Ui i fWi iUniversity of Wisconsin Stevens Point Specht Forum: Final Master Plan ConceptSpecht Forum:...

Ui i f Wi i U niversity of Wisconsin Stevens Point Specht Forum: Final Master Plan Concept Specht Forum: Final Master Plan Concept UW - Stevens Point \\ Entrance and Forum Landscape Design

Transcript of Ui i fWi iUniversity of Wisconsin Stevens Point Specht Forum: Final Master Plan ConceptSpecht Forum:...

Page 1: Ui i fWi iUniversity of Wisconsin Stevens Point Specht Forum: Final Master Plan ConceptSpecht Forum: Final … Forum Study 4-10-12.pdf · Ui i fWi iUniversity of Wisconsin Stevens

U i i f Wi iUniversity of Wisconsin

Stevens Point

Specht Forum: Final Master Plan ConceptSpecht Forum: Final Master Plan Concept

UW - Stevens Point \\ Entrance and Forum Landscape Design

Page 2: Ui i fWi iUniversity of Wisconsin Stevens Point Specht Forum: Final Master Plan ConceptSpecht Forum: Final … Forum Study 4-10-12.pdf · Ui i fWi iUniversity of Wisconsin Stevens

T i N t l RTrainer Natural Resources

Noel Fine ArtsLearning

Resources Center

UW - Stevens Point \\ Entrance and Forum Landscape Design

Page 3: Ui i fWi iUniversity of Wisconsin Stevens Point Specht Forum: Final Master Plan ConceptSpecht Forum: Final … Forum Study 4-10-12.pdf · Ui i fWi iUniversity of Wisconsin Stevens

Trainer Natural ResourcesTrainer Natural Resources

Waterwall Feature with

Main Lawn

Future Overhead StructureSundial


North Plaza

Outdoor Seating/ Café Area

Stepped Terrace

Noel Fine ArtsLearning

Resources CenterCentral Plaza

A d E

Water Feature

Accessible Walk to LRC

Performance/Art Display Platform

Mounded Lawn

At-grade Entrance

Pergola Overhead Structure

UW - Stevens Point \\ Entrance and Forum Landscape Design

Page 4: Ui i fWi iUniversity of Wisconsin Stevens Point Specht Forum: Final Master Plan ConceptSpecht Forum: Final … Forum Study 4-10-12.pdf · Ui i fWi iUniversity of Wisconsin Stevens

UW - Stevens Point \\ Entrance and Forum Landscape Design

Page 5: Ui i fWi iUniversity of Wisconsin Stevens Point Specht Forum: Final Master Plan ConceptSpecht Forum: Final … Forum Study 4-10-12.pdf · Ui i fWi iUniversity of Wisconsin Stevens

UW - Stevens Point \\ Entrance and Forum Landscape Design

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UW - Stevens Point \\ Entrance and Forum Landscape Design

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UW - Stevens Point \\ Entrance and Forum Landscape Design

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UW - Stevens Point \\ Entrance and Forum Landscape Design

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In the redesign of the Specht Forum there are numerous opportunities for incorporating sustainable design principles. g p p

• Innovative use of stormwater: the two water features indicated in the master plan concept could utilize re-circulated stormwater , and draw water runoff from plaza surfaces or possibly even rooftops of adjacent buildings

•Enhanced permeability: portions of the plaza could utilize permeable pavers to increase infiltration and, i dditi i d d th l t d ld h bilit d id iin addition, increased areas grass and other planted areas would enhance permeability and aid in decreasing runoff.

• Rain gardens: if stormwater is not used in the water features there are opportunities to incorporate• Rain gardens: if stormwater is not used in the water features, there are opportunities to incorporate rain gardens in the planted areas of the space, especially along the perimeter.

•Educational/interpretive displays: sustainable features incorporated into the plaza can be identified andEducational/interpretive displays: sustainable features incorporated into the plaza can be identified and explained by signage, creating educational opportunities.

UW - Stevens Point \\ Entrance and Forum Landscape Design

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U i i f Wi iUniversity of Wisconsin

Stevens Point

Specht Forum: Cost EstimatesSpecht Forum: Cost Estimates

UW - Stevens Point \\ Entrance and Forum Landscape Design

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Potential Phasing22 Natural Resource Phase2.2. Natural Resource Phase

Main Lawn

1.1. LRC Phase3.3. Main Plaza ReplacementCentral Plaza

Mounded Lawn

UW - Stevens Point \\ Entrance and Forum Landscape Design

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Conceptual Level Cost Estimate

UW - Stevens Point \\ Entrance and Forum Landscape Design

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Cost Estimate: Removal of Existing Forum Pavement, Replace in Kind with Concrete (all phases together)Replace in Kind with Concrete (all phases together)

Concrete Demolition : 63,300 s.f. X $.50 s.f = $31,700

Replace Concrete: 63,300 s.f. X $6.00 s.f =$379,800

Construction Contingency (10%) = $41,100

Design Survey & Geotech (12%) $49 400Design, Survey, & Geotech (12%) = $49,400

DSF Fee (4%) = $18,100DSF Fee (4%) $18,100= $520,100

UW - Stevens Point \\ Entrance and Forum Landscape Design

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UW - Stevens Point \\ Entrance and Forum Landscape Design