Unani medicine for swine flu

UNANI MEDICINE FOR SWINE FLU PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE: Swine Flu: In Unani Medicine: Humme-Khinzeeri Anafulanza, In Ayurveda: Swine Flu is referred to as Vata Kaphaj Jwara, Dr. Abdul Latif Department of Ilmul Advia Faculty of Unani Medicine Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College A.M.U., Aligarh

Transcript of Unani medicine for swine flu

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Swine Flu: In Unani Medicine: Humme-Khinzeeri Anafulanza, In

Ayurveda: Swine Flu is referred to as Vata Kaphaj Jwara,

Dr. Abdul LatifDepartment of Ilmul AdviaFaculty of Unani MedicineAjmal Khan Tibbiya CollegeA.M.U., Aligarh

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Swine flu-HummaeKhinzeeri Anaflunza

•Swine influenza (also known as Swine Flu) It attacks the respiratory system, blocking the air passage channels & is a respiratory disease caused by influenza viruses that usually infect the respiratory tract of pigs. These viruses have the capacity to mutate, and are that is why easily transmissible among humans. In humans, they cause symptoms such as cough, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, fever,may be diarrhoea, and body aches.

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Unani Medicine Treatment & Prevention

• Prohibiting the growth & complications of swine influenza virus, improving immunity, clearing air channel blockage & toxins

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1.Steam inhalation2. Developed GOOD HYGIENIC CONDITIONS: Using warm/boiled water, Avoid contact with patient without mask / MASK MUST FOR PATIENTS3.Arq AJeeb/ Kulzoom -4-8 drop in fresh RO Water 4 times a day4.Use Kafoori Balm : apply/rub gently on chest, nose &/ Kafoor Tab smell it 5times a day

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5.Drink Joshina syrup 2 TSF/ JOSHANDA NAZLA with half cup hot water TWICE ON EMPTY STOMACH-MORNING & EVENINIG6.DRINK SHARBAT NAZLA 2TSF +SHARBAT BANFSHA 2TSF WITH HOT WATER –TWICE A DAY7.HABBE GILOEY 2 Tab + Habbe Bukhar 1 as per advised by Physician

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NOTE : if positive Test after following tests hospitalized PATIENT in higher centers

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Confirmation diagnostic recommended tests

Real-time RT-PCR is the recommended test for confirmation of influenza A (H1N)1 cases. Currently, novel influenza A (H1N1) virus will test positive for influenza A and negative for H1 and H3 by real-time RT-PCR. If reactivity of real-time RT-PCR for influenza A is strong (e.g. Ct <30) it is more suggestive of a novel influenza A (H1N1) virus. Confirmation as novel influenza A (H1N1) virus by real-time RT-PCR was originally performed only at CDC, but at this time may be available in your state public health laboratory.

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Isolation of novel influenza A (H1N1) virus is diagnostic of infection, but may not yield timely results for clinical management. A negative viral culture does not exclude infection with novel influenza A (H1N1) virus.

Related important articles:

- See more at: http://www.disabled-world.com/health/influenza/swine-flu/#sthash.lDoalxYT.dpuf