Ultimate interview tips


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Ultimate interview tipsWho better to ask for interview advice than people who might employ you? Here, seven uber-bosses share their tips for impressing any prospective employer, including how to cope with tricky questions, big-up your achievements and show why you’re the ideal candidate. Bring on the ammunition you need to get that dream job.

Meet the bosses who could make or break your careerSam Baker, 39, editor of Cosmopolitan. She chooses the team that writes, designs, styles and edits your favourite magazine.Vickie Chamerlain, 30, graduate recruitment manager at law firm Simmons & Simmons. She hunts down the solicitors of the future.Francesca Dow, 42 MD of book publishing company Puffin. She finds people to commission, produce and sell books.Lee Grace, 29, is menswear buyer at Urban Outfitters. He recruits staff to spot fashion trends and bring them to the shop floor.Jon Lewis, 29, training and recruitment manager for Pitcher & Piano. He recruits bar managers for the nationwide pub chain. Kathleen Saxon, 34, director of strategy and planning at Virgin Radio. Her staff plan commercial decisions and new launches.Alex Snelling, 29, recruitment director at L’Oreal. He hires people to develop and market products, as well as finance and logistics staff.

Interview Insider #1How should I prepare?Hole up in the library: “Do all the research you can,” says Snelling. “Go on Google, read the trade press, check out competitors and visit the company’s website.”Play detective: “Find out what customers think and draw a profile of the company from that,” urges Grace. “Online chatrooms are a great way to tap into customers. I expect anyone applying to Urban Outfitters to get feel for our shops and see what people are buying.”

Interview Insider #2What should I wear?Go as yourself: “Don’t channel Kate Moss,” says Baker. “A friend of mine once applied for an editorial assistant job on a glossy magazine and bought a trendy outfit. After 10 minutes, the interviewer said, I’m sorry, I can tell from the way you’re dressed that you’re not going to fit in.’ If she’d gone as herself she’d probably have got the job.”SUPER-SMART-ME “Even if you’re going for a position that doesn’t involve wearing a suit, dress up for your interview,” advises Lewis. “If you dress sloppily, people might assume you’re slack in your work, too.”

Interview Insider #3How can I show I’m the best person for the job?Match their requirements: “Show your achievements and experience match the advertised job,” says Saxon. “If they want a self-starter, talk about a project you set up and say how it benefited your employer.”

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Know what you’re getting into: “It’s commendable to want to help people and achieve world peace, but that’s not what most jobs are about,” explains Chamberlain. “As a city lawyer, for example, it’s about helping companies do business better. Your interviewer wants you to share that goal.”Say what you’ll bring to the role: “Explain how you’d work with the team and how you’d generate new business,” says Dow. “Thinking this through in advance is proof you want this job, not any old job.”

Interview Insider #4What should I avoid saying?‘I’m black belt in Karate’ “Lies in an interview will haunt you later in your career,” says Chamberlain. “Don’t even feign an interest in a hobby. If you can’t back up your passion for tightrope-walking or helping the homeless, people will see through you.”‘What’s the salary?’ “It’s a massive turn-off when this is someone’s first thought,” admits Baker. “It’s fine to ask at the end of the interview – we’ve all got to pay the rent – but journalism is the kind of job you do for love, not loot.”‘My last boss was a mentalist’ “Even if your boss ought to be locked up, never be rude about a current or previous employer,” warns Saxon. “Instead of saying what a terrible time you had, always be positive by saying what you learnt there.”

Interview Insider #5How honest should I be about my past mistakes?It depends what they are… “If you have a history of problems with timekeeping and motivation, your potential new boss doesn’t want to know,” says Lewis. “See this job as a fresh start and put those mistakes behind you once and for all.”Be upfront about your weaknesses: “Everyone has them,” confirms Dow. “If you know them, you can overcome them. It’s truly off-putting when people show zero awareness of their flaws.”Own up to mistakes: “Plenty of candidates rush application forms and make mistakes,” says Snelling. “Read through your application before your interview so if your boss-to-be brings up as error you can apologise instead of looking caught out.”

Interview Insider #6What’s the best way to talk about my achievements?Act your script, don’t just read: “I can tell when someone is just telling me what they think I want to hear,” says Lewis. “Putting personality into your list of achievements makes your presentation flow. Smile as you talk so you sound keen and proud of what you’ve done.”Begging is banned: “Enthusiasm is great but don’t say, ‘I desperately want this job,’ because it devalues you,” warns Grace.

Interview Insider #7Help! What if I can’t answer the question?Take your time: “Don’t lie, don’t panic, don’t waffle,” advises Baker. “Think about the question carefully and if you still don’t know the answer, say so. Then rescue the situation by saying how you’d find out.”

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Improvise: “One dirty interviewing tactic is flipping subjects randomly,” says Lewis. “I might go from talking about the business to asking, ‘If you were a fruit, what would you be?’ If you have a blank, go with the first answer that pops in your head. Once you’ve sai it, explaining your answer is easier.”

Interview Insider #8What’s the most difficult question I could be asked?‘If I rang your colleagues, what would they say about you?’: “Your reaction to this one says it all,” warns Saxon. “It’s possible your interviewer has researched you like this, though it’s unlikely. They want you to smile and look confident, not worry about the skeletons in your cupboard.”“Give me three ideas about…’: “This one’s for journalists, though any boss could ask for new ideas for their company,” says Baker. “I pick a subject and ask them to come up with three Cosmo features around that topic. There’s no right answer, it’s about thinking on your feet. It should be easy but it really shakes some candidates.”

Interview Insider #9After the interview, should I follow up?Only if it went well…: “If there’s a key comment you wished you’d made, send a note afterwards ,” suggests Dow. “Admittedly, the tactic only works if your interviewer likes you, but it’s worth taking the gamble.”Yes, but don’t nag – “If you haven’t heard for a week or so it’s OK to send a chasing email, just resting our interest, but not after two days!” says Baker.