Unconscious and eye tracking - CX Research

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I really want to help people discover that: - Data from poor market research methods add no value to business decisions and are ignored by senior execs - Understanding human unconscious is critical in marketing and no, you don’t know much about what really drives your customers. Certainly nothing about how or why they do what they do. - Marketing budgets are simply wasted if no-one looks at your stuff and this is avoidable. - A s**t ad is a shit ad, no matter where you stick it.

Transcript of Unconscious and eye tracking - CX Research

  • 1. Welcome to your Risk Mitigation Department

2. Most people use at least one other device while watching TV, especially during commercial breaks. So why are brands continuing to spend money on TV ads? 3. Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted, and the trouble is I dont know which half! 4. Back then, marketing options were limited to radio, newspapers & magazines. But nothing much has changed these days! 5. Do you arrive at home at night being eager to open your junk mail? 6. What about on your computer? Are you still excited when, beep, another email arrives? I think not! 7. Even Out of Home advertising just doesnt have the needed impact anymore 8. The other day I was walking down George St near our office and, in the space of a block, I spotted not less than 30 people on their phone! 9. Do you think they were attending to billboards? 10. People do look at them, of course, the images change and that attracts your attention. But I doubt they remember much of the messaging 11. Measuring and targeting your New MEDIA marketing investment with big data is not enough! 12. Dont rest easy thinking a Big ad agency will design a perfect 360campaign and put it in the right places to solve your business problems! 13. A s**t ad will always be a shit ad, no matter where you put it! 14. But now you have steep competition when it comes to consumer attention and you need to do it right. HOW ARE YOU GOING TO PROTECT YOURSELF AND STOP WASTING MONEY? 15. We are all familiar with internal politics and the things that fuel it 16. We see a lot of companys, where decisions are reliant on research that uses outdated methods like Focus Groups, Surveys and analytics. 17. These methods tend to tell you nothing about WHY people do things and give no insight into the human unconscious which drives much of our behaviour. 18. Sigmund Freud, the Father of Psychoanalysis and the man who brought the term unconscious into our lexicon. 19. At any given moment, our brain is receiving a great deal of visual information from our surrounding environment changes in visual space, colours, shapes, and movement of objects. We take in so much visual information that our brain SELECTIVELY FILTERS out unimportant visual data and stores it in our subconscious memory. 20. The subconscious mind has a great impact on our decisionmaking, thoughts, and behaviour. 21. Whether it is using a website or app, glancing at an advertisement, or navigating a bank branch, visual information filtered into our subconscious memory influences how we react in these environments 22. The easiest way to do this is meditation and contemplative practice. This creates altered state of consciousness and allows access to the unconscious mind. 23. Or some people choose to use hypnotism, which puts you in the same state of heightened awareness. 24. Even the creative arts are said to have this affect. 25. And so does eye tracking! 26. Peoples eye gaze is largely controlled by the unconscious mind and in most cases our eyes respond before we think. By showing people the eye tracking replay of where they had looked, we open a door to their mind where we are able to probe, with them, why they were doing what they were doing. 27. Observation is simply NOT GOOD enough because you will miss the human unconscious. 28. Conscious levelHuman RecallInformation ProcessingConventional research methodsUnconscious levelVisual BehaviorEye trackingHow do we process information? 29. So we need to use eye tracking to understand unconscious behaviour, but there is another reason. 30. In the future you need to be able to build useful, safe, usable and satisfying eye interaction software! 31. This shows the US Patent by Google Pay by gaze Advertisers are going to pay for ads when people are looking at them. 32. And an eye control hack for Glass that costs only $25 was released this week! Even though Google glass doesnt come with eye tracking yet it certainly will be in the future! 33. So how does this all work? How can we use this across the holistic CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE journey? 34. This example shows an eye tracking output of one participants gaze during the first 5 seconds on two variations of a nappy ad. 35. Each individual circle represents one fixation of the persons gaze path. On the left ad, there are seven fixations on the babys face before the headline of the ad is seen. 36. This heat map of 106 people shows that the babys face on the left ad gets more attention than the actual text of the ad. 37. On the right ad, the baby directs the reader to the text by looking at it. This resulted in more fixations on the actual information of the ad. 38. Another example of how distracting elements hinder people to see the actual message of an ad. 39. The main focus on the right ad was on the greyed out person, as people were wondering what was missing instead of reading what the ad was for! 40. The left ad shows that people were spending more time reading the information of the ad. 41. CX IS NOT JUST DIGITAL 42. This is an example of an in-branch eye tracking study of DBS Bank in Singapore. 90 people were intercepted when entering the branch and equipped with the eye tracking glasses. 43. On average, when people were not playing candy crush or checking emails on their phone, most of peoples attention was on the TV as they wait in the queue. 44. Luckily, DBS conducted this valuable eye tracking research before their original plan to remove all TVs in the branches (due to high maintenance cost). 45. Who loves navigating through the Internet and clicking on banner ads? No-one? So why are we marketing in a way that we know we would never act like? 46. People on a mission e.g. finding a house to buy are not looking at ads displayed on a website. 47. WE CAN IMPROVE THIS! 48. A recent eye tracking study showed that people dont look at ads while playing a game. But if they are asked permission to watch the ad in return for a credit or life - then thats ok. 49. We conducted ethnographic research (contextual inquiry method) at a call centre, observing how operators dealt with customers placing bets on the phone. 50. Since calls were short and actions were performed very quickly, we used eye tracking to reveal the split-second interactions and decisions operators made during a call. 51. This is what the operators, and therefore the customers have to put up with. Fortunately, Objective Digital has been engaged to redesign the interface! 52. It was found that operators were running marathons on screens with their eyes, which frustrated them and customers had to put up with that. Fortunately, Objective Digital has been engaged to redesign the interface! 53. Convenient AccessibleHandy24/7EasyAnytime, anywhereIn controlOn the goInstant Save timeBy conducting some focus group sessions, we found that these are some of the key elements people value when mobile banking. 54. Check when pay comes inTransfer moneyCheck deposits coming inCheck transactions / spendingCheck funds/balan ces Bill paymentSchedule paymentsPay someoneFocus groups are great for exploring ideas and concepts and we can try to understand what people think they want to do on their phones. 55. But with eye tracking we are able to test HOW people are using their phones for mobile banking. Even if it is just the prototypes. We can test it, over and over again until it is right and then, it can be released to the market, with a much smaller risk of people rejecting it because of usability issues. 56. But how do we do it? We test it. Iteratively. Tailored to the environment of each project! 57. We can see if people dont look at ads if they are busy trying to achieve some task. 58. But we can also see how they respond to an app in the first seconds of seeing it. And after this how they go about a transaction. 59. Companies are even starting to test mobile apps in context. - Testing a mobile payment method in our shopper lab - 60. - Testing a mobile app in a driving simulation in our lab - 61. And while this testing is going on, client, designers and developers are in the viewing room, brainstorm and prioritize solutions while they are observing the test. 62. The reason that this agile brainstorming is successful is that when people observe the eye gaze of a participant in real time on the TV screen, they start to understand the issues and work out solutions right there and then. 63. THIS AGILE USABILITY PROCESS DOESNT TAKE TOO LONG OR COST VERY MUCH! 64. I have empowered you with a secret weapon to protect yourself from risk. 65. Why wouldnt you spend a little of your crazy marketing budgets on this type of insurance before you go live with any product in any channel. 66. There are plenty of companies that are doing it now. After one experience, they tend to come back earlier and more often during the process. This is a built in risk mitigation plan. Maximise your NPS scores. 67. Make more profit, increase your conversions, help your customers and make this World a better place. 68. Say hello James Breeze 301, 55 Lime St, Sydney [email protected] +65 8201 7285 +61 410 410 494 Twitter.com/jamesbreeze Facebook.com/jamesbreeze Linkedin.com/in/jamesbreezewww.ObjectiveDigital.com