Un Pays Divisé

Un Pays Divisé Quebec Nationalism Ms. Campbell


Un Pays Divisé. Quebec Nationalism. Ms. Campbell. Does Terrorism Exist in Canada?. What is Terrorism?. Night of March 7, 1963. 3 Canadian army buildings in Montréal bombed with Molotov cocktails Mysterious letters “FLQ” painted on walls. What is a Molotov Cocktail? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Un Pays Divisé

Page 1: Un Pays Divisé

Un Pays Divisé

Quebec Nationalism Ms. Campbell

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Does Terrorism Exist in Canada?

What is Terrorism?

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Night of March 7, 1963• 3 Canadian army

buildings in Montréal bombed with Molotov cocktails

• Mysterious letters “FLQ” painted on walls

What is a Molotov Cocktail?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLW7pYEhiGU

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The Front de liberation du Québec is a revolutionary movement of volunteers

ready to die for the political and economic independence of Quebec. The suicide-commandos of the FLQ have as their principal mission the

complete destruction, by systematic sabotage of: all colonial [federal]

symbols and institutions, in particular the RCMP and the armed forces; … all

commercial establishments and enterprises which practise

discrimination against Quebeckers, which do not use French as the first language, which advertises in the

colonial language [English]; [and] all plants and factories which discriminate

against French-speaking workers. … INDEPENDENCE OR DEATH.

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The Roots of Québec Nationalism: The Duplessis Era (1936-39, 1944-59)

• Premier Maurice Duplessis & the Union Nationale• Quebec as a distinct nation rather

than just another province• Introduction of the fleur-de-lis flag• Catholic church defended Quebec

culture “farm, faith, family”

• Bribery and corruption rampant• Businesses gave “kickbacks” in

return for jobs and licences

• Union activity discouraged or banned

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La Révolution Tranquille: The Quiet Revolution

• Duplessis passed away in 1960

• Jean Lesage (Liberal) came to power• “Time for a Change”

• Government took control of the economy, politics, education, & culture• Jobs awarded based on merit• Wages and pensions raised• Unions allowed• More science and technology in schools• Quebeckers encouraged to think for themselves!

• Influence of the Catholic Church declined

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1962 Election

“Masters in our own House”

Strengthen Economic Control

Nationalization of Hydro

Hydro-Quebec created

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Birth of Separatism• Quebeckers became proud but

felt they were poorly treated by English-Canadians• Underrepresented in government• No French schools/hospitals in

other parts of Canada• French language not as respected

• Separation from Canada became a solution for some• “le Québec libre” “A Free


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Birth of Separatism (cont’d)

• Most Quebec Nationalists disapproved of the violence of the FLQ but there was much discontent throughout Quebec

• 1967 Cabinet Minister René Lévesque left the Liberals and formed the Parti Québécois• Wanted a “peaceful divorce” from Canada

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Ottawa’s Response• Canadian Prime Minister = Lester Pearson

• The Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism (“The Bi and Bi Commission”)• Recommended Canada become bilingual

• 1964 Flag Debate• Pearson wanted a specifically Canadian flag• The Flag Debate increased tensions in Canada• The Maple Leaf was flow for the first time February 15,


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Flag AssignmentIt is 1964 and you are have been tasked with creating a new flag for an independent and

united Canada. What designs would you include? What colours? Why?

Your assignment is to design, draw, and colour your idea for a new Canadian flag that

will unite English and French speaking Canada. Please include a paragraph

explanation for your choices on the back of the page.