UK 2015/2016 Year End Procedures - Sage … UK...

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Transcript of UK 2015/2016 Year End Procedures - Sage … UK...

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UK 2015/2016

Year End Procedures

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Table of Contents

1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 6

1.1 Legislative Changes introduced for 2016/2017 .................................................................. 6

Student Loans. .................................................................................................................... 6

Scottish Tax......................................................................................................................... 9

DEA & DAE Rates. ............................................................................................................... 9

Pension Death Benefit ...................................................................................................... 10

Contracted Out NI ............................................................................................................ 11

Tax Code Suffix ................................................................................................................. 11

1.2 RTI Requirements at EOY .................................................................................................. 12

2 Install Instructions ............................................................................................................ 13

2.1 Applying the Upgrade ....................................................................................................... 13

2.2 Check your version number ............................................................................................. 13

2.3 Run your Year End Update Program ................................................................................ 14

3 Finishing the tax year up to 5th April 2016 .......................................................................... 16

At-a-glance checklist......................................................................................................... 16

3.1 Check the period number ................................................................................................. 17

3.2 Generate your Final FPS ................................................................................................... 18

3.3 Generate your Final EPS ................................................................................................... 19

3.4 Submit ‘Final’ FPS & EPS (if required) to HMRC ............................................................... 20

3.5 Receive Final FPS submission acceptance by HMRC ........................................................ 20

3.6 Backup your entire system ............................................................................................... 20

4 Creating & Processing End of Year Records ........................................................................ 21

At-a-glance procedure ...................................................................................................... 21

4.1 Close Payroll EOY .............................................................................................................. 21

4.2 Extract EOY Data ............................................................................................................... 22

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4.3 End of Year Clearance....................................................................................................... 23

4.4 EOY Data Update .............................................................................................................. 26

4.5 P60 Data ........................................................................................................................... 27

5 P60 Production ................................................................................................................. 28

5.1 Stationery Types ............................................................................................................... 28

5.2 P60 Production Options ................................................................................................... 29

5.3 Print Files & Maintenance ................................................................................................ 30

5.4 Control File Details P60 settings ....................................................................................... 31

5.5 Lining up Laser printed forms ........................................................................................... 32

5.6 Publish E-P60 for Prolog (only available if purchased and installed) ............................... 33

5.7 Publish P60 (only available if purchased and installed) ................................................... 34

6 Starting the UK Tax Year from 6th April 2016 ...................................................................... 35

At-a-glance procedure ...................................................................................................... 35

6.1 Update 2016/2017 Constants .......................................................................................... 35

6.2 Blanket Tax Code Uplift .................................................................................................... 36

6.3 Functionality to reconcile FPS & EPS files. ....................................................................... 38

FPS Reconciliation ............................................................................................................ 39

FPS Totals Reconciliation .................................................................................................. 39

Year to Date Reconciliation .............................................................................................. 41

6.4 FPS Period Reporting. ....................................................................................................... 42

6.5 Monthly HMRC Return ..................................................................................................... 43

7 Additional FPS: Adjustments up to and including 19th April ................................................ 44

At-a-glance procedure ...................................................................................................... 44

7.1 Additional FPS field appendix ............................................................................................... 45

7.2 NI Details this period ............................................................................................................ 46

7.3 Further information on the Additional FPS .......................................................................... 48

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7.4 Running End of Year Changes report .................................................................................... 49

EOY Reconciliation ............................................................................................................ 51

Generate Additional FPS file............................................................................................. 51

Generate EOY EPS (if required) ........................................................................................ 51

Submit Additional FPS & EPS to HMRC ............................................................................ 51

7.5 Changes to P60 Details not requiring a HMRC submission .................................................. 51

8 EYU: Adjustments on and after 20th April........................................................................... 52

At-a-glance procedure ...................................................................................................... 52

8.1 EYU field appendix ................................................................................................................ 53

8.2 Further information on the EYU ........................................................................................... 54

Saving EYU records ........................................................................................................... 54

8.3 Run EOY Changes report (see section 7.4) ........................................................................... 55

EOY Reconciliation ............................................................................................................ 55

Generate the EYU file ....................................................................................................... 55

Generate EOY EPS (if required) ........................................................................................ 55

Submit EYU & EOY EPS to HMRC ...................................................................................... 55

8.4 Run EOY Reconciliation ......................................................................................................... 55

HMRC Liability report ....................................................................................................... 56

EOY Data report ................................................................................................................ 57

End of Year Audit report ................................................................................................... 58

8.5 Generate EOY FPS, EOY EYU, and EOY EPS if required ......................................................... 58

8.6 Submit EOY FPS, EOY EYU and EOY EPS if required .............................................................. 58

8.7 EOY HMRC Return. ................................................................................................................ 59

8.8 Change History ...................................................................................................................... 60

8.9 Delete Change History .......................................................................................................... 62

9 Creating a NEW employee EOY record or Pensioner Details ............................................... 63

9.1 Entering P45 Questions ........................................................................................................ 63

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9.2 Entering Starter questions .................................................................................................... 66

9.3 New Pensioner Indicator ...................................................................................................... 67

9.4 Creating an Employee EOY record for a Multi-Company Payroll ......................................... 69

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1 Introduction

These instructions will guide you through your Year End processing.

Important: We strongly recommend that this document be read in its entirety BEFORE beginning

the ‘Year End’ process.

You must apply the EOY upgrade BEFORE commencing your EOY for 2015/2016.

1.1 Legislative Changes introduced for 2016/2017

Student Loans.

HMRC have announced they will be issuing new, and re-issuing existing Student Loan details from 1st

March 2016.

This means customers may experience difficulties during March payroll if they collect & load Student

Loans from the HMRC Gateway after 1st March, before applying this update and following the

instructions below…

Payroll > Processing > UKXML HMRC Filing > XML Received from HMRC > SL1

It is acceptable to retrieve your SL1 details after the 1st March from HMRC, check the details in ‘View

HMRC Data’ and if it is found they all commence on 6th April do not load them until you have

commenced Period 1 after the 6th April, and completed the details below.


if you intend to load your Student Loans from the HMRC Gateway immediately after the 1st March,

the following instructions must be carried out after the EOY Upgrade has been applied.

Current Student loans will be termed Plan 1, and the new plan introduced on April 6th will be Plan 2.

Customers will be required to amend their current Student Loan deduction rule with a new

indicator, and set up a new deduction rule within each payroll to operate the new plan.

A new field described as ‘Plan Type’ has been added to your deduction rules.

This is described on the following pages.

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Your current Student Loan must be indicated as Plan Type ‘1’.

A new deduction rule must be created and indicated as Plan Type ‘2’.

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Any Accumulators needed would naturally have to be created, and added to the new rule as required. Once these changes have been completed, you can load your SL1 Student Loan file in the normal manner from… Payroll > Processing > UKXML HMRC Filing > XML Received from HMRC > SL1

The details will be applied to each of your employees, with the necessary start date, anything dated 6th April will be added but not take effect until the Run Control Date exceeds the 6th April. In addition, the Student Loan Plan type has been added to the Starter Questions within Payroll>Perm Data>Basic Details.

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Scottish Tax

With effect from 6th April 2016 the Scottish Act 2012 introduced a ‘Scottish Rate of Income Tax’


Although HMRC will be issuing new Scottish Tax codes during 2016/2017, there is currently no actual

change in the calculation of Income Tax. When a change is introduced, the required details will be

communicated to customers immediately.

It is strongly recommended customers become familiar with their responsibilities with the

introduction of SRIT, however the impact on the payroll will be minimal, the decision as to whether

an employee is considered a Scottish Tax payer will be made by HMRC. A Scottish Tax code when

issued will include a new Tax Code Prefix of ‘S’.

Tax Codes will be issued & collected from the HMRC Gateway, via RTI in the normal manner. The ‘S’

indicator will be held in the ‘Scottish Tax Indicator’ field within Payroll>Perm Data>Basic Details.

Whereas any information required to be printed by the Payroll will automatically prefix the tax code

with an ‘S’, e.g. S1100L, on P45’s, P60s Payslips, etc.

DEA & DAE Rates.

A new higher rate DEA has been introduced in April 2016.

See separate documents ‘DWP DEA Higher Rate with or without AEO

Module’ for specific detail.

A new Scottish DAE court order has been introduced in April 2016.

See separate documents ‘Scottish DAE with or without AEO Module’ for specific


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Pension Death Benefit

HMRC have introduced a mandatory requirement to report upon Death Benefit payments. To address this, a new field (labelled ‘Deceased’) has been introduced on the Payment Rules screen, this will be available when the Period End Date in the Run Control is set to 6th April or greater and the ‘Pension Rights’ flag is selected.

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Contracted Out NI

Particular attention should be taken to the section headed ‘Removing Contracted Out NI Codes’,

detailed within the EOY UK 2016-2017 Constants document.

From April 2016 Contracted Out NI codes will be abolished, whilst the need for SCON & ECON

numbers remain as they may be required for previous year amendments (EYU).

Employers should have already updated the NI codes on their employees’ prior to commencing

Period 1 2016/2017.

During the first Data Download of Period 1 2016/2017, the payroll will check employee records, and

if any obsolete NI codes are found they will be changed according to the table below, together with

a report for the user to check upon completion of the download.

HMRC have issued a list of current Contracted out NI codes, and what they should be changed to…

D TO A Standard Rate

E TO B Reduced Rate

L TO J Deferred Rate

I TO M Standard Rate (Under 21)

K TO Z Deferred Rate (Under 21)

To coincide with the abolition of Contracted Out NI, there is no requirement to report the UAP

(Upper Accrual Point) to HMRC as part on the NI breakdown of earnings, this will be replaced with

AUST (Apprentice’s Upper Secondary Threshold).

Tax Code Suffix

In April 2015 HMRC introduced two new Tax Code Suffixes. This was to identify a spouse or civil partner transferring part of their tax allowance. N (as the giver of allowance) M (as the receiver of the allowance) In April 2016 HMRC have issued the annual increase in tax codes, which includes an increase in L, N, & M. Please see section 6.2.

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1.2 RTI Requirements at EOY

During the tax year FPS and EPS files have been submitted to HMRC on a period by period basis. As a

consequence of this you will now be required to:

Generate and submit a Final FPS for the tax year after completing your final pay period.

Generate a Final EPS (but not necessarily submit) BEFORE you begin your End of Year


Notify HMRC of adjustments to EOY data using either an ‘Additional FPS’ or ‘EYU’ (Earlier

Year Update).

The type of adjustment & submission needed will depend upon the date on which you are informing

HMRC of the amendment(s).

Adjustments after your Final FPS and Final EPS up to and including 19th April are submitted using an

‘Additional FPS’.

Adjustments after your Final FPS and Final EPS on or after 20th April are submitted using an EYU

(Earlier Year Update).

You are no longer required to generate or submit a P35 or P14s.

You still need to produce and distribute P60s to your employees by 31st May

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2 Install Instructions

2.1 Applying the Upgrade

The system must be version 2011.0.0.215 (or above) before the ‘Year End Update Program’

can be run.

You must apply your ‘2015/2016 End Of Year upgrade’ and have run the Year End Update

program ‘zyeuk2016.p’ before commencing any ‘End of Year’ processes.

2.2 Check your version number

Launch the relevant Live/Test main Payroll system icon and the version number is displayed in the

bottom left hand corner of your logon screen as shown here:

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Alternatively, you can check which version number while logged in to the payroll system:

Select “Help, About” from any menu and you will see your version number in the top left


If you do not have this version number (or above) then the EOY update has not been applied and

you will not be able to continue with the EOY process.

Please check you have followed all the Applying Updates instructions correctly and if you are still

experiencing problems then contact the Sage [email protected] 020 8645 2790.

2.3 Run your Year End Update Program

Once you are confident you are on the correct version number, you are ready to run your Year End

Update Program.

Select your relevant Payroll SnowdropKCS Live/Test Admin icon and run the following using

the details below:

Password: AdMiN (Case sensitive)

Option: Run a Program (From drop down menu)

Password: SoLo (Case sensitive)

Enter Program Name: zyeuk2016 and select ‘OK’ to continue

This will finalise the Year End update.

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When the program has run to completion, the following message will be displayed

If you receive the message ‘program cannot be found’ please log out of Admin and confirm you are

on the correct version number (2011.0.0.215 or above) and then try again.

Upon completion, exit the admin process, log back into the payroll as normal and continue with your

End of Year Process.

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3 Finishing the tax year up to 5th April 2016

At-a-glance checklist

Perform your final pay period of the tax year

Ensure that all reports and usual procedures have been completed for your final pay period

i.e. Month 12, Week 52(or Week 53, 54, or Week 56)

If you are using “step-by-step” to process your payroll YOU MUST reload the final period.

o (This will have been done automatically if you are using ‘Run Payroll’).

Ensure the Period No in Perm Data - ‘Basic Details’ and Processing - ‘Employee Display’ are

both the final period.

Generate and reconcile your ‘Final’ FPS

Generate and reconcile your ‘Final’ EPS (if required)

Submit ‘Final’ FPS & EPS (if required)to HMRC

Receive Final FPS and Final EPS (if relevant) submission acceptance by HMRC

Run any required EOY reports

Backup your entire system.

Ensure the ‘Period End Date’ in the ‘Run Control’ is between 01/03/2016 and 05/04/2016.

(This will allow you to Extract EOY data)

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3.1 Check the period number

Ensure the final period of the tax year has been completed by checking both the Payroll>Perm

Data>Basic Details and Payroll>Processing>Employee Display screens display the final period

number (12, 52/3 etc).

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3.2 Generate your Final FPS

When creating a Final FPS submission you can ignore the Questions and Declarations Section

within this screen, they are not required by HMRC, and will not be displayed again following EOY.

When entering the FPS screen, the indicator ‘Is this the final submission for the Tax Year’ will be

selected automatically when the month/week number in the Run Control is equal to month 12 or

week 52/53/54/56.

If you are NOT generating your Final FPS, and you choose to uncheck this field you will be presented

with the following message:

Selecting ‘OK’ will allow you to continue.

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3.3 Generate your Final EPS

When creating a Final EPS submission you can ignore the Questions and Declarations section

within this screen, they are not required by HMRC, and will not be displayed again following EOY.

If you have not reclaimed any statutory payments, and subsequently not generated an EPS

throughout the tax year, you MUST still generate a Final EPS, following the final pay period BEFORE

you begin your End of Year processing.

NOTE: As part of the validation process, the payroll system requires a Final EPS to have been

generated for each PAYE ref before beginning the year end process. HMRC do not necessarily

require an actual Final EPS submission unless statutory payments have been made.

When entering the EPS screen, the indicator ‘Is this the final submission for the Tax Year’ will be

selected automatically when the month/week number in the Run Control is equal to month 12 or

week 52/53/54/56.

If you are NOT generating your Final EPS and you choose to uncheck this field, you will be presented

with the message on the following page.

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Selecting ‘OK’ will allow you to continue.

3.4 Submit ‘Final’ FPS & EPS (if required) to HMRC

Payroll > Processing > UK XML HMRC Filing > XML Transfer to HMRC

Final FPS and Final EPS files are submitted to HMRC in the same manner as normal FPS and EPS files.

3.5 Receive Final FPS submission acceptance by HMRC

It is imperative your Final FPS submission has been accepted before you continue. Should the final

submissions reject you may need to make adjustments. EOY cannot be started until this has bee


3.6 Backup your entire system

Ensure that your technical team/department has taken a full system back up, keeping it separate

from any regular system backups.

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4 Creating & Processing End of Year Records

At-a-glance procedure

All End of Year menu options can be found within Payroll> EOY Processing

Receive confirmation from HMRC that Final FPS & EPS have been accepted

Close Payroll EOY (2014/2015)

Extract EOY Data

End of Year Clearance

EOY Data Update (if data needs to be amended)

Run EOY Changes report (if amendments have been made)

Run EOY Reconciliation (to confirm and balance amendments)

Generate Additional FPS and EPS if required

Submit Additional FPS and EPS if required

4.1 Close Payroll EOY

This option will remove the payroll EOY file for 2014/2015.

It is recommended that all users run this option before beginning the EOY procedure for 2015 2016

even if this is your first time running the End of Year process on SnowdropKCS, or if you are not sure

whether it has been run for 2014 2015.

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4.2 Extract EOY Data

Extreme Caution:

Extract EOY Data should never be repeated. Advice should be sought from the Payroll Support Desk

if you think you need to run it a second time.

Performing this task more than once may result in your year-end data being overwritten.

You will also be reminded that a backup of your system should be taken before being allowed to


You will also be prompted to ensure your Final FPS and EPS submission have been accepted by


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4.3 End of Year Clearance

Users who require any reports containing To Date values, or Accumulator values should ensure

they are produced before running End of Year Clearance.

The ‘End of Year Clearance’ prepares the system to run the first payroll of the new Tax Year by:

Clearing down To-Date values

Removing leavers from the payroll (allocating them to Payroll 00) but leaving them on the


Changing the last period processed to period 00 as seen in

Payroll>Perm Data>Basic Details

Payroll>Processing>Employee Display>Basic Details

Clearing down any Accumulators set to ‘Clear at Tax Year End’

A message will be given during the End of Year Clearance process, warning if the payroll has

accumulators set to clear at Tax Year End. An option will be available to cancel the process at this

point if necessary.

Should you have Pensionable Pay to Date (S4) values in the To Date value screen, you are also able

to clear these values down during the EOY clearance by ticking the box shown below.

Select the ‘OK’ tick button to begin the clear down.

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A progress bar will show while clearance is running – please note the bar may take some

time to initially commence.

Once the clearance has completed the following message will appear

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A report named acccleareoyxx (xx=Payroll company number) detailing the accumulators which have

been cleared as part of the EOY Clearance procedure will be available from within the user’s reports


Should you wish to manually clear down any accumulators, it is possible to do so using

Payroll>Output>Accumulator Print/Clear

Once you have run your End of Year Clearance, should you have no adjustments to make to your

final submissions of the tax year, you may move on to section 5.

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4.4 EOY Data Update

Any adjustments to the Final FPS are made via the EOY Data Update screen.

Any End of Year records on this screen for years prior to 2013/2014 will remain as pre RTI

For tax years 2013/2014 onward RTI functionality is available allowing you to;

Adjust your current year Final FPS using the Additional FPS up to & including 19th April

Adjust your current year Final FPS using the EYU on or after 20th April.

Adjust previous years FPS using EYU at any time.

Adjust your current year Final EPS

Adjust previous years EPS at any time.

See all changes made to an employee’s End of Year record

The type of update file needed to be produced will depend upon the date on which you are

informing HMRC of the adjustment(s)

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The purpose of an Additional FPS or EYU is to adjust previously submitted data, or notify details of


Any payments made to an employee on or after 6th April must be recorded in the new tax year and

not in an Additional FPS/EYU submission.

4.5 P60 Data

The P60 Data screen is read-only and contains the current End of Year detail created from the

Extract EOY Data

Any changes made via the Additional FPS or EYU will be reflected within the P60 Data screen as soon

as they have been saved.

Please refer to sections 7, 8, & 9 to make any EOY adjustment.

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5 P60 Production

Legislation requires your employees to receive their P60 by 31st May.

5.1 Stationery Types

SnowdropKCS supports the use of the following P60 stationery types:

Printer Type Supplier Orientation Detail

Dot Matrix HMRC Portrait P60 (continuous)

Laser HMRC Portrait P60 Single Sheet (Laser-Portrait)

Laser Knights

Business Forms Portrait P60 Pressure Sealed Data mailer

Laser Prolog Print

Media Portrait P60 (substitute) Type LE(P)

Knights or Prolog Print Media EOY stationery must be ordered from these suppliers directly.

Sage do not provide these forms.

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5.2 P60 Production Options

When you enter the P60 Production screen it is necessary to enter the following information based

on the P60 stationery you are using:

Continuous Laser or Single Part?

Enter the form type of the stationery you are using.

C - Continuous Printed on a Dot Matrix printer

L - Laser form, individual, Printed on a laser printer.

S - Single Part P60. Only to be used if you are using the HMRC (Short Version) P60.

Portrait or Prolog?

Enter the orientation of the form you are using.

P – Portrait

E – Prolog Print Media

Once this information has been entered and ‘OK’ is selected, your P60s will be produced and

available to print from within Utilities>Print>Payroll Reports

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5.3 Print Files & Maintenance

Payroll>Parameters>Print File Maintenance

Print files details are added automatically when your EOY upgrade is loaded onto your system.

If for any reason they are not, an entry can be added manually in the ‘Print File Maintenance’ screen

for whichever form type you are using.

Use the table below to select the print file that needs to be added and for the Font Number to use

when printing the forms from the report viewer.

Form Supplier Type Report Name

Report Lines

Font Number

HMRC P60 Continuous Portrait P60CPXXX 40 n/a

HMRC P60 (Short Version) Single Part P60SPXXX 66 40

Knights Business Forms P60 Pressure Sealed Laser Portrait P60LPXXX 66 40

Prolog Print Media P60 Prolog Print Media Laser P60LEXXX 66 17

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5.4 Control File Details P60 settings

Payroll > Processing > Control File Details

To suppress leaver P60s, and produce P60s for current employees only, set the 'Single Part P60'

indicator to ‘yes’ on the 'Control File Details' screen.

All P60s will print in the order specified in the ‘Payslip Sequence’ field

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5.5 Lining up Laser printed forms

Within Payroll>Parameters>Print File Maintenance scroll down the list to locate the particular print

report name you wish to adjust, and select the icon at the top left corner of the screen, and

the following screen will be displayed.

Font This field should be ignored; it has been set automatically on the EOY Upgrade

Top Margin Accepts an entry of -9 to 9, and will move the text up or down the page by the value


Left Margin Accepts an entry of -9 to 9, and will move the text to the left or right by the value


Orientation Accepts entries of P if Portrait. (Only required for laser printing)

Laser If this print is being sent to a laser printer

Copy File to Printer If this print is being sent to an impact/dot matrix printer.

If adjustments are made, the change will take immediate effect within the viewer, there is no need

to re-generate the print file.

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5.6 Publish E-P60 for Prolog (only available if purchased and installed)

Payroll>EOY Processing>UK >Publish E-P60

Once the P60s have been produced in step 5, you will be able to generate the E-P60 file to upload to

the Prolog online service.

Select the relevant EP60 file and then select the ‘Publish E- P60’ button.

Upon completion, this will have created an E-p60 file available for uploading to the Prolog


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5.7 Publish P60 (only available if purchased and installed)

Payroll> EOY Processing>UK >Publish P60s

Once the P60s have been produced in step 5, you will be able to generate the P60 information for

the Self Service module within Payroll or HR.

Select the required P60 file, followed by the ‘Publish P-60’ button.

Upon completion, this will have created and published the p60 file which will be available to view within the Self Service module.

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6 Starting the UK Tax Year from 6th April 2016

At-a-glance procedure

Update 2016/2017 Constants (see separate document ‘UK 2016-2017 Constants’)

Perform a Blanket Tax Code Update

Import P9s

Commence first period of the 16/17 tax year.

6.1 Update 2016/2017 Constants

Payroll>Constants>Constants Country/Year

Before processing the first pay period of 2016/2017 it is necessary to update the system’s constants

to ensure the correct National Insurance and taxation are applied.

Select the ‘Country’ from the drop-down list and enter the start year in the ‘Year’ field, 2016.

The 2016 constants record will initially contain the same data as 2015; you must amend or add any

data that has changed for 2016/2017.

(See separate document ‘UK 2016 - 2017 Constants’)

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6.2 Blanket Tax Code Uplift

Payroll > Functions > Batch Updates > Blanket Tax Code Update

HMRC announced the increase of L, M, & N, tax codes from the 6th April 2016.

L + 40

M + 44

N + 36

Please Note: The payroll ‘Run Control’ located under ‘Payroll – Processing’ MUST hold a Period End

Date and Period Number within the new tax year, e.g. 06/04/2016 Period 01 prior to running the

‘Blanket Tax Code Update’.

Enter the uplift amount as shown and select ‘Run’.

The process will update all the relevant tax codes within the database for the selected


A ‘Database’ report named ptaxcxxx.Lnn (nn = Payroll Company number) detailing all tax

codes uplifted can be viewed / printed from the user’s report directory

Utilities>Print>Database Reports

This process is payroll specific so must be run for each payroll independently.



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Please note that where a HMRC P9 Notification for an L, M, or N Suffix Tax Code has been imported

already for an employee for the Tax Year 2016/2017, this will already include the uplift amount, and

will therefore remain unchanged by the Blanket Tax Code Update routine.

If you import any HMRC P9 Notifications after running the Blanket Tax Code Update routine, these

will be applied in place of the Tax Code set by the Blanket Tax Code Update routine if they are

effective on or after 6th April 2016

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6.3 Functionality to reconcile FPS & EPS files.

Reconciliation reports are available to assist in the month on month balancing of your payroll(s).

FPSaaaaaaxx.csv (where aaaaaa is PAYE ref and xx is the payroll company number)

When generating an in-year FPS submission file each period you will be notified that the

FPSaaaaaaxx.csv report has been produced in the users report directory.

Please note: The FPSaaaaaaxx.csv report will be overwritten each payroll period. You may want to

move a copy of the report into a folder on your own network in order to maintain a comprehensive

history of the FPS you have generated.

(It is possible to retrospectively report on a specific period’s FPS detail by running the FPS Period

Reporting option, described on page 41.)

EPSaaaaaa.csv (where aaaaaa is PAYE ref)

When generating the EPS submission file you will be notified that the EPSaaaaaa.csv report has been

produced in the user’s report directory

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FPS Reconciliation

Payroll > Processing > UK XML HMRC Filing > FPS Reconciliation

When this option is selected two reports are produced which will reconcile the FPS data for the

payroll selected and a message is displayed to indicate as such.

FPS Totals Reconciliation

The FPS Totals Reconciliation report is a csv file which is available from within the user’s reports

directory. It is labelled FPSRECxxYY-YY.csv (where xx is the payroll number and YY-YY is the tax year).

This CSV report compares the To-Date Values within the FPS submission file, to the employees’ To

Date values (Payroll>Perm Data>To-Date Values), and reports any differences.

This will be the case where year to date figures have been updated rather than the amendment

being processed through the payroll.

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Please note: Where a payroll starts part-way through the tax year, all employees will appear on the

FPS Period Totals Reconciliation report, however this will only happen for the first period they are


Where all employee records reconcile, the report will still be produced but will display the column

headings only and contain no employee data.

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Year to Date Reconciliation

The Year to Date reconciliation report is also available from within

Utilities>Print>Database Reports.

PYTDRXXX.Lxx (where xx is the payroll number)

This includes all payrolls sharing the same tax reference, together with the total FPS Year to Date

values, the total Monthly HMRC Return Year to Date figures, together with any differences.

Also included are the Employees YTD figures, to assist in identifying discrepancies.

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6.4 FPS Period Reporting.

Payroll > Processing > UK XML HMRC Filing > FPS Period Reporting

The Period FPS report generates a csv file which is available from the user’s reports directory. This

process may generate multiple files called FPSaaaaaaPPrrXX.csv if there have been additional runs

for the same period.

aaaaaa = the PAYE reference

PP = the tax period

Rr = Run number (if the FPS has been run multiple times due to supplementary runs)

XX = the payroll company.

Upon selecting the ‘FPS Period Reporting’ option you will be asked which Payroll Company, Tax Year

and Period you wish to report on before generating the report.

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6.5 Monthly HMRC Return

The Monthly HMRC Return now separates the current year from End of Year.

The current year report can be found in the same location:

Payroll > Output > Statutory Reports > Monthly HMRC Return.

This report will display the current year HMRC Return only.

The EOY HMRC Return is now located within EOY Processing, will be identical to the above screen

with the exception of the ability to select the tax year

For reference purposes it will include the Tax Ref & Accounts Ref, from the Tax & DWP Details


The bottom of the screen will display the totals for the particular payroll you are processing, but in

addition will display the PAYE Scheme Totals if this payroll shares its Tax Reference with any other


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7 Additional FPS: Adjustments up to and including 19th April

At-a-glance procedure

Update Employee EOY figures using ‘Additional FPS’ tab

Run End of Year Changes report

Run EOY reconciliation

Generate Additional FPS

Generate Additional EPS (if required)

Submit Additional FPS & EPS to HMRC

Adjustments after your Final FPS and Final EPS up to and including 19th April are input, generated,

and submitted using an ‘Additional FPS’.

After 19th April this tab will be disabled for year-end adjustments

Values in the Additional FPS tab will need to be entered as positive or negative adjustments to

correct the year to date values.

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7.1 Additional FPS field appendix

Payment Date: The payment date of this adjustment

P45 Starter Questions: See section 9.2

New Pension Ind: See section 9.3

Employee Data

Join Date:

Leave Date: When present, the leave date is copied from the ‘Last Payroll Date’ during the EOY Copy

and this field is read-only. If no date exists within the ‘Last Payroll Date’ this field may be populated

with the relevant leave date.

Tax Code, Tax Class, Director Y/N,

Appointment Week: The week number from which the employee held director status (where not for

full year)

Payments this period only

Gross Pay,

Benefits taxed via payroll: Enter the value of benefits taxed via payroll for the adjustment

Trivial Commutation payment: Enter the value of the trivial commutation if relevant for the


Type: The trivial commutation type (Mandatory where a trivial commutation value exists)

Occupational pension indicator: Flag where this is an adjustment to an Occupational Pension

Taxable pay incl Benefits in Kind: is a calculated field using the information entered in other fields in

this screen

Payments not subject to tax or NICs:

Payments subject to NIC but not taxed:

Statutory Payments this period only


National Insurance this period only


EES Value: Read-Only – use ‘NI details this period’ to update

ERS Value:

NI Details this period – see section 7.2

Deductions this period only


Pre-tax pension contributions: Enter the value of pension taken on the adjustment payment value

Shares, GAYE, Post Tax Pension Contributions, Student Loan.

Other Deductions made from net pay: Enter any deductions made from the net pay of the


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7.2 NI Details this period

The NI details for which the adjustment is being made need to be entered by selecting the ‘NI Details

this period’ button.

The system will not allow NI adjustments to be made which result in negative to-date NI values.

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Upon saving the ‘NI details this period’ screen, the information is displayed in the ‘National

Insurance this period only’ fields on the main Additional FPS screen:

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7.3 Further information on the Additional FPS

Only one Additional FPS is allowed until that entry has been generated and submitted. The

system will not allow you to enter the Additional FPS tab where an un-generated record has

not been submitted.

It is possible to see all adjustments per tax year against an employee in the Change History

tab (section 8.8)

When saving an Additional FPS, you will be presented with the following message reminding

you of your obligation to submit this information to HMRC:

Saving Additional FPS records

Where adjustments have been made within the Additional FPS screen and the record has been

saved, the data entered will update the relevant figures in the P60 Data tab and will be cleared down

from the Additional FPS tab.

For example, if the user enters tax as £40.00, the tax field in the P60 data tab will be increased by


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Where the adjustment includes values for SMP, SSP, SAP, SPP or ASPP/ShPP fields, a message will be

displayed when the record is saved to remind you to send an EOY EPS submission:

7.4 Running End of Year Changes report

Payroll > EOY Processing > UK > EOY Changes Report

This report MUST be run following any changes made to an employee’s EOY record, which has a

direct effect on the EOY data.

When ‘EOY Changes Report’ is selected the following screen will open:

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Once you have entered the tax year for which the report should be run you will be given two options:

All changes since EOY Extract: will generate a report containing all changes made within the

Additional FPS, or EYU screens, since the EOY data was originally extracted.

The column headed ‘FPS/EYU Generated’ will show as ‘Y’ when the FPS or EYU has been produced

ready for submission. If the FPS or EYU has not been generated, this field will display as ‘N’.

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Followed by

EOY Reconciliation

Generate Additional FPS file

Generate EOY EPS (if required)

Submit Additional FPS & EPS to HMRC

7.5 Changes to P60 Details not requiring a HMRC submission

The EOY Changes Report will still be necessary where a change has been made to an employee’s EOY

file which does not require a submission to HMRC, but DOES need to be updated on a P60.

An example of this scenario would be an update to an employee’s address after the initial P60

Production has been run.

If you have made changes and have an Additional FPS and EPS file to submit, use the same

submission process as for in-year submissions

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8 EYU: Adjustments on and after 20th April

At-a-glance procedure

Update Employee EOY figures using ‘EYU’ tab

Run End of Year Changes report

Run EOY Reconciliation

Generate EYU

Generate replacement EPS (if required)

Submit EYU & replacement EPS to HMRC

Adjustments required after your Final FPS and Final EPS on or after 20th April are generated and

submitted using an ‘Earlier Year Update’ (EYU).

Upon entering the EYU tab the values displayed are the total EOY figures as held in the employee

P60 Data tab. You will need to increase or decrease the year to date values as required.

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8.1 EYU field appendix

Adjustment Date: The date of this adjustment

P45 Starter Questions: See section 9.2

New Pension Ind: See section 9.3

Employee Data

Join Date,

Leave Date: Where it exists the leave date is copied from the ‘Last Payroll Date’ during the EOY Copy

and this field is read-only. If no date exists within the ‘Last Payroll Date’ this field may be populated

with the relevant leave date.

Tax Code, Tax Class, Director Y/N

Appointment Week: The week number from which the employee held director status (where not for

full year)

Payments and deductions (Remember to replace the total values with your new totals)

Gross Pay: Enter the corrected year to date value of gross pay

Pension (Pre or Post Tax): Enter the corrected year to date value of Pre-tax pension

GAYE, Shares, Student Loan, Benefits Taxed,

Trivial Commutation: Enter the value of the trivial commutation, followed by the type.

Type: this field is mandatory if there is a value in the previous field.

Taxable Pay & Tax

Previous Employment: show the value held in the P60 Data tab. To amend this value, update the

values held in the P45/Starter button.

This Employment: Pay is a read-only calculated field: Gross Pay (Shares + GAYE+ Pre-Tax pension)

less Taxable pay previous employment.

Tax is read-only and a calculated field: Total tax for year less previous employment tax = tax this

employment. To amend this field, update the Total tax for year field.

Student Loan: Enter the corrected year to date value of student loan deducted

Statutory Payments


National Insurance

Code, EES Value, ERS Value, Up to LEL, LEL to ST, ST to PT,

PT to UAP. UAP to UEL, EE Rebate, ER Rebate, SCON,

If you operate an occupational contracted-out scheme, enter the employee's scheme contracting

out number (SCON) here, where the National Insurance category letter is D, E, L, I, or K.

Refund given to employee? Must be ticked where you have directly given the NI refund to the

employee, If this field is not ticked HMRC will refund the employee directly.

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8.2 Further information on the EYU

Saving EYU records

When adjustments have been made within the EYU tab and the record has been saved, the data

entered will overwrite the relevant figures in the P60 Data tab.

For example, if the Gross Pay was amended to £15,000, the Gross Pay field in the P60 data tab will

update to £15,000.

Where the EYU adjustment contains values within SMP, SPP, SAP or ASPP/ShPP fields, a message will

be displayed when the record is saved to remind you to send EPS submission:

It is possible to see all adjustments against an employee in the Change History tab (section 8.8)

When saving an EYU you will be presented with the following message:

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8.3 Run EOY Changes report (see section 7.4)

EOY Reconciliation

Generate the EYU file

Generate EOY EPS (if required)

Submit EYU & EOY EPS to HMRC

If you have made changes and have an Additional FPS and EPS file to submit, use the same

submission process as for in-year submissions.

8.4 Run EOY Reconciliation

Payroll >EOY Processing>UK> EOY Reconciliation

On selecting EOY Reconciliation you will be prompted to select the Tax Year End on which to run the


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Running the EOY Reconciliation will produce three reports:

HMRC Liability Report

EOY Data Report

End of Year Audit Report

HMRC Liability report

PLIABXXX is available in the user’s reports directory

Shows the additional amount that needs to be paid to or reclaimed from HMRC due to the EOY

changes made. This report shows the total liability for the PAYE reference to which the payroll


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EOY Data report

EOYdatayyyyxx.csv (where yyyy is the tax year end and xx is the payroll company number), found in

the user’s reports directory.

Reports on all employees’ Tax, Employee and Employer NI, and statutory reclaim values held in the

P60 screen.

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End of Year Audit report

EOYaudityyyyxx.csv (where yyyy is the tax year end and xx is the payroll company number) found in

the user’s reports directory.

This report gives more in depth detail of the EOY changes made to employees, it includes the user

who made the change, together with the date, time and type of change made (Add FPS or EYU) and

finally whether the submission file has been generated.

To enable the data held within the report to be easily filtered and sorted on, the employee number

appears on each line of data.

8.5 Generate EOY FPS, EOY EYU, and EOY EPS if required

Payroll> EOY Processing>UK>EOY FPS/EYU/EPS File Creation

Once adjustments to the EOY data have been made, it will be necessary to generate Additional FPS

and/or EYU files and submit these to HMRC

If you have made adjustments to statutory payments on either an Additional FPS or EYU, you will

also need to generate an EPS using the EOY EPS File creation

(Payroll> EOY Processing > EOY EPS File creation)

8.6 Submit EOY FPS, EOY EYU and EOY EPS if required

Payroll > Processing > UK XML HMRC Filing > XML Transfer to HMRC

Additional FPS/EYU and EPS files are submitted using the same process as for in-year submissions.

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8.7 EOY HMRC Return.

This screen is located within Payroll – EOY Processing.

The EOY HMRC details have been separated from the current year HMRC.

(See section 6.6)

When making amendments to EOY data, these details will default to the latest EOY, however you

have the ability to select the year required at the top of the screen.

In addition to displaying the Tax District & Ref, & Accounts Ref for information. The bottom of the

screen displays totals for the payroll currently selected, and totals including any other payrolls

sharing the same tax ref. (PAYE Scheme Total)

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8.8 Change History

Records are displayed in chronological order with the most recent adjustment at the top.

These Change History records also detail the user who made the change, the date and time entered,

a brief overview of the change made and the type of change.

If the file has been generated, submitted, and accepted or rejected by HMRC, this information will

display in the final four columns.

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The detail behind each entry can be viewed within Change History by selecting the line required

followed by the ‘View Detail’ button.

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8.9 Delete Change History

It is possible to delete a record within the Change History tab, where the record meets the following


Amendments have been saved but file has NOT been Generated (‘Gen’ = No)

File has been Generated and Submitted to HMRC but rejected (‘Gen’ = No, ‘Accepted’ = No)

Records will not be able to be deleted where:

Amendments have been saved and the file has been Generated (‘Gen’ = Yes)

File has been Generated, Submitted to HMRC and accepted (‘Gen’ = Yes, ‘Accepted’ = Yes)

Where a file is submitted to HMRC and rejects, due to data on the employee record being incorrect,

it is necessary to remove the record from within Change History, enter the corrected data within the

Additional FPS or EYU as required, re-generate and resubmit until the file is accepted by HMRC.

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9 Creating a NEW employee EOY record or Pensioner Details

When a new employee EOY record is added after the EOY Extract, it will be necessary to enter

P45/Starter Questions details.

This information if entered, is only stored within the EOY record. Any information for the current tax

year will also need to be updated in the P45/Starter Questions details within Payroll > Perm Data >

Basic Details if relevant for the current tax year.

9.1 Entering P45 Questions

Clicking the P45/Starter button opens a new window in which the details are input:

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When P45 details are entered and the screen is saved a message the following message will be


Selecting ‘Yes’ will result in the details entered in the previous tax code and previous tax basis

updating the Tax Code and Tax Basis fields on the employee’s EOY record.

When ‘No’ is selected, no update will be made and the fields will need to be populated manually.

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Where the leave date entered on the P45 details is within the tax year being amended, the system

will show the following message:

Selecting ‘Yes’ will result in the previous taxable and previous tax fields on the P60 data tab updating

with these values.

When ‘No’ is selected, these fields will not be populated.

If the leave date is not within the tax year, or the Tax basis on the P45 is ‘1’, the system will not ask if

the employee record should be updated.

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9.2 Entering Starter questions

When Starter Questions have been completed indicating that the employee has either completed

statement A,B,C, or has not completed a statement and this is saved, the following message will


Selecting ‘Yes’ will result in the tax code and tax class updating in relation to the statement flagged.

When ‘No’ is selected, no update will be made and the fields will need to populated manually.

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9.3 New Pensioner Indicator

Where an EOY record is being created for a pensioner, enter the pension details required within the

Pension Details button:

When Pension details are entered and the screen is saved the following message will be displayed:

Selecting ‘Yes’ will result in the details entered in the previous tax code and previous tax basis

updating the Tax Code and Tax Basis fields on the employee’s EOY record. When ‘No’ is selected, no

update will be made and the fields will need to populated manually.

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Where the leave date entered on the Pension details is within the tax year being amended, the

system will show the following message:

Selecting ‘Yes’ will result in the previous taxable and previous tax fields on the P60 data tab updating

with these values.

When ‘No’ is selected, these fields will not be populated.

If the leave date is not within the tax year, or the Tax basis on the Pension details is ‘1’, the system

will not ask if the employee record should be updated.

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9.4 Creating an Employee EOY record for a Multi-Company Payroll

When creating an EOY record for an employee and the Payroll Company under which the record is

being created is flagged as ‘Multi Company’, the system will ask which Cost centre the employee

record relates to: