Un Sueño Navideño - Christmas Dream Dust

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Transcript of Un Sueño Navideño - Christmas Dream Dust

  • 8/3/2019 Un Sueo Navideo - Christmas Dream Dust


    ChildrensStory and Coloring Book /

    Cuento infantil y libro de colorear

  • 8/3/2019 Un Sueo Navideo - Christmas Dream Dust


    Clayton Mansion stood magnificently,surrounded by perfectly mowedlawns. Elegant rows ofrosebushes lined the pebbledpathways leading to the house.

    Perfectly clipped hedges circledthe property. It was abreathtaking sight.

    The inside of Clayton Mansionwas richly furnished andabsolutely spotless. Large

    paintings lined the walls of thewide hallways. The doors in themansion were all intricatelycarved out of oak.

    Jessica was sitting by theChristmas tree, wearing a

    lovely green and gold dress. Amountain of presents lay underthe tree, and the eight-year-oldgirl was busily sorting throughthem, carefully inspecting the ones that bore hername on the tag.

    La mansin de los Ramrez se ergua majestuosa,rodeada de jardines perfectamente cuidados. Elegantes

    filas de rosales se alineaban alos lados del camino queconduca a la casa. Haba

    cercos de setos esmeradamentecortados que circundaban lapropiedad. La vista eraimpresionante.

    Por dentro, la mansin estabaimpecable y lujosamente

    amueblada. En las paredes delos amplios corredores seexhiban grandes pinturas. Laspuertas de la residencia tenanun artstico diseo tallado enmadera de roble.

    Jssica se hallaba sentada allado del rbol navideo. Lucaun precioso vestido de verde yoro. Una montaa de regalos

    yaca a los pies del rbol, y la nia, de ocho aos, estabaocupada revisndolos uno por uno, inspeccionandocuidadosamente los que llevaban su nombre en la


  • 8/3/2019 Un Sueo Navideo - Christmas Dream Dust


    Can you play with me? her little brothers

    voice asked

    Jessica didnt even look up. Go away, Jeffrey, she

    said in a nasty voice. I dont have time to play with

    you. And plus, you always ruin things.

    Miss Jessica, a maid called from the next room.

    You need to get ready for your horse-ridinglessons.

    I dont want to go riding today, answered Jessicalazily.

    The maid sighed and continued cleaning.

    Jeffrey came into the entrance hall, this time with histrain set. Please will you help me set up my train,

    Jess? he asked. I cant do itmyself.

    I told you no before, Jessica snapped. Go get one

    of the servants to help you, and dont bother meanymore.******

    Wake up, Jessie! Wake up! the little voice lisped.

    The chubby hands reached out and shook Jessicas

    shoulders insistently.

    Go away, Jeffrey, she muttered and turned over.

    Jugamos?le pregunt su hermanito.

    Jssica ni siquiera lo mir.Vete, Camiloledijo con desagrado. No tengo tiempo para jugarcontigo; adems, t siempre arruinas las cosas.

    Seorita Jssicala llam una sirvienta desdela otra habitacin. Ya es hora de que se preparepara su clase de equitacin.

    Hoy no quiero montar a caballocontestperezosa.

    La criada suspir y prosigui con la limpieza.

    Camilo regres al recibidor, esta vez con su trende juguete, y le pregunt:Jssica, me ayudas aarmar las vas? No s hacerlo solo.

    Ya te dije que nole contest bruscamenteJssica. Pide a uno de los sirvientes que teayude y no me molestes ms.


    Despierta, Jssica! Despierta!dijo ceceandouna vocecita. Las regordetas manos se extendieronpara sacudir insistentemente los hombros de lachiquilla.

    Vete, Camilorefunfu ella entre dientesmientras se daba la vuelta.

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    Im not Jeffrey. Im Kenny, came the voice


    Whos Kenny? Jessica asked, as she opened her

    eyes sleepily. As soon as she looked around thedark, cold room, she bolted out of bed. This wasnt

    her room at all!

    Newspaper was stuffed into cracks in the walls tokeep the cold air out. She saw tattered curtains anda rickety dresser. Four beds were crammed into thetiny room. The blankets on the beds were patchedand stitched from continual wear. She looked out

    the window and saw the bustle of a fairly busystreet. Albertson Drive?! she exclaimed, readingthe street sign outside the window. Where amI?

    Jessica looked around the room for her clothes.On the dresser she found a set of folded clothes,but though they were clean and repaired nicely,

    they were obviously very old and frequently used.She put them on.

    Just then a womans head peeked around the door.

    Good morning, Jessica, she called. I trust you

    slept well.

    I slept fine, Jessica answered.

    No soy Camilo, soy Javierle contest la voz.

    Quin es Javier?pregunt Jssica, abriendolos ojos soolienta. Apenas vio el oscuro y frocuarto, salt de la cama. Aquella no era suhabitacin!

    En las grietas de las paredes haba papel peridicoincrustado para evitar que entrara el fro. Vio unascortinas hechas jirones y una cmoda destartalada.En aquel cuartito se hallaban tambin cuatro camasapretujadas. Las mantas tenan parches y puntadas;se notaban muy gastadas. Jssica mir por la

    ventana y observ el ajetreo de una calle muytransitada.Calle Albania!exclam al leer elletrero con el nombre de la calle. Dnde estoy?

    Jssica busc sus prendas alrededor del cuarto. En lacmoda encontr un juego de ropa doblada. Aunqueestaba limpia y bien reparada, evidentemente era

    vieja y se le haba dado mucho uso; de todos modosdecidi ponrsela.

    En ese momento una seora asom la cabeza por lapuerta.Buenos das, Jssicala salud.Espero que hayas descansado bien.

    Dorm biencontest Jssica .

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    Once youve made your bed, would you

    please set the table for breakfast? the

    woman asked sweetly.

    Isnt the maid supposed to do that?

    Jessica snapped back, before she

    could catch herself.Mother looked puzzled for a moment,and then a smile spread across herface. That mustve been quite some

    dream, child! she said with a littlelaugh. But we really must be on with

    our day. Father will be returning fromhis night shift shortly and well eatbreakfast together. Please come andgive me a hand as soon as youre donetidying your room.

    Uh, yes, Jessica stuttered. She stared

    blankly at the bed, trying to think howto go about making it. Her attemptended in frustration; the bed was allwrinkles and lumps. Kenny giggled ashe watched. Jessica scowled at himfiercely, and the little boy stoppedlaughing and tried to help her finish

    making the bed.

    Despus que hagas tu cama, podras poner la mesapara el desayuno?le pregunt lamujer amablemente.

    Pero si eso le toca a la criada!contest Jssica bruscamente sin

    poder contenerse.La mam se qued mirndoladesconcertada. Pero luego se ledibuj en el rostro una sonrisa.

    Qu sueo habrs tenido, hija!coment rindose. Pero ahora

    debemos empezar las faenas del da.Pap va a regresar del turno de nocheen un rato y vamos a comer juntos.Dame una mano apenas termines dearreglar tu cuarto, bueno?

    Este... startamude Jssica.

    Se qued mirando la cama sin saberpor dnde empezar. Luego se pusoa tenderla, pero no conseguaeliminar las arrugas y dejarla bienlisa. Javier la observaba y se rea.Jssica lo mir frunciendo el ceocon fiereza, y el pequeo dej de

    rerse y la ayud a terminar.

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    Jessica gingerly crept out of the room, not surewhere she was supposed to go. From the doorwayof her room she could see the living room andkitchen. The house was small and shabby, butthere were homemade Christmas decorations

    strung around the living room. A roaring fireblazed in the fireplace, and in the corner stood ascrawny tree decorated with simple, homemadedecorations.

    Jessica went to the kitchen to set the table, butsoon realized she didnt know how. Not knowing

    where anything was, she began to open everycupboard door in search of bowls and utensils.

    CRASH! One of the bowls fell to the ground andshattered. The house went completely silent aseveryone turned and eyed Jessica. The family wasso poor that every bowl was valuable.

    Jessica bent to pick up the larger pieces of thebroken bowl. As she did, she cut her finger on thebroken bowl, and let out a cry of pain. Motherquickly turned, saw the situation, and grabbed acloth. She wrapped it tightly around the cut tostop the bleeding. Itll be okay, she said softly.

    Im sorry, was all Jessica could mutter.

    Jssica sali del cuarto con cautela, sin saber concerteza adnde ir. Desde la puerta de su habitacinalcanzaba a ver la sala y la cocina. Aunque la casaera pequea y estaba destartalada, por toda la salahaba adornos navideos hechos en casa. En la

    chimenea el fuego arda que daba gusto, y en unaesquina se alzaba u n esculido rbol de Navidadcon sencillos adornos caseros.

    Jssica se dirigi a la cocina para poner la mesa,pero enseguida se dio cuenta de que no sabahacerlo. Abri las puertas de todos los armarios en

    busca de platos y utensilios.CRAS! Un tazn se le cay al suelo y se rompi.Se hizo silencio en la casa, y todos se voltearonpara mirar a Jssica. La familia era tan pobre quecada recipiente era valioso.

    Jssica se agach a recoger los pedazos ms

    grandes. Al hacerlo, se cort un dedo y solt ungrito de dolor. La mam se dio la vueltarpidamente, observ la situacin y tom un pao.Con l le envolvi el dedo, y la herida par desangrar.Va a estar bienle dijo con suavidad.

    Lo sientofue todo lo que Jssica acert a


  • 8/3/2019 Un Sueo Navideo - Christmas Dream Dust


    When the father had returned, the family gatheredaround the table. Everyone folded their hands andbowed their heads. For what we are about to

    receive, the father began, may the Lord make us

    truly thankful. Amen.

    Amen, came the chorus of voices, followedinstantly by the clatter of spoons.

    As Jessica took a bite of her porridge, she cringed.It had no butter and very little sugar in it. But shewas so hungry that she gingerly took another biteand then another.Its not too bad, I guess, she

    thought to herself.After breakfast there were dishes to do. The womanasked Sara, the eldest sister, to do the dishes, whileJessica was to keep an eye on the two younger ones,Kenny and Becky, so that she could go out.

    But I was going to go play with my Jessica

    started to answer, but stopped. All right, continuedJessica, and called the little kids to follow her.


    That afternoon, after Mother had returned from themarket, she came to see Jessica. She was carrying asmall basin of warm water and a cloth. Hows your

    hand doing, Jessie? she asked.

    Al llegar el pap, todos se reunieron en torno a lamesa, junta ron las manos e inclinaron la cabeza. lrez:Que el Seor nos ayude a estar agradecidospor los alimentos que vamos a comer. Amn.

    Amnrepitieron todos, a lo cual sigui el ruido

    de las cucharas.Jssica prob la avena, pero reaccion con unamueca de asco. El cereal no tena mantequilla, yapenas azcar. Ella, sin embargo, senta tantahambre que prob otro bocado con cautela, y luegootro ms. Supongo que no est tan mal, se dijo.

    Despus del desayuno haba que lavar la vajilla. Laseora le pidi a Mara Isabella hermana mayorque lo hiciera mientras Jssica cuidaba a los dosmenores, Javier y Teresita, para que ella pudiera salir.

    Pero yo iba a jugar con mi...comenz aresponder Jssica. Enseguida se detuvo.De

    acuerdocontinu, y llam a los pequeos paraque la acompaaran.


    Aquel la tarde, cuando la madre volvi del mercado,fue a ver a Jssica. Llevaba consigo una pequeapalangana con agua tibia y un pao.Jssica,

    cmo tienes la mano?le pregunt.

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    Fine. The bleeding stopped a while ago, but its a

    little sore.

    Im so sorry about that. Let me clean it,so that it wont get infected. Motherremoved the bandage and gently cleaned

    the cut.Is everything okay? she asked Jessica.

    You seem a little out of sorts. I noticedthat youre finding your jobs harder todo around the house. You question doingthem much more than you used to.

    Jessica stared at the floor, embarrassedby what she heard.But how am Isupposed to react? she asked herself.

    There is something I want you to

    know, Mothersaid, as she wrapped aclean bandage on Jessicas hand. I want

    you to know how much I need andappreciate your help around the house.Im sure its difficult for you to have tolook after your younger brothers andsisters, when youd prefer to be doingsomething else. Sara and you are both so

    helpful, and it makes things a lot easierfor me.

    Mejor. Dej de sangrar hace tiempo, pero todavame duele un poco.

    Cunto lo siento! Djame que telimpie la herida para que no se vayaa infectar. La madre quit la venda

    y le lav la herida con suavidad.Est todo bien?le pregunt.Se te nota un poco contrariada. Henotado que te est costando hacerlas tareas domsticas. Protestasmucho ms que antes.

    Jssica tena la mirada fija en elsuelo, avergonzada por las palabrasde su madre. Cmo deboreaccionar?, se preguntaba.

    Hay algo que quiero decirteprosigui la mam mientras le pona

    una venda limpia en la mano.Quiero que sepas cunto necesito yaprecio tu ayuda en la casa. Debe deser difcil para ti atender a lospequeos cuando preferiras hacerotra cosa. Mara Isabel y t son una

    gran ayuda y me facilita n las cosasmuchsimo.

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    Jessica had never had anyone thank her for helping,because she had never taken the time to help anotherperson. Jessica felt ashamed of how selfish andunkind she had been. I know you want to do the

    right thing, Jessica, and I understand that its not

    always easy. So thank you very much for doing itanyway, and for helping me all the time. I love youso much.

    Mother hugged Jessica for a few moments beforeshe left the room.

    Jessica sat there for a few minutes reflecting. I want

    to be kinder to other people, she thought.I dontknow how exactly, but Im sure there are things that

    I can do to help and I want to try to do that.

    All that day, whenever she was asked, Jessica helpedwith the children, and cleaned the house. She alsohelped Mother and Sara cook dinner. It was a lot of

    work, but Jessica found that it was actually fun.Every time she helped someone or shared somethingwith others, she felt good inside. That night shewent to bed feeling content and satisfied.


    Good morning, Jessica! Merry Christmas! a voice

    called from beside her bed.

    A Jssica jams le haban dado las gracias porayudar, porque nunca se haba tomado la molestiade hacerlo. Se avergonz de lo egosta y antipticaque haba sido.Jssica, s que quieres portar tebien y entiendo que no siempre es fcil. Por eso te

    agradezco que de todos modos lo hagas. Graciaspor ayudarme siempre. Te quiero mucho.

    Despus de abrazar a Jssica unos momentos,abandon la habitacin.

    Jssica se qued sentada reflexionando: Quieroser ms servicial. No s exactamente cmo, pero

    estoy segura de que algo puedo hacer para ayudary quiero intentarlo .

    Todo ese da Jssica ayud con los nios y lalimpieza de la casa cada vez que se lo pidieron.Tambin ayud a la mam y a Mara Isabel apreparar la cena. Trabaj mucho, pero descubri

    que en realidad era divertido. Cada vez queayudaba a alguien o comparta algo con los demsse senta bien por dentro. Aquella noche se fue adormir contenta y satisfecha.


    Buenos das, Jssica ! Feliz Navidad!dijo

    una voz al lado de su cama.

  • 8/3/2019 Un Sueo Navideo - Christmas Dream Dust


    Jessica opened her eyes slowly and there standingbeside her bed was Jeffrey. She was back in herown room, in Clayton Mansion!

    How did I get back? she cried, as she jumped

    out of bed. Oh my goodness, Jeffrey! It must

    have all just been a dream! She laughed happily.Its wonderful to be back. And its so good to see

    you! she said as she gave him a big hug.

    Jeffreys eyes were wide with surprise!

    I love you, Jeffrey. Im so sorry I havent been

    very nice to you lately. Please forgive me? Lets

    go set the table for breakfast. The two of themwent downstairs to the dining room.

    Merry Christmas, Maria! the two chorused, as

    the maid came in with a big tray of food. She wasso surprised at the sight of the set table that shealmost dropped the tray on the floor.

    Why, thank you for helping, Maria said with a

    smile. Thats justwonderful!

    After breakfast, Jessica exclaimed, Oh, Mother,I have an idea. Why dont we find a poor family

    who doesnt have anything special for Christmas,

    and bring them some presents? Id like to give

    some of my presents away to make them happy.

    Jssica abri lentamente los ojos y vio a Camilo depie junto a su cama. Haba vuelto a su habitacin en lamansin de los Ramrez!

    Cmo regres?exclam, al tiempo que saltabade la cama. Dios mo, Camilo! Debi de ser un

    sueo! Se ri alegremente y dndole un gran abrazo asu hermano, le dijo:Es estupendo estar nuevamenteen casa. Y qu bueno volver a verte! Camilo la mirabacon los ojos muy abiertos.

    Jssica continu:Te quiero, Camilo. Me duele nohaber sido ms cariosa contigo ltimamente. Me

    perdonas? Pongamos la mesa para el desayuno. Losdos bajaron al comedor.

    Feliz Navidad, Mara!dijeron los dos al mismotiempo al ver entrar a la sirvienta con una gran bandejade comida. La criada se qued tan sorprendida al verla mesa puesta que por poco se le cae la bandeja alpiso.

    Vaya!, gracias por ayudarmedijo sonriente.Estupendo!

    Despus del desayuno, Jssica exclam:Mam,tengo una idea. Busquemos una familia pobre que nopueda hacer nada especial en Navidad y llevmosle

    regalos. A m me gustara dar algunos de los mospara hacer felices a otros nios.

  • 8/3/2019 Un Sueo Navideo - Christmas Dream Dust


    There were tears in her mothers eyes when Jessica had finished. That is such a kind thought,Sweetheart.

    As Jessica was putting presents into a big red sack, Jeffrey came to her. I want to share mypresents too, he said softly. Jessica and Jeffrey finished filling the sack with presents, and tied itshut with a gold ribbon.

    When they got to the shabby house on Albertson Drive, they set the sack outside the door.Jessica peeked out from behind a bush and saw the woman, with a few small childrenbehind her, coming out of the house and looking in surprise at the bundle on the doorstep.Look what God has sent us! she happily exclaimed.

    Jessica smiled and felt warm inside. It really did feel good to be kind and sharing and to do nice

    things for other people.A su madre se le llenaron los ojos de lgrimas.Qu gesto tan hermoso, mi vida!

    Mientras Jssica pona los regalos en una bolsa grande de color rojo, Camilo se le acerc

    y le dijo en voz bajita:Yo tambin quiero dar algunos de mis regalos. Jssica y Camilo

    ter minaron de llenar la bolsa y la ataron con una cinta dorada.

    Cuando llegaron a la humilde casita de la calle A lbania dejaron la bolsa delantede la puerta. Jssica mir desde detrs de un arbusto y vio que una mujer,

    seguida de unos chiquitines, sala de la casa y examinaba sorprendida

    los dos bultos. Miren lo que Dios nos ha enviado!

    exclam feliz.

    Jssica sonri y se sinti sper bien, contenta de haber

    sido generosa y de haber hecho algo bonito yconsiderado por otras personas.

  • 8/3/2019 Un Sueo Navideo - Christmas Dream Dust


    Para ver mas cuentosbilinges para nios,


    Story by Cristiana Heins. Originally published inActivated Kids! Magazine. Used with permission.
