Undergraduate programmes in Education

Be the future; realise your potential. Education undergraduate programmes


Southampton Education School offer undergraduate programmes in either Education or Education and Psychology.

Transcript of Undergraduate programmes in Education

Be the future; realise your potential.Education undergraduate programmes







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2 Achieving a degree in Education or Education & Psychology could lead to a wide range of careers.

At Southampton, we have created these new courses aimed at a wide variety of students with different educational careers and futures in mind:

•   If you want to become a primary school teacher this course will help you on to a primary PGCE course, but importantly it gives you the chance to spend time in schools before that;

•   If you want to go into social research careers or other education related work opportunities it provides a firm foundation and leads naturally on to a Master’s or Doctorate course if you wished, at Southampton or elsewhere;

•   If you are just interested in the subject area of ‘Education’ it can lead you into industrial, commercial or public sector jobs just like any other social sciences or humanities degree;

•   And if you are interested in working in the Further Education sector, or lifelong learning areas of employment, then you can choose modules that are relevant to help you get there.

Whatever the reasons you’re thinking of taking either of them, the degrees’ strong focus upon study skills, problem solving, their ‘people’ orientation, concentration upon what makes children and adults ‘tick’, and emphasis upon training you to collect and present data, to communicate and be rational and logical, will develop skills that are applicable in any career. Their contemporary nature make them also extremely attractive to employers of many kinds.

The size of the course enables us to offer you a wide range of choice of modules, a large student group to relate to and huge opportunities. However, while we will be big enough to cope, we will be small enough to care and our large number of small sized modules, our small group teaching and our personal tutorial system means you will feel a student focussed and friendly atmosphere. And because we are creating something ‘new ’ we can be up-to-date in our curriculum design, our teaching methods and our assessment methods.

The courses over the three years are based upon:

•   Giving you foundations in psychology, educational policy, curriculum and learning in year 1, together with modules that offer the chance of learning about how schools work and getting out into them;

•   Giving you options and choices of modules in accordance with your interests and where you are going in the job market in the future, in year 2;

•   Giving you an even greater chance to construct your own degree in accordance with your personal and job interests in year 3 through doing a dissertation and other modules where you study things that interest you in detail.

Why Education or Education & Psychology?


Both programmes comprise fascinating areas to study – they’re about children, classrooms, schools, the workplace, government policies, and children and adults learning throughout their lives. In fact, these areas are some of the most rapidly growing areas for undergraduate study nationally.


What does the Education course look like?

Here is an outline of the modules that you will most likely be doing:











Single honours

Semester 1

Yr 1 Contemporary education issues, problems & policies

An introduction to learning

An introduction to teaching & teachers

Research & writing in education

Yr 2 Research methods in education 1: perspectives & approaches

Choose 3 from:•Educationalpolicy&politics•Learners&learning•Aneducationalplacement:

experiential learning #•Earlyyears:systems&structures•Freechoicemodule

Yr 3 Choose 3 from:•Lifelong&workrelatedlearning•Advancedresearchmethods•Sociologyofeducation•Currentissuesinteaching&learninginschools•Workbasededucation:systems&structures*•Educationalpsychology1• *Freechoicemodule

Dissertation (double module across the year)




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*Studentswillbeexpectedtoundertakeaplacementexperienceaspartofthesemodules # If not selected in year 2, students could choose this as one of their semester 1 year 3 options


Semester 2



Curriculum design Choose 1:

Primary education: systems and structures





Research methods in education 2: techniques & analysis

Choose 3 from:•Leading&managingeducation• ICT&digitalliteracies• Internationalisation&education•Cognitivepsychologyineducation•Lifelonglearning:systems&structures•Freechoicemodule

Dissertation (double module across the year)

Choose 3 from:•Socialjustice&inclusiveeducation• Internationaleducationalpolicies&practices•Contemporarydebates&issuesineducation•Health&wellnesseducation:systems&structures*•Educationalpsychology2•Freechoicemodule



What does the Education & Psychology course look like?

Here is an outline of the modules that you will most likely be doing:






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Single honours

Semester 1 BSc (Hons) Education & Psychology

Yr 1 Contemporary education issues, problems & policies


Research methods & data analysis 1

Research & writing in education

Yr 2 Research methods in education & psychology 1

Choose 1 from:EducationmoduleORPsychology moduleOROther module outside of EducationorPsychologyForBPS,youmustchoose ClassicStudiesinPsychology

Individual differences: personality & intelligence


Yr 3 Choose 3 modules as either:•2psychologyseminaroptions+1educationoption• 1psychologyseminaroption+2educationoptionsNote:youmusthave3psychology+3educationoptionsacross the yearForBPS,youmustchooseAdvancedResearchMethods


Can choose to takethedoubledissertation module or the 2 dissertation single modules in psychology




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Semester 2 BSc (Hons) Education & Psychology

Psychology of social and individual wellbeing


Curriculum design Choose 1 from:



Psychology module


Other module outside ofEducationorPsychology

Research methods in education

Choose 1 education moduleForBPS,youmustchoose Cognitive psychology in education


Developmental psychology

Dissertation Canchoosetotakethedouble dissertation module or the 2 dissertation single modules in psychology

Choose 3 modules as either:•2psychologyseminaroptions+1educationoption• 1psychologyseminaroption+2educationoptionsNote:youmusthave3psychology+3educationoptionsacrosstheyear



How will you study?

Studying is made up of formal class time and independent work. Class contact involves lectures, seminars, workshops and IT sessions. Independent work comprises directed study, reading, assessment preparation and revision. You will also have one-to-one tutorials and you may meet with peers to study or support each other through peer discussion.

Most formal class time is made up of one lecture a week per module, plus smaller seminars or workshops. This may vary depending on the module; for example, the dissertation module has few lecture sessions but more one-to-one meetings.

Work and study are vital to achieving this degree, but activities and experiences outside your study programme are also important and add to your CV. You might want to spend some time each week taking part in activities which count towards achieving your University of Southampton Graduate Passport. This is a programme of personal development valued

by employers in boosting your appeal as a graduate. The passport scheme may involve work experience or voluntary activities in the local community. Find more information online at www.soton.ac.uk/careers/passport

In addition to sport and Graduate Passport activities, you may want to take part in some of the University’s other clubs and societies. See www.soton.ac.uk/study/unilife/clubssocieties.html for more information.

How will you be assessed?

Assessment methods vary throughout the courses. Some modules have coursework that you complete during teaching weeks and some have examinations. Others have a mix of assessment methods; for example, a presentation during teaching weeks and an examination at the end of the semester. However, all are appropriate to the topic you are studying, and are applicable to the learning outcomes set for that module. Some also use projects which can be done in a wide variety  of educational settings.







Students enjoy a range of lectures, seminars and workshops.


09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00

Mon Module1




Tues Module2






WedYou might choose to play sport for one of our University teams or get involved in one of the University’s societies or work!!Wednesdaysaretypicallyinter-universitymatchdays.

Thur Module1




Fri Module3




Weekly timetable example


Contemporary education issues, problems & policies

Compulsory or option? Compulsory

What will you study? Education in the United Kingdom has been, and is, changing rapidly – this module explains, describes and analyses why. You will examine whether education can combat wider inequalities of race, gender and class. You will be introduced to its contemporary debates – about how schools should be organised, about how the curriculum should be structured and how examinations should be run. You will also be developing your IT, knowledge searching and academic writing skills.

How will you be assessed? 1. Literature search and annotated

Bibliography on a chosen topic for the written assignment

2. Written assignment

Education in other countries

Compulsory or option? Compulsory

What will you study? In this module you will explore education in the UK and other selected countries. Topics which you will study include: international aid and development, gender participation in education in different countries, the growth of private education in developed countries; technical and vocational education in different countries; and educational practices such as streaming, setting, ability grouping, homework policy, assessment for learning and national examination practices in different countries.

How will you be assessed? 1. Written assignment/project

2. Examination

Primary education: systems and structures

Compulsory or option? Option

What will you study? The module will incorporate a critical examination and analysis of diverse aspects of primary education, locating issues in their social, cultural, historical and political contexts. Typical content is likely to include: the current state of play in terms of primary and early years curricula; an historical overview of the development of the primary curriculum; and the course will involve some time spent in a primary school setting on placement.

How will you be assessed? 1. Project based in a school



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11 11Study the systems and structures of school education.


Educational policy and politics

Compulsory or option? Option

What will you study? In this module you will explore the different views on the role of education within society and consider how ideology has shaped political perspectives of education. You will examine the major trends in contemporary UK educational policy with some international comparisons. Work in this module is likely to involve looking at detailed case studies of key educational policies; economic and social perspectives of their development, implementation and impact. You will also investigate the organisation and governance structures through which educational policy and its effectiveness is implemented, monitored and evaluated.

How will you be assessed? 1. Written assignment

2. Poster presentation

Leading and managing in education

Compulsory or option? Option

What will you study? In this module you will define and distinguish the difference between leadership and management. You will learn about leadership and management theory as well as examining the issues when trying to lead for and with diversity and inclusion. You will examine leadership effectiveness and improvement, including the research evidence for leadership impact and leading for quality in education. This module will include an examination of global perspectives on leadership and management and will also explore the methodological issues in researching leadership and management.

How will you be assessed? 1. Written assignment

2. Written reflection from class seminars

ICT and digital literacies

Compulsory or option? Option

What will you study? In this module you will examine social, ethical, economic and moral matters pertaining to the use of ICT in learning, teaching and assessment. For example, you will consider the use of avatars in virtual environments. You will also consider contemporary and future developments in technology and the implications for learning and teaching.

How will you be assessed? 1. Participation in a computerised assisted assessment relating to the content of the module2. Submit an electronic artefact highlighting an aspect of digital literacy and learning



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Social justice and inclusive education

Compulsory or option? Option

What will you study? In this module you will further develop your understanding of how race, gender and social class impacts in educational settings and whether/how these can be barriers to educational opportunities. You will explore identities in the private and public domains, sexualities, differences, and the role of religion and civic engagement including faith based schooling. You will gain an understanding of how policy statements about equality get translated into practice.

How will you be assessed? 1. Portfolio of reflections from class seminars

2. Examination

International education policies and practices

Compulsory or option? Option

What will you study? In this module you will examine the diverse theories of globalisation, and explore topics such as the political, economic and social factors which contribute to the internationalisation of the governance of education, transformations in global education policy, and the increased importance of skills.

How will you be assessed? 1. Written summary of a presentation

2. Written assignment/project

Health & wellness education: systems & structures

Compulsory or option? Option

What will you study? In this module you will examine models of health and health promotion / education and investigate the determinants of health and how they affect educational outcomes. You will also explore the health needs of young people and pupil health and well-being and will consider the impact of PSHE and the health education curriculum.

How will you be assessed? 1. A 10 minute presentation plus an accompanying paper of 500 words within a student conference

2. 2000 words reflective learning log. This will involve some time spent in a health and wellness education setting on placement.


Option? Compulsory double module

What will you study? Students will undertake a research project to investigate a topic of their choosing.

How will you be assessed? 1. 8000 word report or equivalent



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Due to the broad range of topic areas within the programmes, you will be taught by a number of different tutors. We have highly skilled and experienced individuals on our staff, all of whom will enrich your learning experience.

Here is an introduction to some of the key tutors you might meet during your time studying with us:

Professor David Reynolds CBE, FRSA

Professor Reynolds has run undergraduate academic education courses in Cardiff, Exeter and Newcastle universities. His research interests are school effectiveness, school improvement and education policies and he has written over 20 books and hundreds of journal papers on these topics.

He has a strong interest in English educational policy making and developed the Numeracy Strategy, helped develop the Literacy Strategy and has been on the Boards of numerous educational organisations. He was an Advisor to the English Government and is currently Senior Policy Advisor to the Welsh Government.

For further information about Professor Reynolds please see www.southampton.ac.uk/education/about/staff/dr1v10.page?

Professor Jacky Lumby

Professor Lumby’s main interests are in leadership and management; particularly the 14-19 age group and post-compulsory education. Her research has encompassed studies of school and college leader/managers at all levels in the UK and internationally. She has published extensively. Her most recent books concern how language both reflects and shapes thinking about education (with Fenwick English) and diversity and leadership in education (with Marianne Coleman).

For further information please see www.southampton.ac.uk/education/about/staff/jlumby.page?

Professor Anthony Kelly

Professor Kelly specialises in School Improvement and Political Economy. In particular Anthony focusses on: how this relates to school improvement/effectiveness theory; innovative practice in educational management; governance and policy analysis; adapting capability and game theoretic concepts to education; and developing innovative quantitative methods. His most recent books are on: benchmarking in education (Routledge Falmer); the use of game theory in decision-making (Cambridge University Press); conceptualising a theory of intellectual capital for use in not-for-profit organisations like schools (Kluwer Academic Press); and adapting Sen’s theory of capability to school choice (Palgrave Macmillan).

For further information about Professor Kelly please see www.southampton.ac.uk/education/about/staff/ajck.page?

If you are considering applying to Southampton, we will be pleased to meet you at one of our University Open Days. Please visit www.southampton. ac.uk/visit for more details.


Given the large numbers we will have, we are funding two societies to organise social events, provide a forum for students to express your views on the course and to organise visits to educational and other locations.

Placement Abroad

We are developing our links with Universities in other countries to provide the possibility of our students spending some time in another country to observe educational policies and practices elsewhere.

Contacting the Undergraduate Recruitment & Admissions Office

Telephone: +44 (0)23 8059 2619 and ask to be put through to the Programme Leader. Email: [email protected] www.southampton.ac.uk/psychology www.southampton.ac.uk/education

This information can be made available, on request, in alternative formats. For more information, please contact the FSHS Undergraduate Recruitment & Admissions Office.

This brochure is prepared well in advance of the academic year to which it relates and the University offers the information contained in it as a guide only. While the University makes every effort to check the accuracy of the factual content at the time of drafting, some changes will inevitably have occurred in the interval between publication and start of the relevant academic year. You should not therefore rely solely on this brochure and should consult the Education website www.southampton.ac.uk/education and the Psychology website www.southampton.ac.uk/psychology for up-to-date information concerning course fees, course content and entry requirements for the current academic year. You should also consult the University’s prospectus or go to www.southampton.ac.uk/inf/termsandconditions.html for more specific details of the limits of the University’s liability in the event of changes to advertised courses/programmes and related information.© University of Southampton 2012 15



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www.southampton.ac.uk/education www.southampton.ac.uk/psychology UK and EU enquiries:[email protected] +44 (0) 23 8059 2619

International (non-EU) enquiries:[email protected] +44 (0) 23 8059 9699