Un rejects claims from cholera victims

UN rejects rejects claims claims from from Cholera Cholera victims victims

Transcript of Un rejects claims from cholera victims

Page 1: Un rejects claims from cholera victims

UN rejectsrejects claimsclaims fromfrom

Cholera Cholera victimsvictims

Page 2: Un rejects claims from cholera victims

In a terse

statement, the

spokesman for the

UN Secretary General

Ban Ki-Moon said the

damages claim was

'not receivable',

UN rejects claims from cholera vict ims

Page 3: Un rejects claims from cholera victims

UN rejects claims from cholera vict ims

under a

convention that


the United


immunity for

its actions.

Page 4: Un rejects claims from cholera victims

UN rejects claims from cholera vict ims

Families of the victims

are demanding millions

of dollars in


accusing the

UN of introducing the

disease to Haiti.

Page 5: Un rejects claims from cholera victims

UN rejects claims from cholera vict ims

The The UN has never admitted

responsibility, despite

mounting evidence that

the epidemic was caused

by poor sanitation at a

peacekeeping camp.

Page 6: Un rejects claims from cholera victims

UN rejects claims from cholera vict ims

A lawyer for the

cholera victims told the BBC that UN

immunity could not

mean impunity, and said the case would now be pursued in a

national court.

Page 7: Un rejects claims from cholera victims

UN rejects claims from cholera vict ims

The lawyer, Brian

Concannon, said the

victims' legal team

would challenge the

UN's right to immunity

from Haitian courts,

Page 8: Un rejects claims from cholera victims

UN rejects claims from cholera vict ims

on the grounds that

it hadn't established an

alternative mechanism

for dealing with


issues, as stipulated in

its agreement with

the government.

Page 9: Un rejects claims from cholera victims

UN rejects claims from cholera vict ims

He also said lifting immunity

would not challenge UN

policy, which is protected by

the convention, but its

practice, such as how to test

troops for disease and

properly dispose of sewage.

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UN rejects claims from cholera vict ims

There's evidence that

infected Nepalese

peacekeepers caused

the epidemic

Page 11: Un rejects claims from cholera victims

UN rejects claims from cholera vict ims

by dumping untreated

waste into a key river

system, but the UN

insists it's impossible to

pinpoint blame


Page 12: Un rejects claims from cholera victims

UN rejects claims from cholera vict ims

Late last year

it launched an

initiative to eliminate

cholera in Haiti by

investing in clean

drinking water

Page 13: Un rejects claims from cholera victims

UN rejects claims from cholera vict ims

and sanitation

systems, a move Mr

Concannon said he

considered an

unofficial response

to the victims' claims

Page 14: Un rejects claims from cholera victims

Barbara Plett reports for the BBC 22 February 2013