UNIT 2 FORCE AND MOVEMENT Dynomometer Weight is measured by means Gravity Upthrust Electrical Force Magnetic Force Resultant Frictional Force FORCE in used for Motion is opposite with causes is done by Work Simple Machines vectorial scalar Speed Velocity MOVEMENT





is measured





Electrical Force

Magnetic Force


Frictional Force


in used


Motion is

opposite with


is done by


Simple Machines

vectorial scalar




Anything we throw upwards falls back

down but none of the hunderds of satellites in

space fall down. What is the reason for this?

Discuss this with your friends and note

your answers in your notebooks. Go over your

answers after you finish the unit.

Entry Activities

When historical buildings were constructed many years ago there were no working machines

like excavators or cranes.Therefore how were the huge and heavy stones used in buildings moved or

lifted up.

Discuss this with your friends and note your answers in your notebooks. Go over your answers

after you finish the unit.



We get up in the morning open the bedroom door, slice bread put the book on our desk into our

schoolbag and so on. We live our lives by performing many actions of this kind. Have you noticed that

these activities are all or actions.pushing pulling

We can see that a huge ship is pushed by its motors, or can observe how the wind moves the

leaves around.In both cases, what we see is not the force, but it is the results brought about by

force.In most general terms, force is the pushing or pulling action.We can understand the presence of

force by seeing or feeling the results it brings about.

We open the lid of a jar by exerting

and we pull a weight by exerting

There are two types of force;The one with a circular effect is the circular force and the

one that forms a linear effect is the linear force. circular force

linear force.


Force and Movement


� The Stone we throw upwards falls back down.

We open our bedroom window by pushing it.

Magnets attract (pull) metals like iron and nickel.

We carry weights from one place to another either by pulling or by pushing them.

2.1 A - Forces in our Environment

If we let the stone in our hand go, it falls down. Is this caused

by a force. Yes it is caused by the force of attraction . All the

objects exert a force on one another, but the force exerted by small

objects on one another is so small that it is negligible. However, the

earth is so huge that, the force it exerts is large enongh to pull all the

other objects to itself. This force is called the . Water and air

have the effect of lifting objects upwards, i.e. they have the buoyant



Upthrust of Water

Magnets attract some metals. There is rejection (pushing) or attraction (pulling) between

magnets as well. This is called the There is a similar attractions in an atom, this is

called the .

magnetic force.

electrical force

The unit of force is named

after the

scientist that found the Law

of General Attaction.

Sir Isaac Newton,

Did You Know?


Upthrust of Air

( Force of air resistance)

Gravity Gravity


2.1 B - What is Force ?

When playing football, we send the ball to different

directions, to our teammates or to the nets to score a goal.

The ball gains different speeds according to the force we

exert on it. It stops when the goal keeper catches it.

When playing the “rope pulling” game, the team which

pulls with a greater force, wins. If both teams pull with the

same force , none of the teams wins as there will be no

movement. The force used here is the force in our muscles.

Different forces act on an object in different directions. If the

object is stationary, then, all the opposite forces acting on it are

balanced. In order for the object to move, the force in one direction

must be greater than the force acting on it in the opposite direction



Force can move stationary objects, can stop moving objects or can

change the direction of movement

100 Newton 100 Newton

Opposing forces are balanced, the object does not move.

20 Newton 100 Newton The right hand force is greater; 100-20=80N .

The object moves to right with a force of 80N.

100 Newton 100 NewtonThe total force to the left is greater;

(100+20) - 100 = 20N. The object moves to left with a

force from of 20N

Opposing forces (to the right and to the left) are

balanced, but as there is another force from another

direction, the object moves downwards.

100 Newton 100 Newton

100 Newton

20 Newton

The billiard robot designed in

Bristol University,England, can

calculate the exact force that

should be used to hit the balls.

Force and Movement

Did You Know?


We know that objects have mass and volume and that mass can be measured by using a scale.We

now learned that one of the greatest forces acting on objects is the . Scientists

prepared a scaled apparatus with a spring and decided that the amount of stretching of a 100gr object

on this apparatus is equql to a force of .This apparatus is called a .

A dynomometer can be prepared in various forms.A manual scale with a spring is a

dynomometer. The maximum amount of force that can be measured by laboratory dynomometers have

a limited stretching capacity. Stretching capacity of the spring determines the amount of force that

can be measured by that dynamometer.

Granitational Force

1 Newton dynamometer

2.1 C - How Do We Measure Force?

The gravitational force acting on a 1 kg object on earth

is approximately 9.81Newtons.

Thus, we can calculate the weight of a 20 kg (mass)

object is 20 x 9.81=196.2 Newtons.Gravitational


As can be seen from the given example is exerted on objects by

earth. An astraunot on the moon has a smaller weight than he has on earth as the gravitational force on

the moon is smaller than that on earth .In space, the astraunot has no weight as there is no

gravitational force in space.



weight the gravitational force

it can be stated that each object has a constant mass but its weight changes

according to the gravitational force in different environment


After studying the pictures above, draw

the force(s) acting on objects, and state

which one(s) are balanced.The gravitational force on

the moon is 1/6 th of that

on earth.


Did You Know?


2.2 A - Forces in Action

I spent the day moving a stone out of our garden. I tied a rope

around the stone and dragged it out. Finally, I did it. I got rid of the

stone but I had a tiring work day.

I wish the stone was closer to the fence,then I could move it

outside much easily and would have a less tiring workday . However, the

stone was very far from the fence and I had to put a lot of effort in

order to move it outside.

As given in the example above, scientists call

. If the object does not move in the direction of force we apply, then we do not do any


“the force applied times the distance moved by

the object” work


Force: 100 Newton

Distance: 15 meterJoule Newton Meter

WORK = 100 x 15 = 1500 Joule

If I was stronger, I could move the stone out much faster. Then I would not have to spend the

whole day working.

Scientists call the speed of work done .Power is the time taken to do the work.power







The unit of power which was

previously stated as horse

power is named after

the creator of steam




People evaluate the power spent for work.

This is one of the fundamental principles of the

Declaration of Human Rights

Force and Movement

Did You Know?


Kyrenia Castle and Salamis ancient city are the

examples of architecture that have remained from

ancient times. Pyramids in Egypt are other examples of

architecture from old times. How were these ancient

buildings constructed at that time? How were these

ancient buildings constructed at times when there

were no modern machinery?Lenght of the slope

is 800 meters





The largest pyramid is about 146 meters high. Large rocks used in building the pyramids were

taken to a height of 146 meters by inclined planes or ramps.

Lifting the rock directly upwards involves movement in a shorter distance, butit requires a

much greater force. When it is carried by using an inclined plane, it has to be moved it is much smaller.

A rock that would need thousands of men to be lifted can be brought to the same height by a

few men.

Using an inclined plane does not change the amount of work done, but the same weight is carried

over a much longer distance. The larger distance in using an inclined plane, the smaller the force

required. This is an example of a basic machine. Scientists name the basic machines that can change

the type of force, the direction or the magnitude of force, as simple machines.

100 1

= ------- = ---

800 8



The Greek scientist Heron who

lived in the 2nd century

believed that even the most

complex machines consists of 5

simple machines.

2.3 A - Simple Machines2

Scientific ideas make

your life easier.

Did You Know?


2.3 B - Inclined Planes In Our Environment

Inclined Plane

Inclined planes are the simplest machines used for many puposes.

The front part of a ship Works as an inclined plane. It is

because of this inclined planet hat the ship uplits water and

moves along easily.

An ax is a machine that has two

incline planes brought together.

The sharp edge of the ax hits the

tree bark, and with its gradually

wideniry structure the tree into





A screw, which has a wide variety of uses, holds two or more

pieces together. Screws change the circular force into linear

force. Altought a screw does not resemble an inclined plane, it

Works like one.

When a screw makes a

complete turn, it moves a thead

space. This is called a


Find 5 different inclined planes in your environment and

state the use of each one of them.

The ziper, invented in 1891 by an

American cal led Whitcomb

Judson, is a simple machine that

Works with the help of three

inclined planes.

Force and Movement

Did You Know?



Levers are simple machines that consist of a rod and a support. According to the purpose of

using the lever, the support can be placed any where below the rod.

We use various levers in our everyday life. Fishing line, hammer scissors, balance(scale) are all

examples of levers.

2.3 C - We Are Lifting Heavy Weights With Small Forces


Effort Distance

PivotLoad Distance


Fixed pulleys, movable pulleys and pulley systems

We can change the direction and magnitude of a force by using a

pulley. Elavators and cranes that do the lifting actions use pulleys. Pulleys

are divided into three: .


Pulley System

Activity: Show the place of

pivot, force and load points on

each of the following levers.

In sailing ships, pulleys are

used in folding and unfolding

the sails faster and easier.


Did You Know?

Fixed pulley Movable pulley






2.3 D - Let Us Use the Rotational Force

Wheel and Axle

Wheel is one of the most important inventions. Vehicles move by the movement of an axle that

is turned by wheels. The circular movement of the axle is changed into a linear movement by the wheel.

As the cirumference of the wheel is much greater than that of the axle, the force exerted by the axle

on the wheel is much greater than the force exerted by the wheel on the ground.

The handle of a screwdriver is wider than its

axle. Therefore, the screw can be rotated with a

greater force. Screwdriver is a good example of

a wheel and axle.

Big area

low force

Little are

high force

Gear and Wheels

Wheels with teeth or with belts are simple machines that change

the magnitude and direction of force.

Wheels that rotate are connected to each other by teeth or by a belt.As

a result, the rotation of one wheel causes the rotation of the other.

When the larger wheel makes 1 complete turn, the smaller wheel makes 2

or more rotations.

Wheels with teeth or with belts are used in bicycles.

Chains, instead of belts, increase the strength of the





By looking at the diagram aside,

make a wheel with teeth. For this,

you need a 1 cm thick potatoe slice,

a cardboard box and 16 toothpicks. The smallest motor produced

in the world was made by

Toshiba and it is in


1 mm

Force and Movement

Did You Know?


� When we hit a ball, it moves, but it gradually slows down and stops.

If we push a book on the table, it slows down and stops after a while.

Any object we apply a force on slows down and stops after moving for a while. Why is this so?

. We learned this statement before. Then, it is a type of force which stops a

moving object. Which one? This force is the , As the frictional force opposes the

movement of the object, it stops the object.

Force can cause the movement of a stationary object, can stop moving objects or learned the

direction of movement

friction force

2.4 A - If There was no Friction!

Force Applied


Frictional Force

Let us rub our hands together, what happens?Our hands get warmer.If we continue to rub our

hands, friction causes wear and our hands are hurt.

Friction leads to loss of power, because some of the energy we use changes into heat energy due

to friction, and it is lost.

The frictional force affects the moving vehicles. Scientists have been working on a new vehicle

design called aerodynamics in order to reduce friction caused by air.

The frictional force affects the moving vehicles.

Scientists have been working on a new vehicle design

called aerodynamics in order to reduce friction caused by


Friction has some uses. If there was no friction between our

feet and ground, we would not be able to walk, we would slide and fall.

That is why shoes have processes underneath, so that friction with the

ground is increased. There is friction between a pencil and notebook.

If there was no friction, writing would be impossible. It is almost

impossible to write with a pencil on very smooth surfaces like glass that

have very little friction.

There are various ways of reducing friciton. If the rubbing surfaces are

smooth or lubricated by grease or water friction between them is reduced. Friciton

can also be reduced by replacing sliding movement into rolling movement. Place several

marbles underneath yours book. Does it move easier?


Soles are rough

to prevent



2.5 A - Let's Move

When we look around, we notice that everything moves. Cars, bicycles, planes are continuously

moving from one place to another. We know that the earth turns around the Sun and the moon turns

around the earth. Briefly, everything in universe moves. Since everything moves in universe, we have to

find a reference point for our own movement.

Scientists call the movement from one place to another or changing one's position


Displacement = Final position - Initial position

According to the reference points given on the

left, the displacement of a car moving from

point B to D can be found by:

Displacemet = Final position-Initial position,

Displacement = 6 - 2 = 4 meters.


0 2 4 6 8



In this example the car that moved from point B to point D had a displacement of 4 meters.

Here, the car's displacement is equal to the distance it covered. But sometimes, this is not the


We know that displacement is the different between the two positions. Displacement is related to

initial position, distance and direction. The sizes that involve the intial point, magnitude and

direction are said to be vectorial.

The distance is the amount of movement made by the car. Distance does not involve any sense of

direction, so it is said to be scalar.

On the diagram given, two different

ways are given to go from home to school.

If the given way is taken:

Green Road

Displacement = 100 meters,

Distance = 100 meters

Displacement is the same in both,

because it means changing positions, However,

the distance covered is different in each case.

If the given way is taken:

Red Road

Displacement = 100 meters,

Distance = 60 + 80 = 140 meters60 meters







The first car race took place

in 1909 and the speed of the

fastest car was 105 km/hour

Force and Movement

Did You Know?


The difference between velocity and speed is the fact

that:velocity is vectorial , but speed is scalar. In other words, for

finding the velocity of a moving object we use the vectorial

displacement, but for finding its speed we use the scalar value of


2.5 B - Velocity and Speed

Vectorial Scalar







Straight Road : 200 metreA B

Curving Road : 1500 metre

We can move from point A to point B in 10 seconds when we use the straight road, and in50

seconds when we use the curving road.Then, the velocity and speed for both roads can be

calcualted as:

Velocity = Displacement / Time Velocity = 200 / 10 = 20 m/sec

Speed = Distance / Time Speed = 200 / 10 = 20 m / sec

Straight Road;

Curving Road;

Velocity = Displacement / Time Velocity = 200 / 50 = 4 m/sec

Speed = Distance / Time Speed = 1500 / 50 = 30 m / sec

On a curving road displacement and distance covered are not the same, so velocity and speed

are different.



TEST - 2



Match each of the following activities with the type of force used in performing that activity.

a)Carrying a table to another place by pulling it.

b)Opening the lid of a jar.

c)Cutting down a tree with an ax.

d)Lifting a weight by using a pulley.

e)Taking off a screw from a piece of wood by using a screwdriver.

f)Turning the pedals of a bicycle.

State the type of force used on each of the following.





3. Look at the dynamometers below, complete the table given and answer the questions.

Object Dynamometer Weight




a)Which object is the heaviest?

b)Which dynamometer must be used

in order to find the weight of an

object of 1 Newton?

4. Which simple machines are found in each of the following objects?

5. According to the references points given above which car is the fastest?

Ferrari Moved from point D to J in 10 seconds

Mercedes Moved from point G to K in 20 seconds.

Honda from point A to E in 50 seconds.Moved




-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50


0 N

10 N

20 N



0 N

50 N

100 N



0 N

1 N

2 N

3 N


Force and Movement


Add 5 more questions to the

following and make up a survey of 10

questions. Ask these questions to at

least 2 people from your families

and friends.

Q.1 :


Q.2 :


Q.3 :


Q.4 :


Q.5 :


What do you think force means?

In everyday life, for which activities do you

use force?

Give 2 examples of activities that use

rotational force?

What type of tools do you use to do work

using less force?

Give examples of simple machines?

Draw the pictures of simple Machines

below in the spaces provided.

How would we live if

there was no friction?

We can do work using

less force.

Write a composition with a theme that is based

on one of the facts given bove.


_ ____________________



_ ____________________

_ ____________________

_ ____________________

_ ____________________

_ ____________________

_ ____________________

_ ____________________

_ ____________________

_ ____________________










Write down problems that will need

the use of the formula

below to be solved.

Inclined Plane Pulley

Gear Lever

Wheel and Axle Screw

Work Force Distance= x

Power Work Time= /











Multiple Intellegence Activities2


Symbolise each simple machine given below with a

different colour and colour the boxes accordingly

Screw Pulley Lever

Inclined Plane Wheel and Axle Gear

State the type of simple machine in each of the

following by using your colour symbols.

b) Scissors

c) Elevator

d) Cart

e) Screwdriver

a) Ax

Write down a brief report on

the negative effects of

speeding in our lives.






( Title of the report )

( Slogan)

( Information on the subject )

-------------------------- ---------------------------

-------------------------- ---------------------------







Apply the words below to one of your favourite

songs or make up your own song.









There are two types of force

Rotational and Linear .

Select and pick any

simple machine you like.

Screw, inclined plan

Lever, pulley

Do your work using less force

Don't forget the wheel.

State the type of simple machine you used

during each time period given below.

07:00 to 10:00 :



10:00 to 13:00 :



13:00 to 15:00 :



15:00 to 18:00 :



18:00 to 21:00 :



Force and Movement

Multiple Intellegence Activities























