ui charges rates unsheduled inter change charges

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  • 7/30/2019 ui charges rates unsheduled inter change charges


    ____________________________________________________________________________________SOR to CERC(UI charges and related matters)(Second Amendment) Regulations, 2012 Page 1 of 50

    No. L-1(1)/ 2011-CERC


    Coram : Dr. Pramod Deo , Cha irpersonShri S.Jayaraman, Member

    Shri V. S. Verma, Member

    Shri M. Deena Dayalan, Member

    Date: 6.3.2012

    In the matter of

    Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Unscheduled

    Interc hange c harge s and rela ted ma tters) (Sec ond Amendment)

    Regulations, 2012


    The Co mmission p ub lished on its web site on 19.08.2011 the d ra ft

    amendments to the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

    (Unscheduled Interchange charges and related matters)

    Reg ula tions, 2009 (hereina fter refe rred to as the p rinc ipa l

    regulations) as amended from time to time, inviting

    c omments/ suggestions from the sta keho lders by 10.09.2011.

    2. Ab out 25 sta keho lders, inc lud ing Sta te Regulatory Co mmissions,

    Generato rs, Bene fic iaries, NLDC/ PGCIL, RPCs, SLDCs, consum er etc .,

    filed their written sub missions/ sug gestions. A list o f sta keholders who

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    ____________________________________________________________________________________SOR to CERC(UI charges and related matters)(Second Amendment) Regulations, 2012 Page 2 of 50

    made their comments/suggestions is enclosed as Annexure-I. The

    Commission also held a public hearing on 19.10.2011 giving

    opportunity to the stakeholders to present their views on various

    proposed amendments.

    3. The Commission ha s fina lized the Centra l Elec tric ity Regulatory

    Commission ((Unscheduled Interchange charges and related

    matte rs) (Sec ond Amendment) Reg ula tions, 2011(hereinafte r

    referred to as "Amend me nt Reg ula tions") a fter de ta iled deliberations

    and due consideration of the various issues raised by the

    stakeho lders. These a re d isc ussed in the suc c ee d ing pa ragraphs.


    4. In the proposed d ra ft amendments, UI Cha rges and UI Pric e

    Vector were based on Energy charges of generating stations

    regulated by CERC for the period August 2010 to January 2011. With

    the na rrow ing d ow n of the o pera ting g rid freq uenc y ba nd from 49.5

    -50.2 Hz to 49.7 50.2 Hz, step size was proposed to be reduced from

    0.02 Hz to 0.01 Hz for the UI vec to r. The UI p rice vec to r was designed

    such that UI charges were set at the grid frequency of "50.2 Hz and

    above" as Zero, UI Charge at grid frequency in step of "Not below

    50.0Hz and below 50.01Hz" as`1.65 /kWh (Median Value of energy

    c harges of c oa l/ lignite based genera ting sta tions), UI Cha rge a t g rid

    frequency in step of "Not below 49.80Hz and below 49.81Hz" as

    `. 4.50/kWh to ensure that all stations using imported coal also get

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    despatched, UI Charges at grid frequency "below 49.7 Hz" as

    `9.0 /kWh was linked to highest c ost o f gene ra tion of p ow er.

    5. The responses to the p roposa l a re as und er:

    (a ) Er. Padamjee t Singh ha s sub mitted tha t the worst p erforming

    p lant o f Auriaya (highest SHR) should not b e c onsidered as

    benchmark for specifying Max UI Charge. Moreover, the year 2011-

    12 is the last ye ar of the 12th Five year plan and it is very unlikely that

    capacity additions would take place in the last quarter of 2011-12.

    Therefo re, the Co mmission may defe r the imp lem enta tion of UI

    amendment till 31st Marc h, 2012.

    (b ) Utta r Pradesh Power Corpora tion Limited (UPPCL) has sub mitted

    that there is no necessity for hike in UI charges as the grid is running

    norma lly in sa fe zone of frequenc y. The hike in UI c ha rges sha ll also

    inc rea se the ra tes of e lec tric ity in the ma rket from ene rgy excha nge

    and bilateral agreements. Narrowing of frequency is not requiredbec ause system c an run in the freq uenc y range of 50.5 Hz to 49.0Hz.

    UPPCL has further submitted that the methodology of hike in U.I.

    charges by linking a particular frequency to specific rate of power

    sta tion viola tes sec tion 61 of the Elec tric ity Ac t, 2003 ( 2003 Ac t )

    bec ause U.I. cha rges a re third pa rt o f tariff. Sec tion 61 (d ) & (g ) of

    the 2003 Act have not been followed for making these regulations.

    UPPCL has filed 5 writ petitions before Hon'ble High Court of

    Judicature at Allahabad (Lucknow bench) And the Hon'ble Court

    has passed two interim orders in the ma tter and is p resently hearing

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    the pet itions on reg ula r basis. Therefo re, the d ra ft amendment m ay

    be deferred till the decision of the Hon'ble High Court. UPPCL has

    submitted tha t elec tric ity is supp lied into the grid from a ll the pow er

    sta tions (having d ifferent rate s of e lec tric ity) a t a ll the frequenc ies; so

    linking the U.I. c ha rges a t a pa rtic ula r freq uenc y to a ny "spec ific ra te

    based power sta tion" is a rb itra ry. It does not reflec t the a c tua l c ost of

    elec tric ity. So this methodology is inc orrec t and vio la tes the sec tion

    61 (d) & (g) of the 2003 Act, which mandates to fix tariff based on

    ac tua l c ost of elec tric ity.

    UPPCL ha s submitted tha t NTPC has bee n g rea tly b enefitted by

    high UI c ha rges. Ac c ord ing to UPPCL, NTPCs 13 genera ting sta tion's

    schedules and UI generation during 2009-10 shows that on an

    average, 1.35 %of excess generation is done over schedule leading

    to an inco me o f over` 173 Crore (for 1145 MUs) due to the fac t tha t

    UI rates are higher than energy charges by `1.51 per unit for

    purcha sing 1145 MU of e lec tric ity. Therefore, UI ra tes should be


    UPPCL ha s further sub mitted tha t Anta GPS ha s genera ted 14.15%

    excess generation leading to income of ` 45.92 c ores. Da d ri GPS,

    FGUTPS-II and NCTPS-I have a lso earned `21.93 crores,`6.16 croresand ` . 3.55 crores respectively through extra generation of 2.45%,

    1.35% & 2.45% and UI earning therefrom.

    UPPCL has submitted tha t g eneration o f e lec tric ity in exc ess of the

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    schedule is an act of indiscipline and therefore, excess generation

    should not be paid. Regulation 2.18 of Central Electricity Regulatory

    Commission (Terms & Cond itions of Ta riff) Regulations,2001 p rovided

    that when the actual generation is more than schedule, the UI

    c harges due to extra gene ra tion should b e reduc ed to zero. In view

    of above, Regulation 24 (2) (i) of Central Electricity Regulatory

    Commission (Terms & Cond ition o f Ta riff) Regulations, 2004 and

    Regulation 6 (3) & (4) of Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

    (Unscheduled interchange and related matters) Regulation, 2009

    and its amendment dated 28.04.2010 are arbitrary and unjustified,

    whic h a llow s payment for extra gene ra tion a t UI ra te.

    (c ) MPPTCL ha s sub mitted tha t the utilities a re d rawing 9.11% of UI

    power from the grid with the power available/injected by the

    generating companies on the present frequency range of 49.2 to

    50.3 Hz. Further, 17.34 % narrowing down of permissible frequency

    range will increase the UI charges on utilities, which subsequently will

    be p assed on to the c onsumers. The inc rea se in po wer purc ha se

    amount w ill further inc rease the ta riff of Distribution Companies. The

    prop osed ac tion o f the Commission will defy the p rovisions of Sec tion

    61 (d) of the 2003 Act which provides for safeguarding of

    consumers interest and at the same time recovery of the cost of

    elec tric ity in a reasona b le manner.

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    MPPTCL further sta ted tha t a t p resent there is a defic it o f 8.64 %

    between the demand and supply of power from available sources.

    The d em and is muc h higher tha n the injec tion. The p roposed

    freq uenc y range is too narrow and does not meet the required level

    for equilibrium to be maintained between the demand and supply

    of elec tric a l ene rgy.

    MPPTCL ha s further submitted tha t the benefic ia ries have entered

    into severa l PPAs and TSAs to ensure suffic ient p roc urement o f

    elec tric a l energy to ma tc h the demands of the ultima te c onsumers.

    But for reasons beyond control of the beneficiaries, it has not been

    possible till now, as the proposed power projects are getting

    delayed for som e rea son or other. The utilities a re c om pelled to use

    UI power to mee t the ir c onsumer de mands. Therefo re, the

    permissible frequency range should not be narrowed down and

    should rema in unchang ed .

    (d ) Chhatt isga rh SPTCL ha s sub mitted tha t hike in UI ra te is ve ry steep

    due to na rrow ing d ow n of freq uenc y ba nd w hic h ma y ca use hike in

    ra te of elec tric ity in the market a s most o f time, UI ra te is a refe renc e

    ra te in trad ing. It has been sugg ested that freq uenc y ba nd m ay be

    kep t a s 50.2 to 49.6.

    (e) Power Company of Karnataka has submitted that in order to

    ma inta in g rid freq uenc y a s per IEGC, the Sta te of Karna taka has

    done load shedding in both urban and rural areas and has been

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    forc ed to purc hase pow er a t higher ra tes. It has been further

    submitted that there is delay in commissioning of the projects for

    mo re than one to two yea rs. On ac c ount of co ntinuous inc rea se in

    demand without c orrespond ing increase in genera tion, the inc rea se

    in UI rates may result in increase rates in open market and short term

    proc urem ent/ b ila teral exc hanges. The c osts of p ow er from the liquid

    based p rojec ts a re inc rea sing day by day. The p rop osed reg ula tion

    will give more scope to Distribution Licensees to dispatch liquid

    based pow er projec t run by the CGS units of o ther generating

    stations. Ultimately, the power purchase cost will be increased and

    burden on the consumers. It has been requested to operate in the

    frequenc y rang e of 49.5-50.2 Hz.

    (f) Karna ta ka Power Transmission Corpora tion Limited (KPTCL) ha s

    submitted that the penalty levied from those beneficiaries who

    overdraw when the frequency is between 49.849.7 Hz is very high

    and for each 0.01 Hz, 40.91 paise penalty is levied, which should be

    reduced. Already scheduled and unscheduled load shedding are

    being carried out by the constituents. Hence, for frequency below

    49.8 Hz, levy o f huge pena lty is no t feasible. KPTCL ha s further

    submitted that without adding adequate generation as per

    sc hed uled da tes g iven by the genera tors in c entral sec tor will ma ke

    the operation of grid between 49.80 and 50.20 Hz highly difficult for

    a ll SLDC s.

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    (g ) MSEDCL ha s sta ted tha t it is no t indulging in ind isc rimina te

    overdrawa l from the g rid and in sp ite o f contrac ting p ow er to meet

    its antic ipa ted dem and, if and when it overdraws from the g rid , suc h

    excursions a re d ue to the rea l time va ria tions in the d em and and / or

    supply. However, utmost care is taken to implement corrective

    ac tions imme d ia te ly and to a b ide b y grid d isc ip line. MSEDCL ha s

    further submitted that it would be practically impossible for a huge

    system like MSEDCL to matc h its genera tion a va ilab ility and load in

    ea c h freq uenc y step of 0.01Hz. Therefo re, c onsidering the fac t tha t

    the g rid has been op era ting a t a n imp roved freq uenc y during 2010-

    11 and there has not been any major grid security problem during

    these yea rs, MSEDCL ha s sug gested for c ontinuing with existing UI

    rates and the Commission may levy additional penal charges on

    utilities without tightening the operating frequency band to further

    ensure the grid sec urity and book the erring utilities.

    (h) POSOCO ha s submitted tha t narrow ing grid freq uenc y range w ill

    he lp in sync hroniza tion o f SR and NEW grid , and will he lp in a bsorb ing

    RES like wind ene rgy.

    (i) PTC has submitted tha t na rrowing grid freq uenc y range w ill help in

    be tter grid m ana gement.

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    (j) Tamil Nad u Generat ion and Distribution Corpora tion Limited

    (TANGEDCO ) has sub mitted tha t the Commissions observation in

    para 6 that "the concern that shrinkage of UI frequency band may

    lead to increase in load shedding is mitigated in view of additions

    taking p lac e p resently" does not appea r to have b een ma de b ased

    on ac tua l position. The 11th Plan capacity addition which was

    envisaged at 78700 MW has been pruned down to 62000 MW and

    the p resent rea lity is tha t it may not exceed 50000 MW. The

    antic ipa ted add ition o f 16531 MW befo re 31.3.2012, end of 11th Plan,

    ma y not materia lize fully and may sp ill over to the first yea r of the 12th


    (k) R2I ha s sub mitted tha t sho rt fall o f over 43% during 2010-11 and

    short fall of over 29% during 2011-12 (till August 2011) have been

    rep orted in the c apac ity add ition in the c ountry. The Comm ission

    has ove restima ted the supp ly side a nd und erestima ted the d emand.

    6. We have c onsidered the ob jec tions and suggestions as note d

    in p ara 5 above. UPPCL and MPPTCL ha ve questioned the ra tiona le

    of UI c ha rges. The Commission, in the Sta tement of Reasons to the

    first a mend ment to UI regulat ions issued on 26.05.2010 has dea lt w ith

    simila r ob jec tions of UPPCL as under:

    "A. Whethe r the UI Cha rges and va rious UI c ap ra tes a re ag a inst the provisions ofElectric ity Ac t, 2003 and aga inst the Hon ble Supreme Court Judgm ent

    9. UPPCL has subm itted tha t the p rop osed princ ip les and me thod olog ies app lied forcharging UI rates for deviation from schedule is against the provisions of Electricity Act,

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    2003 (the Ac t) a nd ag a inst the Hon ble Supreme C ourts order dated 17.8.2007 in thec ase o f Ce ntral Pow er Distribut ion Co & ot hers vs CERC & Anr. [(2007) 8 SCC 197] a ndCERC order d a te d 04.01.2000 on ABT.

    10. UPPCL has further stated that the UI being 3 rd part o f ta riff as per ABT Orde r of4.1.2000 and as per the Hon b le Sup rem e Court s judg me nt in Cent ra l Pow er Distribution

    Co & o rs Vs. CERC & Anr, it m ust b e c onsistent w ith Sec tion 61 (d) and 61(g) o f the Ac t,which provide that the tariff progressively reflects the (incurred) cost of supply andtherefore, UI rate c anno t b e linked to c ostliest form of g ene rat ion. The Comm ission wa stherefore, req uested to fix ap prop riate rates as pe r the Ac t. Ac c ording to UPPCL, there isa need to take new and alternative steps by providing additional allocations/powerpurchase a rrange me nts favo urab le for deficit Sta tes and by restraining the und ueenric hme nt o f p rofit to ge nerato rs/ surplus Sta tes who are ea rning at the cost o f thedefic it sta tes. Simila r views have b ee n ec hoe d b y othe r bene ficiaries na me ly MPPTCL,GVUNL, HPPC etc. According to the UPPCL, the proposed UI charges are required to bed iscussed be fore Cent ral Ad visory Comm ittee as per sec tion 81 of the Ac t.

    11. UPPCL has further stated that the Govt. of India may be advised by theCommission u/s 79 (2) of the Act to allocate power from 15 % unallocated share, tode ficit State s and cha nge the p olic y of a lloc ation to the State s.

    12. We are una b le to subsc ribe to the p oint of view o f UPPCL and othe r be neficiariesreg a rd ing UPPCLs interp reta tion of the Hon'ble Supreme Court s judgm ent c ited abo ve.The interpretat ion a ims to que stion the very essenc e of the conc ep t o f UI as acommercial mechanism to ensure grid discipline which has been authoritatively settledby the Hon'ble Supreme Court and therefore, the a rgum ents a re d evo id o f any merit asd isc ussed hereina fte r.

    13. The Hon b le Sup rem e Co urt in its judg ment da ted 17.8.2007 in Ce ntral Pow erDistribution Co & ors supra has explained the concept of Unscheduled Interchange inthe following terms:


    10. In ad dition to tw o c ha rge s, a third cha rge c onte mp lated in the ABT sc hem e is forthe unsc hed uled intercha nge of p ow er (UI c harges). The UI c ha rge s are p aya bledepending upon what is deviated from the schedule and also subject to the gridc ond itions at t hat p oint of time. This eleme nt wa s introduc ed to b ring ab out theeffe c tive d isc ipline in the system. Unde r this system UI cha rge s will be p ayab le, if:

    i) a g ene rator gene rates mo re tha n the sc hed ule, thereby inc rea sing the freq uenc y;ii) a g ene rator gene rates less tha n the sc hed ule, thereby de c rea sing the freque nc y;iii) a b ene fic iary overdraws po we r, thereb y de c rea sing the freq uenc y;

    iv) a b ene fic iary unde rdraw s pow er, thereby inc rea sing the freq uenc y.

    11. It is thus clear from the above that UI charges are a commercial mechanism toma intain g rid d isc ipline. The UI cha rges pena lises whosoe ver c aused grid ind isc ipline,whether ge nerator (NTPC) o r d istributo r, is sub jec t to payme nt o f UI cha rges who a renot fo llow ing t he sched ule. The UI c harges a re no t p aya ble if the a ppe llants ma intainthe ir d rawl of elec tric ity consistent w ith the sc hed ule given b y them selves. Therefo re,there is no merit in the contention of the appellants that the UI charges are by way ofpena lty. {Emphasis laid}

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    14. The Hon b le Sup rem e Court framed the issues as und er:

    (A) Whethe r the application o f Ava ilab ility Based Tariff (ABT) in relation to

    Unscheduled Interchange (UI) charges, which otherwise is not a component of

    tariff in terms of Regulation 15 of the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission(Terms and Co nd itions of Tariff) Reg ulations, 2004 and they a re liab le to b e he ld

    as beyond the jurisdiction of the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission


    (C) Ca n the Availab ility Based Tariff as esta blished and p rovide d in the orde r

    of the C ERC b y its order da ted 4.1.2000 be imp lemented unde r the p rovisions of

    Electricity Act, 2003, particularly when there is no provision under the statute that

    allows the CERC to levy Unsc hed uled Intercha nge Cha rge s?

    (D) whe ther in the present fac ts and c ircumsta nc es as rega rds the Simha dri STPS

    therma l sta tion of the Nationa l Therma l Power Co rporation (NTPC) whic h

    ad mittedly supp lies po wer to t he State Grid and has no c onnec tion with the

    ma nag em ent o f the Nationa l Grid, c an the CERC in suc h c irc umsta nces exercise,

    pa rticularly when m at ters relating to the Sta te Grid falls within the role a nd

    func tion of the Sta te Elec tric ity Reg ulato ry Comm ission?

    15. While ruling on the ab ove que stions of law, the Hon ble Supreme Court o bservedas fo llow s:

    Question (A) (22) The a pp lic a tion o f Ava ilab ility Based Tariff and imposition o f Unsc hed uledInterchange (UI) charges are essential part of the Functions of the CentralCo mm ission und er Sec tion 79(1)(h) of the Elec tric ity Ac t, 2003 which rea ds tospe c ify Grid Code having rega rd to the G rid Standards, and unde r Sub-sec tion

    (2) of Sec tion 28 rea d w ith Sec tion 178(2)(g ) de a ling w ith the Cent ra l Co mm issionpo we rs to frame Grid C od e. The m aintena nc e of Grid disc ipline envisag ed underthe Grid Co de is reg ulate d by the m ec hanism o f ABT and UI c ha rges. There is nobasis for the a ppellant to c ontend tha t unless som eth ing is a p a rt of Tariff theCe ntral Commission c annot exerc ise p ow ers and func tions. The A BT and UIcha rge s are c om me rc ial mec hanism to c ontrol the utilities in sc hed uling, d ispa tc hand drawl and the UI charges are tariff or charges payable for deviations. In thefacts and circumstances mentioned above the legal position is clear and there isno a mb iguity in respec t o f the jurisdic tion of the Central Com mission.Question (C)(24) As already noticed, the Central Commission has the power and function toevolve commercial mechanism such as imposition of UI charges to regulate and

    disc ipline. It is we ll settled tha t a po we r to regulate includes within it the po we r toen force . See Ind u Bhusan vs. Rama Sund eri, AIR 1970 SC 228, K. Ramana than vs.Sta te of Tamil Nadu (1985) 2 SCC 116, V.S. Rice and Oil Mills vs. Sta te of And hraPrad esh, AIR 1964 SC 1781, Dee pak Theatre, Dhuri vs. Sta te of Punjab , 1992Supp.(1) SCC 684.

    Que stion (D)(25) In the fac ts and c irc umstanc es as alluded , and as pe r the Schem e o f theElectricity Act, 2003 mentioned above, the Central Commission has the plenary

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    power to regulate the Grid, particularly in the context of the Grid beinginteg rate d and c onnec ted ac ross the region co mp rising o f mo re tha n one State .The State Grid c annot be isolated and ca nnot b e seen a s inde pe ndent from theregion.

    16. It is c lear from the ab ove judg me nt of the Sup rem e Court that the Central Comm ission has

    plenary pow er with reg ard to ma intaining grid discipline in ac co rda nce with the Grid Cod e. Ithas also b een unam biguo usly uphe ld that UI c harges a re a c om me rc ial me chanism to m a intaingrid discipline and the Central Commission has the power and functions to evolve commerciamechanism in the form of imposition of UI charges to regulate and discipline the grid. As thepower of the Central Commission to impose the UI charges for maintaining the grid disciplinehas be en up held b y the Supreme Court, the c hallenge t o the UI c ha rge s as not b eing c onsistentw ith the p rovisions of Sec tion 61 of the Ac t c annot b e susta ined . The issue a s rega rds the lega lityof the levy of Unscheduled Interchange Charges has attained finality with the aforesaidjud gment of the Hon b le Sup rem e Court.

    17. In this ba c k d rop , the ob ject ive of the UI me chanism nee ds to b e c lea rly unde rstood anapprec iate d . The Co mm ission in its Sta tem ent of Rea sons exp laining the va rious p rov isions of Uregulations 2009 has stated as follows:

    UI pric ing is expe c ted to serve the twin ob ject ives of spe c ifying settlement rate

    for deviations from schedules in normal operating range and ensuring grid

    discipline on the one hand while ensuring maximisation of generation at optimal

    cost for grid participants on the other. Further, UI pricing mechanism should

    discourag e grid pa rticipa nts from using UI mec hanism as trad ing instrument.

    18. Therefo re, the gene sis of spec ifying UI c ha rges based on m aximum c ost o f gridc onnec ted ge neration i.e. energy c ha rge s ba sed on liquid fue l is to e nsure tha t eve ry bitof available power should be supporting the grid, even the costliest one, under low gridfreq uenc y co ndition which indica tes a d efic it c ondition. It need s to b e a pp rec iate d tha tthe beneficiaries are under no compulsion to overdraw from the grid. If they adhere totheir respective schedules, then there shall be no UI liability accruing to them whatever

    ma y be the grid c ondition.

    19. Earlier, in 2007, when there was no market platform for trading in real time, the UImec hanism d id offer a real time ba lanc ing m arket o f po wer, where State s c ould buyand sell power at rates determined by the system conditions, i.e. buy or sell power athigh rates in deficit conditions and at low rates in surplus conditions. However, it wasob served that som e Sta tes took this as a license to o verdraw p ow er from the grid at theexpense o f the othe r Sta tes, thus jeopa rdising sec urity of the integ rat ed grid through loa dgeneration imbalance and overloading of transmission corridor. It was also found thatthe ove r d rawing Sta tes we re no t making UI payme nts in time . The C om mission hastherefore, taken a view that UI should not b e treate d as a rea l time ba lanc ing m arket b yputting limits on over drawal and under injection below grid frequency of 49.5 Hz and

    provided for payment of additional UI charges for over drawls and under injectionsbelow grid frequenc y of 49.2 Hz, which were 40% highe r tha n the UI ra te a t 49.2 Hz.

    20. In the m ea ntime , two p ow er exc hang es had also sta rted op erating b y then withthe a pp roval of the Com mission for the d ay-ahea d ma rket, which offered sep arate a ndtransparent p latfo rms for buying a nd selling o f po we r in the rea l time . Subseq uently, theda y ahea d c ontingenc y ma rket and t he intra-da y ma rket has also b een a llow ed by the

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    Commission to be operated by the Power Exchanges. Overloading of certaintransmission corridors have now be c om e a rea l prob lem.

    21. In the view of the Commission, priority of Grid security is the highest in theoperation of the grid, and therefore, the generators / sellers and the beneficiaries/ thebuyers should use other avenues like bilateral trading or the trading platforms of power

    exchanges by availing open access for meeting short term, medium term or long termarrangements or agreements. UI mechanism should not be used as a real time marketany mo re.

    22. It ma y further be apprec ia ted tha t the ge nerato r or the Sellers and the Bene fic iariesor the buyers are legally entitled to or liable for their net injections or drawlscorresponding to their schedules conforming to allocation/shares in terms of theagreem ents or the c ontrac ts from spe c ific source or destination.

    23. In view of the de libe rat ions in ab ove parag rap hs, we a re of the view that UImechanism as provided earlier and in its amended form as discussed in subsequentparag rap hs is neither ag a inst the p rovisions of the Ac t no r against t he Hon ble SupremeCo urt judg me nt in the c ase o f Ce ntral Pow er Distribut ion Co . supra and the C om mission sorder da ted 04.01.2000."

    7. The Commission reitera tes the above views in response to the

    ob jec tions of UPPCL and MPPTCL. As rega rds the sug gestions of

    UPPCL to defer the amendment till the disposal of the UI cases

    pending before the Honble High Court, we are of the view that

    pendency of cases does not prevent the Commission to discharge

    its statutory responsibility to regulate the inter-State transmission of

    elec tric ity by ma king approp ria te regula tions or making amendm ent

    to existing regulat ions.

    8. With regard to the UPPCL's sub mission rega rd ing undue

    profiteering by the NTPC c iting the UI deta ils in respec t o f 13 sta tions

    of NTPC for the year 2009-10, we find tha t in c ases of sta tions exc ep t

    Ta lc her TPS, the d ec la red c apac ity wa s more tha n the sum of

    generation schedule and the UI generated by each station which

    clearly indicates that the beneficiaries had not given the full

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    sc hedule, spec ia lly so in c ase of gas/ RLNG/ Liquid fuel based sta tions

    namely, Anta, Dadri, Auraiya, and load center stations namely,

    FGUTPS-I & II and NCTPSI. More UI gene ration in gas/ RLNG/ Liquid

    fuel based stations namely, Anta, Auraiya, Dadri is understandable

    as capacity on high cost RLNG and liquid fuel is not generally

    dispatched by the beneficiaries and when the UI rate is favorable

    and is higher than the energy charges on RLNG and liquid fuel, the

    gene ra tor generates more p ow er as UI and helps the g rid . The use o f

    energy rate of natural gas by the UPPCL is not correct. It is clarified

    for the information of all concerned that there is no compulsion on

    any of the utilities to overdraw from the grid and prudent utility

    p rac tic e req uires tha t they ma nage the ir c onsumer loa d on the b asis

    of the scheduled power arranged by them. If the utilities do not

    overdraw from the grid, then they would not be required to pay UI

    charges. When the utilities overdraw knowing fully well that UI rates

    are applicable for such overdrawal, they are liable to pay for the

    energy so d rawn a t UI ra tes.

    Basis of determination of UI Rates

    9. In the Exp lanato ry Mem orandum to the d ra ft amendm ent, the

    energy charges of coal/lignite based generating stations regulatedby CERC for the period Aug ust 2010 to Janua ry 2011 were ta ken into

    c onsidera tion for fixing the UI ra tes. The energy c ha rges for the

    period Aug ust 2010 to Janua ry 2011 were c onsidered as und er:

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    S.No Stations Aug -10 Sep -10 Oc t-10 Nov- 10 Dec-10 Jan-11 Average

    1 TTPS 92.45 90.50 87 59 83.76 87.74 87.15 73.60

    2 Korb a STPS 83.24 80.02 73.53 92.91 81.66 90.87 83.71

    3 Sipa t-ll 107.80 129.40 97.61 82.82 71.36 66.65 92.61

    4 Riha nd -I 140.99 167.74 122.56 127.47 120.87 117.21 132.815 Sing rauli STPS 138.04 136.45 137.15 132.13 132.85 144.90 136.92

    6 Vlndhyanchal-ll

    144.04 154.12 126.97 134.31 127.62 141.80 138.14

    7 Vindhyanchal-lll

    144.04 154.12 126.97 134.31 127.62 141.80 138.14

    8 Riha nd -ll 146.84 172.95 128.63 133.81 127.31 121.44 138.50

    9 Vind hya nc ha H 149.29 159.74 131.58 139.19 132.25 146.96 143.17

    10 Ta lche r-ll 175.73 146.22 157.12 150.66 149.55 170.81 158.35

    11 Ta lche r-I 175.72 164.21 157.12 150.66 149.55 170.80 161.34

    12 RamagundamIII 136.94 153.71 178.69 162.75 152.64 187.00 161.96

    13 Ramagundaml&ll

    196.37 171.97 139.57 149.79 167.62 153.84 163.19

    14 Simhadri-I 200.08 183.72 155.75 125.86 146.02 174.57 164.33

    15 Tand a 230.56 212.91 191.45 197.26 201.37 192 29 172.26

    16 TPS I Expansion 170.40 174.70 180.01 185.80 179.00 180.70 178.44

    17 TPS II 185.80 192.10 187.80 186.60 186.60 186.50 187.57

    18 Kaha lga on-ll 189.37 210.40 192.52 177.50 184.25 199.95 192.33

    19 Uncha ha r-lll 197.91 193.33 197.08 194.22 189.09 187.38 193.17

    20 Uncha ha r-ll 198.74 198.02 197.29 193.88 188.78 187.37 194.01

    21 TPS I 194.80 195.00 196.00 197.60 195.80 195.80 195.83

    22 Uncha ha r-I 198.44 204.21 203.70 195.67 190.73 188.16 196.82

    23 Kaha lga on-I 196.20 217.94 199.49 183.86 190.91 207.06 199.24

    24 NCTPS-il 245.20 219.20 210.90 202.00 204.50 221.70 217.25

    25 NCTPP Oadri 263.86 239.26 230.32 221.78 223.63 247.57 237.74

    26 BTPS 354 11 343.77 275.47 294.24 298.98 320.04 255.42

    27 Farakk a STPS 306.94 307.35 306.22 289.15 287.37 293.85 298.48

    It ma y be seen that the med ian value o f energy c harges of the

    coal based stations is 164.33 paise/kWh. Accordingly, it was

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    proposed that UI rate should be fixed at ` 1.65/ kWh a t 50.00 Hz in

    line with earlier method ology.

    Simila rly, the energy c ha rges of Ga s/ RLNG/ Liquid fuel based

    generating sta tions reg ula ted by CERC for the p eriod Aug ust 2010 to

    Janua ry 2011 a re as und er:

    Stations Fuel Aug -10 Sep -10 Oc t-10 Nov- 10 Dec- 10 Jan-11 Average

    An ta Liq iud 751.59 751.59 751.59 751.59 751.59 803.63 760.26

    Gas 249.60 266.96 244.47 264.48 288.95 248.61 260.51

    RLNG 371.46 351.19 348.38 359.76 363.70 410.58 367.51

    Auriya Liq iud 878.80 887.30 887.30 887.16 887.16 948.39 896.02Gas 242.76 254.72 232.01 238.78 235.13 236.47 239.98

    RLNG 471.88 429.53 429.40 437.70 442.70 481.54 448.79

    Dadri Liqiud 760.70 760.70 760.70 760.70 760.70 780.34 763.97

    Gas 246.53 253.83 242.59 236.79 237.36 238.52 242.60

    RLNG 404.97 417.29 418.43 433.34 437 17 492.75 361.13

    Kaw as Liq iud 614.25 601.34 601.34 380.44 380.44 695.07 545.48

    Gas 212.05 197.45 200.84 190.13 192.52 193.06 197.68

    RLNG 265.14 282.86 231.25 238.18 345.17 477.62 306.70

    Ga nd ha r Ga s 196.06 195.81 194.00 189.13 190.17 190.92 192.68RLNG 325.45 371.29 315.49 325.81 330.77 452.81 353.60


    Nap tha 686.54 694.48 711.95 752.59 792.82 841.62 746.67

    Farida bad Liqiud 782.66 772.03 772.03 353.83 768.59 772.21 703.56

    Gas 210.93 207.75 207.72 207.72 206.26 206.85 207.87

    RLNG 357.59 336.27 336.22 336.22 348.77 386.43 350.25

    Assam Gas 142.30 146.50 149.90 143.40 144.40 152.10 146.43

    Ag arta la Ga s 195.00 198.00 192.80 186.30 186.90 189.50 191.42

    It may be seen tha t the highest c ost o f gene ra tion is in c ase of

    Auraiya CCGT Sta tion which is 896.02 Pa ise/ kWh. It w as ac c ord ing ly

    proposed to keep the UI charges at below 49.7 Hz as 900


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    10. The responses to the p rop osed ame nd ment on this p oint was as


    (a ) Er. Padamjee t Singh ha s sub mitted tha t the worst p erforming

    p lant o f Auriaya (highest SHR) should not b e c onsidered as the

    benc hma rk for spec ifying Ma x UI Cha rge.

    (b) NLC has submitted that the UI Charge at grid frequency in step

    of "Not below 50.0Hz and below 50.01Hz" as` 1.65 /kWh (Median

    Value of ene rgy charges of c oa l/ lignite b ased gene ra ting sta tions)

    is lesser than e nergy c ha rges of lignite based sta tions a t NLC. This

    will not enc ourag e the Sta tion Operato rs to ma inta in gene ra tion to

    ma tc h w ith the sc hed ule even a t ra ted freq uenc y of 50.0Hz. The UI

    ra te is ec onomic a l only for c oa l based p it end sta tions. To

    encourage generators and ensure economic despatch, UI rate

    corresponding to rated frequency 50.0 Hz may be raised upwards

    to the energy charges of the respective stations. As higher limit of

    operating frequency band is being continuously narrowed from

    50.5 to 50.2 Hz, UI price vector between 50 Hz to 50.2 Hz should be

    ma de m ore a ttrac tive to ma intain gene ra tion a t this level.

    (c ) Chha ttisgarh SPTCL and pow er Com pany of Ka rna taka have

    submitted tha t inc rea se in UI Cha rges and narrow ing dow n o f grid

    freq uenc y would lea d to hike in ra te o f elec tric ity in pow er ma rket.

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    (d ) R2L, MPPTCL, TANGEDCO ha ve sub mitted tha t narrowing down

    of the grid frequency has led to steep rise in the UI charges in the

    new operating g rid freq uenc y range of 50.2 Hz to 49.7 Hz. They

    have also argued that sufficient capacity addition has not taken

    p lac e d ue to d elay in exec ution of 11th p lan p rojec ts.

    (e) MSEDCL has submitted tha t the g rid ha s bee n op erat ing a t an

    improved frequency during 2010-11 and there has not been any

    major grid security problem during these years and therefore, the

    Commission should continue with the existing UI rates and may levy

    add itiona l pena l c harges on utilities without tightening the o perating

    freq uenc y b and to further ensure the grid sec urity.

    (f) KPTCL ha s sub mitted tha t for 0.1 Hz reduc tion in frequenc y,

    penalty works out to ` 4.091/kWh, which is a very huge burden on

    c onstituents in view of c oa l shortag e and delay in upc om ing

    generation projects like Kundamkulam, Neyveli Exp-II and other

    projects in central sectors. The existing UI charges may be

    continued till the coal problem is solved and commissioning of

    p rop osed p rojec ts.

    11. We have c onsidered the ob jec tions and suggestions of thestakeholders. No one has objected to the UI Charge as Zero at grid

    frequency of 50.2 Hz and above to discourage generators to over

    injec t into the grid , or the b ene fic ia ries or buyer to under draw from

    the g rid. As regards the sub mission o f Er Padamjeet Singh, it is

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    reitera ted that the c ommerc ia l mec hanism UI has been p rovided to

    ensure grid discipline and it is desirable that under condition of grid

    d istress, every b it of a va ilab le g enerat ion should be fed into the g rid .

    Therefo re, it is nec essa ry tha t even the c ostly p lant generates power

    a t very low g rid freq uenc y c ond itions, irrespec tive of its efficienc y. In

    view of this, we would like to continue with the existing practice of

    specifying max UI charge corresponding to highest cost of

    genera tion which is from Aura iya GPS. As rega rds the sub mission o f

    NLC, it is clarified that all coal/lignite based stations are not

    nec essarily genera ting a t 50.0 Hz. For setting the UI p rices a t the g rid

    frequency of "50.2 Hz and above" as Zero, UI Charge at grid

    freq uenc y in step of "Not below 50.0Hz and below 50.01Hz" as` 1.65

    / kWh (Med ian Va lue of energy c harges of c oa l/ lignite based

    gene ra ting sta tions) a nd UI Cha rge a t g rid freq uenc y in step of "Not

    below 49.80Hz and below 49.81Hz" as ` 4.50 /kWh, the same

    method olog y has been a dop ted whic h wa s ad op ted in setting the

    UI p ric es ea rlier. The same me thod ology has been a dop ted for

    specifying these UI Charges. As regards the submission that

    narrow ing dow n of freq uenc y band and inc rea se in UI p ric es has led

    to increase in the price in the power market, it is clarified that the

    incentive/disincentive mechanisms introduced through UI aim to

    ad just the d rawa l/ injec tion to take c are o f grid sec urity on rea ltime

    basis. On the other hand, power is traded on a day ahead basis in

    the PX and on days, weeks or months ahead basis in the case of

    elec tric ity transac ted through traders. The rate o f elec tric ity in the

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    power market depends upon the demand supply scenario in the

    rea l time . Therefore, the UI ra te w ould no t ha ve m uc h effec t on the

    pric e in the powe r ma rket. Tab le 1 and Tab le 2 be low g ive the

    volume a nd p ric e of elec tric ity traded on the pow er exc hang es and

    through traders. It can be seen that the rate of electricity in power

    ma rket ha s rema ined low as c ompared to the high ma x UI c harge.

    Tab le-1: Volum e of Elec tric ity Transac ted through Trade rs & Power Exc hang es

    Yea r Elec tric ity Transac ted throug htrading Licensees (BUs)

    Elec tricity Transac ted throug h IEXand PXIL (Day Ahea d Ma rket &

    Term A head Ma rket ) (BUs)

    2008-09 21.92 2.77

    2009-10 26.72 7.19

    2010-11 27.70 15.52

    2011-12 (Apr-Oct2011) 23.86 9.68

    Note 1: The vo lume o f elec tric ity transac ted through trad ing lic ensees in 2008-09 (Ap ril to

    July 2008) inc ludes cross border trading and intra-sta te trad ing vo lume.

    Tab le- 2: Price of Elec tricity Transac ted through Traders & Power Exc hanges

    Yea r Price of Elec tric ity transac ted

    throug h Trading Licensees

    (`/ kWh)

    Price of Elec tric ity transac ted

    throug h Power Exc hang es

    (DAM+TAM) (`/ kWh)

    2008-09 7.29 7.49

    2009-10 5.26 4.96

    2010-11 4.79 3.47

    2011-12 (Apr-Oct2011) 4.09 3.51

    12. Ca pac ity add itions during the p lans a re as under:

    Plan / Financ ial year Ca pa c ity (MW) Ca pa c ity Ad dition(MW)

    End of 6th Plans(31.03.85) 42585

    End of 7th Plan (31.03.90) 63636 21052

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    End of 2 yearly Plans(31.03.92) 69065 5429

    End of 8th Plan (31.03.97) 85795 16730

    End of 9th Plan (31.03.02) 105046 19251

    End of 10th Plan (31.03.2007) 132329 27283

    NOVEMBER. 11 185497 53167

    It is evident that there is substantial capacity addition during the

    11th plan of the order of 53167 MW by November 2011 despite

    slippages which is much higher than the capacity additions in otherplan periods. A sizeable capacity is expected to be commissioned

    by the end of the financial year 2011-12. We expect that the

    prevailing problem of coal shortage would be overcome in due

    c ourse w ith the imp ort of c oa l. Apart from above, lot o f capac ity is

    being tied up in c ase-I and c ase-II c om petitive b idd ing routes and a

    lot of merchant capacity is coming up as discussed in theexplanatory memorandum to the draft amendments. We do not

    agree w ith sub mission o f KPTCL rega rd ing the shortfa ll in capac ity

    add ition. The Commission is of the view tha t it is the right time to

    narrow down the grid frequency band further as proposed in the

    d ra ft amend ment to the IEGC.

    13. In the exp lanato ry memo randum to the d ra ft amendment,

    elaborate reasoning for narrowing of operating grid frequency

    range from 50.2-49.5Hz to 50.2-49.7Hz have been given which are

    not repeated for the sake of brevity. In line with the methodology

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    adopted till now, the maximum UI charge of` 9.00 per unit should

    be a pp lic ab le a t grid freq uenc y be low 49.7 Hz with the narrow ing o f

    the grid frequency so that all available generation is available at

    49.7 Hz grid frequency. Earlier the maximum UI charge was

    applicable at grid frequency of 49.5 Hz thereby prompting

    generation from the costliest power plant. It is a fact that there is

    substantial increase in UI Charges from the earlier UI charges in the

    grid frequency range of 50.2-49.7 Hz as per the proposed UI price

    vector in the draft amendment. We are also conscious that there is

    improvement in the grid frequency and over drawls have been

    reduced. Considering these factors and having regard to the

    concerns of the beneficiaries, the Commission is of the view that UI

    p ric e vec tor should b e d esigned in suc h a w ay that the m aximum UI

    c harge of`9.00/ kWh is ma de a pp lic ab le a t g rid freq uenc y of b elow

    49.5 Hz instead of 49.7 Hz. However, there is a risk that the

    beneficiaries may continue to over draw below 49.7 Hz and it may

    not turn out to b e a deterrent and it ma y be d iffic ult to enforc e the

    operating grid freq uenc y band . The Co mmission is therefo re, of the

    view that in order to enforce the grid discipline and ensure that the

    grid frequency remains between 50.2-49.7 Hz, additional UI charge

    should be made applicable at 20% of the maximum UI charges

    below grid freq uenc y of 49.7 Hz and up to 49.5 Hz. The c onduc t o f

    bene fic ia ries sha ll be w atc hed and if it is found tha t the b ene fic ia ries

    are resorting to grid indiscipline and overdrawing power

    indiscriminately, then the Commission may apply the maximum UI

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    c harge of` 9.00/ kWh a t g rid freq uenc y b elow 49.7 Hz.

    Reduc tion of Step size from 0.02 Hz to 0.01 Hz

    14. The d ra ft a mend me nts to the UI Reg ula tions a lso p rov ided for

    reducing the step size from 0.02 Hz to 0.01 Hz in the UI price Vector.

    With regards to this proposed change, the stakeholders have

    sub mitted as follows:

    (a ) POSOCO ha s submitted tha t the frequenc y step is p rop osed to

    be c hanged from 0.02Hz to 0.01Hz, and ac tions a re being ta ken by

    CTU to p roc ure Spec ia l Energy Me ters with new spec ific a tion.

    Proc urem ent , insta lla tion, testing and va lida tion ma y take some time

    and hence some provisions are required for interim period between

    notification of the amendment Regulations and data receipt from

    new meters. Till the c ommissioning of new meters and tria l op erat ion,

    a sep ara te UI ra te tab le w ith 0.02 Hz step size m ay be ind ic a ted .

    (b) Pow er Comp any of Karna taka has subm itted tha t ea c h step in

    new 0.01 Hz ma y be d iffic ult in opera tion and mo nitoring .

    (c ) NTPC has sub mitted tha t the Commission should c onsider toreta in the higher frequenc y interva l (0.02Hz) for UI ra tes. Alte rna tively,

    a small dead band of say 0.1 Hz may be considered at the two

    thresholds for applying additional UI, which will provide a small

    cushion to tide over uncertainties. Additional UI may be applied

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    below 49.6 Hz up to 49.4 Hz and below 49.4 Hz respec tively. This may

    app ly to b oth over d rawls and unde r injec tion.

    (d ) NRPC ha s submitted tha t in terms of pa ra 1(b)(i) of pa rt-II of

    Sc hedule to the Centra l Elec tric ity Authority (Insta lla tion and

    Operation of Meters) Regulations, 2006, the resolution of inter-face

    meters ought to be 0.02Hz.

    15. It has been explained in the explana tory memo randum to the

    draft amendments to the UI regulation that it is desirable to specifythe UI charges in the step size of 0.01 Hz due to narrowing of

    op erating g rid freq uenc y range. How eve r, POSOCO ha s ind ic a ted

    tha t ac tions a re b eing ta ken by CTU to p roc ure Spec ia l Energy

    Meters with new spec ific a tion. Proc urem ent, insta lla tion, testing a nd

    va lida tion may take some time. The Ce ntra l Elec tric ity Authority

    (Installation and Operation of Meters) Regulations, 2006 also do notprovide for installation of SEM of resolution of 0.01 Hz. Under the

    c irc umstanc es, we d irec t the CTU and the POSOCO to take up the

    issue of amendment of Central Electricity Authority (Installation and

    Opera tion o f Mete rs) Regulations, 2006 with CEA. Till the sa id

    reg ula tion is amended , CTU is advised to take ac tion for the

    insta lla tion o f SEM mete rs of 0.01 Hz resolution. Afte r CTU ha s

    c ompleted the insta lla tion o f suc h SEMs, CTU/ POSOCO may inform

    the same to the Commission for notifying the UI price vector

    c onforming to the step size o f 0.01 Hz and the da te of its c om ing into

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    effec t. Till suc h time, the Co mmission has dec ided to spec ify UI p ric e

    vec tor in step size of 0.02 Hz. Ac c ord ing ly, the UI Pric e Vec to r sha ll be

    as fo llows:

    Averag e Freq uenc y of the t ime bloc k(Hz) UI Rate

    Below Not Below (Pa ise per kWh)

    50.20 0.00

    50.20 50.18 16.50

    50.18 50.16 33.00

    50.16 50.14 49.50

    50.14 50.12 66.0050.12 50.10 82.50

    50.10 50.08 99.00

    50.08 50.06 115.50

    50.06 50.04 132.00

    50.04 50.02 148.50

    50.02 50.00 165.00

    50.00 49.98 193.50

    49.98 49.96 222.00

    49.96 49.94 250.50

    49.94 49.92 279.00

    49.92 49.90 307.50

    49.90 49.88 336.00

    49.88 49.86 364.50

    49.86 49.84 393.00

    49.84 49.82 421.50

    49.82 49.80 450.00

    49.80 49.78 478.13

    49.78 49.76 506.25

    49.76 49.74 534.38

    49.74 49.72 562.50

    49.72 49.70 590.63

    49.70 49.68 618.75

    49.68 49.66 646.88

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    UI Cap Rates

    16. The draft amendments a lso prop osed fo r rev iew o f UI c ap ra tes

    due to c hange in the UI p ric e vec tor. The revised UI Ca p ra tes

    proposed were as follows:

    a .407.25 Paise/kWh for all generating stations using coal orlignite or gas supplied under Administered Price

    Mec ha nism (APM) a s the fue l

    b . 450.0 Pa ise/ kWh for the under d rawls by the buyer or the

    beneficiaries in excess of 10% of the schedule or 250 MW,

    whic heve r is less.

    c .450.0 Pa ise/ kWh for the injec tion by the seller in e xc ess of

    120% of the schedule subject to a limit of ex-bus

    generation corresponding to 105% of the Installed

    Capacity of the station in a time block and 101% of the

    Installed Ca pac ity over a d ay.

    d .165.00 Pa ise/ kWh for the injec tion b y a generat ing sta tion

    other than the hydro generating station in excess of 105%

    49.66 49.64 675.00

    49.64 49.62 703.13

    49.62 49.60 731.25

    49.60 49.58 759.38

    49.58 49.56 787.50

    49.56 49.54 815.63

    49.54 49.52 843.75

    49.52 49.50 871.88

    49.50 900.00

    (Eac h 0.02 Hz step is eq uiva lent to 16.50 Pa ise/ kWh in the 50.2-50.00 Hz frequenc y range, 28.50 Pa ise/ kWh in 50 Hz to 49.8 Hz and28.12 Paise/kwh in frequency in the below 49.8 Hz to 49.5 Hzrange.)

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    of the Dec la red Ca pac ity of the station in a time b loc k or

    in excess of 101% of the a verag e Dec la red Ca pac ity over

    a da y.

    e.165.00 Pa ise/ kWh for the injec tion by the seller in exc ess of

    ex-bus generation corresponding to 105% of the Installed

    Capacity of the station in a time block or 101% of the

    Installed Ca pac ity over a day

    17. The responses to the p rop osed amendment were as und er:

    (a ) NTPC has sub mitted tha t the Cap ra te of 407.25 Pa ise/ kWh /

    (based on Energy charges of Farakka `. 3/ kWh) is less as Ene rgy

    charges of Farakka has increased substantially (average 374.3

    P/ unit). In view of shorta ge of c oa l, this may further inc rease. NTPC

    has suggested that Unscheduled Interchange Cap Rate may be

    spec ified as 490.91Ps/ kWh, correspond ing to the freq uenc y interva l

    below 49.80 Hz and not below 49.79 Hz, considering the increase in

    Energy Cha rge Rate.

    (b) CEA ha s submitted tha t the UI c ap ra te for under d rawl in exc ess

    of 10% of the sc hed ule should no t be m ore tha n`. 2.5 per unit and

    seller injection in access of 120% of the schedule should also be

    kep t to`. 2.5 per unit.

    18. We ha ve c onsidered the sub missions of NTPC a nd CEA. As

    rega rd s the sub mission o f NTPC, w e a re of the view tha t there is still

    sufficient margin available even with higher energy charge due to

    imported coal blending. However, on the UI Price vector the Cap

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    rate is working out as 421.50 Paise/kWh. In view of this, the Cap rate

    of 407.25 Pa ise/ kWh fo r a ll genera ting sta tions using c oa l or lignite o r

    gas supp lied und er Administered Pric e Mec hanism (APM) a s the fuel

    may now be raised to 421.50 Pa ise/ kWh. The c ap ra te for the

    und erdrawls by the buyer or the benefic ia ries in exc ess of 10% of the

    schedule or 250 MW, whichever is less and for the injection by the

    seller in excess of 120% of the schedule, subject to a limit of ex-bus

    generation corresponding to 105% of the Installed Capacity of the

    station in a time block and 101% of the Installed Capacity over a

    day, may be reta ined as 450.0 Pa ise/ kWh. There has been suffic ient

    inc entive to support the g rid .

    19. Ame ndme nt has a lso been prop osed to spec ify the grid

    frequency for operation of limit of UI Volume from 49.7 Hz to 49.8 Hz.

    There a re no spec ific c om ments of the stakeholders in this reg ard . In

    our view, it would be necessary to revise the grid frequency for

    operation limit of UI volume in view of narrowing of operating grid

    frequency range.

    Revision o f Additiona l UI Charges

    20. The Ad d itiona l UI Charges were a lso rev iew ed and follow ing

    add itiona l UI c harges were p rop osed in the d ra ft am end ment:

    For over drawal below 49.7 Hz and up to 49.5 Hz -40% of the

    Unsc heduled Interc hange Cha rge o f 900.0 Pa ise/ kWh

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    For und er-injec tion b elow 49.7 Hz and up to 49.5 Hz-

    20% of the Unscheduled Interchange Charge of 900.0

    Pa ise/ kWh

    20% of the UI Cap Ra te of 407.25 Pa ise/ kWh for the

    generating stations using coal or lignite or gas supplied

    und er Administered Pric e Mec ha nism (APM)

    For over drawals below 49.5 Hz - 100% of the UI Charge 900.0

    Pa ise/ kWh

    For under-injec tion below 49.5 Hz

    40% of the UI Cha rge of 900.0 Pa ise/ kWh 40% of the UI Cap Ra te of 407.25 Pa ise/ kWh for the

    generating stations using coal or lignite or gas supplied

    und er Administered Pric e Mec hanism (APM)

    21. In response to the p rop osed amendme nt, the follow ing

    responses have b een rec eived :

    (a ) NTPC ha s submitted tha t the generat ing sta tions may be

    exempted from additional UI charge in case of forced outages till

    the revision of declared capacity/injection schedule after unit


    (b) Torrent Pow er and GMR Energy Ltd ., have sub mitted tha t the

    pena lty or add itiona l UI should not be imp osed on STOA g enerators

    and that any additional UI charges should not be imposed for start-

    up pow er of plant d uring the testing period .

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    (c ) BSES ha s sub mitted tha t the add itiona l UI for d isc oms should be

    20 % and 40 % aga inst 40 % and 100 %.

    (d ) UPPCL has submitted tha t the add itiona l UI c ha rges a re imposed

    as pena lty in d isc riminato ry manner and it should b e withdrawn.

    (e) Gujra t Urja Vikas Nigam Limited (GUVNL) ha s sub mitted tha t

    charging of additional UI at the rate of 40% of UI rate (`9/unit) for

    frequency below 49.7 Hz up to 49.5 Hz is wider band where Discoms/

    beneficiaries will start getting instant trouble once frequency

    desc end s immed ia te ly below 49.7 Hz and this troub le p ersists for over

    d raw ing p ow er at rate of`. 12.60 / unit for frequenc y band 49.7-49.5

    Hz. GUVNL has submitted that the Commission may divide this long

    band into two parts i.e. 49.7-49.6 Hz & 49.6-49.5 Hz and apply 20% of

    UI ra te (`9/unit) for freq uenc y below 49.7 up to 49.6 Hz and then 40%

    of UI rate (` 9/unit) fo r freq uenc y below 49.6 up to 49.5 Hz. This will

    p rovide suffic ient signa l to the ove r-d rawing entity to p roc ure p ow er

    from ma rket. The a bove p rop osa l w ill a lso b e e noug h to w a rn the

    ove rdrawing entity not to ove rd raw further when freq uenc y is further

    deteriorating . Simila rly, c ha rg ing of a dd itiona l UI for freq uenc y below

    49.5 Hz may be divided into two parts i.e. 49.5-49.2 Hz & below 49.2

    Hz and 70% of UI rate (`. 9 /unit) may be applied for frequency

    below 49.5 up t 49.2 Hz and then 100% of UI rate (` 9 /unit) for

    freq uenc y below 49.2 Hz. The above submission of cha rg ing

    additional UI for overdrawing of power is in light of the various facts

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    like loa d shedd ing b y Utilities/ Disc oms, Transmission c orridor p rob lem,

    Power evacuation strengthening/up-gradation and for

    develop ment of p ower ma rket.

    (f) KPTCL has sub mitted tha t the pena l ra tes when freq uenc y is

    below 49.7 Hz and up to 49.5 Hz, wo rks out to be`. 12.6/ - and below

    49.5 Hz, it is`. 18.0/ - and the existing pena l ra tes for freq uenc y below

    49.5 and up to 49.2 Hz`. 12.222/- and for frequency below 49.2 Hz

    the ra tes a re`. 17.46/ -. There is hug e a c c umula tion o f pena l c ha rges

    with RPCs due to levy of high penal charges for over drawing

    constituents and under injecting generators whereas payment for

    ove r injec tion by genera tors for both C GS and othe rs a re pa id very

    less. Instead of this, levying of penal charges may be reduced for

    overdrawing constituents and under injecting generators and

    ba lanc e the c an b e a chieved.

    22. The a dd itiona l UI c ha rges have b ee n provided to d issuade the

    beneficiaries and the buyers to overdraw from the grid when grid is

    under distressed c ond ition. We ag a in reitera te tha t the b ene fic ia ries

    are under no compulsion to overdraw from the grid. If they adhere

    to their respective schedules, then there would be no UI liability or

    any ad d itiona l UI liab ility ac c ruing to them w hateve r ma y be the g rid

    condition. As discussed earlier in para 13 above, we have decided

    to impose additional UI charges at 20% of Max UI Charge of `

    9.00/kWh corresponding to the grid frequency of "below 49.5 Hz" for

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    overdrawal in the frequency range. In view of this, Additional UI

    c ha rges "below 49.5 Hz" ha s a lso been review ed . The Commission

    has decided to continue with the existing additional UI charges

    "below49.5 Hz and up to 49.2 Hz" and below 49.2 Hz.

    23. Ac c ording ly, follow ing add itiona l UI c ha rges have been


    For over drawal below 49.7 Hz and up to 49.5 Hz -20% of the

    Unsc heduled Interc hange Cha rge o f 900.0 Pa ise/ kWh

    For und er-injec tion b elow 49.7 Hz and up to 49.5 Hz-

    10% of the Unscheduled Interchange Charge of 900.0

    Pa ise/ kWh

    10% of the UI Cap Ra te of 421.50 Pa ise/ kWh for the

    generating stations using coal or lignite or gas supplied

    und er Administered Pric e Mec ha nism (APM)

    For over d rawa ls below 49.5 Hz and up to 49.2 Hz - 40% of the UICha rge 900.0 Pa ise/ kWh

    For und er-injec tion b elow 49.5 Hz and up to 49.2 Hz

    20% of the UI Cha rge of 900.0 Pa ise/ kWh

    20% of the UI Cap Ra te of 407.25 Pa ise/ kWh for the

    generating stations using coal or lignite or gas supplied

    und er Administered Pric e Mec hanism (APM)

    For over drawals below 49.2 Hz - 100% of the UI Charge 900.0

    Pa ise/ kWh For under-injec tion below 49.2 Hz

    40% of the UI Cha rge of 900.0 Pa ise/ kWh

    40% of the UI Cap Ra te of 407.25 Pa ise/ kWh for the

    generating stations using coal or lignite or gas supplied

    und er Administered Pric e Mec hanism (APM)

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    24. This would take c are of the conc ern of the stakeholders ha ving

    regard to their conduct leading to improvement in the grid

    frequency. However, if the Commission finds in future that

    stakeholders are resorting to grid indiscipline, then the Commission

    may review its decision and may impose higher additional UI

    c ha rges below 49.7 Hz grid freq uenc y.

    UI Cap for injec tion of Infirm Power

    25. The p roposed amendments a lso introd uc ed UI Ca p ra tes for

    injection of infirm power for generating units for testing and

    c om missioning b efore COD of units dep end ing up on the type of fuel

    used for power generation. It was proposed that infirm power

    injected into the grid by a generator which has not identified abuyer for the infirm power during the testing prior to COD of units/

    station from other generating stations shall be paid at UI rates for

    pow er injec ted in to the g rid c onseq uent to testing for a period not

    exceeding 3 months, subject to ceiling of Cap rates corresponding

    to the fuel used for suc h g ene ra tion as spec ified in the Sc hed ule A

    of this Reg ula tion. The follow ing UI c ap ra tes were p roposed inSc hedule A to the d ra ft amend ment:

    Domestic c oa l : ` 1.65 / kWh sent o ut

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    APM gas as fuel : ` 2.60 / kWh sent o ut

    Imp orted Coa l/ RLNG : ` 3.30/ kWh sent out

    Liquid Fue l : ` 9.00 / kWh sent o ut

    It was also provided that in case imported coal is being

    blended with the domestic coal then the ceiling rate of infirm

    power shall be arrived at in proportion to the ratio of blending

    based on the above rates of domestic and imported coal and

    shall be subject to a further ceiling of` 1.90 / kWh ex-bus. It was

    a lso p rovide d tha t in c ase the g ene ra ting sta tion uses na tura l gas

    supplied under Administrative Price Mechanism (APM), Re-

    gassified Liquid Natural Gas (RLNG) and Liquid fuel in combination

    for power generation, then the ra te of infirm pow er sha ll be a rrived

    a t in p rop ortion to the ra tio of fuel c onsump tion based on the ra tes

    spe c ified abo ve.

    26. The a bove p rovisions we re p rovide d in view of the amend me nt

    of the clause 7 of Regulation 8 of Central Electricity Regulatory

    Co mm ission (Grant o f Connec tivity, Long-Term Ac c ess and Med ium-

    Term Op en Ac c ess in Inte r-Sta te Transmission and rela ted ma tte rs]

    Reg ula tions 2009 (hereinafter refrerred to as Co nnec tivity

    Regulations) which provide for limit on the period for injection of

    infirm power in to the grid for the purpose of testing/ Commissioning

    of the units and to trea t suc h infirm pow er injec tion as UI and to be

    paid at UI rates subject to ceiling of UI Cap rates as specified in UI

    Reg ula tion. Therefo re, d ra ft a mendments to the UI Reg ula tion

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    introduced the UI Cap rates for injection of infirm power for

    generating units for testing before COD based on fuel used for

    power generation.

    27. The Co mmission has dec ided a maximum period of six month

    for which injec tion o f infirm p ow er c an be permitted before the d ate

    of c om merc ia l op eration. The d eta iled rea sons are g iven in the

    Sta tem ent o f Rea sons for the sec ond ame ndment to the Connec tivity

    Regulat ions. Therefore, the c omments of stakeholders in response to

    simila r provision in d ra ft UI reg ula tions have not been repea ted .

    28. With reg ard to the UI Ca p ra tes for injec tion of infirm power for

    generating units for testing before COD based on fuel used for

    pow er gene ra tion, the stakeholders have c om me nted as follow s:

    (a ) Hindustan Elec tric ity Generation Co . Pvt. Ltd . has submitted tha t

    presently RLNG in India is benchmarked with JCC at around 14.5%

    slop e. The p reva iling ma rket rate for RLNG is a round $18 land ed per

    mmBtu. Also no Gas based Generator has tied up long term gas

    supply agreements due to high volatility in the RLNG prices. It has

    been submitted that a mechanism should be devised in order to

    capture such cases of high price of fuel cost keeping in mind the

    vo la tility in the RLNG market.

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    (b ) Southern Reg iona l Power Comm ittee ha s submitted the


    i) A new sentence may please be added that for UI

    computation generator shall furnish the blending ratio by

    Thursday for the past week to RPC Sec reta ria t. If the b lend ing

    ratio is not communicated, then the ceiling rate would be

    restric ted to 1.65/ kWh .(Rate for do mestic c oa l/ gas)

    ii) A new sentence may please be added that for UI

    computation generator shall furnish the ratio of fuel

    c onsumption by Thursday for the past wee k to RPC Sec reta ria t.

    If the ra tio o f fuel c onsump tion is not c om munica ted , then the

    ceiling rate would be restricted to 2.60/kWh. (rate for APM

    gas as fuel)

    (c) Power Company of Karnataka has submitted that the GCV &

    Cost considered for arrival of the rate is not specified. In case of

    generators selected under competitive bidding route, based on

    levelised tariff, the recovery of short fuel cost is not possible, since

    quoted tariff shall remain for 25 years. Under such circumstances

    fac to ring of c ost in the ta riff does no t a rise. Therefore it is suggested

    that the a c tual cost p ayment o r ma ximum c eiling ra te, whic hever is

    low er sha ll be c onsidered . The p erce ntage o f fuel and GCV

    considered for arrival of` 1.90/kWh as ceiling rate is not specified

    which may be required for calculation of rate in case of different

    ra tio o f b lend ing of c oa l used for infirm p ow er.

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    (d) NHPC has submitted that nothing has been mentioned in the

    clause regarding the rate of infirm power from hydro generating

    stations. It needs to be confirmed that rate of infirm power for hydro

    sta tions will be app lic ab le UI ra te.

    (d ) NTPC has sub mitted tha t the energy injec ted as infirm pow er is

    proposed to have different UI price ceiling rates depending on fuel.

    Looking from the point of view of the recipients of such power,

    differential price does not make sense. Moreover, the cost of suchtesting is an antic ipa ted expend iture o f the generato r and p aying UI

    rate for the same is not justified. In fact one could also argue the

    cost of such testing should be borne entirely by the generator. A

    common ceiling rate corresponding to the UI rate for the frequency

    band of 49.98-50.00Hz (` 1.55/kWh) may be adequate as the

    generator has no imp lic a tion of nega tive UI. The intent o f de c la ringcommercial operation is that as soon as generator is reasonably

    ready to inject power, it should declare its COD and sell the power

    through commercial mechanisms. Infirm power should only be

    allowed for making generator ready for COD. It should not be used

    as a side mechanism to get additional commercial gains. But

    because a generator is injecting power into the grid which shall be

    utilized by customer, it may be compensated, but this should not

    c rea te a ny motiva tion to generate a dd itiona l c om merc ia l ga ins.

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    (e) LANCO has submitted that in view of severe coal shortage in the

    c ountry, som e of the develope rs a re forc ed to use e-auc tion c oa l to

    supp lem ent the c oa l req uirem ents. Thoug h e-auc tion c oa l is

    indigenous, its rate is almost equal to imported coal. LANCO has

    requested to consider this aspect before fixing any ceiling rates for

    the infirm p ow er injec ted beyond the a llow ed testing time. How eve r,

    it is essentia l to p rov ide more c la rity on ho w the c eiling UI ra te will be

    arrived a t in c ase a c om bina tion o f fuels a re used and an authorized

    agenc y should b e d esigna ted to c ertify the fuel mix used .

    (f) Shree Ceme nt Limited has submitted tha t the p rop osed c ap is

    very low as c om pared to the c ost of gene ra tion o f po wer. The

    variable cost of power generation based on domestic coal or

    imported coal is higher than the cap proposed above. A power

    plant injecting infirm power into the grid will be incurring loss if the

    payment for such power is below its variable cost of generation,

    which in case of imported coal will not be less than ` 3.50/unit

    against cap of ` 3.30/ unit p roposed . Though the d ra ft reg ula tion

    incorporates provision for different rates based on utilization of

    d ifferent fuels, it does not spec ify the mec ha nism for asc erta ining the

    actual fuel usage by generators. Many generators are using other

    fuels like pet coke, lignite etc. for which no price has been fixed in

    the proposed regulations. As such a new category Others should

    a lso be inc orpora ted to c a ter to g ene ra tors using d ifferent fuels.

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    (g) MB Power (MP) Ltd. has submitted that in the current scenario,

    the fuel price is determined by the market forces which are very

    dynam ic and volatile in nature. Therefore, to p rovide a c eiling on the

    rates of infirm power based on various fuels does not appear to be

    prudent and realistic, and it may cause the project developers

    substantial financial losses. MB POWER has submitted that instead of

    capping the rates of infirm power, fuel cost should be allowed as a

    100% pass through for the purpose of calculation of rates of infirm

    pow er. In this ma nner, there w ill be no inc entive on the gene ra tor to

    prolong this testing period, however, at the same time; it will not be

    penalized in the event the actual fuel consumption charges are

    recovered. An appropriate mechanism may be devised to

    determine the actual fuel costs incurred, for example, audited

    statement certified by the equipment supplier/EPC contractor or

    other engineer conducting the tests and invoices duly certified by

    the sta tutory aud itor of the gene ra tor.

    (h) Neyve li Lignite Co rporation Limited has submitted tha t the sa le of

    infirm pow er a t UI ra te simp lifies the c omme rc ia l mec hanism, sinc e it

    will not interfere with REA computations. However, if the Commission

    feels that injection of infirm power for long periods is because of

    attractive UI rates, the UI rate may be replaced with Energy Cost of

    respec tive sta tions for ge nera torswho have not identified purc hasers

    with a pprop ria te amendme nt to Reg ula tions 11 of Ce ntra l Elec tric ity

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    Regulato ry Co mmission (Terms and Cond itions of Ta riff) Regulations,

    2009, if wa rranted .

    (i) Torrent Pow er has submitted tha t the c ap ra te for domestic gas

    should b e inc rea sed to 2.60/ kwh sent out. The c ap ra te for pit head

    generating station and non-pithead station should be different,

    hence, the rate of ` 1.65/kwh would be for pithead generating

    sta tion a nd for non-p it hea d gene ra ting sta tion, the c ap ra te should

    be inc rea sed to the e xtent o f ac tual transportation c ost inc urred per

    kwh. The c ap ra te p resc ribed for imported RLNG is a lso very low

    compared to the actual variable cost and therefore, it should be

    inc rea sed to a t lea st`5/ kwh sent o ut.

    (j) Adani Power Limited (AEL) has submitted that during high

    freq uenc y c ond itions, the g enerator would not b e a b le to rec over its

    fuel cost from UI charges and hence will have to make up for this

    revenue loss with the help of UI charges during low frequency

    conditions. Also, the cost of fuel for infirm energy will be very high

    owing to poor station heat Rate during stabilization period. Now,

    app lying c ap on UI c harges for injec tion o f infirm p ow er would b e a n

    injustice to the genuine generators. Hence, AEL has suggested to

    reta in the c urrent p rov ision related to set tlem ent o f injec tion of infirm

    pow er in to the g rid .

    (k) CEA has suggested that Cap Rates for infirm power injected

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    during testing p rior to CoD of the unit have been spec ified . How eve r,

    no Ca p Rate has been spec ified for hydro gene ra ting units injec ting

    infirm pow er. It mea ns tha t Hydro gene ra ting sta tions c an earn up to

    ` 4.50/unit as per Clause 2(c). It has been submitted that the

    Commission may specify Cap Rates for infirm power injection by

    hydro generating stations prior to CoD. In this connection, CEA has

    c ited the instanc es of Unit-3 of Jayp ee e Ka rc ha m Wang too HEP and

    Unit-1 and Unit-2 of Ma lana II HEP which ha ve been sync hronised but

    have not declared commercial operation. CEA has suggested that

    UI Cap Rate for infirm injection by hydro stations prior to CoD should

    be capped a t` 1.65/unit.

    (l) POSOC O has submitted tha t to d isc ourage injec tion of infirm

    pow er for p rolong ed period , and to ta ke c are o f infirm na ture o f the

    injection, UI rate for all generating stations/sellers (irrespective of

    type/source of fuel) prior to COD may be capped at the rate

    c orrespond ing to freq uenc y of 50 Hz. whic h, as per prop osed UI ra te

    is equivalent to ` 1.65. A uniform cap rate for infirm power is also

    nec essa ry from the stakeho lders perspec tive. POSOCO has further

    submitted that after the generator has declared COD, it is possible

    tha t it ha s a Long Term Ac c ess (LTA) to the Inter Sta te Transmission

    System (ISTS) b ut no long te rm PPA. Under suc h situa tion, it is possible

    that the ge nera tor c ontinues to injec t UI and ge t pa id for a t norma l

    rates. In that case, the generators may declare COD of their units

    right from day one of synchronization and continue to inject under

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    UI. It has been suggested that this issue be addressed in the UI

    Regulations possibly by specifying a cap rate, which provides

    sufficient incentive for harnessing available generation and at the

    same time d isc ourages c ontinued injec tion under UI.

    29. The C om mission is of the view tha t it would not be feasib le to

    specify one ceiling rate for all types of fuel and therefore, ceiling

    rates as proposed shall be adopted. No ceiling rate was specified

    for the hydro gene ra ting sta tions and in our view , the c eiling ra te for

    the hydro generating station shall be ` 165 Paise/kWh, the same as

    for the c oa l/ lignite ba sed generating sta tion. The Com mission a lso

    find s merit in the c ontention o f CEA a nd SRPC with regard to the

    c onc ern ab out d ec id ing the b lend ing ra tio a nd its verific a tion. The

    Commission is of the view that it is possible for the generator to

    arrange suffic ient quantity of m a in fuel like d om estic c oa l or natural

    gas for the purpose of testing and commissioning activities and as

    suc h, there ma y not b e a ny nec essity of b lend ing of imp orted c oa l

    or mixing o f gas with RLNG or the liquid fuel for the purpose o f testing

    and commissioning. As such, provision relating to blending of

    imported coal and mixing of gas with RLNG or the liquid fuel for the

    purpose o f testing and c om missioning ha s been d one awa y with. It is

    also not feasible to allow actual variable cost as it would not be

    possible for the Commission to determine it for the merchant


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    ____________________________________________________________________________________SOR to CERC(UI charges and related matters)(Second Amendment) Regulations, 2012 Page 43 of 50

    30. As rega rds the c onc ern of POSOCO , it is c la rified tha t it has

    been clearly provided in Connectivity Regulations that mere

    connectivity shall not entitle any entity to interchange power with

    the grid without seeking open access and as such, a generator has

    to obtain some form of access after the COD to inject power into

    the g rid .

    Inter-Regional UI adjustment and Sharing of Inter Regional UI


    31. Eastern Regiona l Load Despa tc h Centre (ERLDC) has sub mitted

    that from 2003 till 3.5.2010, settlement of UI between two

    asynchronously connected regions was being computed at

    respec tive reg iona l UI ra te. However, w ith fo rma tion of NEW Grid , the

    only async hrono us op eration was betw een the Southe rn a nd NEW

    Grid throug h HVDC Links between SR and ER, and SR and WR. Due to

    the na ture of async hrono us inter-c onnec tion betw een Southern Grid

    and NEW Grid , a d ifferential UI was being g ene ra ted and the same

    was being credited to the inter-regional exchange (IRE) pool

    ac c ount w hic h wa s shared betw een the respec tive reg ions on 50:50

    basis. The benefit so a c c rued was passed on to the bene fic ia ries of

    each region in proportion to their liability to pay the transmission

    c ha rges. Simila r prac tic e was a lso followed for UI set tlem ent

    betwee n ER and NR poo l for exchange betwee n ER and NR till 2006

    when NR Grid was op erat ing async hronously w ith rest o f the Grid .

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    ____________________________________________________________________________________SOR to CERC(UI charges and related matters)(Second Amendment) Regulations, 2012 Page 44 of 50

    32. Central Elec tric ity Regulatory Commission (Ind ian Elec tric ity

    Grid Code) Regulations, 2010 (Grid Code) came into effect from

    3.5.2010. Para 16 of Annexure I of the Grid Code dealing with

    Comp lem enta ry Comm ercial Mec hanism p rovides as under:

    16. Interfaces for Scheduling and UI Accounting In Inter-regional Exchanges:

    1. The regional boundaries for scheduling, metering and UI accounting of inter-regional exchanges shall be as follows:

    Eastern Region end of inter-regional links between Eastern Region andSouthern, Western and Northern Regions.

    North-eastern end of inter-regional links between Eastern and NorthEastern Region Western Region end of inter-regional links between Southern and WesternRegion Western Region end of inter-regional links between and Northern andWestern Region.

    2. No attempt shall be made to split the inter-regional schedules into link-wiseschedules (where two regions have two or more interconnections).

    33. ERLDC has submitted tha t a fter Grid Co de came into forc e,

    SRPC unila tera lly disc ontinued the ea rlier p rac tic e o f computa tion of

    inte r-reg iona l UI based on d ifferential frequenc y. ERLDC ha s

    submitted that the intent of para 16 of Annexure I to the Grid Code

    was to compute energy drawl based only on the energy meter

    read ing of Eastern Region or Western Region end s.

    34. ERLDC has furthe r sub mitted tha t pa ra 16 of Annexure I does

    not bar computation of UI charges at the respective frequencies of

    the a sync hronously connec ted reg ions. The d isc ontinuat ion o f the

    existing p rac tic e of UI c om puta tion me thod ology b y SRPC was thus

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    ____________________________________________________________________________________SOR to CERC(UI charges and related matters)(Second Amendment) Regulations, 2012 Page 45 of 50

    in contravention of the objective of achieving optimal economic

    operation. This was done without a ny d irec tives from the Co mm ission

    or intimation to the Commission and without any prior discussions

    with o ther RPCs (viz. ERPC or WRPC). Consequently, the d ifferentia l UI

    amount is being generated now, instead of being shared on 50:50

    basis betw een SR and ER/ WR pools gets entirely c red ited to the SR UI

    pool. Suc h lost b enefits for Eastern a nd Western reg iona l

    bene fic ia ries with effec t from 3.5.2010 need be c om pensa ted by the

    Southern Reg ion w ith ret rospec tive e ffec t. It is apprehended tha t

    suc h p rac tic e as unila terally adop ted by SRPC ma y restric t ec ono my

    exchanges between ER-SR and WR-SR which is detrimental to

    optimal utilization of national resources. ERLDC has submitted that
