Unit 3 books, journals, periodicals

Comprehensively explain the nature and purposes of the following research methods making links to short film production where possible. Define and write the purposes of: Books, Journals, Reference-based books and directories, periodicals, newspapers, film archives, photo libraries, worldwide web, searching internet forums, CD Rom databases, audio material, ratings, circulation figures, and government statistics. Books: A book is several pieces of paper, with words printed on them, which are secured together and fixed inside a cover of more tougher paper or cardboard. Books contain data, stories, or poetry. A book is an arrangement of written/printed, illustrated, plain sheets which are made of paper and comprise of data which is typically based upon a noteworthy subject maybe it could be about the ‘Discrimination taking place within Teenagers in Banstead’. Inside the book, I had run over a passage named Research, "Live life and watch Short Films" this section discloses how to enhance your knowledge towards short movies whether to comprehend your rivals or to get a clear comprehension of different type of genres and sub genres. "If you intend to write a short screenplay or direct a short film it's essential that you watch as many short films as possible. Check out the competition. Study what everyone else is doing and you'll quickly realise just how common many of these clichés are. Search for new things to write about.

Transcript of Unit 3 books, journals, periodicals

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Comprehensively explain the nature and purposes of the following research methods making links to short film production where possible.

Define and write the purposes of: Books, Journals,   Reference-based books and directories, periodicals, newspapers, film archives, photo libraries, worldwide web, searching internet forums, CD Rom

databases, audio material, ratings, circulation figures, and government statistics.

Books:A book is several pieces of paper, with words printed on them, which are secured together and fixed inside a cover of more tougher paper or cardboard. Books contain data, stories, or poetry. A book is an arrangement of written/printed, illustrated, plain sheets which are made of paper and comprise of data which is typically based upon a noteworthy subject maybe it could be about the ‘Discrimination taking place within Teenagers in Banstead’.

Inside the book, I had run over a passage named Research, "Live life and watch Short Films" this section discloses how to enhance your knowledge towards short movies whether to comprehend your rivals or to get a clear comprehension of different type of genres and sub genres. "If you intend to write a short screenplay or direct a short film it's essential that you watch as many short films as possible. Check out the competition. Study what everyone else is doing and you'll quickly realise just how common many of these clichés are. Search for new things to write about. Find original stories or new ways to tell old ones and avoid cliché." Nash has stated to find authenticity, and from this I can clearly comprehend that if I want my short film to be successful its originality should stand out as well as avoid any sort of clichés. Coming up with an original as well as a successful short film is very hard, and through Nash I have come to understand the only way for it is to watch short films and study the points that shouldn’t be included in short films. This naturally gives me an overall idea as well as adding my touch of style. Another Example:

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Rea et al expresses that, you might need to do extensive research to determine whether the subject matter warrants making short film." (2015, pg. 30) This is essential since it lets us know that when examining about short films that broad research is required on the grounds that you require the subtle element to make a decent short film. Rea proceeds on saying, "you may need to need to view movies or recordings on the same or comparative subjects, research daily paper and magazine articles, or lead pre-interviews". This quote I have selected has given more wellsprings of optional examination which could be exceptionally valuable for inquiring about for instance watching a short film or video on the theme you need to do could be an extremely helpful approach to get a knowledge on the topic, this would empower you to build sound representation of the area or topic.


It can be specific newsletter, published online, magazine or other periodical that deals with particular topics or professional movement. Journals benefit short film producers and director as the relevant information would be extracted and delivered through the film. It allows them to go in depth with the chosen topic and gain knowledge through articles, opinions from viewers and critics allowing them to gain a wider knowledge.

This can include facts and figures.You can see a boundless measure of different story lines/abstracts. Enables you to identify with your own short movies however just to see the distinctions to make it emerge from the rest. Jacques Lefebvre-Linetzky states her abstract "The trunk the traveller drags along is shown in a variety of powerful shots as he makes his way uphill. It conjures up two familiar myths: Sisyphus and Pandora’s box, which provide interesting clues regarding the symbolic significance of such a voyage." (2014) The utilization of journals can identify with the utilization of forums, short film makers can exploit and see other short movies to then relate in approach to obtain a short film idea, yet it can’t be professionally due to copyright. Likewise, this can be a financially effect and highly viable method for considering thoughts for short movies.Forums- A helpful source for analysts when endeavouring to discover ideas for short movies as it is a type of talk room where a scope of individuals with comparable interests, for instance short movies, can examine thoughts for potential short movies. Forums can profit the researchers as they can comprise of many individuals from around the globe, which can help specialists produce a scope of short film thoughts and audits.

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Referenced-Based Books:It’s a book that holds useful facts or specially organised information, as an encyclopaedia, dictionary, atlas, yearbook, etc. The purpose of utilizing this is to give out specific and important information.

Reference-based books are produced to obtain specific information and facts, they can have an association parallel to encyclopaedias, bibliographies, directories and dictionaries. A directory is a book or a site that rundowns specific people/organisation in alphabetical order, or even specifically utilizing helpful elements, for example, names, addresses and phone numbers. In contrast to books and journals, they are commonly not permitted to be obtained, so the data must be analysed and recorded at the source of where the book is originated. These books can be exceptionally valuable when conducting research, however a great deal of the time the data can be outdated, so it is not generally as helpful as a site could be online as these are much of the time upgraded and disclose specific date and time of when it is published. By utilizing a referenced-based book, you can effortlessly record a page and after that return to this data without having to spend much time while searching for it once more, frequently individuals who have a tendency to do a considerable measure of research utilize these sorts of books.

The purpose of a directory is that it provides valuable information as well as providing information on academic organisations and individuals. It’s a friendly platform where ideas are shared, information are gathered on short film and the subject it is based upon. Short film directors and writers are able to obtain the specific information necessary without any strain. Especially when trying to get hold of a contact that would be beneficial for the film.

Periodicals:Magazine, Newspaper, or other Journal that is especially on a serious subject, that is published regularly recurring intervals. Individuals who are keen on a certain thing use periodicals so they can get regular updated information on it.Periodicals are fundamentally the same as a journal/article, there are three principle sorts of periodical which are essentially newspaper, magazine, journals based source. A periodical is exceptionally helpful to look for a specific book, or best utilised writing

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research reports. Periodical can be find in libraries, they are a decent source of data when they are requires as they provide a considerable measure of assistance, they are published consistently so the information is not outdated. The large part of periodical are composed for use by a general audience (this implies they are not expected to have hold of a particular information.) The periodicals that are composed for specialists are referred to ask journals

Newspaper:A printed distribution (typically issued every day or weekly) comprising of doubled loose sheets that is filled with news, articles, advertisements, and correspondence. The purpose of reading newspapers is to inform people with things that is happening all around the world daily/weekly.Newspaper publishers utilize a considerable measure of secondary research from journalists, they discover this data from different distinctive sources or they can utilize primary research (e.g. interviews, focus groups etc.) As with any research, it must be inspected cautiously to ensure that it is precise. A newspaper is information that is printed onto A3 measured paper, fundamentally the same as a magazine in its format, however not size. There are various sorts of newspapers, these all can give distinctive information so it is not all printed into one paper as it would cover a considerable measure of data. There are daily and furthermore monthly daily papers accessible from heaps of different places. The two primary sorts of daily papers that are seen significantly more than others are:

- Broadsheets- Tabloid Newspaper

A broadsheet is a newspaper with a substantial format, this kind of paper is to a greater degree of a serious sort. Unlike to tabloid papers. The substance in a broadsheet is constructed all on information rather than pictures being utilized, reports in broadsheets are likewise more thoroughly investigated and edited than different newspapers.It is similarly the biggest newspaper currently available, I believe broadsheets are better for researching/examining data as the news in these papers are more inquired about, thus makes the information more reliable and accurate. A tabloid newspaper is the most mainstream kind of newspapers, these sorts of newspapers you will discover

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in a tabloid format are The Sun, and these type of newspapers are reduced in size and comfortable to read.

Film Archives:It is a rundown of movies, put into a particular order. A selection of films that have been kept (preserved) because of their historical/cultural interest. The purpose of a film archive is so that films/footage that has a value for it are kept safe for a long time.Online you can discover a film archive forum which bring up to date their data frequently. http://www.screenonline.org.uk is a website that was very useful to me, I went on the film link then movies by decade it gives you a point by point rundown of the considerable number of movies that have been made and publicised over a drawn out stretch of time (in years). You can click on the movies and get a top to bottom description of the film itself, so you have an idea of what the film might be. Similarly on a few movies you can see clips, however not all. These can be useful is you needed to locate an old film that couldn't be purchased, as you could look for the archive.The reason for professional archivists and historians which for the most part comprehend archives to be records that have been actually and fundamentally created as a result of regular legal, commercial, administrative, or social exercises. It is very beneficial in the media

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industry especially to film editors as they can maybe investigate old short movies and study the good techniques that has been applied then alter it so it fits their idea and theme.

Photo Libraries:It’s a collection or archive of photographs that is held by a particular company or institute; newspapers or publishers who pay photographers in their publications. It’s so that important photographs can be secured and kept safely.

Essentially, it is a library that is put away with photographs, these collection can differ from exceptionally old to brand new. Several pictures are accessible to people in general, however others must be paid for. A few people may purchase these pictures as opposed to hiring a photographer, this could spare them or their company a touch of cash. Photo libraries can be on the web or on a computer, mobile phone, tablet and so forth. A photo library is kind of like an actual library, however rather than books it is photographs. You utilize photo libraries all the time without acknowledging, you have one (in all probability) on your mobile phone to store your photos so you can look back at them, your PC and furthermore online you can utilize photographs from or upload photo to an online photo library.

World Wide Web: It’s a system of internet servers that help support specially formatted documents.

Documents are formatted in a Markup Language called HTML (HyperText Markup Language) that supports links to other documents, as well as graphics, audio, and video files. Meaning that you can go from one document to another simply but clicking on hot spots. However, not all internet servers are part of the World Wide Web. The purpose of World Wide Web is so that people around the world would have to freedom to connect with each other.

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The web is a type of research that permits you to search for information’s and is accessible to everyone, however not all the information is provided for free. Worldwide web is comprised of a wide range of connects to pretty much any information. It is the main information retrieval service of the internet. WWW is interlinked hyperlink documents that are on the internet opened through the internet, this implies you can see website pages that have content, imagery, videos and other multimedia.The overall purpose of world wide web is to help unite many individuals and to share information and entertainment to the general population who utilize it. It can be very useful in gathering information which could be expected to help give information on short films. For producers and directors this would be very beneficial as they could examine short movies relatable to their idea, and help find ways to enhance and avoid any clichés in their film.

Searching Internet Forums:Internet forum, or message broad, is an online site where people can have conversations or share information and opinions on a particular topic in the form of posted messages. They are different to chat rooms as the messages are often longer than one line of text, and are at least temporarily archived. It typically takes place on a website that is solely meant for that particularly subject/topic/discussion. It is used so that individuals can find out about a specific information and can talk about it more for more suggestions.It is an online discussion on a specific website where individuals can hold discussions and post messages, they are not the same as chat room as they are normally longer responses, for the most part they are archived for a specific measure of time. Individuals in a chat room commonly talk all at once, however individuals from a discussion group post messages that are in some cases read later, these forums have a tendency to be more centred around one specific topic. This sort of forum may also be referred to as a message board, bulletin board, web forum or as a discussion group. A forum typically permits all users to make a post and begin another point. Before you are generally allowed to post a remark/start a new topic, you are made a request to register so you can be accessed to specific principles to oblige utilizing the forum, it is typically done to respect other individuals from the group and to avoid utilizing hostile dialect.A very practical method to gather information for short films and debate on the topic the film is going to be based on. This way directors and producers can have a proper

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vision and ideas/way to enhance the theme and the order of the storyline. Extremely beneficial when developing a short film.

CD-ROM Databases:CD-ROM (Compact Disc, read-only-memory) is an adaptation of the CD that is designed to store computer data in the form of text and graphics, as well as hi-fi stereo sound, CD Rom Databases are used as you can save data on a device that is portable and can be read by most machines, such as, computer/laptops. Uses a same innovation from a CD, it is laser read (in spite of the fact that it has been said to at times be optically ready) data warehousing gadget, meaning that text, imagery, sound and video can be recorded on discs. A CD-ROM is a medium for the utilization of storage of immense measures of information, this then can be received through the CD-ROM drive on a PC.One CD-ROM can store 650-900 megabytes of data. The time span that this data may be reached on the CD-ROM is debatable, this all relies on upon the material quality of manufacturing, it has been evaluated to last around 2-15 years. CD-ROM databases that have sound effects store them them in a library as they are the most popular type of CD-ROM'S, these are called Ambient rom database's, many databases are accessible to purchase and be kept of your choice of library storage, on the off chance that you would just need to utilize it once you can hire these from a library.The BBC have a sound effect library, it indicates the elements on the sound library, this could be convenient for media producers who are attempting to record their short movies/movies/music videos, it is accessible to everyone and it display the cost also. It reveals to who has recorded it and a link to the original series posting is accessibility. It clarifies in extraordinary detail what the bundle contains and that they have been recorded by the professional sound engineers at the BBC.

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Audio Material:Non-paper educational or promotional such as cassettes, CDs, DVDs, Videotapes etc. This is very effective as they are easy to activate and contains lot of information that I very useful for educational purpose. This wouldn’t consume time or money. This really goes for individuals who love to read but don’t have the time to read, meaning that they can listening to it on the go. Audio material allows sound to be stored, only sound stored and then accessed by people in the event that you might want to share it, for nothing or for a small fee. https://www.freesound.org/ is a decent site to have a look at, it has pretty much any sound you might want, you search the page for what you might want and there are heaps of various options for the word you search for. After registering and create an account you can download any sound necessary for your short film. For instance, glass breaking, birds chirping, doors slamming. There is a considerable measure of useful sounds on this site. It also provides you with the information of the composer, when, reviews as well as number of starts received, downloaded figures.

Ratings:A classification or ranking of someone or something based on a comparative assessment of their quality, standard, or performance. It is very helpful as it allows me to comprehend what individuals think and would rate the movies and it would give me an insight of what and how the film might turn out to be and the quality of the film.  The reason for ratings is to decide the quality or even the success of a specific item or service which accords to consumer satisfaction. This would be useful for short film makers as they would be able to stop for similitudes and contrasts inside specific films and borrow ideas that can be applied in your short film.

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Circulation Figures:A newspaper's circulation is the number of copies it distributes on an average day. Circulation is one of the principal factors used to set advertising rates. Circulation is not always the same as copies sold, often called paid circulation, since some newspapers are distributed without cost to the reader. It would consume less time and money as it would tell you how popular something is without any further research.It determines the number of hits has risen or fallen, regardless of whether it be a colossal change or an acute one. These figures can be gathered by recording the number of individuals that has purchased a specific newspaper, for an e-newspaper a website counter can be included, this will then permit the reviewer to perceive the number of individuals have accessed this specific site. This will assist media producers to determining which newspapers are more popular. These figures can be generated on a daily/weekly/monthly basis, out of all circulation figures, newspapers have a tendency to get the most hits. Circulation figures began from actual printed newspapers when these figures initially began to be gathered.

Government Statistics:Official statistics are statistics published by government agencies or other public bodies such as international organizations. Government stats are typically reliable sources that provide quantitative and qualitative information, on topics such as economic, social development, living conditions, health, education, and the environment.Government stats are distributed by government agencies/public bodies, one of these can be other international organisations. Stats are something that are gathered and published by different governments, these could be crime and marriage stats. Nearly majority of the statistics that are published are checked by the government which makes them a solid evidence to be relied on. Subsequent to finishing a google search, I found the https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics website which lead me to Government stats, this then shows published ones and upcoming statistics, at the top

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of the page is states that ‘Official statistics are produced impartially and free from political influence.'

The image below indicates statistics on immigration. It highlights specific regions to indicate the hotspots of immigration taking place currently.

Purpose:1. planning2. decision-making or other actions3. monitoring or assessment of policies, decision-making or other actionsBenefits writers and directors who plan to base their story on societal and political issued which can then be publicly discussed, therefore leading them to gain more publicity.

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