UNIT 1 - WordPress.com€¦  · Web viewUNIT 1 > Consolidation. 1. Complete the table. Possesive...

GRAMMAR UNIT 1 > CONSOLIDATION 1. Complete the table. Possesive adjectives I my you he she we they 2. Look at the information in the table and write sentences about this boy. name Colin age 14 nationality Irish tall? no eyes green favourite foods pasta and chicken 1 His name’s Colin. 2 He’s _____________________________________ 3 ____________________________ 4 ____________________________ 5 ____________________________ 6 ____________________________ 3. Now write similar sentences about yourself. 1 My name’s________________________________ 2 _____________________________ 3 _____________________________ 4 _____________________________ 5 _____________________________ 6 _____________________________ 7 _____________________________ 4. Write a/an before the object. 1 _______a_______ blackboard 2 _______________ eraser 3 _______________ pencil 4 _______________ desk 5 _______________ umbrella 6 _______________ envelope 7 _______________ apple 8 _______________ bag 9 _______________ exercise book 10 ______________ dictionary 5. Complete with in, on or at. 1 _______on______ Wednesday 2 _______________ night 3 _______________ ten o’clock 4 _______________ August 5 _______________ winter 6 _______________ the morning 7 _______________ Saturday 8 _______________ the evening 9 _______________ midday 10 ______________ February > EXTENSION 6. Write the questions for the sentences in exercise 2. 1 What’s his name? 2 _____________________________

Transcript of UNIT 1 - WordPress.com€¦  · Web viewUNIT 1 > Consolidation. 1. Complete the table. Possesive...

Page 1: UNIT 1 - WordPress.com€¦  · Web viewUNIT 1 > Consolidation. 1. Complete the table. Possesive adjectives I my ... 4 Tricia went to the Greek Islands ____ boat. READING AND WRITING



1. Complete the table.Possesive adjectives

I myyouheshewethey

2. Look at the information in the table and write sentences about this boy.

name Colinage 14nationality Irishtall? noeyes greenfavourite foods pasta and chicken

1 His name’s Colin.2 He’s ______________________________3 __________________________________4 __________________________________5 __________________________________6 __________________________________

3. Now write similar sentences about yourself.1 My name’s__________________________2 ___________________________________3 ___________________________________4 ___________________________________5 ___________________________________6 ___________________________________

7 ___________________________________4. Write a/an before the object.

1 _______a_______ blackboard2 _______________ eraser3 _______________ pencil4 _______________ desk5 _______________ umbrella6 _______________ envelope7 _______________ apple8 _______________ bag9 _______________ exercise book10 ______________ dictionary

5. Complete with in, on or at.1 _______on______ Wednesday2 _______________ night3 _______________ ten o’clock4 _______________ August5 _______________ winter6 _______________ the morning7 _______________ Saturday8 _______________ the evening9 _______________ midday10 ______________ February


6. Write the questions for the sentences in exercise 2.

1 What’s his name?2 ___________________________________3 ___________________________________4 ___________________________________5 ___________________________________6 ___________________________________

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7. What are the questions for these answers? Use the question words in the box.when what what time

where who how old

1 Who is he?He’s my friend, Tony.

2 _________________________________She’s my sister, Sophie.

3 _________________________________Yes, she is English.

4 _________________________________I’m from Newcastle.

5 _________________________________My favourite sports are skiing and tennis.

6 _________________________________They’re fine.

7 _________________________________Her name’s Gillian.

8 _________________________________They’re from Austria.

9 _________________________________I’m OK. Thanks.

10 _________________________________Her favourite actor is Brad Pitt.

11 _________________________________Dinner is at 7.30.

12 _________________________________Yes, he’s very tall.

13 _________________________________We’re from Nigeria.

14 _________________________________No, he’s not a singer.

15 _________________________________The party is tomorrow.

8. Complete the text with a, an or nothing.I like my bedroom. I’ve got lots of things in it. There’s 1 __a__ table and 2 _________ chairs, and on the table I’ve got 3 _________ computer. There’s 4 _________ TV too, but I haven’t got 5 _________ DVD player. There are 6 _________ books and7 _________ magazines. In one there’s8 _________ article about Brad Pitt. He’s9 _________ actor. I’ve got 10 _________ poster of him on my wall.

9. Complete with the correct preposition.1 On school days I get up 1 _________

seven o’clock 2 _________ the morning and I go to bed 3 _________ ten o’clock 4 _________ night.

2 1 _________ the winter I get up2 ________ nine o’clock 3 _________ Saturdays to play football. 4 _________ the afternoon I visit my grandmother5 _________ four o’clock.

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1. Look at this example:Affirmative - You’ve got a bike.Negative - You haven’t got a bike.Question - Have you got a bike?

Now write the missing sentences.1 Affirmative - She’s got a computer.

Negative - ________________________Question - ________________________

2 Affirmative - ______________________Negative - They haven’t got a video.Question - ________________________

3 Affirmative - ______________________Negative - ________________________Question - Has he got a radio?

2. Look at the picture and complete the sentences with the correct preposition from the box.above in near next to on under

1 There’s a mirror __above__ the fireplace.2 There’s a ball __________ the table.3 There are pictures __________ the walls.4 There are papers __________ the

wastepaper bin.5 There is an armchair __________ the fire.6 There are some books ________ the chair.7 There’s a dog __________ the sofa.8 There is a chair __________ the desk.

3. Write sentences using the words given.1 no - water - bottleThere isn’t any water in the bottle.

2 money - bank

3 trees - forest

4 no - a shop - village

5 no - people - shop

6 a church - next to - park

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4. Look at the pictures and write sentences about the people.

Raúl Lucía

Marta Almudena

Vicente Alberto1 Raúl – walkman

Raúl hasn’t got a walkman. He’s got a CD player.

2 Lucía - CD player

3 Marta and Almudena – CD players

4 Vicente and Lucía – bikes

5 Vicente - walkman

6 Alberto and Almudena – bikes

7 Alberto – mobile phone

8 Raúl and Vicente – mobile phones

5. Now write questions and short answers about the pictures on the previous page.

1 Vicente - walkman?Has Vicente got a walkman? No, he hasn’t.

2 Almudena – mobile phone?

3 Marta – walkman?

4 Raúl and Marta – bikes?

5 Raúl – mobile phone?

6 Alberto and Almudena – CD players?

7 Vicente and Lucía – bikes?

6. Complete the sentences with the correct form of there is, there isn’t, there are or there aren’t.

1 Is there a supermarket near John’s house?2 __________ a photo of the king in the

newspaper.3 __________ any cinemas near the

school?4 __________ a train from the airport to

the city.5 __________ any museums in your town?6 __________ any restaurants in this

village?7 __________ any chairs in the classroom.

The classroom is empty.8 __________ a bakery near my house.

I buy my bread in the supermarket.

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9 __________ any students in the classroom.

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1. Write complete sentences. Use the correct form of the present simple (affirmative or negative)

1 He/not/play/tennisHe doesn’t play tennis.

2 They/not/listen to/pop music

3 She/eat/apples

4 We/not/like/French

5 Tom/watch/a lot of films

6 Lisa and Ann/live/London

7 The dog/run/park

8 My sister/not/help/at home

2. Write sentences using words from the box.always often never sometimes usually

1 bears – fishBears often eat fish.

2 polar bears – white

3 penguins – fly

4 sharks – attack people

5 pandas – bamboo


3. Write sentences about the animal in the picture based on the words given.

1 sit down/oftenA camel often sits down.

2 drink water/not often

3 eat sand/never

4 carry people/sometimes

5 live in the desert/always

6 be brown/usually

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1. Correct these sentences.1 I can to swim.I can swim.

2 She no can cook.

3 We’re can play chess.

4 Cats can no fly.

5 They don’t can drive.

6 He cans ride a bike.

7 She can speak German?

8 Can you to help me?

9 Can she to come to the party?

2. Write the rules with must or mustn’t and the verbs given.

1 Price: € 10 (pay)You must pay € 10.

2 No walking on the grass. (walk)

3 Washing hands: Obligatory. (wash)

4 Be quiet during the exam. (talk)

5 Use a pen. (write)

6 Do not give food to the animals in the zoo. (give)

7 Walk in the corridors. (run)

3. Complete the sentences with do or does.1 Do tortoises eat lettuce?2 _______ an elephant live for 200 years?3 _______ parrots talk?4 _______ kangaroos live in Spain?5 _______ a zebra have orange stripes?6 _______ dolphins communicate?7 _______ a crocodile eat meat?8 _______ sharks live in rivers?9 _______ pandas eat potatoes?

10 _______ you like animals?

4. Write short answers for the questions in exercise 3.

1 Yes, they do.2 _________________________________3 _________________________________4 _________________________________5 _________________________________6 _________________________________7 _________________________________8 _________________________________9 _________________________________

10 _________________________________

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5. Write sentences about abilities based on the pictures and the verb given.

1 flyA bird can fly but a dog can’t._________________________________

2 swim__________________________________________________________________

3 walk__________________________________________________________________

4 jump__________________________________________________________________

5 cook__________________________________________________________________

6 drive__________________________________________________________________

7 talk__________________________________________________________________

6. Look at these sports rules and write sentences.

1 football – use your handsYou mustn’t use your hands.

2 tennis – kick the ball

3 sailing – have a boat

4 basketball – run with the ball

7. Write questions about the animals for the answers given.

1 Does a deer run a lot?Yes. It runs a lot.

2 _________________________________Yes. Some live in trees.

3 _________________________________No. It doesn’t eat meat.

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4 _________________________________They live in Australia.

5 _________________________________Yes, they often climb trees.

6 _________________________________It eats fish.

7 _________________________________Yes, they sing.

8 _________________________________It sleeps underground.

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1. Complete the text with some or a.In the fridge we’ve got 1 some milk and2 ________ bottle of water. We’ve got3 ________ apples, 4 ________ packet of biscuits and 5 ________ orange juice.In the freezer we’ve got 6 ________ soupand 7 ________ ice-cream. We’ve got8 ________ packet of peas and 9 ________ ice.

2. Complete the sentences about the pictures.

1 The man is running.2 The woman _______________________3 The birds _________________________4 The cat ___________________________5 They _____________________________6 The woman _______________________7 The man __________________________8 The girl __________________________9 The frogs _________________________

3. Write questions in the present continuous using these words.

1 man/runIs the man running?

2 girl/eat/banana

3 dogs/sleep

4 boy/wear/T-shirt

5 woman/read

6 cat/drink

7 men/wear/hats

8 birds/fly

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4. Write short answers for the questions in exercise 3 based on the pictures.

1 Yes, he is.2 _________________________________3 _________________________________4 _________________________________5 _________________________________6 _________________________________

5. Look at the pictures and write sentences starting with there.

1 There’s a fish in the fish tank.2 _________________________________3 _________________________________4 _________________________________5 _________________________________6 _________________________________7 _________________________________8 _________________________________9 _________________________________

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1. Complete the text with the verbs given in the past.

When I 1 was (be) seven I 2 __________

(live) in Rome with my family. We

2. Match the infinitive on the left with the past form on the right.

1 begin ate2 can came3 come went4 do met5 drink began6 eat spoke7 get took8 go did9 have made

10 make flew11 see drank12 take had13 fly got14 meet saw15 speak could

3. Write the negative form of the verbs in exercise 1.

1 wasn’t 7 __________2 __________ 8 __________3 __________ 9 __________4 __________ 10 __________5 __________ 11 __________6 __________


4. The past forms of these verbs are wrong. Correct them.

verb past? correct form1 give gived gave2 win wan _______________3 know knaw _______________4 say sayed _______________5 sleep sleeped _______________6 leave leaved _______________

5. Write a sentence about each picture using the verbs from exercise 4 in the past.

1 The boy gave the girl a present.2 _________________________________3 _________________________________4 _________________________________5 _________________________________

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1. Look at exercise 1 in Unit 6 and use the words to write questions.

1 how old/he?How old was he?

2 where/live?

3 they/happy/Rome?

4 like/city?

5 where/move/two years/later?

6 why/move?

7 Lisbon/good?

8 what/parents/decide?

2. Fill in the gaps with something or anything.

1 A: I feel like doing something tonight. Let’s go to the cinema.B: I’m too tired; I don’t want to do __________. I want to stay at home.

2 They are very lazy – they never do ___________.

3 Please bring ________ to eat and drink on the school trip.

4 Have you got _________ to drink? I’m very thirsty.

5 He doesn’t like watching ________ on

TV.6 A: I went shopping yesterday.

B: Did you buy ___________?7 Come here. I want to show you _______8 She’s not normally so late. _________ is


3. Look at the picture and complete the sentences.

1 There were two birds in the tree.2 __________ __________ a dog running.3 __________ __________ any children

in the garden? No, __________ __________

4 __________ __________ a table? Yes, __________ __________

5 On the table __________ __________ two bottles.

6 __________ __________ some water in the bottles.

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4. Write questions for these answers.1 Did you like the concert?

Yes, I liked the concert.2 _________________________________

He wanted an ice-cream.3 _________________________________

They played at four o’clock.4 _________________________________

Yes, they were Italian.5 _________________________________

I travelled by train.

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1. Write complete sentences about these future plans using the present continuous.

1 she/go/beach/SaturdayShe’s going to the beach on Saturday.

2 we/watch/film/tonight

3 they/play/football/tomorrow

4 I/meet/friends/later

5 Billy/have/barbecue/Sunday

6 Andy/not come/party/weekend

7 we/not leave/today

8 you/go/holiday/summer?

9 he/fly/to England?

2. Complete the text with plans or intentions using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

I’ve got a lot of things planned for this weekend. On Friday night 1 I’m going to see (see) a film with some friends. We2 ______________________ (watch) Planet of the Apes. Then my best friend3 ______________________ (stay) the night at my house. We 4 _______________ _______ (get up) early on Saturday and we

5 _________________ (play) tennis. The match 6 ________________________ (start) at 10.00. I 7 ___________________ ____ (have) lunch at home and then I8 ______________________ (go) shopping in the afternoon. In the evening we 9 _____ _________________ (have) a party. On Sunday I 10 ______________________ (rest) and I 11 ______________________ (do) my homework - write about my weekend!


3. Write questions for these answers.1 What are you going to eat?

I’m going to eat spaghetti.2 Who

He’s going to see his grandmother.3 _________________________________

They’re going to live in Italy.4 _________________________________

She’s going to travel by bus.5 _________________________________

Yes, we’re going to play tennis.6 _________________________________

No, he’s not going to watch the film.7 _________________________________

I’m going to visit my friends.

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1. Match the two parts of the phrases.1 go to the a clothes2 listen to b DVD/video3 try on c pizza4 buy d haircut5 have a e cinema6 eat some f food7 get g friends8 go h CDs9 meet some i shopping

10 rent a j money

2. Read the sentences and match them with an activity in exercise 1.

a ‘We’re going to see a horror film.’ 1b ‘I like the green top and the blue one.

Which one shall I choose?’ ______c ‘I’m really hungry. Let’s go to the

baker’s.’______d ‘My favourite band is Destiny’s Child.’

______e ‘I need to go to the bank before we go

shopping.’ ______f ‘I’m going to order pepperoni and

cheese.’ ______g ‘We’re going to see Tom and Lisa and I

think Pete will come too.’ ______h ‘My hair is really long. It needs cutting.’

______i ‘We’re going to get a comedy film from

the shop.’ ______j ‘I’m going to buy a new pair of jeans.’


1. Match to form adjectives.1 ha a nd happy2 beauti b in ______________3 th c ous ______________4 sa d nny ______________5 seri e ful ______________6 un f ppy ______________7 qui g d ______________8 u h friendly ______________9 ki i et ______________

10 fu j gly ______________

2. Now complete the sentences about yourself using the words above.

I’m happy but I’m not serious.1 I’m ________________ but I’m not

2 I’m ________________ and I’m

3 I’m not ________________ and I’m not

3. Write the opposite of the adjectives.1 happy sad2 friendly _______________3 ugly _______________4 noisy _______________5 mean _______________6 fat _______________7 young _______________8 short _______________9 unkind _______________

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10 funny _______________


1. Complete the words to form names of animals.

1 t o r t o i s e2 t _ _ _ r3 c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e4 m _ _ _ _ y5 e _ _ _ _ _ _ t6 l _ _ n7 e _ _ _ e8 p _ _ _ _ _ n

2. What are the names of these animals?

1 dog 5 ______________2 ______________ 6 ______________3 ______________ 7 ______________4 ______________ 8 ______________

3. Draw a picture of these parts of animals.


1 scales 6 fur2 a tail 7 a horn3 claws 8 wings4 a beak 9 feathers5 a trunk 10 tongue


1. Match the objects in the box with the pictures below.bed chair cooker fridge

table telephone toilet sofa

1. _____________ 2. _____________

3. _____________ 4. _____________

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5. _____________ 6. _____________

7. _____________ 8. _____________

2. In what rooms in a house do you find the objects from exercise 1? Choose from the box.bathroom bedroom dining roomliving room kitchen

1 _________________________________2 _________________________________3 _________________________________4 _________________________________5 _________________________________6 _________________________________7 _________________________________8 _________________________________

3. Match the parts of the words to form rooms and parts of the house.

1 arm a ic armchair2 kit b wer __________3 bed c chair __________4 sta d ge __________5 ro e chen __________6 sho f om __________7 att g irs __________8 gara h room __________

4. Order the letters to find the names of objects in a bedroom.

1 deb bed2 btale t_______________3 trosep p_______________4 mpal l_______________5 caihr c_______________6 bewdrora w_______________7 abuporcd c_______________

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1. Write the words next to the pictures.

1 T-Shirt2 _________________________________3 _________________________________4 _________________________________5 _________________________________6 _________________________________7 _________________________________8 _________________________________9 _________________________________

10 _________________________________

2. Find six more words related to clothes in the word search.









1 belt2 s_________________________________3 s_________________________________4 s_________________________________5 t_________________________________6 t_________________________________7 t_________________________________

3. Match the parts of the words to form clothes or parts of clothes. Then draw pictures in the boxes.

1 sh a ots2 z b ton3 tra c ksuit4 bo d ss5 trac e ket6 but f irt7 dre g ip8 jac h iners

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

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COUNTRIES AND CONTINENTS1. Find the names of the continents.S O U H T A E I M E M NF O S I A S I E R U O FI A U O C E N I U R A IC G P T A A O P T O M CA S I A H M M H P P E AC A T I N A A M U E I II W T H K M M A R S C NR R G J E G U E O F E AF S T R P H J S R T U EA C I X N I M M Q I R CC C R C T I D A F E C OA N T A R C T I C A C A

1 Asia2 _________________________________3 _________________________________4 _________________________________5 _________________________________6 _________________________________7 _________________________________

2. Rearrange the letters to make the name of a country.

1 megryan Germany2 ziblar ________________________3 comocor ________________________4 nipas ________________________5 nibiart ________________________6 daurcoe ________________________7 xicome ________________________8 putlargo ________________________9 aliasurat ________________________

10 recnaf ________________________

3. Group the countries from exercise 2 into continents.

1 Europe: Germany,_________________2 _________________________________3 _________________________________4 _________________________________5 _________________________________


1. Fill in the letters to make the days of the week.

1 S _ _ _ _ _ _ _2 _ _ _ N _ _ _ A _3 _ R _ D _ _ 4 _ O _ _ _ Y5 _ U _ _ _ _ _6 _ _ U _ _ _ _ _7 S _ _ _ _ _

2. Write the name of the month.1 After February: March2 Before June: May3 After October: __________4 Between July and September:

__________5 Before February: __________6 After August: __________7 Between March and May: __________8 Before July: __________9 After November: __________

10 Between January and March: __________

11 Before August: __________12 After September: __________

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1. Match the phrases below to the pictures.

1 have lunch f2 listen to music _____3 meet your friends after school _____4 go to the cinema _____5 clean your teeth _____6 do sport _____7 watch TV _____8 have a shower _____9 read a book _____

10 get up late _____

2. Order the letters to form adverbs of frequency.

1 notef often2 ervne ________________3 lwsyaa ________________4 toimesems ________________5 alusuly ________________

3. How often do you do the things in exercise 1? Write a sentence.

1 I always have lunch.2 _________________________________3 _________________________________4 _________________________________5 _________________________________6 _________________________________7 _________________________________8 _________________________________9 _________________________________

10 _________________________________

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1. Take a letter from each box to write the names of nine family members.











R R1 mother2 _________________________________3 _________________________________4 _________________________________5 _________________________________6 _________________________________7 _________________________________8 _________________________________9 _________________________________

2. Find seven more family members in the word search and complete the words. Look up the meaning in a dictionary.G R A N D D A U G H T E RR H W J H X L Y U F V L SA J N E P H E W W G K C MN T I L E I H Y T I B N OD P E P W Q W N H K F U FS O C I F U U T R O E E TO I E L E A Z X C V B N AN F P M I H U S B A N D Q

1 a u n t 5 n _ _ _ _ w2 g _ _ _d _ _ _ _ h _ _ r 6 n _ _ _ e3 g _ _ n _ _ _ n 7 u _ _ _ e4 h _ s _ _ _ d 8 w _ f _


1. Choose a word from the box for each description.sandwich orange tomato water cake

ice-cream milk sugar carrot hamburger

1 A fruit with the same name as its colour. orange

2 It’s cold and sweet. _________3 Something made with two pieces of

bread. _________4 A drink with no colour. _________5 An American food. _________6 It’s white and sweet. _________7 A drink that comes from cows. _______8 You put candles on it on your birthday.

_________9 A red fruit. _________

10 An orange vegetable. _________

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1. Rearrange the letters to form verbs for household chores.

1 kema make2 vorohe ________________3 nior ________________4 yitd ________________5 kate tuo ________________6 od ________________7 shaw ________________8 lya ________________9 deef ________________

2. Now use the verbs from exercise 1 to complete the household chores. (Use some verbs more than once.)

1 make breakfast2 __________ the car3 __________ my room4 __________ the floor5 __________ the washing-up6 __________ a shirt7 __________ the table8 __________ the dinner9 __________ the rubbish

10 __________ my bed11 __________ the dog

3. Write the names of the household chores under each picture.

1 hoover the house2 _________________________________3 _________________________________4 _________________________________5 _________________________________6 _________________________________

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1. Fill in the vowels (a, e, i, o, u) to complete the words.

1 the M i s s i s s i p p i2 the K _ l _ h _ r _3 the _ l p s4 the S _ h _ r _5 the H _ m _ l _ y _ s6 the R _ c k _ _ s7 the N _ l _8 the _ m _ z _ n9 the G _ b _

10 the _ n d _ s

2. Use the place names from exercise 1 to give two examples for each word.

1 river___________________2 mountain________________3 desert__________________

3. Match the places from exercise 1 with the continents.

1 Africa __________________2 Europe __________________3 North America __________________4 Asia __________________5 South America __________________


1. Join the two parts of the words. Then write the word below the correct picture.

bo azine _______________pen bile _______________ta ke _______________CD ok _______________vi ter _______________ra deo videopos puter _______________mag cil _______________com ler _______________bi ble _______________ru dio _______________mo player _______________

1. video 2. _____________

3. _____________ 4. _____________

5. _____________ 6. _____________

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7. _____________ 8. _____________

9. _____________ 10. ____________

11. ____________ 12. ____________


1. Write the following dates.1 1/7 the first of July2 3/6 ____________________3 4/2 ____________________4 9/10 ___________________5 5/3 ____________________6 2/5 ____________________


1. Match the first part of each word with the second and the third.

1 di em ket2 sp n ice3 sup pa o4 ba f k5 car sc é6 ch off centre7 post ermar ist’s8 ca orts rk

1 disco2 _________________________________3 _________________________________4 _________________________________5 _________________________________6 _________________________________7 _________________________________8 _________________________________

2. Match the sentences with the places in exercise 1.

1 You buy medicine here.

2 You can do all your food shopping here.

3 You keep your money here.

4 You pay by the hour here.

5 You do different sports here.

6 You go dancing here.

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7 You have something to eat here.

8 You can buy stamps here.


1. Find ten more school subjects in the word puzzle and write them below.T H Y H P A R G O E GU E I W V E M A I O AS X C H E M I S T R YI F E H X G H U T B RC F R E N C H G O I OG E A J L O R T G O TM A T H S P L M Y L SU C U W N H O O S O IS C I S Y H P I G G HI G E D A F E W V Y EC Y H P A R G O E G N

1 physics2 _________________________________3 _________________________________4 _________________________________5 _________________________________6 _________________________________7 _________________________________8 _________________________________9 _________________________________

10 _________________________________11 _________________________________

2. Which school subjects are these sentences about? Choose from the box.geography science French English

art history maths music

1 Paint a picture. art2 5 × 8 = 40 _________________________3 “Bonjour!” ________________________4 Rome is the capital of Italy. ___________5 Water = H2O ______________________6 1492: Columbus discovers America.

_________________________________7 Play the piano. _____________________8 The negative of ‘do’ is ‘don’t’. ________

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1. Complete the sentences by making words from the letters in brackets.

1 He gets up (segt pu) at 7.30.2 She has a __________ (wesohr) at 7.45.3 They have ____________ (ksftarbea) at

8.10.4 She has ____________ (clhnu) at 1.20.5 I go ____________ (meho) at 4.55.6 They ___________ (layp) tennis at 5.40.7 We ____________ (cathw) TV at 6.15.8 He goes to __________ (dbe) at 10.50.

2. Write the times from exercise 1.1 7.30 = half past seven2 _________________________________3 _________________________________4 _________________________________5 _________________________________6 _________________________________7 _________________________________8 _________________________________

3. Write sentences about yourself and the activities in exercise 1. Include the time you do each thing.

1 I get up at a quarter past seven.2 _________________________________3 _________________________________4 _________________________________5 _________________________________6 _________________________________7 _________________________________8 _________________________________


1. Find eleven more forms of transport in the word search.














1. Match the nouns with the way of travelling.

1 boat a ride2 plane b cycle3 bicycle c sail4 underground d drive5 car e fly

2. Complete with the correct preposition.1 I travelled to Hong Kong ____ plane.2 Clive went to the post box ____ foot.3 Sharon goes to school ____ bus.4 Tricia went to the Greek Islands ____


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TRULY INTERNATIONAL!1. Read the two texts and choose a title for each from these four.

a A European Boy c A Spanish Boyb A French Girl d An International Girl

1 ______________________________________My name’s Mayra and I’m Brazilian, or maybe Italian. I’m not sure. It’s because my mother is Brazilian and my father is Italian. When people ask “Where are you from?” I sometimes say “I’m from Brazil,” sometimes “I’m from Italy” and sometimes “I don’t know!” The problem is that I live in Brazil for most of the year but in the summer I’m in Italy with my uncle, aunt and cousins. They’re from Rome.

2 ______________________________________I’m Jacques and I’m French, but my grandfather is Spanish. My complete name is Jacques Garcia. I’m from Paris but I’m in Spain for the holidays. My brother lives in Madrid, and my sister in Barcelona but they are both French, like me. I speak Spanish very well and sometimes I pretend I am from Spain!

2. Now decide which maps go with which text.

1 Map 1 text 22 Map 2 __________________3 Map 3 __________________4 Map 4 __________________

3. Read the texts again and answer the questions.

Text 11 Where is Mayra’s mother from?

She’s from Brazil.2 Where is Mayra’s father from?

3 Is Mayra’s uncle Brazilian?

4 Who is from Rome?

Text 25 What is Jacques’ complete name?

6 Are his brother and sister Spanish?

7 Who is Spanish in Jacques’ family?

8 Is Jacques in Spain for the holidays?





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> Write

4. Invent a new identity. Imagine your father is from one country and your mother from another. Write about yourself. Think about these things:

• Where are you during the year and in the holidays?

• What languages do you speak?• Where is your family – aunts, uncles,

cousins, grandparents?

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1. Read the article and decide which picture is best.Abbie Hook is a young and successful pop star. Everybody likes her songs. She’s got money, she’s got a fast car, she’s got a big house at the beach and she’s famous. But is she happy?

This is what Abbie says: ‘Many people think that if you’ve got everything you want, you are happy, but this is not always true.’

Her brother, Ben, is her manager. ‘Abbie is only nineteen and she hasn’t got much experience. She’s fortunate because she does a job that she really likes, but the problem she’s got is that she doesn’t want to be famous.’

Abbie continues: ‘When I go shopping, reporters ask me about the things I buy. When I’m in the street I’m never alone. People expect me to be a pop star 24 hours a day. I know I’m very lucky, but sometimes I just want to be a normal person, doing normal things.’

2. Read the article again and decide if these sentences are true or false.

1 Abbie’s got two cars. False2 Her house is in the mountains.

__________3 Ben is Abbie’s brother. __________4 Abbie is a teenager. __________5 She’s got a lot of experience.

__________6 She likes being famous. __________7 She hasn’t got any problems.

__________8 She doesn’t want to be a pop star all the

time. __________

> Write

3. Imagine you are a rich and famous person. Write about your life. Think about these things:

• Who are you? – pop star? actor/actress? athlete? etc.• What things have you got? - cars? boats? big house? etc.• What are the good and bad points about your life?


1. Read the text and find …a four school subjects

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art, ___________________________b four verbs for daily routines

get up, ________________________c five times of day

11.00, _________________________

Parents are not very happy about a revolutionary project in Newcastle in the north of England, but the local kids love it.This is the idea: secondary school, for children from 11 to 18, doesn’t start until eleven o’clock, which means the children don’t get up at a normal time like half past seven. They get up at ten o’clock! The first class of the day is always a subject in which you don’t write much, like art or music, because most people don’t like writing when they first get to school. Then the children have subjects like maths or French before they have lunch at twenty to three.

Darrel, who is 13, says: ‘I think the idea is great! I don’t go to bed until two o’clock in the morning, so I can watch all the late films on television!’

His mother, Laura, doesn’t agree. ‘I think it’s a terrible idea,’ she says.

2. Read the article again and answer these questions.

1 Where is the project?In Newcastle.

2 What do the children think about it?

3 What happens at ten o’clock?

4 What is the first class if it isn’t art?

5 What time do they have lunch?

6 How old is Darrel?

7 What does Darrel do before he goes to bed?

8 Does his mother like the plan?

> Write

3. What is your ideal school day? Include at least five school subjects and choose the times. Write about 60 words.

I get up at half past nine and I watch TV for half an hour. School starts at …_________________________________











1. Read the text and decide if Tom:a likes his jobb loves his job

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c hates his jobd doesn’t like his job

Tom N’Boto works in one of the many national parks in Kenya. Tom tells us about what he does at the start of his working day.

Interviewer: Tom, what time do you start work?

Tom: Well, I start work very early. At half past five in the morning.

Interviewer: That is early. Why don’t you start later?

Tom: Because our main job is to look after the animals, and many of them get up when the sun comes up, so we do too.

Interviewer: Do you have a problem with getting up so early?

Tom: No, not at all. It’s great to see all the animals coming to drink at the lake. It’s a beautiful sight. I never get tired of it. I’m very happy every day when I see them all.

2. Read the text again and answer the questions.

1 What country does Tom live in?He lives in Kenya.

2 Where does Tom work?

3 What time does Tom start work?

4 What is the main part of Tom’s job?

5 When do many of the animals get up?

6 Does Tom have a problem with getting up early?

7 What do the animals do at the lake?

8 What does Tom feel when he sees the animals?

> Write

3. Imagine you are the writer of the article. Continue the interview with Tom and write more questions and answers. Think about some of these things:

• what hours Tom works, who Tom works with

• what animals he sees, how he looks after them

• what the animals eat, what they do, where they sleep_________________________________











1. Read the texts below and match each one with a person from the box.

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pupil nurse motorcycle rider chef

doctor policeman footballer

1 I’m wearing leather trousers and a leather jacket and big boots. I’m wearing thick gloves and a crash helmet too. When it’s hot I don’t wear the leather trousers or jacket, but I always wear the helmet and the gloves. I’m a motorcycle rider.

2 I’m wearing a grey skirt, a white blouse and a green sweater with the school badge on it. I don’t like wearing a uniform. I want to wear jeans and a T-shirt. I’m a ____________

3 I’m wearing normal clothes, but I’m also wearing a white apron to protect my clothes from the food. I’m also wearing a tall white hat. I’m a ______________

4 I’m wearing dark blue trousers and a white shirt with a black tie. I’m also wearing a dark blue jacket and a black hat with a badge on it and black shoes. I’m not carrying a gun, but some of my colleagues do. It helps when we meet a dangerous criminal. I’m a ______________

2. Read the texts again and decide if these sentences are true or false.

Text 11 He always wears his leather jacket.

False2 He wears his gloves in hot weather.


Text 23 Her skirt and blouse are the same colour.


4 She wants to wear informal clothes. __________

Text 35 His normal clothes are white.

__________.6 He’s wearing the apron because he’s

cold. __________Text 47 All his clothes, except his shirt, are the

same colour. __________8 He’s not carrying a gun. __________

> Write

3. Think of two people in the class or in your family. Describe exactly what they are wearing today.

1 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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1. Read the text and write the names of the four activities you can do in the areas on the map.

a picnic c _____________b _____________ d _____________

I often go to the park with my friends to play sports or have a picnic. It’s a good park and you can do lots of things. There are areas for different activities. For example, you can play football in the sports area, but you mustn’t play in the other areas. You can take your food into the picnic area, but you must put the rubbish in the bin when you finish. There is a lake where you can go canoeing, but you must be careful.

When the weather is sunny and warm we spend all day in the park at the weekends and there are lots of people doing different things, but when it’s cold or raining nobody goes, except to the tennis courts, which are inside. I don’t go often because I can’t play tennis, but sometimes I watch my friends play.

I like our park very much and I’m lucky because I live very near it.

2. Now read the text again and answer these

questions.1 Where can you play football?

In the sports area.2 Can you play football in other areas?

3 What must you do when you finish your picnic?

4 What must you do when you go canoeing?

5 What’s the weather like when there are lots of people in the park?

6 What sport can you play when it’s raining?

7 Why can you play it?

8 Why is the boy lucky?

> Write

3. Write about a park you know (or invent one). Think about these things:

• what you do there• what you must and mustn’t do• the different things you can do,

depending on the weather______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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1. Read the plans and choose a place from the box.school beach football match

cinema shopping disco

1 I’m going to look in the newspaper and decide what I want to see. Then I’m going to go and buy the tickets for me and my friend. I’m going to buy some popcorn and then we’re going to go in. We’re going to give the tickets to the man at the door and he’s going to show us to our seats.We’re going to go to the ______________

2 She’s going to make a list of the things that she wants and she’s going to take a bag to put all the things in. She’s going to take a bus into the centre of the town and when she finds the things that she wants she’s going to pay for them.She’s going to go ______________

3 They’re going to wear a special shirt and a scarf and when they arrive they’re going to see lots of people with the same shirt. They’re going to enter the stadium and find their seats and when it starts they’re going to sing and shout.They’re going to watch a ______________

2. Read the texts again. Are these sentences true or false?

Text 11 He’s going to look in a magazine. False2 They’re going to eat popcorn. ________Text 23 She’s going to write down the things she

wants. __________4 She’s going to drive into the town.

__________Text 35 They’re going to wear special clothes.

__________6 They’re going to stand up to watch.


> Write3. Imagine that tomorrow you are planning to do one of the other things in exercise 1 (beach, school, disco). Write your plans. Think about these things:

• what you’re going to wear• what you’re going to take• how you’re going to go• what you’re going to do when you’re

there(school) I’m going to get up early and I’m going to put on my uniform …







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_________________________________I WANT TO BE FAMOUS!

1. Read the article and decide which sentence best describes Nigel.1 Nigel was a good singer and a good actor. 3 Nigel was a bad singer and a good actor.2 Nigel was a good singer and a bad actor. 4 Nigel was a bad singer and a bad actor.

Nigel Hack always wanted to be famous. When he was about six he watched all the big stars on TV. He wanted to be on TV too and he asked his parents lots of questions about how to be a singer or an actor. When he was twelve he decided that he was a very bad singer and that acting was his future. He studied hard at school and passed all his exams.When he was sixteen, a theatre school in London accepted him and he moved to the big city. His family was from the north of England, near Manchester, but his aunt and uncle lived in London, so he stayed with them. After two years of studying acting and dramatic arts he decided that he was also a very bad actor and that he didn’t want to be famous.Now he works in a travel agent’s and he’s very happy.

2. Read the article again and answer these questions.

1 How old was Nigel when he watched the big stars on TV?About six.

2 Who did he ask questions?

3 What did he decide when he was twelve?

4 Did he study hard at school?

5 What did he do when he was sixteen?

6 Who did he stay with in London?

7 How long did he study acting?

8 What does he do now?

> Write3. Write about a famous actor or actress that you like. Think about these things:

• where and when he/she was born• famous TV programmes or films that

he/she has appeared in• when he/she appeared in them• why you like him/her

One of my favourite actors is Antonio Banderas. He was born in Málaga in 1958 and …______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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1. Read the story and decide which is the best title.

a The Man from the Southb The Lucky Strangerc The Man Who Said Nothing

The man came to the small town from the south. Nobody knew his name and nobody said anything to him. He ate in the restaurant and then he slept in the local hotel that night. In the morning he went into the lottery office and bought one single lottery ticket. He only took a few seconds to choose the number – 38161.He drank a coffee in the café and then he went to the park and he waited. He had a small radio and he listened to it for more than three hours. Then the lottery results came on. Many people heard him when he shouted ‘Yes!’ He got up from the park bench and went to the lottery office again. He collected his winnings and left town by bus. Nobody saw him again but the hotel manager knew the answer to the man’s fortune. When he was at the hotel he stayed in room 38161.

2. Read the story again and decide if these sentences are true or false.

1 The man had friends in the town. False2 People didn’t say anything to him.


3 He had dinner in a restaurant. __________

4 He bought some lottery tickets. __________

5 He drank water at the café. __________6 He heard about his lottery win in the

park. __________7 The hotel manager didn’t know how he

won. __________8 His room number helped him win.


> Write

3. Write a short story about some good or bad luck you had. (You can invent it.) Think about these things:

• When did it happen?• Where were you?• Who were you with?• What happened exactly?• Why were you lucky or unlucky?

When I was nine years old I had a lucky experience. I opened an old box and inside there was some money …








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Teacher’s Notes

> Summary

Island for Sale is a story with a happy ending. It is about a young Scotsman called Duncan McTavish, who lives alone in a big castle on a small island in Scotland with his dog, Jock. He likes living there. He takes walks, swims and goes fishing in his boat.

His castle is very cold and dark, and it needs a lot of electricity. One day, he receives a letter from the electricity company. He owes them £5,000. He doesn’t have that much money.

He has to sell the castle. He asks a man in London, Mr Moneybags, to find a buyer. Mr Moneybags finds Leaping Larry. He is a rock star. He has a girlfriend, Roxanne. They come and look at the castle.

Roxanne doesn’t like the castle. It is cold, dark and boring. When they go in Duncan’s boat, she falls into the water. They don’t want to buy the castle. There are no more customers. Mr Moneybags doesn’t want to sell it anymore.

Duncan is unhappy. Then he meets Jean. She is a painter. They fall in love and get married. Jean has an idea. Tourists can come and stay at the castle. In this way they earn money, they are able to keep the castle and live on the island, after all.

> Background and themes

Where people live: Places where there are jobs are often not beautiful and quiet. There is usually little work in beautiful places.Money: It is often said that money cannot make one happy. Duncan needs money to pay for his electricity. If he loses his home, he will be very unhappy.Lifestyles: Duncan lives simply. Leaping Larry, Roxanne and Mr Moneybags live very differently.Scotland: The country has its own money, government and traditions. It is very popular with tourists.

> Extra words

There are twenty extra words, in addition to the 300 headwords, used in each Penguin Readers Level 1 title. The extra words used are:

bath call castlecompany dog electric(ity)fish helicopter honeyisland jump leapmarried mouse paintrabbit rock star salescream sell

> Communicative activities

The following teacher-led activities cover the same sections of text as the exercises at the

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back of the Reader.> Activities before reading the book

1 Students work in pairs. Ask students to look at the book cover picture. Ask them to do the following activities.a Describe the picture.b Would you like to live on this island? Say why/why not.c What kind of person would like to live there, do you think? Describe this person.

2 Students work in pairs. Ask them to say what they know about Scotland. Write all the information in note form on the board. Students can then write the information up as complete sentences.

3 Students work in pairs. Ask them to answer this question:What clothes do Scottish people sometimes wear?Ask students to look through the pictures in order to find the answer. Use the pictures to teach these words: kilt (the ‘skirt’ that Scottish men wear); tartan (adjective, the checked pattern that the kilts have in the pictures.); Scottish (adjective, e.g. He’s Scottish, Scottish island); Scot (e.g. He’s a Scot).

> Activities after reading the book

1 Students work in groups. They must imagine that they are working either for a company which a) buys and sells houses or b) sells holidays. They make a poster with a picture,

which they draw or take from a magazine, and add some words. Afterwards they can vote for the best poster.

2 Students prepare a play using part of the story (see scenes a–d below). They work on one scene each and then take turns to act it out. They decide on the characters, the script and how they are going to act out the scene. After a few weeks, they can take turns acting out their scenes to one another and then put the whole play together.a It is cold in the castle. Duncan talks to his dog. What can he do? He looks at a newspaper. It gives him an idea. He rings Mr Moneybags. They talk on the phone. Then Mr Moneybags rings back. Duncan is pleased someone is coming to look at his castle, but he is sad that he is going to sell it. (Three actors, including Jock.)b Duncan goes to the helicopter. He meets Larry and Roxanne. He takes them round the castle (‘Here is the bathroom. Here is the bedroom’. etc). He is talking very proudly and happily. They are very rude. (Three actors.)c Duncan, Larry and Roxanne are in the boat. Jock and Bolo jump out when they see a rabbit. What happens next? (Five actors.)d Final scene. Duncan meets Jean. They become friends and get married. They make money from tourists and have a family. (Many actors.)

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Student’s Activities

> Activities before reading the book

• Look at the front cover of the book. What do you see? Where is this picture? Read the title and suggest what the story is about. Talk to other students.

> Activities while reading the book

1. Answer the questions. The answers are in the pictures.

a Page 1, Find three animals. What are they?

b Page 2, Count the number of heads.c Page 3, What is the man’s name?d Page 4, What is the name of the dog in

the lady’s arms?e Page 5, What is Jock looking at?f Page 6, What does Jock find under the

bed?g Page 10, What does Roxanne hit Larry

with?h Page 11, Who falls into the water?i Page 14, What do you think Jean is

saying?j Page 15, How do you know that the

castle is warm now?

2. Put the word can or wants into the sentences.

a Duncan _________ £5,000.b He _________ do only one thing: sell

the castle.c ‘Who _________ to buy my castle?’d Duncan ______ to go fishing every day.

e Jock _________ swim.

3. Match to make meaningful sentences.A Ba Duncan i lives in London.b Jock ii is a Scot.c Mr Moneybags iii is a Scottish dog.d Leaping Larry iv has a girlfriend

from California.

4. True or false?a Duncan lives in a very old castle in

Ireland.b Duncan is an old man.c He needs a lot of electricity for his

castle.d Mr Moneybags lives in London.e Mr Moneybags finds someone to look at

the house quickly.f Leaping Larry calls his girlfriend,

‘Honey’.g Bobo likes a hot bath.

5. Choose the odd one out from each sentence.

a Which animal is not in the story? Mouse, rabbit, parrot, deer, dog.

b Duncan is happy on his island. Which activity does he not do? Walk, swim, fish, paint.

c Who is not a visitor to the island? Painter, rock star, dentist, teacher.

d What is not in the castle? Pictures, rooms, tables, chairs, TV.

e Who is not in the story? Postman, rock star, teacher, painter, doctor.

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6. Find five sentences each to make descriptions of Roxanne, Duncan and Larry.

a They have yellow hair.b They don’t wear trousers.c They have a dog with long hair.d They like the country.e Sometimes they wear sunglasses.f They live in California.g They don’t like the castle.h They have orange hair.i They want to buy the castle.j They like walking, swimming and

fishing.k They have a white dog.l They have black hair.m They wear sunglasses all the time.n They are famous.o They fall down because it is dark in the


> Activities after reading the book

1. You are Jock. You like Duncan very much. He takes you out for walks and you can swim and catch mice all day. But you would like a dog friend. Write the story of what happens when Bobo arrives.

2. You are Roxanne. You live in California. You are staying in the castle. You are so unhappy. You ring a friend at home and tell her how bad it is on the island. Use a cassette recorder.

3. You are a visitor to the island. You like painting. Write a postcard to a friend about your holiday.

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Teacher’s Notes

> Summary

The Missing Coins is a mystery story. Pete and Carla are students visiting the city of Bath in England. While they are walking around looking at the shops and buildings they hear music in a quiet street. A man plays a flute. He is standing next to the window of a shop which sells coins and stamps. They go into the shop and have a look. Pete wants some stamps, but they are expensive and the female shop assistant is unfriendly. Pete and Carla then go to a café for a drink.

To their surprise, the coin shop owner comes to find them there. He says that some of his coins are missing. He thinks Pete and Carla have stolen them. A policeman proves that they have not taken them.

Later, Carla hears the music again. She realises how the coins were stolen: The girl in the shop is friends with the flute player. She drops the coins into the flute player’s hat through the open window. Carla explains this to the policeman.

The shop owner is so pleased with Carla and Pete that he gives Pete the stamps that he wants.

> Background and themes

Mystery: The story has a mystery, which the students can try and work out by looking at the picture on page 2.

Tourists: Crime is often found in big cities, where tourists and other visitors stay for a short time.Feelings: Before the mystery starts, Carla feels that there is something wrong about the shop when they go in.

> Communicative activities

The following teacher-led activities cover the same sections of text as the exercises at the back of the Reader.

> Activities before reading the book

1a What do students like to do when they visit a city for the first time?

b Which are the students’ favourite cities? Why?

c Ask students, in groups, to think of a city they know and tell the class about what is good to see there.

2 Do one of the following activities, a) or b), with the students.

a Divide the class into two groups, A and B. Group A chooses a picture but doesn’t tell B which it is. They describe it. B decides which page it is. Then B chooses another picture and describes it to A, who then says which it is.

b Divide the class into two groups, A and B. Group A choose a picture. B must find out which picture it is by asking Group A questions. Examples of questions are: Is

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there a car in the picture? How many people are in the picture?

> Activities after reading the book

1 Students should choose to be either the policeman or the man with the flute and tell the story from their point of view.

> Extra words

There are twenty extra words, in addition to the 300 headwords used in each Penguin Readers Level 1 title. The extra words used in this title are:

abbey city coincollect flute lastminute missing nextoutside pocket prettyshopkeeper speak stampsteal surprised touristtune valuable

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Student’s Activities

> Activities before reading the book

1. Match the words in list A with the meanings in list B.

Aa valuableb prettyc lastd minutese surprisedf collectg missingh touristi tunej stealk outsidel next

m cityBI a visitor who is on holiday

II a song or piece of musicIII there are sixty in an hourIV the opposite of firstV good to look at

VI not in the place where you think it will be

VII costs a lot of moneyVIII immediately afterIX to take something from a shop and not

pay for itX not inside

XI get things and bring them togetherXII when something happens that is

different, it makes you feel this wayXIII a large town

> Activities while reading the book

1. Find these things in the pictures. Write down the page number(s) where you see them.

abbey flute hatcoin shopkeeper pocket

2. Answer the following questions.Pages 1-4a What is the name of the city in England

in the story?b Who wears a green sweatshirt?c What is the first question Carla asks?d Where do they go after they see the man

and his flute?e What does the shop sell?f Which does Pete like in the shop, the

coins or the stamps?Pages 5-9g How old are the coins in the shop?h Why does the shopkeeper leave Pete and

Carla alone?i Pete likes some stamps. Where are they

from?j Do Pete and Carla sit outside or inside

the café?k Why does the shopkeeper come to find

Pete and Carla?l Who says “What’s wrong?”

m A student is working in the shop. What is the name of the student?

Pages 10-15n Where does the shopkeeper look for the


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o At first, where does the policeman think the coins are?

p Why does the music tell Carla what happened?

q Who do Carla, Pete and the policeman look for?

r Where are the missing coins?s How does the shopkeeper thank Pete?

3. Choose Which? Who? Where? When? Why? for these answers and make questions.

e.g. Peter wants the stamps from South America.Which stamps does Peter want? Or Who wants the stamps from South America?a Peter and Carla go into the shop. (who

or where)b The missing coins are in the hat. (where)c The shopkeeper is angry. (who)d A police car came after some time.


4. Choose the correct word.a Old coins are very valuable/surprised.b Bath is an old stamp/city.c The missing coins are in his pocket/

flute.d It is raining inside/outside.e The policeman looks for the coins in her


5. Put the sentences in the right order to describe how the stolen coins get out of the shop.

I She drops the coins into the hat.II She puts the valuable coins in her

pocket.III She opens the window.IV He plays his flute next to the shop

window.V He stands next to the shop.

> Activities after reading the book

1. In pairs, imagine you are in a shop. One of you is a shopkeeper. Your stamps are valuable. When people touch them, they make them dirty. They sometimes steal them. But you want to sell them and make some money. Your partner is a student. She/he has no money, but he/she wants to look at the stamps, because they are pretty. What do you say to each other? Use pages 4-5 to help you.

2. Write a letter to one of your friends telling them about the city of Bath.

3. Write five headlines for the newspaper, e.g. Shopkeeper says, ‘Students stole coins.’

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Teacher’s Notes

> Summary

The Crown is a classic English ghost story. It is April in Seaburgh – a small English seaside town. There is a magic crown under the ground in this town. It is very important. The crown protects England – and William Agers protects the crown.

Paxton is on holiday in Seaburgh. He learns the story of the magic crown and he is very interested. One night he looks for the crown on a hill near the sea. He finds it and takes it. He sees a shadow behind him and runs quickly back to the hotel. Maybe the shadow is William Agers. But Paxton knows that William Agers is dead!

Now Paxton is afraid. He wants to take the crown and put it back in the ground. But he needs help. He meets two men at his hotel and he asks them for help. Together, the three men hide the crown in the ground again.

The next day Paxton’s new friends follow him to the beach. They see two people’s footprints in the sand – Paxton’s footprints and some strange, long footprints as well. The friends are afraid. They follow the footprints along the beach. At last they find Paxton. He is lying on the sand and he is dead. The ghost of William Agers protected the crown – and it protects the crown today too. The story ends with a strong warning: ‘Don’t go to the small town of Seaburgh.’

> About M. R. James

M. R. James was born in 1862 in a small town in Kent in the south of England. He loved old books, history and language from an early age. Later, he studied and taught these things at Cambridge University. His ghost and horror stories are famous because they are clever and frightening. His great knowledge of history gives his stories a lot of detail – and the places and characters seem very real. M. R. James died in 1936.

> Background and themes

Ghosts and magic: Not everything around us can be easily explained or controlled. We should learn when to accept things that we don’t really understand.Secrecy and mystery: There is a lot of incomplete information in the story. We don’t know Paxton’s full name. We never learn the name of the story’s narrator. We don’t know exactly how Paxton is killed... This makes the story mysterious and exciting.Respect and trust: Paxton asks two strangers to trust and respect him – but he is not willing to respect the wishes of the people of Seaburgh.

> Communicative activities

The following teacher-led activities cover the same sections of text as the exercises at the back of the Reader.

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Chapter 1

> Activities before reading the book

• Students read the Introduction on page iii. They write a few sentences to answer the questions in paragraph 3, (‘Where does the shadow come from? What does it want from Paxton? What is the crown, and why is it important for England?’). Encourage students to imagine the story. Later, when students have read the book, they can look back at these answers and compare their expectations with the real story.

> Activities after reading the book

• Students work in pairs. Ask them to think about Paxton’s story. Do they believe it? Why/why not?

Chapters 2 and 3

> Activities before reading the book

1 In pairs, students look at the pictures of Paxton on pages 13 and 15. What is he doing? Where is he? What time of day is it? How does he feel?

2 In pairs, students look at the picture on page 25. Who are the people in the picture? What are they saying? Students write the dialogue of the two (standing) men. Some pairs read their dialogue to the rest of the class.

> Activities after reading the book

• Have a classroom discussion: Does the story make you afraid? Why/why not? Do you believe in ghosts? How do you feel about the ending of the story?

> Extra words

There are twenty extra words, in addition to the 300 headwords, used in each Penguin Readers Level 1 title. The extra words used in this title are:

afraid beach believechurch crown dangerfar footprints gravestoneground help hilllast magic protectput shadow shoutspade wind

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Student’s Activities

> Activities before reading the book

• Look at the front cover of the book. What do you see? Where is this picture? What is the story about? Talk to other students.

> Activities while reading the book

Chapter 11. Write the correct part of the verb to be in the sentences below. Do not look at the book.

Please listen to my story. It started on a dark, dark night in Seaburgh. Seaburgh _______ a small English town near the sea. The beach _______ good and long, but the sea _______ usually very cold.I _______ in Seaburgh with my friend, Henry Long. We _______ in the hotel one evening and suddenly, there _______ a noise at the door. A young man came in.‘What _______ wrong?’ I asked. ‘_______ you OK?’‘No. I _______ afraid,’ he said, and he started his story.

2. Answer the questions:a Is Paxton ill? What is wrong with him?b Is Paxton staying in the same hotel as

the two friends?c Does Paxton believe the story of the

three crowns?d Why isn’t William Agers talking now?e Who has the crown now?

Chapter 21. Eight of the words in the paragraph below are not right. Correct them. Do not look at the book.

I had a lot of answers. How old was the crown? Was it light or happy? Paxton put the crown black in the back bag. He went to the floor, but then she stopped.‘Wait! Go before me and cook in your room,’ he said.‘But why?’ Long said. ‘We’re the only visitors in this hospital!’

2. How does Paxton take the crown? Put these sentences in the right order, from 1 to 7.

a Paxton took his spade to the hill and looked for the crown.

b The Agers’s book was open at William Agers’s name.

c Paxton ate some food and went back to his room.

d Paxton took the crown from the ground.e Paxton noticed a shadow in the trees for

the first time.f Paxton put the crown in his bag.g Paxton ran back to the hotel.

Chapter 31. Who says these sentences? Who are they speaking to?

a ‘Did you sleep well?’b ‘I want to stay in the hotel this morning.’c ‘He went to the beach. He wanted to see

you and Mr Long.’d ‘Was it a person? Perhaps it was an


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e ‘I don’t understand.’f ‘Why were you on the beach? What did

you see?’

2. Are the sentences right or wrong?a The three men go for a walk in the

morning.b Paxton is at the hotel at three o’clock.c Mr Long and his friend shout to Paxton

from the front of the hotel.d William Agers’s dead body is on the

beach.e Paxton’s dead body is on the beach.f William Agers is dead. But he protected

the crown with magic.

> Activities after reading the book

1. On Paxton’s last day he writes some letters in the morning. Who does he write to? Think of three different people. Now, choose one person and write Paxton’s letter to this person.

2. Work in pairs.Student A: You are a policeman in Seaburgh. There is a dead man on the beach. Listen to Henry Long’s story and ask him some more questions.Student B: You are Henry Long. You find a dead man on the beach. It is Paxton. Tell your story to the policeman and answer his questions.

3. When are you afraid? Write a list of five things. Then tell some other students about

your list. Do you have the same things on your list?

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Teacher’s Notes

> Summary

The Cup in the Forest is a fictional story about two people who are on holiday in the Norwegian countryside. One day they are walking in the forest and the boy, Per, finds a beautiful old cup under some rocks. There is strange writing on the cup. Per and Nina take it with them and drive to a small hotel. Per sees a strange man, first in the forest and then in the garden of the hotel. Nina can’t see this man.

The next day they take the cup to a local museum. When the curator hears where the cup is from he is very worried and tells Per and Nina to take the cup back immediately. It is a Viking cup belonging to the grave of an old Viking called Hakon. Per sees Hakon again in the hotel café and is very frightened but Nina thinks he is silly. She thinks only about the money she can make from the cup. When Per is not looking, she takes the cup and drives away very fast. She wants to sell it in Oslo, but when she is driving through the forest she sees Hakon. Nina is very afraid. She cannot see the road and her car hits a tree and falls into the river.

Per and the curator chase Nina but they are too late – she is dead. Later, Per sees Hakon. He has the cup and is walking away, back to the forest.

> Background and themes

Greed and selfishness: Nina thinks only about the money she can make from selling the cup. Nothing else is important to her, so she ignores Per’s fears. Greed can make people blind to doing the right thing.Ghosts and the supernatural: Hakon is a Viking ghost. Do ghosts really exist or are they only things to make stories with? Can we really know for sure that they do or don’t exist?Fear and panic: Nina is terrified when she sees Hakon. The road is very dark and there are no people around. Because of her fear she is unable to control the car. She is blinded by panic. How can you manage fear? Is it possible?

> Communicative activities

The following teacher-led activities cover the same sections of text as the exercises at the back of the Reader.

> Activities before reading the book

1 Ask your students to look at the cover of the book. What can they say about the story? Who is the man on the left? What do they think about the cup – how will it be important in the story?

2 Students think about their holidays. What do they enjoy doing? Where do they like to go? Would they enjoy a holiday in the countryside or do they prefer to go to the

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> Activities after reading the book

1 Put students in pairs. Each pair chooses a sentence from the story. One student from each pair reads out the sentence that they have chosen. The other pairs must say where in the story the sentences come from, e.g. ‘It comes from the beginning/middle/the end’. They must also say what happens before this sentence and what happens next.

2 Show students the pictures below and ask the following questions:Page 6: What is Per thinking? How is he feeling? Why?Page 9: What is Nina thinking? Why?Page 11: How is Nina feeling? Why?Page 13: What is Hakon thinking? Why?Page 15: How is Hakon feeling? Why?

> Extra words

The extra words used in this title are highlighted in question 1 at the back of the Reader. They are:

afraid belong callcareful crazy cupcurator fast forestghost grave holeleave museum overscream sell stonestrange word

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Student’s Activities

> Activities before reading the book

1. Look at the pink letters on the back cover of the book. Who is the strange man? Why is Per afraid? Why isn’t Nina afraid?

> Activities while reading the book

Pages 1–31. Write the correct word in the sentences below:forest strange stonehole cup wordcareful

a DANCE makes the _____ ‘dance’.b Per says: ‘There’s a hole under the

_____’.c We can drink water from a _____.d There are many trees there. It is a very

big _____.e Be _____!f An animal lives in the _____ under the

tree.g Per says: ‘These are _____ stones’.

2. Are the sentences below right or wrong?a Per is Nina’s girlfriend.b Per and Nina stop the car and walk in the

forest.c Per falls over a big stone.d In the hole under the stones Per finds an

old can.e There are strange pictures on the cup.

f Nina thinks the cup is beautiful and expensive.

Pages 4–71. Match the sentence halves:

a Ninab Per and Ninac Per sees the strange mand The museum curatore The people in the small hotel

I in the hotel garden.II is an old man.

III can’t see the strange man.IV drive to a small town.V are very friendly.

2. Answer the questions:a Why does Nina say ‘Let’s go now’?b What do Per and Nina find in the small town?c Who can they ask about the cup?d How does Per see the hotel garden?e In the morning, where do Per and Nina

go?f What does the curator say about the cup?

Pages 8–111. Write the correct word in the sentences below:curator belongs gravesafraid fast calls

a I don’t like big forests. I am _______ of them.

b ‘Stop, Nina!’Per _______.c Someone is driving the car very

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d My father works in a museum. He is the _______.

e There are some Viking _______ in the forest.

f The cup _______ to Hakon.

2. Are the sentences below right or wrong?a Hakon is an old Spanish name.b The cup is from Hakon’s grave.c Nina thinks Per is crazy.d Nina takes the bag with the cup and

drives away.e Money isn’t important to Nina.f Nina is taking the cup to Osterly to sell


Pages 12–151. Write the correct word in the sentences below. You will need to use one word twice.ghost leaves screams museum

a Nina’s car _______ the road.b Nina is very afraid. She _______ and

_______.c Per sees the _______ of a dead Viking.d Per runs to the _______ and finds the

old curator.

2. Answer the questions.a The curator says there are strange stories

about what?b Does Nina see anything when she is

driving?c Who is standing in the road?d Nina is afraid. She can only see one

thing. What is it?e What is in the river?

f Where is Hakon walking at the end of the story?

> Activities after reading the book

1. Work with a partner. Look at the pictures in the book. Tell your partner the story again. Look at the pictures, not the words. You tell one page of the story, your partner tells the next page, then you again, etc.

2. Work with a partner. One of you is Per and the other is Nina. Write a postcard to a friend at home. Tell them about the cup and Hakon. Tell them how you feel.

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Teacher’s Notes

> Summary

Jake is eighteen. It is his first time in London and he goes to the Notting Hill carnival. He sees a beautiful girl on the first float; she sees him too. He thinks he’s in love with her. He follows her and is able to speak to her. Her name is Maria.

He finds a camera on a café table, and takes it to get a photo of her. But he loses her float and has to run off with the camera. The owner of the camera and a policeman chase him. Jake finds Maria, takes a photo and says sorry to the owner for taking the camera. The policeman takes Jake to the police station. He asks Jake what he has in his pocket. Jake shows him the photo of Maria.

There is a surprise. A policewoman walks in. It is Maria!

> Background and themes

London: A good place to visit, both for the first time, and many times! Notting Hill carnival is very famous. It is the biggest carnival in Europe.Jobs: Difficulties of taking time off from a working day. There are right and wrong ways of having a holiday.Love at first sight: Does this really happen? How can you be sure that the other person feels the same?

Stealing: Jake feels so strongly about the girl that he takes a camera from a tourist.

> Communicative activities

The following teacher-led activities cover the same sections of text as the exercises at the back of the Reader.

> Activities before reading the book

1 Ask students to look at the cover. Ask them to guess in which country the story takes place.

2 Ask students to say what they think the word ‘carnival’ means, from looking at the cover.

3 Ask them to read the blurb on the back page. Which person on the cover is Jake?

4 The cover gives an opportunity to revise the vocabulary of colours. What is the colour of each letter of the title? What words can you give to colours you see in a carnival?

5 Write a list of places and events in London (or your own capital) that you would like to visit.

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> Activities after reading the book

1 Students work in groups. What happens after the end of the story? Does Maria get into trouble? Does Jake see her again? Each group should decide and write a short ending of their own.

2 Students work in groups and discuss these questions: What do people do in carnivals? Do you like carnivals? Why/why not? Is there a big carnival in your town/country? Talk about it.

3 Where, early in the story, do you get an idea that something is strange about Maria?

> Extra words

There are twenty extra words, in addition to the 200 headwords, used in each Reader. The extra words used in this title are highlighted in question 1 at the back of the Reader. They are:

balloon band benchcamera carnival costumedrum feather floatmap point processionsergeant shout surprisedT-shirt tourist wavewife

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Student’s Activities

> Activities before reading the book

1. Look at the pictures. On which pages can you find these things?

Balloons bus camera child’s buggylorry policeman policewoman

2. Why do you think there is a police station in the final picture? What do you think is happening to Jake?

> Activities while reading the book

1. Add one colour word to complete the sentences.

a The London bus is _____.b Mel wears a _____ dress.c Maria wears a _____ and _____

costume.d The balloons are _____.e The policeman’s uniform is _____.f When the policeman finds Jake with the

tourist’s camera, Jake’s face goes _____.

2. Answer the questions.a Where does Jake live?b How does he travel to the carnival?c What is the first famous place he sees on

the bus?d What do the people in the carnival

carry?e Does Maria give Jake her phone


f Whose camera does Jake take?g Who does Jake think of when he is in


3. True or false?a Jake is with his family in London.b It is a hot afternoon.c Jake goes on a bus.d Mel understands what is happening to

Jake when he looks at Maria.e People are drinking tea in a street café.f Jake stands on a table to take his photo.g The tourists with the camera have a


4. Which word is different?Example: a) Notting Hill, Euston, ManchesterAnswer: Manchesterb costume, feathers, floatc listening to music, dancing, stealing

camerasd drums, bands, T-shirte float, procession, benchf policeman, sergeant, doctor

5. Choose the word to make the sentence. Put the word in the right place.


a Maria! You are late.b Smile.c It was quiet. The band started.

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d Jake can see Maria.e The procession moves down the road.

6. Match the word to its meaning.balloonsdrumwavecostumefeathermap

a It is a musical instrument.b To call someone with your hand.c It guides you round a town.d Something light which covers a bird’s

body.e They have air in them.f Special clothes.

> Activities after reading the book

1. Work in pairs. One of you is Jake and the other is Maria. You have just met. What do you say to each other? Or, describe Jake and Maria, from the book. What do they look like? What are they wearing? And so on.

2. Read page 13 again. Now close the book.a What does Jake have in his pocket?b What do you have, either in your pocket

or in your bag?

3. You are a tourist. Jake takes your camera. How do you feel? What do you say to the policeman?