Ukraine tourist spot

Page 1 UKRAINE TOURIST SPOT Kurt Dan Abelar BST2-1

Transcript of Ukraine tourist spot

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Kurt Dan AbelarBST2-1

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Ukraine is a country in Eastern Europe. Ukraine borders the Russian Federation to the east and northeast, Belarus to the northwest, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary to the west, Romania and Moldova to the southwest, and the Black Sea and Sea of Azov to the south and southeast, respectively. It has an area of 603,628 km², making it the second largest contiguous country on the European continent, after the Russian Federation.


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HOTYNThis small ancient town, whose remarkable and difficult history is over a thousand years old, is one of the most important tourist and cultural centers of Bukovyna. It is so appealing to travelers because of its unique fortress that played a significant role in the history of many European countries. It is a real masterpiece of the fortification art, one of the most powerful and well-preserved citadels on the territory of modern Ukraine.

No one knows for sure where the town’s unusual name comes from. Some think that it was derived from the name of the settlement's founder - the male name Hotyn was fairly common in those days. Others are sure that there is a connection with the Slavic word 'hotin',’ meaning 'desired.’ It is easier to believe in the latter version since Hotyn was an envied prize for many - over its history, it has been a part of various principalities, empires and kingdoms.

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“A stone flower on the rock” — that is how the early twentieth-century Ukrainian poet Lesya Ukrayinka called Kamyanets-Podilsky, and this poetic description does fit the image of this old town very well.It is one of those places for the description of which it is so difficult to find proper words, and one is reduced to making a banal statement of the you’ve-got-to-see-it-to-get-the-right-impression kind. Even looking — another inevitable trite remark — at good-quality, artistic photographs will not produce an impression adequate to the one you get when you walk its streets.


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Kievo-Pecherska Lavra


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Kiev Pechersk Lavra or Kyiv Pechersk Lavra (Ukrainian: Києво-Печерська лавра, Kyievo-Pechers’ka lavra), also known as the Kiev Monastery of the Caves, is a historic Orthodox Christian monastery which gave its name to one of the city districts where it is located in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.Since its foundation as the cave monastery in 1051 the Lavra has been a preeminent center of the Eastern Orthodox Christianity in Eastern Europe. Together with the Saint Sophia Cathedral, it is inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The monastery complex is considered a separate national historic-cultural preserve (sanctuary), the national status to which was granted on March 13, 1996. The Lavra also not only located in another part of the city, but is part of a different national sanctuary than Saint Sophia Cathedral. While being a cultural attraction, the monastery is currently active. It was named one of the Seven Wonders of Ukraine on August 21, 2007, based on voting by experts and the internet community.

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Saint Sophia Cathedral


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Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kiev is an outstanding architectural monument of Kievan Rus'. Today, it is one of the city's best known landmarks and the first Ukrainian patrimony to be inscribed on the World Heritage List along with the Kiev Cave Monastery complex. Aside from its main building, the cathedral includes an ensemble of supporting structures such as a bell tower, the House of Metropolitan, and others. In 2011 the historic site was reassigned from the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Regional Development of Ukraine to the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine. One of the reasons for that move was the fact that both "Sofia Kyivska" and Kiev Pechersk Lavra are recognized by the UNESCO World Heritage Program as one complex, while in Ukraine the two were governed by different government entities.

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Hoverla Mountain  is the highest mountain in Ukraine and part of the Carpathian Mountains. The mountain is located in the Eastern Beskides, in the so-called Chornohora region. The slopes are covered with beech and spruce forests, above which there is a belt of sub-alpine meadows called polonyna in Ukrainian. At the eastern slope there is the main spring of the Prut river. The mountain is cone-shaped, the top of it is a small flat area, that allows admiring the landscape within a radius of 360 degrees. It belongs to Chernohora mountain range and lies near town Rakhiv, the geographical center of Europe.

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Olesko castle is oldest preserved castle on the territory of Western Ukraine (Galicia) and the only fortress of Kiev Rus period. It raises above a wonderful park on a 50 meters natural hill near the town Olesko, Lviv region. This monument of architecture has oval form, its walls are 10 meters high and 2.5 meters wide.  The castle was built in XIII century on the crossroads of old trade routes from Hungary to Volyn. The first time it was mentioned in 1327, in 1390 it was given to Galician catholic archbishop by the Pope Bonifacius IX. From XV to XVII century it was attacked many times by Tatars. During one of these attacks in 1629 Jan III Sobieski, the king of Poland that saved Europe from Turks, was born here. In 1640 another polish king, Michal Korybut Wisniowiecki was born here as well. 

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This unique castle is one of the most valuable architectural and historical monuments of XIV-XVII centuries. And its beautiful name "Palanok" it received due to ditch fences Palanka around it in a deep ditch. The entire palace complex is surrounded with stone 3-3.5 m thick walls and deep ditches, which you can go through only on several wooden bridges. Also around the castle Palanok there are 8 bastions that were built in the XVII century to contain artillery.

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Pochaev Lavra is located on one of the picturesque hills at an altitude of 75 meters above level of the sea. According to historical sources the Lavra was established in the 13th century. The history of Lavra establishment tells us that to the mountain abode fled the monks from the Kiev-Pecherskaya Lavra after the devastating attacks of Tatars. The establishment of the monastery is linked to the monk well-known under the name of St. Methodius.

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The Rynok Square in Lviv is a central square of the city of Lviv, Ukraine. It was planned in the second half of the 14th century, following granting city rights by Polish king Casimir III, who annexed Red Ruthenia. The king ordered Lviv to be moved more to the south, where a new city was built to the plan of a traditional European settlement: a central square surrounded by living quarters and fortifications. Old, Ruthenian Lviv had become a suburb of the new city. The square is rectangular in shape, with measurements of 142 meters by 129 meters and with two streets radiating out of every corner. In the middle there was a row of houses, with its southern wall made by the Town Hall. However, when in 1825 the tower of the Town Hall burned, all adjacent houses were demolished and a new hall, with a 65-meter tower, was built in 1835 by architects J. Markl and F. Trescher.

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• Korsun-Shevchenkivskyi is a city located in the Cherkasy Oblast (province) in central Ukraine. The city rests on the banks of the Ros' River, and is the administrative center of the Korsun-Shevchenkivskyi Raion (district).

• A fortress Korsun was founded in 1032 by the Kievan Rus' prince Yaroslav the Wise and served the protection of Kiev from Nomads from the southern steppe regions. The name of the city comes from the Greek city of Chersones (translated as Korsun) on the Crimean Peninsula. In 1240, Korsun was destroyed by Batu Khan. In 1584, a military base was established in the city.

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Zhovkva is a city in the Lviv Oblast (province) of western Ukraine, north of Lviv. It is the administrative center of the Zhovkivskyi Raion (district). The current estimated population is 13,500. The old city of Zhovkva lies near the foot of one of the steep ledges belonging to the hilly range of Roztochya – Mount Haray which rises 150 meters above the adjacent plain of Lesser Polissya.The Old Slavonic Vynnyky, the medieval Zhovkva, Nesterov of the Soviet times, and Zhovkva again… The city often changed its name, and every historical epoch introduced some characteristic features to its image. In 1951 the Soviet regime went as far as renaming Zhovkva to Nesterov in honor of a Russian pilot who was killed here in September 1914. Nesterov was famous for being the first one to perform the so-called “loop” in his airplane. 

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