Past. (Make complete sentences)

a) I / take / train / yesterday. _____________________________

b) Plane / leave / at 10 o’clock. _____________________________

c) They / arrive / Rome / on Monday._____________________________

d) He / be / hospital / last week. _____________________________

e) She / marry / Tony / two years ago. _____________________________

Activitat 8

Completa les frases següents amb will/won’t + el verb entre parèntesis. (Complete the sentences. Use will/won’t+the verb in brackets)

a) Those books are very heavy. I (carry)____________ them for you.

b) The children are hungry. They (eat) ____________ those sandwiches.

c) She feels tired. I think she (no go) ____________ to the cinema this evening.

d) I didn’t call Peter. I (phone) ____________ him right now.

e) That shirt is too expensive. I think I (no buy) ____________ it.

Activitat 9

Imagina que ets de viatge de vacances. Completa la postal amb les frase adequades. (Complete the postcard)

See you soon! – Dear friends, – are visiting – hot and sunny - wonderful


We are having a (b)____________ time here.

Oldman Family


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GES – Anglès 2 Unit 4: A long time ago

We (c) ______________ many tourist attractions. The weather is very (d) ___________________. We miss you.


Tracy and Michael

365 Moscow St.

Oxford 77809

Activitat 10

Llegeix la biografia del famós detectiu anglès Sherlock Holmes, creat per l’escriptor Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Completa el text amb el Simple Past del verbs entre parèntesis. (Read about Sherlock Holmes, the detective create by the writer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Fill in the gaps the verbs in the Simple Past).

Sherlock Holmes a)___________(be) a detective created by the writer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Sherlock Holmes was born in 1854. He b)_________ (live) in Baker Street, London. He (c)___________(be) tall, he (d)___________ (have) black hair and his eyes (e)___________(be) green and piercing. He (f)___________ (be) a smoker, he always (g)___________(smoke) a pipe. Holmes ___________(h) as a detective with his friend Dr. Watson. They (i) ___________(solve) crimes toghether. Sherlock Holmes (j) ___________ (like) opera and classical music. He (k)___________(play) violin and he (l) ___________(do) chemical experiments. Shelock Holmes and Dr.Watson (m) ___________(be) clever and brilliant.


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GES – Anglès 2 Unit 4: A long time ago


Activitat 1

a) mountain b) excursion c) traind) tent e) museum f) exhibitiong) library h) market i) square j) apartment

Activitat 2

Yesterday I (a) had a terrible day! It (b) rained all day. I (c) didn’t sleep well. I (d) got up late so I (e) was late to work. I (f) didn’t finish my job and the boss (g) was really angry with me. In the evening (h) didn’t meet my friends. Later, I (i) watched a film on TV but I (j) didn’t like it. Finally, I (k) went to bed early.

Activitat 3

a) He likes cycling very much.b) He goes on excursion with his friends.c) He’s going to the mountains.d) They are going to camp near a lake.e) They are going to sleep in a tent.f) They are going to play guitar.

Activitat 4











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GES – Anglès 2 Unit 4: A long time ago

Activitat 5

Resposta oberta.

Activitat 6

Next December Alexander ...

a) is going to fly to Canada

b) is going to visit Montreal and Toronto.

c) is going to walk near the lakes and through the forests.

d) is going to meet his Canadian friends.

e) is going to take a lot of picture

f) is going to spend spend two weeks there.

Activitat 7

a) I took the train yesterday.

b) The plane left at 10 o’clock.

c) They arrived in Rome on Monday.

d) He was in the hospital last week.

e) She married Tony two years ago.

Activitat 8

a) Those books are very heavy. I will carry them for you.

b) The children are hungry. They will eat those sandwiches.

c) She feels tired. I think she won’t go to the cinema.

d) I didn’t call Peter. I will phone him right now.

e) That shirt is too expensive. I think I won’t buy it.


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GES – Anglès 2 Unit 4: A long time ago

Activitat 9

(a) Dear friends,

We are having a (b) wonderful time here. We (c) are visiting many tourist attractions. The weather is very (d) hot and sunny. We miss you.

(e) See you soon

Tracy and Michael

Oldman Family

365 Moscow St.

Oxford 77809

Activitat 10

Sherlock Holmes (a) was a detective created by the writer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Sherlock Holmes was born in 1854. He (b) lived in Baker Street, London. He (c) was tall, he (d) had black hair and his eyes (e) were green and piercing. He (f) was a smoker, he always (g) smoked a pipe. Holmes (h) worked as a detective with his friend Dr. Watson. They (i) solved crimes toghether. Sherlock Holmes (j) liked opera and classical music. He (k) played violin and he (l) did chemical experiments. Shelock Holmes and Dr.Watson (m) were clever and brilliant.


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GES – Anglès 2 Unit 4: A long time ago


Activitat 1

Escriu la preposició correcta. (Write the correct preposition.)

a) I hate to work ____________ Sundays.

b) Her boyfriend loves skiing ____________ winter.

c) My mother’s birthday is ____________ August.

d) It’s too hot ____________ summer.

e) I always go to the cinema ____________ the weekend.

f) John prefers to study ____________ night.

g) Peter plays tennis ____________ the morning.

h) My sister studies German ____________ Tuesday afternoon.

Activitat 2

Escriu les preguntes a aquestes respostes. (Write questions for these answers)

a) ________________________________? My name’s Bruce Willis. b) ________________________________? She’s a shop-assistant. c) ________________________________? He’s got two brothers and a sister. d) ________________________________? I get up at half past seven. e) ________________________________? She likes driving fast cars. f) ________________________________? Yes, I am. g) ________________________________? It’s very sunny. Activitat 3

Ordena les frases següents: (Put in order the following sentences :)

a) sister / be / she / her / must ________________________________ b) trees / green / are / those


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GES – Anglès 2 Unit 4: A long time ago

________________________________ c) car / John’s / black / fast / very /is ________________________________ d) spell / he / name / can / his/ ? ________________________________ e) love / the / I / swimming / beach / in ________________________________ f) has / never / in / Richard / breakfast / morning / the ________________________________ g ) please / me / listen / to ________________________________h) dress / on / white / try / this / can / I / ? ________________________________ Activitat 4

Read the following text about Ann’s abilities.

Ann Harrison is an extraordinary girl. She is 8 years old. She can speak Catalan, Spanish and English and she can play the violin. Ann can also write poems and paint. She is also good at sports. She can play basket and football.

Digues les coses que l’Ann pot fer. (Say how many things she can do.)

a) She can speak Catalan.


Activitat 5

Llegeix el text dialogat i completa’l amb les expressions adequades. (Complete the text. Use the expressions below)

I’ve got a…-I feel stressed – How are you ? - What’s the matter ?

—Hi, Paul ! (a)__________________ ?

—I’m fine, thanks. And you ?


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GES – Anglès 2 Unit 4: A long time ago

—Well, (b)_____________ problem.

—Oh, no ! (c)___________________ ?

—I’m very busy. (d)__________________

—I think you are stressed. Let’s go for a walk !

Activitat 7

Escriu preguntes completes a partir de les paraules següents.(Write questions using these words)

Ex. Who / be / this ?

Who is this ? This is my friend Thomas.

a) How often / you / visit / your grandmother ?_____________________________________ ? I visit her every Friday. b) What time / she / have dinner ?_____________________________________ ? She usually has dinner at 9. c) Where / they / meet / in the evening ?_____________________________________ ? They usually meet at the bar. d) Why / he / always / stressed ? _____________________________________ ? Because he is very busy. e) When / he / do his homework ? _____________________________________ ? Oh ! I never do them ! Activitat 8Escriu l’adverbi de freqüència en el lloc adequat : a) Kate eats sweets (never). _________________________________b) I don’t like Peter because he is angry (often). ________________________________c) I have a salad and some fruit for dinner. (usually) ________________________________d) David reads the newspaper after lunch. (always) ________________________________e) We invite our friends on Saturdays. (sometimes) ________________________________ Activitat 9Escriu una redacció (80 paraules) sobre la jornada d’en Tony a partir de la informació següent Recorda que has d’escriure les hores en lletres i utilitzar adverbis i connectors. (Read a composition about Tony’s day) ¾ Tony : shop assistant (famous departament store), London, 23 years old¾ 7h30’ get up


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GES – Anglès 2 Unit 4: A long time ago

¾ 7h45’ have breakfast (orange juice and sandwich)¾ 8h00’ take underground to work¾ work : from 9h until 6h¾ 13h 15’ : lunch with colleagues- go cheap restaurant¾ 19h Tai-chi lessons every day 19h¾ 21 Dinner at home / family ¾ Never watch TV ¾ Prefer mystery books¾ 11’30 go to bed Activitat 10Completa les frases següents. Utilitza el present simple o el continu. (Complete the following sentences. Use Present simple or continuous. ) a) I never ____________ at the weekend but next weekend I ____________. (work)b) Ann always ____________ trousers but today she ____________ a skirt. (wear)c) My sister usually ____________ to the theatre on Fridays but today she ____________ to the cinema. (go)d) Paul always ____________ late to work but today he ____________ early. (arrive)e) His parents usually ____________ lunch at two, but today they ____________ lunch at three. (have) Activitat 11Ordena el diàleg: (Put the dialogue in the correct order :) a) ______ - Yes, I’m looking for a sweater.b) ______ - Do you like this one?c) ______ - Can I help you?d) ______ - No, it’s too big.e) ______ - I’m sorry, madam but it’s the only one.f) ______ - Have you got another one? Activitat 12Tria la frase correcta. (Choose the correct answer.) a) 1. Cats can see at night. 2. Cats cans see at night. b) 1. Jane’s a policewoman. 2. Jane’s policewoman. c) 1. Paul has got a shower every day. 2. Paul has a shower every day. d) 1. I play the piano on Monday morning. 2. I play the piano in Monday morning. e) 1. The girl studyes French in the school. 2. The girl studies French in the school. f) 1. Grace loves blues skirts. 2. Grace loves blue skirts.


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GES – Anglès 2 Unit 4: A long time ago

Activitat 13Troba el verb adequat per a cada frase i escriu-lo en le forma adequada de Simple Past.(Put the text in the Simple Past)

walk – visit – do - go – see – be (x2) – buy – have - eat Last summer we (a)________ on Holiday to Catalonia. We (b) ________ a wonderful time there. In Barcelona we (c) ________ the Miró exhibition and we also (d) ________ the Dali Museum in Figueras. We (e) ________ at several typical restaurant, the food (f) ________ great ! Every night we (h) ________ trhough the streets or near the beach. The weather (g) ________ warm. We (i) ________ a lot of presents for our friends and family. We ________ a lot of interesting activities ! Activitat 14Escriu les frases següents en forma negativa. (Make these sentences negative).a) I slept late on Monday.b) They wrote to their friends.c) You sent the e-mail to your boss.d) We studied hard for the exam.e) She planned her trip to Africa.f) I was in my room. Activitat 15Escriu les preguntes adequades a les repostes. (Ask questions) a) _______________________________________ ? No, I won’t.b) _______________________________________ ? Yes, I will.c) _______________________________________ ? I’m going to leave at 10 o’clock.d) _______________________________________ ? We are going to go to Tarragona.e) _______________________________________ ? Yes, they did. f) _______________________________________ ? No, she wasn’t.


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GES – Anglès 2 Unit 4: A long time ago

SOLUCIONS DE LES ACTIVITATS D’AVALUACIÓ DE MÒDUL Activitat 1a) on b) in c) in d) in e) at f) at g) in h) on Activitat 2a) What’s your name?b) What does she do / What’s her job?c) How many brothers or sisters has he got?d) What time do you get up?e) What does she like doing?f) Are you a student?g) What’s the weather like? Activitat 3a) She must be her sister.b) Those trees are green.c) John’s black car is very fast.d) Can he spell his name?e) I love swimming in the beach.f) Richard never has breakfast in the morning.g) Listen to me please.h) Can I try this white dress on?

Activitat 4

a) She can speak Spanish and English.

b) She can play the violin.

c) She can write poems and paint.

d) She can play basket and football.

Activitat 5

a) How are you ?

b) I’ve got a…

c) What’s the matter

d) I feel stressed.

Activitat 7

a) How often do you visit your grandmother ?


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GES – Anglès 2 Unit 4: A long time ago

b) What time does she have dinner ?

c) Where do they meet in the evening ?

d) Whay is he always stressed ?

e) When does he do his homework ?

Activitat 8

a) Kate never eats sweets.

b) I don’t like Peter because he is often angry.

c) I usually have a salad and some fruit for dinner.

d) David always reads the newpaper after lunch.

e) We sometimes invite our friends on Saturdays.

Activitat 9

Resposta orientativa.

Tony is a shop assistant. He works in a famous department store in London. He lives alone with his family and he’s 23 years old. Every day he gets up at half past seven. Then he has an orange juice and a sandwich for breakfast. At eight o’oclock he takes the underground to work. He works from nine until six in the afternoon. He usually has lunch at a quarter past one with his colleagues. They go to a cheap restaurant. Tony takes Tai-chi lessons every day at seven o’clock, it is very relaxing ! Finally he has dinner at home with his family at nine o’clock. Tony doesn’t like TV so he never watches it. He prefers reaking mystery books. Finally, Tony goes to bed at half past eleven.

Activitat 10

a) work / ‘m working b) wear/ ‘s wearing c) goes /’s going

d) arrives /’s arriving e) have / having

Activitat 11

a) 2 b) 3 c) 1 d) 4 e) 6 f) 5


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GES – Anglès 2 Unit 4: A long time ago

Activitat 12

a) 1 b) 1 c) 2 d) 1 e) 2 f) 2

Activitat 13

Last summer we (a) went on Holiday to Catalonia. We (b) had a wonderful time there. In Barcelona we (c) saw the Miró exhibition and we also (d) visited the Dalí Museum in Figueras. We (e) ate at several typical restaurant, the food (f) was great ! Every night we (h) walked trhough the streets or near the beach. The weather (g) was warm. We (i) bought a lot of presents for our friends and family. We (j) did a lot of interesting activities !

Activitat 14

a) I didn’t sleep late on Monday.

b) They didn’t write to their friends.

c) You didn’t sent an e-mail to your boss.

d) We didn’t study hard for the exam.

e) She didn’t plan her trip to Africa.

f) I waS not in my room.

Activitat 15

resposta orientativa

a) Will you eat with us at the restaurant?

b) Will you buy this T-shirt ?

c) What time are you going to leave ?

d) Where are you going to go next weekend ?

e) Did they see their family ?

f) Was she angry with me ?