Umeus Brochure

The Power of One To Empower Many


The Power of One to Empower Many

Transcript of Umeus Brochure

The Power of One To Empower Many

Now we know that online consumption is growing

like crazy ﹣ everything from online shopping to daily deals.

But most of all, we love to bag a bargain and tell our friends about it.

By simply clicking & telling your friends about UMEUS UNITED, they will gain access

to an amazing worldwide network of merchants, people and places offering bargains

and a percentage of their spend will go to your chosen charity and

to the establishment of the Vita Health Fund “Saving Life”.

It’s also a great opportunity to make money for yourself! So you and your friends can

help charity bag a bargain or three and make some extra cash on the way.




THE UMEUS UNITED online platform enables individuals, groups and organisations to cohesively form a relationship with one another.

The connection is made via the issuance and acceptance of a unique ‘UME’ code (U ME Connector Code) – a ‘connector’ sends his or her UME code to a friend or associate (‘Connectee’) to establish a link.

The technology platform tracks these links enabling each UMEUS code holder the ability to know exactly who has formed a link using their UME code.

The technology platform recognises three tiers of ‘Connectee’:

❶‘Primary Tier’ contacts are contacts personally known by the ‘Connector’ that have been issued with and accepted the connector’s unique UME code which forms the basis of the connection. For example a family member, close friend, facebook friend, twitter follower or business associate would form a ‘primary tier’ connection.

❷‘Secondary Tier’ contacts or contacts of the ‘Connectee’ are those contacts who have been generated as a result of the initial UME connection where the unique UME code has been presented to and accepted. For example the family members, workmate or a friend of a friend.

❸‘Related Tier’ contacts are individuals who have been introduced to the UMEUS platform using the Connectors UME code, by contacts of those relationships established by the Connectee. For example the family members workmates cousin.

Each Tier attracts a level of commission payable;

Primary Tier: Up to 5.00% of all primary tier connections spend at participating merchants 50% will be paid to the connectors nominated charity and the balance to the Connectors pocket

Secondary Tier: Up to 1.00% of all secondary tier connections spend at participating merchants will be paid to the connector’s pocket

Related Tier: Up to 1.00% of all Related Tier connections spend at participating merchants will be paid to the Connector’s pocket

Deal Finder: Become an influencer. This role is to promote the members and to seek out great deals for the UMEUS United community. The deal finder gets paid 1% of the value of the deal promoted by the merchant.

UME is a system to track Primary, Secondary and Related connections’ spending at affiliated merchants paying commission to the UME code holder accordingly.

The UMEUS technology platform leverages the prominent daily deals and group buying phenomenon to form a tangible and effective avenue for UMEUS members to pay a lower price at the checkout, participating merchants to increase their sales turnover, charities to enjoy increasing donations and individuals to be rewarded financially for promoting and expanding the UMEUS network.


This is your Secondary Tier. Now you’re earning 1% of your contacts total spend.

This is your Related Tier. NOW, you have 12,500 people in your network!

Your 50 friends or contacts (now, I know you have more but lets say 50 for example)This is your Primary Tier. Up to 5% of the total spend will be paid.

Half to your chosen charity or organisation, the other half in your pocket.

An example is the UMEUS UNITED process leverages the

prominent daily deals and group buying phenomenon to

form a tangible and effective avenue for UMEUS UNITED

members to pay a lower price at the checkout. It also

allows participating merchants to increase their sales

turnover, merchants and consumers to be rewarded

financially for promoting the UMEUS UNITED network

of merchants to the UMEUS UNITED consumers. For

example, the Priority One Ultimate debit card. This new

debit card is about to tap into the 3 trillion dollar debit

card market, with the worldwide launch on the 26th of

September 2011 every time a UMEUS UNITED member

uses their debit card a portion of the merchant fees go

back to the UMEUS UNITED members. The potential

to earn significant income here for UMEUS UNITED

members is staggering and also day-to-day products

such as insurance, luxury goods at deep discounts and

you will see why UMEUS united members will prosper.

The operating platform of the Priority One Network

and the UMEUS process encompasses the elements

required for the Priority One Network Debit cardholder to

consistently enjoy all the spoils associated with their card.

As an Information Technology tool the UMEUS UNITED

process forms a compelling marketing option to expand

and advance any merchants roll out or scalability. Before

a merchant is permitted to offer goods and services to

the UMEUS UNITED network they will have to enter into a

code of conduct that protects UMEUS UNITED members

and also offers a great deal to our community.

• Utilising the best and proven form of marketing “word of mouth referral” the UME code allows us to leverage the latest technology’s in both online and offline contacts and in particular in the social media phenomenon.

• Unlike many businesses in this field that derive income from signups, there is no cost to become a member or ‘Connector’ or no cost to be connected to a ‘Connectee’. UMEUS UNITED income is derived solely from members spending.

• UMEUS UNITED Links company’s & organisations with consumers whereby a percentage of the consumers spend with the participating merchant or organisation is credited to the Connectors account.

• The UMEUS UNITED trading system allows for databases to be harvested efficiently with little or no work on the Conectees part, other than a click of the mouse and all connections to be tracked and commissions to be apportioned accurately and accordingly.

• UMEUS UNITED has been founded upon positive, socially aware attributes. Where the priority is ensuring the merchants offer great deals for the UMEUS UNITED members along with great service, a part of the primary referral income goes to the establishment at the Vita Health Fund “Saving Life”and the Connectees chosen charity.

• The system is scalable in a relatively short period where the consumer becomes the primary driver. Unlike most business models where a significant part of their operating cost is spent in the sales, marketing, lead generation and data base acquisition. These savings can then be passed back to the UMEUS UNITED members by way of better discounts and commissions to members.

An online-hosted information technology platform enabling

individuals, groups and organisations to cohesively form a

relationship with one another via a unique UME code.

The Information Technology platform monitors each UME code,

recognizing all transactions associated with the particular

UME codes and segments this data accordingly.

A UME is a unique code - it is a bridge between people, it’s a connector. It allows consumers

and the UMEUS UNITED network marketing platform to stay connected and help track

harvested leads and contacts into a coherent form. This allows UMEUS UNITED to reward

groups for referring their friends, family or associates to the UMEUS UNITED network. The

UMEUS UNITED system allows us to make the referral as friendly and unobtrusive and private

as possible by issuing each consumer with a UME (a you me connector). The UME becomes

their unique referrer code that allow us to track their referrals and the spend of their referrals

back to the source. So we then can reward you, and your chosen charity for that referral.

The explosion in social media means there has never been a better time to harvest these

worldwide networks where “The Power Of One Can Empower Many”. Yes, you can make a big

difference out there. There are conventional sources of contacts like face to face, family, friends

and business associates. We can all count at least 20, 50 or even a 100 friends if you have a

good circle. Some have access to mail merge data bases that can run into 10’s of thousands of

contacts. These in the past were considered large contact lists but now with UMEUS UNITED you

to can have this type of pool of people working with you to make money for your chosen charity

and for you! It’s simple math - you may have 50 contacts who all know 25 people too and they

know only 10 all of a sudden you have 12,500 people working for you now in your network. If you

know 100 who know 100 who know 50, well you do the math but it’s a lot of people. All you have to

do is simply give them your UME and now you’re connected! The explosion of social media allows

connections to millions of people at little or no cost.This has never before been available until

now. So you can simply txt, tweet, email or post a note on your face book site with your UME and

your friends can enter a new world of group buying that earns you massive passive income.

The UME helps your friends to do the same. They can also refer others and they too can earn

money and help their favourite charity. The motivation and trigger points vary greatly from person

to person to join UMEUS UNITED. Some will do it for the bargains some will get on board to help

charity and others will see the amazing opportunity to earn massive long term residual income.

The UME is a code to help manage these referrals and link them to global network of products or

services. Now, we are not talking shampoo or soap or vitamins but online and offline mediums

such as shopping, daily deal sites, insurance products, debit cards and stuff we all need and

want. Through the integration of the UMEUS UNITED data platform and the management

system, UMEUS UNITED can manage the systems and integrate and manage the data effectively.

What the heck is a


To build an international group buying platform harvesting existing leads and social networking contacts


Face to Face



Business Associates


Social Media





Primary Tier 5%Up to 5% of which half goes to your chosen charity and the other half directly to your pocket.

Secondary Tier 1%Direct to your pocket.

Related Tier 1%Direct to your pocket.

1% Direct To You

1% Direct To You

Primary Tier

Secondary Tier

Related Tier

Related Tier

Here’s how it

works.❶ Bob applies for and receives his free unique UME code: “bobtUME2232”

❷ Bob looks through his contacts on Facebook and Twitter sending a message to all of his 200 friends and contacts requesting they join the UMEUS network by quoting his unique UME code or he gives UMEUS United access through the integrated matching system and it does all the hard work for him.

❸ Bob nominates ‘SPORTS FOR SCHOOLS’ as his favourite charity telling his contacts that a percentage of their spend at UMEUS affiliated merchants will go to the ‘SPORTS FOR SCHOOLS’ charity

❹ All 200 contacts would like to support the SPORTS FOR SCHOOLS charity and accept Bob’s request

❺ Bobs friend logs onto UMEUS UNITED and joins using BOBs UME code

❻ By the end of the year, Bob’s contacts have spent $100 each at UMEUS affiliated merchants or a total of $20,000

❼ Thanks to Bob, $500 will be donated to the SPORTS FOR SCHOOLS charity

❽ Over the year Bob’s contacts have made another 50 contacts each with each connection established using Bob’s unique UME code – a total of 10,000 new connections

❾ Like Bob’s Primary tier connections each of these individuals spends $100 each over the year at UMEUS affiliated merchants or a total of $1,000,000

❿ Bob will receive 1.00% of this spend or an income of $10,000

Like those second tier contacts those people also know another 10 people who all want to help a charity and earn some extra income on the way. Now we have 100,000 people connected to BOB by his UME all spending $100 each

Bob will receive 1.00% of this spend or an income of $100,000. It’s that simple BOBs 200 hundred friends know 50 people who know 10 people! Note: we have only based the sale at $100 per annum now that’s gross imagine if the spend was more like $1000 per annum??

Now Bob also knows a friend John who owns a local restaurant and over a beer tells john about UMEUS UNITED and a fantastic daily deal site and as a result John signs up as a merchant offering all UMEUS members a 10% cash reward for spending at his restaurant. He also puts up a special offer on where he offers a pizza, garlic bread and a bottle of wine for $29.00 that would normally retail for

$58.00. The daily deal community love the offer and they buy 1,145 deals @ $29.00 for the week. As Bob was the referrer he will receive a 1.00% of the total gross sales in his pocket that’s $332.05 into his UME’s account. Now if John keeps doing deals BOB earns great money every time a deal is done or if BOB knows of other business looking for extra customers, he is in the money! BOB WINS he earns a great residual income ! UMEUS MEMBERS WIN as they get a great deal through Bobs introduction of John! Bobs favourite CHARITY WINS as part of the sale commission goes to charity! JOHNS RESTURANT WINS as they just got a heap of new costumers and there were no sales representive to pay. charged a small commission for putting the deal together. IT’S A WIN! WIN! WIN! You just can’t beat the word of mouth referral!





it’s a WIN WIN WIN!!Get your UME TODAY!!


Businesses already committed to UMEUS UNITED NETWORK


2. Priority ONE Ultimate Debit Card


Now you have the UME’s, don’t lose track of them.

The UME BOS System is a Complete Information

Technology Management Response System that

manages your UME’s for you. So at anytime you know

what your UME’s are doing.

NOW, that’s UME!










$1,589 (2.5%)


$1,589 (2.5%)


$13,510 (1%)


$79,100 (1%)






@$1,135 P/UME


@$965 P/UME


@$565 P/UME





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Facebook Application

“The Power Of One To Empower Many”

Expand Your Professional World!Every person you provide your UME code to and who connects with UMEUS UNITED builds value for you and all your connections. Friends of your friends can help raise money for your favourite charity and build

massive passive income.


Okay, your friend has given you a UME and you’re wondering what you can do with it?

Firstly, you need to join UMEUS UNITED to get your own UME. It’s simple and free.

Go to

enter your: • Name;

• Email address;

• Friends’ UME code; and

• Country of origin.

You will get an email in

your inbox confirming

your UME code request.

To confirm your request,

you are required to click

on the link provided.

The UME generator will

get to work and create

your unique UME code

which will be sent direct

to your inbox!

Don’t forget to tell all your friends and family

about UMEUS and if they spend in the UMEUS

Network, a percentage of their spend will go to

your favourite charity. If one of your friends get

your friends to join UMEUS before you do, they

are linked to them and not you - so you have to

get cracking.

One of the easiest ways to get the word out is to

go to our FaceBook Application UMEUSUNITED

and in just a couple of clicks, we do all the work

for you!! It’s never been easier.

Nominate your favourite

charity. If you are

unsure, don’t worry, we

have over 100 registered

charity for you to choose


1 2

3 4




It Is As Simple As


You are now UME’ed up and ready to go.


Now, Remember, you are helping your friends bag a bargain from a whole group of businesses keen to get your friends spending with them rather than their competitors. There are no sales people in the UMEUS network so you are guaranteed to get the best buys and bargains all over town.

We even have a great debit card for members where every time they swipe, you earn a small commission. For example, one of your friends may need travel insurance - we will have the best deal guaranteed and guess what...your favourite charity gets a donation. It’s now over to the merchants to give you and your friends the best deal to get you spending with them. Your friends spend is calculated in the UME calculation form and a percentage of the spend goes to your chosen charity and you. Now you will be surprised just how much will accumulate in time.

Here is where it gets interesting. Like you, your 50 or so friends know 50 or so people, who they want to tell about UMEUS - and now you have 2,500 people in your network and you receive a small percentage of what they spend.

Now, there is a catch. Once you have passed on your UME code, it can only be referred twice below you.

For clarification you can give your code directly to as many friends and associates yourself but when they refer it to a friends friend friend, you lose the connection. What you need to do now, is get your UME code out to all your friends and family before your friends do. Once your friend uses your UME to register, they are always connected to you - even if they unsubscribe for some reason - if they come back they are connected to you again. So, right now someone you know could

be reading this and is about to send a UME out to your friends and soon it will be too late. Quick!! Go to our cool FaceBook application that will send out your UME to your friends with a simple click and then sit back and watch your UME’s take off!!

Now remember what you need to do:

• Tell all your friends to join UME before someone else does;

• Create your UME dashboard and watch in real time as your friends friends join UMEUS UNITED - these too are now linked to your UME and every cent they spend will attract a little commission for you!;

• At last but not least, you can start thinking about people and businesses you can tell all about UMEUS UNITED

Cool hey?!?!? Let’s say they all spend a $1,000 over 12 months. All of a sudden, your network has donated a healthy slice to charity and about $25K in income to you. That’s right!

By you telling 50 people and they tell 50 more people, your friends just saved some money and bagged a bargain and you just earnt some extra cash!

But listen – when those 2,500 people tell 50 more people each,

you can image the numbers. It’s serious cash!

For further information, please email us at: [email protected]

U M E U S U N I T E D . c o mSuite 37, 11th Floor, 1 Queens Road

Melbourne 3004