Unified view on astrology and astronomy

Hypothesis regarding structure and function of morphic fields Page 1 Unified view on astrology and astronomy by Hubert Rehberger

Transcript of Unified view on astrology and astronomy

Page 1: Unified view on astrology and astronomy

Hypothesis regarding structure and function of morphic fields Page 1

Unified view on astrology and astronomy

by Hubert Rehberger

Page 2: Unified view on astrology and astronomy

Hypothesis regarding structure and function of morphic fields Page 2

Change History

Version Date Reason Done by

1.0 June 2015 Publication: facebook.com - Group name: Morphic Fields and on personal OneDrive

H. Rehberger

2.0 September 2015 Page 5: Correlation of Color circle to Kalapurusha added Page 7: Creation of spring point added Page 8: Relation of the zodiac to the northern hemisphere added Page 8: Tropical zodiac as calendar system added Page 9,10: Some remarks added regarding: western astrology, the outer planets and human history Page 13: Image revised: End of Grand unified epoch added Begin of radiation dominated era added Begin of matter epoch added Page 14: Image revised: Begin of dark energy era added

H. Rehberger

Page 3: Unified view on astrology and astronomy

Hypothesis regarding structure and function of morphic fields Page 3


This document describes in a view words how I see the common worldview of astrology and astronomy. Here I compare especially Jyotisha (known as Vedic astrology) with western astrology and astronomy. This document is a part of my morphic field hypothesis. To understand the content of this document it is recommended to read the hypothesis:

Morphic_Field_Hypothesis_v3_en first.

The latest version of this document can be found on my personal OneDrive:


A discussion group can be found on facebook – Group name: Morphic Fields https://www.facebook.com/groups/27586793703/ I am neither a Jyotisha or western astrologer and also not a Vastu expert. This hypothesis is created on my own researches and philosophical thinking. The reader of this document needs some basic knowledge of Yoga Philosophy, Vastu, Astronomy and of course about sidereal/tropical astrology.

Hubert Rehberger June 2015

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Worldview of sidereal astrology

Sidereal Astrology is a heliocentric astrology, which means that from its basic premise, the sun (as creator of awareness) is its central element. With its surrounding rays it, it creates certain areas in the sky which inspired humans to create star constellations. Regarding Jyotisha: In my understanding Jyotisha believes that our sun is continuously connected to the galactic centre, which forms the Vishnu Nabhi. Our solar system represents the Kalapurusha with its law of rebirth and consists of 2 layers. The first layers are the 12 body regions of the Kalapurusha:

And the second layers are the 27 Nakshatras:

Officially the star Spica forms the reference point for the sidereal zodiac in Jyotisha but in my hypothesis, the Nakshatras as well as the sidereal zodiac have their reference point in the Vishnu Nabhi. These 2 components create the Kalapurusha of our solar system in the following 2 ways: 1. The Galactic center represents the ~2nd Paada of Mula. 2. 0° Ashwini is the starting point for the head of the Kalapurusha and builds automatically the 0° sidereal Aries. Note: The “Aries” sign of Jyotisha must not be confused with the tropical or astronomical “Aries” sign. Since in my hypothesis the sidereal zodiac is tied to the Galactic Centre, this means that even if the stars in the galaxy move throughout millennia, the Kalapurusha and therefore the rules for Jyotisha remain the same. The following picture shows the Kalapurusha where the sun is located in the centre.

The reference point is always the galactic centre and the Nakshatra Mula. (~2

nd Paada)

0° Ashwini builds the beginning of the Kalapurusha (= 0° sidereal Aries).


Paada of Mula points to the Galactic centre

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Schematic view on the Kalapurusha of our solar system within the Milky Way and the hypothetical sidereal color circle:

Some comments about the zodiac man (Kalapurusha): The zodiac man was adapted from the Greek astrologers but at the time when this happened:

Greek astrology itself was sidereal and

The alignment between the stars in the sky and the body region was always sidereal [1]. I also assume that the zodiac man (Kalapurusha) was derived from a sidereal zodiac because:

1. One of the main tasks of the ancient astrologers was to calculate the seasons. Since the movement of the sun through the star constellations cannot be observed during the day, they observed the moon cycle during the night to calculate the beginning of a new seasons. Example: Full moon in sidereal constellation ´Libra´ meant spring season.

2. Yoga science, from which I derived most parts of my hypothesis, is linked to sidereal astrology.

The position of the full moon in a certain sidereal sign should have a specific influence on the Pranamaya Kosha

of the soul and its karma. According to a Jyotisha astrologer, the Kalapurusha directly influences the Pranamaya

Kosha of our soul. At the beginning of birth, when the soul awakes it determines the physical karma of the body.

3. A further hint that the tropical zodiac represents the circle of fifths in music and not the Kalapurusha lies in the

parallel historical evolution of modern tropical astrology with its 12 planets and the circle of fifths. For me it

seems that both have developed within the last 400 years.[2]

It is very likely that the origin of the zodiac man was lies in sidereal astrology and therefore in my hypothesis I refer the

body regions to the sidereal zodiac [3]. The Kalapurusha is also comparable to a color-circle [4]. Since the colors within a

color circle cannot be clearly separated from each other, it is comprehensible why it is not possible to determine an

exact position of the galactic centre or the sidereal Aries point within that circle, which also means that the division

into twelve equal parts is a simplified representation of the Kalapurusha. Therefore the quality of a sidereal analysis

very likely depends on the spiritual maturity of the Astrologer.

House system: The house system of Jyotisha represents the human soul which has a specific relation to the sun, through the entire

lifespan. The house system of Jyotisha can also be considered as an allegory of the sidereal color cycle with an

appropriate psychological meaning [5].

[1] According to DAV (German Astrologer Association) Vettius Valens (1st

century after Christ) and possibly also the Babylonians used the body assignments with the sidereal

zodiac. Furthermore: sidereal astrology was mainly used until the 13th

century for individual analysis. More information can be found in the book: “Die himmlische Matrix” by

Rafael Gil Brand [2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circle_of_fifths#History, [3] additional info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zodiac_Man#History,[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_circle,

[5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_psychology

Source: Wikipedia.org Galactic Longitude 0° points to the centre of the Galaxy (~2

nd Paada of Mula)

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Worldview of Vastu

The fundamental concept of Vastu is shown by the Vastu Purusha Mandala with its RahuKetu axis (situated from NE to SW) where Brahmasthan lies in its centre:

Since our earth is orbited by a moon, its moon nodes create a RahuKetu axis. According to the laws of Vastu, this axis creates the Kundalini of Vastu where earth – Brahmasthan lies in its centre:

Schematic view on RahuKetu axis

The movement of the moon and the orbiting of the RahuKetu axis continuously activate the Kundalini Shakti, so that Brahma with his 4 heads and 4 arms can rise out of the earth´s core. From the top-view (North Pole) the Vastu Mandala of earth is identical to the wheel of the year[2]:

The four heads of Brahma[1] represent:

The four Vedas

The four elements: Earth, Fire, Water and Air. The four moon festivals in western countries,

which lie exactly in between the beginning of the four seasons

The 15° Aquarius, 15° Taurus, 15° Leo, 15° Scorpios - points of tropical Astrology

The four hands of Brahma represent: The four main directions: N, S, W, E of Vastu

The beginning of the four seasons on earth and therefore

0° points of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn of tropical Astrology In its complete image the morphic information field of earth forms the code sun of genetics[3]:

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brahma, [2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wheel_of_the_Year, [3] http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Codesonne



Fall Spring

North Celestial Pole


Celestial Equator Inclination relative to the ecliptic ~23.44°

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Worldview of tropical astrology

The tropical astrology is geocentric and has its reference point in the spring equinox, the 0° tropical Aries – point. Regarding 12 parts of western tropical zodiac: The western tropical zodiac seems to be more a byproduct of the morphic information field of earth minerals and how the laws of music influence life, especially societies on earth. These laws are described by the Circle of fifths [1]:

The western tropical zodiac ostensibly describes how a society is influenced by the harmonies and disharmonies of the music within Earth´s morphic mineral field caused by the movements of the planets within their own morphic field. Since the Dhatus (biophotons) in Ayurveda are deeply linked to the earth minerals I see the possibility that western tropical zodiac describe the type of biophotons which are created by the metabolism of our body in order to attract and nurture the Pranamaya Kosha of a soul. So the creation of the biophotons builds in my hypothesis the link between Jyotisha and tropical astrology. The Circle of fifths builds the lotus on which lord Brahma is sitting. House system: The house system seems to have more a socio-psychological meaning. When a human being is born, due to culture and education, the body with its psyche is aligned to the world view of society. There are a lot of different societies in the world with its own specific culture and state of development each having a different socio-psychological influence on a human being. I assume that this brought about the necessity to develop different house systems. Western astrologers tend to overuse this kind of House system which describes at best, the current socio-psychological laws of a human being within its society. Additionally this demonstrates the problem with the soul and its color circle, which does not allow a clear separation. Creation of the spring-point: The creation of the spring point is a specific law of geometry which comprises a constant correlation between the primary monopole of earth (Brahma) and the sun (Surya). The primary monopole is created due to, the self-gravity of earth which compels all monopoles within objects on earth to align themselves according to the laws of Vastu, meaning to the cardinal directions of earth: N, S, W and E. Since the equinoxes are also used by the sub-monopoles within minerals, their quint circle of fifths and therefore also the tropical zodiac starts at the spring-point. Every year during spring the sun touches this specific point directly. At this time the sun is located directly 90° above the earth’s equator. Symbolically the sun shines directly into the heart of Brahma, the equator. As this occurs annually, every spring a direct encounter between heaven and earth takes place at the vernal point. This mystical encounter between the heart of creation and the light of the cosmos is depicted at some ancient temples through light and shadow games on their walls, like the temple of Kukulcan[1]. This very special moment in time must be seen equivalent to “the process” which triggered the quantum fluctuation within the one dimensional quantum field from which out later the Big Bang through symmetry breaking [3] emerged. This “will of creation” (~tropical Aries) is triggered regularly since about 4.6 billion years forcing through symmetry breaking the process of evolution on earth. Certain temple priests saw these geometric laws in their visions and created temples according to these laws, so that every year with the beginning of spring/fall, certain light and shadow phenomenon where created on the walls of these temples. I assume that in this way believers wanted to worship their gods which they saw in their visions and obtain a feeling of closeness to them.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circle_of_fifths, [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/El_Castillo,_Chichen_Itza, [3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symmetry_breaking

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The tropical zodiac and its correlation to the northern hemisphere: I hypothesise that the zodiac is related to the northern hemisphere because of the following reason: The coordinate grid of the earth is aligned to the earth's equator and to the meridians which run directly through the geographical poles.

This coordinate grid of the earth is a symbolic image of Hiranyagarbha [1], the golden egg of Hindu mythology and shows the geometry principle of Vastu Purusha, whereas each geographic point on earth directly points to the earth core – Brahmasthan and to the North and South Pole. Due to geodynamical processes, the amount of fertile landmass is significantly larger in the northern hemisphere [2] than in the southern hemisphere. Around 90% of the world’s population is on the northern hemisphere [2]. Also the head of the Vastu-Purusha and the throne chariot vision of Ezekiel clearly refer to the northern hemisphere. These aforementioned points relate the tropical zodiac to the northern hemisphere. Due to this, the ascending principle of evolution (head of Vasuki, or RahuAstrol) is also related to the northern hemisphere.

In this way I seek to explain why the tropical zodiac of astrology, UTC-Time and the vernal equinox of astronomy are also

linked to the northern hemisphere.

Tropical zodiac as calendar system: The tropical zodiac with its house system(s) additionally shows a very interesting particularity. It is also a calendar system which, in contrast to the Gregorian calendar of civil time calculation or the Julian – Date of astrophysics, is directly related to continuous, extensive planet observation, especially the movement of the sun, which also means that this astrological calendar functions continuously without any leap year or leap seconds.

The tropical zodiac itself shows a dial from the perspective of the world time. The position of Sgr A* [3], Pluto and the sun makes it possible to depict modern world time within accuracy of a few minutes.

The house system represents a sun-dial. The position of the sun within a house marks the hours which have passed since sun-rise or sun-set. For example: Sun in the 1

st house means nothing more than that the recorded event took place approximately 2 hours [4]

before sunrise, while Sun in the 10th house means that the recorded event took place around two hours [4] before noon and Sun in the 6th house means that the recorded event took place about 2 hours [4] after sun set and so on. Additionally the position of the sun within the house system provides information about the longitude, whereas the angle between the Ascendant and the MC-axis supplies information about the latitude of the observation site. Both geographic coordinates together give information of the position of the sun-dial or of the observed phenomenon, which in case of astrological purposes is mostly the birth of a child or an event in human history.

In summary, it can be said that the tropical zodiac with its house system contains three major components of timekeeping:



Reference location From this point of view, the tropical zodiac as well as its house system has a serious purpose, which is the documentation of the local time and place. Since correct time recording can only be done relative to the observer’s position, it is clear why astrologers have to use a geocentric and topocentric world view. Thus the astrological worldview is not outdated; it serves its purpose for localized time measurement. The problem of astrology therefore does not lie in the untrustworthiness of the techniques used or world view. It lies in the determination of a certain time quality out of the measured time from which the astrologer tries to derive an appearance probability of certain phenomena within society or an influence on the psychosoma of a human being. Due to the complexity of sociological influence within their own morphic fields, such relationships can never be really measured and therefore justifiably must be considered as unverifiable or as insignificant. [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiranyagarbha, [2] https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nordhalbkugel, [3] SgrA* = galactic centre, [4] exact timeframes depend on the house system

Source: Wikipedia.org

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On the contrary, I see no inconsistency in astrology with the theory of evolution. In my opinion the world view of astrology completes the theory of evolution by applying it to the historical development of societies (tropical) and psychology (house system). Since the soul cannot die, the principle of natural selection must be understood in a different way. Only during our lifetime do we have a free will and we can choose between reason, tradition or harmony. However this free will also has its own limits. We cannot break, neither the physical nor the astrological laws, meaning I cannot force a state of bliss (Nirvana) to come. Bliss is the result of harmony in life.

When life ends, our free will also ends and the laws of astrology take back the upper hand. The principle of natural selection must be understood in the context of karma and time quality. Time quality selects that soul for incarnation whose karma is best suited to fulfil the evolution of the Kalapurusha, and not humanity as we understand it. This Kalapurusha does not take humanity into consideration. It serves its own purpose, which is driving the evolution to create intelligent life forms on a planet, without asking them if, when or where they want to be born. Once an animal or human being is born, it stands on its own feet and must join the race of “survival of the fittest”(Darwin). With its free will it can choose between several options:

Reason, logic (~law of physics, ~astrophysics -> safety, prosperity)

Tradition, habits, experience (~law of sociology, ~astrology -> protection)

Individuality, psychology (~laws of inner harmony –> self-realisation) Many human beings look for harmony or self-realisation, also meaning that they hold authority in their own lives, but as can be seen above; self-realisation does not necessarily guarantee prosperity or protection for one’s life. This does not facilitate following the way of self-realisation. As long as self-realisation is not achieved, the soul remains within the wheel of time after death, according to Yoga. Since astrology tries to study the law of the wheel of time and not the laws self-realisation, in this context it can also easily be understood that the aforementioned astrological rules do not guarantee self-realisation in life. Even if this time quality does exist as assumed, in my view it is quite unlikely that daily life is influenced by it as astrologers purport. This time quality is simply the “background climate” which influences trends over months or years. However, daily events (the psychological weather in a certain sense) are clearly dominated by our close environment. The existence of a time-quality is for normal people little of importance. This is also proven by the astrological forecasts in the daily newspaper. In summary the following must be said about astrology: The key to self-realisation is learning to understand, to follow and to trust the inner feeling of harmony, which attempts to guide the human being through life and not to live according to astrological rules or predictions.

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Unification of sidereal and tropical astrology

The final image shows a schematic view of our solar system as Kalapurusha with the sun in its center, at the beginning of spring. On the right side there is the enlarged image of earth with its code sun of genetics and its circle of fifths, the western tropical zodiac.

While the morphic field of earth minerals is playing the music of its “Aries” season, the position of earth within the Kalapurusha is still ~336°, marking the physical karma of an individual soul. The number of planets: I think that the different number of recognized planets in a system can symbolically explained in this way:

Jyotisha: According to it the karma of the soul is only influenced by 7 planets. When we die the soul resides within the 7 spheres of the solar system. So the karmic way of the soul in after life is only influenced by 7 planets. I see the aim in Jyotisha as the deliverance of the soul from its karmic cycle.

Modern western Astrology: Due to the growing population on earth and the rising life expectancy the morphic field of mankind expanded and is therefore more and more influenced by the outer planets, like Neptune or Pluto. The outer planets describe the socio-psychological link between the individual and its society. The discovery of Uranus was the official start point of modern western astrology, with all its planets. I see the aim in modern western Astrology as to achieve well-being in life.

That there was very likely a change in the morphic field of our society can also be seen in early human history.

Mula = Vishnu-Nabhi = Galactic centre

Picture above shows Lord Brahma with his 4 faces sitting on his lotus (quint circle of fifths)

Picture above is showing the wheel of rebirth (Kalapurusha) coming out of Vishnu´s Navel (galactic centre) and the lotus of Lord Brahma (~earth) with its circle of fiths and code sun of genetics.



Virtual positon of sun in the

Kalapurusha ~6° Pisces

Neutrino stream from the sun

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The following developments occurred in concurrence with the extreme increase in world population in the 17th and 18th century [1]:

Uranus was discovered The world-view of classical Astrology, with Saturn as its outer planet declined.

The average life expectancy rose from about 15-35 years [2] (~Saturn – cycle) to nowadays 40-80 years [3] (~Uranus cycle)

The French revolution took place – Citation from Wikipedia:

The Revolution profoundly altered the course of modern history, triggering the global decline of absolute monarchies while replacing them with republics…. Historians widely regard the Revolution as one of the most important events in human history

The industrial revolution [4] took place - Citation from Wikipedia:

Economic historians are in agreement that the onset of the Industrial Revolution is the most important event in the history of humanity since the domestication of animals, plants and fire.

American Revolution[5] and the Declaration of Independence[6] - Citation from Wikipedia: The American Revolution was the first outbreak of the contagion of sovereignty that has swept the world in the centuries since 1776. Its influence spread first to the Low Countries and then to the Caribbean, Spanish America, the Balkans, West Africa, and Central Europe in the decades up to 1848....

This global decline of absolute monarchies and the appearance of the industrial revolution with its deep impact on human history supports the hypothesis, that there was a prior global change in the morphic field of human society, which was possibly triggered by a single instance of excess of a critical mass in the world´s population [1] around the 17th or 18th century. This sudden change made the old Saturn structures of our society more and more unstable. Additionally it inspired more and more people with new ideas who laid out new trends (like liberation movements etc.). It is conceivable that this change in the field showed its first effects in the Western world, which also favoured the development of modern industry and industrial capitalism [7] faster than in comparison to the rest of the world.

[1] https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datei:World-pop-hist-de-2.png, [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life_expectancy#Life_expectancy_variation_over_time, [3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Life_Expectancy_at_Birth_by_Region_1950-2050.png, [4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industrial_Revolution, [5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Revolution, [6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Declaration_of_Independence, [7] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_capitalism#Industrial_capitalism

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The ecliptic plane: This is the most difficult point to explain, namely the reason why all planetary positions refer to the ecliptic plane. From its basic structure the ecliptic is a time-disc and not an arrow of time like in normal physics. This means that the properties of time: past, present and future do not exist in a linear fashion. Time exists here in a eternal self-enclosed loop of creation. This principle of self-enclosed loop of creation sounds similar to me to the hypothetical happenings before the Big Bang. According to a hypothesis of astrophysics, the Big Bang was created out of quantum field fluctuations within a one dimensional quantum field. I see this as the same concept of time which is shown by the ecliptic. The ecliptic defines a plane[1] which represent the same concept of time as it was before the Big Bang. This time concept before the Big Bang was created by primordial energy and the laws of mathematics and geometry within the embedded Shiva Lingam. There was no past, present or future but there was a time quality within the eternal circle of creation, meaning a rising and falling probability of creation within a specified “moment”. As the first symmetry breaks occurred, this rising and falling probability of “the moment” was transferred into the 3 properties of time we know today as: past, present and future. In this conceptualisation, I imagine time like an arrow which fluctuates around its own direction axis within a one dimensional time plane. The main direction is always pointing to the future. If we apply now the laws of the circle of fifth on this one dimensional time plane, we get a self-enclosed loop of primordial energy around the time arrow with its specific time characteristics. The above mentioned time characteristic describes time within quantum physics. It is here more an appearance probability of certain aspects of the primordial energy. I see two possibilities as to how time can be seen in quantum physics:

1. The magnetic monopole influences in this case quantum processes. Meaning: if morphic harmony occurs then the small time-arrows, instead of a fluctuating turn, make a smooth turn around its main direction axis, as shown in the picture below:

2. There are probably dozens of different time directions within quantum physics, each associated with a specific event. If morphic harmony occurs, one of those time directions prevails and the associated time-event can emerge.

In the mentioned examples above all the small time arrows lie on a one dimensional time plane. This one dimensional time plane is equivalent to the zodiac with its time quality.

Each small arrow is now pointing into the same direction. f e

h b

es cis as




es as cis



a d g


c g d


Picture is showing the one dimensional time plane with its fluctuating time characteristics. Each small arrow is pointing into a different direction, whereas the main arrow of time always points to the future.


c d e





a Primordial energy is used for time event a

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The ecliptic plane also represents a one dimensional time plane, where all planetary coordinates are directly referred to its surface. Like a sun dial, the time is always read on the dial no matter where the physical position of the pointer is. The north and the south lunar node, create with the neutrinos of the sun the plane of this one dimensional time-plane. If we apply the laws of music to the ecliptic plane, we obtain the zodiac with its relationship to the minerals within earth. The time quality in this context represents, the rising or falling probability that a certain crystallization process occurs within the earth´s minerals. This must not be confused with the concept of time in physics. There is no past, present or future in that sense; there is a creation probability of certain crystal structures when morphic harmony occurs. With the ecliptic plane we get schematically the same principle of creation before the Big Bang:

neutrinos of the Sun -> equivalent to -> primordial energy ecliptic plane -> equivalent to -> one dimensional quantum field sun in spring point -> equivalent to -> phenomena which triggered infinitesimally small field fluctuations orbiting moon and planets -> equivalent to -> fluctuations of within the one dimensional quantum field lunar nodes -> equivalent to -> symmetry break

Furthermore: the axis of earth represents the Shiva Lingam (=magnetic monopole with the embedded Cold Dark Matter) the two solstices and equinoctials represent the alignment of the code sun of genetics.

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Unified view on astrology and astronomy

Primordial force, WuJi[10]

showing a magnetic monopole in its perfect state of symmetry

Appearance of Quantum fluctuations creation of Yin-, Yang part of the monopole

Yin-energy (~Space) Creation of microcosm

vacuum energy and matter through (sub-) monopoles

Creation of macrocosm

dark energy and concept of time (in context of past present and future)

Creation of Space and Time through symmetry break

Creation of Higgs field/particle through symmetry break

Creation of weak nuclear force through symmetry break

Yin-Element earlier heaven

Yang-Element later heaven

HDM, Neutrinos

CDMAtom, atomic nucleus eight folded way of physics

Creation of atom incl. electron ~380.000 years after Big Bang

Begin of Planck epoch

Begin of GUT epoch

Beginning of Inflation


Creation of Yin- and Yang energy through symmetry break

Gravity and Expansion by the emergence of a primary magnetic monopole and

Mantra: A-U-M

Self-sustaining frequency of the primary magnetic monopole with its 5 laws of change weaving microcosm and macrocosm together.

M: Shiva Shakti Appearance of HDM

U: Vishnu Shakti

A: Brahma Shakti


Creation of WDM energy of awakening Kundalini

CDMField, souls creating also consciousness

Creation of Morphic field (~tropical astrology)

and cosmic field of consciousness

(~sidereal astrology)

Body of Vishnu falls asleep Appearance of CDMField

Begin of Brahma´s life

End of GUT epoch

Begin of Radiation era

Begin of Matter era

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Creation of first stars (~200 million years after Big Bang)

Creation of our Galaxy (~600 million years after Big Bang)

Creation of Vishnu Nabhi, Ocean of milk (Galactic centre, the Milky Way)

Creation of morphic field (through neutrinos and dark matter)

Creation of our Sun (~4.6 billion years ago)

Creation of Kalapurusha (sidereal zodiac, Nakshatras)

Creation of Earth (also ~4.6 billion years ago)

Creation of the tropical zodiac (laws of music)

Creation of Rahu-Ketu (Basis of Vastu Purusha Mandala)

Creation of Moon (~4.5 billion years ago)

Beginning of evolution (~3.5 billion years ago)

Samudra manthan, Churning of the Ocean of Milk

Presence: Showing Kurma with the Code Sun of genetics on its back

Matter era

Begin of Brahma´s day on earth

Brahma´s life

Begin of Dark energy era

Dark energy era

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Some remarks on: fixed star astrology and star constellations

Fixed star astrology plays a minor but very important part in this hypothesis of morphic fields. The neutrinos of the stars create together with the dark matter a morphic field, whereas most neutrinos are coming from our sun, which creates the Kalapurusha and the tropical zodiac. These 2 parts have the most influence on evolution of live and its consciousness on earth. The neutrinos which come from other stars can have a specific function. Since an incarnated soul ´filters´ the neutrino stream, this neutrino stream of stars has literally inspired the souls of philosophers all over the world. Depending on the philosopher’s individual view on life, different forms of mythology with their own star constellations emerged. Example: star constellation Orion from the philosophical perspective of: The pictures above schematically show how the neutrinos of other stars have influenced the evolution of philosophy and mythology on earth.

Modern Astrophysics:

Greek mythology:

Arabic mythology:

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It seems to me that sidereal astrology like Jyotisha is more of a spiritual astrology which has the aim to achieve deliverance of the soul out of the karmic cycle, whereas western tropical astrology has more the aim to achieve prosperity in life for a being within its society. This also means that people who believe in western tropical astrology doesn’t necessarily believe in the existence of a soul or its karma. The tropical zodiac is geocentric and it is based on the law of music and describes the following things:

Chrono-biological processes which have to run synchronously with the seasons and the collective, such as:

Biorhythms, Calendar Systems

The collective unconscious and the evolution of human life on earth.

Socio-psychological influence.

the evolution of society (incl. politics, economy, history)

the quality of biophotons (Dhatus)

The sidereal zodiac is heliocentric and based on the law of spirituality and karma and describes: The evolution of individual consciousness and how it tries to deal with life

The Kalapurusha

The karmic constitution of the individual life

Calculation of time for spiritual ceremonies

As plausible as this hypothesis sounds it must kept in mind that an objective scientifically proof of it is never really possible. As explained in the document: ´Structure and function of morphic fields´ the sociological influence on life through culture, education etc. is in my opinion much stronger than the astrological one. Since I cannot measure the sociological influence on a human being, I never can clearly proof or disproof if certain parts of astrological belief are effective or not. That the influence of the society is definitely outnumbering a possible astrological influence is shown to me that nowadays lots of people don´t believe in the existence of a soul anymore, whereas Yoga, QiGong, Religions and Astrology always postulated the existence of a soul. This is the strongest indication that sociological influence is extremely dominant in modern times and makes it therefore very difficult to proof or disproof certain parts of astrological belief.

I came across some video presentations [1][2][3], where an Indian monk says, that a person has to do 2 1/2 years Hatha Yoga or Surya Kriya on a daily basis, so that the body gets aligned to the cycles of nature. When this happens the person should realize the influence of the moon-phases. This example shows that parts of astrology can perhaps work as an individual life-philosophy but it never really can achieve the status of an objective science. Therefore astrology must be seen and treated as an individual life-philosophy, where so far it cannot be determined which parts of it are scientifically plausible. The complete Morphic field hypothesis can be found on my personal OneDrive: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=866017281F243981%21182

A discussion group can be found on facebook – Group name: Morphic Fields https://www.facebook.com/groups/27586793703/ Best regards, Hubert Rehberger, June 2015

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFC1WgxTWhM, [2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CANNf6s7RM8, [3] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wq-OiPk-pU