Unit 2 Reading The robots at home New words: virus 病毒 dustbin 垃圾箱 mess 混乱、杂乱...

Unit 2 Reading The robots at home

Transcript of Unit 2 Reading The robots at home New words: virus 病毒 dustbin 垃圾箱 mess 混乱、杂乱...

Page 1: Unit 2 Reading The robots at home New words: virus 病毒 dustbin 垃圾箱 mess 混乱、杂乱 sink 洗涤槽 smooth 光滑的 ; 平坦的 dirty 脏的 rubbish 垃圾;废物 noon

Unit 2 ReadingThe robots at home

Page 2: Unit 2 Reading The robots at home New words: virus 病毒 dustbin 垃圾箱 mess 混乱、杂乱 sink 洗涤槽 smooth 光滑的 ; 平坦的 dirty 脏的 rubbish 垃圾;废物 noon
Page 3: Unit 2 Reading The robots at home New words: virus 病毒 dustbin 垃圾箱 mess 混乱、杂乱 sink 洗涤槽 smooth 光滑的 ; 平坦的 dirty 脏的 rubbish 垃圾;废物 noon

New words: virus 病毒

dustbin 垃圾箱

mess 混乱、杂乱

sink 洗涤槽

smooth 光滑的 ; 平坦的

dirty 脏的

rubbish 垃圾;废物

noon 中午

Page 4: Unit 2 Reading The robots at home New words: virus 病毒 dustbin 垃圾箱 mess 混乱、杂乱 sink 洗涤槽 smooth 光滑的 ; 平坦的 dirty 脏的 rubbish 垃圾;废物 noon

Task 1 : Skim the article and divide it into 4 parts and conclude its main idea .





Introduce the first person

to own a robot

Good changes

Bad changes


Page 5: Unit 2 Reading The robots at home New words: virus 病毒 dustbin 垃圾箱 mess 混乱、杂乱 sink 洗涤槽 smooth 光滑的 ; 平坦的 dirty 脏的 rubbish 垃圾;废物 noon

Task 2 : (Scanning) Finish the profile

The first person to own a robotName :

Work :

in where :

Why :

Mr. Jiang


In Moonlight town

In order to have more free time

Page 6: Unit 2 Reading The robots at home New words: virus 病毒 dustbin 垃圾箱 mess 混乱、杂乱 sink 洗涤槽 smooth 光滑的 ; 平坦的 dirty 脏的 rubbish 垃圾;废物 noon

Task 3 : What are the good changes and the good results.the good changes

breakfast was made

ironed his shirts

made a lunch box

no longer needed to get up early

could stay in bed for an extra hour

clean the flat

do the laundry

wash the dishes

sweep the floor

make the bed

go shopping at the supermarket

the flat would be as clean as new

The delicious dinner would be ready

could relax and watch TV

the good resultsIn the morning

Page 7: Unit 2 Reading The robots at home New words: virus 病毒 dustbin 垃圾箱 mess 混乱、杂乱 sink 洗涤槽 smooth 光滑的 ; 平坦的 dirty 脏的 rubbish 垃圾;废物 noon

Task 4 : Find out the bad points

1. How could a robot start to go wrong ?

2.What are the problems ?

The robot caught a virus.

•It might put my breakfast in the _____________.

•In might throw my shirt into the _____________

along with the rubbish.

•It might ____________ the things over.

•It might make a ______________.

So I might have to send it back to the ________

washing machine




robot shop

Page 8: Unit 2 Reading The robots at home New words: virus 病毒 dustbin 垃圾箱 mess 混乱、杂乱 sink 洗涤槽 smooth 光滑的 ; 平坦的 dirty 脏的 rubbish 垃圾;废物 noon

Good points: 1.have more free time

2.sleep for a bit longer

3.do the laundry

4. iron the shirts

5. wash dishes

6. The flat will be as clean as new.


Page 9: Unit 2 Reading The robots at home New words: virus 病毒 dustbin 垃圾箱 mess 混乱、杂乱 sink 洗涤槽 smooth 光滑的 ; 平坦的 dirty 脏的 rubbish 垃圾;废物 noon

Bad points:

1.catch virus

2.put the breakfast in the washing


3.throw the shirts into the dustbin

4.knock things over

5.make a mess

Page 10: Unit 2 Reading The robots at home New words: virus 病毒 dustbin 垃圾箱 mess 混乱、杂乱 sink 洗涤槽 smooth 光滑的 ; 平坦的 dirty 脏的 rubbish 垃圾;废物 noon

Read again ,

understand the vocabulary by finishing off Part B1 on P.22

Page 11: Unit 2 Reading The robots at home New words: virus 病毒 dustbin 垃圾箱 mess 混乱、杂乱 sink 洗涤槽 smooth 光滑的 ; 平坦的 dirty 脏的 rubbish 垃圾;废物 noon
Page 12: Unit 2 Reading The robots at home New words: virus 病毒 dustbin 垃圾箱 mess 混乱、杂乱 sink 洗涤槽 smooth 光滑的 ; 平坦的 dirty 脏的 rubbish 垃圾;废物 noon

True or false:


Page 13: Unit 2 Reading The robots at home New words: virus 病毒 dustbin 垃圾箱 mess 混乱、杂乱 sink 洗涤槽 smooth 光滑的 ; 平坦的 dirty 脏的 rubbish 垃圾;废物 noon

Retelling 1: Fill in the blanks

Mr. Jiang is very busy and have no time for his hobbies.So he bought a robot to help him. It brought many changes. Mr. Jiang needn’t do any housework .he could stay in bed for longer. Mr. Jiang was very happy with the robot.But later,things changed. The robot caught virus.and caused many problems.Mr. Jiang’s flat was in a mess. Mr. Jiang was very unhappy. In the end ,he decided to return the robot to the robot shop.

Page 14: Unit 2 Reading The robots at home New words: virus 病毒 dustbin 垃圾箱 mess 混乱、杂乱 sink 洗涤槽 smooth 光滑的 ; 平坦的 dirty 脏的 rubbish 垃圾;废物 noon

Retelling 2: key words

Mr. Jiang busy buy a robot

easy life breakfast was made

shirts were ironed

lunch box was made

no longer needed to get up early

do housework

stay in bed for longer

Page 15: Unit 2 Reading The robots at home New words: virus 病毒 dustbin 垃圾箱 mess 混乱、杂乱 sink 洗涤槽 smooth 光滑的 ; 平坦的 dirty 脏的 rubbish 垃圾;废物 noon

while he is at work robot clean the flat ,do laundry,

wash dishes

sweep the floor, make

the bed

go shopping

When he returned home clean flat ,delicious


After dinner : Mr. Jiang relax , watch TV

robot wash dishes

Page 16: Unit 2 Reading The robots at home New words: virus 病毒 dustbin 垃圾箱 mess 混乱、杂乱 sink 洗涤槽 smooth 光滑的 ; 平坦的 dirty 脏的 rubbish 垃圾;废物 noon

A few weeks later

robot catch a virus

breakfast in the washing


make a mess shirts in the dustbin

move around

knock things over

Mr. Jiang decided to return the robot

Page 17: Unit 2 Reading The robots at home New words: virus 病毒 dustbin 垃圾箱 mess 混乱、杂乱 sink 洗涤槽 smooth 光滑的 ; 平坦的 dirty 脏的 rubbish 垃圾;废物 noon

Discussion: Topic

1.If you are the owner of the broken robot in the text ,

what will you do?

2. Having a robot or do it myself ?

3. Should we ask robots to do all the work for

us? What is your ideal robot like?

Page 18: Unit 2 Reading The robots at home New words: virus 病毒 dustbin 垃圾箱 mess 混乱、杂乱 sink 洗涤槽 smooth 光滑的 ; 平坦的 dirty 脏的 rubbish 垃圾;废物 noon

Important phrases:

1. in many ways

火星上的生活在很多方面比地球上的生活好 .Life on mars is better than life on earth in many ways.

in some ways in a/ one way

by the way on one’s way …

2. In order to

为了生存 , 人就得吃东西 .People must eat in order to live.

We practise English more in order to improve our

oral English.In order not to

He got up earlier in order not to be late again.

Page 19: Unit 2 Reading The robots at home New words: virus 病毒 dustbin 垃圾箱 mess 混乱、杂乱 sink 洗涤槽 smooth 光滑的 ; 平坦的 dirty 脏的 rubbish 垃圾;废物 noon

3. as a result

他没有练习 , 结果他输了 .He didn’t practise, as a result he lost.

as a result of … 由于…的结果 , 因为He was late as a result of heavy snow.

As a result of warning ,nobody was hurt.4. no longer = not any longer 多指时间 , 用来修饰具体状态

他不再是一个学生了 . He is no longer a student.

He is not a student any longer.

no more = not any more 指数量和程度 , 用来修饰动作她不再哭了 . She no more cried.

Page 20: Unit 2 Reading The robots at home New words: virus 病毒 dustbin 垃圾箱 mess 混乱、杂乱 sink 洗涤槽 smooth 光滑的 ; 平坦的 dirty 脏的 rubbish 垃圾;废物 noon

5. as …as …她跟 Amy 一样苗条 . She is as slim as Amy

它看上去想一栋房子那么大 .It seems to be as big as a house.

6. be ready for = be ready to do …

他已经准备好英语考试了 .

He is ready for the English exam.

He is ready to have the English exam.get ready for =get ready to do

他们准备去旅行 .They get ready to go on a trip.

They get ready for trip.

Page 21: Unit 2 Reading The robots at home New words: virus 病毒 dustbin 垃圾箱 mess 混乱、杂乱 sink 洗涤槽 smooth 光滑的 ; 平坦的 dirty 脏的 rubbish 垃圾;废物 noon

7. be happy with = be pleased with

= be satisfied with

我对我的学生很满意 .I am happy with my students.

我对你所做的不是很满意 .I am not happy with what you have done.

8. in a mess

这个房间乱七八糟 .This room is in (such) a mess.

孩子们把房间高的一塌糊涂 .

The children made a mess in the room.

Page 22: Unit 2 Reading The robots at home New words: virus 病毒 dustbin 垃圾箱 mess 混乱、杂乱 sink 洗涤槽 smooth 光滑的 ; 平坦的 dirty 脏的 rubbish 垃圾;废物 noon

Thank you !