Unit 3 The Meaning of Colour. Section B Reading Reading Strategy Pre-reading Activities Reading and...

Unit 3 Unit 3 The Meaning of Colour 沛沛沛沛沛沛 沛沛沛

Transcript of Unit 3 The Meaning of Colour. Section B Reading Reading Strategy Pre-reading Activities Reading and...

Page 1: Unit 3 The Meaning of Colour. Section B Reading Reading Strategy Pre-reading Activities Reading and Comprehension Practice and Discussion.

Unit 3Unit 3

The Meaning of Colour

沛县第二中学 王爱荣

Page 2: Unit 3 The Meaning of Colour. Section B Reading Reading Strategy Pre-reading Activities Reading and Comprehension Practice and Discussion.

Section B

ReadingReading Strategy

Pre-reading Activities

Reading and Comprehension

Practice and Discussion

Page 3: Unit 3 The Meaning of Colour. Section B Reading Reading Strategy Pre-reading Activities Reading and Comprehension Practice and Discussion.

I. Pre-reading Activities

Acquaint yourself with some relevant information

Background Information

The national flag is a red rectangle with five stars. The red of the flag symbolizes revolution; the stars are yellow so that they will stand out brightly against the red ground. The larger star represents the CPC and the four smaller ones, the Chinese people. This expresses the great unity of the Chinese people under the leadership of the CPC.

Our National Flag

Page 4: Unit 3 The Meaning of Colour. Section B Reading Reading Strategy Pre-reading Activities Reading and Comprehension Practice and Discussion.

II. Reading Strategy

Before reading an article:

• Read the headline and the first paragraph to get an idea of the theme or topic.

• Think about the topic and what you already know.


Read this article with the above method.

Page 5: Unit 3 The Meaning of Colour. Section B Reading Reading Strategy Pre-reading Activities Reading and Comprehension Practice and Discussion.

SkimmingRead the Internet article quickly and answer the following questions:

III. Reading and Comprehension

1. What is the French national flag sometimes called?

2. How many stars are there on the national flag of the USA?

3. What colour is the Indonesian flag?

Page 6: Unit 3 The Meaning of Colour. Section B Reading Reading Strategy Pre-reading Activities Reading and Comprehension Practice and Discussion.

DiscussionRead the Internet article again to find out:

III. Reading and Comprehension

Each country’s national flag is made up of different colours. Have you ever wondered why?

Page 7: Unit 3 The Meaning of Colour. Section B Reading Reading Strategy Pre-reading Activities Reading and Comprehension Practice and Discussion.

ScanningRead the Internet article carefully and answer the following questions:

III. Reading and Comprehension

1. What do the colours on a national flag symbolize?

2. What was the motto of the French Revolutionary?

3. Why was the Revolution such an important time in France’s history?

Page 8: Unit 3 The Meaning of Colour. Section B Reading Reading Strategy Pre-reading Activities Reading and Comprehension Practice and Discussion.

4. Why were the people who lived in the USA unhappy with British rule?

5. What do the stars and strips on the American flag represent?

6. What was the Indonesian national flag like in the 13th century?

7. What are the different explanations for the meaning of the Indonesian national flag?

III. Reading and Comprehension

Page 9: Unit 3 The Meaning of Colour. Section B Reading Reading Strategy Pre-reading Activities Reading and Comprehension Practice and Discussion.

III. Reading and Comprehension

PracticeLook at the table and fill in what each colour represents in each country.




France USA Indonesia

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III. Reading and Comprehension

Main idea of the Article

Main idea of Each Part

New wordsand expressions

Part ⅠPart ⅡPart Ⅲ

分 述分 述 分 述分 述

总 述总 述总 述总 述

总 述总 述总 述总 述Choose

English Definition

Click Here Click Here Click Here

Page 11: Unit 3 The Meaning of Colour. Section B Reading Reading Strategy Pre-reading Activities Reading and Comprehension Practice and Discussion.

III. Reading and ComprehensionMatch each with the correct definition.

1. starvation (Line 11)

2. conclusion (Line 11)

3. strengthened (Line 17)

4. substitute (Line 22)

a. replace, take the place of

b. extreme hunger

c. the end of sth. d. made strong or stronger


Page 12: Unit 3 The Meaning of Colour. Section B Reading Reading Strategy Pre-reading Activities Reading and Comprehension Practice and Discussion.

5. influential (Line 23)

6. outspoken (Line 29)

7. tolerate (Line 29)

8. having a say (Line 30)

9. considerate (Line 53)

e. put up with, bear, standf. thinking about the feelings and needs of other peopleg. saying exactly what

one thinks, even if other people do not like it

h. having a right or chance to express opinions

i. having or exercising influence or power

Page 13: Unit 3 The Meaning of Colour. Section B Reading Reading Strategy Pre-reading Activities Reading and Comprehension Practice and Discussion.

Main idea of the Article


III. Reading and Comprehension

Three kinds of national flags are referred to in this article … different colours … different meanings …

From the national flags, we have learned …

Different national flags have different patterns and colours …

Page 14: Unit 3 The Meaning of Colour. Section B Reading Reading Strategy Pre-reading Activities Reading and Comprehension Practice and Discussion.

III. Reading and Comprehension

Part Ⅰ A national flag tells us …

Part Ⅱ On French national flag … On American national flag … On Indonesian national flag …

Part Ⅲ Each of the colours …presents …

Main idea of Each Paragraph

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III. Practice and Discussion

1.be more than … 大于;多于 (Line 2)

PracticeExpressions & Patterns 活学活用

Jason is more than a lecturer; he is a writer, too.Jason 不止是一个演讲家,他还是个作家。2.along with … 连同 ... 一起 , 随同 ... 一起 (Line 4)He took his dog along (with him) to work.

他带着狗(与他)一起上班 .

3.at the start of 在… ... 开始时 (Lines 8-9)在革命开始时,革命者攻占了许多城市。At the start of the revolutionary, the revolutionists took over many cities.

Page 16: Unit 3 The Meaning of Colour. Section B Reading Reading Strategy Pre-reading Activities Reading and Comprehension Practice and Discussion.

PracticeExpressions & Patterns 活学活用

4. Before the Revolution, there had been … because people had not had … and had often been treated …(Lines 9-10)

过去完成时态的用法:表示一个动作或状态在过去某一时间或动作之前已经完成或结束,也可能是早已完成或结束,即“过去的过去”;也可以指过去的动作延续到过去的某个时刻。 过去完成时由“ had + 动词的过去分词”构成, had 通常用于任何人称。

III. Practice and Discussion

Page 17: Unit 3 The Meaning of Colour. Section B Reading Reading Strategy Pre-reading Activities Reading and Comprehension Practice and Discussion.

PracticeExpressions & Patterns 活学活用

5. Red shows the bravery, … the French, which were all needed to change the country. (Lines 15-16)

6. The French Revolution was … of inequality, which had a great effect on many other countries, particularly … (Lines 20-21)

7. The flag, which could not be further simplified, is a … , and … (Lines 44-46)

非限制性定语从句通常不能用 that 引导。I like the book, which was bought yesterday. •非限制性定语从句不能用 why 引导。要用 for which 代替 why 。I had told them the reason, for which I didn't attend the meeting.•非限制性定语从句置于句首时,不能用 which引导。关系代词 as 引导非限制性定语从句可以放主句前,也可以放主句后。As I expected, he didn't believe me.

III. Practice and Discussion

Page 18: Unit 3 The Meaning of Colour. Section B Reading Reading Strategy Pre-reading Activities Reading and Comprehension Practice and Discussion.

•非限制性定语从句由“介词 + 关系代词”引导时,其中的关系代词不能用 as 。He bought the car for more than $20,000, with which his father was angry.•在非限制性定语从句中,指人的关系代词作宾语时,只用宾格 whom; 不能用 who 替换,也不能省略。This book, which you can get at any bookshop, will give you all the information you need.

PracticeExpressions & Patterns 活学活用

III. Practice and Discussion

Page 19: Unit 3 The Meaning of Colour. Section B Reading Reading Strategy Pre-reading Activities Reading and Comprehension Practice and Discussion.

Practice Expressions & Patterns活学活用

8. Strengthened by the Revolution, France became ... (Lines 17-19)

9. Each year on 4 July, the USA ..all over the country, lit by fireworks …(Lines 40-41)

10. There are many explanations offered for the meanings of … (Lines 47-48)

1. 过去分词( past participles )或过去分词短语( past participial phrases )可以充当副词,修饰谓语动词。过去分词短语可以表达方法或活动方式 ( 如 8 和 9 )。

Surrounded by a host of fans, the film star left the airport excitedly.

I sat before the desk until after mid-night, absorbed in writing.

2. 过去分词短语还可以作定语,相当于定语从句。 We live in a place ( which is) called Gum three. 我们住在一个叫做桉树村的地方。

III. Practice and Discussion

Page 20: Unit 3 The Meaning of Colour. Section B Reading Reading Strategy Pre-reading Activities Reading and Comprehension Practice and Discussion.

11. be successful in doing 成功地做 (Line 20)The scientists are successful in fulfilling

the plan ahead of time. 科学家们成功地提前完成了计划。

12. stand for … 表示;象征 … (Line 37)PRC stands for People's Republic of China in English

PRC 英文中表示中华人民共和国。

13. date back to …[date from] 从 ... 时就有 , 回溯到 , 远在 ...( 年代 ) (Line 45)

这种音乐可追溯到 18 世纪。 This kind of music dates back to the 18th century.

Practice 活学活用

III. Practice and Discussion

Page 21: Unit 3 The Meaning of Colour. Section B Reading Reading Strategy Pre-reading Activities Reading and Comprehension Practice and Discussion.

III. Practice and DiscussionDiscussion

Discuss colours and flags with a partner. Use the following conversation as an example. (P37)

Page 22: Unit 3 The Meaning of Colour. Section B Reading Reading Strategy Pre-reading Activities Reading and Comprehension Practice and Discussion.


P37 (E)

Complete the e-mail after class, paying attention to the e-mail form and cultures on national flags.

Page 23: Unit 3 The Meaning of Colour. Section B Reading Reading Strategy Pre-reading Activities Reading and Comprehension Practice and Discussion.