Unit 05 : In the Meeting


Transcript of Unit 05 : In the Meeting

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A variety of topics – Do you agree?

Example: I think seafood is delicious.

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Phrases – opinions during a meeting(ส ำนวนใช้แสดงควำมคิดเห็นระหว่ำงกำรประชมุ)

Purposes* Give opinions* Ask for opinions* Agree with opinions* Disagree with opinions

giving an


asking for an


agreeing with an


disagreeing with an


Read the phrases and put them into the following table showing their purposes

Example: A: In my opinion, the new MP3 player is badly designed.B: I disagree with you.

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Phrases – Clarifications(ส ำนวนท ำให้เข้ำใจสิง่ท่ีผู้ ร่วมประชมุหมำยถงึ)

Example: A: In my opinion, the football game is going well.B: Can you say that more slowly?

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Grammar Check – Want to, Like to

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Week 9Exchanging Opinions (กำรแลกเปล่ียนควำมคิดเห็น)

Kate: That makes no sense. People want to work, but the global economy is

really bad at the moment.

Neil: OK, you have a point. What’s your opinion about giving money to banks?

Kate: That’s more difficult. I really think that it is important that the banks

survive, but it annoys me when bankers get large bonuses.

Neil: You’re right. It is a very difficult issue. I suppose that is why the government

needs to increase taxes!

Kate: Sorry, I didn’t catch your meaning.

Neil: Well, if the government needs to pay big bonuses to bankers, they need

more money from everyone else.

Kate: Hahaha, that’s true. I hadn’t thought of it like that before.

Listen to the following dialogue, and circle any expressionsfor exchanging opinions

Neil: Hey Kate, have you heard?

Kate: Heard what? What are you talking about, Neil?

Neil: The government wants to increase taxes!

Kate: Well, in my opinion, that’s a good idea. The country needs more money to

help the unemployed.

Neil: I completely disagree with you. I’d like to get money for doing nothing,

but I work hard instead.


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In a Meeting (ในท่ีประชุม)

Dale: In order to ship on time, we need to rapidly improve our quality control.

Alf: Is that just your (1) ________, Dale, or do you have any figures to back you up?

Dale: Thank you, Alf. Yes, I do have the figures. If you look at page two of my report, you will see that most of our delays are

caused by the need to (2) ___________ each unit at least (3) _______ because some of the parts are faulty.

Kate: I’m sorry, does that make sense?

Dale: I mean, because we aren’t finding the (4) __________ when the parts arrive at the factory, we are (5) ____________ the

units using bad parts. Then when we test them before packing, we find the problem and have to send the unit back to have

the part changed.

Kate: I see. So, you mean we need to improve our (6) __________ quality control.

Dale: That’s right. Now, has anyone got any opinions on how we can do that?

Alf: Hmm, I understand the problem now. What would happen if we were to

(7) ________ more workers to incoming quality control? That should solve the problem, shouldn’t it?

Kate: Sorry to (8) _________, Alf. Looking at Dale’s figures, it seems we have ten people doing this already, and we still have

problems. We need a different solution.

Dale: I completely agree, Kate. The problem isn’t the number of people doing the quality control, it’s the work they do.

Alf: Do you mean that we could solve the problem by(9) ________ them better?

Dale: Exactly. If we teach them to (10) _________ the problems more efficiently, we can reduce the number of errors.

Kate: Well, Dale, Alf, I think we have a solution.

Dale, can you go to the factory to train

the workers?

Dale: It would be a pleasure. Thank you. Now, let’s

move onto the next item on our (11) _________.

Listen to the meeting extract and fill in the missing words below

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Listen to the meeting extract again and answer the questions

1. What does Dale think they need to do to ship on time?

a. Pack the units b. Make sense c. Improve quality control

2. What does Alf want from Dale?

a. Proof that he is right b. A back-up c. An opinion

3. According to Dale’s report, how many times do they assemble each unit?

a. At least twice b. Once c. Reassemble

4. How does Alf suggest they fix the problem?

a. By looking at Dale’s figures b. By solving the problem c. By using more workers

5. Does Kate agree with Alf?

a. Yes b. No c. Not mentioned

6. How does Dale want to solve the problem?

a. By using more workers b. By training the workers better c. Both a and b

Meeting Participants: ____, _____, ____

Topic: Increasing ________

Topic introduced by: _________

Dale was questioned by _______. Dale ______ the question well. Alf suggested ____. Kate pointed out

that _______ are already working on ______. Dale’s solution to the problem was to _______to identify

the problems more efficiently. _____ will go to the factory to _________.

Take good notes

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Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes: 10/27/20--, 3 p.m.

Meeting with: Blade Computers

Participants: For Stanton Industries: Dave Reynolds, Kim Gladwell, Debbie Long, Mike Smit

For Blade Computers: John Davies, Mark Browning, John Standwick

Meeting Topic: Investment in Blade Computers

Minutes taken by: Mike Smit


1. Dave Reynolds made his opening remarks and welcomed the representatives of Blade Computers. He apologized for the

absence of Mr. Stanton who was in Hong Kong on other business.

2. Kim Gladwell outlined the agenda for the meeting. The points to be discussed were:

(1) The current state of Blade Computers’ finances. This was the responsibility of John Standwick.

(2) Blade Computers’ current product development status. This was the responsibility of Mark Browning.

(3) Blade Computers’ proposal for investment. Presented by John Davies.

3. John Standwick demonstrated that during the last year Blade Computers had lost USD120,000. This loss was caused by low

sales and high development costs.

4. Mark Browning introduced Blade Computers’ development roadmap. Debbie Long raised the question of whether or not

Blade Computers’ had a good understanding of current market trends. She was satisfied by Mark Browning’s response.

5. John Davies outlined the amount of investment being sought. He explained that the money invested would allow Blade

Computers to make a profit within two years. Mr. Reynolds agreed with his assessment.

6. At the close of the meeting, it was decided to arrange a meeting with Mr. Stanton when he returns from Hong Kong.

Study the meeting minutes

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Phrases used in flowing conversations