Unit 2: Ministry of Christ--Lesson 4 NT2.4 Jesus Calls His ...

1 NT2.4 Jesus Calls His Disciples © Beverly Wilson 2015 Unit 2: Ministry of Christ--Lesson 4 NT2.4 Jesus Calls His Disciples Scripture: Matthew 4:18-22; Mark 1:16-20' Luke 5: 1-11; John 1:28-51 Lesson Goal: As Jesus began his ministry he chose twelve ordinary men who were called disciples to follow Him. In this lesson we will learn what it means to truly be a follower of Jesus and how we too can become "fishers of men." Introduction: This is the fourth lesson in Unit 2:The Life and Ministry of Christ. The life and ministry of Jesus is told to us in the first four books of the New Testament. As Jesus began his ministry he chose twelve men who were called disciples to follow Him. In this lesson we will learn what it means to truly be a follower of Jesus. This lesson is found in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. These four books are called the Gospels in the New Testament. The word Gospel means the "Good News about Jesus." The Gospels tell the life and ministry of Jesus while He was here on earth. Let's say the names of the gospels--Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Attention Getter: If you were looking for a friend, what would you look for in that person? You would probably want them to be honest? Another good trait would be fun and interesting, right? How about loving and caring? Those are important too, aren't them? In this lesson we are going to learn about the character traits of a follower of Jesus. Jesus called twelve disciples to follow Him. All but one were good friends of Jesus. Alternative: Have volunteers tell about times they went fishing with their dad or someone else. Share a fishing experience you have had. Opening Prayer: Let's pray. Father in heaven, Thank you for giving us the invitation to be your followers. Help us to learn to be good disciples by studying your Word and praying. Give us the strength to follow you. Help us to tell others about you so we can be "fishers of men." In Jesus' name. Amen. Memory Verse: Our memory verse is Matthew 4: 19 says, "Come, follow me, “ Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men. ” Lesson Video: http://youtu.be/IQshxFGaAHQ John the Baptist was near the River Jordan at Bethany. John was the "voice of the one crying in the wilderness." God had him sent to prepare the way for people to believe in Jesus. His message was "Repent! Turn from your sins! Be baptized with water!" After baptizing Jesus he began telling people how he had seen the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove descending from heaven and resting upon Jesus. "I saw it happen to Jesus," John said, "And I testify that He is the Son of God." The following day as John was standing with two of his disciples, Jesus walked by. John looked at Him intently and then declared, "See! There is the Lamb of God!" By using this name for Jesus John meant that Jesus would take the punishment for people's sin, just as lambs were sacrificed to for people's sins in the Temple. John's words made these two men curious about Jesus. They wanted to find out more! The men hurried after Jesus. When Jesus saw them following him, he turned around and asked them, "What do you want? They said, "Rabbi which means Teacher, where are you staying?" "Come and see," Jesus said. So Andrew and John went with Jesus to the place where He was staying and talked with him from about four o'clock that afternoon until evening. They probably asked Him many, many questions. By the end of their time with Jesus, the men realized that He was the Messiah. He was the one God had promised to send to save people from their sins!

Transcript of Unit 2: Ministry of Christ--Lesson 4 NT2.4 Jesus Calls His ...

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NT2.4 Jesus Calls His Disciples © Beverly Wilson 2015

Unit 2: Ministry of Christ--Lesson 4

NT2.4 Jesus Calls His Disciples

Scripture: Matthew 4:18-22; Mark 1:16-20' Luke 5: 1-11; John 1:28-51

Lesson Goal: As Jesus began his ministry he chose twelve ordinary men who were called disciples to follow

Him. In this lesson we will learn what it means to truly be a follower of Jesus and how we too can become "fishers of men."

Introduction: This is the fourth lesson in Unit 2:The Life and Ministry of Christ. The life and ministry of Jesus

is told to us in the first four books of the New Testament. As Jesus began his ministry he chose twelve men who were called disciples to follow Him. In this lesson we will learn what it means to truly be a follower of Jesus. This lesson is found in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. These four books are called the Gospels in the New Testament. The word Gospel means the "Good News about Jesus." The Gospels tell the life and ministry of Jesus while He was here on earth. Let's say the names of the gospels--Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

Attention Getter: If you were looking for a friend, what would you look for in that person? You would

probably want them to be honest? Another good trait would be fun and interesting, right? How about loving and caring? Those are important too, aren't them? In this lesson we are going to learn about the character traits of a follower of Jesus. Jesus called twelve disciples to follow Him. All but one were good friends of Jesus. Alternative: Have volunteers tell about times they went fishing with their dad or someone else. Share a fishing experience you have had.

Opening Prayer: Let's pray. Father in heaven, Thank you for giving us the invitation to be your followers. Help us to learn to be good disciples by studying your Word and praying. Give us the strength to follow you. Help us to tell others about you so we can be "fishers of men." In Jesus' name. Amen.

Memory Verse: Our memory verse is Matthew 4: 19 says, "Come, follow me, “ Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men. ”

Lesson Video: http://youtu.be/IQshxFGaAHQ John the Baptist was near the River Jordan at Bethany. John was the "voice of the one crying in the wilderness." God had him sent to prepare the way for people to believe in Jesus. His message was "Repent! Turn from your sins! Be baptized with water!" After baptizing Jesus he began telling people how he had seen the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove descending from heaven and resting upon Jesus. "I saw it happen to Jesus," John said, "And I testify that He is the Son of God." The following day as John was standing with two of his disciples, Jesus walked by. John looked at Him intently and then declared, "See! There is the Lamb of God!" By using this name for Jesus John meant that Jesus would take the punishment for people's sin, just as lambs were sacrificed to for people's sins in the Temple. John's words made these two men curious about Jesus. They wanted to find out more! The men hurried after Jesus. When Jesus saw them following him, he turned around and asked them, "What do you want? They said, "Rabbi which means Teacher, where are you staying?" "Come and see," Jesus said. So Andrew and John went with Jesus to the place where He was staying and talked with him from about four o'clock that afternoon until evening. They probably asked Him many, many questions. By the end of their time with Jesus, the men realized that He was the Messiah. He was the one God had promised to send to save people from their sins!

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NT2.4 Jesus Calls His Disciples © Beverly Wilson 2015

Andrew was so excited to learn that Jesus was the Messiah that he ran to find his brother Simon. Simon and Andrew were both fisherman. Andrew told him, "We have found the Messiah!" So Andrew brought him to meet Jesus. Jesus looked intently at Simon and said, "You are Simon son of John. You will be called Cephas which translated is Peter." The name Cephas and Peter both mean "rock." Jesus gave Simon this new name to show that he was going to become a solid strong leader of the people who believed in Jesus. The next day Jesus travelled from Bethany to Bethsaida, on the shores of Lake Galilee. It was the home town of Andrew and Peter. Here Jesus began calling people to follow him. That means that they would come learn about the things of God from Him. We call these followers of Jesus disciples. The word disciple means "follower or student." The news that Jesus was the Messiah did not stop with Andrew and Peter. The very next day Jesus went into Galilee and he saw a man named Philip. Philip was from same city as Andrew and Peter.. "Follow me," Jesus said. And Philip did just that! Philip also began to tell others what he had learned--that Jesus was the Messiah. Philip went off to find a friend called Nathanael. He was sitting in the shade of a fig tree. "We have found the Messiah!" Phillip exclaimed. "The very person Moses and the prophets told about! His name is Jesus, from Nazareth!" "Nazareth!" Nathaniel laughed. "Can anything good come from that tiny village?" In those days the city of Nazareth was not considered a very good place. But Philip was not discouraged! "Just come and see for yourself!" he insisted. Nathanael finally agreed to go see Jesus. When Jesus saw Nathaniel coming, he said, "Here is a true Israelite in whom there is nothing false!" Jesus could see into Nathaniel's heart. He knew that Nathaniel was a very honest man who truly wanted to know the truth about Jesus! Nathaniel was puzzled at Jesus' words and he asked, "How do you know me?" Jesus answered and said, "I could see you under the fig tree before Philip found you." Nathaniel must have been totally amazed to hear that Jesus knew where Nathanael had been! How could Jesus know or see him when he had not been there with them? Jesus knows all things! He saw and knew what was happening when Nathanael was under the fig tree. Now Nathanael knew that Jesus was no ordinary man. Jesus MUST be the Son of God to know so much about Nathanael! Nathaniel was so excited that he exclaimed, "Rabbi, You are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!" Jesus said, "You believe because I told you I saw you under the fig tree. You will see many greater things than that!" Because Nathanael followed Jesus he did see many great miracles. He would know that Jesus was the one that had come from heaven to earth to save men from their sins. Soon there were crowds of people following Jesus. Jesus knew it was time to choose twelve men who would become his special “Apostles.” The word apostle means missionary. These apostles would tell others the truth about God and the kingdom of heaven. To choose his apostles Jesus first went to see Simon Peter and Andrew who were fishing in the Sea of Galilee. As the brothers threw their net into the lake, they saw Jesus. "Come, follow me!" Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." Jesus meant that He would teach them to tell others about Him so they could follow Jesus, too! At once, Peter and Andrew left their nets and followed Jesus. Going on from there, Jesus saw two other brothers James, the son of Zebedee and his brother John. They were called the "Sons of Thunder" because they were outspoken about their love for God and passion for doing what was right. Like Peter and Andrew, James and John were fisherman at the Sea of Galilee. When Jesus arrived, they were in a boat with their father Zebedee, preparing their nets. Jesus called out, "Come with me and be my followers." James and John had been fishermen their whole lives. Now Jesus was asking them to do something entirely different! But James and John wanted to follow Jesus. They trusted Him so they did what He told them to do. So they left their fishing boat and their nets to follow Him. They knew they had truly found the Messiah.

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NT2.4 Jesus Calls His Disciples © Beverly Wilson 2015

Peter and Andrew and James and John stayed with Him as disciples from that time on, learning from Him and serving Him. John would become one of Jesus' closest disciples and was called John the Beloved. Sometime later Jesus was on the outskirts of the town of Capernaum. As Jesus was walking through the town, He and his disciples stopped at a tax collector's booth. Sitting in the tax office was a man named Matthew who was called Levi. Many people hated tax collectors because tax collectors often overcharged and cheated people out of money. Jesus surprised everyone. Even though this tax collector might have done wrong, Jesus didn't hate him. Instead He said to him, "Follow Me." Right away, Matthew got up and left his booth. Matthew left money and rich friends to follow Jesus. Later Matthew held a banquet in his home with Jesus as the guest of honor. He invited all his old friends to come and meet Jesus and the other disciples. Matthew wanted them to know that Jesus would forgive their sins and change their hearts like Jesus had done for him. When some religious leaders called Pharisees heard that Jesus was going to come to Matthew's party, they came to the dinner, too, to spy on Jesus. They were very proud and thought that righteous people should not eat with tax collectors. They wanted to criticize Jesus for eating with Matthew and his friends. At the feast the Pharisees complained bitterly to Jesus' disciples. They said, "Why do you eat and drink with such sinners? But Jesus knew their proud hearts. Jesus wanted them to show mercy and replied, "Healthy people don't need a doctor but sick people do. I have not come to save those who think they are right with God, but those who know they are sinners and need to repent." As Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Nathanael, and Matthew continued traveling with Jesus, they began to understand the good news Jesus wanted them to learn and share with others. The good news is that God the Father loves everyone and wants to help them believe and follow Jesus, His Son. One day as Jesus was standing by the Lake of Galilee, crowds gathered to hear Him teach about God. So many wanted to hear what He had to saw they pressed closer and closer to the shore. At the water's edge were two boats, left there by the fisherman who were washing their nets. Jesus got into one of the boats, belong to Simon Peter and asked him to put out a little from the shore. Then Jesus sat down and taught the people from the boat. When Jesus had finished speaking, He said to Simon Peter, "Put out into deep water and let down the nets for a catch." Simon Peter answered, "Master we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything but because you say so, I will let down the nets."Peter cast his net and to his amazement they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. So they signaled their fishing partners James and John, the sons of Zebedee, in the other boat to come and help them. James and John arrived to help and filled both boats so full that they began to sink. When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus' feet and said, "Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!" He and all his companions were astonished at the catch of fish they had taken. Then Jesus said to Simon, "Don't be afraid; from now on you will fish for people." The fisherman took their heavily laden boats back to the shore. Having moored their boats they left everything and followed Jesus. From now on they would be followers of Jesus and "fishing for people." Jesus also chose a man named Thomas to be an apostle. He had a twin brother and was later called Doubting Thomas because he had trouble believing that Jesus came back to life after He was crucified. Two other men named James and Thaddeus were also chosen to be apostles. Thaddeus was also called Judas the son of James. Because there were two James who were disciples this James was also known as James the Younger. Another one of Jesus' apostles was Simon who was also called Simon the Zealot. The Zealots wanted everyone to follow God’s commandments. This means that Simon must have had great faith in God. The last one of the twelve apostles was Judas Iscariot. Judas was the one in charge of the money bag for Jesus and His twelve disciples. He was the one who turned Jesus in to His enemies so they could arrest Him. Sadly in the end he cared more about money than about serving the Lord. And so it was, the twelve men that we now call Jesus’ disciples left everything behind to follow Jesus.. For the next three years Jesus would teach them so that they could go out and tell others about Him and what He had

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come to earth to do. Let's see if we can name all the apostles. They were Simon Peter, and Andrew his brother; James and John. These were the four brothers who were fisherman. Matthew the tax collector, Philip and Nathanael or Bartholomew, and Thomas the Doubter; James the son of Alphaeus, Thaddeus who was also called Jude, Simon the Zealot, and Judas Iscariot the traitor. When Jesus called them to follow Him, they didn’t make excuses; they left at once and followed. From this point on these twelve men remained with Jesus until He died. Even today Jesus is still inviting all kinds of people to follow Him. Following Him means that we do what he says and trust Him to help us live the way he wants us to even when it's hard. To follow Jesus means that we may have to leave some things behind that are displeasing to God such as a bad temper, bad language, or a bad attitude. To become a disciple or follower of Jesus we will make Jesus our best friend. We will tell others about how they can follow Jesus too. Then just like Jesus promised, we too will become fishers of men! Remember let's be good followers of Jesus!

Review Questions: Red fish! Green Fish! Have the students sit in a circle on a blue sheet (water). Cut out a fish shape from newspaper or cardstock. Staple all the edges almost completely shut, leaving room to stuff with crumbled paper or tissue. (OR you use a plastic "blow-up" toy fish for the pool). Students are to pass the fish around the circle while the teacher calls out, "Green fish, green fish, green fish..." (go) and then "Red fish" for stop. Students are to continue passing the fish around the circle until they hear "red fish." The student caught holding the "fish" must then answer one of the following review questions below:

1. What are the followers of Jesus called? (They are called disciples.) 2. What does the word disciple mean? (Disciple means pupil, student, or learner. A disciple is one who

follows the teachings of another.) 3. Who were the first two disciples that followed Jesus? (Peter and Andrew were the first two disciples.) 4. How many apostles did Jesus choose to be with Him? (Jesus chose twelve men to serve as apostles.) 5. Can you name at least four of Jesus' disciples? (Peter, James, John, Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew,

Matthew, Thomas, James, Thaddeus, Simon, Judas.) 6. What was a day in the life of a disciple of Jesus like? (Every day they listened to Jesus teach, they

walked long distances with Him, they ate meals together, they watched Him doing miracles, and they obeyed His commands.)

7. How did Jesus change the lives of the disciples? (The fisherman no longer fished for fish but for men. The tax collector no long collected taxes or cheated people. Each disciple no longer did their ordinary job but let it to follow Jesus.)

8. What did Jesus and the disciples do together that caused them to grow to be such close friends? (They spent time together, they talked with each other; learned from Jesus; all served one another and cared about each other for a long time.)

9. How can you help your friendship with Jesus grow? ( I can spend time with Him by reading the Bible. I can listen to Him and share my heart with Him in prayer. I can sing praises to Him.)

10. What do friends do together that helps them to grow to be better friends? (They play, pray, eat, share, and work.)

11. The disciples grew to be best friends with Jesus by spending time with him. What can you do during your time with Jesus to help your friendship grow? (talk, laugh, work, play, take a walk, study)

12. Have you ever asked God to help you choose your friends? Why would that be a good idea? 13. Why is prayer an important part of making decisions about friends? (God know the kind of friends we

need better than we do!) 14. What four books tell about Jesus choosing his disciples? (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) 15. Who did Andrew bring to see Jesus? (He brought his brother Simon Peter.) 16. Why was Nathanael surprised when Jesus first talked to him? (Jesus told him that He had seen him

sitting under the fig tree and nobody was there except Nathanael and Philip when he was under the fig tree. Nathanael was surprised at Jesus' knowledge about him.)

17. What job did Matthew have before he became a disciple? (He was a tax collector.) 18. How did Matthew show that his life had been changed after he met Jesus? (He had a banquet with Jesus

as the honored guest and invited all his old tax collector friends to come so they could be saved too.) 19. Which disciple of Jesus turned out to be a traitor? What did he love more than anything else? Judas

Iscariot because he loved money more than God.

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Bible Memory Verse Activity: Fishing Game Our memory verse is Matthew 4: 19 says, "Come, follow me, “ Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men. ” We don't have to be rich or smart or perfect. All we have to do is believe in Him and be willing to follow Him. Help the students find the verse in the Bible. Repeat the verse several times together. Say: "Our memory verse today tells us how Jesus called His disciples to be fishers of men. This means that Jesus wanted them to tell the Good News about salvation to everyone so they could be saved and go to heaven. Today we are going to play a game of fishing for our memory verse words." Before class write the words of the verse on fish shaped cards. Attach a paper clip to each of the fish cards with tape and place them in a large fish bowl. Make a pole out of a long dowel stick with a string tied to the end. Tie a magnet to the end of the string. Have the children come up one at a time and "fish" for their card. When all the cards have been "caught" have students arrange the words in the order of the verse. Repeat the verse together several times. Alternative: Tape the fish shaped cards under the chair seats before class. Let the children "find" their fish and put the words of the verse in correct order. Repeat the verse several times together as a group.

Group Learning Activity: Follow the Leader (Grades K-2) Play a simple game of "Follow the Leader." Set up the furniture in your room to make a simple obstacle course. The leader can go around chairs and under tables, making different clapping sounds, or noises. The more variety the more fun the students will have. Let each child be the leader and LEAD their classmates in various ways and things to do. Encourage children to do a lot of different things, such as sing a song, jump, run, crawl, hop, etc. When the game is over, have children sit in a circle and review the Bible lesson. Pray together that they will follow Jesus Say: "Follow the leader is a great game. One day Jesus was walking along the sea shore. He saw two fishermen, Peter and Andrew, who were throwing their fishing nets out into the sea. Jesus called out to them, "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men." The Bible tells us that they laid down their nets and followed Jesus. Jesus went a little farther and he saw two more men, James and John sitting in their boat mending their nets. Jesus called out to them and the Bible tells us that they left their boat and followed Jesus. (vs. 19-20) Jesus is still calling people to follow him today. He has called you and me to follow him. Now it's up to us to decide if we will follow the leader. Every day we are to follow our Leader Jesus."

Group Learning Activity: "Fishers of Men" Tag (Grades K-2) Purpose of this game is to demonstrate how we are to become "fishers of men." The game is like tag. One person will be the fisherman, and everyone else will be the fish. Place a hula hoop in the middle of the play area. Whenever a fish is tagged they must go and stand in the net (hula hoop). The game is over whenever everyone has been caught. Depending on how many kids you have you may want to use more than one hula hoop or even a large blanket.

Group Learning Activity: Which Disciple? (Grades 2-5) Print the cards below with the descriptions of the each of the disciples. Divide the class into teams. Using the "Which Disciple?" game cards, have a child choose a card and read each of the numbered clues, one by one. If the child's team can guess which disciple he or she is describing on the first clue, they get 5,000 points. If they can guess by the second clue they get 1,000 points. If by clue #3, they get 500 points. If they guess by clue #4 they get 100 points. If that team can't guess, they give the other team one try. If the other team guesses, they get 100 points.

Group Learning Activity: Twelve Disciples Concentration Game (Grades 2-5) Print two sets of the "Twelve Disciples" cards with pictures and descriptions. Make as many sets as you need for every two or three children in your class to have twelve matching pairs of cards. Cut the cards apart. Mix up the cards in each set and place them face down on a table or floor. Students take turns turning over two cards. If the cards match, the student keeps them, and gets another turn (if the group is small enough). The student with the most pairs wins.

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Group Learning Activity: Around the World (Grades 3-5) Supplies: foam ball, large basket; tape. Make a large half circle with masking tape about 4-5 feet from the goal. (Distance depends on size of room and age of children.). Mark x's for seven positions shown on the diagram at the right. This game consists of a series of shots beginning at number 1 position and moving around the circuit. Each shot must make a basket before the next shot in the progression is made. (You can use a real basketball and a gym if you have one available.) Say: "Today we are going to play a basket ball game called "Around the World." To play the game each child shoots the basketball into the basket at each of six positions. The student must make the basket at each position before they move to the next position. The individual to get around the world is the winner!" Demonstrate throwing the basketball at each of the positions. At the close of the game say: "Have any of you ever played on a basketball team? What are some characteristics of a good team member? Jesus chose His disciples. He spent time helping them know about God and how to live. He taught them to be "fishermen of men." He wanted his disciples to go into all the world and preach the gospel. They were to carry the good news about Jesus to everyone. Jesus wants us to learn to be His followers and carry the good news to everyone "all around the world" as well."

Craft Learning Activity: Sailboats (Gr. K-1) Supplies: Bible, brown, white, and blue construction paper, markers, scissors, tape, paper fasteners. For each child, draw a boat on brown paper and make a triangular sail outline on white paper. Say: "In our Bible lesson today, Jesus asked four men who were fishermen to be His disciples. The four men used boats. Instead of using fishing poles, they threw big nets into the water to catch fish. Jesus called to them and said, "Come follow Me!" When Jesus asked the fishermen to follow Him, they obeyed! they wanted to learn about God and His Son Jesus. We too can learn about God and His Son Jesus. Today we are going to make some paper sailboats that will help us to remember Peter and John, James and Andrew." Give each child the outlines of the boat and sail. Have them cut out the boat and sail and tape them together. Help each child accordion fold a sheet of blue paper to make water. Use a paper fastener to attach the boat to the water. Children can rock the boats back and forth.

Craft Learning Activity: Disciple Drama (Grades K-2) Distribute twelve plain white paper plates and markers to the students. Say: "Jesus chose twelve men to be His disciples. Today we are going to use our white paper plates to make twelve faces representing Jesus' 12 Apostles." Have students draw faces on each paper plate representing Peter, Andrew, James, John, and Matthew, etc. Attach craft sticks or paint stirring sticks to each plate to act as a holder. As you talk about each of the disciples, have volunteer students hold the plate in front of the group. Have a child hold a flashlight shining on each disciple face as the group tells things about that disciple. (Use the "Which Disciple?" fact cards below for basic information to read to the class about each disciple.)

Craft Learning Activity: Four Fishermen Chain Fold accordion style crosswise a large sheet of drawing paper 11" X 18" inches. Make each accordion fold the width of the size of paper person you want. Draw the outline of the "fisherman" making sure the hands and feet touch or are connected. Cut on the outline of the shape of the person. Help students with this process or make the paper doll fishermen in advance. Have students glue the men to a piece of construction paper. Draw shirts on the men and label the shirts: James, John, Simon, and Andrew. Students can decorate the men with yarn hair and wiggly eyes.

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Craft Learning Activity: Fish Net Poster The purpose of this art activity is to show how Jesus called Peter, Andrew James and John to be fisherman of men and how we too are to share the gospel with others. Supplies: blue netting from a craft store or fabric store; cutouts of foot prints from different colors of construction paper; white construction paper or cardstock; scotch tape, markers, and double-stick tape. Directions: Have students write "I Will Follow Jesus" in the middle of the white paper. Attach feet shapes around the words with double stick tape. Cut a piece of blue netting to cover the white paper with enough extra to tape it to the back of the paper. Tape the blue netting onto the white paper.

Craft Learning Activity: Design a T-shirt Slogan (Grades 3-5) Supplies; scratch paper, pencils, markers, scissors, plain white cotton t-shirts (one for each child); fabric markers. Say: "How would you feel if you were chosen to be one of Jesus' disciples? What were some of the things Jesus taught His disciples? The disciples learned from Jesus how they should live. We can read about things Jesus taught the disciples. Jesus wants us to do the same things He taught the disciples. Have you ever seen a t-shirt with a slogan on it? The slogan is words that attract attention. They tell you about a place, an item, or words to think about. Sometimes people who are on the same team make t-shirts to identify their group. Today we are going to brainstorm some ideas for a Disciple t-shirt by using a scratch paper with a t-shirt on it. When we have our idea confirmed, we will then use fabric markers on a plain t-shirt to make our design." Make several copies of the T-shirt design below for each child. Prepare a list of slogans to help students brainstorm ideas. Have students use the fabric markers to make their t-shirt slogan. Display the t-shirts on a wall or bulletin board for the parents or church to see. Example of slogans: Under the Influence; Power of God (in shape of a cross); HisWay (like Subway sign); The Holy Spirit--You can do it He will help; He Loves Me (Shining sun); Jesus is my Super Hero; I'm God's Girl (Guy); Life Guard (Mine Walks on Water); Heaven is for Real; Princess (Prince) Yes I am! My Father is the King of Kings!; Called to Duty; Jesus (Sweet Savior--King of Kings) (written like a Hershey bar ad); Let Jesus Occupy Your Heart; Race to Win--1 Cor. 9:24; FAITH;; Jesus is My Rock and that is How I Roll; I (heart) Jesus; TEAM JESUS; Jesus Loves Me; Forgiven (Cross with a heart); Jesus Saves (Fish Symbol).

Craft Learning Activity: I Will Follow Jesus "Big Foot" Let children trace their own or each other's foot and cut it out. Or, they can cut out a s big foot that the teacher has prepared beforehand. Children are to write "I willl Follow Jesus" on the big foot. The children can decorate their foot around the border with glitter glue or write their name on the "Big Foot." Children can also write today's memory verse on the foot or a prayer: "Dear Jesus, you have called us to follow you. I'll follow you wherever you may lead me. In Jesus' name, Amen!"

Craft Learning Activity: One Dozen Grade A Disciples This craft will help students memorize the names of the twelve apostles. Supplies: egg carton box; twelve plastic Easter eggs. Print the template below. Glue the cover to the top of the egg carton or box. Cut out the letters and glue one to each of the plastic eggs. These letters give a prompt to the first names of each of the disciples. Disciple Key: PJ =Peter and Judas (The first in the church and the worst); PJ = Phillip and John (This P sounds like a different letter); JJ = James (John's brother) and James the Lesser (Sounds the same but are not the same); BATTS = Bart, Andy, Ted, Tom and Simon (Bartholomew or also known as Nathaniel, Andrew, Thaddeus, Thomas the Twin, and Simon the Zealot); and M = Matthew the Tax man.

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NT2.4 Jesus Calls His Disciples © Beverly Wilson 2015

Craft Learning Activity: "Fishers of Men" This craft will help students visualize Jesus' invitation to everyone to become "fishers of men." Supplies: plastic food mesh or net bags from vegetables or fruits in the grocery department (washed and dried); 4 craft sticks per child; craft foam; white glue, string, pen, markers, scissors. Directions: Cut figures from different colors of craft foam in the shape of a small gingerbread man. You can use a cookie cutter shape or use the outline of a simple paper chain man. Write the memory verse on two craft sticks with the marking pen. Matthew 4: 19 says, "Come, follow me, “ Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men. ” Cut the mesh bag so the cut edges are the top and bottom of the bag. Place one stick down and place a line of glue on it. Next, place the mesh bag end on, add more glue if needed. Top it with a second stick (will have the last portion of the Bible verse on it). Allow to dry a bit. Fill the mesh bag with the cut figures. Place the top stick down and put glue on it. Then put the top of the mesh bag onto the glue and top it with the stick with the first part of the verse written on it. Tie the string to the ends of the top craft sticks to form a hanger. Add more glue if needed. Allow to dry.

"Fishers of Men" Bulletin Board: Bulletin boards are an important part of the visual teaching experience in the classroom. They serve as positive reminders of the lesson purpose and are good teaching objects for others in the church. Cover bulletin board with a background of light blue construction paper or fabric material. Use a border of green construction paper. Have children make fish from orange, yellow or red construction paper and write their names on the fish with black or dark markers. Make extra fish for visitors. Use dark blue or black construction paper for lettering (2 to 3" high). You can make fish hooks from black pipe cleaners and use light gray or white yarn for fish line. Snack Learning Activity: Let the children enjoy some goldfish crackers in a little mesh netting bag tied with a ribbon. As children are eating the snack review the story focus of Jesus calling His disciples to be fishers of men.

Life Application Challenge: Do you want to be a disciple of Jesus and serve Him? Do you want to follow Him and tell others about Him? You can but first you must have a clean heart. You must truly be sorry for committing sin. You must be sorry that you hurt God. This is godly sorry. If you have godly sorrow, Jesus will forgive you. Why not pray to Jesus and ask Him to forgive you? He will give you new desires. Then you can follow Jesus, to be His disciple, and do what He wants you to do. Being a fisher of men means you are then willing to tell others about Jesus. It is sharing with them how good God is so they will want Jesus to live in their hearts as their Lord and Savior. You can share the "good news" of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross and how He died to take away our sins and rose again to give us eternal life with the Father. If you want Him to, Jesus will make you a "fisher of men", too!

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NT2.4 Jesus Calls His Disciples © Beverly Wilson 2015

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NT2.4 Jesus Calls His Disciples © Beverly Wilson 2015

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NT2.4 Jesus Calls His Disciples © Beverly Wilson 2015

Design a T-Shirt Slogan

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NT2.4 Jesus Calls His Disciples © Beverly Wilson 2015

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NT2.4 Jesus Calls His Disciples © Beverly Wilson 2015

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NT2.4 Jesus Calls His Disciples © Beverly Wilson 2015

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NT2.4 Jesus Calls His Disciples © Beverly Wilson 2015

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NT2.4 Jesus Calls His Disciples © Beverly Wilson 2015

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NT2.4 Jesus Calls His Disciples © Beverly Wilson 2015

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NT2.4 Jesus Calls His Disciples © Beverly Wilson 2015

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NT2.4 Jesus Calls His Disciples © Beverly Wilson 2015

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NT2.4 Jesus Calls His Disciples © Beverly Wilson 2015

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NT2.4 Jesus Calls His Disciples © Beverly Wilson 2015