UNIDO Sustainable Industrial Development Programme

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Transcript of UNIDO Sustainable Industrial Development Programme

  • 8/2/2019 UNIDO Sustainable Industrial Development Programme


    Environmentally SoundEnvironmentally Sound

    Industrial DevelopmentIndustrial Development





    Pollutants WaterManagement


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    - Enhancing the competitiveness and theproductivity of industry

    - Promoting sustained social advance in a waycompatible with environmental protection. It

    will enhance investment and businesscooperation to diffuse quality and productivityenhancing Environmentally SoundTechnologies (ESTs),

    - Providing the national industries with thenecessary tools that will facilitate access tonational and regional markets withenvironmentally sound products andimproving the ability of national enterprises tosuccessfully negotiate their position in theglobal markets.

    Focus on sector:

    Focus on

    specific services:

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    Cleaner Production

    is aPreventive Integrated


    Applied to the EntireProduction and Service Cycle

    At sectorallevel

    Products: Reduction of wastethrough better design Use of waste for newproducts

    Processes: Conservation of raw material, energy,

    water Reduction of emissions at source Evaluation of technology options Reduction of costs and risks

    Services:Efficient environmentalmanagement in design anddelivery

    At companylevel

    Impact: Improved efficiency Better environmental performance Increased competitive advantage

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    NCPC Network



    Rep. KoreaSri Lanka


    Czech Republic














    Costa Rica


    El Salvador



  • 8/2/2019 UNIDO Sustainable Industrial Development Programme


    Centers Objective and Goal


    Building national capacity inCleaner Production


    Continuous improvement of the

    environmental performance ofindustry

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    Centers Core Services

    1. Awareness Raising

    Demonstration Projects

    2. Training

    3. Company-specific Technical Assistance

    4. Information Dissemination

    5. Environmentally Sound Technology

    6. Investment Assistance in Cleaner Technology7. Policy Advice

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    Centers Clients

    Man u f a ct u r i n g I n d u st r y( m ain ly SMEs)

    Service Industry (Hospitals,Tourism Industry, )



    Government Departments

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    Scope of Centers Work

    Cleaner Pr odu ct ion

    Energy Efficiency

    Environmental Mgmt. Systems (e.g., ISO 14001)

    Health & Safety



    Industrial Management Systems

    Awareness Raising on upcoming topics (Life CycleAnalysis, Ecolabels, Local Agenda 21, Environm entalReport ing, )

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    Other CP Projects

    CP Demonstration Projects(NCPCs-to-be?):

    1. Uzbekistan

    2. Macedonia

    3. Ghana

    Sector-Specific CP Centre &

    activities:1. Oil and Gas CP Centre -


    2. Virtual NCPC; networked

    sector-specific units - CubaDeveloping:

    a) Clean fuels centre - Pakistan

    b) CP in textiles - Nigeria


    Artisanal Gold MiningLeather (tanning)

    Textiles (dyeing)

    Agro-ProcessingWood Processing

    Pulp and Paper

    Industrial Energy EfficiencyReduction of GreenhouseGases

    Montreal Protocol

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    UNIDO Programme onTransfer of Environmentally Sound

    Technologies (TEST)

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    TEST project objectivesNat ion a l Leve l :

    To bu i ld capaci t ies in ex is t ingna t i ona l i n st i t u t i ons t o app l y t he TESTin t eg ra ted app roach a t a se lect ed num bero f en t e rp r i ses;

    En t e rp r ise Leve l :

    To b r ing select ed p i lo t en t e rp r i sesi n t o co m p l ian ce w i t h e n v i r o n m en t a l n o r m so f t he Danu be Rive r Pr o t ect ion

    Conv en t ions and I PPC- EU Dir ect iv e.

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    CP EMS

    Viability Assessment: Enterprise selection

    EMS design &implementation

    EMAEnvironmental ManagementAccounting


    ReviewPhase I :

    Improve performanceof existing Technology

    (Process optimization)

    InvestmentAppraisal and




    SustainableEnterprise Strategy

    Phase I I :Identify Technology

    change and pollution

    control Technology

    Good Management Practices introducedEnvironmental and Economical benefits

    High investment needing EST identifiedand promoted

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  • 8/2/2019 UNIDO Sustainable Industrial Development Programme


    The Romanian Case

    ASTRA ref in er y

    SOMES pu lp & p aper

    I n v e st m e n t i n t h e b le ach i n gUn i t b y En d 2 0 0 2 1 M USD

    Phas ing ou t

    Ch lo r ine b leach in g

    I n v e st m e n t i n Hy d ro Re f in i n gUn i t i n 2 0 0 2 6 5 5 ,0 0 0 USD

    Reduc t ion o f Su lph u rem issi on by 1 00%

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    Su st a inab le En t e rp r i se St r a t egy

    up da t ed bu siness p lan that includes the financialjust ificat ion for the technology investment ,

    a socia l act i on p lan on how to assist workers who wouldpotent ially be made redundant as a result of t echnologicalmodernization

    a nego t i at ed env i ronm en ta l c om p l i anc e schedu l e thatreflects a common understanding between the enterprise andenvironmental authority

    Sust a inab i l i t y Repor t ing

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    Dissem ina t i on o f t he r esu l t s

    The ro l e o f t he p r o j ect adv i so ry boa rd( au t ho r i t i es, NGOs, i nd us t r i a l associa t i on and

    academia )

    N at i o n a l m e ch a n i sm ( b r o ch u r e / p u b l ica t i o n , l oca lw o r k sh o p , w eb p a g e)

    Shar i ng t he resu l t s a t l oca l l ev e l i nspect o ra t es( i n t eg r a t ed p er m i t s)

    Reg iona l w o rk shop

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    UNIDO initiative: TEST-MEDTransfer of Environmentally Sound Technology in the

    Mediterranean BasinProject Budget: 2 M USD (co-funded by Italian Government)Participating countries: Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco and TunisiaPartners: MAP (Mediterranean Action Plan)

    CP-RAC (Cleaner Production Regional Activity Center- Barcelona)GEF (Global Environment Facility)


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    Removal of Barriers to theIntroduction of CleanerArtisanal Gold Mining and

    Extraction Technologies

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    Reducing use & improving its management insmall-scale mining

    NonNon--amalgamation processingamalgamation processing

    Amalgamation in closed conditionsAmalgamation in closed conditions

    Environmental assessment of fluxes,Environmental assessment of fluxes,

    vectors & sinksvectors & sinks

    CommunityCommunity--based health awarenessbased health awareness

    Reducing harmful emissionsMercury

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    Present Focus Areas of project:

    Gold mining areas in Brazil in the Amazon Basin

    Lake Victoria and adjacent small-scale gold mining areas in Tanzania

    Artisanal mining sites along the Nile in Sudan

    Small-scale gold mining along tributaries of the Zambezi in Zimbabwe

    River bed gold mining activities along the Mekong in Lao PDR

    River bed gold mining activities along rivers in Kalimantan

    Draining to Java Sea and hard rock gold mining in Sulawesi affecting Sulawesi Sea

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    Development of state-of-the-artguidelines/protocols for

    collecting scientific andtechnical informationbeing appropriate to

    further develop UNIDOsstrategy in reducing andcontrolling mercury

    pollution from small-scalegold mining.

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    Identify project demonstration sites and organize training in technology

    and raising awareness of miners, Governments, NGOs and the generalpublic.


    Assess the environmental (mercury) pollution in habitat,

    surrounding environmental media and devise intervention measures.


    Establish a databank comprising of technological requirement relevant toartisanal gold mining and extraction activities.


    Develop country specific policies and legislation that will lead toimplementable standards on the application of mercury.


    Promote the dissemination of the project results and identifyopportunities that will allow sustainability of the the project

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    Reduction of Mercury Pollution:

    Establish mercury migratory patterns

    Formulate measures for remediation of hot spots

    Enhance local laboratory monitoring capacity

    Conduct geochemical sampling - hot spots areas Analysis of human & other biological samples

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    Demonstration of Cleaner Technology:

    Demonstrate alternatives to amalgamation

    Develop & test micro-financing programme

    Demonstrate cost effectiveness of new techniques

    Establish databank of technological requirements

    Training for local equipment manufacturers

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    Local and regional workshops

    Training and Raising Awareness: On-the-job training on Cleaner Technology

    Training of women miners and entrepreneurs

    Awareness campaign workshops

    Awareness campaigns through media

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    Development of Policies & Legislation:

    Assist Government to develop enforceable standards Assist Government to develop enforcement programme

    Review current policies and legislation

    Make consultations and give recommendations Convene workshops to discuss recommendation

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    Database on current artisanal mining technologies

    Developed continuous monitoring programmes

    Enhanced monitoring capacity of local laboratories

    Developed & tested micro-financing frameworks

    Cleaner & efficient gold processing techniques Enhanced access to equipment & technology

    Practical and enforceable mercury application standards

    An implementable enforcement programme


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    Developed & tested project management framework

    Reduced mercury emissions

    Replication of experience and increased global awareness

    Availability of information regarding mercury pollution

    Increased knowledge regarding mercury migration

    Accessible Website on artisanal mining & environment

    Developed training modules that can be easily adapted


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    The Stockholm Convention on

    Persistent Organic Pollutants

    The Stockholm Convention onThe Stockholm Convention on

    Persistent Organic PollutantsPersistent Organic Pollutants








    Prescribes 12 chemicals for immediate at t ent ion;

    Defines how new chemicals might be added

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    Unintentionally Produced POPs

    Goal = continuing minimization and, where feasible, ultimate

    elimination of total releasesof chemicals derived fromanthropogenic sources

    dioxins, furans, HCB, PCBs

    Parties must develop action plans within 2 years of entry intoforce, and implement their plans:

    evaluate current & projected releases

    develop strategies to reduce releases

    develop a schedule for implementation of action plan

    evaluate efficacy of laws & policies to manage releases

    review success of strategies every 5 years, report to COP

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    Unintentionally Produced POPs

    Parties must:

    promote application of available, feasible and practicalmeasures to achieve realistic and meaningful levels of

    release reduction or source elimination

    promote development and, where appropriate, requireuse of substitute or modified materials, products and

    processes to prevent formation and release of POPs inAnnex C

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    Unintentionally Produced POPs For industrial source categories with potential for comparatively high

    formation & release of POPs to the environment (Annex C, Part II):

    waste incinerators: municipal/hazardous/medical waste, sewage sludge

    cement kilns firing hazardous wastes

    pulp production involving chlorine

    thermal processes used in metallurgical industry: secondary production of

    aluminum, copper or zinc; sinter plants in iron and steel industry

    For new sources, Parties must:

    promote and, as provided for in an action plan, require use of best availabletechniques (BAT), and

    phase in any BAT requirements as soon as practicable but no later than 4yearsafter Convention enters into force

    promote use of best environmental practices (BEP)

    For existing sources, Parties must promote use of BAT and BEP

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    Unintentionally Produced POPs For 13 industrial source categories (Annex C, Part III), Parties must

    promote use of BAT & BEP for new and existing sources:

    open burning of wastes (including landfill sites)

    thermal processes in metallurgical industry not specified in Part II

    residential combustion sources

    fossil-fuel fired utility & industrial boilers

    firing installations for wood & other biomass fuels chemical production processes releasing unintentionally produced

    POPs (e.g., chlorophenols, chloranil)

    shredder plants for treating end-of-life vehicles

    textile & leather dying & finishing motor vehicles

    smouldering of copper cables waste oil refineries

    destruction of animal carcasses crematoria

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    UNIDO & the StockholmConvention: ongoing activities

    Enabling Activities towards NationalImplementation Plans

    Demonstration projects; benign alternatives &techniques Non-Combustion Technologies - and biopesticides

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    Demonstration projectsDemonstration projects

    test the viability & removal of barriers that

    impede adoption & effective implementationof available non-combustion technologies fordestroying POPs

    identify and evaluate environmentally soundalternatives to POPs


    Fi t tFi t t E bli A ti iti E bli A ti iti

  • 8/2/2019 UNIDO Sustainable Industrial Development Programme


    First stepsFirst steps -- Enabling ActivitiesEnabling Activities

    ApprovedAfrica: Burundi,Central African Rep.,Chad, Rep. Of Congo,Djibouti, Ethiopia,

    Gabon, Ghana,Lesotho, Liberia,Malawi, Niger, Nigeria,Rwanda, Sao Tome &Principe, Seychelles,Tanzania, Togo

    Asia: China, India,

    Indonesia, Lao PDR,Mongolia, Nepal

    Arab: Algeria, Egypt

    Europe: Armenia,Croatia, Czech Rep.,Hungary, Macedonia,Poland, Romania,

    TurkeyLatin America:Bolivia,Guatemala, Venezuela

    Total : 37

    Approval pendingBotswanaGuinea BissauUnited Arab Emirates

    Total : 3


    Azerbaijan Sierra LeoneBosnia & Herzegovina SwazilandEquatorial Guinea UgandaMyanmar YugoslaviaNamibia

    Total : 9 count ries

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    NonNon--combustion technologiescombustion technologies

    A demonstration inA demonstration inadvance of tacklingadvance of tacklingimportant stockpiles &important stockpiles &contaminated soilscontaminated soils

    Transfer of availableTransfer of availableinnovative technologiesinnovative technologies

    Demonstration sites:Demonstration sites:Slovakia, Philippines,Slovakia, Philippines,

    China, ASPChina, ASP

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    Technologies considered

    ABB Transformatoren GmbH- LTR2(Low Temperature Rinsingand Re-use)system incorporating Sodium Reduction


    BCD Group - Base Catalysed Decomposition (BCD)

    ELI Ecologic International - Gas-Phase Chemical Reduction


    Commodore Applied Technologies Solvated ElectronProcess

    + innovative approach

    Toshiba Corporation - combining ultra-violet irradiation andcatalytic dechlorination (UVCD)technology

    & Cl d h

  • 8/2/2019 UNIDO Sustainable Industrial Development Programme


    Thank you very much

    Energy & Cleaner Production Branch

    Project Development & TechnicalCooperation Division

    Pablo Huidobro

    [email protected]

    +43-1-260 26 3068