UNECE Working Party on Regulatory Cooperation and Standardization Policies

UNECE Working Party on Regulatory Cooperation and Standardization Policies Lorenza Jachia TF8 19 March 2013


UNECE Working Party on Regulatory Cooperation and Standardization Policies. Lorenza Jachia TF8 19 March 2013. What I will cover: 1) What is the UNECE WP . 6 2) Partnership btw TF8 and WP. 6 3) Future joint WP.6-TF8 actvities. 1) What is the UNECE WP. 6. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of UNECE Working Party on Regulatory Cooperation and Standardization Policies

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UNECE Working Party on Regulatory Cooperation andStandardization Policies

Lorenza Jachia

TF8 19 March 2013

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What I will cover:

1) What is the UNECE WP. 6

2) Partnership btw TF8 and WP. 6

3) Future joint WP.6-TF8 actvities

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1) What is the UNECE WP. 6

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UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)

The United Nations

International Court of Justice

Regional Commissions

General Assembly

Security Council

Economic and Social Council

Functional Commissions

Programmes and Funds

Economic Commission for Europe

Economic Commission for Africa

Economic and Social Commission for Western


Economic Commission for Asia and the Pacific

Economic Commission for Latin America


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Commission for …EUROPE?

Any UN member


representative can

participate on a

fully equal footing

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UNECE WP. 6What we are: • Intergovernmental body• Participation by: authorities, regional & int’l org, standards-setting

bodies, business, certification bodies, test houses, civil society• From all UN Member States• 1970 – 2010: 40+ yearsOur mandate:• Forum for dialogue on: Standardization Technical regulations

Conformity assessment Accreditation Metrology Market surveillance Risk management

Our activities • Develop and share best practice and tools for regulatory coop• Advice and capacity-building • Develop and maintain a set of recommendations • Implement a set of initiatives on specific industrial sectors

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2) Partnership btw TF8 and WP. 6

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Better and convergent regulations

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Recommendation L

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Recommendation L (continued)

• In sectors of high concern

• Governments define “common regulatory objectives” i.e. they define legitimate government concerns (public health, safety, protection of the environment, interoperability, etc)

• And agree on how to reach them

• By reference to international standards

• Specifying:– how compliance is assessed– which conformity assessment bodies are recognized as competent,– what competence criteria are to be fulfilled– other flanking issues

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Recommendation L

• A set of tools • Countries can use to harmonize their technical

regulations and regulatory systems in any sector at a regional or global level

• It has also been used to harmonize regulations in all sectors between two countries or within a customs union

• Builds on the principles of the WTO TBT Agreement but goes further

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Next steps

• National contact points – build a group• Further develop the CROs – work on coordination of

market surveillance activities• Promotion activities in cooperation with IECEx

– 2012 IECEx International Conference in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, on 20-21 March 2012

– Petroleum Chemical Industry Committee for Europe (PCIC Europe) Prague on 19-21 June 2012

– Calgary 2012– Fortaleza 2013

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Conformity assessment +accredit + metrology

Product design

Standardiz. policies/techical regulations


Market surveillance


UNECE WP 6 works onhorizontal issues

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• Risk Management in Regulatory Frameworks

• Crisis Management in Regulatory Frameworks

• Good practices in Market Surveillance Policies

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Recall Rappel Отзыв





Any measure aimed at achieving the return of a non-complying product that has already been made available on the market.

Toute mesure visant à obtenir le retour d’un produit non conforme qui est déjà disponible sur le marché.

Любая мера, призванная обеспечить возврат не соответствующей требованиям продукции, которая уже была выпущена на рынок.


F. Adapted from 2001/95/EC

Art. 2 (g) Adapté de la Directive CE

no 2001/95, art. 2, al. g

Адаптированное определение

из статьи 2 g) документа 2001/95/ЕС

Risk Risque Риск





Combination of the probability of an event and its consequence.

Source potentielle de dommages

Сочетание вероятности события и его последствий.



ISO73, 3.1.1 ISO 51, 3.5 ИСО 73, 3.1.1





The term “risk” is generally used only when there is at least the possibility of negative consequences.

Le risque peut être qualifié de façon à en indiquer l’origine ou la nature (par exemple, risque de choc électrique, risque d’écrasement, risque de coupure, risque d’intoxication, risque d’incendie ou risque de noyade).

Термин "риск" обычно используют только тогда, когда существует как минимум возможность негативных последствий.

Glossary of Market Surveillance Terms

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Contact database of


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Developing and implementing systems of regulationsthat protect from riskeffectively and efficiently

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3) Next annual session and joint UNECE-TF8 Conference(Geneva 14-20 November 2013)

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• Conference on Regulatory Convergence (14-15 November)

• Panel session on «Standards and Regulations»: revision of recommendation L

• Panel discussion on education for standards