Unit 2 Review India and China

Unit 2 Review India and China


Unit 2 Review India and China. Who was the first emperor of the Mauryan Empire?. Chandragupta Maurya. Which continents traded with India?. Asia , Europe and Africa. What group of people spread the Indian culture to many other areas of the world?. Indian merchants. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Unit 2 Review India and China

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Unit 2 ReviewIndia and China

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•Who was the first emperor of the Mauryan Empire?

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•Chandragupta Maurya

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•Which continents traded with India?

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•Asia, Europe and Africa

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•What group of people spread the Indian culture to many other areas of the world?

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•Indian merchants

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•Who brought the Mauryan Empire to its greatest height?

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•What activity encouraged the rise of the banking system in India?

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•Increased trade

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•What religion did Asoka help spread?

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•Who was the leader of the Gupta Empire?

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•Chandra Gupta

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•Who was responsible for building extensive roads which made travel and communication easier?

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•What was the period of achievement called under Chandra Gupta?

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•the Golden Age

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•What was an effect of Indian trade?

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•an increase in the banking system

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•Where were India's earliest civilizations located?

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•river valleys

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•How did the physical geography of China’s location affect its development?

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•China was isolated by its geography so developed on its own

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•What did Shi Huangdi do with the books of Confucius?

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•He had them burned

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•Why was the Silk Road important to China?

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•It provided contact with other cultures through trade

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•What was a similarity in the Mesopotamian, Egyptian, and ancient Chinese civilizations?

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•They each built irrigation systems

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•What was the purpose of Shi Huangdi’s policy of centralization?

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•He wanted to increase his power

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•What was a belief in divine approval of leaders?

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•Mandate of Heaven

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•What is the belief that a ruler should provide rich rewards for people who carry out their duties well?

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•What is a society in which men are most important?

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•Patriarchal society

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•What is a society in which women are most important?

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•Matriarchal society

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•What is the system where the king gives land to his nobles in exchange for loyalty and military service?

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•Where were the first civilizations located?

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•In river valleys

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•What was an unsatisfactory feature of the Hammurabi’s Code?

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•Punishment was different for rich and poor, men and women.

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•What was a Phoenician contribution that people still benefit from today?

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•The invention of the phonetic


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•What did the pyramids show about the Old Kingdom dynasties of Egypt?

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•They had a strong leadership, economy, and government and access to a good supply of stone.