Unit 2 Exploration 1

Juan ________ discovers gold in Puerto Rico. Then he goes to La ________ to find the fountain of ________ in stead he is killed by Native Americans using poisoned ________. To protect their claims the Spanish built forts called ________. The oldest European settlement is the Presidio ________. ________goes from ________ city north to find the rumored Seven golden cities of Cibola . Instead in the South West he finds seven villages of Adobe cliff dwellings. In 1532,________ aided by ________ conquered the________ empire in ________. He captured the ruler ________and held him for ________. When he received the gold and silver payment he killed the ruler and took over.

Transcript of Unit 2 Exploration 1

Page 1: Unit 2 Exploration 1

Juan ________ discovers gold in Puerto Rico. Then

he goes to La ________ to find the fountain of ________

in stead he is killed by Native Americans using poisoned ________. To protect their

claims the Spanish built forts called

________. The oldest European

settlement is the Presidio ________.

________goes from ________ city north to

find the rumored

Seven golden cities of Cibola.

Instead in the South

West he finds seven

villages of Adobe cliff dwellings.

In 1532,________ aided by ________ conquered the________ empire in ________. He captured the ruler ________and held him for ________. When he received the gold and silver payment he killed the ruler and took over.

Page 2: Unit 2 Exploration 1

Columbus discovery lead to

the transfer of people, plants, animals, and

diseases, called the

____Columbian exchange____.

Europeans gained many advantages such as corn potatoes, and land

Native Americans gained some new trade networks but in many cases often died from ____diseases ____such as small pox, were ____enslaved____ by Europeans and converted to ____Christianity____.

Due to the high mortality rate of enslaved Natives the Spanish imported _____slaves___ from ______Africa__ to the ___Caribbean_____ to mine _____gold___ and raise ____sugar____ cane.

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During the renaissance________ a time period of learning a book about India and Asia by __Marco polo______ was published. This

book inspired the Italian Sailor

____Columbus____ to search for a

new route to Asia by traveling ____west____.

The King and Queen of

____Spain____ sponsored his

voyage. After 30 days he landed in what is now the

_Caribbean_______ mistakenly

thinking he was in ____India____. He referred to the

Taino as " unsuspicious and

generous with what they posses."

Columbus named the Island __san Salvador______. He made four voyages claiming parts of North and South ______America__ in the name of Spain still believing it was ___india_____. This triggered others to explore the Americas.

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Juan __Ponce de Leon______

discovers gold in Puerto Rico. Then

he goes to La ___Florida_____ to find the fountain of ___youth_____ in stead he is killed

by Native Americans using

poisoned ____arrows____. To

protect their claims the Spanish built forts called ____presidios____.

The oldest European

settlement is the Presidio ___St. Augustine_____.

__Coronado ______goes

from ___Mexico_____ city north to find the rumored

Seven golden cities of Cibola.

Instead in the South

West he finds seven

villages of Adobe cliff dwellings.

In 1532,______pizarro__ aided by __small pox______ conquered the____ Inca___ empire in _Peru_______. He captured the ruler ___Atahualpa____ _and held him for _____ransom___. When he received the gold and silver payment he killed the ruler and took over.

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In the _____south west___ from Florida to California was the Spanish Borderlands. _____Spain___ sent missionaries and settlers to occupy these areas and protect them from being claimed by rival countries.

___missions_____ were built and run by Catholic Priests in order to convert the local Natives to Christianity. The ____missions____ relied on farming. Native Americans were enslaved to work the fields and whipped for non ____Christian___ practices.

The two sides did exchange __knowledge______. Natives learned about new tools, foods, and sheep for wool. Spanish learned ____irrigation____ in dessert regions. However, slavery and __disease______ reduced the tribes from 100 to 18 by 1700.

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To compete with Spain Jacques ___Cartier_____ tried to find the North West passage Instead he claims (Canada) ___new_____. France makes money from valuable ____beavers____. Land was given to rich nobles but the harsh conditions made it hard to farm.

_____Champlain___ creates the trading post Quebec. Mostly ___trappers_____ or coureurs de bois " wood rangers" settled in New France. He makes the _____Huron___ his business partners even defends them against the Iroquois. ____diseases____ kill many Huron.

________ Marquette and Joliet hoping to find the North West___passage_____ explore the ________ river. Latter La ____salle____ claimed the land west of the Mississippi in the name of Louis the XIV and named it Louisiana.

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John ___Cabot_____ claimed New ___foundland_____ off of Canada in the name of _____England___. He brought back fish and lumber.

Sir _____Walter Raleigh___ starts the lost colony of____ Roanoke____ off the coast of N.C. The first group of settlers refuse to__fish___ and ___farm_____ and instead return home.

The second group arrives too late to plant crops. The ____leader____ returns to England for __supplies______ and can not return for three years. When he returns the only thing they find is the word ___croatoan_____ carved in a tree and no sign of the settlers.

In 1607 __merchants______

form the ____London____

company and get permission to start a colony

___James____ _in Virginia to find

lumber and furs.

___144_____ settlers of crafts

men and ____gentlemen____

settle on a mosquito filled

swamp , surrounded by

Power Natives.

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Sponsored by _____merchants___ Hudson explores a river Near ____new York____ full of fish. The River is named the _____Hudson___ and the territory is claimed as New ___Netherlands_____. The West ___India_____ Trading Company establishes the profitable trading post for ____fur__ __on __Manhattan island______.

Peter __Minuit______ the governor buys Manhattan Island for iron _____pots___, ____beads____, blankets, and $24 dollars. Due too their beliefs about__ __land____ they laughed and made the trade. The ____Dutch____ also traded the ________ guns for furs. Peter ___Struyvestant_____ becomes governor.

Struyvesant renames it New ___Amsterdam____ _.The colony becomes a melting pot for Jews, Africans, Swedish, and Europeans. The ____English____ decide to claim the colony. The Dutch give up without a fight due to a lack of __gunpowder______ The English name it ______new York`__ after the Duke of York.

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The __settlers______ did not want to work and the natives were ___hostile_____ with settlers. John Smith becomes ___governor_____ and makes them work in order to get__ _food_____. He is __captured______ by the natives. Before he is killed he is saved by _____Pocahontas___ the daughter of Chief Powhatan.

She brings ___peace_____ between the settlers and natives. When John Smith leaves to ____England____ Indians refuse to trade with the settlers causing ___starvation_____ and death. When Smith returns _50___ of the 600 are left alive.New settlers arrive but suffer Indian attacks.

Settlers __kidnap______ Pocahontas and hold her ____hostage____ to end Indian attacks on settlers. Over the next year she learns, ____English____ and converts to ____chrishanity____. John Rolfe who successfully grew the new cash crop Tobacco marries Pocahontas bringing ___peace_____ between the settlers and Indians.

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