UKBA Requirements for Documents for Tier 4

International Student Advisers Office, Heriot Watt University v.02/10 v2 Guide to doc umentatio n requi red by UKBA for Tier 4 (General) Student Visa e xtensi on Under the new ‘Points Based Immigration System’ students must now submit very specific documents to the Home Office in support of their Tier 4 (G) application form when applying to extend their visa in the UK. Students must be able to claim a total of 40 point s  to apply for a student visa extension: 30 points for your Confirmation of Acceptance for Study ( CAS*) 10 points for Maintenance (funding) documents * CAS must be used for all Tier 4 student visa applications submitted after 21 st  February 2010; Visa Letters are no longer valid. CAS Your CAS will be provided by Heriot-Watt University, who acts as your ‘educational sponsor’ under the new Points Based System. These documents are produced by different staff within the University, and depend on the level of your course and the stage you are at with your studies. Depending on your level and stage of study, your CAS can be collected from one of the following three locations: Recruitment & Admissi ons Office - for students starting undergraduate courses - for students s tarting Foundation or Pre-Sessional English L anguage courses School Postgraduate Admissi ons Staff - for students starting postgraduate courses  A new course CAS will list the documents used to assess your admission application. These same documents (transcripts, results or certificates) must be included in support of your visa extension application. Some postgraduate courses require an Ac ademi c Tech no logy Ap pr ov al Sch eme (ATAS)  certificate. If this is indicated on your unconditional offer or CAS, along with a ‘JACS’ code, please  . School Student Office - for students continuing undergradua te courses Continuing postgraduate students should check with their individual School what arrangements are in place for requesting their CAS; these will normally be produced by the Student Office or Postgraduate  Ad mi ni st rat io n Sec ti on. University staff will input the information required to produce your CAS onto the Home Office online Sponsor Management System. The University will then provide you with a written copy of your CAS, detailing the reference number and including a summary of the key information which has been input onto the Home Office system. If you have a scholarship from Heriot Watt University this should be detailed as a note in your printed CAS and should confirm whether the scholarship covers part or all your tuition fees, and the amount of any monthly stipend. If you have received a separate letter showing details of a University scholarship you can also include this additional document with your application MAINTENANCE The amount of funding for tuition fees and living expenses which you need to show depends on what stage you are at in your studies and your previous study history – further information is contained in the Tier 4 (G) student visa application form and associated Tier 4 Help Text leaflet. The following documents are accepted by the Home Office as proof of funding: Original Bank/Building Society Statements must cover at least one month duration and include the following information: Your name Your account n umber The date of the statement (must be less than 1 month before your application) The bank’s name and lo go The amount of m oney available in your account THE FINAL BANK BALANCE WHICH YOU RELY ON TO SUPPORT YOUR APPLICATION MUST BE HELD IN YOUR BA NK A CCOUNT FOR AT LEA ST 28 DAYS BEFORE YOU APPLY.



Transcript of UKBA Requirements for Documents for Tier 4

  • 5/23/2018 UKBA Requirements for Documents for Tier 4


    International Student Advisers Office, Heriot Watt University v.02/10 v2

    Guide to documentation required by UKBA for Tier 4 (General) Student Visa extension

    Under the new Points Based Immigration System students must now submit very specific documents tothe Home Office in support of their Tier 4 (G) application form when applying to extend their visa in theUK. Students must be able to claim a total of 40 pointsto apply for a student visa extension:

    30points for your Confirmation of Acceptance for Study (CAS*)10points for Maintenance (funding) documents

    * CASmust be used for all Tier 4 student visa applications submitted after 21stFebruary 2010; Visa Letters are no longer valid.


    Your CAS will be provided by Heriot-Watt University, who acts as your educational sponsor under thenew Points Based System. These documents are produced by different staff within the University, anddepend on the level of your course and the stage you are at with your studies. Depending on your leveland stage of study, your CAS can be collected from one of the following three locations:

    Recruitment & Admissions Office - for students starting undergraduate courses- for students s tarting Foundation or Pre-SessionalEnglish Language courses

    School Postgraduate Admissions Staff - for students starting postgraduate courses

    A new course CAS will list the documents used to assess your admission application. These same documents(transcripts, results or certificates) must be included in support of your visa extension application. Somepostgraduate courses require an Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS)certificate. If this is indicatedon your unconditional offer or CAS, along with a JACS code, please see

    School Student Office - for students continu ing undergraduate courses

    Continuing postgraduate students should check with their individual School what arrangements are inplace for requesting their CAS; these will normally be produced by the Student Office or PostgraduateAdministrat ion Section.

    University staff will input the information required to produce your CAS onto the Home Office online

    Sponsor Management System. The University will then provide you with a written copy of your CAS,detailing the reference number and including a summary of the key information which has been inputonto the Home Office system.

    If you have a scholarship from Heriot Watt University this should be detailed as a note in your printedCAS and should confirm whether the scholarship covers part or all your tuition fees, and the amount ofany monthly stipend. If you have received a separate letter showing details of a University scholarshipyou can also include this additional document with your application


    The amount of funding for tuition fees and living expenses which you need to show depends on what

    stage you are at in your studies and your previous study history further information is contained in theTier 4 (G) student visa application form and associated Tier 4 Help Text leaflet.

    The following documents are accepted by the Home Office as proof of funding:

    Original Bank/Building Society Statements must cover at least one month duration and include thefollowing information:

    Your nameYour account numberThe date of the statement (must be less than 1 month before your application)The banks name and logoThe amount of money available in your account

  • 5/23/2018 UKBA Requirements for Documents for Tier 4


    International Student Advisers Office, Heriot Watt University v.02/10 v2

    Internet bank statements can be used as long as they include all of the information above. If usinginternet statements each page must also be stamped by your bank; please note that some banks (e.g.HSBC) will not stamp their duplicate or internet statements; these will be rejected by the Home Office.

    Many banks send postal statements automatically either monthly or quarterly. If you need to order bankstatements this normally takes between 5 10 working days and your bank may charge you a fee. Youmust use statements for a cash or current account; other accounts such as shares, bonds, pension fundsand similar savings accounts will not be accepted. Joint bank accounts can be used but you must benamed on the statement as one of the account holders.

    The Home Office have agreed to also accept parental bank statements, provided these are accompaniedby your birth certificate, and an original signed letter from your parent(s) detailing (i) their relationship toyou (ii)the amount shown on their bank statement and (iii)giving their permission for their funds to beused to pay for your UK tuition fees/living costs during your studies.

    Please note that bank statements from your home country must show the balance of your account inBritish Pounds (GBP). Your currency must be converted into pounds using the exchange rate found onthe OANDA website at handwritten on your bank statement.

    Official Financial SponsorshipAn official financial sponsor is: Her Majestys Government; your home government (or embassy); theBritish Council; or any international organisation, university or company.

    If you are being financially sponsored you will need to provide an original letter from your sponsor, thismust be written on their official letter-headed stationery and be stamped with the official stamp of theorganisation. The letter must be dated (we would recommend your letter be no more than three monthsold) and include:

    Your nameThe name and contact details of your o ffic ial financial sponsorThe length of time your sponsorship coversThe actual amount o f money they will pay towards your fees and monthly liv ing costs

    If your official financial sponsor is providing you with only part of your tuition fee/living costs funding thenthe financial sponsor letter must still include the same information as detailed above, but you would also

    provide additional documentation e.g. bank statements to show you have the rest of the money needed.

    We advise that the letter from your financial sponsor should state the actual amount of money you willreceive, either in total or each month. If your sponsor is also providing money to cover living expenses foryour family members during their time in the UK then this should be stated in the financial sponsor letter,and ideally the names of all family members covered by the funding should be included so that the samefinancial sponsor letter can be used in support of any dependant (family) visa extensions.

    For degree level students, the Home Office can extend your visa up to a maximum of four monthsbeyond your course end date. Any financial sponsor letter must give consent to this extra timebeing granted, as without this permission the maximum extension that can be considered is onlyto the course end date, with no extra time for examination boards or graduation.

    If your sponsorship has finished within the last 12 months, or if it is due to end before your studies arecomplete your financial sponsor must still include a statement giving their consent to you remaining in theUK. If they do not give this permission then your application will be refused.

    Loan LettersYou can also use a loan as proof of funds. The letter must be from a regulated company and include thefollowing:

    Your nameThe date of the letterThe loan companys name and logoThe amount of money available

    Please note: This information is a summary of the key Tier 4 Policy Guidance regarding supporting documentation,however before submitting a student visa extension application we advise you to read the full Home Office StudentVisa extension guidance document available
  • 5/23/2018 UKBA Requirements for Documents for Tier 4
